A hi s t Tuesday, April 28, 195S THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. BeJem. Oncm ran 9 PSG Mothers plan Events E)n Campus . Presiding at the annual eating of th Oregon State lollege Mothers clubi during (other week-end on the cam ius, May 8-10, will be Mn. )ale Miller of Portland, itate i resident for the past two reari. ! During Mrs. Miller's term of fflce, four new units of the lub have been organized, in lend, Klamath Falls, Hood River and Clackamas. The to' al units in the state now total 17. Life memberships have In creased 775 during the past (wo years. Memberships now total S641. I In 1892 there were IS full tuition scholarships awarded Et $2880 was raised by the nits in 1952. To this date Mrs. Miller reports that they have passed the $3000 mark, thus jrnaklng It possible to give more W1.1JVW " ' Election of officers will Te t the annual meeting on Sat urday afternoon following the annual luncneon ana will De in Gill coliseum. Mrs. Oscar I, Paulson of . Salem, Junior cast president, will be the in stalling officer. Special guests at the meeting will be Gov, and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Byrne, Miss Mary I. Bash, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Strand, Dean Dan Poling. Mrs. Frank Moser, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fames, Miss Sarah Archibald, who is gen eral chairman for the week' end activities on the campus, and her mother. On Friday will be registra tion and the executive board will meet at noon. An all- school honor convocation will be held In the evening In the coliseum. Saturday morning will bring tours of the campus, the new wing of the Home Eco nomics building to be featured; luncheon at noon, an annual meeting, and in the evening, dinner In the living groups and the all-school student produc tion In the coliseum. The week end will end with the church services, Sunday morning, and dinner again with the living groups. Mrs. Wendt Eleeted Mrs. Carl J. Wendt is the new president for the Salem unit of OSC Mothers clubs, elections being held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wayne Gordon. Mrs. Wendt succeeds Mrs. Emmett Rogers in the office. Others named as officers are: Mrs. Stanley Ba ker, vice president; Mrs. James Keyes, secretary; Mrs. Karl Heinlein, treasurer; Mrs. Edwin Johnsen, corresponding secre tary. . . A plant sale was conducted to aid the scholarship fund. Plans were made for a no host dinner on May 25 at May- Today's Menu Good Breakfast Canned Pears with Fresh Orange Sections . Rice Grlddlecakes Crisp Bacon V - Honey V, Beverage Rice Grlddlecakes Ingredients: cup sifted flour, V cup nonfat dry milk, 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1 tablespoon sugar, H teaspoon salt, 1 egg (slightly beaten). 1 cup water, 3 tablespoons salad oil or butter or margarine (melted), 1 cup drained cook' ed rice (H cup uncooked.) Method: Sift together flour, nonlat dry milk nowder. bak lng powder, sugar and salt. Combine egg, water and salad oil or melted butter. Stir in dry ingredients; beat with ro tary beater until almost smooth. Stir In cooked rice. Pour about 3 tablespoons of batter onto hot lightly greased griddle and cook until bubbles form over entire surface; turn and cook other side until gol den brown. Stir batter before yon dip up enough for each griddle cake each time; batter is thin and this way you will distribute rice evenly. Serve at once. Makes 12 to 14 grid dle cakes,' about 4 inches in diameter. t - . . DATE for Salem Spinsters club's annual spring silver tea has been changed from May 23 to Thursday, May 21, at the William L. Phillips, Sr., home on West Lefelle. Miss Boehm Will Head Girls League Betty Lou Boehm was elect ed president of the Salem high u-hnnl Girls Leacue in a re- vote, Monday. She defeated Barbara Fuhr. In the only other revote Gloria Andrews won over Pat Gilmore for vice-president. PriscUla Durham was elected treasurer and Nancy Payne secretary in elections, Friday. The Girls League wiU nave a new adviser next year as the present adviser. Miss Elizabeth Gilbert, is leaving for Colum bia