CoIDodhs Cools Eskimos, 2-11 Salem, Edmonton Play Again Tonight; Hemphill to Hurl By CHRIS KOWITZ.JB. Lanky left-bander Bob Col' Una pitched a brilliant four hitter .at .Waters .park .lait night ai the Salem Senators broke Into the Western Inter national win column, defeating Edmonton 2-1. The two teams resume their series at 8:13 tonight, with Jack Hemphill scheduled to vitch lor Salem. Collins kept the Eskimos' four hits effectively scattered last night. They all come in separate innings. The lone Ed monton run was set up by a walk and a wild pitch in the fourth. Except for that, only one Edmonton runner got be yond second base, and that was on an error in the imn. Salem, meanwhile, bad a bard time letting to the pitching of John Conant, former Spokane pitcher who moved to Edmonton during the winter trading season. Conant retired the Senators in order for the first four in nings. Connie Perez, first bat ter up in the Salem half of the fifth, finally broke the Ice with ground single to center. Les Witherspoon followed witn a single to right, sending Perez to third, and the shivering audience (we hesitate to call it a crowd) of SOS persons finally had something to bop it up about But Salem failed to score that inning. Don Taylor tiled out to short center field and Ray Stratton struck out. Witherspoon stole second, Conant intentlally walked Bob Nelsqn, then Col lins popped up to Edmonton manager Bob Sturgeon at second base to end the threat Peres and Witherspoon also led off the Salem seventh with singles, and this time It paid off. Peres scored the first Solon run by coming home from third on ground-oat by Stratton. The winning Salem run in the eighth was scored by Dick Sabantinl on a wild pitch. Ironically, Conant had inten tlally moved Sabatlni to third base a few seconds earlier. Sabatlni bad led off the in ning with a single. After man ager Hugh Luby and Gene Tanselli bad gone down, Perez singled, sending Sabatlni to second. Sturgeon told Conant to nuTDOsely walk w liner- spoon. That sent Sabatlni to third, and put him in position LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATIP PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES . Page 12 Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, April 29, 1953 The Box Score Bdmenloa (1) Thoman, Knelo.,31) V1IOU.U Korean,. Btrgtoo.a Hennen.1 Cmpbeu,r Oonant,f i-Wearer H OA 0 0 ISbtlnUI ILubr.iD STnrelll, 4 OWtHrap.l JT7lor, 4 OBtraln.r ONelaon, 1 IONIUM s (1) laieat B H OA ISO a 10 Sxasx Defeats Kindred, Earns Shot at McShain Al Szasz earned the right to meet world's champion Danny McShain at the Salem armory May 12, by defeating Don Kin dred in the main event of last night's professional wrestling card at the armory. - Szasz was scheduled to have wrestled Eric Pederson in the malner, but Pederson was un able to compete because of a knee injury. Szasz won the third and de ciding fall last night on a spectacular-note when he caught Kindred in mid-air and flipped him onto the mat for a pin. Kindred has been bouncing Szasz around quite freely up until the dramatic finish. Tommy Martlndale defeated Ralph Alexander, Angelo Pot to defeated Glen Detton and Buck Weaver downed Danny O'Rourke in preliminary matcnes. 1 Totals II tit f Total! 10 S 17 IS -Orooadd out lor Conant la SUi. Bdmonloo, 000 100 0001 4 I una 000 000 n- J FUeblns: IP U H E tOSS Conant ..... 0 I S J Collin S 31 4 1 1 S Wild pitch Collin. Count. - Tft an buM-sdmontoo I. Satan T. Zrror Fare. Helaon. 3BH Campbell, Uon an. RBX etun ton. atretton. 