Wednesday, April 29, 1953 Page 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVE ROPER '"".- I "" 1 ROPER IS ABOUT I Hnile, ouiudf, the first rtyt of Ll!Hld II (iff mammammT SIX FEET TALL tmligtit m grtti. bf I nmabn 1; TX DafbdHl 880WN HAJB-WA5 of i wnd Masting: crwH.tpmnOf gts - $j at-- 1 V V. cirriei. in i I WEARIN3 A OWIKSUTT maUn an rly ttnt . xZa ! .'34 roGO ' " ' ' " " ', : . i ,.-11-,ri-vuiLy-ii6iflWf MV SWiV roHtBM KAN WmAfTHB yW9TSAPACT; rT i ORPHAN ANNIE - ' " egSfeUJ I I V- Na 1 W r A I '-T--T-r - .TjgE, - a WHftCO'VUH MBOM, VtAH HERMANS I I THIS TOWN nfwelT I nmu ai &!'" FIRST, MWqooO-Twe SOMEB0Wl J TALL OF A SUDDEN"? THE: 1 RrSHT-ONty QB I j CANT WBODVBAV IT 1 I &ga DEAOONARRtVW 1 60TTA DIE EVERV I SAME THINQfe BEEN GOING I POOCSISTHERRST I MTORDA COULD COTAmiy I I md C DAY ON TH' FRONT 1 j ON IN FUTIUTV LONQ ONE EVER SEEMED (jOSPTTAL- HSV THETOtWmiri-y I I I ll am ciavirirusNr:"l. I a cunncN. I Is Jk 1 1 L 7l IZ f eat I JTS' ir" TT.o m I 1 1 1 i-FjF - 'STS Ml! ! ' Tf I W T A DUBS . ' . I I AJIJU ADllEiIb I Iltll,B7frAT VY vm I umki'T uawf ) y -S. II n.coff EXjCOOSE ) I iN THE HILLS-WH EH A MAN I Exocavia CL a thing to Tit's sweet, yj I-iki t I me;.'-a SJ I lves a hqumo-dog howls I FOP THE FIRST I SO I GUNG tf'9p A Wj-.Lj 1 1 BECOME ( ATATIME J I " "'"NIGHT A' I 1 HOPALONG CASSIDt 5 jSkWHL tf I wSkijiv JStlitfiArT' rr H71 I wm THAT YflU'VE 6U4AHT US, I M BMMNIH4 1 SUSPECT THAT ttTTLE FEKW I V WfV I ONTO THE OPENiNU ITO THIS MINE ANOTHER f NOT W- YH IcLIrTTB orei vSlENiCE' 1 TAU0NIS I -O 4 I TUNNEL ANP FL4UKEP WHERE YtfUf BE.' VICTORY.' TIME 7 I REStJRT V OTBk WLENM . J lALwn T MUX!' JEFf - , ', ' ' ' Jfflb&$fcj$i I w WMATCHA, lll'MTEACrilNO TaRENT YoU AFRAIP I l7riECK NO.'I(SOt1 I V jj WjMlIV'Ssy!?' F tu it V P0IN' TWIN BROTHER HE'LL 6BT LOST A 6IS ANCHOR IfSfLII I fW MADiliM M n I 535 H "Z AWAY... STRuaOUNO -THATTHINSS HAPPBNEO CANT GBT MY... BREATH M II S 111 ULF 111 1 1 Vill i V I II lt?S- ftMeZI -ir'Vl3i 1 HZ N. 1 DONALD DUCK . ' l"1 I reR-BUT fl PONT KNOW ) I II II P?! "1 I've the most hovel costume 2?r amSo YofVm to tSInk 1 ?v Pmf jmt&fh.A J H TWT' AIT . i MART WORTH " r"-3 "I I WCLL!E.WHQSHfl.PINf.nrB ITTM HP.' I v- -w t I d a - uim. . .fAD dwi ki a I tv i i r-- "x. b bl ' -mr mm i kj i n I I : . I . . i bmi t 'Hi . The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER (AT IMwdnturu) RADIO PROGRAMS CHAPTER 13 He grinned. "Uke It? ThU wu always one of your favorite pUcea." She began to relax. She began to find perfectly proper to be with Bob even though he'd be haved so badly. With eager eyes she searched the woods until she found the "castle" walls. "There it Is, Bobl Bob, remember when Bod and Johnny and you built it while I kept guard against In dians?" He nodded. A more perceptive person would have noticed that he vas beginning to relax, too. He said,. In nostalgia's tone: "Those were the good days, weren't they?" They'd been that, she remem bered. She looked at Bob's quiet, sun-browned face. Bo soft were his gray eyes that they reminded her of a little pool they'd found one day where white egrets were drinking and ducks were swim ming and quacking in great con tentment. She