Wednesday, April 29. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sulem. Oregon SECTION II Page 5 OSC to Call Stadium Bids Portland UB Oregon State college today was authorized to call for bids for Its new stadium to seat 26,156 persons. The Building committee of the State Board of Higher Ed ucation announced the author ization at a meeting here yes terday. . In other action, the firm of Burns, Bear and McNeil was selected to draw plans for the crippled children's administra tion, an outpatient Unit near the medical school. The build ing was authorized by the 1053 Legislature. Also authorized - was pur chase of an 80-acre addition to McDonald forest north of Cor vallis and expenditure of $552, 000 for 24 rehabilitation, repair and deferred mainten ance projects on six campuses. Herbert and Cain Confirmed Washington VP) The Sen ate luesaay coniirmea iormer Gov. Thomas J. Herbert of Ohio and former Sen. Harry P. Cain of Washington as mem bers of the Subversive Activi ties Control Board. Majority Leader Taft of Ohio first won unanimous con sent to temporarily put aside the controversial submerged lands bill to consider the nomi nations. The five-member board was established by Congress to hear appeals by organizations and individuals listed as com munist or sympathetic to com munism. Members receive $15,000 a year. . Taft said that Herbert, form er Republican governor of Ohio, was eminently qualified and that Cain was a former Re publican senator. Cain's appontment is until Aug. 9 and that of Herbert un til April 9 next year. This Farmer Knew How To Get Even Henryetta, Okla. ( Harry Decker, an irate farm er, drove into the main part of town during the shopping hour Monday and before hundreds of startled onlook ers dumped two gunny sacks of tin cans on the street. Hauled before Mayor Wil son Fisher, who also serves as municipal judge, Decker explained the rubbish was a mattter of give-and- take. He said he only was returning debris dumped on his farm by residents of the city, Alaska May Get Special Session Anchorage, Alaska W) Ter ritorial Gov. Frank Heintzle man says he is considering calling a special session of the Legislature but will make his decision after returning to Ju neau. The governor, in office less than a month, told Third Divi sion' legislators of his problems in a discussion here. He said problems he faces include administration, change in legislation, housing and de crease in freight rates to at tract venture capital. !- I A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAME: V ' 3 PAYS: ,0MLV Ttars., FitSit. Picas J -: . r U. S. Steel Declares Quarterly Dividend New York W United States Steel Corp. reported net Income for the first three months of 1953 was $49,375, 958, equal to $1.65 a common share. This compared with $48, 126,916, of $1.60 a share, in the preceding period and with $43,534,212, or $1.43 a share, in the first quarter a year ago. Directors declared a divi dend fo 75 cents a share on common stock, the same as in preceding quarters. It is pay able June 10 to holders of record May 8. Two Transports Arrive at Seattle Seattle VP) Two transports docked here Monday with a total of 3,325 military and ci vilian passengers from the Far East. The transport Marine Ser pent brought 2.689 soldiers on rotation leave from Japan and Korea. The 636 passengers aboard the Gen. Hugh J. Gaffey, which arrived two hours after the Marine Serpent, 'ncluded 251 military dependents. Teakwood contains a gritty substance that quickly dulls edged tools, but Js easy to work when tools are kept sharp. Allstate letter IF W COVER INSTALLED FREE! Compare the features with those selling up to 28.00 Our regular price 23.95 You Save 6.07! 2 or 4-door sedan Installed WHY PAY UP TO 1.80? OIL FILTER ELEMENTS 3 Days Only Mad of Wonder-Wearing SARAN In Many Pat terns and Colors -k Beautiful Quilted Plastic Trim at Top of Backrests Save 6.07 Todoy! Have a Set Installed en Your Car 99c FOR MOST CARS ' lc SALE ALLSTATE SPARK S C PLUGS Buy One for ' 49c Get Second for Any Car in Town! Installed Free! Reg. 13.95 Costs only 41c per Month of Guaranteed Service... Finest Two-year Battery You Can Buy Bar None 45 Heavy-duty Chem-Set Plates; 100 Ampere-hour Ca pacity; Automatio No-spill Safety Vent Caps For Dependable Power, In All Kinds of Weather with Extra Power In Reserve, Buy Your Allstate Today! BUY ON SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN i88 . EXCHANGE FORD REBUILT ENGINE SHORT BLOCK Plus-Component Parts Clutch and pressure plate, carburetor, fuel pump and set of spark plugs AT ONE ss&SS ALL 41SW PRICE! V :r 90 INSUUMIOH ARRANGED M WW COST 00 Install In Your Car Day or 4000 Mile New Car Guarantee (in writing) Completely Factory Re built, Not Merely Overhauled See our complete line of rebuilt engines for f I T J I S" nur comPele line of rebuilt engines for lOfTlG 111 lOuQy! Fords, Flymouthj, Dodges and Chevrolet do"'t risk vo... Tires T .,, Your 0'd "ecapp0bt Ti,e 5 00 Down Wout, a Set of 4 s,e 6.00 u L5 1 M ft-'.. 1 w7rcrar---s i. w. i2 Z ." . -our Money Bo.k tT J PLENTY FREE PARKING tTADF UAIID( Monday and Friday, 9:30 to P.M. JIVKL nVUIM. others Days :30 to 5:S0 "SafiZfon ptamttkd cn ycm money 4ac6 Phone 3-9191 550 N. Capitol, Salem