Fagt 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday1, April 23, 1958 fOR SALE HOUSES OWNER WILL sell nice I bedroom horn. Located next to Kintvrood. West fie- lem. II m alee tardea space, fMM with terms. Phone 45479. allf iir OWNER, new 3 bedroom ranch type" taoue. In fit. Vincent dlitrlot, phone 3-308. aiw Kingwood HEIGHTS MODERN - EAST VIEW Better builder flnlshw a. noit cbarm- Ing and liveable 2 br home, H.W. 1 floors, mahogany doori A panneUng, ' fireplace, Iron Flerman P.A. Furnace. Brlgse plumbing. Att. tarate, Brick planter boxes, insulated, weather eirippeo. neaucea to aio.jw.oo, 20 gown, oaL r. n. a. . JOB HUTCHISON REALTOR n Edsewater. Phe, 4-B743 or 1-4789 4102' OWNER THANHFEBUCO 3-bdroom rlaw home, 2 fireplaces, 1H plumb ing, piayroom, oouDie cerate, Reason able. 38013. 32S Forest HllU War. a!04 CLOSE IN Modern home at 645 Hood St Would consider am ell property as part piraen. now vacant, trice: S 10,000.00, w. u. akucuer, Realtor Phone 1-4738 147 M. COU'l. Bt. " aioa Br OWNER, 2 bedroom home, cerate, AWMTUKintii .f-iJOi. a 103 BT OWNER, 8 room home, basement, eawdDst furnace, $Q91&, 1180 Hood fit. ra. aoyiw. e!03' LOOK! Modern home, garage, utility room. Close In, 100x200 on fiantlam River. pertly furnished, tarden In. 13900 cash or see Fred Llndeman, Realtor, Lyons, or Hutchinson & Reed, Realtors, Mill vii n- vr um, n103 BT OWNER, 3 bedroom suburban, lem living and dlnlnc room, kitchen, larte uimir or -x v room, ooucie plumbing, fireplace, carpeted. 4 rears old. 1m- mraieie possession, Vt mile city limits, naner wo. a 103' Klumpp's EXCLUSIVE HOMES "No Loan Costs" on tnis 3-bedroom hom, $11 on one floor, with nice living room and larte kitchen with eel In space. The bed rooms ere good-sized & well arranged. A good oil heating furnace, attached 1 garage. Located In the city. Total price v,9w, iiqqo a an. "A Home You Can Afford To Own" This new 3-bedroom home with nice imng room wun picture windows, large kitchen with lots of bull Mm, aieo a good-ilted utility room. Oil : wall furnace. Mahogany door. Tour . own well system. A good-sized lot ; L. E. Klumpp, Realtor lOJi Portlsnd Rd. Ph. 37,43 I Evenings: Richard 93334 alOS" - .take it Away ONLY $900 down for thla lowly -t i-Dr4jnwM MANCH fcJTYLK HOME. ' Modem bath, Youngstown kitchen. large mug rm. & dining rm. comb. Offset area. Hdwd, firs, and P.A. - AUTO. OIL PIPED HEAT TO ALL ROOMS. Located north. ONLY B3W. SEE HARRY VAN HORN, BYE PH. 4.1781, OFFICE DIAL) Excellent but Near Leslie school, new 3-bedroom. Phone 2-lOBS. sloe ale'r FOR SALE LOTS BINOWOOD heights, nice lot with Una . lllao bush. left). General Real Estate. 363 center, 9-3280. aalos downs AVE. 15000. corner lot looxiio. Kicellent view ol city a rntni. Tree,, to city. Ph. 2(887 evti. aaiot beautiful VIEW LOT In trade for your equity In jour house. Phone 41471. , aaioa ' IABGE HUME sltra In beautiful King, wood Helihti, 11.000 up. Easy terms. FOR SALE ACREAGE $500 DOWN - buy tt acre In Prlngle district, south, with 3-BR home nearly completed. Chicken hsas,, fences, garden In. S5950 lull price. $800 DOWN buys 1 acre neartOervals, north, with 3-room hie. 102-ft. drilled well, chick en hee. 3-car garage, Owner called to service. $3350 on terms or take good offer for cash. 10 ACRES Northwest, with old J-br. home, lit, stream, food oulbldis. 17600 full price. f 1 ACRE PLUS On ess north. Ideal location for trailer court or cablm. llaa lovelr jhado tree.. no.OOO. Might eomlder trade for rentala In Hollrwood dut. B. Isherwood, Realtor UIO WaUace Bd. ph. 4-5333 REAL ESTATE $500 LOTS Ju.t two together Seeing s, bellevlug. and very good. Business Location In business ions Is nmniri, 1.. gated at 3081 state St. Two-bedroom wturr -ypo nomt, eep jot with alley, . 'v w nut aiguuro tenanis. G. I. Approved ..! '""-bedroom plastered home w,. u.m.Dm noora inruoul, over 900 K. ft, of floor gpac with Inatde utility room, attached garage, fenced-in back yard with awing, for the alddlea, A .wwu vur ior only ,7300, $1500 DOWN mum typ. ltt-itory horn, with uMrmeiis wire. Deorooma, fire Enalewood dutrlct, near JchooU. Money To Loan want two or Uiree good family f ora o Plae. loan, on at I up to Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 H. Capitol Ph. 33111 Eve. 17317 C104 CHOICE M. by 13014, Fir, furnlihed mod.rn apt.. 130.000. Term. Phon. Xit.n 3-1701. C104 CLASSIFIED AIIVTRTISINQ Per Wen. tinta m. Pet IV. rd 4, Per nerd, I timet lo. ret Ward, I menlb aoe i'.,l"'""!,M'"lm," Word.. IEAMEKS 1. Lad Nr.. I'.laom Only, Prr VT.rl I, Ulnlmm I, nr.ra. To Dace Ad In Same Dsji Paper, Phone t-UM Before 10 a.m. a. 4494,24552 A REAL ESTATE 1PP WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WI NXZD uamraa. partleularlr