looked away from him shy ly. "Where are we going, Bob? I promised Maggl I'd help her this evening," "I thought you'd like to see the farm." She said moodily, 'I've missed the rides, Bob. So has Nancy, Don't you think you've been a bit cruel? You shouldn't have made poor Nancy pay the penalty, too." "I've been busy." "Not that busy." He chuckled. "Success and more success, you might say. I picked up another fifty acres," That wu really big news. Even tually Bob wanted to switch to raising beef, Black Angus, no less. To do it on a large scale, land was required, much land. The extra fifty acres were a big step toward the realization of his penultimate dream. The ultimate dream? She wet her lips nervously. She tensed that this ride was a kind of step he was taking toward real ising that one, too. ' But . she couldn't feel annoyed with him now as she had the afternoon Mr. Hufford had come back from his first day as a commercial fisher man. Too much had happened since that afternoon. She had a better understanding of Bob's feel ings now than she had ever had before. "Congratulations," she said soft ly. "And I want to see it soon. But not today, Bob." His jaw tightened. But his voice remained soft, pleasant as he asked:' "Is Dan Curtis coming back?" "Sometime this evening, I think." The truth seemed to astonish him. She guessed that he'd half expected a lie. "He's got some Interesting Ideas, that fellow. One of these days I'd like to meet him." She bridled. "I wont have you fighting him, Bob. That would be foolish. It would accomplish noth ing." "Have I ever fought?" She felt silly. Yet it gave her satisfaction to know that already she was beginning to fight for Dan. That was better bv far than Just stewing about him. There'd been too much of that, lately "Sorry, Bob. Sorry for so many things." "I won't give un." he said gruff ly. "If that's what you hope to nave me ao, you u oe disappoint ed." He shook his head, as though trying to clear it. "None of this makes sense. What sort of magic does that guy work? You were al ways a eool one, too darned cool and eollected, if you ask me. Then along he comes, you date him a few times, and there you are with a crush on him. No. It lust doesnt mane sense. "It does to me, Bob.1 "Rumor has it that Doctor and Can Curtis had a scran. Ruth. Rumor has It that they'll fight to vne Jiniao. ' She was aware of those rumors, She'd wished, hearing talk, that Dan and his uncle hadn't gone to San Francisco on business. She'd wanted to go straight to Dan and ask what had been discussed, and why he'd shouted in the hall: "It's wart She'd not believed it when Maggl had told her about that. But her mother had announced it was so. and. of course she'd had to oeueve it tnen. gut wny was it to oe "war"? TTieyTe doctors. The may have had a disagreement about terms and work, but I imagine they'll work things out. Actually. each needs the other, Bob. Doctor neeas a young man 10 take uie load from his shoulders, and Dan needs the advice and guidance of Doctor. You'll see. They'll work something out." ' He stopped the car. He couldn't believe his ears or his eyes. "Ruth, you're a child.. You're