Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday. April 28, 195J In the Valley Edited by MIKE FOBBES Independence on Dayton Mr. and Mri. Lorii Cartozian of Portland were re cent guests of Mr. and Mri. Clete Gell and Mr. and Mrs Jack Gell. Week-end guests of Mri, Ellse IiOnderhausen were ber sister-in-law. Mn . Freida Saw yer, and Mrs. Elite Getchell of Bockaway; Mrs. Marie Maison and her daughter, Mri. Fay Bandorf of Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs. Floyd Willert, Mri. W. S. Hibbert, Mrs. J. S. Imlati, Mrs. John Howara and Mrs. Clare Heider spent Monday in Portland. ' The Past Matrons club, OES, met with Miss Madelene Ross ner on Tuesday evening, April 21, for a social time. Mr. and Mm. Carl Mitchell have returned from a trip east which took them at far as Washington, D.C. During the four weeks they were away, they traveled to Detroit, Mich., by train. There they were able to take delivery of new Ply- What Makes An Attractive Kifchen! Good looks start from the floor up. Start with a floor covering designed for care free fun from the NORRIS WALKER PAINT MANU FACTURING CO. We carry all the latest floor covering patterns by Armstrong, Pab co, Nairn and Florever. And if you want to brighten up your concrete floors in your patio and on the porch, use our colorful, rubber bate Masonry Paint. It can be used while the concrete is till green. Try HI At'UrMeoi $5.00 a Month To Cover the Average Kitchen Floor With Linoleum Free Parking Space MORRIS-WALKER " PAINT CO. 17I0H. Frwrt Flume 4-2279 mouth,' In which they enjoyed the remainder of their trip. They went to Niagara Falli, and at Williams port, Perm., they visited relatives. In Chi cago they were escorted through the Wilson meat plant, which they enjoyed very much. In Topeka, Kansas, they vis ited Mr. and Mri. W. W. White head, former resident! of Day ton. They itopped at Salt Lake City alio and from there they went to Monterey, Calif., to vltlt with Mr. and Mri. Biter Dean. They returned home by way of the Bedwood highway and report a wonderful trip. . A group of friendi gathered at the home of Mn. Clete Gell Tuesday afternoon, April 21, honoring Miss Minna Akers. Brookings,' with a kitchen ihower. Mn. Akers is a former resident of this community. who recently lost her home by lire, Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Hunt er and children are visiting hit sister In Prlneville, and later nu tamer at Emmett, Idaho. Hubbard Hubbard Mrs. Harold Wolfer was elected president of the Hubbard Parent-Teach era' association last week. Mrs. A. J. Heer wu elected vice pre sident; Mrs. George Wadding- ton, secretary, and Mrs. Pius Hostetler treasurer. The program included pre sentation of colors by Boy Scouts of Troop 58, two selec tions sung by Mrs. N. A. Mann and a trombone solo by Argil Shrock. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Walter Shrock, Mrs. Lester Riddle and Mri. John Spence. Officers will be installed at the May meeting which will follow open house of the grade school. Mrs. Jsmes Lamb's 4-H club will assist with the serving. The Petite Chefs. 4-H cook ing club, gave a tea last week afternoon for the seventh grade girls, their teacher and their mothers. Hosts, selected by drawing names, were Craig En sign and Floyd Dominlck. Serv ing committee members were Rlckle Lamb and Russell Col gan; - decorating committee, Bob Troudt, Bonnie Cooper and Kenneth Graham, Motheri present Included Mri. Steve Ensign, Mri. Floyd Dominlck, Mn. James Lamb, Mrs. Lorene Bartol. The Petite Chefs are all seventh grade boys. Mrs. Leon Graham, ad visor, helped the group finish the year, when Mrs. N. A. Independence Two Central high school faculty members served Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Gervals union high school on an evalu ation committee. The faculty memben are Miss Jessie Blackburn, guid ance director, and Wayne Jor dan, principal. The faculty at Gervals has been spending about three months going through a com plete self-evaluation. The pur pose of the visiting committee is to check on their evaluation. This process of evaluating