Wednesday, April 29, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon PagtlS 'AN FARE ly Waft Dftnn ists, Pop Bottles Fly n Yankee-Brown Game Br CARL LTJNDQTJIST New York UJ Flits conld y and blood could flow when to Yankees meet the Browns day. And, unless police Intervene curb the fans, somebody juld get badly hurt by flying op or beer bottles. There was close to a full :ale riot at Busch Stadium in t. Louis last night when the ins acted as it they were in usch Stadium and went wild i a 10th inning hullabaloo lat delayed play 17 minutes efore the Yankees finally on, 7 to 6. Umpire John Stevens suf tred a shoulder injury, varl us players were marked with umps and bruises and the ana littered the field with ottles and other debris, nar owly missing' players with their heaves. The St. Louis lark is one of the last in the najors where drinks are dis ensed in bottles instead of ard board containers and the ans made the most of the mpty missiles lying around. 1 Rhubarb Becomes Jponnybrook S Trouble started last night Vhen Gil McDougald, who ad doubled in the Yankee '10th, daringly tried for home fen a force-out at second. He yan straight up Instead ot sua Phone 41451 195 S. Commercial lug and knocked the ball out of Catcher Clint Courtney's hands for the tally. Courtney, a scrapper led oft the Brownie 10th with a hit to right and slid into second with spikes up, knocking the ball out ot Phil Rizzuto's hands. That started the fist-swinging as players from both teams stormed the field and delayed action for 17 minutes. Only a threat of forfeit by the um pires partially restored order as bottles came flying out ot the stands. Mighty Mick Allle Reynolds, who did a great job of clutch relief pitch ing in the ninth when he struck out two Brownies with victor when he set them down after Courtney's hit in the 10th for his third win. Mickey Mantle hit another tremendous homer, a 830-foot drive over the left field stands regarded as perhaps the long est ever hit in St. Louis. It came with two on base. Hank Bauer also hit a two-run Yankee homer. Other Games At Cleveland, the Athletics topped the Indians, 3 to 2, and ended their five-game winning streak as Bobby Shantz pitch ed an eight hitter for his sec ond win and drove in two runs with a pair of singles. Lefty Mickey McDermott pitched three-hit ball to top the Tigers 2 to 0 at Detroit as George Kell, an ex-Tiger, scor ed both Boston runs alter hit ting a single and double. The White Sox cashed in on wild' ness by . Walt Masterson to score five runs on five hits and a walk in a 8-4 win over Washington. In the National league, the Cards snapped the Phils' eight- game winning streak with a 6-5 victory although Harvey 9 Major Leagues national uuaos w t. Pfft. W L Pet. RrUadel 1 .IMVIlwkee 4,. 340 rntei I .114 Nw York 4 S 331 Brooklyn S .333 ClnelnnU S I .!M HL Louis I 4 riuoria w w Taesdsr a BMBlMt St. UJUU 4, FKUMIlpnil Milwaukee 4. New York U Chlciio I, rittibarah I. Brooklyn 3. CtnoInnaU 1. liminiN LEAGUE W L PCt W I Pet. In York 10 3 .140 St. Louti Cleveland 7 3 .100 Boston ' I .445 Chlokio ' S 4 ' .401 Washlnt 3 t .350 Phlledel t .683 Detroit , S l .143 TaeMsr'e assails: New York 7. Bt. louib a uv mnnim. Philadelphia 3, Cleveland 1. Ohlcaio I, washlnaton 4. Boston 3, Detroit 6. ESTATE SALE For salt to the highest bidder, dwellings located at 1010 N. Cottage St. and 2487 Maple St., Salem, Ore. Terms and conditions of sale may be obtained from Pioneer Trust Company Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon Valley Farm Store Wins Loop Crown Valley Farrav Store, led by Bob Gray's 001, defeated Mc Cune Food Sales to nab the Industrial - No. J Bowling league championship