r Wednesday. April 29, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon ran if I 5R RENT HOUSES, nubo. Extra lovely lac 3. tit. 17.,,. bus. Phone 3os. Imltt' km I -bedroom bouM with lot. of closet trace, rtof. rrrlf.W, mtm jo .j, ttrcrrrrrrrrr-rrr f FICE FOR RENT trttOR FIVE-BOOM alUU. Oreton ulldlnl. Phon. ' " fiTniiMD floor llllci at ttort apace to teat. Cell Pitts Market, to" R RENT APARTMENTS rWnnit MrnlAlud flat, ground floor. tS5 include water and ttrhw. Phone NrntOOM HBfKralSlud CWirt ftMtL. fment. With run. Mfrteerntor and tTV antenna, t-or a. m. jp. hi iMiM NICE apartment. Prlat bath. Psaa N. Cbnreb. Than 1475. . ip117 leeapts. .salrm'a von imunnnnwi muoi i BautJfitl bacbalor sputmuiu with HjuUman Utebeu. at moderate ratea. FTelevlslog. available. 1-be-droom apt, f from ITT. Call 4-ll. Winter at Onion ifit. Ii. 50 Puntished t-rm. apt ntlUties ",...-. ill ntrUlOD. 45416. JplOT Broom, newly deoorated. privet tain. (lrit floor, wu iviuun, cos no. FHlgh. JPW LRNIBHKO an bedroom apt. 857.50. fone bachelor apt liT.M. .0 no. ; Winter. WW. W Proof! luraUhtd apartment A regu- p lar 1 bedroom borne, and roomy. eOa e. ".Summer. JPiw hrs LARGE S room upstairs apart- F meot. Adults oalr. Mo pets. Clow to Estate buildings. .Shopping Center. 930 r Garnet, pnone ntw. jpiw "BOOM rUaUOSBED apartment, utlU- tlei furnished. Lam rooms, separate f bath. Mo objection to child. Phone b 42521 before T. 3310 Laming. JplM KWLY DECORATED, furnished apart ments. for employed wir. Alio em ployed couple. Oloaa in. 03 Mo. Church UKNlSHED 1-bedroom apartment, dose Id. Phone 4-5573. JplOl ROOM furnished court apartment, 050. IOCS Madison, phone 17796. JplOO' CRT A TTB ACTIVE court apartment, 3 rooms and nam. rurnunea or furnished. OU heat. 191 So. 17th. Ph. 3-3136 days, or i-i7i alter P.m. p JplM' rt'RNISHED bachelor apartment. UUU i ties paid. Near Stat and MID. bus. 1810 Trade. JplM- jbto: rot SB HV, dean and comfortable. 3 roomi fornlshsd, lavndry. 1-501. JP1BJ- I BEDROOM, famished apt., newly dec orated, eolse In. Phone 3-0714. jplol ROOMS, private bath, entrance, tarn ished, clean, close In. 402 Bo. High, Jpl04- ICELT FUBNIBHKD apartmenU; Am- bassador Apts. 980 No. Summer. Jp' PRIVATE THREE-BOOM rurnlched court - apartment, clean. Adults. $50. 3660 v Foniana kosc. ipioa- SEVERAL furnished apartments, food r location. Inquire B. U Stiff Purnlturt, Phone 3-013. Jp f I-KOOM FURNISHED 45)8 A. 21st. Phone a 38887. JD10S o f-Bt9.50 1-room houiekeepinc apartment, -X close In, north. See Burt Plcba, 178 N. High. Phono 2-4047. . jpl03 EXQUISITE, 3-roora, bath, large, good -t. new, ground floor Phone 3-1117. iPlQ5 JredBOOM, bath, living -dining, kltch .jon, partlr furnished, at Kelaer, red se rf oratod, IM. Phone 4-1 1. jp!03 '. 1-BEDBOOM court apartment, appll- -1 ances fnrnlghed. Hear Shopping Cen- ' ter. AdulU. 14 Trada street. Jpl" ? S - BOOM furnished clean downitatrs ft-i-.P' apartment. Bang, refrigerator, lann- rr. Dtiutiea paM. see. fnone a -wet, - . ' 3261 Haael Atc. JplOS M-W FTIBMI8HED one or two bedroom court apartment. Close In. 30S46. pl05' 1 'I LOST & FOUND l iOSI L.dj'. HunUtoa wrUt w.lch. 1 Riw.nL Phone coUwt, c.pltml CA-079 PartUad. kva LOST: Red nal. Cocker, LletDM UI. i C.U IUO. Rev.nL klCI ' LOST Brown billfold contain Idi .errlce r . le.f. papers nam. Loster Jecober. ' F.cep money but pleas, return paper. . to Alberta Freeman, lus wuuanu Are. kios MISCELLANEOUS Power Garden Makere For Rent. Power Lawn Mowers For Rent. Both on hourlr basis - reasonable. Oeo. B. Allen Hdwe. 33 M. Commercial . ml02 BEX-HITI il. TRUCKS D-DRIVX j.v MOVS TOURSILP ' UVI M FICKOPS STAKES VANS "l TKXACO- STATION II COURT ST. PHONS 1-lfll PAGE BTZVEKBON and AL UEPPORD SALEU SAND GRAVEL COMPANY .' .' Contract Work ' ? RcAd Cleartnc - Dlteblu Sewer and Baeement ; Equipment Rental ' IMtchlnt b; the Foot " Phone Dan -H " Eve.. 1-4411 or J-J4U A Salem. Oregon m ,, DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ' V 1-HS. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARVXV SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Bide., state & Commercial St.. SALEU PH 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS i KEITH IBROWN'S Window Screen Time 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR RYLOCK ' SCREENS. STANDARD SIZES . . ON HAND MAHOGANY DOORS a-0x.lH C HC A trade I t 2 . a-4ae-lilH RC HO A arade ... lO.tl . 