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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1953)
i 4t w 1 raj o the I'AriXALi juuiwal, Baiem, uregon t BeTaeWaBWaWeWaWaWeWaWa PHHaHHMBMHHHHMM'SM AttKKtliittt!!t,' I Capital, Edited by MARIAN Miss Phelps Announces i Engagement The engagement of Miss Donna Mae Fhelpa, daughter of Mr. and Mri. uavia u Phlm. to Donald lee Bunse, on of Mr. and Mri. Clayton Bunie, wai announced last rn rfv svenlnff at a narty. Host esses for the announcement party were Misses Patricia Todd and Dorotny awigarc, and the affair was 'given in Todd hall on trie Oregon uoi lose nf Education eamous. Individual cakes with the couple's names written on ; them were passed out to the ' guests who included a group of friends of the brlde-eiect. ) No date Is set for the wed Miss Phelps is attending OCE and majoring in elemen tary education. Her fiance is attending Willamette univer sity, majoring in aeronautical engineering. He is aninatea with Phi Delta Theta frater nity on the campus.' Wow Planning for Floral Exhibits at Oregon State Fair Mrs. Claude A. Miller and Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr., leave next Monday evening by train for Oakland, Calif., to take in the California spring carden show. Mrs. Miller is director for the flower show at the Oregon State Fair next fall and Mrs. Brandt is assisting in design-1 ing the arrangement for the floral displays. They are mak ing the trip south to line up Ideas for the show here. They . will return Thursday night. .. Next Monday, a meeting Is called for 2 p.m. at the Fair Grounds for all floral concerns planning to enter the show, purpose of the meeting being to talk over plans for the fair display. Leo Spltzbart, man ager of the fair, sent out no ; tices the first of the week call . Ing the meeting for next Mon day. : Senior Scouts at Week-end Conference Thirty-five Senior Scouts from the Santiam Area Girl Scout council attended the re ' clonal senior conference at Camp Wind Mountain, Home Valley, Wash., April z, zo, 28. , Approximately 300 Senior Girl Scouts attended from Region ' 11 five from aa far as Lib by, Mont The rest were from the states of Idaho, Washlng ton and Oregon. The conference was spon sored by the Portland Girl - Seout council, Camp Wind esif " ns foe sasreeaasi NUCOA is the one to buy- FIRST YEW BM1E TO DE First to give you food value m every single ingre fWnt! No benzoate preservative no synthetic flavor In Nwcoal Even Nucoa'i tunny color comet from Nature, from golden carotene. Everything in natu rally dehcious Nucoa margarine is good for you. Next time you buy, buy All-NUTRITION mm Women LOWBY FISCHER Nile Party On Wednesday Many more reservations are in for the benefit party to be sponsored by Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, Wednes day, at the Scottish Rite tem ple. Mrs. Fred L. Peterson, queen of Nydia temple of the Nile and the wife of Mayor Peterson of Portland, and a large group of her. officers, will be here for the party, including: Mrs. Loy al McCarthy, Mrs. Jack L. Gor don, Mrs. H. R. Crawford, Mrs. B. C. Buck, Jr., Mrs. John . Behll, Mrs. Claude E. Hender son, Mrs. Mervin H. Horton, Mrs. James W. Lynn, Mrs. Wil liam W. Lauer, Mrs. L. F. Sny der, Mrs. Mark H. Shafer, Mrs. Harry S. Stengel, Mrs. H. Al bert Starr, Jr., Mrs. Arthur W. Nufsbaumer, Mrs. A. E. Volgt. A special guest of Mrs. L. D. Lambeth will be Mrs. Karl F. Glos of Portland. : ' Among others making res ervations are: Mrs. Dave R. Brown, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. C. W. Wil son, Mrs. Larry Goss, Mrs. Frank Zinn, Mrs. Harry J. Wenderoth, Mrs, Francis Col gan, Mrs. Arthur W. Cole. Mrs. William C. Bachman, Mrs. R. W. Land, Mrs. Cecil A. Lantz, Mrs. R. C. Lewis, Mrs.. Sam Stitchler, Mrs. James Tindall, Mrs. M. D. Travis, Mrs. wade Ellis, Mrs. Dale X. Beechler, Mrs. J. H. Sholseth, Mrs. Jack Fish, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy, Mrs. R. L. Robertson, Mrs. T. M. Barr, Mrs. James