Wednesday, April 29, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon ran 11 Chairman Tells of Membership Drive f ffiussell Bonesteele, local Studebaker dealer and NADA Safe a cbairman, announces plini for the unique one-nay, nationwide membership cam 'plgn being conducted by this XlgTlOnai uuaurew " wsm Automobile Deal- IBU V era aasociation on May 1. Bonesteele, in explaining the patogram, atated that the Nat ional AUtomuoue cji satiation, ol which he has been ajknember, for 25 yeara, ia one of America'! largest business associations with a member ship of 34,000 member in ev ery part of the country. The purpose of the drive, Bonesteele explained, ia to ex tend personal invitation to very new car and truck deal er, not already a member, to join these associations. Four Corners " Four "Corners Highlight of the week at Lincoln school will be the benefit carnival, spon sored by the Mother's club, on Friday evening, May 1, from t in onn D m. Attractions in clude a men's style show, a .,..ifnt talent show. Allen Gordon, magician; the Mother's qib bazaar, a mystery man nil msnv other things. It -is open to the public. "Champion of the marble iMirnnmpnt at Lincoln school I it Larry Grelder and trailing as runner, up ia Jon Burnhaiu. Larry is a fifth grader and Jon lis in the first grade. There were fifty-five boys and girls entered. Others representing I Lincoln school at the district I tournament in Salem will be I Sherrill White, Donald Wilson, Paul Wright ana Wayne woue. communication from Mai. 'tester G. Willig to his mother, Mrs. Fred Bucfcner oi i ui,., .tale, that he ia in IMM " -- charge of transportation of the ezcnange oi prisuno. -i-Korea. He has been : stationed in Korea since Aug- ut, 1952. - IMr; and Mrs. Ivan Corbett received word this week of the birth of their first' grandchild, Randy Ray Johnson, born- to Jfr. and Mrs. Dan Johnson (Beverly Corbett) of Molalla, tie. Young Randy weighed in sT ten and one hatf pounds. Tie paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson, Ashland, ore. -Hosts to the Kraiy Kard Klub on Saturday evening in 4hii home were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman. Pinochle was jj play and late reiresnmenis were serve to Mr. and. Mrs. Bale Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and . Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Braden, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, S. H. Cable. About seven per cent of U.S. men of draft age are In eligible for military service because of eye defects. GOOD-DYE CORNS Enjoy auick rUf an peedily remove chinj conn with this, cushion -log Dr. Schoil't Zioo pads, uot trat a trim. CHOKED GAS? THANK HEAVENS! Moil attack! ire add IndllMlion. Whin It etrlltaa taki Bell-ana libltti. They contain th. laetaet-actlni medicine, known to doctor lor Oil relief ol hiirtburn ind . Hi rtlundod If not utKrled. Send imply carton to Bell-ana. Oraniibutt, M. V. Oat BeU-ani today. JM. DTCCM Dwt flfr AMtbtt Mlnato Ma matter how mmny rentcdiM yoaj to triat lor (letting aescma, paoriaslt, fafc tlosa, athlete's foot or vbitmr roar trouble mar b anrthtnv from had tt foot WONDER 8AI.VE and Wonder Mfdieatad Soap can help rmi. Peleaea for the here la the Amp aew fer jm folka et hem WONDER 8ALVR ta white. rttMkea. anlieeptle. No ally pprarane. Safe for ehfldrea. Get WONDER 8ALVK and WONDER MRDICATKD SOAP Reeatta r jaenejr refunded. Truly wenderfal H . -attorn. Trr Bold In Salem br Capital, Fre Mtrtr, Owl, Payleti, and charter Drai Ittru) er rear hemetewa draiilii. How To Stop That TIRED FEELING . and F90I Stronger fasti It you're been feelins weak and tired litelr. and want to feel atrowrcr fart, re member the real ceune of roar tired feelfni tnar be blood that'i low In iron. Strenrthea Iron-poor blood ... Rebuild tired blood with fait-actJnr, high potency Gerito) and watch normal enersr And etrenttb return! Ia just one day GtT.tol-.roi. plui a hifh polency combination of blood-buildinr fae tort are In roar bloodstream earryini ttrtngth and energy to every part of your body. J oat I tablespoon glre you twice the Irea la a aeand ef ealvea liver. 