6c kforfta. S9 euneioa, wiuuripoon. Tune 1:11. Vmp XUw ana Tuna. Atl-IM. Vint carnal fvokane HO 0-4 II vioccmnr on ooo ol 4 o Palm, DmcuIo X, and BhotU; Hedxe- el. omntTwn nour i, ana mum- Spoken V , too 000 0001 s ncourr 000 001 101-4 New, Frank , Cornell 7. and Trian- elotl Goldbort, netcher I, and uiaaber. C 0 Cellar, Ttl-Cl ooo ooo oui s 11-CllT 400 000 00" 4 Orrall. atltea 1. l4Tenaon 1 and Brick- ajffl Tannar. Dobarnla ? and Faeut. Wanatolitt 000 000 1001 S lawUlon 100 100 00-S 1 Botalo and atandlordi Butlar and Neal. Victoria loo OM 001-a I 1 TakUna 400 ool 0O- 4 10 1 Wlaneau, walker T, and Bnaa, Mar aja ti Hloa and Oar. Scio Men Fined For Chumming Albany Two Scio men were each fined $75 in district court by Judge Wendel Tompkins when they pleaded guilty to chumming" at Indian Prairie lake April 19. "Chumming," explained Judge Tompkins, is the term used to describe the offense of feeding fish to Induce them to assemble where the fisherman can the more easily catch them The arrest of the pair was effected by state police offi cers. The accused men were Media Luther Bynum and Alvy cnnstopner Fleming. TIDE TABLE Vile far Tart, Oraraa April, iwu (Can, lied r I). S. Caaat and Oaadatla Surer. Portland, Or a.) Illlk Water La Watara H Ml p.m. 4.1 l:lt p.m. I t 4:11 p.m. I.t I 11:11 a m. IS 1:10 a.m. -o.a l.M p.m. 4.1 4:11 p.m. S.I XEGBOGEHl WIL Standings Levtotoa Victoria calcary Trl-Otlr Takima 0), Tha Aaaoelatad Pre) it rvi. w Wmtohaa s I .TOO Idmntn 1 1 .MTBelem 1 1 Ml Vencvar 1 1 .OOOBpokant 1 TaaeSar'a Baaalta Lewletos, 1. Wanatetaa L Yekttna I. Victoria 1. apokana 44, Vaneoaver S-l. Trt-Oltr 4. Caltarr i. Snlam I, BdmoQton Wedaee4r'e Sehedalei Wanatcbaa at Lewiaton. flpokana at Vancourar. - -Takima at Victoria, Sdmonton at Salem. ' Caltarr at Trl-Cllr. L Fat. S .400 a mi s Jtj S MD MO to score on the ensuing wild pitcn. - .Edmonton's run in the fourth came on walk to Andy Skur- skl, a wild pitch, an infield single by Dick Morgan, and a fielder's choice off the bat off Sturgeon. I 05, Th, aaaoelatad Preaa) The Lewia ton Broncs took over as Western Internation al Baseball League pace-setters Tuesday night The Broncs, previously tied with Victoria and Calgary at the top of the standings, earn ed exclusive rights to first place by shading Wena tehee 2- 1 in the season-opener at Lew-iston. Victoria fell half a game be hind the Broncs after losing 8 2 at Yakima. And Calgary, beaten 4-2 by the Tri-City Braves at Kennewick dropped to a third-place tie with the Braves. The Spokane Indians and Vancouver Capilanos mean while posted their Initial 1953 victories. . Spokane dropped the Cap llanos 4-2 in the first game of a twin bill at Vanconver, bat lost the nightcap 4-2. Wenatchee's Rick Be tele limited Lewiston to three hits but wlldness cost him the game. His nine walks included the two-in-a-row that gave the Broncs the winning run in the fourth Inning. Lewiston's Russ Butler was reached for only five safeties. ' Another pitcher, Danny (The Lion) Bios, was effec tive at the plate as well as on the mound as Takima hit the win column in the Bears first game at home. Rlos. former Mexican Lea gue hurler playing in the WIL under a special ruling by minor league Chief George Trautman, scattered eight bits and backed the performance by hitting i home run and a double. Yaki ma scored four runs in the first Inning. Rlos homer in the sixth was an unneeded insur ance tally. The first Inning was. the blf one for Tri-Clty la the game at Kennewick. The Braves scored their four tuna off former teammate Joe Or rell who gave up two walks and thre singles before he was relieved by BUI