Shantz, Mrs. Edward Viesko, Mrs. E. A. Lin den, Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen. In Portland In Portland Tuesday for a luncheon honoring Mrs. Elsie Neilsen of Chicago, national president of the American Gold Star Mothers, were several members of Salem chapter. Mrs. Artis . McChesney of Springfield, national commit- teewoman, will also be hon ored, officers of the depart ment of Oregon being hostess es. Attending the event at the Congress hotel were Mrs. Ben Larkins, Mrs. Clarence Brown, Mrs. Edith Morley, Mrs. Mar ion Sylvus, Mrs. Lucy Lichty, Mrs. Frank Young, Mrs. Agnes Rohmer, Mrs. Cora Hutchin son, Mrs. Fred Birch, Mrs. Maude Dutton, Mrs. George Quesseth, Mrs. Helen Taylor and Mrs. George Pro, execu tive committee member of the department of Oregon. Mountain being their estab lished camp site. The theme of the conference was "Senior Scouting Let's Help it Grow.' Panel discussions were on Sat urday' and Sunday. . Discus sion chairmen and adult ad visers from this area were Miss Carol Randall, Salem; Miss Prlscllla Grey, Corvallis; Mrs. Ted Hobart, Salem, and Mrs. Edwin Fortmiller, Albany. The guest speakers were Senior Girl Scouts who had had an opportunity to attend international camps overseas Miss Sylvia Cllse of the Seattle King county council spoke on camping In Sweden and Miss Norma Adam of the Portland council spoke on camping in Denmark.. Nucoa I the first Yellow Margarine wr-yz sift t ,3 ki Hadassah Election Elected president for Salem chapter of Hadassah Monday evening was Mrs. Jules Jacob son who will have serving with her Mrs. Maurice UUman, first vice president; Mrs. Daniel Gassner, second vice president; Mrs. Sydney Levene, treasurer; Mrs. Martin Chessman, secre tary. The program included a talk on Zionist Youth by Mrs. John Goldsmith and a review of current affairs by Mrs. Bernard Sokolow. Committees for Year Announced Mrs. Dale Brooks, president, named her committee chair men at the meeting of Marion auxiliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Monday evening. The new chairmen will be Mrs, Dave Holweger, finance; Mrs Donald Stupka, membership; Mrs. Clarence Forbis, rehabili tation: Mrs. Luverne Bobbitt, hospital; Mrs. Genevieve Olson, legislation; Mrs. Mel Clemens, community service; Mrs. Mae Wilder, civilian defense; Mrs. George Mason, Americanism; Mrs. Sherman Beall, national home fund; Mrs. Luella Ban nister, youth activities; Mrs. Charles Hagan, woman's coun cil; Mrs. Arwin Strayer, serv ice officer; Mrs. Donaia stupica, poppy sale; Mrs. Leon Hansen, publicity; Mrs. Joe Hopkins, cancer fund; Mrs. Evelyn Ken nedy, bonds; Mrs. Leroy Simp son, sewing; Mrs. Al.Aescmi mann, custodian. Mrs. Virgil Bolton was in. stalled as musician during the meeting, Mrs. Arwin Strayer as the installing officer. Members of the auxiliary will attend a luncheon honor ing the national president, Mrs, George L. Holm of Chicago, in Dallas, May 9. Also on that date, the Girl Scout troop sponsored by the group will go on a beach trip. Mrs. Mel Clemens and Mrs, Luella Bannister have been appointed chairmen when the auxiliary assists the post at the Soap Box Derby in July. A Mothers Day program is planned for May 14 when American War Mothers and Gold Star Mothers will be hon ored. Mrs. Clarence Forbis is in charge of this affair. There will be a meeting of district No. 20 in Silverton on May S at 2 p.m. Open House An event for Thursday even ing will be the annual spring open house for Bush school, starting at 7:30 o'clock. Chil dren's work will be on display. The school Mothers club is sponsoring two cakewalks for the evening, one in the audi torium, the other in the cafe teria. Mrs. Gerhard Pagen- stecher and Mrs. C. A. Schaefer are co-chairmen for the cake walks. All parents and friends of the school are invited to the open house event. Tnify flnt tunfhvtr Flan Benefit Among those the annual benefit of Salem club, Daughters of the Nile, for Wednesday afternoon of this week are the- three above, left to right: Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, Mrs. J. S. Loch ead, Mrs. John M. Ramage. The party will be at the Scottish Rite temple. