Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, April 29, 19SS
Many Salem
On Campus
(CDlttl Journtl CorrMDondent)
Oregon State College, . Cor-
valU (Special) A busy week'
nd was apent by Staters and
nigh achool vnlori at the an
nual High School Senior Week'
end. Approximately 1625 sen
Ion were on hand lor the fes
tivitlei. Girli from Salem at
tending were: Lois De Guire,
Barbara Brewer, Sherry Brink
ley, Joan Bale, Mary Grace
Hargerm, Nola Gates, Donna
Stewart, Joan Gramm, Sharon
Howe, Roberta Sears, Patsy
Snider, Nan Steele, Jody Boy
cr, Fat Davidson, Janet Mac
Donald, Charlen Woods, Nell
Foster, Loree Sllffe, Barbara
Kurrle, Janice Colfel, Laurel
Herr, Anna Mae Lockenour,
Marilyn Olson, Beth Proebstel,
Elaine Graham, Diane Wasser
man, Beverly Mott and Gloria
Wood. .- '". '
Joan Seamster, Judy Bur
dette. Carolyn Kite, Mary Bee-
lar, Vija Lietuvietus, Wanda
M a y d e n, Sandra . Anderson,
Carolyn, Zua Kintzer,
Bonnie Larsen, Diana Stewart,
Shirley Brantner, Celeste Bart
riff, Barbara McMeekin, Mich'
elle Edwards and Pauline Toy
cen. , , -
Senior boys included: Mark
"DeCew, Tom Patterson, Stan
Dvorak, Robert Barnes,' Rod
Porter, Curtis Adsitt, Larry
Sharp, Ed Young. .John Bur
roughs, John Clayton, Dean
Quamme, George "Matter, ob
Joy, Dave Harra, Howard Sal
lug, Ralph Oliver, Don Burk,
Murray Jensen, Pat Largent,
George Kirkwood, Eugene Mil
ler, Jfn Cummings, Glenn Hall,
Ray Terhune, Ray JUches, Roy
Malthy, Jr., Bill Robins, Merle
Griebenow and Jean Schwy-
Many administrators were
also on the campus lor the
week-end. Among them was E.
t A. Carleton, principal of Salem
high school. -
House standings for grades
were revealed today in the Ba
rometer, All school GPA drop
ped for winter term to a 2.6.
Leading the sorority list for
grades was Kappa Alpha Theta
with a 3.01 grade average.
Leading the fraternities was
Sigma Phi Epsilon with a 2.92.
Jack Flna, well known band
leader, will be on campus for
the Senior Ball, to be May 16.
The theme picked for this
year's affair is "Coronation
Ball." Decorations, programs,
etc. will follow in line with the
coronation of Queen Elizabeth,
Mothers week-end is slated
for May 8-9. Many activities
have been planned to make the
mothers' stay here very enjoy
able, so, for the students here
at Oregon State college we ex
tend a very cordial Invitation to
all OSC mothers living in Sa
lem and vicinity to attend this
annual alfalr. .
Go on Field Trip
Salem Heights The Wee
Weeders Garden club went on
a field trip to the Little North
Fork of the Santiam River to
study wild-flowers Monday.
The group gathered for a no
host dinner at the Grabenhorst
cabin along the river and Mrs.
Joe Van Cleave of the Little
Garden of . Salem Heights,
showed colored slides on wild
flowers and took ' the group
on a hike to study them.
On the trip were Mrs. Harold
A. Rosebraugh, Mrs. Harold
Alderin, Mrs. Roland Seeger,
Mrs. Louis Kurth, Mrs. Robert
Norris, Mrs. A. A. Schalk, Mrs.
Ray Alderin, Mrs. William
Hughes and Mrs. Helen Gra
benhorst. Guests were Mrs. Joe
VanCleave, Mrs; A. B. Brown
ing and Mrs. William Hall.
. v -.
ON FRIDAY, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Brown and Mrs. Pearl
Speer are leaving' for Milwau
kee, Wis., to attend the nation
al convention of the White
Shrine of Jerusalem. Mrs.
Brown is the new high priest
ess for Willamette shrine of the
order in Salem. They will join
the northwest delegation on
the special at Seattle. On their
return they will stop for the
Browns to pick up a new car,
the three to drive west. They
wlU visit in Cozad, Neb., with
relatives of Mrs. Brown en
Gunderson, president, Is an
nouncing the regular business
session of the Sllverton WCTU
to be Friday, May 1, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon at the
108 West Main street home of
Mrs. Goldie Down.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Syron and their daugh
ter, Cheryl, were guests of the
parents of Mrs. Syron, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Berg of Molalla, on a
trip to Portland.
