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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1953)
Wednesday, April 29, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL; Salem, Ontoa SECTION n Past T Suit Filed by 3 Fishermen ! Clifford J. Eberhart, George ..u. .nH John Whiz Tuea. day filed a complaint in the Marion county circuit court seeking an injunction against j.t .t0u fiih commission from IMC tnrMna a certain nortion of the state fish code dealing with areas of water above Bonne ville dam. ... The plaintiffs, who ftate they gain their living from n.Mna. claim that the ftate lish commission'i Order No. i- in that grants a special privilege and monopoly to a certain claw of citizens. The latter are lilted as drift or gill net and dip net fishermen who are engaged in commercial inning in wuen of the Columbia river below Bonneville. Order No. 18 provides, among other things, that it .koii H lawful to fish "In the lawful areas or waters above Bonneville dam irom noon mv ia in fi a.m. June 9. from a tv, .Tnlv A to 8 cm. July 31, and from 6 a.m. August 14 to noon Angust o. Ti.iniff .Tnhn Whiz -is au thorized by virtue of Indian treaty rights to engage in com--,oriol fiahino- during lawful neriods by the use of dip nets in tile area oi .wiuu s io. Vesper Band Plays, McMinnville Church The members of the Vesper L.nii olsvoil at the First Chris- Utuiu t""J - - tian church in McMlnnvme Sunday under the direction oi Mrs. Priscilla M. wmsey. Tha afipmnnn vesDer serv ice consisted of congregational singing aceompaniea Dy me hand as well as special music by the band. Meredith Rowe played several selectoins on the marimba, including "The Poem" and "What a Friend wo Wave in Jesus." Mrs. Mup iel Warner and Mrs. Alene Wilson played a steel guitar duet "When Day Is Done." The members of the Vesper band are: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Harriet Spies, Mrs. Muriel Warner, mrs Wilson. Mrs. Jane Po- 1cVl Mn PhvlliR HolloWaV. Miss Erma Sanford and Miss Aileen Hanner. Director, Mrs Wiltsey. Turner Th Turner erade school Will nminii their Mav dav tiroeram Thursday night, April SO, at 7:30 p.m. In mu nf rain it will be DOSt coned until Tuesday night, May 5. All grades will par- The queen will be crowned ey Mrs. Wallace Riches, chair man of the school board. Mr. Brandon, sixth grade teacher, reports the soft ball team has not been defeated this Iterm. It played the last game against St. Boniface, winning 'ith a Bpnra or u TO 1. Tinrvll Whitehead, seventh rade student, is home wnn he mumps. Mrs T.pah .Tnhnsnn find SOn. iustv. SDent the week-end at heir home in Eugene. Mrs. ohnson is one of our nrsi tdiIa teophers. Mr anti Mrs. Fordvce were KimHav visitors at tne nome iof Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hogsed. Funeral services were neia April 27 at the Christian huvfh for T.aiirence Brown .hn rileH Anrii 24. Mr. Brown 'was a long time resident of Turner. The Sunshine club held a card Dartv at the Oscar Jensen home Friday night. t Prize winners in canasta ere Mrs. Chas. Covllle, ladies Igh prize; Oscar Jensen, mens Bilgh prize; Eiizauetn uan. Dadies low prize, and Fred pierce mens low prize. Prize winners in pinocnie Pwere Mrs. Morrison, iaaie liigU prize; M. O. Pearson, 'Wns high prize, Icle Pierce, Sadies low mize; Chas. Covllle, pnen's low prize. A decorated caKe was tne ake walk prize, won by W. R. White. Plates, coffee and milk were donated by Chapmans food fctore. One of the mens high Bnries was donated bv Prathers Idrug store, other prizes were furnished by the sunsnine club. Another nnrty will be held sometime In May. Mr. and Mrs. Warne Empy Lnri three children. Darlene, Gary and Gordon, of Spring- Meld, were Sunday visitors at Bower's home. Mr. fEmpy Is superintendent of the Springfield scnooi. aiso visit ing the Bowers were tneir son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Flnvd Brower of Salem. Floyd slipped In some grease while working In his Service station In Salem and hurt his back. He Is being treated by a Salem doctor. Mrs. William Sample of Cnopholla. Calif., who has been vicitinir her Barents. Mr. and Mrs. George Brower, left for home April 27. Rolls used for cold rolling metals are slightly barrel California Drives on Jobless Chiselers Sacramento UP) James G. Bryant, state director of em ployment, today ignored a de mand for his dismissal and went ahead with plana for a new drive against unemploy ment insurance chiselers in California. Acting after a legislative committee concluded illegal payments amounted to millions of dollars a year, Bryant an nounced that an expanded program of fraud detection and prevention will be under way "full blast" within 30 days. The federal government, which controls - administrative funds, authorized the depart ment Monday to spend $29,000 between May 1 and June 30 FarmersJJnion To Meet May 2 Central Howell The Marlon County Farmers Union will hold its regular spring conven tion at the Gervals high school on Saturday evening, May 2, at 8 p.m. Due to the busy season, it was; decided to make this an evening meeting instead of the usual all-day affair. Several speakers will be present, including A. C. Hey man of Albany who will ex plain the proposed six county PUD. The Woodburn local will be chairman of the host locals, as sisted by the Gervals, Arbor Grove, Kelzer