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture) Colonial Tea Set for May 1 Woodburn Mrs. Dfexel White and Mrs. Karl. Engel- man will be co-chairmen for the Colonial Tea to be May 1 at the Pioneer Mothers cabin in Champoeg state park from 2 to 5 p.m., sponsored by Belle Passi chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Pro ceeds from the benefit tea will be applied on the Champoeg building fund. Members will be in Colonial costumes. Committees for the event, appointed by Mrs. Lester E. Keller, regent, in addition to the chairmen, are: Refreshments, Mrs. Claud Brown. Mrs. J. J. White, and Mrs. Dora Scherich; table dec orations, Mrs. W. J. Wilson; in vitations, Mrs. H. F. Butter field and Mrs. Mary Thompson; program, Mrs. Ray Baker, vice regent, and Mrs. Tom DeArm ond; reception, Mrs. W. J. Wil son, Mrs. A. G. Douglas and Mrs. Clair Nibler: antiaues and cabin decorations, Mrs. Lester Keller and Mrs. Anna D. Chap man. . Invitations have been Issueri to Chemeketa chanter nf Sa. lem Champoeg of Newberg, Linn of Albany, Suzanna Lee Barlow of Oregon City; Port land, Multnomah, Willamette and Wahkeena, all of Portland; IJavlrt Hill nf HillKhnrn Van,. hill of McMinnville and San tiam of Lebanon. LEAVING Saturday for Oak land, Calif, for a visit of two or three weeks will be Mrs. Roma C. 'Hunter. She is to visit Miss Clover Miller in Oakland. HOSTESS to her bridge club for luncheon and the afternoon, Thursday, will be Mrs. Henry A. Simmons. HmmttHmkmll Cleaning Repairing Restyling FURS AM COLD, DRY AND SAFE AT Milled on the committee arranging Adult Girl Scout , - Members Plan Camp Coming Week-end All adult members of the Santiam Area Girl Scout coun cil are invited to attend the Leaders Week-end at Crest wood Acres, Salem, at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 2, to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 3. A small regis tration fee will be charged to cover the cost of supplies. There will be fun and train ing at camp for the week-end, giving each one an opportun ity to learn how to provide Brownies and Girl Scouts with a better camping program. For the program there will be con sultants in wildlife and nature, hiking, campcraft, outdoor cooking, fire-building, lashing, singing, folk dancing, games trailsigns, e o m p a s s, crafts, Scout' Own and campflre pro gram. ' The program has been ar ranged so anyone can come for a long or at little time as she can arrange. Registration for this camp it still open. Mem bers may register on arrival if unable to do so ahead. Mrs. Edgar Morris of the training committee Invites as many adult Scouts as can to attend. ' want a SLIM view of you? Gossard and Billie Rogers join to gether to bring you this slimmed down look in a comfortable ond fashion able way. Drop in ond let Billie Reg an, graduate corsettitr. fit yov. The Towne Shop Capitol Strapping Center 1' fft ' i' Miss Bosch Party Feted nmniri Miss Marie Bosch bride-elect of Daniel Robert Madson of saiem, was we honor guest at a bridal shower at the home of J. V. Lehrman Saturday evening, with Mrs. J. V. Lehrman and Miss Ber nlce Lehrman as hostesses. A shower of "advice to nrwes written by the guests, was read by the bride-to-be. The nlnk and white color scheme was carried out with pink and white candles, large bowls of dogwood blossoms, and pink and white refresh ments. Invited ' were Miss Marie Bosch, Mrs. E. W. Brudka, Mrs. Ray Darland, Mrs. J. W. Fitts, Mrs. Henry Rasmussen, Mrs. Roy Reed, Mrs. Harry Bosch, Mrs. G. A. McNeff, Mrs. P. J. Moritz, Mrs. F. J. Mor isky, Miss Hazel Nys, Miss Muriel Fitts. Mrs. Julius West ling, Mrs. Al Nys, Mrs. A. P. Sidebottom. Miss Bosch was presented withf a