115 N. Liberty
On Dance Committee
Marylhurst College .Maryl
hurst Special) Miss Dolores
Koutny, senior from Salem, la
a member of the committee
lor the Marylhurst college
Spring Formal to be In the
Grand Ballroom of the Mult
nomah hotel on Friday eve
ning, May 1. A feature of the
evening will be coronation of
Miss Marylhurst XVII (Rita
Dyckman of Tacoma) and the
grand march which will fol
low the ceremony,
A number of parents from,
Salem will attend the annual
Parents Day on . the Maryl
hurst campus May 3. The
day's program includes a va
riety show, a golf tournament
and other sports, outdoor
singing and square dancing,
and demonstrations in various
college departments. The day
opens with mass In the college
chapel at 9:30 a.m. and closes
with benediction.
Miss Strandt Wed
At Talbot Church
Talbot At a candlelight
ceremony on Tuesday, April
21, Miss Nancy Jane Strandt
was wed to Dean Davidson at
8:30 o'clock In the Talbot
Community church. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Strandt of Jeffer
son, and Mr, Davidson is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Davidson of Talbot.
Officiating at the double
ring ceremony was the Rev.
Arthur Shelton, who read the
service before 45 relatives
and friends in a setting of
pink and white snapdragons,
Misses Karen Kelly and,
Delores Dunham lighted the
tapers. Mauve colored ribbon
decorated the candelabrums.
The girls were dressed in ice
blue silk dresses.
Mrs. Henry Turnidge play
ed the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Mrs.
Gordon Turnidge.
Mr. Strandt 'gave his daugh
ter in marriage. She wore a
mauve knit dress with white
and mauve accessories to
which was pinned a corsage
of orchids.
Miss Valerie Borst, dressed.
In light blue, was the honor
attendant. '
- Best man for the bride
groom was Rodney Hart and
ushering were Bobby Strandt
and Olen Loftus.
The reception followed the
ceremony took place at the
home of the bridegroom's
pu-ents. Mrs. Paul Johnson of
Dallas, cousin of the bride
groom, served the wedding
cake and pouring was Mrs,
A. B. McManus. Miss Betty
Mitchell passed ; the guest
Mr. Davidson will soon re
turn to service with the U. S.
Navy, and Mrs. Davidson' will
continue her high school
Girls State Group
Visits at Auxiliary
Silverton Complimented
guests at Monday evening's
meeting of Delbert Reeves
unit No. 7, American Legion
auxiliary were presented by
Mrs. George W. Hubbs, Girls
State chairman. These includ
ed the four young women se
lected to attend Girls State
session to be at Willamette uni
versity campus in June. Moth
ers of two of the candidates
were able to be present.
The group included the
Misses Donna Jackson, Nancy
Benson, Nancy Peckham and
Betty Montgomery, and Mrs,
Willard Benson and Mrs. W.
M. Peckham. Each was intro
duced and responded in a brief
talk. Also honored were Mrs.
John Elllng and Mavis.
The sewing club is to meet
Thursday, all day, at the home
of Mrs. Lewis Hall. Mrs. Vic
tor Howard is sewing club
chairman. A food sale is
planned for a later date in
May. Mrs. Charles Mason told
of the success of the poppy pos
ter work in the schools, with
137 posters completed.
Mrs. Ralph Francis is to en
tertain at her home Friday af
ternoon of this week for the
annual Gold Star Mothers tea.
The unit voted to present
Girls Scout Troop No. 77 with
a flag:
No nominations from the
floor' were made, leaving the
list of suggested officers for
the coming year, the same as
that of the meeting two weeks
ago, with the proposed presi
dent, Mrs. Charlie Bascue.
The unit members Joined
the members of the post in a
box social after the separate
sessions, with the sale netting
$48.23 for the post. Jim Butts,
leader, Glen and Henry Krea
mer and A. M. Fredericks,
furnished music for an inform
al dance. A patriotic recording
was presented during the sup
per hour.
Marlon county council and
assembly meets at Silverton,
May 8.
Officers Are
Named By
Mn. Zuaene E. Wootten was
elected president of the Salem
Business and Professional
Women's club on Tuesday eve-
nlnt. The group selected the
following officers to serve with
her this year: Miss Mildred
Yetter, first vice president;
Mrs. George Causey, second
vice president; Miss Margaret
Maddox. recording secretary:
Miu Luella Schwerlng, corre
sponding secretary; Miss Betty
Elofson, treasurer; Mrs. Frank
Marshall, Mrs. Donald Ringle
and Mrs. Ben Kamseyer, direc
tors. '
"The Layman Looks at Edu
cation," was the title of a talk
given by Mrs. Pan! L. Patter
son, wife of Oregon's gover
nor. Miss Myrtle weatnernou,
chairman of the education and
vocation committee, introduced
Mrs. Patterson who has served
as a member of the state board
of education for the past 5
years. - t . .