3-6x-IilH RC HC A ir.d 11.07 3-8M-X1H RC HC A trade 11.71 Reion Plr. A" to tlC all .lee. ' to 4il W q. (t. Tlrron W all use. to 4il ..,.11 ... (t. SHAKES . :1" Stained Shake, with under- courie $13.04 q. .11" Beaulr Wal cartoned h.kea with . undercourw - 10 colon . .13.60 aq. Work Clothe, and Carpenter Over , alia IS oil KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Phone 1-9111 Front A Court St. WE GIVE S ft H OREEN STAMPS mi' BI ILDIR'9 SPECIAL New planed lum ber, 111 per M. and up, delivered. t-3043. mailt PLYWOOD Pine tJMrtraent of Rrl. mUrlor and exterior. Manr decoratlvt and hard wood plywood, in stock. See th.m! Screen Door, t w up. Trailer, tlte wd. Screens. Wallboard. of .very kind, tart at 1140, 4l. Rooflnt, many col ,r. 34 tutter no It. No. 1 red oak llf. In heated room to Insure dryness. Plr (It. 63.50 lit D A M PH. II.M. Doom, Doors At Doors. Mshoeany, Birch, Plr Slabs, and Panels up. V.e our free, cheerful ..tlmatlnt srrvkf. Nothlnt down, 3t month, to par. Free delivery. No order to small. It's appreciated. i Portland Road Lbr. Yard I OPEN ALL CAT BAT. IMI Portland Bd. Phone d-4431 BUILDING MATERIALS Building? New weathtrairtpped wtadoww. aeas vUtely auembled. hundnds at nock tOl to to, lit up. tl.w plcturt vtndowt ....tt.Ot m.w doors rrirt- t&M i-ttb Ihlckkutt rooflnt l.9i TJnpalnted cedar shakat 14.11 neveru trap tollaU. compltt. .. .Iltjd N.w o"iif wssh buina IllJe Can Iron bath tubs, compute ...IU.H Mew .bower cakmeu, oemplwle. 343.00 Colored bath act, Bwtatn iOt-iaL ttMl mpU. tSAXs .C2.M 4" soli pip. ,,, . io Kew .lectrl. water 'bMUrs'.l-.'.4t:, Hew .Ml isru. door. ttlM Asbewo. sMlns M New plMterboArd 4x3 , 11,40 BtTtcrtor wh'l. patnt (tel.) ...,$2M Manonny At birch plywood... twnaln Water proof wail board. 4x3 ....tin Scree, door. , DOORS Hundreds of fir sod hardwood .lam: birch, mahotany ed suxtweod. Pick your choice. Bartatn. SHINGLES N. 1 per at . No. 1 per atv .ao No. I per to $4.00 CASH 4k CAJUir DISCOUNT It. SO. C. G. LONG & SONS Phocs tidil 1 mL north af Selaw REDUCED at. oo pxb dat DirriL sold 1 only Seott Attwatw ta-HP. Outboard Motor. 1-tpMd shift automstlo starter. Startlm prist April 14th. 321 .St APRIL 30, $216.50 Keith BrownLumber Yd. Front court St. WE GIVE t. H. 14111 STAMPS ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. la. 13 inches daw. t: Ha. 3. Inches clear, 44. Ma aap wood ar eulla. Com. and tat them. Tad M oiler, Salem.lndependenca Maad. Phi Salem 1-1 1M. tat PANSIES, 50c dotcn. 1333 Midway Drive bone 3U11. malOi NURSERY STOCK OBRANS7M8. sniSCHSIAS 3Sc deiaPhiniums 3 for ti.ee TUBEROUS BBOOIfTAS .. 3 for $t.M DAHLIA BULBS KAMED .. 3 for 11 -CO OLAO BULBS I Da. for 1100 BVERSBARXMO SRAWBBRRT PLANTS MZRR1LL6 OABXtTBOUSB, BROOKS v 1 COME IN and see our line of imri.t.. eupllea, shrubs end bedding plants. Middle Drover Nursery. 41.0 Silrerton Rotva. Phone 44sjj. mbios CHOICE GLOXINEAS now blooming. Vlsltora welcome at Salem'a Afrfean Violet headquarters. Fuchsia. Petunia, tomatoe b bedding plants. Oppen's Qreenhouse, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbiu CHRYSANTHEMUMS, MO Tarltlti, Ens tsh American hardr. cushions, spoons. spiders. Oeranlam, delphiniums, Lu pine, AMelbes. etc Black's, 3270 Che- mawa Rd., In mllag East of Kelser, 34250. mblOl' PETUNIAS, .geranium, marigolds, pep pers, tomatoes, wholesale and retail. Artnur Plants Greenhouses, lies so. 13th. phone 3-4670. rob 103' HEDGE OB WlNDBREAK-Prlvet, laur- el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 331B3. 34JT Hollrwood Drive. rablOa BEDDINO PLANTS Allvsrton Qreen Houses the best In geraniums, fuchsias, pelagonluma, all other plants, Cabbage and lettuce 3ftc per doaen I1T so. Water, on road to Silver Creek Pells. mblio For Sale MISCELLANEOUS tzU RUG, 310.00. Glenn Woodnr's, IMS n. Bummer. nl03' OARAGE BOORS, unfinished furniture . made to order. Small carpenter and cabinet repair Jobs. Prices reasonable. Woodworking Fixit Shop 167 no. ie rn. i-osee mis' CARD TABLES. 2.00. Olenn Wood ry'S, 150S N. Summer. nios GARDEN TRACTOR cultivator and disc 11 73 Dearborn Ave., Kelser district. nl04 HIGH CHAIRS, 7 JO. Olenn Woodrrs, loos n. summer. nioa1 FERTILIZER Pulvtrlsed, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or 3-5073. nl03 NITE STAND, waL flnUh, S.9S. Olenn woodrys, ism n. summer. nior FOB SALE innerspring mattreu. Good condition. Small Wood heater. Phone 3-4503 after 5 p. m. nl03 MAPLE CRICKET chair. 10.00. Olenn Wood ry's, 1603 N. Summer. b103 HOOVER vacuum, with attachment. In good condition, $35. 