pv.U-'Ji. v..v Z-l '..W A m w'A .VVy ' '"f eg 8 section n THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, April J9, 1953 Young Prince Gives Arm Real Workout Windsor, England W Four-year-old Prince Charles; had a iwell day practicing bis salute. For some time the manner In which soldiers greet each other has fascinated the heir apparent to the British throne, and Tuesday he had chance to give his right arm a workout in the best military tradition. The occasion was the pres entation by Queen Elizabeth n of new standards to the royal household cavalry. Prince Charles, in bin coat and cap, watched his mother Intently, and while be didn't have an official part tn the ceremony he sa luted at every opportunity. He was quite impartial, saluting the man who beat the drum, a couple of police men and the crowds which watched the colorful parade. Herzog Defends NLRB Decisions Washington VP) Chairman Paul Herzog defended the Na- tional Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from frequent charges of bias and said the five-man panel has called the shots as it saw them. , Herzog told the Senate La bor Committee In a prepared statement that the NLRB has been attacked many times by unions, as well as by employ ers, for rulings interpreting the Taft-Hartley Act. But the NLRB chairman said the panel was only doing its best, grinding out 2,800 deci . sioni a year based on a law shot through with "ambigui ties,'' "uncertain language," and "conflicting policies." He asked Congress to clarify many sections of the law. The Senate committee is considering pro posed revisions. "The courts can reverse and the Congress can always over turn our construction of the law," Herzog said. Army Policy Helps Oregon Washington VP) Rep. Don Hagnuson (D., Wash.) said Monday that an Army policy decision on out-loading of am munition will mean capacity km as soon at Bangor, Wash., ana Beaver, Ure. Ha aaid Baneor. near Rrm. acton, and Beaver, on the low er Columbia River, have been declared two of the nation's safest ammunition ports from the over-all standpoint of the number of people who would ee exposed to any possible ex plosion. . The Armv informed Manm. son the first ship to load at seaver unaer tne new sched ule is due May 4. April loadings at Bangor were down sharply as a result oi several lactors, Including heavy gulf port shipments. Magnuson . said the new Army directive calls for use of the safest ports to the full est possible extent. Traction Employes Voting on Contract Portland W Some 1,200 un ion employes of the Portland Traction company are to v o t e Thursday on a tentative con tract agreement reached Mon day by the union and manage ment. Terms of the proposed con tract were not announced. How ever, reaeral Mediator Guy Llntner said agreement had been reached nn "all in.,.. i dispute." These included a pay increass, an increase In pen . slou funds and a number of t enangea in working conditions. Methodist Pastor Dies in Portland Portland im . "Pl, ' . ' m xie,, Charles O. Brown, 67, pastor ui uic wooastocK Methodist Church of Portland, died Mon day at Wheeler where he had suffered a heart attack April 8. He came here eight years ago from Coquille. Previously he had pastorates at Lakeview and Toledo. Survivors include his wife, Nellie; a son, the Rev. Frank X. Brown of Grants Pass; and a daughter, Mrs. Maxine Waite cf Portland. sOiM :i'H if M BflsL - --T ) AsSSZl A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAME! I THE LOWEST PRICE EVES OFFERED! Oh J 5Sgj5guaf .yr- " ' ' " L Reg.'-' 379.95-Compare the ' price andNwJ, 'imi 1 ' i J v SvjFjfj m0kl size You save up to $200 ' J -JK Viev DowB Morfth en Sears Easy Payment Plan ' 'jJggfE SAVE 300 FAT ONCE MONTH ONLT Sacramento WlThe Assem bly Ways and Means Commit tee Monday rejected a bill pro viding for twice a month pay ehecka for state employes. Cattle not kept for milking purposes in the United States numbered 88,817,00 In 1053 compared with 62,207,000 in I ON THIS! Giant 9.3 Cu. Ft. COLDSPOT WITH FULL WIDTH FREEZER CHEST FREEZER CHEST HOLDS 40 LBS. THIS SALE ONLY (5)88 5.00 Down Delivers THE LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS 7.7 Cu. Ft. (oldspol REG. 179.9S GUARANTEED PERMA-THRIFT UNIT 5.00 Down Delivers . PURCHASES OF $20 OR MORE MAY BE MADE ON SCARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN! 1000 Down Delivers mm YOU GET A SUMMER'S SUPPLY (168 BOTTLES) OF COCA-COLA FREE OF CHARGE WITH THE PURCHASE , OF ANY COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR SELLING FOR 17995 AND UP THIS SALE ONLY! COMPARE ALL THREE (1) PRICE (2) QUALITY (3) SAVINGS FREE DELIVERY! FREE SERVICE FOR 90 DAYS! 'Registered Trade Mark of Coca Cola Bottling Co. OTHER MODELS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! 93 CU. FT. SEMI-DELUXE 9 CU. FT. DELUXE CU. FT. SEMI-AUTOMATIC CU. FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST. . 11 CU. FT. SUPER MART A" 11 CU. FT. STANDARD. 2493 II CU. FT. SEMI-DELUXE 29995 11 CU. FT. SEMI-AUTOMATIC 339" 11 CU. FT. AUTOMATIC DEFROST. 3999S 259M 27993 32995 369M PLENTY FREE PARKING Store Hours: MikUt vA Fritter. 9:30 fi 1 F.N. Otto Dip, MO H 5:30 Phone 3-9191 550 N. Capitol, Salem 9 r . , A .,M m. f