Stltes. Calgary scored one run in the eighth en Jim Melllnger's single behind two walks. Seme weird base-running ended a Calgary rally in the ninth after one runner cross ed the plate. A rookie playing his first year of professional baseball started for Spokane in the doubleheader at Vancouver. Bill Holland hit alx-for-seven in the two contests. He hit a homer in the first game and his bases-loaded double in the first Inning gave the Indians all their runs in the nightcap. Stars' Beard Ties Coast Record as Beavers Beaten Rain Postpones WSC-ldaho Game Moscow. Ida. U.R) A North ern Division baseball game be tween Washington State and Idaho postponed yesterday be cause of rain will be played as part of a doubleheader when the two teams meet here May 10. Italy has several battalions of Infantry which march at a run. i Leslie Scores ' Nine Runs in One Inning, Wins 11 -4 w Parrlib 4 Laalla 1 Waal Salam 1 Pet. 1.000 .400 J00 Lou DeLoretto'i Leslie Rock ets scored nine runs in the fourth inning and went on to down West Salem 11-4 at Les lie Tuesday. Fairish piays Les lie Friday at Leslie. West Salem, coached by Bui Hanauska, Jumped into 2-0 lead in the top of the first while the Rockets scored one, al though getting three hits to one for West Salem. West Sa lem added one in the second to give them a 3-1 lead but Leslie once again narrowed the lead down to one run in their half of inning. ' Then came the big fourth In ning in which- the Rockets scored nine runs on five hits. The hits were by Ron Woolery, Bruce Patterson, Roger Carda, Darrell Ponsford and Bill Jones. ' The Giants finished out their scoring in the fifth and last in ning with two runs. Dale Jones went all the way for Leslie and got the win. McCormack, Dav is, and Johnson pitched for West Salem. McCormack takes the loss. Leslie's Roger Carda was the game's big hitter with three singles in four trips to the plate. Other Leslie players who got more than one hit were Three Oregon, College Games Halted by Rain ' (Br United Pratt) - Rainy weather put the dam per on three Oregon college baseball games yesterday. A Northern division double header between Oregon State and Washington at Corvallis waa cancelled because of the cloudy weather. At Eugene, a non-conference game between Oregon and Portland university was rained out - Rain also forced postpone ment of a scheduled contest be tween Willamette and Portland State. The game will be made up in a doubleheader . at Port land May 6. Chuck Davey 4-1 Favorite Detroit, W) Chuck Davey is a 4 to 1 favorite to whip Sam my Giuliani Wednesday night in the first of his fight-a-month campaign to squeeze back Into the welterweight title picture. The-Lansing, Mich., school teacher is expected to jab, stab and dance past his younger, brawling opponent In their na tionally televised ,10-rounder. Dale Jones, Jerry Carleton, and Bob Beals. Smith of West Sa lem also had two. Wait Salam 110 OJ s 4 4 LaaU no 11 11 I lfoConnacx, Dan (4), Jobston (4), and Davla, HeCormaek (4) Jonal and Pontford. ATTENTION BOURBON DRINKERS r OTa a a 5"-8a3aa&ooo'-aaaoa"o'o'5"oo'&5 LLHD 2 SCDIHffimLEY Tled in bono'' SCHENli -YEAR-OLL BOTTLED IN BOND THE GREATEST OF ALL BOURBONS (Bo3$(D) 45 QUART . 