PK 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreeon Wednesday, April 29, 195 In the ' ' " Edited by MIKE FORBES Dallas . . Dallas Treated for cut and abraiiong it the Dallas Gen eral Hospital Wll Uiii Zelma Janzen. Mia Janzen, while driving near Pedee, hit a soft : shoulder on the highway which caused her automobile ' to turn over three times. Her leg was caught in the car which prevented her treeing herself. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mo DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens : Old Time and Modem Mask by "Po" Edwards ! Valley;.:.- Glaughlin are celebrating these Amvm hanouca 4hfll tuln hnVl. born April 23, are the first twins 10 oe Dora mis year the Dallas General hospital. The McGlaughlins have three other children all boys. "Sunny of Sunnyslde," an operetta presented by Morri son school pupils, played to capacity crowds on its Thurs-j riav matinee and Friday eve ning performances. A poster contest was neia 1- MMdutlflii with tha ItlPr. Ill m.V(.lV..WU " . ... - 1 etta so that it would be ad equately advertised in oown town shops. Winners for this nnntfuit mo,' ffmnd nrlzl Clara Lou Mardorf and Ardyth PanJcratz; - room - U, n.aren wa- mniti1 12. tfancv Diehm: irnom .14. Virginia Braden; room 11, Beverly Maddy; room 10, tying for first place were Terry Baumgardner and Carl Fausett. ; ' The gondolas of Venice must be black since other colors are not permitted. Roberts tdtrodtfKWtdJ "Ini" Abtince Daily from 1 FJVL Storting TOMORROW! I " , ft 1 until Cftf I m VoncVJortdlJ MARI BLANCHARD HOKKT PAIGE HORACE McMAHON CO-FEATURE! HIS GUNS WERI THI i .s-w ONLY LAW THIS SIDi gSt&fbffirl tt W ' eraHnr MALONI fi 'fJuh W T AleaNICOl MJt: ON OUR STAGE! YOUR HOLLYWOOD TALENT SCOUT ROY GORDON ' AND HIS STAR DISCOVERY "TALENT QUEST" 8:30 P.M. A VARIETY OF ACTS COMPETING FOR CASU FRIZES! FEATURING ED SYRING - AT THI HAMMOND ORGAN For Future Shows Register At the Boa Office Now) . NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! buyer" was presented to the unha.t. nn r hv irrm i n a u i n. .kVWW.H m . J ..... . .. - - at the home of Mr. Oscar Phil lips Thursday afternoon. During the business session mere was a report on citizen shin. . i . Mrs. Russell Davenport gave a talk- nn tha Iff and miMnor recreation in Norway, and Mrs. K. js. umienaen on tne oroaa- castlntf atatinna In Knnviv The election oroffiecra for tne ensuing year was post poned unm tne May meeting. in, dtizm flannuui Mr Mn Rav Barker for the "nlrlral maren-- were, won hv Mr w i. nam Keeney, Mrs. R. B. Chit tenden and Mrs. V. W fti-avai The Hay meeting will be tne care, or nj and unhnl. stered furniture" Mrs. A. D. Graham, assisted by Mrs. Rav Barker, won the first nrize for tha Rnberta unit at the horaemakers festival fcaturday on their booth dis- olav. "becomtno- a o-nnri hfiver ' There will be a youth night pscgram at the Grange hall rrraav nicnt. mav l. betrin- nlng at 7:30 o'clock. It Is spon sored bv Mrs. Lnula D John ston, Grange lecturer. Taking nart In the nroeram will h young people from Hall's Ferry ana aaiem as weu as KODerta After the nroeram. ennltfee fruit punch and coffee will be served. . : i. . Mr. and Mrs. B. Burns of Medford. Ore., were over.nie-ht guests at the home of Ed Cly- mer aaiuraay nignt, en route to McMinnville to visit, rela tives. Unio n Hill Union HillThe Community Betterment club of the ITnlnn Hill grange will meet at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry refers Tuesday evening, April 2R fit A n m liana... 