higher priced noma and all trpe with lov down paTnenta. IF YOU HAVE A CAR iron wank to use as pari payment on a 3-bedroora home, see us. It's nice. In the best of condition. Only 3 rrs. Old. On 1 floor. Has b semen t. forced air oil furnace and a flew. Priced to selL Only 11.500. Owner will consider reasonable offer for furniture. BELIEVE IT OR NOT we have Just listed this t-bedroom horn which Is brand new. Has oil beat. On aula! st. Lots of storage room. Can be bought on very liberal terms, run price is only ,aoo. Good Li vine: Roomy 4-bedroom home tn Bt. Vincent dis trict, nreplace. insuiateo. oniy yrs. old. corner lot. Liberal terms arranged .Pull price $13,600. TREMENDOUS BUY 4-bedroom home In Xnxlewood diet. It's spotlessly clean. You could almost cat off the floor. Oil heat. Lovely lawn. Roman brick trim front Very well built, only i rrs. old. r.H A terms If desired. Full prloo only fl,H0 BUSINESS CORNER on one of Salem's busiest intersections. Several very good bids'- Including a service station leased to a major oil Co. on a gallonaga basis. Lots of room for additional construction or car park. Owner leartn state. Full prle $133,000. Portland Road Frontage This property nea many potentials. Orowlnt In value dally. 100 ft. front age. Approx. K acre In all. Ideal for large business bldg., warehouse with large parking area or rentals. Priced at $38,000. SHOE REPAIR SHOP This u ideal. Has been established for many yrs. Overhead is eitremely low. Location it excellent. Rent Is only $60 per mo. Lots of quipment. Pull price only $3,760 for everything. DUPLEX In good repair. One unit hag 1, the other has 3 bedrooms. Furnished. He atrablg location. Bargain price of $8,800. Terms. CALL FOR MB. CRAWFORD, XVE. PH. 4-0020, or MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-5464, or DAN I&AAK, XVE. PH. 4-3831. If no answer, call 4-3348. . Suburban Ideal With 3-bedroom home. Has I3ttx35 living room. Plenty of closet space and butlt-lns. Forced air oil furnace. 14 walnut, 0 apple, IB filbert, 3 prune, S cherry trees. 1 chicken and 1 brooder houee. 3 blks. to school. Very close tn we. This if worth tfae asking price OS StfJOll. $1,000 DOWN on 4 Mi acres, 1 A. strawberries. Fam ily fruit and nuts. Caneberrles. Only 6 ml. from Salem. Modern 5-room home, 30 x 30 barn, S chicken housei, f-car aarase. ruu price amy vi,vov. Excellent 6 Acres Very belt of aoll. Cloe In S. 120-ft. well. Xew a arate bldg. An Ideal coun try homwlta. Pull price onlr IB.TB0. Call for Mr. Leaveni, m. ph. 3-473J. u no aruwer, cau 4.3341. MORTOAOl LOANS Al Isaak & Co., Realtor vine, rnonea: asii or a-129 3035 PORTLAND ROAD ve. Phonai: 1-4735, 4-5(31, 4-1133. 4-4010 or 1-3558 If no auuvar, phon. 4-2341 1 cl0J LOW DOWN PAYMENT L North - St. Vincent district. Possible esoo flown, a-Deatoom, large dining room, paved street, bus at door. 2. South - $360 down, only 83SOO full price. Small unfinished. Bath fixtures Included. 9. Southeast - $750 down. Hew room wun narowood floors, attached garage, on paved street. Built under F.H.A. inspection, Xeiter - $850 down. 3-bedroom only $4050. Lots of homo for the money. Plenty of fruit trees, paved street. Northeast - $500 down, only $5900 full price. 3-bedroom home on large lot. Paved street, close to new school. 0. North - $150 down. $40 ner mo. room home on large lot, good garden spot. Needs soma work. Only $3000. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South High Street Phon. 3-1103 Phon. evening, and Sunday: 4-1471. 3-3SM, 4-1383, 4-0311, 3-1311 - Cl03 nun Rim alllliil MIUUI Itiitiiiiu aitttmtt M4IIIIM Mllllllll TJtrv IIMIIIItlllltllM t tct CUI ituittiiiuii "a I ittiiiimittiittiiit IUIIIIII l IIMHIIM lllllltl II 11111111 itim u MM 1 1 it M SULLIVAN MAKE OFFER AND ACT QUICKLY! Very fine S-rm, bungalow with bath, m ae. lot, oorvn. SUBURBAN, EAST Nice all. lot (94U4, well land' leaped. Neat a-bdrm. home, eeparate tuning room, nanor ait., nowd. floor,. Approi. 1000 eg. ft. floor apace. 3 blaa. to .ehool. 19.330. Loan available. Looalnt for a placa to keep your PONY ROOM pony? There Is a small barn and corral on rear of 5x3vS lot. A lovely lawn A setting make this attractive n.b, x-onrm. nome a real eye-catcher. Has patio, pered street, near school. Don't paas this oriel Burl $10,000. INCOME from a 3-bdrm. baimt, apt. la this well-kept 3-bdrm, home having laoo aq. ft. on 1 floor, plastered, dble ga garage, attractive yard, good loca tion. A buy at $10,800. $800 DOWN L farm witt) 1-bdrm. home A lb barn. TRADE your 3-bdnn. hse. for a 39 A. PARM, with a grand view, sprlnta, city water. 7-rra. rue. A other blctis. approx. 35 murs nw ox Baiem. 