university. She has been dean of girls for several years. Wedding Dated Lebanon The wedding of Louese Klines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vale Kimes. and Kenneth Sims, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sims, will be an event of Saturday, June 20. The nuptials will be solemnized at 9:80 at St. Martin's Episco pal church. A group of 21 school friends of the bride-elect were invit ed to a dessert luncheon this week at the home of her par ents where the wedding plans were revealed. Miniature white wedding bells were used for the announcement. , Fosters to Be Feted Sunday ; "An event for next Sunday will be the reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Foster on the occasion of their golden wedding. The anniversary is May 6, but the reception is set for Sunday. . . Friends are invited to call between 3 and 8 o'clock at the Foster home, 1012 Park ave nue. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fc were bora in Iowa, sear Des Moines. They were married at Wlnterset, Iowa, May 6, 1901. They came to Salem in the spring of 1907 and have lived her sine. Mr. Foster long worked at the' building trade and for the city school district, in which employment he still is active. Recalling their journey west, the Fosters report it took them five days to come to Salem from Iowa and they traveled on four different trains to get here. . Salem at that time had no pavement but during their first summer her two blocks of pavement were laid onj KKG Group Sets Dinner A buffet dinner for their May meeting is planned by. Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae, the event to be at the home of Mrs. Daniel J. Fry with Mrs. Robert Drager as co-hostess. The group met last evening at the home of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis. . New officers are: Mrs. Les ter D. Green, president; Mrs. Robert Steeves, vie president; Mrs. John Martin, secretary; Mrs. Newbury Close, treasurer; Mrs. Donald L. Rasmussen, correspondent for the Key, mi' gazlne of the group. Attending the Monday meet lng were Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. Wil liam Elan, Mrs. F. J. Furman, Mrs. Lester D. Green, Mrs. Sid ney B. Lewis, Mrs. John Mar tin, Mrs. Donald L. Rasmussen, Mrs. Harvey Ronne, Mrs. Rob ert Steeves, Miss Margaret Wagner.. - Court street, other sections be lng laid soon afterward. Anniversary for ?. Chapter Saturday ' . Seventh birthday for Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, waa observed at the group's meeting Saturday evening. Members of Naomi chapter, Dallas, were guests and their worthy matron, Mrs. Edris Woods, was honored. Several guesta from Falls City, Donald and Schyier,. Nebraska, aiso war present The affiliation degree was conferred on Mrs. Arthur Marquis. Past matrons and pairons honored were: Mrs. William Marriott and Walter Lansing; Mrs. William Newmeyer and Charles Boyer; Mrs. Mona Yo- der and William Marriott; Mrs. Claud Post and William Newmeyer; Mrs. Russel Beut- ler and James Darby; Mrs. Ar thur Wallace and Russel Beut- ler; Mrs. Harry Lucas and John Miller. ; A whistling selection was presented by Hiss Harriet Al ter accompanied by Miss Eve lyn Prog. Following lb meet ing, i birthday party waa en joyed and entertainment furn ished by the " members and guests.. Th refreshment committee consisted of Mr. and Mrs. W1K bur McCune, chairmen, assist ed by Mr. and Mrs. Verne lias brook, Mr. and Mrs. - George Thomason and Mrs. Norman Mull. Th tables were decorated to represent each month of th year by th following mem bers: Mrs. Norman Fletcher. chairman; Mrs. Earl Bradfleld, Mrs. Otno Eckersley, Mia Harriet Hlday, Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mr. Evrtt Hearing, Mrs. Hal De Sart, Mrs. Kenneth ' Morris, Mrs. Russel Btutler, Mrs. Mare Jennings, Mrs. Harry Lucas and Mrs. Joseph Griffin. " MM tfa,M-4!A Christening Event ' At Church Sunday Mt. Angel Constance Ma rie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Smith, was bap tized in the St. Mary's Cath olic church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Officiating at the ceremony