and Brooks lo cals. Members are asked to bring either cake or cookies. Some of the older ships In the Blrtlsh navy are still deck ed with teak, - : , , and to divert up to $23,000 from other activities to go after chiselers in the next 14 months. Bryant, who has 23 Investi gators now, said he is acting immediately to - recruit - 88 mere. His office said a decision will be made in a' day or so where the anti-fraud teams will begin their audits. . Hiram W. Johnson III of San Francisco, a former member of the department's policy-making board, demanded Bryant's oust er in a letter Monday to As semblyman Harold K. Levering of Los Angeles. He recommend ed that the department shift its emphasis from insurance paying to job finding. Asked for comment, Lever ing, a member of the assembly sub-committee which investi gated chiseling, told a reporter that if he had anything to say about it, Bryant would have been fired long ago. However, he added, "That's the preroga tive of the governor and not the legislature." o Held for Trial in Theft at Yalsefz Dallas Bound' over last week to circuit court by mu nicipal judge Kenneth Shetter ly on a charge of burglary not in a dwelling were Irven Mc Gregor, of Dallas and James Marion McCarthy, Portland. McGregor and McCarthy are charged with the theft last fall of a power chain saw and parts from the,. Western Logging company of Valsetz. The saw and parts, valued at $1,000 by Gordon Jayne, equipment su perintendent of the company, were recovered when they were offered for sale by a third party. ' Hotel-Motel Men to Meet Further preparation for the tourist and convention season will be made when owners of hoteUand motels of Salem and comaannitymeet in a confer ence at 7:30 next Tuesday night sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was dated when their representatives met Tues day at the Mariop hotel with William H. Hammond and W. W. Chadwick, respectively, chairmen of the aonventions and tourist departments of the chamber. Among plans is a directory showing Salem's facilities for housing convention delegates, convention dates, and rooms that are available in the city outside of the regular hostel ries. It is planned that the Chamber of Commerce be a clearing house for information. The convention committee of the chamber will be enlarged to include representatives from most businesses and civic or ganizations. Stressed also will be the listing of speakers to ap pear before Salem organiza tions in the interest of more conventions to be hosted by Sa lem. . . , SAVE 14.45! SAVE 2.00! Only UVi-lbs. Weighs ' , Bethel Park Bethel Park Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Slape and children, Dar rell, Wayne, Sharon and Ste phen,, have returned , to their park Some. The Slopes resided in Lemon, S. D., the past year while Mr. Slape constructed a building addition in the Church of God there. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Swope entertained 25 teen-agers at a party Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. Overhulser and daughters, Roxsle and San dy, were Sunday dinner guests in the Harold Fite home. KTX a.,,,,.,,,, ...m,,,, .. a i sfzcw .- .,,nrxi SQL Mm'.df"m Built-in JjV,,- Yf l I .. ; ' LrJtla powerful L Vi Il jfe, - V ' 7 f g2s3 torTvo. lQPH? tV, - 7.1 , M REGULAR 63.95 CRAFTSMAN 6I2-INCH ELECTRIC HAND SAW WITH COMBINATION SAW BlAOE Sealed precision ball bearlngf throughout! Super - powered . . . precision-built for heavy duty. 6K-ln. combination blade for cross-cut and rip ping. Buy now, save 14.45. PLENTY FREE PARKING 50 00 Down 5.00 Month Edge Last Longer en Craftsman Circular Saws That Art CARBIDE-TIPPED Reg. 9.95 "7795 Rlpi, crosscuts and mltan it 'I 8x'jxs-ln. round, only f Safer 8-tooth design - aach tungsterwarbldelpped : tooth projects only ,020-ln. above non-cutting edge! Curt .. wood, plywood, plastics, formica, masonite, wallboord, abrasive building, materials, etc. Many other sizes! - PHONE 39191 caat SEARS 550 Ne Capitol jM-nmnnfxmz ts JTVJ . 7 I W A SALE AS GREAT AS IT6 NAME! V w Limited Quantities Be Early for This Great Offer Paint Up! Clean Up! Fix Up! At Savings! f- gimmmLi for This Great Offer rrVJ . '": ' " ' :" i m"- 7. Pt4 i f Save 21c UldJAlSIV rnSHEB Mm yftiefi $!flj Sw G(5? Quality J) iWlvmm BETTER QUALITY II! ft WKV Hearier cotton drill with J ffl iS-iP Gallon Covers up to i WS -W4, mm 3.17 N3 325 sg. feet-2 coats M JflS W W fw." fesfi lAinnn tiiddcmtimc M H JP BEST QUALITY lsfaf WOOD TURPENTINE liOSM 2lFt r J ""W"" It sam)m: ' " Heaviest Army awk. S.-lM. T flfl L-rOwWf A Ann iil "7- L ISJ 1 45 , WI . 1 1 QOO CJJ tonf wearb"- Lr?5S23 ,,,S B Your choic. of solid, or stripes In ! A A A J" j 7U I i ' rwuTyV I m weather resistant colors. 30 In. ma- I WW Ty r5 11 1 01. Spar L yfcter l .r1 th. 28 I , WA Varnish' WSSm M t- " - I ' :'j&&-Zf ' , frCS H j j a W i Aluminum Awning rr?imjSS& DUn,ilP Sr? 1 149 g m CustomMad, WZWm d- Jk 1 ata fi95 fW-YZm "K IU44 -1 Plastic Finish h f&i&r- nt P mM&& Pure Unseed Oil WM i. HSLsi. ? X Ideal for aver.(e mSH ... 1 XII hIT t'i!.ZiJ JT- mm m IV LAI xr " I h2! Far superior I jJmS L Width - k to varnish. I (MMisfiMWMMMiMMKaM Pure Linseed Oil Finest Ouallrf. 4 Sdlsa Cn Mm FREE PARKING AT SEARS 'Satotfzdto 550 N.Capitol 20" width Door Canopies 39" Am 17 Salem Phone 3-9191 bhaneri so thev will be Straight (when put under high pressure.