3 IOTTU0 IN IOND STRAIGHT KENTUCKY IOUKbON WHISKEY, 100 100. SCHtNUY MSTKIUTORS, INC, ' NtW YORK, WW YORK In other games, Seattle moved up to within halt game of first place Los Ange les by dousing the Seals 8-2 while Sacramento was cool ing off the Angels 2-1. Oak land burled San Diego 14-4 in the other loop fixture. In each case, the hurler for the winning club went the full nine innings. Al Widmar scattered five San Francisco hits as the Suds battered the Seals' Bill Boem- ler off the hill. Seattle got aU the runs it actually needed in the third by. unloading for four tallies. - Veteran Charley Sehani bad it all the way as he pitched the Sacs to a tidy 2-1 victory over the Seraphs. Nell Sheridan, another vet eran, gave Schanse the run he needed by blasting a home run in the seventh after Gene 'Baker had tied the game for Los Angeles with a solo belt in the first half of that frame. Jack Salveson, who is 39 years old again this season, got hunk on the Padres as he piteh- BoUywood 0J.B Terrible Ted Beard nailed two homers and two singles in four times at bat last night, driving in five runs to lead Hollywood to a to victory over the Portland Beavers at Glim are field. Beard's four hits tied the Pa clfic Coast League record of 12 consecutive hits set by Mickey tieatn or Hollywood in 1830. Mel Queen, Hollywood hurl. er, went the full nine making it his first win against three losses. Larry Ward of the Bea vers was knocked out of the box in the second inning and took the loss. After one run In the first on Tom Saffell's dash home on Lee Walls' pop fly to right field, the Stars scored five in the second frame. It started with Gene Hand- ley's single. Eddie Malone tri pled followed by a one-bagger by Queen. At this point Dick Walbel replaced Ward. But Waibel pitched Into a single by Saffell and then homer by Beard. Hollywood chalked up an other run in the fourth when Saffell walked, went to third on Beard's single and home on another pop fly by Walls. Then In the sixth, Saffell singled again and was homered in by Beard. ' A sparse crowd of 1,630 watched the shutout Hollywood will start Jim Walsh (1-2) tonight against Ly man Linde (3-1). PCL STANDINGS racnio coast uaoui W L ret. W t, Pet. bo Ant M 1 .440 Sn Iran 11 It ,4M Seattle II I .til Oakland 14 11 Ml Portland II 11 .til Bermenta IT Jal Hoiired 11 II -Ml an Dlaio I II Jll Taeedar Beoaltft . Sacramento J. Lot Anlilat t. Hoimood I, roruana o. Oakland 14. Ban Die o 4. t aeaUl S. aan PraneUco S. ed the distance while the Acorns teed off against tour San Diego flingers. It) Heurweaa rarlland (I) B Auitln, Monli.rt Oldatn.ef Batnikl.l OranMb Roblnan.0 Oladd.o Ward.p Walbel.p Sbvert Welmkr.n Weathervane Comes to Frisco This Weekend San Francisco, tUJO Many of the nation's top golfers, both professional and amateurs, were on the entry list today, the third leg of the $17,000 Weathervane cross-country golf tournament to be played here Saturday and Sunday. Among the almon purea were national Junior champion Mickey Wright of La Jolla, Calif.; Barbara Romack, of Sacramento. Calif., former state amateur queen; Mrs. R. Fights Lost Wight ISr The JUtoclaled1 Praia, lea Auelee Al Crua. Ill, Lo Anielea, etepped Jon Manlarre. Ill, San Oleio. S. a. Anient. Tax. Jlmmr Martlne- ltl, Olandal. 1M. St. Paul, 10. Steektoa, C-Uf' ToniniT Manaol. 134, Loa Anfalea, knocked out Oen Uorrlj. UJ, IjOOI Aeaco, ' Breakm (aldieweed Orel) Arthur Ptraler. 11114. Mew Orlaana, outpointed Oaortla Dunn, 1HM, Hartford, II. Heaaten, Te-J04 Pelan, 1, a Antonio, outpointed Joe Vajcua. 117. Houaton, I. H. Gamble, former top ama teur In Illinois, and Mrs. Carol Bowman,, runner-up for the Trans-Mlssisslppl crown. H OA 1 1 IBallal.ot 0Beerd.Tl 0 0 0 Philip,! IHndlr.l 1 Maine, 0 0 O'NalU OQueen.p 0 0 ' 0 I O A Total 90 4 14 10 Total 14 10 17 a Pooped no for Walbel In Ith. Portland 000 000 OOO 0 Hit ..' 