a school's program Is under the supervision of the state depart ment of education. It is a new objective technique to find the strong and weak points about a school's program. Mr. and Mn. S. A. Ramtdell went to Kings Valley recently to view, the memorial erected in honor of Mr, Ramsdell's great-grandfather, the late Na- hum King, after whom Kings Valley was named. - The Independence Garden club elected officers Monday night at the Pythian hall, Mri, Dole Fomeroy was elected president; Mabel Short, vice president; Mri.. Nick Venteeg, secretary; Mri. Harrison Brant, treaiurer. Mn. Bice of Silverton gave a demonstration on the making ox candles. Refreshments ' were served by Mrs. Harrison Brant, Mn. Elmer Addison, Mrs. George Noyes and Mrs. Ben Savage. Tuesday at . the Riverview Community hall in Albany, a flower show and judging school were held. There was an all day meeting with a potluck dinner served at noon. This event was attended by Mrs. Es- tella Fluke, Mri. Harding, Mn. Prushia Sloper, Mrs. Harrison Brant, Mrs. Beth Mills and Mn. Dole Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ramidell, accompanied by Mr. and Mn. Ron Murphy and their daugh ter!, Marjorie and Patricia, made a trip to Peterson's Rock Gardens in Bend, returning home by way of Odell Lake and Eugene. Rebekah lodge No. 66 met Tuesday evening at the IOOF hall with noble grand Bernlce Rltchey and vice grand Ethel Sohn presiding. Committee reports showed a net of $50 from the "kidnap breakfast." , , Memben voted to give do nations to the cancer fund and to sponsor a float la the-Rose Festival in Portland. This will be an IOOF float and will rep resent all the lodges In the state. Valley lodge No. 42. IOOF. will celebrate its 80th anniver sary Thursday, April 30. A potluck dinner will be served at 7 o'clock, with, the lodge furnishing the meat Following Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jaynes are announcing the engagement of their son, David Albert Jaynes, to Mildred Leona Faxon of To ledo. No date haa been aet for the wedding. Mr. and Mn. R. S. King narrowly escaped death last week. While going from Glide to Roseburg, Mr. King atopped nil pickup truck to let a bus unload. When be did so, an other pickup loaded with, men drove between Mr. King's pick up and the bus. A big losd of steel came up behind the King pickup and being unable to stop, rammed Into the King pickup and crushed it Into the pickup truck loaded with men, Mr. King received bruises about1 his head when it struck the steering wheel, but his truck was completely wrecked, The Independence Woman's club met Tuesday afternoon at the club house. Mn. C. H. Read, guest speak er, talked on "Establishing Se cure Family Relations.". Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mn. O. D, Butler, Mn. Clara Benicoter and Mrs. Guy Travis. Turner Mann was absent due to sick-1 the dinner a program will be ness in her home. I presented and the roll called. V -s - - - flost-vanted Features by fAost-modern Cooks rwroilwtthOas. .. INSTANT OLond he eontro, ollng.ringanthOM' AR.aRCULATED -wuUUon h floef lnf m y cor- Murei perfect " uven at enoe. assure! I n,r of tht oven. Bake four eake layers! LIFETIME BURNERS cipT CLEANING trwi--- One-piece W easy sudsing w rorflond Oai & Cok Company Per Cooking Wafer Hearing Refrigeration Homt Healing Clothes Drying Incineration f fht new automatic OAS range art Tour choice of sparkling ehreenhan or enamel top and attnetlve trim colon. Modem Gas nngee are designed to Bt snugly against wall and cabin eta. There's a gleaming automatic Oas range for every kitchen and every budget at dealers' erOee Cent pany display room. Turner The extension club met recently for the-project "herbs for variety and ac cent". Final preparations were made for an exhibit for the homemakers festival to be held in Salem. The Garden club met with Mrs. Joe Van Cleave of Salem as speaker. Elizabeth Ball gave a re port on the progress toward the community hall. The Three Links club Is sponsoring a cooked food sale to be held in Chapman Gro cery store Saturday. Mn. William Sample