Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    t -.-.
yam- , yr- x ' I
H-Jft. Xirsr j
A tvnicaX example ol tne scnooi smew rm
A lypiuu "" I" " innu fiflverton
tocS ol Ojmmerce President Douglas Hay looking
on. Pateol program is .pon.ored by city police and I schools
with Jaycees and state highway department providing
Fine Record Made By
School Safety Patrol
i A Salem motorist ran a1
chool safety patrol flag Mon
day to become the sixth driver
to do so in the seven and a
hall months that school has
been in session, city police re
ported. . '
The Incident was used by
city Juvenile officer Kenneth
A . i n.,f tha effec-
tlveness ol the school patrol
program in the city. Now In
Its fourth year here, there has
never been an accident at a
chool crossing patroled by the
Kalnn .aid.
, None ol the six violations
were serious matters, he added.
The drivers Just took advan
tage ol the period after the
flags were lowered by the
patrolmen and before the
other children started across
the street There were no near
Allstate offers
off 19
on Auto
In most cases Allatate's liabil
ity rates an substantially !
' those of other prominent
' nmntnr companies. Allstate
offers average savings of 19
to Oregon motoriata.
Low rates are bat one of
- snany good reasons for insuring
with AUatate, the auto insur-
' ' ance company founded by
Bears, Roebuck, famous for
better value.
AUstate's unusually Ugh per
centage of renewals hi the best
proof of customer satisfaction.
Get the facta today and aave.
m sinnni isdl. 1. Mill
ISO Norlii dp ltd ft. Hat J-9191
Wre la Good Nonas Mi
mm irieVHnnva vvmmni
A vko'h vmtd wAnHbrf el Seart,
" low tSMttct WHt wavo Worn the domm jffl
lkw cmvo. Hone 0hc
Nonethelei they were vion-1
4tAn sinn said, and the
drivers were subject to citing
to court. As tne license num
bers were reported to the po
lice department by the student
patrolmen, tne ownerumjj .
the cars was checked through
the secretary of state's office
and, in the case ol the three
drivers from saiem, an um.
t..j ham t their homes
to point out the seriousness ol
the safety violation u
h.i. onnnoratlon in the future.
The school patrol program is
Jointly controiiea Dy me pum-c
department and the seven In
dividual schools in Salem. Co-
i r. Mn tha .ttanture are
ujjeiaiuit r .
the state nignway ueparuucin
niiu n "
ber ol Commerce, who lurnish
the uniforms for tne stuueni
As part ol a state-wide poli
cy, the highway department
furnishes the helmet, Hags and
Sam Brown belts while the
Jaycees have cnippeo in lo
cally as part ol their youth ac
1I..I4I& nmffrnm tn nrovlde the
UfiMW " D
patrol with their rain slickers,
rain hats ana Dauges.
t..1v in Vinvi and Sirls
hold membership cards In the
safety patrol. For tneir enorw
they are awarded at the end
ol the year a certillcate ol
merit signed by Mayor loucks,
Chiel ol Police Clyde Warren,
the president ol the Junior
Chamber or wmmHtc, "
school officials.
In addition they are given
free transportation at any
time on city busses through the
courtesy ol owner Carl Wendt
and a free movie each Satur
day afternoon by tne rorman
theaters. t '
Long Sentence Given
On Disorderly Count
Dallas Booked into the Polk
County Jail to serve five months
on a charge ol disorderly con
ji.Mt ufoa ftwAr Weston ol In-
riennidence. an emnioye oi tne
Willamette Valley Lumber
Sentence was imposed ay
Municipal Judge William Wiest
a TnflAnanriAnpe and carried in
addition to the Jail sentence a
fine ol SZ5u.
Tha aavarltv ol tne sentence
accounted lor by the lact
that Weston had previously
kun twin ffht before Judse
Wiest as the result ol physical
violence to nls wue, ana naa
been instructed by Wiest to re
frain from future violence.