was the baby's uiv de, the Rev. J. J. Linehan of St. Andrew's parish, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith of Newberg were sponsors for their niece. The little girl was born April 18, and has four older sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were hosts at a baptismal and birth day dinner, following the chufch ceremony. Sharing honors with Constance Marie was the eldest daughter, Joan, who was observing her 9th birthday anniversary. A decorated cake centered the table,- with covers placed for the Rev. J. J, Linehan and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Linehan, the maternal grandparents, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Smith, Mt. Angel, th pa ternal grandparents,- Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith, Barbara and Patrick of Newberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Smith, Joan, Patty, Genl and Gerry. BROOKS Brooks Sewing club will meet at the home of Mrs. Elmer Conn, May 7. ' ' " ! flower hall for all OSC fathers and mothers, guests to be par ents of prospective students. HIGH FIDELITY LONG PLAY RECORDS You Will Enjoy La Boutique Fantasque (Bosswi-Resphlfhl) London LL-274 Victor Herbert Suite Mantovanl and His Orchestra London LL-74S Beethoven: Symphony No. 2, No. 4 (65 Mlnntes) Columbia ML-4596 Scheherazade (Rlnuky Korsakoff) Victor LM-17S2 Grelg: Norwegian Dances Op. 35 Vanguard CRS-410 These Ar Just a Fw Of Hi Many Recordings ' W Carry in Stock TWO LOCATIONS: , Music Center, Capitol Shopping District Oregon Bldg., Stat & High TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT "k httantly opt pmpimtkm odor ir Checks perspiration moutun Tr Smooth tkm bomttifully . iatnow only ' . o '.. f Smooth, ataarast Tatty delnunets thm, -hm iha lanrat dir. It iiutintlr stops - Trnirtinn odor, checks Dcnoirstioa moirture. So stir to use; so safe fc aormal skin and i i I t 1 - A nimwn mm. jvoey ywu smooth. ..made on a vtsUaMng crsam btsel K it. for a limited time - onlyl CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 STATI ST. (Corner of Liberty) Double ZttC Green Stomps given on oil cosh purchoses ot our store tomorrow (tax not Included) Floss toad sm at oaos braW Tout Cm Dneswl Renltr II dot )m si mif SOS as (eonuia six neato II stos jm) a s I I I 0 Ctaa O Oka D 0 J. s We at SAFEWAY take great pride in inviting you to taste and compare The RICHER Milk You So Long Have Waitid For AVAILABLE NOW IN SALEM Locally Produced The dairymen producing your Lucerne Milk live right her In Morion County as a matter of fact, they were producing milk for this market even before Safeway proposed! offering Its Salem customers this higher quality, richer milk. Our local producers live Just a few miles outside of town on Route No. 1. They are: X. L Hicks, Ivan Merrick and N. J. Nelke. Like all ' other Lucerne Milk producrt, they ware carefully select d for dairy farms which ar modal of cleanlines and for herds which ar noted for producing flna milk. Guaranteed Quality Lucerne always pays top prices to dairy farmers . . . for pro riding you extra quality milk day in, day out. Besides recelv Ir.g the top regular market price, Lucerne dairymen also are awarded an extra price premium for milk free from .any off. odors, off-flavors, and for better than required bacteria test. Special laboratory inspection , is mode to determine these extra quality premiums. Result k that Lucerne Milk) is as a wholesome and healthy as it TASTIS GOOD! Minimum 3.8 Richness H's the butterfat In milk that determine richness . . . that determine VITAMIN A and D CONTENT ... and increases FOOD INCRGY VA4.UI. Th more butterfat in milk, the mere of these good things you get. And Lucerne Orada A is guar anteed to be rich In butterfat always, in every quart never less than J.8. (AH other Lucerne Milk and cream items hove similarly high label guarantees.) Look for this Mlninium Guarantee Label . , . Lucrn's Pldg of Quality. Testa and compare! mem 3 0' t JUL I S RIMIMIIR Lum buys milk for our Salem stores from local Marlon County dairymen Your Guarantee Is on the Carton . . . Look for Itl AT S AFIWAV i If i