Pag 9 Capital: Edited by MARIAN saps -FROM- Peg in Washington BY Waihington, B.C. , April 26 Dear Marian: Mrs. Douglas McKay was one of four or five cabinet wives invited by Mrs. vwigot D. Eisenhower to assist in re ceiving the nearly 5,000 mera- bers of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the White House on Friday and re port! it an interesting experi ence. The hostess group gathered In the small dining room at the White House and took turni with 'the First Lady in greeting the visitor in the adjacent State Dining Room. In between their duties in the line, they played bridge through the long four hours that it took the huge throng to make the circuit of the rooms. 1 Some of these waiting in queues for admission sat on the curbs, took off their shoes,' and relieved their shoulders of the weight of their mink wraps and ermine stoles. The temperature was near bv. At noon Mrs. McKay attend i ed the Republican Women's Spring Conference luncheon at the Statler. She reported beautifully ' decorated tables and an interesting program, highlighted by the President's brisk and informal is minmo talk. She finished off her day bv taking Mrs. Marshall Cor nett, Klamath Falls, Oregon's renubllcan national commit- teewoman, who was here for the republican meeting after a week of visiting in Kentucky, to the airport. Stopping in Michigan, Mrs. Cornett will pick up a new car and drive to Oregon. While Mrs. McKay was busy en social assignments, the Sec retary was in Detroit to at tend the dinner and graduation ceremony. of the Chevrolet Dealers' special training school as his son-in-law, Lester D. Green, had finished the course of six weeks' duration. .Another event of the past week for Mrs. McKay was the luncheon of the province con vention of Kappa Alpha Theta, for which she served as hon crary Theta mother chairman. VODKA Qproo&Midcfrom 100 train rtrutral spirit wt. ricm&mirnon Hartford. UMin. So smooth pEl . it leaves you breathless g Don't let your husband hoar it from the boys ! flW-fbreshnea ' n'naj.iTa'raaaf , II fA weuc iana""1! I Women LOWRX FISCHER ALENE (PEG) PHILLIPS (Her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Hartley, is a Theta. On Wed nesday, she entertained at Mrs. K's Toll House in suburban Washington for Mrs. Cornett, Mrs. Oscar Kittredge, Klamath Falls, Mrs. Vio MacKenzie, and Mrs. Larry Bmyth following which the group visited the Azalea Arboretum where a special show was in progress. The magnificent display of color was gorgeous and it is no wonder that so many Wash ington yards are beautified by a massing of azalea plants as the Arboretum - serves as a definite inspiration for such plantings. ; a During the republican con vention of women, Oregonians here included in addition to Mrs. Cornett and Mrs. Kitt redge, Mrs. Bereth I Hopkins, Medford; Mrs. R. T. Burnett, Mrs. Basil T. Williams, and Mrs. Carl Phetteplaee, all of Eugene; Mrs. Albert Powers, Coos Bay; Miss Anne Leone, Mrs. - Lulu Steelsmlth, Mrs. Winifred RoUson, and Miss Ef fie J. Godman, all of Portland; Mrs. Roy V. Rlckard, Medford; Mrs. C. R. Holliday, Reedsport; and Mrs. F. W. Trlska, Burns. During the D.A.R. conven tion, Mrs. Lee Davenport, Portland, and Mrs. D. O. Hood, Medford, were Washington vis itors who dropped in the of fice. Mr. Hood brought his wife to the convention by au tomobile and they are enjoy ing a leisurely visit throughout the east. We chatted of our mutual friends and their across-the-street-nelghbors in Medford, the Erie Aliens, Jr., formerly of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hamley, Pendle ton; the Rev. Henry J. Ger hardt, La Grande; Peter Gor ier, Roseburg; and C. F. Feike, Salem, head of vocational re habilitation for the state, have been Washington visitors this week. "Bye for now. Peg. Sale Aids Park South Salem The Liberty Woman's club is sponsoring a cake baking sale on Saturday, May 2, at Dickson s market, on U.S. 80E and 12th street junc tion. The sale will begin at 10 a.m. and all ladies in the south area are asked to participate. The proceeds of the sale will be turned over to the Joryville Park fund, to help start the park development into opera tion. On the committee are Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh, Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs. Er nest' Free, and Mrs. Lettitla Clark. MRS. HERMAN BERGNER, her two daughters, Miss Betty Jean Bergner and Mrs. Frank Carnathan, Jr. of Portland, and granddaughter, Kristie Carnathan, visited in