When the present cnarge
was lound to be based on a
repetition ol such behavior,
Dick Davis Heads
4-H in linn County
Albany Dick Davis, leader
ol 4-H clubs in tne uaKviue
itv vh elected presi
dent ol the Linn County 4-H
Leaders association tor ivoa-
54 at the meeting ol tne group
Monday. ;
Other officers will be Ken
neth Ellis, RFD 1, Jefferson,
vice president, and Mrs. L. J.
GatcheU, RFD 2, Lebanon, sec-
Davis replaces Dale Miller,
Brownsville, as president.
During the business meei
i Millar annolnted commit-
ua ... -n
teei to serve lor. the coming
year. Members are:
T.orir amociation awaros
M T-.V nnar RFD 2. SCIO:
Mn. H. R. Davla. Shedd; ana
Mrs. Frank Burian, RFB a,
Snow Peak awards: Art 'iai-
bott, Albany; Walter Shelby,
RFD 2, Albany; Jim Bug BUDy,
RFD 3, Sclo; Harold MacHugh,
Albany; and Karl Arnold, RFD
1, Albany. , ' .
Special awards:- Robert
Schmidt, RFD 2, Albany;
chairman; and Kennoth Ellis,
RFD 1, JefferBon, vice chair
man. These two will chose
their own committee.
will n.!- STRATTA TALK5 Wiin
As Gates Mayor
Gates The city council met
In regular session muay eve
Anrii 24. Flovd Volkel
i-A,A tila realinatlon from
the council ana tne onice vi
mir which office ne naa
held since the first of the year.
W. R. Hutcbeson was ap
pointed by the council mem
bers to fill the unexpired term
ol Mr. Vokel. Alter navmg
been sworn in as member ol
the council Mr. Hutcheson was
chosen by the council to serve
as mayor.
Mayor Hutcheson owns and
operates the Gates Furniture
store ana is aiso in me i
estate business,
Th hif business under dis
cussion during the evening
tha nrnblem ol securing
an adequate water system to
serve the city.
Wednesday, April 29, 1953 ,
1 saw. , , , r. rmrxmm
rnnfessed Telegraph
Office Burglar Held
. . . Tnhn tee Dla
Mianu w - .
manU has confessed the armed
robbery ol western "
flees in new -
Angeles which netted almost
$15,000 in cash, cnecw
money orders, the FBI said today.
Tht 25-year-old ' Dlanunfr-
I1S TT.WWU "VUgga)
wneu uumii uaaiieq into hla
Miami hotel room yesterdaj
Call as fer prompt and optrt
work en an appUanecs
Hayes AppUanoe Bepslr
Phone 4-5S11 tit EUU bl
Hop Acreage in West
Reduced 30 Per Cent
Portland, OT Hop acreage
In the West will be reduced 30
percent this year, the U. S.
Department o 1 Agricunure
fnrapait Tuesdav.
The acreage last year was
r.rnwfn will divert to other
crops or leave Idle 10,000 to
12.000 acres this year, tan
Richardson, market news re
porter here, said.
Health Association
Re-elects Skopil
nttn sknnll was re-elected
president ol the Marlon Coun
ty Tuberculosis ana nraim
association at a meeting ol the
board ol directors Tuesday
Others elected to office were:
First vice president, W. W. Mc
Kinney; second vice president,
nr.. Tna nmin Jr.: treasurer.
Lawrence Fisher; recording
ratarv. Mrs. Lvnn Hammer
stad. Dr. W. J. Stone, neaim
alpnted renresenta-
tive director to the board "of
tha rvrptrnn Tuberculosis ana
Committee appointments in
tTaalth acsnpintion.
piiiari. Mrs. Dean Brooks,
health education; Mrs. Gilbert
Jones, family life education;
-n- waImH Vliiran. rnse find-
ui, ,, ,
ing, and Richard Smart, renat
Two films, "Tne insiae
Story" and "The Warning
Shadow" were shown and diS'
nJ Th.. atrpasad the lm
portance of early diagnosis in
tuberculosis and the import
ance ol a yearly chest X-ray to
detect tuberculosis and other
chest conditions such as cancer
and some types of Heart conai
fftoTlTO 20th" street, discusses
f tactical slTuatlon with M.J. Gen. Song Vou Char , com
mander ol the Republic ol Korea Army V hting T'ger.
ranital division. Stratta, on active duty since law, ana
ffiionlaGuaidsman prior to that is senior Anjjrta. ;
as3 StitfZk S f jSSZ:
MUltary district. (U.S. Army Photo)
for tht fuel that is
clean, efficient and
economical use '
PHONE 3-8862
Wiest decided that the present
sentence was appropriate.
