II no 1P THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa SECTION II Part S TELLS OF MARCH . 11 Wednesday, ' - V V, - ' 4 A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAME! Q7 figt. Odie Lawley of Mmi cine Park, Okla., Is pictured ai he wai interviewed in the Tokyo Army hospital and told about American soldiers who were "punched with bayonets, clubbed with rifle butts and left to die" by their communist captors on a bitter 13-day march through North Korea in sub zero cold. Lawley was among the first Americans to be repatriated in the ex change of sick and wounded prisoners of war at Panmun jom. (AP Wirephoto) Denial Bldg. Strikes Snag Portland (At Unless the state emergency board finds a solution to a money problem, construction of a new state dental school in Portland may be delayed. That is what thexiatt board of higher education was told Monday by Chancellor Charles D. Byrne. He said the board had planned to use all of the $2,200,000 appropriated by the legislature for construction of the new school and to use proceeds from the sale of the present building for equip ment. But the board's building committee learned Monday that he joint ways and means committee had stipulated that funds from the sale of the old building be deducted from the new school's operating bud get. The building committee de elded to recommend that the board go ahead with its plans and hope for a ways and means committee reversal by the state emergency board. 1 ' Flies for U.S. Munich, Germany ) Lt. Franclszek Jarewski, a Polish Air Force pilot who escaped to the West in a Soviet MIG-15, left here Tuesday by plane for the United States. He said he would catch a plane in London Wednesday for America, where he will take part in several Polish American celebrations. . The 20-year-old pilot said he wanted to join the U. S. Air Force, if possible, so he could go to Korea to fight the Com munists. U. S. Air Force authorities said Jarewski could enlist in the Air Force after applying for naturalization papers and then train as a crew member pending a possible commission. The MIG-15 which he flew to Denmark's island of Born holm last month was the first such undamaged jet which Al lied experts have been able to examine. Bequest for Hospital , Accepted by Board Portland U.B A bequest of $47,736.97 to the University of Oregon medical school to be used for the unrestricted ben efit of the Doernbecher Me morial hospital for children was accepted by the State Board of Higher Education to day. The gift was part of a total of $130,926.94 in gifts and grants accepted by the board for its eight campus instruc tional units. It was received from the estate of Nina Bell. Four other grants to the medical school, totaling near ly $47,000, also were received. Banks Increase Interest Rate Portland W) Portland banks Monday increased the prime interest rate for loans to 3 Vii per cent The increase from 3 per cent followed the lead set earlier by New York banking houses. The prime rate is the mini mum at which banks will lend money to customers with the best of credit ratings. Other interest rates will be Increased, bankers said. i With All the Features of Ranges Selling Up to 329.00 mem J SAVE OVER $25! KEMOtlE Automatic BONUS OFFER! You Get This 24-pc. Stainless Steel Tableware Set With the Purchase of Any Kenmore Range Priced and up 1 it ii ELECTRIC RANGE Only 10.00 Down Delivers! Pay Balance on Sears Easy Pay Plan nramapm cthkv nun JEHU -EV) 3!I3KI? Hilt) Qte tV VU I "Ml nnl1J 2 SHER Reg. 169.95 i A 'it 5.00 DOWN DELIVERS THE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN! 88 '- ' 38-INCH ELECTRIC RANGE Reg. 199.95 Thi Sale Only! While Quantities Lost! 5.00 Down Delivers KENMORE Automatic WASHERS 183)88 5,00 DOWN Limited Quantities! SAVE $20! With All Hi Features of Those Selling vp to 260.00. 5.00 DOWN DELIVERS SAVE 2500! Reg. 54.95 KENMORE TANK TYPE VACUUM CLEANER 2995 OUINTITIQ wr 5.00 Down Delivers ,,..lillll.. . I, InlMi m n i'i. ut Limited Quantities This offer good during three days only! Hurry in. Use Sears Easy Payment Plan. ' AS jAng poog d 50ot noA dm Auy 003 XJDn69 SAOJJ. 83 iodsp0) CLIMBING ROSE BUSHES 4 for 1 Thousands to Choose from teeJK,jtoamtwta fiflft 550 N.Capitol Phone 3-9191 Salem