47,000. STAGE DEPOT AND RESTAURANT N.W. of Salem, doing a good volume of bus iness. Squlpped for banquets. Has class A beer license poMibillty of "uquor or me arms , $ 12,600. ROBERT B.SULLIVAN REALTOR 3133 Portland Road Ph. I 4 5!1 Br, ofllcc, 307 N. Hlth Ph.: 4-141! Eva. pha.1 3-7l, 4-3341, 4-4441, 3-1114 CI94" Journol Wont Ads Poy REAL ESTATE ROY TODD KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Be ant If ul Igt. f-bdrm. home only 4 rrs. old. Very Its. living with fire place. Lee. kitchen with eat. space. Lot Is very large. Street In Iron! g back of lot. Excellent location and view. Price $13,000. Call Mr, Vender Tort, salesman. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT bedrooms. Mica living, kitchen, bath. Wired for range. Oerage. Lot 45x117. Nice lawn A shrubs. 3 walnut, 1 apple, grapes. blk. to bus. Only $8M0. call Mr. Ruch, salesman. v HOME & BUSINESS 4-bdrm. home with living, dining, kitchen, bath. Sets welt back en lot which has 130 ft. hlway frontase and 330 ft. deep. New 40x1$ build ing on front of lot. Can be used for radio or TV repair shop or beauty parlor. Price 111,500. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. S3 ACRES ' Irrigation for 16 ae. 1340 ft. Irrigation pipe, six T-gaL sprinklers, horse turbine pump. 3 ae. cane berries, $ ac. perm, pasture, 8 ae. , oats as vetch, 13 -stanchion barn. Chick, hse. Lge. home with bdnn,, llvlnr, dining, kitchen, ft ml. to sen. Price $18,000. Call Mr. Rucb, salesman. GRADE A DAIRY US Acres. 35 ac. pasture, 14 ae. winter peas and abniccl. 33 ac, rye areas. 15 ae. spring crop. Lg. reservoir for Irrigation. 40-stanchlon barn. New 18-etanohlon milk parlor. Bull v calf shed. S calving sheds. Modern 7-room home. Also 3-room cabin for hired help. About miles from Salem. A steal at $36,000, or would take 3- or 8-bdrm. home in Salem. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. ROY TODD, 130 Btat strut Wn. phone: Vandervort l-OJOl; Todd a-1311 Grabenhorst Specials ACREAQES OroUan Creek Ihi acre. - 3-bdrm. hone 11.760 Rata. Bheep - 10 acre. - 3-bdrm. horn. Bkylln. 9,500 Liberty Road - 20 acrei - 2-Wm. - tenna ,,500 CALL PETER H. OEmER ROOUTNO at lOARDTNO HOUSE bdmu, to on. of flalem'g cholee.t locatlona, lge. lot, 120 x 130, sic. Interior, baiement, hot water heat. No. 3 gone, can be converted to .pta. Plenty of room for espanalon, good potential buitoeaa gltg. CALL ROT FERRIS OLDER 4-HDRM. HOME Convenient to traniportatlon and ghopplnv center. Newlr redecorated lnilde, freah and clean. A good buy at 15500. 11000 down payment. CALL J. S. LAW ENOLEWOOD D1CTR7.CT Jv. rm. with fireplace, convenient din. rm.. S lge. pdrmi. Very nice wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. Venetian bllndg. Floored attic. Utility rm. Fatlo and beautiful yard. Prlo 111,360. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 S. Liberty St. - Ph. 1-2III Evening, At Sundayg call H. K. Laymon 1-KS1 J. X. Law 1-5111 Roy Perm S-K13 Peter H. Oelier 1-lMI ' c WANTS TO TRADE 1400 Square Peet, 3-bedroom home. NEW I Large, large living room, with nice fireplace, Elg lot. will taka older home In trade. Priced 14,700. CaU Jim. ENGLEWOOD 3-BDRM. $12,300 , Pull basement, good fireplace, new furnace, and on a big lot. This home Is 13 years old. Owner anxious to sell. Call Jim. MAKE US AN OFFER 3 Bedroom on 1 floor, waU-to-waU carpet In llvlnr room and dining room. Mice utility. Large lot, suburban, northeast. We have this homo listed at 87,000, but owner wenta offer on price and down payment. Call Cbst for appointment to see. ' 'NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Thle neighborhood grocery ator. ha. living Quarter., and the owner r will aacrlflca thl, paying business for 14,300, plug Inventory. Living quartera ar. over the store. 1100 a month rent for both store and home. Inventory approximately 13,000. Por appointment to see, call Dal. Rayburn. DRIVE BY 2397 HAZEL ST. $5500 Tee, drive by 3397 Haxel street and look at this elder, but nice 4 bedroom home. Priced at $5500. And then make us an offer on down pay ment. Be first to see this home, and you wlU then want to be the first to call Cfcet and close the deal. 3 BLOCKS FROM BUSH SCHOOL This 3-bedroom home It very neat Inside and out It has a ntc. com bination living room and .lining room, a dream kitchen with breakfast nook, utility to basement, aeparata earage, an aaceptlonally nlca patio, and beautiful yard. All this can bt yours for 110,0000. Por appointment to see. call Dal. Rayburn. 