Sale Special! Save 31
f , i s n ---. rm (ill III f 71 "L
r. r l . w m m J ml I . I Bl I JS ill
Miti thus "WiHoji utm n ImjI
PRONE 1-74S1
... for operation ol bah or shaft driven equip
ment will develop up to 30 h.p. for use of
welder, generator or air compressor with the new
1953 4-Wheel-Drive
Now Poworad by tha Hurricane P-Htad Engirt
; . . 20 Grtcrttr Horsepowar wlh lnerad
Oparcritng Economy Outstanding Porformanco.
352 No. High St., Salem
34 I w'"r"'t"''? 1 I
i m I I sT It M I I rr. I L J J L Jt WS Ml' . I -'f - All I
I -Qjffor-' yCAx wlthstandi 450 lbf' Praur' I
I J sf Res-'o'ly 138.34 ; V V7 V I C XsSW
1 394 North Church 111 This powerful outfit has been mum j iki.iii. ml i, g ''''giyf" f '" v V W - Is S
Phone 3-9600 I laboratory approved and com- t KU? Si t. i 1 lrj"'i "
HJ 4? I pared in price and quality t, S K.j- C- I 1 P7 MJf ' S
I I Slth other leading brands. We f. twmr .71. i'"''-A-tog!SS5 IV itil Si ' flLla, g
1 I ' are convinced there's no fin- . IB. RtlUS33M S
" i I er value in America for qual- lYZMftZ Al I ,11 l.CStlwS ?
--w l.r -1 I . ...,, 7.95
v . . "as 1 ii it Trrn i iran&A i.ov
I . JV. ! , iy drf J CpmIIm Mtor 7, II JnrS Grips less secure-n
V. IO'j. f "'iir'l' i",' "" Iti. v 2 crttim Tool 4,59 j.50 1.09 jtl li tS' ($
iSK-r 1 iTnr vi - 2 11 nouni m. CDCCV R
y. lyaw Jt m-" S (f Tkto ExtndMH 17.30 13.80 3.50 fc I 1 mount automatie- I IXlaiBai. U
' " ''VV VTlC ' 1' '" I 1 1 any eontrels belt Catalogs M
i f JSC-Vl '" ti TOTALS 138.34 107.00 31.3 J J tension. Yardstick!
': ..' V ' Poehtt Protector , j
saij-xr'a i i I n l .Teftwtj :!:. . w,
tx liCa.. - 'tmiMitW--'"'- .. . i I
that's why
it's America's
top-selling Kentucky
straight bourbon
Exclutiv Magic Control! Powerful lfi-in. Craftsman
Power Mowers
1 H.P. aaselint anoint
5 tempered steel blades
10.00 Down, 9.00 Month
Just raise handle to start . . . lower It to stop. Sears ex
clusive control feature. All belts completely odjustable,
guarded against clogging. Complete with two rubber
tires. Powerful I l-l.f. 4 cycie gas engine.
. . an j. .1 f .f r BlaCtriCt
Used by mousanas or vorpenrern ,iiaiiiii -
6-in. Hand Saws
o Reg. 3.95-Speciol price f RSO
Handy treel carrying cost j 1 7 ?!
Has teleKoping taw guard tyl jj
Sara 14.4S 5.00 down, S.OO month j:j
Super-powered! Precision-built for continuous heavy
duty use! Sealed precision ball bearings throughout.! .
Direct drive permits compact design; perfect balance.?
Universal G.t motor develops IVi H.P. maximum! ,j
$65 Plenty Free Parking Shop Friday Til 9 P.M. Phone 3-9191g