7 tinea the Irea la a peaad ef aplaach, Geritol i rren contain the effective anil -anemia Vitamin Bit- Bo ate Geritol to build the red. strom blood which itops that tired reelim fastt Get Grrltol, liquid or Ubleta, at your drugstore Tea feel stranger fast- t aaya or your money Dtei i Dm f irea frftdmty mrmit - I J ainaT anW nefal dleardwt. 1 .CUM HI SIIMCI UKI1I ! llrTIK (tr) ! iar lntM Wiostt hajral IpaMl Onl'tm"' iplf DaacHarlel I nail lull 1(11 I"Stal WrlleirC.ll THE DIAM CLINIC Omi IA mill I iUwIaY tinalh Prioav. Until I a . Maaiar. Wei'alaMT lad tili. I Chiraeeacttc Partition, . . . la aaf ajrfl yaw. M MORTHf AIT f MOT PCHHIVAH THaaa UlllHI ftnUm ll.Oea (US Tele-Views ? Radio-Television Bj DAVE BLACKMEB : Liberace, the talented pianist, will again appear on KPTV Wednesday night at 7 p.m. is first Northwest television appearance was staged last week and went over very big . v. Salem TV fans have taken a liking to the lad-. . , His ability and personality makes his fans put him on the ladder way above Oscar Levant . . . Time changes are slowly beginning to soak Into Tele Views mind . a . Sort of baffled for a while there . . . , ..... . , . . Seems Tele-Views just has an act for getting the dope on the fights wrong . . . Last week had fights listed as heavy weight championship, bout . . . Really its not until May 15 dispite what you read here ... YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING WEDESDAY Tootsie Hippodrome 5:30. Ringling Bros, acrobat as guest. Pabst Bouts, 6. Chuck Davey, Detroit vs. Sam Giluiani, Stamford, Conn., '10-round middleweight bout from Olympic Stadium. I Married Joan, 8. Joan makes a gargantuan hole out of a small crack in the ceiling and winds up plastered by plaster of paris. This Is Your Life, 8:30. Ex-DI Dimitri Apostalon, one of seven survivors of a military plane crash with 4S passengers, surprised subject. Kraft Theater, 9. "Rain No More." Eddie Binns. A tragic drama of hate between a father and son. Crusade in the Pacific, 10. "The U.S. and the Phil pines" including Jap invasion, bombing of Manila, Cap ture of Corregidor and fall of Battaan. - YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY 1 Kate Smith Show, 12. Andre Eglevsky and Milissa Hay den, ballot stars. My Hero, 6. "Jimmy Valentine." Beanblossom befriends an eccentric millionaire who find he is a victim of his own retirement rule. The Unexpected, 8. "The Doctor Prescribes," starring Edgar Barrier and Mary Brian. Story of a doctor, his wife and their 18-year old daughter. The doctor immersed in his medical work has little time for his wife. , Ford Theater, 8 :30. "The Son-in-Law." Peter Lawford and Bonita Granville in a zany cdmedy centered around a case of mistaken identity. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Oair a r oc rami scheduled Ja advaoc) MARR RADIO '.. , and TELEVISION INC Bains' Mt CmplU ' Trlevtilon Ctntcf IMOS.Com'l rhene Dy w Nifhl 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV East Salem 1:11 I so 4:00 4:30 :0O t:IO 5:15 0:00 :49 1:00 1:10 1:00 1:10 t 00 10:00 10:10 WEDNESDAY Search for Tomorrow . Lovi of Llfi . . Howdp Doodr , Tootati Hlppodromo . Blrlaa It Rich . Doui Bdvarda . Time tor Bnnr . FUhU , Ncwi Caravan . Ubaraci ' .Arthur Oodfrar I Married Joan ThU la Your Lilt .Kraft Theater , Piellle Cruiada , . Nile Theater I . Caa hi elite If iH . rear lecallaa la ' L: H ' M. CaU a, fim i ) we'll di air beat. :: CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1120 CEN1U East Salem It wai a full evenlng't program Friday night for member! of Wash ington school cub pack meet ing at the school house, Dens two and seven mem bers openedathe program with the flag salute. , For the program several members of these two dens pre sented a "Scout Circus" with Theodore Smalley, Walter Has klns, Ronny Firth, Lyle Tweet, Jimmy Pancratz, Danny Fat zer, Norman Klein and Dickie Grantham taking parts. ' Den mothers for these boys are Mrs. William Noel and Mrs. C. Klein.