3 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT Very well located at 120S Center Street. Nice larg. living and dining room. Good alee bedrooms, and hardwood floors, very well landscaped lot. Plreplace and sprinkling system in back yard. Por further lnforma- FIRESIDE COMFORT to thla exceptionally well located J-bedroom suburban home. Plrtplace. hardwood floors, Inside utility, very well landscaped. Neat aa a put lntld. and out. Well priced at IIIS0, CaU Tibbettt. RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) 30(0 H. Capitol offic, ,.,4,4 4.IMl Evening phones m.?"?,e" '74M " ,-",, chet 3-4231 Dale ayburn 3-3045 el03 REAL ESTATE TRADE? Very attractive 3-bedroom home. South In new addition, large living room With Ursolic, din In mm kitchen, bath and shower. Corner lot that has landscaping in. WlU trade ur iov, acreage, or car, Trade for Acreage Clean, well built 3-bedroom bungalow wiwi atiacnra garage on large lot. Make us an offer on the down pay- iuvii. vr wiu iraae tor acreage. TRADE FOR LOT H acre with new 3-bedroom home. Living room, dlnlnr ranm iriij.h. bath, and attached garage. Trade for Vw. Trade for Older Home this beautiful 3-bedroom home all on one floor. Living room with corner iia-miice, oining room has built-In buiret, French doors opening out on patio. Birch kitchen with nrvitr h.n. with shower. Will trade for lot or older Motel - Trade for Home Excellent yearly income, 13 unlu Plus 3-bedroom operators' Marten. All modern and completely lurnlshed on ",""" ",T llmll- Cesn and will trade for house or Income prop- Business Opportunity mlil?!'n 'P4 'Mli"n business completely equipped for drlve-ln. All equipment new. Excellent location on busy street, ample parking, will trade -,. vi jnovme property, BUILDERS HOMES REAL ESTATE 3731 So. Commercial street Phona 41I7 Etas. 3I7W el02 FUTURE HAPPINESS will b, assured In this new 8-bed-room deluxe home on West Rural Grade A hardwood floora, economic! wall furnace, enchanting kitchen with larg. eating area, living room with picture window overlooking city, best of districts, close to ellr schools, large garden area, not built to eell, but own er has had to make other plans. 11300 down buys It with Immediate posses alon. Total price lio.soo. Sea HARRY ny.il, JtVES, 4-176S, orncE dial 44494,24552 yj I tgH7?napi3) I REAL ESTATE Real Estate REALTOR otflc. phona J-ISH Kuch S-TiU; Blmpaon l-IJM; REAL ESTATE HOME a INCOME Very attractive duplex, completely lurnunea wun extra nlca furniture. Designed to look like a large ranch home. Shady lot with 100 ft. frontage faces a park. Extra 4 rm. furnished nome a 3 car garage In the rear, Price 116,300. LDCI NEW 3 br. homo with garden space In W. Salem. Close to school At bus. Only NORTH SIDE nave you been looking tor a large well planned t rm, lata built home with fruit ex nut trees and garden spotr un pus une. Price ,10,900. EASY MONEY For $31,500 wa can show yotl an In come property that as paying 15400 ana. vwner lives out or town. For in formation, Call Bon Clearr. WALTER MU8QRAVE REALTORS 1211 Edgewaler 33109, Eve. 33 C10J $70(TDOWN a-B.K. nome, lge. Ln sr. kit., pecan fire., tile both, nice yard. Might take late model car for equity. Full price oniy se.wAi. ASK tor Sob Conklln. DUPLEX Slde-b-slde cone block bldg.. unit has 8 Bit. As garage. 4 yrs. old. 150-ft. frontage on So. Pac, Hlway. A good Investment at 17500. Ask tor HU9 lUDSim. 13950 PULL PRICE One lge. B.R., lge. llv. rm., nlca kit., aa newiy redecorated, else, w.t.r h.ater At range, lge. lot with room to u,ki on iront. Expensive home neigh borhood, paved at., ta bit. to bus. Iiooo down, ill mo. Aak tor Bob vouaua. all. EAST t A. with nice 4-B.R. home, lie. L.R. as D.R.. forced air furn.. dnuhi. garage, lge, work chop on back, close to .cnooi as etore, run prle. only 14830. Be. Burt Pleha. 1743 8, SUMMER ST. 4950. Pine 2-B.R. home, all plas tered, part batmt., lot. of trees A, shrubs, close to schools tt bus, about 15 yre. old. 31000 down will handle. Be, Burt Plena. 3230 ELECTRIC ST. I7M0. only 1 yr, old. 3-S.R. home with ell furn, hdwd. firs., paved at.. In new dlst. Furniture, almost new. can be purchased extra for 31000. 31400 down. Sea Burt Ptche. ON AIRPORT ROAD ISJS0. Nice -rm. homt on (4 A. Only 11 yre. old. paved rd., win trade for home In Salem ol about aame value. 11350 will handle. See Burt Plena. ENOLEWOOD Well built 3-B.R. house built In 1931. Pull basmt.. fireplace, din. rm., kit, with brk. nook, huge lot with lots of rowers A, shrubs, complete under ground eprlnkllng aystem. 