Toaaday, April 18, 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Fkff IT a A" DENNIS the MENACE ON). WHAT'S HE tOOMN'AT MB fOR-f MISCELLANEOUS BIS-BXVB , TAUCKB D-DRITX HOVS TOUBSILF SAVB PICKUPS STAKES VANS TXXACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONS 1.1(11 FAOI STEVENSON And AL UEPPORD 8ALZU SAND A) oravel coup any Contract Work Boas Cleerlni DtteMns - Sewer and Baaeraenl I Equipment Bental Dltehlnt by the Fool Phono Don J-8168 Bvet. 3-M17 or 3-713 ' Salem. Proton m DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST nAdolsb Bleu., SUto Commercial SU. S SALEM PH. 1-tlll m' r BUILDING MATERIALS iBUILDIB'S SPECIAL New planed lum ber, lit POT M. AM OP, delivered. 1-10U. mailt Building? New uthentripped window., etrra Bletoly Assembled, hundreds In otock ytady to to, Hi up. Hew pleturo wlndowt .. II.OO Me doore 3'8"6'8" 16.60 Stab hntion rooflnr .,..88.96 S-lab thlcUutl rooftnt . Unpointed cedar ahakes 15.71 Ravsrss trap toilets, complete ,..836.60 Me 30"y.l8" wish baoln 117.50 cael Iron bath tube, complete ...I68.M Hsw ehower csblnets. complete. .141.00 800-tel. ateel aeptlo tasks 163.80 4" sou pipe New elictrio water heater New steel garage doora Asbestos elding New plasterboard 4x1 Exterior white paint (gal.) Mahogany A birch plywood. Water proof wall board, 4x1 ... .70 ...171. JO ...156 00 .. ,.. 11.40 ....IJ.ts .bartaln ....11.75 few ttin. riywooo ....... New bath r. sets, complete . SHINGLES . ! . t per oq 5 No. 1 per so rlt. No. I per so ,...13ric ...186.00 ....8i.3 $9.00 14.00 . CASH CARRY DISCOUNT 310 60. fS - C. G. LONG & SONS 'A phono 1S04I bL north of Belter - ma atANSIES, too doitn. J836 Midway Drive. Phone zesii. ' maioe PLYWOOD VHne aaeortmenft of ReJ, interior and -rr, oxterior. Many decorative and oard cv wood plywood! In stock. 8t them I . , ;.v.Bcrea Doon t.M up. Teuton tltt wd. Bcreeni. Wallboarde of every kind, otert t $1.40. 4x8. Roollnf, many col : ri. 1st flitter I5e it. No, i red oak fir. In heated room to lniure Iryneu. nr fig. 69.00 1x4 D A U Fir. 68.50. Doors, Doora b Doom, liahoeany, ::'i: Birch Tit Slabi, and Panels 6.9ft up. ' - 2 fee oar free, cheerful eitimatlnt 'x.': aervlee. Notblnr down. 16 monthi to '.'Z" pay. Free delivery. No order to email. ' It'a appreciated. ' "'I' Portland Road Lbr. Yard ! $ OPEN ALL, PAT SAT. J5il Portland Bd. Ptaone 4-4493 ''J1 ma- REDUCED P3.M PER DAT UNTIL SOLD i - 1 only Scott Attwater I0 H.P. Outboard Motor, t-speed shut automatic starter. Sttrtlnt Price April 14th, IJH.M APRIL 29, $221.50 KelthBrownLumber Yd. Front tt Court St. Phono lull WI PIVX fa. 01 H. GREEN STAMPS ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. Is, 11 Inches clear, 15! No. I, Ineh.i dear. 14. No aap wood or eulls. come and let them. Ted Muller, Salem-Indspendenc Road. Ph. Salem MIX. wis NURSERY STOCK "t HOICK OLOXINEAB now bloomlni. VUltors welcome at Salem'a African Violet beadduarteri. rucnila, petunia, , tomato t beddinf planu. Oppen'j OreenhouM. 4130 Auburn Rd. mbU4 CHRYSANTHEMUMS, MO verities. Xnt lUh American hardy, cuiblons, spoons, . spiders. Oeranlums, delphiniums, Lu pine, Astelbei, etc. Black's, 3570 Che u nawa tUU IVb nllea last of Kelser. 