Paga 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Orefon Tueaday, April 28, 1958 Zone Problem Deferred Until Hearing May 19 Property owneri and plat promoter! interested In New Haven and Broadmoor aam tlom in the southeast part of the city will have to wait until after a public hearing May 19 before the planning and zon ing commission to find out if the city li going to give inem a residential or an industrial zone classification. General Realty company has already built 14 houses in New Haven Addition and had . an application before the council for permits to build 16 more. This is under a recently-enacted ordinance requiring the council, rather than the build- East Salem Km Salem . East Salem Home Extension units this year were assigned one of the special work shop projects, braided rues, to Ednia Lane, and Lansing Neighbors; Herbs for Variety and Accent," to Swegle and 'Gifts from Cloth," to Lancaster unit. . Each year some East Salem unit has been awarded a first at the Homemakers Festival and this year East Salem's old est unit, Swegle, received a first for Its exhibit of herbs, It had been arranged by Mrs. Alfred Pauli, .. Mrs. Warren Fisher and the units president, Sirs. V. M. La Due. In the point system used by the Judges, Edina Lane was aecond with lta rugs. Lansing Neighbors won fourth in the exhibit, with a High rating. - Lancaster unit with its "Gifts From Cloth" was third In its division. This unit's members had used this project more than others having made about SO of the large red felt stockings for use in their own homes, and as gifts at Christ mas time. ' In addition to the blue rib bon for the most points- a purple one was given four units whose displays could be put in some store window in Salem and Swegle unit will have one of these displays. The stores where the different ones will be placed are to be select ed this week. - Mrs. Zina Scharpnack and Mrs. Harry Ottee from Lans ing Neighbors and Mrs. Melvin La Due from Swegle assisted In the dining room as host esses and Mrs. George Hanau- ska, chairman of Edina Lane, ushered in the mam auditor ium. One unit meeting will be held this week. Lancaster unit will meet Friday at Charles Hagen, 3395 Duncan ave. on 'IVliUv Wnv 1 at 10:80 a.m. and have the project, "Herbs for Variety and Accent" . a. The river Rl In Italy which Cows from Mt. Baldo into Lake Garda is only 525 feet long but passes under a bridge, runs a mill ana has a watenau. The 816 carat diamond in the British royal scepter is the largest of nine stones cut from the Cullinan diamond found In 1903. inspector alone, to give its ep nrnval In areas where a zone is likely to be changed under the pending zone revision, me dintrict is now in Class III, which permits residences, but the new code proposes to put it in M-2 classification, which does not permit residences. ftenaral ' Realty corflDSnv representatives said they had started the nro'ect which is south of Oxforl and between 22nd and 24th streets before zone revision was started. Broadmoor Addition hasn't yet built any houses, but is Dlannlnc an extensive home building project. It was rep resented Deiore xne council by Mrs. Harriet Ness Ruff. On motion of Alderman Chester Chase both were de ferred until after the May IB hearing, Three other permits were granted. They were: Application of E. h. smitn to build a one-story masonry grocery store at 3125 North River read. Kenneth W. Hutchlns, to build a commercial garage at 2515 North Commercial. Walter Nyatrom, to build a concrete warehouse at - zuas North Front ( JCy . ft i... .ILmjl-p: LAKE LOUISE High among gorgeous Ct ' nadian Rockies you'll find your drcim vacation at beauti ful Banff Spring,, lovely Like Loulie! Rt lax with top service, comfort and world-famous 'fbod.Enjoy golf, tennis-swim, hike, fish, ridel Ask about the 2-4-6 day all-expenie tour in the Canadian Rockies. Make reierratioDS with your local agent or see MM f tV rVffanrf IK 2044 Build at Albany : Albany Members of the First Methodist church congre gation at a special quarterly conference Sunday ni,ht au thorized the board of trustees of the local church to pick up the options on two pieces of property to be used in connec tion with contemplated expan sion of the local church. To be purchased are the Per cy Veylor residential lot, for merly the William Bain home, at Fourth Ave. and Ellsworth St. to the south of the present church building, and the prop erty adjoining the Taylor prop erty to the east on Fourth Ave., now owned by L. W. Young, known as the Charles M. Bruce property. Presiding over the confer ence was Dr. George G. Rose berry, Salem, district superin tendent Sunday's action marked ad ditional progress toward ma terialization of the Methodist expansion program, launched last year when plans for, con struction of a