1. chairman and Mrs. W. M. Tate secretary. At the benefit card party neia at tne grange hall Friday night, April 24,. Mrs. W. F. Krenz and Rov VerherV . ceived the prizes In "500." Mrs. Roy Verbeck received the spe cial Drize and Rvrnn Mr-S-1. haney and W. F. Krenz the traveling prize. . The Union Hill hnm slon unit met at the home of Mrs. Marion Fischer Tuesday afternoon with. Mrs. Brownell, chairman, presiding. ine topic, '-.Becoming a Good Buyer," was presented by Miss Pauline Sfhrmlnu.oUi. .v. - -f'" " M". J , MIC county demonstration agent. : section oe officers in the unit for the coming year are Mrs. W. L. Cooper, chairman; Mrs. Arthur Mulkey, vice chairman; and Mrs. Dale Millar tary and treasurer. bert Loonev. secretary: Frank Gatchell. treasurer; Ennis Hawkins, Lion Tamer; Calvin Hiiatit ta il tulKtrr T.lanri Wells and Ted Cotman, one year directors; Lloyd Wickett and Erie Fitzsimons, two year director!. The club will hold another broom sale May 4. Turner Turner Officers elected for the PTA are Mrs. Waldorf, president; Mrs. John Coleman, vice nresident: Luala Robert- Son, secretary; Mr. Brandon, treasurer. Vn. T lAmvmm anH rhll. dren. Pearl Lee and Johnny, nave movca to an apartment in Salem. They had been making -.heir home with the Emanuel Keftnes for several months. Mrs; Meyers Is a sister of Mrs. Keene and came here from Nebraska. ' Mr. and Mrs.' George Brow er and dauehter. Mrs. William Sample of Coachella. Calif.. spent a day at the home of their son and his wife, Mr. and Wpi Flovii RrnurpT nf Salrnv Floyd is a brother of Mrs. Sam ple. Recent visitant at 4Ka tinm of Mr. and Mrs. George Brow er were Mr. and Mrs. Adam; Kerbar anH mn TVarwIn nf Ka. lem, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Als- man ana cmiaren, sanara and Bobby, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shafer and mn Roger of Salem. Monday vis itors were Airs. &eroer, Mrs. Shafer. Mn Jnk- Ppn anH baby Lynne of Jefferson. Mrs. Ulurn Denyer is in Ihe hospital forsurgery. Mrs. Den yer is a menroer or. tne jsastem star ana tne Reoekahs. Paul Tlnknell. son of Mr. and Mm. Allen Tinknel alvth grade student who has been ill i or some time witn rneumatic fever, is improving, but will have to remain in bed about six weeks longer. Alan Chesley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harl Cheslev. who ia Buf fering from a lung infection, suizered a relapse the latter part of the week but is improv ing again,. Mr. and Mrs. Brazier C. Small are in a hospital at North Bend with Injuries uffered in an automobile collision near Coos Bav. Mr. Small la the of Mrs. L. Small of this city. Pedee Pedee Mia. Bittle Kerber was an honored guest at her borne Wednesday afternoon when a group of ladies gather ed to wish her a happy birth day, " Present were Mrs. Dick Van Den Bosch, Mrs. Troy Turner, Mrs. Maud Burbank, Mrs. Lo vania Simpson, Mrs. P. M. Rit ner, Mrs. Edna Shuman, Mrs. Ella Shythe, Pedee, Mrs. Re tha Simpson, ' Mrs. Jessie Bump. Kings Valley, Mrs. Sarah Stasis, Dallas, Mrs. Ollie Al corn, Corvais. Mrs. Bump gave a talk on her recent trip to Hawaii: Mrs. Howard Perry and Mrs. Lee Snowden served coffee, jello and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Debney Arnold and Julie Lie of Corvalus vis ited at the Paul Ronco home on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Winnie Fletcher of Sa lem Is visiting her sisters, Mr. w. t. Turner and Mrs. C. L. Burbank. , , ,. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith who have spent the winter in California, arrived home Sun day. Mrs. Frank Shythe. Mrs. Howard Perry, Mrs. Thera Womer, Miss Nola Womer, Mrs. Troy Turner, Mrs. C. L. Burbank, Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Mrs. Delbert Dow, Mrs. Bufus Dodge. Mrs. Gus John, mem bers of the missionary ocieiy, attended the W.S.W.S. conven tion, held at Taft Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neal and Bob spent the week end with relatives at Yakima, Wn. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daugher ty and Allen of Salem were recent guests of her mother, Mrs. Thera Womer. Rev. Delbert Dow, C. L. Bur bank and Frank Sheythe at tended a brotherhood meeting at the E.UJ3. Church at Dal las Friday. A large crowd attended the S. P. Yates sale on the Pedee Creek recently.. The Yates have sold their farm and are moving to Salem. The Pedee Woman's club had charge of the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Amos, Mr. and- Mrs. C. L. Burbank were hosts to a seven o'clock dinner at the local Farmers Union meeting Friday night. The dinner was followed by a business meeting and pro gram. Lee Paytoh of Monmouth showed his rock collection. L. H. Dewing of Dallas was a visitor. Group singing was led by the Junior girls, with Nola Wo mer at the piano. Dewey Cummins Jr. played the elec trie guitar. It was voted to have a com munity booth at the county fair with Mrs. F. M. Kerber chairman. Helpers will be Mrs. K. Swingle, Mrs. Rittie Kerber, Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy, Herman Amos and Rufus Dodge. The local, will be host to the county- quarterly meet ing July 8. The action group will meet at tae swingle nome April 28. BASIN BILL SIGNED The Upper Columbia Basin commission,' which has been privately financed during the many years of its existence, will get a $34,000 state appro priation under a bill signed by Gov. Patterson Tuesday. Under New Management KITCHEN RE-OPENED Serving 5:30 FM. 'Til T We Cater to Small Parties , and Large Groups "The Three Guys" Appearing This Week and Next Week . New Village Inn 3957 Portland Road ACORNS f ROM THE WITH DEL MILNE j Grand Island Jefferson Citv Fir a rhl.f r-in i - wuuert Hoevet rennrtvrl th. department has purchased 400 icei of nign pressure hose from the proceeds of a box social and talent show hrnofif n, have also received 200 feet of ' men nose from the civil defense matching fund. n aitemoon of Dnochle was enjoyed at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. J. Dn- on. Mrs. Paul McKee made high score, Mrs. Roy Williams, second and Mrs. William w.n. lOW. Guests for the aftn-nnnn were Mn. William toii. - . .. . . . uiu u, Albanv. Mini Mar, rnr,i... Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. Roy wmiams, Mrs. Neva Kester, Mrs. Claud Overholser, Mrs. Paul McKee. Mm Karl t... Mrs. Joe McKee, Mrs. Guy Ro- mna ana mrs. Earl Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lan onin of Lni Ana.)i rit. - -. n . . , vain,, stopped In Jefferson Thursday to visit Bill and Nick Vallick. Ladonln is a real estate brok er, and he and his wife are on their vacation and have plan ned a trio taklnff tham n hada. Miss Anna TClnmn. ... i .. .fj,. O JJV 1 1 L two weeks visiting relatives at Lnblsh Center, returning home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe were ill and are feel ing oeiier. Sundav dtnnar miul. u- - buuw m k 1 1 ic home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sparks on thn Marinn da were Mr. and Mn. Jn r.nin of Oakland, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Snarki nf Nnnni base. Astoria, and Mr .ml Mrs. Harold Nnrkal anrl . of Albany. I The .Tnffonnr. Tl... .t..v .oU.. uivua LIUU met for the regular meeting at the school hmisn. nnrlr. th. I business session the officers for " vunung year were elected to take Offica at tha Ti,l m.l. 1 Ing. Russell Daultnn on alaMJ president to head the service club; Pete Glldorslev. vice president; Monte Weddle, second vice president; Ed Lam bert, third vice president; Gil- Grand Island Sundav riln ner euests of Mr. and Mr. Dni L. Fowler and Marcena at their urana island home were his mother, Mrs. Clarence L. Fow ler of Unionvale! Mr. anrl Mr. Fred Finnicum and daughter onaron of webfoot. Mrs. Clarence RocVhlll nf Grand Island, accompanied by ner aaugnter, Miss Lois Rock hill Of McMinnvlllB aH.nil.4 the piano concert by-Oscar Le vant at the Portland auditor ium Friday evening. Mrs. Rockhill of Granrl Tel. and accompanied by Mrs. E. J. mummer of Salem, attended the moving Dictum tion at Salem of "De Shazer" one of the Doolittle raiders of April 18. 