last night at the Capitol alleys. Valley Farm finished with 2731, while McCunes checked in with 2816. Following Gray for the win ners were Don Schmidt S83, Ken Prince 828, Leo Bolre 812 and Bill Sullivan 800. Don Thurman was high tor the los ers with 862. Harold Comstock shot 821, Ed Wilkalis 618, Wil bur McCune 812 and Bob Thompson 803 to complete the scoring. Whlttakers Welders nabbed third by outscoring Kenny's Real Estate 2733 to 2654. Ed Logan, firing a big 247, led both teams with 896. Veme Haugen of Browns Jewelers won the high series of the year award with 647, Comstock the high game with 268. Logan led the league shooters by finishing with a 178 average. Haddlx, the winner, bad to have heln from four relief pitchers. Steve Bilko paced the Cards at bat witn a wipie and two singles, driving in three runs. The Dodeers topped the Reds, 8 to I,- as Preacher Roe pitched eight-hit ball for his first 1953 start. yielding a ninth inning homer to Ted Kluszewskl to lose his smuout. Max Surkont of the Braves ffflvfe the Giants 11 hits but they were all singles and be delivered a two-run double while Jack Dlttmer and Del Crandall hit homers In the 4-1 Milwaukee victory at New York. The Cubs topped Pitts burgh, 8 to 3 as Preston Ward hit a two-run homer and Randy Jackson hit a homer and a run scoring single. . Minor League Scores CALIFOIXIA LIAUTJl iTAHDWOS (Br United Preti) W L Pot. CV Sin Jos t 1 joo Modesto S Banta Berber S ' f Bekersi'leld S Presno ..... 4 Vlislle ( Stockton ... 4 S Ventura S S .400 SH 4 .M 4 .453 4U .449 V, .400 S JU Stt Tneelar'a Resells! Vtniu 3, Stockton 1. Sen Jote 1, Ventura 0. Bskenlleld 4, Modulo . PYuno it Sent Berber, postponed, vet trounds. (Br The Associated Treee AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Xndlanapolla 3, Toledo S (IS Jnnlnu). Kansas Cltr , LoulitUlo 3, (10 Inn.). St. Peul . ItlnneepolU 1. Columbue 3, Cherleeton 3. INTI3U(ATIONAli LIAGTJI Xo tames scheduled. TEXAS LIAOUI Port Worth 4. Bn Antonio a Other tamea postponed. WESTEBN LIAOTJI TM Moines 4. Pueblej S (13 innlnti). srioeoiD is. umarmx u Other tamee postponed noum leaocs BolM a Slt Lata Cltr S. Other unM postponed. ail i rTi ititi liiwiel NOV0OU CAN STOP J THIS BIT- I for QUALITY, FLAVOR amf mw low PRICE! reIff. hams wrrm j IFilWIE iMMMS KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY MADE BY MEDLEY Medley Distilling Company, Owensboro, Kentucky Sports Results coixiai oolp ; (Br The Aitocleted Preee) ' Lewli A clerk lltt, Untleld 4rt. wmamelte 13, Pacltle 3. Portland U. istt, Putet Bound IK, COLLIOS BASEBALL (Br The Aloetated Preu) levll Clark 1M, CoUeie ot Idaho 3-4. Waahintton at Oreion State, double header, canceled, rain. Washington Btata at Idaho, postponed, rein (to be made VP Mar 14). Western Washington 4-3, BeatUe V 1-1. World Heavyweight Bout Proposed for Portland Seattle QMS A group of Portland, Ore, Businessmen have agreed to underwrite a world heavyweight title match tor Harry (Kid) Matthews, the Seattle boxer's manager said today. Jack Hurley said the Port land group, which remained unidentified, would offer the world champion more money than he cquld get against any other challenger it he would tight Matthews In Portland. ; , Hurley would not say how much that would be "but you can bet it'll 'be more than Rocky Marciano will get In' de fense of his title against Jer sey Joe Walcott in Chicago next month." - , "As a matter ot fact, these Portland businessmen have instracted me to go to Chi cago to dicker with the champion immediately fol lowing the Marciano -Wol-eott fight," Hurley said. The veteran manager said he would "have to do my talk ing" with Jim Norrls, presi dent ot the International Box ing club "but Jim loves a tune written In dollar signs." "These Portland people tell me they can get the SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL Ha S Cerlrs Dslrr (t) Lance 44, Sloan 4, Helnka 433, Warbowskl 330, Bchel deerer 4l Carlr'e D.trr (3 Wrltht 101, Bofstetter . 