1530 H. 35th. nl03 BILTWELL davenport et ehalr. Oood cond., $69.50. Olenn Woodry'e, 1605 N. Summer. BIOS REFRIGERATOR 10 en. ft. Leonard refrigerator with large freeslna compartment, in eicel lent condition. Planning on moving, so must sell, will sen on iiDerai terms on approved credit. Thta Is a good bur If you need a good refrigerator. Phone 4-5644. nl02a BATniNETTE, metal stand, $9.00. Olenn Wood r7 a. 1005 N. summer. nioz Organic Fertilizer Pree of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. nll CRIB, FULL panel ends. $24.50 with mattress. Olenn Woodry'e. moa- MrCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS 103 Edge- water. West Salem. Salem Logging sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n CHILD'S wardrobe chest, 133.50. Glenn Woodry'e, 1405 H. Bummer. nioa- SEALED BID SALE! ONE LOT: BOOKS, C8ED, Approximately evw each, constfltlnt of Fiction, Non-tic Uon, Text at Technical books. These Book, will be sold "AS I" "WHERE IS", Bidders art urced to Inspect property before , lubmlttlnt bid.. PLACE OF SALE: Department of Finance A Admlnlitra tlon, SURPLUS PROPERTY SECTION, 310 Norway Street, Salem. Oreton. INSPECTION: At Place or Bale. :oo am.,:, pro (PSTi, Monday throutb Friday, ex cept holidays. I SEALED BID FORMS: Cataloiues mar be obtained at Place of Sale, BID OPENING DATE: 3:00 P.M. IPSTl May 11, 1F5I. BIOS will b. .ccepted until openlnt date. A depnilt will be required. Bid. will be opened at the Department of Flnence at Admlmitrallon. SURPLUS PROPER TY SECTION, 310 Norway Street, Sa lem, Oreton. THE STATE OP OREGON RESERVES THE RIOHT TO REJECT ANT AND ALL BIDS. aid!' CUED DAVEIS'O, 133.30. Olenn Woodrys. 1003 N. Summer. nior- PIANO'S as low a. 1.5.00. Ol.na Woco- ry's. la N. Summer nioi' ANTIQL'E walnut chair, need!, point on .e.t. 335.00. Olenn wooflrys. nior FOS SALS Oood need MM davenport and aheir, tat. una. aim- For Sola MISCELLANEOUS . I U8I1D ITtT LAUD AAA, 31. U. Olsan wooarra. ntox u aim VENDORS on location, bartaln price. 1430 Myrtle Ave. tvanlata. altl t DB. ClUt SI AO. Olena Woodrys. loot N. summer. mux LADT't t'HAD nxiUt, bleaeaa, satu. slat It, thaap price. 1410 M. tin. BIOS- TABU MODEL Radio 4k records. Player auto, oood cond. with approx. at record., Mt .40. Olenn Woodry'a, IMS N. Summer. nits' Used Console Electric acwlng machine, sewa forward and r verse. with reaular act af attachment. Hartal, an.at. Slaaar Sewlnl Cen ter, is N. Com'L Bltl STEEL clothealtne posts, piantars, rail ing porch resuma, fvntitura, lies it. Liberty. nlll CLOTUUNI poaTI, Iran lets for ta blet, tarniture, talUals. 11U N. Lia- arty. nt.- rmiMrrI. nws mUrrHr"l - swa iwras lar ssjc. seat rare. avo. nl04 COtL SPtUNGI Excellent condition. and mattress, in. Phone 4447. nmi ANTIQUE hand carrad aollad buck wal- aut buffet, law Hlnas. rnoat lltrr after A BIOS MKEJITT1LLKB, used ( hoan. 40 dls- coubi. pnon. t-satt. nioa- mri atAMOOAMT piano, very reason. abet, ilea so. cottwe. nio. TYPEWRITER - 7U at Ins ton aoUelaat office typewrit er, tie .to. csu 43(31 ar 4-H44. nioi. ROTTED MANURE l.OOt yard., the beat wa have ever had. For good organic mult, order retted cow manure that you can use without fear. 13.00 per yard- 4 yarda ,11. rarda 3x3. 10 yarda ho. nag- atonaa, lava atone, fence posts, 4x4 etakes and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillip. Bras, Rt I, Box 433, Ph. Atoai, Salem. 1 mL E. 4 Corners, a EM) ALLOWED for your old water beater aa thia new 43caIlon aatoenatto elec tric water Beater. Tester Appliance, ITi CBemeketa. Ph. 1-4111. a DEED washing aaaehlnea. at.fa) and up. TEATEK APPLIANCE CO. til Che taeketa. a SALEM DIESEL B Btolter and ball beartnge for truck, and tractors. 3T74 Silver too Road a USED SINGES drop head treadle tewing machine, round bobbin, A-l condition Lookt like new. singer Sewing Cen ter, 1M N. Commercial. mot Gravel and Sand Anything tn gravel, wholesale - end tetail. V ALLEY SAND A, O RAVEL CO. Ph. 1-4001. rr- an FAMOUS MAKE 31-lew.l wrist watch. Slightly shopworn, cloieout 'price 330.TS. . Hartman Bros., .330 state. nios PEEI Westtoghouse eewing meehlnea on all floor Samples, save op to 40. YXATES APPLIANCE CO, 171 Che meketa. a" A0-OAL. AUTOMATIC electric water heater, new, assembled type, 340.33. Judson's, 373 N. Com'L slol- PLARTT-KOTB requires bo waxint. For your floora or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n CIDAB TEUPBONI and electrlo poles lene. poata, bean poets and stakes. Phillip. Broi.. Rt, i, box 493. 1 mile, east of 4 Cornera. Ph. 4-3081. n DEEPFREEZE home freexera. YEATER APruANOE CO., 373 Chemeketa. n befrioerators, new and used. Y5ATSS APPLIANCE CO. 171 Che meketa. ' n' BOsnTAt, BED for tale ar rent. B. .L. dhii numtur. to. rnon. .-.I.. Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED . Top truck scale price for teeond and aid growth fir. Long and snort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 11(0 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-1734 nal37 WOODSY WANTS Pianos. Phone 11110. aa LOGS WANTED Stud MIS. Lenttha r 4" or If I". Diameter 4T to It" Sawmill, Lrnttht IX and longer. Diameter t ta 30 Top price. pakL Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Phone 1113 na ELECTRIC BANGEB. Woodrfa. Ph. 3-3110. aa PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. I. lots N, Commercial. Ph. 3-4337 PUT AUTOMOBILES MUST SELL 1043 Chev. Pieetllne, black, with white well tires, radio, heater. Priced for quick sale. Must see to eppreclete. 