116.100, and well worth IU Ask for Bob Canklla. Burt Picha REAL ESTATE CALL COLBATH ' DIAL 44494 LULLABY HOME AUONO THE WIlISPEKTNO PIR TRKXS In a beautiful suburban area. Larg. LR, farm type kitchen, 3- bdrm... garage. VERY NICE HOME for 17330. TERMS. CALL DAVID, ph. 41703. RICH MAN'S ESTATE AT A POOR MAN'S PRICE. Beautiful FRENCH COLONIAL 3-bed room as den. Home on 3 VI acres of land. Large 20X40 hobby shop or party room. Shetland pony barn and many other nlca features. LET ME SHOW IT TO YOU. CHEAP AT 113.900. CALL DAVID. EVE. PH. 41701. LOOK HERE A LOT POR THE MONEY IMME DIATE POSSESSION PARTLY PUR- NISHED. Large llv. rm. kitchen comb. 1 bdrm., single garage. Beau' tlful corner lot. ALL POR 13230. TERMS. SEE URS. OOLESBEE, EVE. rn. aosTS. SUBURBAN BEAUTY HAS cream kitchen, large dinette, comfortable llv. rm,, 3 good-iixed bedrooms, oil heat, hdwd. firs., ga rage, urge lot. Total price $8950. OOOD TERMS, SBTK MBS. OGLES- PEE, Eva. PH. 35373. Possible $450 Down CUTS STARTER HOME on 1 acre. 1 oedroom with large wardrobe clos ets. Knotty Pine paneled llvins room Nice clean kitchen. 64-ft. well. TOTAL FKICE 84500. Sec HARRY VAN DORN, TVS. PH. 41785.. 62 ACRES ON HIOHWAV NEAR 6ILVSRTON. 43 A in cult.. baL .rood Deettir. bdrm. modern home, large barn, milk hse, city water, fruit. A OOOD BUY TOR 810,000. TERMB. SEE T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 43714. 37 ACRES fi.E. 7 A. nice orchard cherries, pea re. peacnes. spring water. 7-; home with full basmt. tfc furnace. Barn, 3-ear garage, about 40,000 ft. of saw timoer, tractor tools go at 814.500, Terms, terms. WOULD CONSIDER TRADE FOR NEAR SUBURBAN. SEE -1. x. An UeSunjrt, CVE. PH. 43714. 5 ACRES East on Sunnyrlew near Lancaster, good home. 3 bdrms., LR, DR, kitchen, bath down, unfinished up. Variety tree fruit, small barn, chicken hue. Price $11,600. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. rn, eavie. y2 ACRE With wood one-bdrm. shake home. LR. kitchen, bath rm. Garage. 9 miles N.E. ALL OARDEN SOIL, PRICE 13500 and move right In for IS00 oown. SEfi T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. JTO. 4X714. DAVID - 41703 VAN HORN - 41700 v OOLESBEE . 39373 ' ANDERSON - 42711 orncJC dial 4494,2-4552 NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE CLOSE IN Owner wanta to move closer In and a gooa trader nere miant set an ex ceptional deal. Neat, clean, 3-bdrm. home, oil fir. furnace, good-sited lot, as cut limits, met sjsu. call mm. wooiten. TRADE 3-BDRM IN KEIZER POR CITY PROPERTY One -yr.-old well built 1050 sa. ft home ou Dearborn near schools, will mace you an iaeai suourDan nome. This property U clear. What have your trice $sio. cau AL watts. TRADE SUBURBAN GROCERY POR HOME well located neighborhood store. serving a lge. territory, profitable fam ily operation, living quartern on prem ises. Inventory 85000 to 8600O. call Mr. scnmiat. TRADE 3 bdm8. - 1st floor Mckinley district Thla newly decorated 3-yr.-old home i locateo with a view of the valley and mountains. Sun-flooded living rm. nd den, inside utll. rm. Youngstown kitohen with refrigerator ax ale. atove Included, all for 310,500. Nelson & Nelson SPSCIALIZINO REALTORS 102 N. Bllh St. Ph. 3-3M9 O102" 10-UNIT COURT 118,000 Sell or trade for home or acreage. Nearly completely furnished. Approx. 34 yre. old. Considerably below actual value aa owner anxloua to sell imme diately. Terms or discount for cash. APPROX. y. ACRE 1500 DN. ft yrs. old. 2-br. modern home, full ooncrete foundation. Paved atreets. Only 15250. TRADE ACREAGE FOR ROME M-aere with 10-yr.-old Plastered S. br. home. East. Variety of fruit, barn and pasture. $7350. or trade for 2-br. home In city around same value or less, call Nell Knlttel, Eve. ph. 42310. FURNISHED HOME 450O DOWN 950 mo. Immediate posiesslon. 3 br., llv. rm., kit. and bath. Att. garage, corner lot. 14950. WANTED REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOT WANTED South, walk ing distance Calvary Baptist church. Phone 4-1344 eves. c.107 CLAUDE KILOORE Need, a few listings on homea and farme tor N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-4062. 1433 N. CAPITOL. ca' GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreages. List yours with Colbsth Land Co. se. T. T. Anderson, Farm Agent, Phone 4-4494. Eve. 4-2714. ca' NUTICEi If your property Is for gala, rent or exchange, Ust II with us. We have all kinds ot cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 131 8. -HUh St. ca JOE PALOOKA Vai AL0OKA vVtARILv COT TO HIS FEET BEFORE THE COUNT OF tTVE.TH6 REFEREE IS WIPING HIS fjt-OVES. PIGCEFL WAITS LIKE A ,l PANTHER. ALIjipiES 33lfcg33 3 ft. 3-444 WANTED REAL ESTATE iv K AttK h&dlv In naed of 3 and 3-bed- room homes, In Leslie Dlst. Also need homo anywhere with email down pay- menu, wnai nave your AL ISAAK. REALTOR. PH. 43311 If no answer, ph. 4-3248 ca WK ABE tn need of good houses sell, in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ca RESORT PROPERTIES BY OWNER Two spacious ocesn front homes at W.come Beach, Both have hot water heat, fireplaces, landscaped, sell one or both. Call Delake 3222, or write Box 146, Oceanlske, Ore. ecl05 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN AND 7 CABINS A good paring business property and all for sale. Bee owner Prt. or Sat. ev ening. Ft. Hill Tavern, t miles west of w mamma, ore., on tugnway is. odlOS FRANCHISE Salesman for exclusive distributor ship, saiem territories available. Nat. campaign on proven industrial equip ment. 41 000 Inventory should net $1000 mo. up. box 7s, capital ournal, cdlO? "FISH" AND MAKE MONETT AT THIS WELL- KNOWN FIBHINO RESORT. Illness forces sale of thle money-making bus iness and sellers will take nice home ln Salem as part payment. Property consists of nice 3-bdnn, home, large basmt., forced air heat, atore, cabins, boats, motors, landing wharf, boat hse. and many other features I could show you, PRICED RIGHT AT $19,000. TERMS. CALL DAVID, XVE. PR. 41703 OFFICE DIAL cdl03' Own Your Own Business Be Independent We have taverns, laundries, food mkts, furniture,- restaurants, motelt, fountains, bakeries, lunches and many others available for bale. If you want to buy or ten a busi ness opp. ln the Willamette Valley, better tee: FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est, "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 3037 Fairgrounds Rd. 4-1353 cd BUSINESS & INCOME MOTELS MOTELS $19,000 Attractive ? units on highway, $13,000 cqmiy, .race ior zarm or nome. $20,000 11 units, 98,000 handles. All have kitchens, baths, garages. $1,000 MONTH INCOME 9 units .trailers, gas. Excellent location on me. two can handle. 915,000 down. 100,000 LATE BUILT, 11 units, aU mod em, kitchens, highway location, dote in, gis.ooo down. STAR REALTY 0330 So. Pacific Highway Phone 2-2051 ruin INCOME PROPERTIES uiisv ArAHiiurini on tne coast, near j. win kocss, ore. income ' J200 per munin. uwner WUi Ul smell nrnna In or around Salem, as part payment. There Is a mill close by, plenty of wors. trice eit.sDU. J. B. LeCLERO, REALTOR 169S N. Capitol ph. 332SS FURNITURE FOR SALE FIVE PIECE blonde dinette set, extra w. rn. OI03 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Sudtell's AUCTION THURS.. APRIL 80TH JB1S flTLVERTON RD. PHONE 3-6088 10 A.M. Misc. furniture, shrubs, flow ers, ferm machinery, l P.M.. Livestock. Chlx ft rabbits, calfs ft veal, feeder stock, weaner A feeder pigs, neiiers, milk ft beef cows, steers, bulls, sheep A goats. Consign your livestock to this sale. Many butcher ft farmer Duyers. A good market to sell or buy. 7 P.M. Antlaues ft Furniture Several lots of good antique dishes of Havlland, Bavaria, ft Meakln, glass ware, brass, lamps, picture frames. China closet, 3 secretaries, bl. waJ. chairs, pine commode, ash chest, music cabinet, muile box, bl. wal. apool "bed, fireside bench, maple cheat, 9 Edison phono, with cylinder records, 3 pc. love seat, flat top desk ft chair, reirig.. apt. eiec, range. pc. oi. dinette set, davenports ft chairs, beds, coll springs, mattrewtes, occ. chairs, bedding ft many, misc. Items. Come good sale for everyone. LANS SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. ddl02- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK IIOLSTEIN helters. a white face heif ers, Holsteln bull, ft a-rr. steers, good looker bee. RL 6. Box 485. 2. miles east of Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 4001. Al ways home from 8 to 8 D.m. 104 Journal Want Ads Pay rt'ifjeeR, STAIKS PALOOKA TRYING TOLANPA FINISHER PALOOKA SEEMS TO BE BGHTINS OUT OF PURE Hl. LAST.r 4-4494, 2-4552 y pip I ti art mw-ssl da LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCJUB BEEF Whit. tec. Hereford, 360. Locker pork, lie. Nothing down. 3 mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trallsr loaned tree. Salens Meat Co, 1321 S. 35th. Ph. 3-46l. ........ RABBITS warhits svad hutches. Dhone 4-2IU. sbioa PETS HOLLYWOOD AQUAEIUla 1159 lacCoy, one block east of N. Capitol. l black, north of lsedlsan. Ph. 3-1497. C103' MOORE TROPICAL FISH, PsrakeSU, turtles, supplies. 3 tttlee from Lancast er on Mecleay road. e-s7?s. i-iowa Wednesdsys. .C1161 FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. PICK IIP yonr rresto-ljogs, driquvie and Wood. 113 So. Com'L, phone 1-7731. f ' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tuba service, all kinds ot wood. Phons 3-1444. ee' ANDERSON'S band picked slab wood, 3 oords, .114, Phona 37711 or 44253, ei08' West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1525 Edsewater Phona Salem 3-4031 . Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SfEVIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trimmings, 93 load. Phona 37731 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday, our cnicka grow fatter. Pox's Hatchery, 3530 Stat. St. Ph. 3-4909. f WANTED Colored hens. Lao's Hatch ery, phone 3-2891. f FOB SALE Hampshire eappette'a fryers. aoout 4 ids, 32or tiring containers, Pete Miner, Brooks. 