of Coachella, Calif., who is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mn. George Brower, spent a few days in Washington, return ing Tuesday. Mr. and Mn. Gregenon and children have moved into their new home, the former Ferris home. They were living in the home previously owned and occupied by Mr. and , Mrs. Richard Gwillum. Turner The Bebekahs met and Mrs. Roy Hatfield was elected district deputy. Mn. Eddie Hatfield and Mrs. Boy Hatfield were elect ed a a delegates at grand assembly. Nora Robertson and Lula Chapman were appointed as alternate!. A short program included a song by Luala Robertson and Juanita Phillips, a tap dance by Billy and Patty Chapman, a reading by Wanda Venteeg, a poem by Mn. Anderson, a piano number by Mary Ann Grim and a reading by Mn, Anderson. Recently Initiated into the lodge were Arlene Michelson, Ruth Anderson and Lillian Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Demke have returned from Redding, Calif., where they have lived since their marriage. Mn. Demke la the former Jackie Squires, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Harold Saulre. Sr., formerly of Turner now residing at Summit City, Calif., and the granddaughter of Mn. John Regier of Tur ner. Mr. Demke is going to work at the woolen mills in Stayton, where they expect to make their home, both Mr. and Mn. Demke attended grade and high school here. Jack Dixon who army is home on furlough. in the 14-day The PTA sponsored a pro gram to discuss a .possible building program. There were representatives present ' from Marlon, West Stayton, Turner, Shaw, North Santlam, Clover- dale and Aumsvllle. Mrs. Booth and Mr. Turn- full were speakers, no conclu sion was reached and later meetings will be held for fur ther discussion. Aurora Aurora Church work night at Christ Lutheran cchurch in Aurora began last week when seven men and women turned out. Work nights will continue .each' Tuesday while the pres ent long range program of con struction and Improvement underway. Sale of the old church build ing was authorized and Henry Peter, Henry F. Pardey and Fred Kell were appointed committee to dispose of it. The congregation plans construc tion of a new main church building after the old structure is removed. Eight Sunday school teach en from Christ Lutheran church attended the American Lutheran Portland area Sun day school workers institute held at Oregon City Sunday, Pastor Leikauf was one of the speakers. Friday, April 24. the Mis- slonary society members were guests of the E. L. C. conven tion at Silverton,-with Mn Walter Kell of Aurora as of ficial representative. Real estate deals completed tne past week included the 20- acre George Petrovlch farm. with creek, and fronting Mer idian road, sold to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rutz of Portland, Former Arizona residents the new property owners came to Oregon to enable Mr. Rutz to further his study of fish and wildlife, at Oregon State college. Mr. and Mn. Earl Averi have aold their cottage In Can- by to Stanley H. Preston, re tired U. S. customs official, of jsaitport, Idaho. With their daughter Patricia, the Ayers will return to their Union Hill district, Aurora, farm, on which they are completing con struction of a new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tre mayne of Barlow reported the sale of 10 acre;, with house and other buildings, to Mr. and Mr. Harold Winter of Beaver- ton. The Tremaynes plan to locate at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Winters will move to Bar low in the near future. seventy-seven acres o o Buckner creek, near Mulino. were sold to Delford Voreis of Oregon City. Sellers were Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Parker, quarterhorse breeders, late of Turlock, Calif. Mn. Parker is a sister of Mrs. C. O. Lewis of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Ronald Whitehead, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Norman White head, has recovered from the mumps and returned to school. Cpl. William Bert Duncan, U.S. Marine Corps of Treasure Island, is home on a 10-day