1403 Jeffenon after 3. .103' SHOWERS OF VALUES END-OF-THE-MONTH POCKETBOOK BUYS1I- NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT. BUY THEM AS IS AND SAVE YOURSELF BOMB StONKX. LOTS OP CARS TO PICK PROM I OET ONE TO SUIT YOUR TASTE AND POOKETBOOrr, FROM ONE OP OUR OTHER LOTS. x TRUCKS U43 OU C. tt-ton. 4-apeed trans.. new tire., a real buy at SAM 1343 International K-ton. Clean ... S9 1B43 Chev. Panel. Save money on . thl. onel 135 COUPES 1141 Chev. Club. Teen-agen: Here's your babrt A nice carl tin 1940 Chev. Coupe, very clean, well taken car of 350 1940 Dodge Cpe. '48 motor, good paint IK 1140 Desoto cib. cpe. Runs nice.. 15 1940 Plymouth Cpe. New paint tires 106 1943 Nash Clb. Cpe. Needs a little work. Oood motor s SEDANS 19U Chev. 3-door Sedan $295 1BU DeSoto 4-door, fluid drive ... 135 1941 Hudson. O.D., sharpl 195 1941 Dodie Tudor. Fluid drive, nice running. 90S 193$ V-l Ford lifi 1937 Chev. 4-door. Oood motor 00 CLEAN SHARP CARS 1941 Chev. Llibt green. radio. heater, seat covers $1195 194T Chev. 4-door Sedan. Heater., TO 1947 Chev. Aero I-floor fledan e-9-5 1940 Firm. 4-aoor. RMio, heater. a perfect carl $95 1943 Dodee Towa 4door Sedan. RAH. seat covers $95 Kanniers (H. i. "Rlner" Neufeld, Mtr.) 330 Hood St. Phone.: 1-3103 and 4-15S1 '47 Buick Super f 4-door Sedan. 3-tone black and irar finish. RAH, excellent mo tor and rubber. A fabulous buy at only $795 Stan Baker Motors Dnloa at Blik Pnon. I-14H i AUTOMOflLES LODER BROS. '81 OLDS' 98 Holliday setUa, Losdedr Premium Whita , wall tires. "A once In a lifetime Buy." The kind you 1 hunt but rarely find. Save $1700 off new price. 51 FORD VICTORIAN, overdrive, R&H, white ildewalls. Popular metallic dark green finish. Perfect condition . throughout ; $1793. ' LODER BROS. Year OUuaMUe Dealer BEST BUYS BUICK VACATION DELIVERIES FOR MAY - JUNE-JULY PICK UP YOUR CAR IN Ei.aER CHICAGO, ILL. or FLINT, MICH. AS LOW AS $2355 Buick Special 2-door equipped with heater. & defroster, direction signals, and license. Available for Immediate Delivery in Salem New 1953 Buick Special 2-door Sedan $2841 INCLUDING: OREGON'S OLDEST AUTOMOBILE AGENCY OTTO J. , ; WILSON Company . COMMERCIAL AT CENTER AUTOMOeiLES '48 Mercury Station Wagon, with an. excellent body. It's a S-eeat, t-paatvenier bar gain. Has low mileage and Is la ex cellent shape. .$895 Stan Baker Motors Union at Hits Phone Mill olOl' loso CHEV. 3-door aedsn. Radio, beater. best '60 In town. Must sell because leavlnt for aerviee. Make me an offer. 1310 Lane Dr. 1-4021. e.103 104 T LINCOLN custom 4-door. Motor overhauled recently, 100 rubber. 3773. Phone 13003 or after 4:30 phone M401. .104 OWNES MUST aell 1043 Chrysler Wind sor convertible. Excellent condition. Call 3-3333 lor an exceptional buy. 1370 No. 13rd. ql03 43 CHEV Strlelln. De Luxe 4-D sedan, Radio, . heater, one owner, perfect cond., for qulcK able, lion. Phone sssst. iion 1341 FOBD ton pickup. Phon. 33773 after t p.m. ql03 41 POBD club coupe. Metallle treea, very load condition. US So, 14th, ql03 FOB SALE 134S Dodt. panel, 4-tpeed transmission, tood ' rubber, radio, heater. A tood buy, reasonably priced. IQW N. Capitol. qlOJ' E.-T. ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION 141 CHEV. 4-DOOR y AVERAGE BUT OOOD Special $295 HORRY ON THIS OHEI SHHOCK MOTOR CO. Open B a.m. - S pjb. Where Chemeketa Ooat to Church qiol- '52 Dodge Sedan. RdtH. fluid drive, only 1,100 actual miles. Don't pats up this buy I $1795 Stan Baker Motors Union at Hith Q103 1949 CHEV. 1-door, radio, heater, back up directional lights, 11100. One own er. H. H. Boacb, Brooks, Ore. Phone 4917. 0104 17 PLYMOUTH, good transportation. Uake offer. Phone 49430. qiot 194? FORD V9 S -door sedan. Excellent motor, new UpihoUterr, 5tS. No down payment on approval of credit. Open ereaings. K. Smith and Boa Motors, 149 Marlon. Phone J -1040. a IMS CHEV. 4-door, radio, beater, origi nal two-tone paint. 900. Terms avail able. Phone J-7171. 4103 194t NAftH Statesman, 4-door, over drive, IB9S. No down payment on ap proval of credit. Open evenlnea, K. Smith and Son Motors, 949 Marlon. Phone 1-1040. q G.-M.