a ohild liv ing outside the world in dreams. Don't you xnow what's been bap- peiiing i .. "What's been happening?" "It was printed In this after noon's paper. Dan Curtis has come out flatly against a community hospital, and Doctor has come out flatly against a private hospital. Why, when I was on Main Street tnat was all uiat was being dis cussed. You Idiot, the 'wars' al ready begun!" The newt shocked her. It left her speechless. "It's absurd." (To Be Continued) KaiserClean-up Willys Purchase Toledo. O. din The' conv pleted purchase of Willys Over land by Kaiser Manufacturing Corp., a wholly owned subsid iary of Kalser-Frazer Corp., was announced today. President Edgar F. Kaiser of Kalser-Frazer said the name of the Kalser-Frazer subsidiary will be changed to Willys Mo tort, Inc., with headquarters here. He said the names of officers of Willys Motors will be made known this week. : Kaiser emphasized that the automotive products of each company will continue to be marketed and serviced separ ately through the. separate ex isting Kalser-Frazer and Willys Overland distributors and deal er organizations. TS,,ttT0Btmrla FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Our Television Theatre See Them in Action Before Ton Bay Pockord-Bell, Emenon, Raytheon, Wettinghouit OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening by Appointment . YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO! 375 Chtmeketa Phone 3-4311 THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO: ' al MBO nt CBS use ABO use HBO us Ls Ml Km N.w, N.w. P.ul Bum Top, hwllMllin ... 11:1' Lll, 0l "" "two RMOrt Boob Major lliSff. Xous IW. W.rran Io.kOw.iu o. W. B...rS Boon I Um - (' BaiptaM. J,c 0,"' MoJla B.orS tvm M.l. lulu I:N B.t. Wlf. uiftw Hia. Ear W.H io B'4 "' ' :lt St.UoD.Uu a.4fr.r , Km "l . KlrkwoM RanrS Bun :. :M W. Browa OoSlr.1T K.j Weil Luckr U B.c.rS Bo.m Major M w U Haa OadlreT Ka, Weil Boneh Becord Room Uiim - !:I0 Halo BUI bodlm Cl Tinner Neva Kea.rd Boom Major :1B rorrell Oodlrar Cl Tinner Oard. Fence Record tm UtiM . : L. Jena. 0.dlre Ilk. ""' iM"l! i"" "I?1? - it Dm', fill. Owl Maun Millionaire Bet'r Snoppei Record Boom Meledr I'M Welcome Bulk Athlon Muila Berne Our Town Jim Dandy Matlo 1:15 Tr.i.ler Jim Wkel Bill Bins Sl.ylon Show Melodp i:0 Dr. raal Buerger, For the Olrli Newe Jim Dend, Hail. :4B D, G.rrowa, Tunelnllr For the Olrb Paula Slen. Shaw Maladp " 4:W Ufa Be.ntlf. klrkham Tlnr Tone. Foil. Uwla Kid. Horner Moil. Tm1 4:111 Star Tim. Annl Jamlma Serl Cm. Hamlniwor Miale Marl Want i i JM Mail, Bai Klrkham S.rl Cm. Unrl Metier Mnelc Marl Mail. Ten , ;4.e. Bill f Dm' . Klrkham H.pPT Tim. Bam Bare. Mnelc Mart Want ' t:M New, " K. B. Marroa Merrl. Clreli 8,1. Prllton Mntl. Mart GnMt Star :19 Nawa New, Vlrc. Pinkie; Sit. Preilen Mnile Mart Second Ltk L. MaCaU World Todar a Homier Sir Kins Motlc Marl V.Uerrep. , ttiH I. Pelerten Frank Ooea Bob Oarrod Bar Klni iMmlc Mart Soma :M Relax with Americas Weatherman IO. Heater Mull. Hart ICandll U.kt (15 Maal. War Home t dlllon N. W. New, Muel. Marl and tlltw i;iO kid Skelten Battle far flood Ser.nad. Matlo Marl New. . jliU Bed Bkellen Schoola Llitenlnl Bam