new educational building were announced. - Accumulation of a building fund has since been under way. PUNCHBOARD PENALTY Albany Troy Cox, Halsey tavern operator, was fined $230 in district court Monday after being convicted by a six- Essay Contest WinnersNamed Dallas Winners for the es say contest sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary are being announced. The annual contest Is a project of the Americanism committee of the Department of Oregon, The senior contest, which had as its subject, "American ism in the Community," was won by Earl Glbbs. Second prize winner was Sandra Long man iury on a charge of violat ing the state gambling laws by operating a punennoara, and the third prize went to Laura Billings. ........ In the Junior contest telling tiin,a Viral rv American Should Vote" was Janet Classen, 1st prize; Karen jonnson, zna prize; and Cora Swanstrom, In eacn contest me winning essay was sent on to compete i. the tate contest, coins to Mrs. B. V. Stratton, Port Or ford, Oregon, who is state chairman for the contest. The state winners will be announced soon after May 1. Local Judges for the contest ....... Mra. Milo Smith. Mrs. Dora Sweet and Mrs. Dean Forbes. : - Cannon for the selge : of Vlcksburg were cast from iron taken from Ringwooa, . J. Ike in Tails at Opera Performance Washington fl The audi Bllttered as much as the singers last night when Presi dent of Mrs. Eisennower iea the Capital's officialdom to a performance of tne Metropoa Ian nnpra. The President was dressed In white collar and tails and the First Lady wore deep red satin with flowing skirt and fitted bodice topped off with a white mink cape-Jacket. rtttcTiic 11 HMTgWS fa Cherry City IS n i.i. Electric 339 Chemeketa Phena 2-6762 Yi Banner Travel Kit a real traveling companion. Opens wide ond slays open for easy packing - bellows construc tion adusts height to fit content - waterproof Vinyl lining the finest Travel Kit made. TOP GRAIN 0 AO PIGSKIN Pi?eWT . COWHIDE $6.50 TOP GRAIN COWHIDE dQ Eft PluiTox ' ipOeJU Capital Drug Store 403 $! St., Corner I JUkerty DOUBLE MC. GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW , (fit LU m m STAMP 405 State St. (Corner of Liberty) Al3fllL DOUilll Double 'SlffC Green Stamps Given on All Cash Purchases Made at This Store TAX ROT INCLUDED A 6IUETTE Blue Blades In Dispenser Pack of 20 98' iPtciAi $2.00 . $4 59 Lustre-Creme ' Creme Shampoo . . . Giant 10-os. Jar vr.o - - irn mm Anniversary Show nf Dnnntar.Driror! VI I UJJUIUI I IIVVII ituuan uuisiifiu0cs' FITCH 98' Shampoo 7W-os. Sixe with Shampoo Brush 1.39 DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS A URVTX Hilt Vloth Spray ' 16-os. Sixe ... Protects Clothes $2.50 AtER $4 00 Hand Cream i Plus Tax mtaoeuaoaT TOOTHPASTI ' with CHL0R0PHVLL SIPIECIIAIL! Limited Time Only i m. CRYSTAUIN FINISH NAIL POLISH 2RE6UIAR ft80mS FOR ONLY $100 v Lut rax Here's a wonderful opportunity to try the world's finest nail polish at only half the regular pricCj All fashion shades. i a th TOSST CREAM DEODOAT;' higljar... -VgS' now only 50 M. Luttmtly atop pm ipit tatioai doW daedbc jpeirBasireaiaoat. Famoaa Tmrny Craaat DeooV rant proteets yom eUntoMM rm Boraine; to Bight. ataotrf stop patykmkm ,dor. checks perspiratioa amsUue. Leave skin sasoolh. Sale for aacml akin and filmiest fab ika. Stays mmj-toix. DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TOMORROW Z.O(.Cpny"AUttJr FOUNTAIN a'm siKiniat, w aj ttaV 198 HoBfr cut 4o it . . . M u wild mrut crowded roMk Bt b-tm tto ! tUt, mi mt diny lli M jom DcMr . . . IM tdm Jttdf lk ttMtt lt him raeoM. Mod irMUws. And mmM to ' priMrihtt mi H a PhnMcit u UnraMUr rM. tallr rlnd. pi nn "" i imftiitilr'Tt Dortf wdiuJ 1m tn tntm mtr m pf . mJtmmtimtfnm H PmraorpkH fOtc 7Qi Wh.... 1 9 Babies tort it IiIIbib 1 BB Rol-Rft I m Ketractaala M DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS I I Mineral OH I I CREAM I HMr.kiM.PM laCEJ I ANAHIST I I 9-OUNCE 1 TABLETS I I SERUTAN II II' REVL0N BEAUTY DOUBLE A cleansing and moisturising treohnent Moon Drops". Moistura Balm . . . 3.00 White Sable" Cleansing Creme . . 1.50 Value 4.50 SPECIAL VALUE Both lor . $ 3.00 Plus Tax DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS LIMITED $HANnTIES OT.Y! Cqserooa trial arze free of catra coet with eveiytiegnlarioize FORMULAYER the ntw "look-younger" cream Two Giont Site PEPSODENT Tooth Porta 94c Value r 69c CHARLES ANTELL r'ormula No. 9 and Shampoo with Lanolin and Hormones COMBINATION OFFER Formula No. 9. . . . . . 4.95 reg. Shampoo ....... 2.00 reg. Both lor f)A Plus Total Value $6.95 . 0UU Tax 3" ONLY SuUhctloa erMooqrBick Use trial site first li not com plelcly satisfied with Forraulayer's loTcly effect on your skin, return large jar unopened. Entire $3.50 will be refunded. CAPITAL mm 405 STATE ST. (Corner of Liberty)