100 000 201 4 Hollywood 140 101 00 I Hit 380 101 00" 10 Pitcher: TP AB R H IR BB so Ward 1(4 I 1 I I 0 1 Walbel .... it n s I'll Welmakar .1 10010 Quean .... 10 4 0 1 I Loaer ward, m ward, AlLBtln. K Safi.ll 4. Beard I. Handler, llalone. Queen. Left Portland 4; Hollywood 4. IB M alone. HR Beard 1. RBI Walla 1. Melon. O'Nrtl. Beard I. DP Bailnakl. Autlln and Arft. T 1:51. U-Bllra, Dor- an and cerjuoei. A i,ejo. Seattle 014 010 100 S 11 Sen pranoleeo 020 OOO 00 3 I 1 Widmar and Ortelfi Boemler, Brad ford (1), Shandor (I) and Tleelera, Al- blnl (I). Portland OOO OOO 000-0 4 1 Bollywood 150 101 OOx t 10 0 Ward, Walbel (1), Welmaker (I) and Roblnaon, Gladd (1), queen and ala-lon. Loa Aniale 00 000 1001 1 0 Sacramento OOlOOOlOx 1 1 1 Chandler, Hide (I) and Tappet aohans and Rltchsr. Oakland ..ISO OOO 441 14 IT 0 San Dlaio i .(HO 100 001 4 t S Salmon and Neel; Herman, Uallor (1), saw (I) and pocerar. Parrish Downs, Salem Jayvees Parrish junior high's base ball team scored a 6-3 victory over the Salem high - school junior varsity Tuesday at Baker field. Parrish won the short game with three hits but their, two pitchers, Kepplnger and Loy limited the Vikings to one earned run. Dan Luby had a double and a single for the JV's. The junior varsity travels to Jefferson Friday for - a May Day game with the Jefferson Lions. 1 Salem JV JOO 11 I 1 Parrih Ill 4 1 I lee, Santee (1), and Xuny; Kepplnier, Loy IS), and atephena, . POWER MOWERS? WE GOT 'EM! TORO COOPER REO JACOBSEN HOMKO Johnston MAJESTIC The Widest and Best Selection In the Willamette Valley Also Reconditioned and Guaranteed Used - Power Mowers T georgeeV 236 N. COMMECIAL ALLEN'S IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR, POWER MOWER BECAUSE tk ALLEN'S CARRY ALL THE BEST BRANDS. if ALLEN'S GIVE LIBERAL TRADE-INS ON YOUR OLD MOWER. if ALLEN'S GUARANTEE EVERY NEW MOWER FOR A FULL YEAR. if ALLEN'S HAVE THE EASIEST TERMS IN , TOWN. if ALLEN'S HAVE THEIR OWN SERVICE DE- , PARTMENT. X ALLEN'S GIVE FREE - HOME DEMONSTRA TIONS. k ALLEN'S HAVE 31 MOD ELS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. if ALLEN'S SERVICE EV ERY MOWER AND GIVE FREE INSTRUCTION TO ! NEW OWNERS. . if ALLEN'S MOWER DOWN PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW AS 6.50. -Ar ALLEN'S GIVE PENNY SAVER STAMPS. if ALLEN'S PRICES START AT 52.50. IT MAKES SENSE TO SEE ALLEN'S ABOUT YOUR POWER MOWER NEEDS Which car in the low-price field gives you all this: rrZt Best performance, IH yet greatest economy l Compactness w'rth easiest handling, Irl yet plenty of room for six r&eatest durability, 1 I yet most reasonable price answer : CZT World's best ride, I yet no useless weight I V Highest power to weight, I Vl yet utmost safety xJT Coston-car quality, I yet economical to buy Only the HUDSON 77" JET For the first time anywhere you can fet all the qualities shown above in one economical, compact car that sella at a few price the new Hudson Jet. TUa new hind of car is posmblo only became of Hudson's exclusive "step down" design (the floor ia recessed), which provides the lowest center of gravity rmnney American cars. That is why the Hudson Jet safely handles more power in relation to its weight, and provides far greater per formance than any other car in the low-price field. Moreover, this highest power to weight is a key factor in the Hudson Jet's ootatandinf economy in gas, oil, tires and upkeep. Try this new kind of car. New DtwMtange HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE and Mnietional TWIN H-POWER SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY si Ji JLflJU JLftJLQ .tLC .CP JUL 316 No. Church St. Salem, Ore. ... ; .x ' p -