Prine- ville last week-end. They were guests of Mrs. Bergner's sister, Mrs. Alfred Erickson. TYilt him hnar .23 h before you "BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsaaBsB1 IS IvtSjj " P"83" PAed can. "See, dear, ''Vfe? r'8nt her ... it says to proa with ""J your thumb. If the top' firm, coffee' fresh. If it clicks, take another." Remember, there's no way to test other coffee cans. So play safe! Always reach for "Pressure Packed" Chase & Sanborn. Enjoy the rich, rich flavor that come from a skillful blend of choice coffees . . . packed oven-fresh, kept fresh under pressure! Chase & Sanborn Court for May Queen Announced Attendant In the court for Willamette university's May queen, Miss Dona Mean, are being announced. , Coronation ceremonies take place next Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, highlighting an nual May Week-end, Friday through Sunday. The crowning service will be on the lawn in front of Eaton hall, weather permitting, other wise it will be in the gymna sium. James Bergmann, gen eral manager for May Week end, is in charge of the crown ing ceremony and handing over the crown will be last year's queen, Miss Betty Jean Mullln. Escort for Queen Dona will be her fiance, Robert Platen berg. Attendants for the queen will be Miss Amaryllis Lilies and Miss Eleanor Oakes. Escort for one of the prin cesses, Miss Marie Corner, will be James Hltchman, and her attendant will be Mrs. James Gay. Escort for the other princess. Miss Jane Fooshee, .will be Frank Kehrli,' and her attend' ant will be Miss Ellen Schadel. Jo Ellen Bull and Deborah Graunke are to be the flower girls and the crown bearer will be Cappy Faeth. May Week-end festivities start Friday. Concluding the big day Saturday will be the semi-formal dance that evening in tne gymnasium. Gay 90s Program At Rebekah Meeting, The "gay '90s" program presented at Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening at tracted 115 members and 14 guests. Members of the Ladles auxiliary, Patriarchs Militant, participated in the panto mimes, Mrs. Howard Hun- saker in charge. A reception : honoring Geroge . Naderman, grand patriarch, will be an event of May 22, and named to the re ception committee are Mrs, W. E. Gardner, Mrs. C. J. Kimble, Mrs. W. L. Newton, Mrs. Ivadene Hubbard and Mrs. William Beard. , Proceeds from the rummage sale next Thursday will go to the United Nations Pilgrimage fund. Charles Neubauer and Clarence Kimble are in charge of the sale. The encampment auxiliary will meet on Friday. Today's Menu COMPANY DINNER ' Broiled Lamb Chops Curried Rice Green Peas Bread and Butter Salad Bowl - Beverage Trellis-top Raisin Pie Trellis-Top Raisin Pie Ingredients: 2 cups seedless raisins, 2 cups water, 1 tea spoon grated lemon rind, Vi cup sugar, 2. tablespoons corn starch, teaspoon salt, tea spoon cinnamon, V teaspoon mace, 2 ' tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, pastry for single 8 inch crust and strip top. Method: Rinse and drain raisins, Mix with water and lemon rind and cook S minutes. Blend together sugar, corn starch, salt, cinnamon and mace; stir into raisin mixture. Cook until thick and clear, stirring constantly. Stir in lem on juice and butter; pour Into pastry-lined pie plate. Top with pastry, strips. Bake in hot (42SF)' oven 25 to 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings. vnn trtt fnr frewlia nnffM buyl Show him the top of THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Orcgoa Some Notations . . . With two delightful coffee parties on the calendar Tues day morning it was like tak ing a "May day garden tour." First was the trek to the Glenn Stevens home on Alva rado Terrace atop Candalaria might lor the collee given by Mrs. Bievens ana ner sister-in- law, Mrs. Raymond Busick, to honor Mr. A. B. Davis, who is being welcomed as a newcom er in the capital from Portland. Our call was during the second hour, between showers, so it proved, with the sun com ing out to give a bright and clear view of the mountain scenery to the east and a glow to all the pretty blooms and lawns down the hillside . Greeting the guests at the side of the door was a large May basket filled with spring nowers . . . The tea table also carried out the May day theme ... It was covered with a white embroidered cloth, the centerpiece a long basket filled with many colorful spring blooms ... A large crowd attended the coffee Among those greeted during our call, Mrs. Robert T. Thorn ton, Mrs. Wlllard N. Thompson, Mrs. Edgar