-B. ' OENERAL MOTORS BEAUTY 1 9M PONTTAC "S" 4-DOOR HYDRAMATIO WAY EXLOVT MARKET " $1595 SHHOCK MOTOR CO. Open I a.m. I a.m. Where Chemekita Ooea to Chares ejlOt AUTOMOBILES UNDERSEAT HEATER DEFROSTER FOAM TEX CUSHIONS EASY-EYE GLASS DIRECTION SIGNALS LICENSE PHONE 2-3623 ol FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE tractors, 361) other farm -Implements Including plows, discs, balers, combines, mowers, etc. at Fairgrounds, Eugene, Oregon, Sat- uraay, stay and starting at 10 a.m. Sale sponsored by Willamette Valley Ford Tractor Dealers Assn. qblOa1 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts wi solve your prob lems and cave yon money. Pree esti mates, aveedy earr.ee. Center at Lib erty. qtf TRUCKS '43 DODOE: 33.000 miles, perfect Condi. tlon. Covered stock rack. Union OU Station at North Dalle.. adlO HEAVY EQUIPMENT In Sacramento . . GIGANTIC SALE LOOQINO TRACTORS 1 INTER NATION ATi TD-14 with doser and winch. Guaranteed, Ready to go. CATERPILLAR D7 - AO Series. Cable doser and Hyster winch, perfect ma chine, Eicellent buy. CATERPILLAR Dl . 1TJ Series. With Johnson Bar Cat. cable doser and Hyster DSL winch. 100 FINANCING! Of you have an equity in some other equipment) RENTAL-PURCHASE TERMS! available to qualified buyers! 1ST PAYMENT I WEEKS If you're getting ready to to to work. Phone, wire or write NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 1331 Stockton Blvd. HI 4-4479 . Sacramento, California qelOB BOATS SEE THE NEW V-bottom NeaJcraft Doeu made in the West for Western ers. 11 and 14 ft, in alie. Ray Neal, Jefferson, Oregon. Phone 192 or see toot dealer. qql04 FINANCIAL rlol SEE US FOR PARM, CITY OR ACREAOS LOAHWDEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real aetata mortcaee. St eon tr acta State Finance Co. ltl So. Hith St. Ph. 14111 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "If" out of your money problems. Up to 1300 on small loans. Up to ttOft on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. S-llt M-111 Phone 14131 1st a. nub si. not 5 Interest If you have Idlt funds aeaklnt in vestment, then you are the type of perion to whom we can be of service. For over Twenlr.flve Year. w. have been belplnt people la thla community find profitable work for their money, Durlnt thl. period we have promptly paid Se eeml-aan.al talerert parmrnla totalllnt many Thousands of Dollar.. W. are currently paylnt 3 INTEREST an tunda from 3300 to S3000. General Finance Corporation lie a rnuunrni, mn- Salem. Oreton Phone t-tisi Lie. S-UJ and M-13S and " ROY II SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS H.er "Top Trade," 13:03 Dally KRLM 1100 Ke, OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS lit Se. Commercial at. Tel. 14111 11 DENNIS the MENACE XXI OUQHTA GO SEE HOW GOOD WSrtJWjQ WVLV&Bce' THE ertroXM SrMEU BUT VYATQi OUTfOR THE BXXiH6iJ&. FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONEY Bpetlal Rite, and Terma On Lartep Loana . Loo, and short Tima Payments ' ROY H. SIMMONS US Bo. Commercial St, Ph. I-tlSl MONEY TO loan aa real aetata. Phon. 1-om. rllf LOANS - UP TO $1500 ens Suraature. Purnlture. Car At PERSONAL U's "res" prwnpUy to employed men or women. , 1-vlslt loan . . . pboit first. Tou select best payment date. Between payday loana. Phone, write or come In TODAT1 Personal .Finance Co, 10ft S. HIOH ST., SALEM StaU Llcensa Noa. 8-132. U-l Loans over 1300 up to $1600 and up to M months to repay made by Personal .finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rioi' AUTO LOANS . WT-LLAUETTE CREDIT CO. 183 South Church Parkins a-Plenty PH. I-S45T . Ue, NO, M-IM. S-1U HOUSE TRAILERS Vt FOOT trailer hoaie, sleeps four, ex cellent condition. Phone 3-000. talOl FOB SALE Equity In lMt Liberty house trailer. 31 ft. -4-0119. 1W MACHINERY MUST SELL ford tractor, like new a ft. John Deere -disc: 1 sec. spring' tooth i 4 wheel trailer; any reasonable offer will not be refused. Rt. ft, Sox 485. IVi miles east of Fen corners. Ph. 41001. Always home 6 to ft p.m. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make, need machines aold. rented. repaired. Boon. 433 Court, Ph. 31773. o. w. KLANO wrecklnt Co. Builders' cheap supplies. 17333 evenlntA Q116' BULLDOEINO Bulldoxlnt, rosd clesrtnt teeth. VlrtU Huskey. 1010 palrvlew. Ph. j-xiee. 0111 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery or new RCA caih reenters. All makee, .old, rented, re paired. Roes, 45t court. Ph. 3-771.' 0' CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowlnt. dlaclnt, seed Ins. Ford equip ment. IJar.ball. 4371 Market. Phone 3-1341. OK" DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstltchlnt, buttons, buckles covered, buttonhole!. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 1-3011. QlW' DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Essy Drive" way. Call or aee Mr. Snelllnt, Vtlley Mo tor Co, Salem. Phone 1-3147 or 4-3014. a EXCAVATING Ben Otlen At Sona. Excavatlnt, arad lnt, land clearlnt. phone 3-3030. olll FURNITURE JEF1NISHING Purnlture reflnlshlnt. repalrlnr. Ed aar Brock, et4 Norway St. Phone H3I7. olll Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Pre. eallmstes. T, Pullman. Ph. 1-506S. olll MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlnt, renovate.. Pull Una n.w mattress... Ph. a-4003. 