Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    Wednesday. April M, IMS
25 Marines
Sealed in Cave
ToWa WW-The 15 marines,
eled Inside gai-filled cave
on Outport Reno, were furl
oujly trying to dig their way
nt r.hlnua eommunilt sol
dier were digging to get
them. The Chinese won.
Marina CnL Jimmy E. Lacy
of Texarkana, Tex, told the
tory Tuesday to a Tokyo
hotnltal. He was repat
riated at Panmunjom last
Lacy was among six surviv
ors of a group of 35 men bur
led alive in the cave. The
Beds took them prisoners.
"Four of us were outside
when the Chinese attacked,"
Lacy said.
"We fired for 20 minutes
with our automatic weapons,
until we ran out of ammuni
tion. There was a heavy artil
lery barrage. We went back
Into the cave. Then the en-
trances were sealed.
' "Another guy and I started
hoveling out one of the en
trances, while the Chinese out
side started shoveling the oth
er. The Chinese got through
first. Fifteen of them got into
the cave. They blazed away
for an hour with automatic
weapons. I was taken prisoner."
Tims., IFii, Sat
Pays only
Washington U.B Marlon
Clawson started cleaning out
his desk today following Sec
retary of Interior Douglas Mc
Kay' $ announcement that he
definitely Is fired as director of
the Bureau of Land Manage
Clawson told newsmen he
"had expected something like!
this." He said he "probably will
not appeal nia ouster 10 ine
Civil Service Commission.
"I might have a moral vic
tory, but nothing more," he
said. "McKay clearly has the
legal authority to dismiss me."
McKay fired Clawson for
"Insubordination" when Claw.
son challenged his demotion
from the post he has held since
March 4, 1948.
McKay has named Edward
Woozley, Idaho State land com
missioner, to head the bureau.
Clawson called the appoint
ment "part of the patronage
lor Idaho."
Adenauer Seeks
Socialist Support
Bonn, Germany VP) Chan
cellor Konrad Adenauer aban
doned Monday night his bold
plan to get the European army
treaty signed without the ap
proval of both houses of Par
liament. This abrupt reversal follow
ed his earlier cancellation of
. plans to avert a political bat
tle over the treaty by winning
over the Socialist opposition.
Adenauer had announced
that he Intended to hand the
EDC treaty and its companion
pact the West German peace
contract to President Theo
dor Heuss Tuesday for slgna
" ture even though they lacked
final parliamentary approval.
Dave Beck Drives
For More Members
Chicago JJD Dave Beck,
president of the AFL Team
sters' Union, said today a drive
to double the union's member
1 ship "would reach into every
nook and cranny" of a 12-state
Beck said the union now has
400.000 mpmhpri in h 19
Midwest states and hopes to
double the amount In five
Mr. States Power
To Halt Surcharae
Lebanon Mountain States
Power company was ordered
rnuay 10 slop collecting elec
trlcal Itirchnrppa frnm It .
tomers by May 1. The order
came oy letter rrom Oregon
public utilities Commissioner
Charles Heltzel to A. W. Trim
ble, power. company official at
The letter said an investlga
. tlon by Heltbel's staff showed
that excess operating steam
costs will have been recovered
by the company on May 1.
Heltzel stated that $17,000
remains which Mountain States
should absorb so that no ques
tion of overcharging will arise.
Portland Attitude on
Daylight Saving Hit
Portland W Lee C. Stldd
Jr., chairman of the Committee
for Daylight Saving Time, will
present to the City Council
Wednesday surveys which he
says show a big preference for
last tune in the Portland area.
Voters approved standard
time throughout the state at the
November elections. But City
Attorney Alexander G. Brown
has ruled that the council can
ESP I V x" . - r i '' , - As
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