tlaroi Sltn Oil S Kara i-tO Blr Slorp U Thomas Sllrer Baile Clica Kli Bmotj 7 ITft Blf Starr On Spot Sllrer Bail. Clic. Kid Stan Iras M Balpk Die. Brld. Dreamland Cmmnnlat BandatanS '1 U Edward, Dec. Brld. lor FBI 1 Bandetand , t:M Man'. Famlr Meet Millie Loulnea Crime Fla mint Im I. IB W.rld N.w, Moot Mini. Smphenett, Crime Filer, BMetall , :MI Er Beeere J. Slallerd ABC Plar- Mnel. B.iikaU J. g:4B Bar B.teri Jr. Bin hena. Mnel. Beleb.U th Father Tim. f.r New. Tomor. Glen Hardy BueaaU 'IS Kaow, Lor. U. N. St.rr Foil. Uwla Baeeball ) Cammanlat Bins Crcebr Saaroh for What Cake ',. Baeeball ' t:4f lor TBI Bint Croebr 8tara Matte Baeeball ' a. tfl teawlar S-Slar Final Final BdlUot Behind etrr Baeeball . . ' S-Tft Iparta Final Interriewa Dance Time NewerMl Nliht Nowa a.'fa Qeldea Trcaaarr Dane. Tim. Nm Nlcht In,' (jig Flwoa BandatanS Dane. Tim. Crlm. File. Nliht Sans I IF (aw. Mnel. Dance Time Crlm. Fllea . Nliht Sea, I Lent MaCaU Mail. - Dane, Time Mail. Niint 8ms Ijjj Cllr Coanell Maele Dance Time Mule Nlthl tans :45 Cllr C.ancll Maale " Dane. Tim. Mart. ' . Nlihl Ini U:t Isiia on lateral Ipanco Time iMac Meledr I Islra Off ' Don'! Blow Your Top too un m i bdMttfol . Carol Curtis Pattern UUJIUUWU I IV riaaaanri If X Ml aaaTa Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Um Ave. Ph. 38551 FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. ij . a. Wild Roses In Colorl Delicate rose-pink flowers, green leaves and stems art in the permanent-dye transfers wmon require no em broiderythe color is In the trans fer Itself I There are twenty-two mows ranging irom t-incn sprays, 3 -Inch separate blossoms down to buds of 1-lnch to use on pastel linen or cotton skirts, blouses or on dainty table linens. Designs when transferred are launderable. Send 30c for the WILD ROSES In COLOR transfers Pat tern (No. 448 transferring and laundering instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN I NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. Capital Journal, 661 Mission street,! san irancuco s, uaiu. (.MIDere Weal EIFTJ Oreion Farm Hr. INewa Breakfut (Western , 116 Oar. Weat KOIN Kloek Farm Br. rim .keeper N.ok M.l.dp ' 'ft Dare Weet KOIN KlMk Farm Rr. Newe Breakfeet Farm Navr i':4S ram Tuna KOIN Klock Farm Hoar March Time Neok Wewa a. IS Cntrr Idltor KOIN Klock Newe Hemlaiwar Br.akful . KOCO Klaak I'll JehaarWllle Newe M. Arrenakr BraakfaH No.k KOCO KlMk it Nm Nawa BobGarrad Braabfaet Breakfaat - KOCOKVeak 7:4S K. Manning H. Babbitt Bob Haien Bam Harea Naok KOCO Kloek ftf 014 Inn Nm . Breakfut Cecil Srewa Jim Dandr KOCO Kleek I'll 01 Ionia Newe Club Famllr Allu Jim Dandr KOCO Kleek :ll Maele Be, Helen Trent Breakfut Blbla Boar Jim Dandr KOCO Kloek :45 Ma,l, B.1 Oal Bandar Clah arbl. Jim Dandr New. ! a. M Maale B.i Boad tlfa Dr. Sword Hr. Smrtb'a Fa t:Ii Mail. Boa Ma Farkrna Todar', Star Cmmtntarr Mr. Smrlh Mail, l td Maala Bel Dr. Malone Break Bank Pallor Gall Mr. Smrth Plan. Pat'ra 4S Mndlahr Paid. Llihl Break Bank Bar. CcnntciMr. Smrtk M. Whlttei t -M HoatMa Ha Mra. Bartoa Don Gardner Ql.n Hardr Matlaaa , Bare It'll rertr F. Maim Chet Hantler Telia Teit Matlaaa Becerdj It'SI Strtk. Kick Nerah Drake