1 o OFTICE FURNTTITRE BUPPLIES Desk chairs, fUes, flllnt supplies, safee, dupllcatotrs, supplies, desk lampa, type writer .tends. Roen, 4&S Court. o SHARPENING AND RErAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpenlnt and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmoweri, knives, sheers, bi cycles and .mall motors. Ph. 34818 or 48183. lath and "D" Ms. ollf SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a aeptle tenka cleened, line service. Oueranteed work. Phone 1-1404. olio Mike's Septic Servlc. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter eleen. aewert, dr.lna. Phone 3-3481. ollO Sewer, aeptle tanka, drains cleaned. Rote-Rooter Sewer Servlc. Phon. 3-3337. SPRAYING L. W. Caudle, apraylnt and prunlnt. Phon. 4-1411. olOS- TYPE WRITERS Smith, Corona, Remlntton Royal, Un derwood portablea. AU makee used meehlnea. Repelre at rent. Roen. 480 Court. TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service, Pbone 4-ttll. t73 Market, day or nltht. ollt VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Oanlleld'a Laundry, Repair., Reflnl.h lni. 144 S. 18th. Ph. 4-3401. Plek-up. Delivery. olll WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wexlnt, hoo.eeleenlnt. Phone 13337. 317 Court. o" LEGALS EXECUTRIX' NOTICE TO CREII1TORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that GLADYS LEE has been, by order of the Clrrult Court of the stete of oreron lor Marlon County, appointed executrix of the Estate of Othel E. Lee, Deceaied. Any peraon. havlnt clalma atalnst .eld estate are requested to preient them, with proper vouchers, to lata executrix at 310 Pioneer Tniat Bulldlnl. B.lem, Oreton, within six months from tne dele or thie aotiee. Dated this 3lth day or April, IMS. Ot-ADTS LEE Executrix of the Batata ,f OTHET. E. LEE. Deceeied. RHOTEN, RHOTEN St SPEERSTRA Attorney, at Law 310 Pioneer Tru.t Bids. Salem, Orel on Attorn.ra tor Executrix AprU W, May a, 18, 30, IT, Mil. ByKetcham M ark e t QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PEO0CCS UST ttatrfiifc Tantatlva subject to lm mediate change: Preinlum quality, maxl ntm of one per cent acidity de livered In Portland flo-71o Ib.t first qual ity 67.70c; second quality, 94-fltc Valley routes ana country paints, a sen im. Batter wholesale co.b. bulk cubes to wholesale, grade aA, ft) ecore. 7c; A grade, 91 score, 5ot B, 90 ecore, S4et C, 99 score, 090. Above prices atxtcUy nomlnaL Cbeete Belling price to Portland holMlert- - Oman alnelei. i3H-4ec: Oregon ft lb. loaf. 4 11-91 trlpleta. IMo leu than suuias. Esrs te Wbeleaalere Candled eats containing no loss, csaee Included to.b. Portland, A grade Urge, 67l4ttei A grade mtrdltua, HM-tlVeo, B grade large, 83 -A-5.) Vic Pert lan 4 Dairy kiitrt . Butter Price to retaherai Orade AA print, Tlci A carton, 73c i A prints, llei carton, 73ct B prints, Ooc. EggawTo retailers, Orade AA large, Mci A large, 89-tJOci AA medium, eoc; A medium. 59c; A small, nominal. Car tons, le additional. Cheeacw-Frlee to ntallara, Portland, Oregon alngles, 45H-90ci B-lb. loaves, 33j-53Ue; trlpleta, 1 Ho leas than sin gles. Premium brands elneiee, HVici loaf, 60 -fie Processed American choose, B-lb. loaves to retail, 44-450 lb. Poultry Live Chickens (No. 1 quality. i.oJL Plants.) Fryers, 3 ',4 -3 lbs. 3Bo; 9-4 lbs. 39c; roosters, 4Vt lbs. and over, 2 Be; heavy hens, all weights, 2S-Soc; light hens, alt weights, 33-34oi old roost ers. 15-lBc. Dressed aiesie-iTerft, 3V-3 tti, 43-45o; roasUra, 43-44ci light hens, 31 33ci heavy hens, 34-37oi cut tip fryers, all weight, 43-440. Babbits Average to growers: Live whites, 4-ft lbs., 35-37C; 6-6 lbs-, 33 -3 5a lb-, old does, 10-Hot few higher, ftesb dressed fryers to rs taller s, ftl-Moi cut UP, M-6Dc. j Ceentrr KOled Meats ' Veal Top quality, 38-tle lb. rough heavies, 35-33c H era Lean blockers, 30-Slcj tows, light 35-18C. Lambs Best, 4D-42o lb.) springers nominally 48c lb. Mettaa Best, 14-16c Ib.t cull-utility, 9-13C. BeefUtility cows, 36-300 Ib.t canner cutters. 33-24c, shells down to tie. Fresh Dressed Meats Wholesalers to retailers. Dollars per ewt.: Beef Steera, choice 600-700 Ibe, 37.00-40.00: good, 31.09-39.00; commercial 33.00-36.O0; utility, 31.00-34.00l cows, commeixlal, 38.00-33.00; utility, 37.00 31.00; canners-cutters, 15.00-39.00, Bref Cols (Choice steers). Hind quarters, 46.00-50.00; rounds, 46.00-81.00; full loins, trimmed, 61.00 -68.001 trl ancles, 30.00-33.00; fore-quartera, 33.00 34.00; chucks, J7.00-41.00i ribs, 44.00 03.O0. Veal Good -choice. 