leave, he is being transferred to Camp Pendleton. Cpl Duncan is the son of Mrs. Frances Duncan. He is engaged to Miss Nancy Manning. They plan, to be married soon. - , Lee Barber who has been seriously 111 for several weeks considerably Improved and has returned home from the hospital. Mrs. Bill Jones gave a baby shower at her home, April 20, for Mrs. David Farrell, Mn. Farrell is the former Pat Wolf. Guests invited were Mn. Dick Demke, Mn. Carl Graves, Mn. Chet Stewart, Mn. Leo Klokstad, Mrs. Buddy Klok- stad, Mn. Louis Petersen, Dorothy Farrell, Tuzlla Clark, Mn. Cecil Manning, Mn. Whitfield, Mrs. Hazel Miller, Mn. Margie Tucker, Mrs. Icie Pierce, Mn. Harry Wolf,, Betty Wolf, Stoe Farrell, Mrs. Perry Wofl, Mn. Terry, Mn. George Goode, Mary Janet Donaldson, Betty Jordan, Miss Bertie Mil ler, Charlotte Bates,, Mabel Hitchcock, Carman Wolf, Elsie Turner. Mr. and Mn. John Clark (Tuzlla Jones) announce the birth of a daughter. She baa been named Vicky Kay. 3 Tonight - Open 6:45 "MEET ME AT THE FAIR And "HIGHLY DANGEROUS" 8UrU Wednesday Open :4g mEUISOX-JUlUUjUQ TSMccbr t The senior class of the Cas cade high school is presenting a play, "The Curious Savage" to be held at the school April 23 and 24 at 8 pjn. . Xlwood Mellls took first place in the fishing contest for being fint to catch the limit. The season opened at 4:22 a.m. and he caught his. fint fish at 425 a m. and had his limit at 10 a.m. Albert Younger got fint place for the largest fish, a lQtt-dnch chub. Gary Klok stad tied for third place with a UH-lnch trout. have bought a house and three acre in the Hollywood district, Molalla. Mrs. W. E. Martllla of Au rora is nursing a sprained right wrist following a tractor cranking accident Thursday. - Mr. and Mrs. John Todd of Aurora Warehouse, left by car last week for a ten-day vaca tion in California and Nevada. Marlene Murray, 5, daughter of the Jack Murrays of Aurora, is reported recovering from major surgery performed April 11 In Good Samaritan hospital, Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil llama are parents of a son weighing 0 pounds, 12 ounces, born Friday, April 17, in Hutchinson hospital, Oregon City. - , Announcement has- been made by Clyde Riley, who moved to Aurora from fialem recently, oi the opening ot a plumbing business in the Auro ra area, with headquarters at his home on Liberty street in a house owned by Mn. Ezra Hurst, adjoining the William Wettstein home. Mr. Riley is a son of Mr. and Mn. George Riley who have lived in Au- rpra. for several years. Mill City Donald Donald A meeting for mothers of pre-school children who would be entering first grade next fall was held at the Donald grade school Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Bert Sol- berg, Mrs. Raymond Peterson and Mrs. Norman Reillng as hostesses. Six mothers were present. Mrs. Harmon Yeary of the Marion County Health depart ment gave a short talk explain ing to the mothers the import ance of getting the child prop erly prepared for his fint year in school. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Cromwell and children and Barbara Scroggins went trout fishing in the Silverton Hills and en Joyed a picnic. In the after noon, they called on Mr. and Mn. S. P. Matheny, former re sident of Donald. Tuesday evening Lin Crom well and children and Mr. Scroggins and his children and Judy Baker went smelt fishing and came back with their lim it ot fish. Private graveside services were held at Belle Passl ceme tery for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blake, who was born prematurely Sunday, April 19. Mrs. Virgil Scherette will take over the delivery of the Oregon Journal for one month beginning Monday, in the Hub bard, Donald and Woodburn areas. Mrs. Morgan of Wood- burn has been taking care of the delivery, but is giving it up. " Ten ladies from the Women's Society of the Methodist church in Donald attended the Oregon City sub-district rally last week. Those attending were Mn. Horace Cook, Mrs. Myron Anderson, Mrs. Jack Bush, Mrs. Robert Maitland, Mrs. Mae St. Helens, Mrs. Dewey McMillan, Mn. E. E. Miller, Mrs. Raymond