Trap Starr Muel. Hatlaaa Ban lt:4fi Blrik. Blch Brtihler Par Trn. Bt.rr Mnalo MallnM Beearli ' II tt DaaMe ar Orand Slam Whleperlnc LadlM Fair MatlnM Bora 11:11 N.lhlni Mual. Spark. Olrl Marrlea Ladlea Fair MetlaM Recerda i U:St Phraie Par, Home V. Llndlhar Qn. lor Dar MatlnM Bar, 11:411 IBek Here Pertr Barney Keep Qn. for Per Matinee Record. Keep teeth bright ZSZLT- thew Wrigley't Spearmint Cum. A WHiaia.'i ItJD'I'JK te, iw-Mtcni bretlh. Chewing helps keep teeth bright Freshens taste, iweeteni breath. Pleasant BOOM A BOARD THIS WILL RAISE HIS BLOOD PRESSURE UNTIL HIS BEARD TURNS , PINK , 3l fa (IjRSvJtf p-"'y w STRATESy I BEGGED YOU TO FURNISH ifSOOO... BUT, Na...V0U TOLD ME TO PUT MY ucao im a rinpo ppfss' . buta BK3 OIL COMPANY SAW THE POTENTIAL Ae. n da n tug rvouwecx. np thp PROPERTY f 300,000 fORA LEASE.' I DON'T KNOW WHETHER TO BELIEVE HIM OR NOT.... HE'S ALWAYS AS FULL OF HOT AIR AS A TIRE IN , FM Hci.t KOIN IS 1.1, S a.m. to U p.m. KEX K.t, S la t p.r f DIAL LISTING KOAC, SSI ' VfAC Friday A. M.t lllN. Ihlra, lvftV- Weathan U:M, School .1 Air' lt:M, New. and Woetherl 1:M, Nay Showl 1:30, Off Sh.Hi t:M, For Wow it Yrk( Tharadar P.M.: 11:00. Child nJn n; Theaterl 6:50. Earope Reportt 8:00, Newe, Weather; f:ls, Eti nlnr Form Bonn 8:00, BBC Th.atert 8:00, Muilot :. Medltalloni 10:00, Sim Oft. New Red Threat Seen By Adlai Stevenson Calcutta, India U.R) Demo cratic Party leader Adlai Ste venson said todav the situation' in invaded Laos "is obviously a fresh Communist threat to the peace of Southeast Asia.' "It is a' major invaiion of. an independent country," Ste- venson said on his arrival bere from Burma. n WATER SHORTAGE EASED Dallas, Tex. Heavy rains In the watershed of Lake DaK las just about ended this city't water shortage yesterday. f ACROSS . 1. Seasoning plant 5. Source of maple sugar g. Weathercock 11 Region 11. Town In Ohio 14. Short Jacket 15. Old English coin IS. Loiter 17. Defeats st bridge 18. British law making assembly SI. Purpose 22. Passageways 26. The pick 29. Insect 30. Cereal teed 31. Soaks up Si Suit the shape 33. Genus of roses 34. Indefinite pronoun 35. Because 36. Serpent 37. Inspector of weights and measures 39. Dance step 40. Secure favorable reception 43. Sign J8. Eternity . Small nail 50. Talk wildly 51. Short. japped fabrte Sz. Country 63. Mimic 34. Upward curve of a plank S3. Therefore rAiTienAiaiAiBiAnrTO INIOINULIEIPII Solution of Yesterday's Puzilt ? DOWN 1. Musical In- strument S. Silkworm 3. Back lArtiitie dances S. Cold dish C. First man A 500-MILE RACE ' ' V I VW l I' ffM' I " I"' Wt. t W "TT si'iii"ir ar ts v jr- ir it -j- Tvr rr st -w- LO I I , n i J IV wp'iir 'ir n n , rr fi ?r i ' 1 1 I I LfrJ MvWf0aaierfeBsr 4 if T. Brilliant show . S. Waistcoats (.Devoured 10. Negative lLTypt measurei It. Anglo-Saxon king 30. Insect's egg 23. Fold of thread 21 Relieve 29. Headline 33. God of love , 37. Smooth 38. Virginia willow 29. Ventilate 33. Writers of false lig natures 31 Lsughablt 33. Swamp 38. Large tub 3S. Ocean-going stesmer 39. Flower 4L Color of a horns 43. Sandarse tree 43. Strong teste 44. Root of the tsro 43. Daniih money of account 4. Chart 47. Night before 1