For musical entertainment,
Meredith Rowe presented ma
rimba selections, with Mrs. J.
A. Wlltsey as accompanist
Five delegates were elected
to attend the state convention
of Business and Professional
Women's clubs in Grants Pass,
May 15-17, the five to be Miu
Mildred Yetter, Miss Betty
Elofson, Mrs. George Causey,
Mrs. Eugene E. Wootten, Mrs.
Louis Neuman. Mrs. John Ver
steeg of Salem will be inspector
of elections at the convention.
The group will enter the
YWCA table setting contest to
be May 15-17, Mrs. Donald
Ringle acting as chairman. Miss
Betty Elofson reported on the
monthly bond buying campaign
and funds were donated to the
Oriental scholarship fund
which aids a girl from the Or
ient to attend Oregon State col
lege. This is a national project
of the BPitW clubs. It was an
nounced that Miss Fern Trull
of Grants Pass, state president
of the organization, is on her
way to Stockholm, Sweden to
attena me international con
vention, and will attend the
coronation in England hi June.
Salem Man Married
Recently in Florida
The First Baptist church at'
Panama City, Florida, was the
setting for the wedding of Miss
Celeste Thayer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Nile L. Thayer of
Portland, Ore., and Alc Gil
bert L. Wood, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George A. Wood of Sa
lem, on March 27. Dr. R. H.
Avery performed the double
ring ceremony at 3:30 o'clock.
The bride wore a light blue
suit with white accessories and
carried white orchids on a
Prayer book.
Attending the bride was Mrs.
Donald J. Petrino. She wore
a pink suit with navy accessor
ies and a corsage of bjue baby
irises. . .
.Standing with the bride
groom . were Mr. Donald J.
Petrino and Mr. Leo B. Des
Following the ceremony a
reception was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Petrino. After a short honey
moon at the Florida beaches
they will be at home in an
apartment at 416 Luverne,
Panama City, Florida, where
he is stationed near by with
the United States Air Force.
Tonight enjoy
Bottled in California
, for extra quality
MNI 4. tow CM tUHa. LOOIt CAkirORMU
Port ffif
Sherry IIBf
, ( 85)
Many Attend
WMF Meeting
Silverton Mrs. Elmer John
son, president of Immanuel
Lutheran Woman's Missionary
Federation, gave the welcom
ing talk to more than -250
guests who were in Silverton'
to attend the fourth semi-annual
seuion of the Willamette
circuit of the WMF of the
Evangelical Lutheran church.
Mrs. Arthur Warburg of Eu
gene gave the response.
Special guests for the day
were women from the three
other Lutheran synods, including-
the American Lutheran
church, the Lutheran Free
church and the United Evan
gelical Lutheran church. These
synod groups are considering
a merger. - .
Directing registration were
Mrs. Bernard Galley, Mrs. O.
Burns, Mrs. Conrad Johnson,
Mrs. Relder Poverud, Mrs.
Amos Funrue, Mrs. Ole Me-
land, Mrs. Oscar Loe, Mrs. E.
V. Swayze and Mrs. Robert
Following the organ prelude
by the convention musician,
Mrs. Else Aarhus, and group
singing, Mrs. Stanley Swan-
son conducted meditation and
devotionals. The theme was
"Ye Shall Be My Witness."
An invocation hymn was
sung by a group of pastor's
wives . including Mrs. A. W,
Nelson, Mrs. O. R. Kleppe, Mrs.
Waldo Ellickson, Mrs. E. Nesse,
Mrs, Joseph Luthro and Mrs.
Lowell Holte. '
Mrs. James Phillips of Sil
verton, Willamette circuit
president, was in charge of the
Make a Feafure-by-feature Comparison af Voodry's
on the Wonderful
More Deluxe Than
Most- Full Size Ranges
Yet Needs Only 30
Inches of Floor Space
Big 24-inch Miracle Sealed Oven is banquet size! ! !
Bakes 6 delicious pies, 10 loaves of bread or two 15-lb.
turkeys at the same time. Perfect too, for even your
smallest oven meal.
Now you can watch your food bake or roast to perfec
tion without wasting oven heat. .
' Super Corox Unit Gets
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Fry delicious bacon and eggs in just 3 minutes
from the turn of the control. That's real Stop
Watch Speed!
Built-in Surface
and Oven Lights
plus Automatic
Oven Timer
Liberal Trade-in on
Your Old Appliances
Why Not Ask Us
About Yours Today!
Open Friday Evening Till 9 p.m.
business meeting, the diy's of
fering going to the pension in
gathering fund and a hospital
kt Zululand. Mrs. Cecil From
of Canby, circuit secretary,
read an invitation to the Pa
cific district convention - in
Parkland, Wash., June 'and
Greetings were given by
Mrs. Arvid I.. Hokonson of Sll
verton, Lutheran Free church;
Mrs. Harvey Manann of Oak
Grove, American Lutheran
church; Mrs. Chris Pederaon of
Eugene, United Evangelical
Speakers were Mrs. O. S.
