Wednesday, April , 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FtfS House Upholds McKay's Cuts in Power Program " Washington OMO Thi In a test vote Tuesday upheld republican cuts In fund for public power developments. J It turned down, 173 to 133, proposal by democratic lead er Sam Rayburn to spend 3, 736,000 on distribution of gov ernment power in southwest states. The vote apparently was strictly along party lines. ' It was the first vote on mon ey recommendations for the Interior department In fiscal 1954. The house appropriations committee cut more than $40, 000,000 from money proposed by former President Truman for power lines and othe pow er facilities. The overall interior bill or iginally totaled $607,000,000. Interior Secretary Douglas Mc Kay cut it to $484,000,000 and the appropriations committee cut off another $80,000,000. The house later refused on a voice vote to restore $4,358, 000 to the. bill for transmis sion lines and substations in the state of Washington. Rep, Don Magnuson (D., Wash.) who asked for the res storation, said a line to Brem erton navy yard and areas in four counties in the state, sub stations at McNary dam, a line to Pacific county, and one in the Spokane area were in volved. He said the Bremerton line already has been started and obligated money will be lost if it is abandoned. FLATS PIANO 165 HOURS Le Havre, France ) Frenchman Robert Sergil set a new- world's record here to day. He played the piano-nonstopfor 256 hours. The old record, held by Heinz Arntz of Germany, was 244 hours. SMELT BECOME 6CABCE Troutdale OU0 Smelt be came scarce today in the Sandy river after more than a week of the heaviest run in the mem ory of local residents. - Club to Light Park Courts The Salem Horseshoe Club is going to make an effort to have lights installed for at least half of the 10 pitching lanes in Bush Pasture Park so night playing will be possible. Last year the club was in strumental in getting the city to develop the courts, and members of the club contri buted much work and took care of the court during the summer. Under standard time It is found the evenings are too short for playing late in the day, so it is hoped to get some of them illuminated. The club will have to furnish part of the cost. The annual meeting of the club will be held next Sun day at the courts at 3:30, following the first organized pitch of the season. An effort is being made to save all who are interested in the sport to attend the meeting, regardless of their interest in competitive pitching, and it is hoped many will join the club, Dues are only $1 a year. The club start' ed last year with 28 members and the goal is to double that, - Officers are: Ronald Ander son, president; Frank Arthur, first vice president; Clarence Cain an, second vice president; Eugene Prescott, secretary treasurer. mm MAKE YOUR DOLLARS STR-RETC-CH AT GEVURTZ EX PENSE! WE HAVE BEEN FORCED OUT AND WE MUST DISPOSE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK BY JULY 1! PRICES ON $275,00000 WORTH OF BRAND NEW QUALITY MERCHANDISE wFBS m ml SUMKHIERED SAVE UP TO ft tH ON NAME BRAND Electric Ranges SAVE up io $f ON NAME BRAND Refrigerators SAVE up to ON NAME BRAND WASHERS U i a SAVE up lo ON NAME BRAND VACUUM CLEANERS SAVE upio $r ' Attl .. Asfsl Han ! "I UN QUALM Y ; Davenport SUITES SAVE upto $n ON EXCELLENT BEDROOM SUITES V J SAVE up io ON GUARANTEED MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS SAVE up to ON NAME BRAND Occasional CHAIRS Store Hours Noon 'til 9 P.M. Monday thru Friday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Saturday ONLY 60 DAYS LEFT ALL SALES FINAL FREE DELIVERY NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS NO RETURNS em fMfflflT aaagp ttB rMU FINAL VJEEK OF KAY'S Hundreds and hundreds of women took advantage of the greatest bargain oppor tunity in Solent last week at KAY'S! We still have many, many mora . . . lots of new items to offer at ridiculously low prices! Share in Seism's most terrific ready-to-wear bargains. ; ' f ''' Tr ORION WASHABLE SKIRTS ONE TABLE OF BARGAINS ODDS AND ENDS ' to:: 11 Your choice - Slips, Pajamas, Blouses and many more items. LONG COATS ALL WOOL $45.00 1 ONE GROUP COATS Alt WOOL Short Cotton Print SKIRTS Reg. $5.95 FITTED LONG Values to $65.00 COATS ALL WOOL ( One Group All Wool SUITS Regular 39.95 to 45.00 $ 24 88 3 Famous Brands First Quality NYLONS Nationally Advertised 1.50 to 1.63 I LIMIT 3 PAIR ALL WOOL KNIT SUITS Regular $34.95 $2200 MUSS WEDDING DRESSES l2 PRICE ONE GROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP J5" $8M W W SENSATIONAL A REAL DRESSY ft HIGH VALUES ' BUY SPORT QUALITY ONE TABLE OF NYLON ONE GROUP washable BARGAINS X-SP- SLACKS blouses rflflV,W CLOSING OUT t 3 " CTOO BELOW COST! " ' W $99 $269 BaBjBHHBBBIBHBJ White & Colon One Group FAIR TRADE MERCHANDISE EXCEPTED OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT ITII A ' III 7 460 State St, WSTWCT7VE APPAREL FOft WOftO !.;