2nd place N, Farkeravllle ach. fl03 FOB BALE Twice weekly, day-old cnicu in new uampanire. rarmenters. Red, White Leghorns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White WyandotUs. Par menter cockerels. Lea Hatchery, phone Z-alflOl, W PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema, plant any time now to July, 13.50 per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt, , BOX 493, x mues east a corner en state Bt. Ph. 49081. If FRESH CUT RHUBARB Por canning eo pound. Seed pota toes, onion sets, vegetable plants. pansy petunias, aU types fruits and vegetao.es. come hy over the week-end and visit out farm market now under our personal management. Phillips Bros., HBO Portland Road. Two blocks nortn Lancaster drive intersection. ffioa HELP WANTED WANTED Elderly couple for light cnorea in exchange for free rent. Gar den, milk, egu and fruit furnished. rot lniormauon, write w. Denny, Rt. 1, Aurora, Ore. rl04 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED HAN ln automotive ceasones and speed equipment. All re plies confidential, write Box 7s, Cap. ttal Journal. tal06 YOUNO HAN for car hop. Woodroffe's Ban snop, jtoo Portland Rd. Mo phone cans. WANTED window and Interior display sinn, preieraoiy Between cneageg or 18 and 36. Experience essential. Steady employment. Apply sir. carter, Mont gomery Ward. tr HELP WANTED FEMALE ELDERLY LADY needs woman to live in, cook, ana keep nouse, for room, board and ISO month. Lady with pen- aion coma qo tnia. 38078. goioa WE HAVE AN excellent opening for young lady office assistant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Must be good typist and accurate. Permanent po sition, see Doctor Brown at Brown's ueweiera, let wo. Liberty. & WOMAN FOR light housework, aleep In. veu at iwo Aiission ior interview. Phone 43080. gblOS" CLERK-TYPIST, experienced, aood figures. Permanent 6 day week. Write boxtcj, capital Journal. gblol1 GIRL OR WOMAN General housework, imbue emm care, soo. Reierences re quired. Live ln. Private room and oatn. write Box 77, Capital Journal. gb- WAITRESB. woodrolfe'a San Shop, 3400 rortiana no. ho pnone calls. tb WANTED Lady for general office work in nome oiiiee or insurance Co. In terviews by appointment. Buttevllle Insurance Co., Woodburn, Oregon. Phone Woodburn 8911, gblOS STEADY JOB helping care for Invalid laoy and assisting with housework. Por white or colored woman. $60 month with board and room. Box 74, capital Journal. gbl03 EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted Apply ln person. Hartman Bros., 3B9 State. gbl03" CAR HOPS Part time. Woodrorfe'g San Shop, 3400 Portland Road. eb EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THE BEST WAY TO LOOK POR A JOB 18 WHEN THE Best Jobs ARE LOOF1NO FOR YOU I We have many exceptional listings now. They won't last take rour eholce If you qualify . . A sample listing below: P Caheler Recept. t da. ..,.1180 ....1100 ....8180 ....3200 r comptometer Oper P General OIc P Recept. Oen. Ofc. (Out) P Oen. Ofc. part time ., .11 he P Payroll Clerk $300 plue r utn. vie. ijiie snormno a da. 8180 F -Clerk -8 ten o hm P Bookkeeper to $278 P Medical Sectry to io P steno. Aptitude Figures 1338 M-Sales Perm Equip. (Out). .$350 plus M Sales Hardware 3350 piue M Route Sales (Out) $378 plus COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 494 STATE STREET (411 ORE. BLDO.) ruibiaira oiucv 0i7 UOroeiG Bldg, gfl03- ' ""rrrrrfrrHn.il WANTED POSITIONS DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE ln country ul' rKKuo ana aeuvery. Phone 39109. hin7. BOTOTILLIxa-Fh. 44133. MMdle Drove -H..GW, .... aiivenon KOSO. MO? tviu. no rKtr.iNn . . - house. Do aU kinds of painting, brush and spray, furnish references, by hour or contrsct. Ph. 4-3944. hios' OOOD CHILD care. Will pick u child. ren. References. Phone 4-3341. rtlOS' MABV S PLOWINQ and discing, prompt .erne, -i-oi.v, h!04 r 0 11B' 1 r WANTED POSITIONS MICKENBAM'I DAY NDESEEF-Stat. licensed and impeded, phon, 3-7171. , hill XILUNO WITH new M. E. Rotary tUlir. Evenings 3-1311. 13.54) hour, hut CARPENTER Cabin.! work, home we. modeling, frt. estimates. Call 3-4411, 4-1633. hI0 BOTOT1LUNG avenlnga, Sa turd a 7a. oituan, miwrn rum. s-MBO. MOV. TREE WOBK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator John Payne. Ph. 3-0315. hits MOWEES SHARPENED al door. Make II run easy, rnona x-uia. hl03 PLOWING A) DI8CWQ IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phona 3-9300. hlU' PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. 