set of salad forks as an addition to her silverware pat tern. Miss Bosch and Mr. Mad son will be married at 4:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian church at Salem, May 2. J W Club's Fun Event Npnrlv pvprv mnnlvp nf 4Via Junior Woman's club attended tne "come as you are" party at Mrs. Ted nhhetta hnm, Vnn. day evening. New club mem- oers were in cnarge ol tne costume affair, Miss Donna Bush acting as chairman. Prize winners at games were Mrs. Norman Johnson and Mrs. Maurice Walker, and winning a special gift was ivira. uaivin nem. - Dalke-Roberts Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Roberts of Salem are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Roberta Roberts, to Clar ence E. Dalke, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dalke of Berkeley, Cain. The wedding was an event of March 24 in Salem. The bride attended Salem high schools and graduated in nurses' training at Emmanuel hospital in Portland and in Cleveland, O. She was em ployed at the Salem General hospital until her marriage. Mr. Dalke is employed by the Southern Pacific at Oakland. Calif., and they are now at home in Alameda, Calif. SPIRITUAL Sunflower club meets on Thursday between 1 and 4 D.m. at the home nf Mm. John Bruijn, 192S North 8th. 00 SOabErI CeQiebrate With Gd Onn,n6n7 pgrgoiiras! Miss Miller in Queen Race Finals University of Oregon, Eu fSnenlan After a two- day all-campus election, Miss Joan Marie Miller oi saiem was named a finalist for Junior wpk.nd Queen. The daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Salem, Miss Miller is one of five finalists. The queen will be selected from the group in a second election which will be held next week. Th Junior Week-end Oueen will rule over the University's traditional junior ween-ena festivities May 8, 9 and 10. She will tv crowned at the Junior Prom that Friday night. mmmmmmmmmmmmimjtm Baker School's Program Tuesday ' The Mothers and Dads club of Baker school will meet at 6:30 p.m. this Tuesday, April 28. This will -be the regular "students' achievement night, ' when the pupils will display the work that they have done during the year. , In addition, there will be a Social evening including a "cake walk ' and further en tertainment provided by the members of the club. The club extends invitation to the public to attend this function at the school audi torium, Saginaw and Lefelle streets in south Salem. BECOMING new members at the Cootiette club meeting last week were Mrs, Claude Briggs, Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mrs. Dave Holweger. Mrs. Mel Clemens will entertain the group for the May meeting. f5x BARGAINS GALORE II AJy Stockings . . . Sportswear ... I I V Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags I Twdir. April 28, 1953 Shriners Set Dance ' On Saturday Salem Shrine club is enter-' tainlng at a spring sport dance for members and their wives this coming Saturday evening, May 2, at Izaak Walton league club house. , ' The social hour will be at 7 o'clock, the buffet dinner at 8:30 o'clock, dancing between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. John, Gray bill is general chairman. Mrs. Pekar Heads Group Mrs. M. A. Pekar is new president for Rotarian Women of Salem, the members con ducting elections at their final meeting of the season Monday at the Golden Pheasant, Mrs. Jason Lee has served as presi dent this year.' - Serving with Mrs. Pekar will be Mrs. Hugh Morrow, vice president; Mrs. Chester Pick ens, secretary; Mrs. Joseph A. H. Dodd, treasurer; Mrs. Harry S. Dorman, Mrs. Floyd Bress ler, Mrs. Clay Cochran, board members. A social event is planned on May 17 to conclude the year until fall, the party to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Phillips, Sr. for all members and husbands, a no host dinner being planned at 3 o'clock. ; PRINGLE Pleasant Point So cial club will meet on Thurs day ior a noon luncheon with Mrs. Christine Mumm.