T. Fierce, Mrs. Au rella Grim, Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, Mrs. William Busick and her daughter, Mrs. James K. wnue; Mrs. Kussel E, Pratt, Mrs. .Ralph Wlrth, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. Bjarne Erica- sen, Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr., Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Stuart Lancelield, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs: Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs. Robert Sears, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr., Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., and the latter's cousin, Miss Pau line Proctor, who is to be wed next Saturday afternoon to Dr. Winfleld H. Needham; Mrs. James C. Stone. Second coffee stop was at the Walter H. Smith home, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J. N. Bishop entertaining a neigh borhood group and garden friends, also between 10 aon. and noon ... A May day bas ket also brightened the door in welcome to guests there . . . Throughout the house decora tions were arranged in May day basket effect, featuring especially lavender and pink lilacs,, and tulips in the same range of colors . . . One con trast was the all pile yellow and green arrangement on the mantel . . . The tea table was covered with a deep lilac -shaded net cloth ... At one corner was a huge May basket filled I with pink and lavender lilacs, and tulips ranging from pale pink to purple . . . The Smith gardens are one of the show spots in Salem . . . Right now . r vyas Ifr'c L ifl lliLJUU. !n Let Sun Valley add vtriety to "Bresd j I li 1 ! ".tW f fNf CON I IWIIl7TlT li Hungry diett-snd uMy, too. Sua I ' . Vlfr -f I w"g v" ' ' "f(f7 Dill It Viltey Bread baked with no shorten- '-: .' ; t I IT li 1 I I I lag whatever, is low in calories, (lets ' '' l OAt at I than JO to the slice) yet high ia ! ' X ' I energy producingproteint. Try SUN ' V ' ' - f ONE llMtim. ' I VALLEY BREAD loaned tomorrow 1 l Oi---" r w,w UNI I noming. . J j jl 1 ' '"' "' ' ' ' '''' 1 E3t 4 , I 1 C, h with mw CYCLE-AIR DRYING fifllV 1 iTlirTOVl XLJ lin,FrMM(lis'af,F,e(l'HM,Fw, V 1 I 1 M i I!1A1Aj jTm Hr at last Is the on and tnly mamnt Amd VAAJ" V in the world that BOTH thoroughly washes AND ' MjfmM A-yt-TT-VYYi f X npItelydrysyourlothMrbryo'u,allinasingl DLf ft j 111 III 1 k AtiAjtV!y continuous, anattended operation! Ixdntiv' FA' fy) j silAL7 B.ndCYO.B.AIR drying, w.shes heat, lint, and j MmQtmljrtf rTfJm ) moiita" ght down lh dralnt Here's th coif !) kfm ZmmM MVKYm-i mm byin-,h l4WLtfrWtrjU2w 1 k ei wdl N. f.krk pratec Non. CyaW-Ak dry 45ffywSA1 . $499.95 r.t: -Mr, itfJ?S?So5S5S! I Zn. IHllkl C IAM wAIHtHt-ai COMPIITILY AUTOMATIt fitEiWWtf - "-UJIaVlJ UfCCV eay Mlte prMpla prmd -anly ana itttla .1 dlato aaisl'BS' BP' ntin sate for tw Wrada" rakrka, iwaaad. Dm wmMay k mrl yN i,NM,AMUA-AVCOMonUe 355 Center St. BjO (OMksiA j I Phone 3-3139 SffL 1 -I Open friday Highl 'lil 9 I 1 M. L. F. they are a mass of blooms hundreds of tulips in all shades, azaleas and many other nowers, ana at one end two huge, Japanese cherry trees, and two white Fairy Queen Japanese cherry trees, shatter thelr beautiful petal on the lawn amid all the other variety of color ... On the terrace Just off the living room a little Maypole scene was set up on a taoie tor the Tuesday party . Pouring were Mrs. Margaret Roseerans, Mrs. Philip W. Al lison; and assisting the hostess es in serving were Mrs. Ernest H. Miller and Mrs. Donald Bar- nick . . . Greeted among the guests leaving about at the noon hour were Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Robert M. Fits maurlce, Mrs. Ralph H. Camp bell, here from Portland last week she saw her son. Gary. off for duty in Korea; Mrs. Jack A. Wittllff, who is here for a time from Astoria to visit at the home of her daughter, mrs. ttoger scbnell; Mrs. Har old M. Ollnger, Mrs. E. M, Page, Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, airs. Homer smith, Jr. . j About a dozen called for the at home day observed by Mrs. Paul L, Patterson, wife of Oregon's governor, Tuesday Mrs. Patterson was at home again this afternoon and will be at home again on Friday between 2 and 4 o'clock to local friends wishing to call rne iirsc lady also will be at home the afternoon of Fri day, May 8, at the same hours. a a From the Republican Wom en's conference in Washing ton, D.C., last week come news releases pointing to the num ber of women named to top ap pointments in the