13.30 an hl21 hour, Phon. 4-3111. NEW lawns. Rotary hosing. Fro. esti mates. Duan. Woloott, Phon, 3-9127. ' hill PAINTING, P.per-hanglng. tree em. hlo. mate, Don Lueero. Phona 3-5522. LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r n n 1 a 1. trimming, planting, Tert lining, serv ice Center. Phone 4-3B73. hlOl CEMENT WORK and finishing. A Bom- beck, Phone 3-9071. IpBa N. 6th. hloi NEW LAWNS, complete, tree animates. hios Phone 4-3941. GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, rotolllllni. service center. Phon. 43573. hloi UUHT CRAWLER, dosing. dirt level h!03' log, grading. Phone 2-3220, TILLING WITH Rotary -hoe. Qarden lawns. Phona 9-5329, 2359 Evergreen. hloi ROTO VAT OR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 31H Lansing Ave. rnone 33180. hll4 PAINTING 6 years experience in Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7553. hi 35 WANTED SALESMAN One or Two Territorial Salesmen over 36, needed In Salem or nearby communities, with old established company over AO yea re old, Just now opening territorial along the Pacllio Coast. Opportunity to earn above average aalary, also commission and bonus. Be able to work ln rour own com munlty and nearby. Sales experience helpful but not necessary as we train rou and par expenses. - This is no promotion or gympathy sales proposition. Those Interested ln such type of sales we definitely can not use. Only those Interested In per manent positions, can furnish the best of references, willing to work steady and have a late model car, need apply. Personal Interviews Only No Phone Calls SEE J. B. CLTMIE . ROOM 335, MAR ION HOTEL, Salem, Oregon, Wed. thru Prt. after 3 p.m., eat. ft Sun. alt d ggios WELL ESTABLISHED REALTOR has op- trainr ior a salesman, see Joe L. Bourne, 1140 N. Capitol. ggl04 FOR RENT BUSINESS BUILDINO ln Kelaer. In quire at Kelaer Beauty Salon. 3-337. J 104 LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease, cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-918B. . l U ACRES of Royal Anne cherries on crop share basis. Renter must spray and pick crop at own expense, or will give wood for grubbing out the trees. Also have ft acres of land suitable for raising crops and 30 acres of timber and brush suitable for erasing coats. 4-3940. Jioi FOB LEASE, business building. 4 Cor ners district. 48 N. Lancaster Dr., phone 33486 or 440flS. iiok WANTED TO RENT BY HAY 18th. 2 bedroom house, un furnished with fireplace and base ment. City or suburban. References. Couple. Phone 3-0083. aio YOUNO WORKING COUPLE With baby ana ens want s-oearoom nome, ga rage, by Mty 15th. Oood references. 31087. Jal04 HOUSE on small acreage, close ln. B- 10 mues ok. Barn, chicken house Permanent References. Phone 3-3530. JaltH DESPERATELY need a or S bedroom unfurnished suburban home before May 1. Beat of care. Phone 38803. Ill 02 FOR RENT ROOMS 8LEEPINQ ROOM Ior 1 or 1. 790 1. )kl07 Church. Phon. 9-4339. LARGE BLEEPING ROOH, prlvaU bath. pro. tDuuKs, parsing space for car It needed. 449 No. Capitol ln the Capitol Chopping Center. Jkl04 WARM, CLEAN, comfortable rooms, close in. Keasonaoie. TO3 HO. High. JK104 LARGE BEDROOM, kitchen privileges. saoy. au.eu. m center after 3:30. Ik 103 ROOMS FOR GIRLS-Kitchen privilege. w ui.ii. ouuh. .19 n, winter rnon. 34373 or 39469. JklOf LOVELY KNOTTY pine room, private envrancs. euitaoie xor on. room light housekeeping apt. 137.30. 713 SO. Com nycrclsl. JklOS NICE LIGHT Housekeeping room. Lady. aKi no. murcn. Jkl03 NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot and cold ' vox ro. nitn. )kl03 FOR RENT HOUSES BEDROOM house. Automatic heat. Un furnished. 1974 South Ohureh. 160. Phon. 33034. lmll7' SMALL HOUSE, partly lurnlshed. Phona .-goj. pyw..n e-7. jml04" naunuoM modern house, attached garage, near shopping center, atova lurnlshed. Adults. No p.tt. Phon. Imlnv TWO BO. RM. houss ln Brooks. Eke 7 "eater, pnone 43904 after 4 p.m. Iml04' P-KOOM house, pertly furnished, close In. 93! i No. collate. 3-room apt, downi pua 3-room living quarter! 3twn, Plua 4 bedrooms up. All lor 3DS mo. Open 4 til 4 p.m. iml03 PTJRM8HED 4 bsdroom house, automa tlo oil Heat, close to Cap. Shop. Center and town. Suitable to aub-rent eleep lng rooms. Adults, 173. 3-4937 alter 3-BEDROOM unfurnished, newly deco rsted, Englewood district, ass per -.u a-.trao arter a p.m. 3ml04 POR SALE OB RENT J-bedroom plea- terea house. 1130 So. lsth Bt. Jml04 SEE NOWI Avsllabla alay lsth, I -room .u.ui.ii.q duplex, nardwood noors. coved llneoleum. aarste, adult. 33779. 19S9N. Capitol. Jml03 DUPLEX 1 bedroom, unfurnished ei- cept store and refrigerator. Adulta. J-,- Jmios" ",K?00 OIR. taraae, partly fur- .(ni noatn. pnon, i-bboi. JmlOS ODER, new, compleuiy tumlsheel ouwej. Tile bath and kltahon. Csll 'mi after p.m. Jmiol' By Ham Fisher 371 N. Hlth St. Bret: 4-1132 Otf: 3-4047 eaoi'l