-. ;.:.;.., . ... Mrs. Orton was the accom panist at the piano. Awards given were: a Wolf award to Thomas Hill; Wolf gold arrows to Gordon Taylor, Thomas Hill, Buzzy Lyle, Lyle Tweet, Walter Haskins, Theo dore Smalley, and Norman Klein; Wolf silver arrows to Lyle Tweet, Walter Haskins, Theodore Smalley, John Tyler Hanu and two arrows to Buzzy S:30 p.m. Lot. of Life 3:40 p.m. tftranacr Than Fiction 4:00 p.m. Howdy Doodr 8:00 p.m Range Rider 0:30 p.m Douf Edwarda, Newa ' 0:40 p.m. Time for Beany 6:00 p.m. Mr Hero 6:30 p.m. Dinah Shore , 4:43 p.m. Newe Caravan 1:00 p.m. Orouohr Marl T:10 p.m. Burnt and Allen . 6:00 p.m. The Dncipected .. . 6:30 p.m. Ford Theater 0:00 p.m. Martin Xani x. ' 0:30 p.m. Wrejlllm ' : 10:30 p.m. Nile owl Theater. i' - t TBUB8DAY :1 a m. chrletopher Film :10 a.m. Whal'l Cooklni 10:00 a.m. Freedom Rlnaa 10:30 a.m. UP Portland 10:45 a.m. Uornlnc Edition 11:00 a.m. The Bit Fayoll 11:30 a.m. Welcome Travelers 11:00 noon Kale Smith Show 1:00 p.m. Puna of cur , 1MB p.m. Arthur Oodfrer 1:10 p.m Strike It Rich 2:00 p.m. Mallneo Theater 3:15 p.m-Searoh for Tomorrow MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Strrlcw ' and Installation 1880 State St. Phone 1-1577 Straw, Danny Atkinson, Jack ie Lentach; Bear gold arrows to Danny Atkinson, Jack Lentach and Kenneth Straw; Bear silver arrows to Jack Lentsch; Lion award to Doug las Larson, and a three year pin to Melvin Holland who gradu ated from cuba to regular scouts. . The cub pack will have a candy booth at the school Thursday night for those who attend the school's achievement night., i Co-chairmen are Mrs. Irving Larson and Mrs. John Tyler. . Mrs. Wallace Baldwin takes over the den of Mrs. Roy Tay lor, who la moving to a differ ent community. Mlsa Gladys Tipton, school principal was a guest.;, r ,,.,,:.. Last week's special program at Washington school was giv en by members of the third grade of Miss Donna Kees. The program was an outgrowth of the study of the Indians of the northwest as a unit NATIVE OFFICES SHOT Nairobi, Kenya U.B An African policeman was shot through the back in a native quarter' of terror-ridden Nai robi late last night, Police said he was not expected to live. , LISTEN TO THE Choral Symphony under the direction of V DR. FRANK BLACK TODAY ' 6:30 P.M. KSLM brought to you by yew - CADILLAC DEALER No County Judge Now for Lane County Gov. Patterson has signed the bill to give Lane county a governing body of three com missioners. The bill abolishes the posi tion of county Judge and re places bim with a 'commission er. ' Multnomah and Lane coun ties will be the only ones to have three commissioners. All other counties have two com missioner! and Judge. , i TV TROUBLES? . - Technicians en Duty ' Till :S0 p.m. Dally TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 8.12th . Ph. 45511 The famous aehAivnpt vacht America, first winner of the America's cup, was planked largely with teak. , Before buying any hearing aid, you owe it ; to yourself to try the 1953 73 . Hearing Aid under our I0day money-back Guarantee! OtyMamdwertd-eweee IeaMatruvaea4reeleea .... te,Cialeiila -ataMriamaiaaaaaa) ' ; Morris Optical Co. . . 444 BUta St. , fh. I55J . ... . Si teste the DIFFERENCE! Qmioitrntshy . blinded with Grain JVeafra Spirits tnjoy the rkh flavor ef Ihli hmoui old Ktntvtky brand. II k o-Veor-Od Kenbdry wrMey blended wHh 70 Mulral tplrili dfsnVfed fnm me cnk4f oran. Try M rodoyf su 2 40 $970 IE M W0BRTS .. THBIE DAYS i SfSJftil BITlFl To I?' -l $ (en Irj S , ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF 9-PC. OUTFIT III W 1 . . $8988 All These Pieces for only . Comfortable Daveno, Coil. Spring Construction. Choice of smart new decorator covers. Makes a comfortable bed for two in a jiffy. 2 Modern End Tables with protective glass top. Choice of blonde or walnut finish. Matching Cocktail Table. Living Room Throw Rug - Your choice of colors. All Metal Cocktail Smoked. 2 Modern Table Lamps - Matching Pleated Shades. Modern Floor Lamp Choice of attractive coolie shades in your favorite colors. Come Early When Selections Are Complete PAY NOTHING DOWN ! BALANCE ONLY 2 PER WEEK SALE ENDS SATURDAY! Open Friday Evenings till 9 P.M. r