first 80 days of President Dwight D. Eisen hower's administration . . . Nine are listed especially, spe cial play being given to Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby as the first secretary for health, education ana welfare in the cabinet; Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, U. -S. ambassador to Italy; Mr. Ivy o. rriest, treasurer 01 the Unit ed States . . . State by state they highlight what women are doing in republicanism and for Oregon give special men tion to Mrs. James W. Mott of Salem, vice chairman of the Cherry City Electric S3 Chemeketa kon 24762 Elections By Alumnae New officers are announced for Delta Zeta alumnae, fol lowing the group's meeting last evening at tne some 01 Mrs, O. K. Beals. Mrs. Charles Derthlck is oresldent of the group, Mrs, William H. Foster, vice presi dent: Mrs. Albert Depenbrock, treasurer; Mrs. Maurice Shep ard, secretary; Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Panhellenlc repre sentative. The group voted to enter the YWCA table setting con test, Mrs. Ericksen, Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. Virgil Sex ton and Mrs. Derthlck serving on the committee. a a SOCIAL meeting of Barbara Frietchie tent, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, wiU be at 2 p.m., Friday, at the Veterans 01 Foreign Wars hall. Mrs. J. W. Nash and Mrs. Rose Garrett will plan the refreshments. republican state central com mittee, for her work and in terest . . . Also mentioned for Oregon's record is the fact that five women now hold the po sition of chairman for repub lican county central commit tees ... 1 Notices are out for the 62nd convention of the General Fed eration of Women's clubs In Washington, D.C., May 25-29. Among . prominent names on the list of speakers are those of Vice-President Rich ard M. Nixon; Secretary Hobby of the cabinet; Mrs. Priest, the national treasurer of the U. S., and others ... JUAE BRIDES Hen are 12 pages of helpful binta for the new homemaker . . . including the tone story of the Marshall Irrags, Omr First frsr. Also, tips on decorating; your first home, best buys lor the Kriac room, dinette sag gentioar, space-saring tricks . . . choosing a triww, psaaasnc a badget ... and aocn basic, knr-eost swipe "tryoxU." Poet im ftn Mar Latfo Home Jovnml. 2 Plan Coffees Invitations are in the mail from Mrs. Charles D. Wood and Mrs. A. W. Loucks for a series of, informal coffee parties next week, the two en tertaining on both Thursday and Friday, May 7 and 8, at the Wood home on West Le- felle, , HOME from an extended trip east are Colonel and Mrs. Philip W. Allison. They went east by the southern route and spent some time In Florida. Then they were in Arlington, Va to visit Lt. Col. and Mrs. J. B. B. Trussell and were in Washington, D. C. and New York City. They drove home by way of Albuquerque, N. M. IN PENDLETON last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Judson and son, Don, Jr. They were guests of Mr. and Mr. Wendall Isaac. MOTHERS of members will be honored when - Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, meets 'Friday evening at 8 o'clock at West Salem city hall. ' America's MOST MODERN KITCHEN! ' CAPITAL IOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN 181 N. High St. II 181 N. High St. r I - Sl fr S on all ... Shoes ... I VsVA Stock'n9s Sportswear ... V Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags Wednesday, April 29, 1953 Initiation rvi iyiriDOW Initiated into Order of Rt . bow for Girl. Tuesday even were Misses Roxl Willi im? Donna Burns, Natalie KleinV schmltt, Mary Louise BoltW and Florence M. Hyde. A special degree was con. ferred upon Mrs. Paul Griehe. now and Paul Bramble, worthy? matron and patron of ChtdVs wkk chapter, Order of Eastern; ; Miss Arda Lien, worlhv .1 viser, announced that 300 May baskets wiU be delivered to' patients in nursing homes andi hospitals this week. . At the meeting on May lj f entertainment for mothers off Rainbow girl will be featur-' ed, election of officers tutrix.! place during the business meet.! IN PORTLAND "this evenin,' nttAnrltnor -. Inn.. w.i ' : a . ucuigi given by the Japanese consul; re 10 dc uovernor and Mrs.; Paul L. Patterson and Mr. and; Mrs. Charles A. Spra'eue , SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. 'Trusses, Abdo minal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert titters, private fitting rooms. "Ask Sour Doctor" Capital Drug Store . '40s'8Ute St. . Corner of Liberty 84H Green Stamp i