1942. Sundav va. nlng. , Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haln and family of . Portland and Mrs. James Worthlnstnn anrl daughter sheryl of Groton, Calif., were Sunday guests of their patents. Mr. and Mr Worth Wiley. Eighteen acres of haana um be raised this season by Mr. and Mrs. Victor V. Scroggan of Grand Island. "Del, you are sure missing boat ... you may be a cracket, jack hotel operator but you a lot to learn about telling m facts to the public. For irUm. you mentioned In one of your toj, umns that one could buy a prim, rib sandwich in the Oak Room f fl.75 or a tenderloin steak sanj. vlch for tl, and then you cald m more about it. I and others Uk, me Uiot the heck with you, I'm na paying any two bucks for a sanZ wich. Last nite I ordered one S your so called sandwiches and yw have no business calling that dis ner a sandwich In the first place people tney get aoout nair a la of French, bread, a Die thlrv ,i, of prime rib, a huge baked pS tato with about an eluhth of POUIKI Ut VUvbVr VII It, All Ulf CC fee they can drink and old (as: toned ice cream chocolate com top it off with. Why hide yoj lite unaer a ousnei auo r - a Reservations for the May ui style show are coming in fast-t ward to the wise is ... not necef ry.: . , . ... . . i h SaUffl Ifj Ike hsfil Harlen, Ui -........................., FINAL 3 DAYS . v COTTON BR0ADL00M CARPET SALE! ' 'a.t ii.'.iui ! m Mumm' NOW! Washable-Wearable Plush Pile Collon Broadloont Carpel NOW ONLY S sq. yd. n Only Woodry's can offer you this Sen sational Carpet Value! A very Special Purchase from one of the Nation's Lead ing Cotton Carpet Mills enables us to pass along Wonderful Savings like this. Here's the Newest Floor Fashion Sensa tion . . . And better still, in wide Broad loom widths that let you choose Wall-to-Woll Carpet for your rooms or Room-Fit Rugs, whichever you prefer.' It's as prac-' tical as it is decorative . . . Special rubber backing helps it "Hug" the floor . . . prevents tufts from pulling out ... A perfect, low cost, .Carpet for any room in your home. Come in right away You'll be glad we urged you. Available in 6 Beautiful Colors . . . Emerald Green . Sandlewood Beige Twilight Grey Mellow Gold Avocado Green Chestnut Brown 9-fr. or 12-ft. widths 3 3 la -.U3i.? a-'- f : .. . .. . V-..' 4 1i Charlton Ueston . , WmIS- ft Q i V'4rAl "president's p j-r;2f, s t w 1 11 -"In Technicolor 7 : ff - Vr ft -21, i'mMJ Al "DOWN AMONG THE ! f.Sft 'iiCiPV V ' .jmkiVtWsL d , . L!rJ : QUANTITIES ARE hi M-Mihl Hl" -LIMITED , 1 Maureen O'Hara J I liU4j';V! i ; I "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaa 'I In Technicolor I i f "f- " I flV rjt M l " 1 : E":sot. Easy Terms! lYi TtOGUE'8 MARCH tf, I 7?' I W U .aa)iBla a. I mom iot VaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaaal-aMQIltaaaai H ' f aswiai, HWISMT TT t GATES OPEN l':H SHOW AT DUSK JTMTS TONISHT (WtdJ I SUrU Tonldit - Open 6:ti Rock Httdnn - Julia Adams "Till LAWLESS BREED" Also Dinah Shore Alan Yount "AARON SLICK FROM PUNK1N CREEK" ... Both Ffiatum in Color We Will Be Clowd Tomorrow NIM ' "THUNDER IN THE EAST" Alan Udd Deborah Kerr Plat "THE III GUN FIGHTER" Oratory Peck 4 Cartoons Fit Latex rubber back holds each tuft securely in place. Resists denting caused from heavy footwear and allows vacuum ing - shampooing! Only 3 days left at this low price. See this wonderful plush pile cotton carpet today . . . you'll agree, you've never seen a value that compares with it ... Wherher you Buy Room-Fit Rugs or Car pet Wall-to-Wall, you can start enjoying it right now! Takes months to pay on Woodry's Long - Low Easy Terms.