143-611 commer cial, 937-4. Calves Good-choice. 143-51: com mercial, 137-49. ' Lambs Prime springers, 40-10 lbs. M3-43; good, 40-44. Mutton Oood choice, $16-30. Perk Cats Loins. No. 1. 1-11 lbs., ftu. 169; shoulders 16 lbs., 139-43: spare ribs, H8-5S; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 467 00. Smoked HameSklnned, 067-61.50. Re fined lard In drums, Ill.ftO-lfti slab bac on, 149-69.50. Parti and Mlseeflaaeeue Celery CaL Uat crate. 1-3 H dot.. 93.36-4J9. Few to 14.60. Ore. 03J6- $2.60. - Onisas -90-lb. sacks West Oregon yel lows, med. No. Is, 3. 75-1.00 i Texas white wax, 3.60-4.00; Texas yellows, l-ln. med., 3.60-71 per SO lb. sack. re Wees Oregon Russet NO. X. 4.18- 76; name brands to 5.36: bakers, 6.00 50; 35 lbs., else A, 1.40-59; 10 lb. mesh, -60c: paper, 60-56e; No. I, AO lbs.. 1.60 65; Idaho Rtuiets, No. 7A, 6.80-SAO; 5-10 lb. bales, J. 30-50; Florida Triumphs. No. 1A, 60 lb. sack, 1.39-60; Calif, long whites, No. 1, 50 lb. sack, 1.75-3.00. nay v, d. no. a green auaira, ee llFe'tsd car lots f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 636.00 ton; Seattle, 336-37, WmI Oreaie baili. Willamette Val ley medium, 50-53e lb. I Eastern Oregon fine end half-blood. 05-61, Willamette I Valley lamb wool, 42c. I iijaes caives, ii-zie in. socoraiac te weights; green kips, 17-lBc; bulla, 4-ftc: green butcher cow hides. 7-ftc. vueerta wnotasaie selling price No. 1 large Barcelonas, 34-36e lb.i grower prices, orchard run, 14-150 lb. Walnuts Wholesale selling price, first quality large Prenquettes, 33-33o lb.i grower price, orcnara run, 151 to ib few best to 19c. Chleage Onions Chicago U-R Supplies moderate, de mand slow, market about steady. Track sales (60 IbsJ U. S. 1. unlesi otherwise stated: Texas Yellow Bermu das l to 3-inch half oar 1.00: arano 3- inch and larger car 1.65; crystal wax 3 to s-inen car i.bo. Street sales (M lbi.1 Texas Yellow Bermudas 1 to i-inch r.75-i.tft. tew 1.90; few low aa 1.60, 3-inch and larger 1.50. l.eo; arano 3-lnch and larger l.BO-2.16, few 2.35; Crystal War 3 to 3-lnch 17V 300; Midwest medium Yellow Globes lew J0-.75. Chleage Llvesteek Chlcaio () Live hog prices continued to drop Wednejdey butchers under 300 pounds were weak to mostly 10-15 cents a hundred pounds In alow tradlns. Heavier weights were as much as T cents or more lower and sows were oft 25 to 50 cents. A top of 431,06 was paid lor one ioaa. aaiaoie tvoca totaled 7,500. Yearllnts and ateers up to 1.150 pounds were moderately active and moMir itendy, but heatirr weights were steady to no cents lower in slow dealing, Ilrifrn were fully steady, cows mostly steady, and bulls steady to weak. A load of av- eraae prime to high prime around 1.350 pouna steera orounst 925.60, the beit price. Cattle totaled 13.000. Wooled lamb were steady to strong. S.auihter sheep were scarce and about eteady. Four loads of fed wooled Colo rado lambs sold to shippers for (26.00. Salable receipts were 3,000. Portland Eaatatde Market Portland Qifi Ordinary spinach sold aa low as l a 20-pound box on the Eajtilde Far mem hWoleiale Produce market today; bat re-dunes were 50 cents tn volume lots end green onions were sc-sc cents a dosen bunches) rhu barb lower at lt.95-1.36 a box. LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4, AF AM, Wed., April 29, M. M. degree, Full Form, 8:00 p.m. t02 Trailway Buses to Move Thursday Buses' of th Continental Pa. clfic Trailwavi avatpm wilt . gin rolling early Thursday after Deing xiea tip try strike ol employes sine last December The first vehiclea tn mnva out of Salem will be south bound out of the North High and Marion street terminal at 12:18 a.m. Thursday. Others will follow according: to a schedule adopted by the concern.- " " . STOCKS (By The i wis ted fteest Admiral Corporation , , Allied Chemical AlUs Chalmera American Alrllnea ... ..,.., American Power Light, ,..., aVmerkan Tel s Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Copper atcnlson Bsilroed Bethjahem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Berg Warner Burrows Adding Machla 9 -ft -UV 13 .. 1 ..144 .. 73 A3 .. 41H .. tlw .. 314 M .. rt . .. TO -.01 UH ;. 19 ., . .. .. envi .. W4lt .. 43V. .. 11 ., !i ::Sm .. IS ..) .. saw, .. at .. aett ... MV. .. SSIa ... Sli ,. n - .. 13 .. Sla .. ai ... 39M ... an. ... StH ... 1 ... 