Gudmanson of Prineville and
Mrs. Phillip Braden of Albany.
A book review was presented
by Mrs. Fidel Vroom of Salem.
Woman of the Methodist
church served luncheon at
noon, Mrs. Oscar Johnson be
ing ticket chairman for the af
fair. '
Following devotions led by
Mrs. 'Ed Holden of Silverton,
the afternoon address was giv
en by Dr. S. C, Seifkes, presi
dent of the Northwestern dis
trict of the American Luther
an church. The Rev. Waldo
Ellickson of Albany reviewed
the "Lutheran World Action."
Supplemental music included
choral selections directed by
Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro. Mrs,
Glen Ahre and Mrs. J. G.
Granner of Woodburn sang a
A coffee hour concluded the
i ib. we
a lbs. 1.69
You Bun . .
Only 24995
caw oe SURE...IF .Tesstinghouse
CD A Conference . : J
Event at Astoria '
Mt. Angel Reports by del
egates from 24 Oregon courts
of Catholic Daughters of Am
erica, representing more than
3000 members, and t district
deputies, were heard by a large
delegation from Oregon at the
fourteenth biennial, state con
ference at Astoria, Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. L. A, LeDoux, Mt. An
gel, Oregon state regent, pre
sided, and announced the or
ganization of three new courts
in Prineville, Canby and Mol
alla during the year. The state
regent invited all members to
meeting, following meditation
by the Rev. Gordon Trygstad
of Canby and benediction by
the Rev. A. W. Nelson, host
pastor. ,
Ushering for the conference
were Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs.
Henry Johnson, Mrs. A. A.
HaU, Mrs. Adne Tokstad, Mrs.
Charles Denham, Mrs. Lloyd
Larsen, Mrs. P. A. Loar, Mrs.
R. J. VanCleave and Mrs. L. W.
Goodwill Industries b a
sheltered worluhip for han
dicapped people . . Yonr
discarded clothing and
household Items will keep
them Independent.
Telephone 4-U4I '
for a Goodwill Truck
Pickup Dan: Tuesday
. . ... and Friday ,
spied O f u critic .
30 inch Range
attend the organisation of
new court at Tlgard en Sun
day, May 17, when initiation,
election of new- officers and
their installation will be held
at the St. Anthony school hall
In Tlgard. '
The invitation of Court Ore
gon at Eugene, to hold the six
teenth biennial state conven
tion at Eugene in 1954 was ac
cepted. That year marks the
45th anniversary of the found
ing of the first court of Cath
olic Daughters west of the
Rockies. Mrs. J. F. Franxwa,
Eugene, who in 1909 organized
the first court in that city, waa
nonor guest at the conference.
She .has attended all conven
tions ' since the founding of
ine state court 30 years ago.
Report by Miss Lena Del.
planche, Cornelius, state publi
city and public relations chair
man, and a panel by the dis
trict deputies and reports of
the delegates were given at
ootn morning and afternoon
sessions. Mrs. Nap Rocque, Sa-
After tta Est?
TUMfasf Relief
Can? Be Beat
Star Ml
soi mi iwaus
Record lass relief tor gu,beartbacs
root stomach, add inalgesdoa.
Pttft T
lem, acted aa timekeeper, and
monitors were Mrs. Frances
Rodger, Canby, Mrs. Marilyn
Gorbett, Molalla, Mrs. Edward
Hammer, Mt Angel, and Mrs.
Francos O'Conner, Portland.
They distributed literature eat
the Women's Cruaade for Free
dom Drive - which begin ea
May 8th. Mrs. LeDoux told of
that saving program. -
Mrs. Robert Nelkes, Astoria,
was toastmls tress at the ban
quet that evening. Mrs. William
Leahy, grand regent, govs the
address of welcome. Speaker
were the Rev. John O'Cslla
ghan, Rainier, Mrs. L. A. Le
Doux, Mt Angel, and the Very
Rev. E. 3. Murnane, Eugene.
Vocal selection was given by
Miss Sue Judd with Miss Jeane
Maddox, accompanist.
Every day nor readers as
responding to this great
Lades' Hera Journal series.
It explains (or the fint time '
in simple esse alatory terms
the work of the "marriage
doeW-and bow they hot
a sick marriage become a
happy, rewarding parrnssohlp.
This month "what Jo saw
in the other woman' will
explain what erring husbands
freqeaotly as. It is what
; they'd Hto to sw m took-own ,
whras. Get yew copy of the
aaayJeernaltodayandreadit. .
. i i