413. Idlond 334, Sal Strom 335. Hollrweai rtaaaoa (4) Clark 417. Al brlcb 401, Jonee 330, Oeddes 413, Order Sneeare (0) Pease 4, Merrell 434, McAllister 4i, Blewert 343, M. Merrell 403. . Sclera Felice (3) Methers 443, Pries 409, Creeir 4M. DeVall 414, Nicholson S301 Elka (1 Thompson 434, Cherrlni ton 433, Lowrr 419, MelOnner 431, Kerr 445. Ralph Jehaeea AppUancaa (I) OTe 400, Colrln 431, Proust 403, PerrUh 445, Sprlsis S3li National Batterr (D Ca meron 483, Dobba 351, Walla 444, lewis 407, Bartholomew 434. Sect Salem Lions (t) Sror 4JT, Schlraben 391, Btevene 400, Wblttaker 599, Vitton tltl Elwaod'o Mesonrr ID Eiwocd 441, Crajcroll 414, shlpmaa 433, Wllkslls 6S1, Busch 333. Marllewar Milk (4) Brown 434, Van Hess 403, MoParlan 417, Phlpps 333, Case 437; Blaa Lake (0) Uord 403, Sel ler 413, Ajrree 413, Fetut 403, Laniholl 537. High team feme, Ralph Johnson Ap pliances, ST3t hlth team aeries. Curiae Dalrr, 35141 hlth Ind. same. Pick Bnseh of Blwood's Mesonrr, 3341 hlah Ind. aarlaa, Jo Miller ot Curler' Dalrr, 173. imrs crrr uaoue Can Vsed Cars (l)-mltt 433. Al. trman 334, Carol Capp 447, Miller 431, Lea Capps 4111 Vweedlo Pael Oil (1) Benarr 3, Hansen 339, Harrison 390, Pollnkal 419. Pens 431. Darts OU () Omohundr 347, Bcherl 41, Miliar 3,sBianton 3, Dana 4311 WUUHetl Art TU (4) Scholi 433, Heraohback 431, Hobcr 454, Jacober 410, Merer 4a. Qeslllr DeeS Oara (t)-Camobell 453, b. Bneiiror jes, nnort eos, rranx Bnel Brora 413, Van Dell 3911 Saleaa Tire (1) Whit 373, Bow 401, Cook 3I(, awaln w, sira soo. Lea Newman (5)-apps 193, Uel Neln ait 454. Herb Nelnatt 03, Hubler 344, Johnson 3131 Praatr Oli.a (l Howell 35, yon 410, Thomaa an, mils 333, Wood 353. Kara Kails (4 Oeulhler 413, Hems) 413, Wilson 35. Dean 333, Kan 433s w. O. Dm las. ( Lenta 331, Orsra wood 334, Oil 35. Btevena 3K Bra 313. Hlih team aerlea, Ceppe Used Can, lie Bin team tarn, un Newman. Til; hlah ind. aerlea And tame, Howard Smith (Cappt Used Cars) 13 and 433, Multnomah stadium for the tight, which we'll try to get for August," Hurley said, "That place seats 45,0t per sons and that would mean a 1750,000 to f 1,000,000 gate." .-.";! Hurley and his fighter have been trying for a return match with Marciano, who flattened Matthews in two rounds at New York's Yankee stadium nearly a year ago. The win offered Marciano the title shot at Walcott, champion at that Yon can count on for Your 1 quick S CASH! LOAN ! ' for . weejie . , , : .( lata has a loan plan for everyone SUAU si LASCE AMOUNT! I $25 to $1500 ' Room 200 I ! Mian 4-3396 I - " i. D, WAUCOt, Mfr. . Z I time. l AUOMTOWNM fs OCtOM THI NATION I ObaseW, s wuei Moriasf aaraei ' lot. Owr locaJ stonef ibJ arara e-es iwjBwswsiUUiM fce AawasI yealaat Wswlaeiwsraast eBfeoasl was kstejsho)W f Sbt) AM Rd Star Tramftr Uweriy Bsteeat fa, Mill 4SINT os Snnnmrni to Bonffiiiflnn HjiM P 111 MMij y Get Afew; Safer-Tractfon TJD LEE priced AriCFl I low at V Olliyi ) . f atet ess edm X Obi l mi yrm m ft. v 1 3sH II Famous MARATHON TIRES NOT RETREADSI NOT SECONDS! Tough, long wearing safer tread and low-stretch, supertwisted cord body uniform in quality throughout They're built to Goodycar'i rigid standards for thousands of miles of safer driving. for a softer uneetHtr rldif MARATHON Cj 95 duper-Lusnion eAtflaVtaay by goodyear 14! Master-Plan $1125 A lACEil Taomt A I aw Ae U fl 1 1 m-m mvtt efl-139 SERVICE STATIONS INC. 365 N. Commercial Phone 3-4163