37 ,..1144. ... IM .. at .. ..UV, ... Xllti California .acting Canadian Paelfle Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation ,. Chrysler Corpora-Use, ClUes Service Consolidated Edison CMMoltdated Vultea Crown srrellerbaoh Curt In WrUht Douglas Aircraft Da Pont de Nemouri Eastman Kodak, Emerson Radio .....4 -." General Electrlo .........4 Oeneral Foods Qeneral Motors Oeervla Pac. Plywood Ooodycar Tire i Homestake Mining Co, .......... InternaUonal Harrea tea ,..... ZnUruotxal Paper Johns Manvtne . Kenneoott CoRpef ..' Uftby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated ........... Lang Bell Montgomery Ward ...... .,.. Nash Kelvtnator ........i New York Central , Northern Pacific , Pacific American Fish Paclfio Oas M Electric Pacific Tel Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, 3. C Pennsylvania R. R. . , Pepsi Cola Co. .; Phlleo Radio - Radio Corporation , Raronler Incorp. Rayonler Incorp. Ftd. Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield OU Safeway Stores Inc. .. SOW . .. .. 38 -MH .., J. S114 ..dsn, .. M .. 10 .. Pi .. , .. t7 .. SSa. .. le ... M . ..in ,.. 31 ,.. . ... I ... M Seott Paper Co. Sears, Beb-ek tfe Co. Soconr-Vacuum OU ...t..... southern ractiie standard OU Calif. Standard OU N.J studebaker Corp. ..., Sunshine Mining .,...... Swift Si Compsny .., TTansamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Pol- union Oil Company Union Pacific .. United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation . United states Plywood.... United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union TeL Westlnghouae Air Brak.. ....... Westlnchouse Electric ......... Wool worth ... , 4014 . , 4I ' . 4SK Block Market New York (Av-The atock market fa Its fourth atraltht advaae. Wednesday iwuna hither with tteelt la th. lead. : Steel taint were fractional but In other .reaa af the Kit th. rlet want 3. between 1 end 3 points at the beet. . Volume was not p.rtleularly lart. ak an estimated L 400. 004 aharaa. That com- . pare, with 1,330,000 ah era traded Toat-. day. SALEM MARKETS Compile frwxe cevertg af laleaa geslTg ..fee the gwJdaaae e( Capital iearaal , readers. Btrled daUyJ Betall Feed Prices. BeMt PeUeU 03 J (OB. B bag), 14.58-5.40 (100-lb. bag). Etc Maab IS.30-I.M. Dairy Frad-M-U-lJft M Eft, Ug), 14.36-5.16 MOO Peallry Bariag Prtnc Colcrael tryeea, 28c; old roosters, 16c; colored fowl, 3Aei leghorn fowl, 33ci roosters, SOe, Errst Buy lor Prieaa Eggs, AA, 49et largo A, 47-56c; medium AA, etc; medium A, 44-soc; small. 40c. Whelesale Fricet Egg wholesale prtee generally ft-7e higher than the pTlcee above. Large grade A sneuraUp sueiati at 01c; medium. Ice, Butterfat Buying price: Premium, Te lle. No. 1, 67-6001 No. 3. 06c. Batter wholesale grade A perchssamt, 71o lb-i xeUU, Toe. Chleara Grain Chicago A drop of more than 1 cents in the May wheat contract un settled other deliveries of that gralm ana caused a nervous undertone in other piu on the board of trade Wedneday. Weakness in May wheat wa attrl-1 buted to selling br traders who do not want to accept delivery of oaah grain on these contracts. Friday Is the first day cash grain may be deUvered and some grain men oeueve auutantlel quantities win be tendered. All rye contracts sank to sew seasoa al Jowe. Losses In other pit were main ly limited to fractions. Wheat closed l-3 lower, Mar f3.l7Vi-, oo rn unchanged to tower, ' May il.56V.-H. oaU H- lower, May 744-74, rye IVolrt lower. May 1147, soybeans tt lower to V higher, liar I3.09-83.05H, and lard 11 to 10 cent a hundred pounds lower. May 110.62 10.60. Portland Livestock Portland Cattle 150, holdover 100: I Delude alx load fed steers; market uneven; fed steers active, steady; bulla steady; others slow; two loads choice 1067-lb. fed steers 33.13; two loads 990 lb. good-choice eteers 3375; short load 1146-ib. and art load 839-lb. 12.50) few canner-culter cows 10-11; utility cows 13-14.60; some held higher, utuity-oom-merclal bulls 17-13. Calves 80: market active, steady: good choice veaiers 16-31: prime held higher; utiiity-commsrclet grade 17-35; good 625-lb. slock calve 31. Hogs 190; market active, strong: chotc 1-3 butchers ISO -3 16 )b. 30-26.35; few lot 3650: chotc 170-295 lbs. 34.50; choice 350-4e0-lb. sows 32-ia.tO; heavier weight down to 111 choice 490-580 lb, llasi 15.17. Sheep: 160; market about steady; few lots good-choice 06-00 lb. fed wooled lambs 30.60-21; utility down to 11; one lot good-choice around T5lb. spring lambs 23; good-choice wooled ewes S.fto. 6.60 or above. Portland Grain Portland UV- Grains: No bid or of fere. Car receipt; Wheat ll barley 1) flonr 7; corn li mill feed 1. Dr. Y. T. Urn. S O Dr. O. Chan R-D K.-). C11A.N . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstalra, til N.rth Liberty Office open Saturday only I. '..as. to I run., . to t pm Conraluuoa, blood presftur. and urine teetA art free af .hart. Preotleed ttnaa 1.11. write for attracUv. win. Ma aaU-fatlon. atii T t:1 Si .A.V i .If, 1 .4 . h 11 i i I 1 1! at AwWaia.