Max field, and Mn. Mary Froom. The women's Benefit asso ciation of Donald held their regular meeting in Donald Thursday evening, April 23. Two new members were ini tiated. They were Georgia Baldwin of Hubbard and Ber nadine Harper of Butteville. . Mrs. I.OU1S untersener naa demonstration party at her home last week with 10 ladies present. They were Mrs. Sid Hendricks and her guest, Mrs. Anderson, Mn. Mary Froom, Mrs. Mae St Helens, Mn. Hor ace Cook, Mrs. Aline Qulnn, Mrs. Gertrude Harlan, Mrs. Gene Williams, Mrs. J. Wil liams and the hostess, Mrs. Untersener. Kirsh Brothers of Wood- burn have purchased the form er Kllllan Smith hop farm and will continue to raise hops. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kirsh will move out to the farm about the first of June. Joe Kirsh has been batching there since the Smiths moved last year. Mr. and Mrs. Kllllan Smith pur chased the old Settlemeyer re sidence in Woodburn. Mr. Smith operates an implement firm in Woodburn, and is now close to his work. Joe Kirsh is commander of the veterans or ganization in Woodburn. He was Jn World War n. Mill City The Mill City American Legion auxiliary unit 189 held- its regular monthly meeting with Delores Stewart presiding. Donna Elllngson was recommended as the girl to represent Mill City at Girl's State In Salem this year. Poppy poster contest win ners were: Group 1, fint prize of $8 to Ila Mae Albright; sec ond prize of $2 to Sybil Dart, and third prize to Amber Bond of $1. ( In group 2, Winifred Murray won fint prize, which was (5. Alice Roberts thanked the judges by presenting each with a handkerchief and card. Membership chairman Ina Chase reported 39 members in the unit. - A rummage sale was t nounced for May 1 and 2. Delegates to Seaside from Mill City are Joan Cauble and Louise Oliver. Ledora Kelly and Tearly Muir are alternates, New officers elected were: President, Joan Cauble; vice president, Alice Roberts; sec ond vice president, Barbara Minton; secretary, Louise Oli ver; treasurer, Rosa Daly; his torian, Martha Ragsdale; chap lain, Grace Hudson; sergeant-at-arms, Tearly Muir, N.Marion High Hubbard Theme of the North Marlon junior-senior prom was "April in Paris." . Miss La Donna Sather was crowned prom queen of 1953 by George Sanders, Junior class president. A silver crown with white roses and "April la Paris" played for th. queen's dance honored m Sather. Music was provided by orchestra organized by tw Lewis and Clark students Advisers present were Mim Lorraine Paullck, Mr. and Mri Pat Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Jick McLaughlin and Mr. and Mr? Don Reed. ". Attending campus visitation weekend at the sUta coll.... from North Marlon: Ray wiil Dan McLeod and Owen Starv! ard will go to O.P.I. In Klam ath Falls; Nancy Schuler . Jack Raimussen will f0 to Oregon State college in Cor. vallis; Connie Beard, Elois Nel. son, Joanne Williamson, Robin Berkey, Donna Williams, Kath. leen Morrison and Shirley Burnham will go to University of Oregon at Eugene and Ron Barendse and Ken Hoolcy will go to O.C.E. at Monmouth, About half the blindness In the United States could have been prevented by proper care says the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Under New Management KITCHEN RE-OPENED Serving 5:30 P.M. Til T , We Cater to Small Parties . , and Large Groups . "The Three Guys" Appearing This Week and - Next Week New Village Inn 3057 Portland Road iii MONI II HI , UUM UUW. HMNWAY tt- OATE8 OPEN 1:M SHOW AT DUSK ENDS TONITE (Tee.) 1 "RUIY GENTRY" Jennifer Jenes Carl Maiden pies A Fantastic 8tery 'INVASION U.S.A. 7 3 Richard WhUnark la Technleeler v DESTINATION OOBr e Dan Dailey Constance Smith "TAXI" Maureen O'Hara In Technleeler "REDHEAD FROM WTOMINO" Peter Lewford "ROGUIfS MARCH m BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:4S P.M. MTedirl (Timeir) "MneVi "FMgid " Arctic" Starting Tomorrow! THEY BRANDED HERmTERESST -.4 ? ...the last (?)) ) vomaa f ssk,. I " world: : f caH the . J. C Land! liSlll CO-HIT! A FEAST OF MUSIC! MAIDS! 0 LUNDIGAN GREER Jk mfc mm urn 1 k $( GAYNQR-WAYNE J0