'PETUNIAS, seranlum, tnartsolda, pep pers, tomatoes, wholesale and retail. Arthur Plants Oreenhousas, 1398 eo. 13th, phone 1-4670. mblOl &EDGE OE WINDBREAK Prl ret, Uur el. eainelllas. conifers, boxwood. Ph. 33183. 3487 Bollywood Drlre. mblOl BEDDINQ PLANTS fillwton Oreen Houses the best in eeraniumi, fuchsias, pelaionlums, all other plants. C abbas e and lettuce 3M per doten. 17 so. Water, on road to BUeer Creek Falls. mblio- For Sole MISCELLANEOUS TKRTILIZCR Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere, x-0774 or 1-J071. ni B KALE Inn.rsprlnt mattress, Oood condition. Small Wood heater. Phone 1-4SM alter p. m. mm1 ROOVKft racuum, with attachment. In tood condition, 115. 1SI0 N. 33th. nl BAMBOO China closet, 39.S0. Olenn Woodry's, IKI N. Summer. n!01 REFRIGERATOR I, n. ft. Leonard refrlteratot with lart, freettnt compartment. In excel lent condition. Flannlnt on norlnt, must sell, will sell on liberal terms on pprored credit. Thk Is . tood boy II poo nMd a tood tefrittrator. Phone 4144, alU1 By Ketcham For1 Sale MISCELUNEOUS Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Back or bulk ordera delirsrod. Phone I-I11T. BUI Mcculloch chain saw,, act Edie water, Wait salem. Salem Lonlnt Sup ply. Ph. 4-1141. n SALE! ONE LOT: ? . BOOKS, USED, jroproximewrr nw esoh, constatlnt ot Fiction, Non-llc-tlon. Text A Technics! hooka. Th. nn1 will b. sold "AS IB" "WHERE IB". Bidders are uned to inspect property belor. suamittini bids. PLACE OP SALE; Department ol Finance ft Administra tion, SURPLUS PROPERTY SECTION, 11, Norway Street, Salem. Oreton. INSPECTION! At Flaco or sale. a:oo em-s:oo pm (PBTI, Monday throuth Friday, ex cept holidays. ItCALXO BID PORAfB: Catalotues nay be obtained as riaoe 01 Bale. Em oPEtrmo DATE: 3:00 p.M. (PSTl May l, ivai. uioo will b. accented nntll onenlnt date. A deposit will bs required. Bids will be opened at the Department oi finance & Administration, sukflub fhufek. TV SECTION, 11, Norway Street, fie lem, Oreton. THE STATE OP OR BOON RESERVES TBI RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. BIOS PIANO'S as low aa IH.oo. Olenn Wood. rya, 1,09 N. Summon nioi' FOB SALE oood used blue davenport and chair, am. 3M70. nma1 U GUY VENDORS on looatlon, bartaln crlce. 34M Alrrtlo Ave. orenlntt. nl03 NEW SUNBEAM electric rsior. 413.60. Olenn woodry's, laoo N, summer. nioi' LADI'B USED DRESSES, blouses, sulU, alia 14. cheap price. 3430 N. (th. 103 Used Console Electric tewlnv machine, sews forward and re veres, with retular eet ot attachments. Bartaln, (Jt.tO. Slnitr Bewlnf Cen ter, ISO N. Coml. nlOJ TBA1LEB HOUSE. Duo Therm oil elrc, 39.M. Olenn Woodry't, ISO, N. Sum mer. nioi1 STEEL clothesline posts, plantsrs, rall- lnt noroh eoinmns. tomituro, ilea n. Liberty. mil CLOTHLIX'E POSTS, Iron less tor tt bias, furniture, rauints. 1141 N. Lib. ertr. M34' OABDEN TRACTOR with 6-Inch plow, harrow, mower. Also rototlller. Both ucellent condition. 3-St74. nioi ONI UPRIGHT nlano in Very tood con dltlon. One Pan American coronet, In aicellent condition. W. A. Darby, Stayton, Oreton. Phono 4SS5. nioi WESTINOROUSE electrlo rante, auto matic timer. Oood oond., $85.00. Olenn Woodrye, iwo H. summer. mm- ruRNRUBE, ruts, miscellaneous house hold items lor sale, itoi park Are. nl04 BABE BED, to.,,; daveno, ,17.60; apart ment electric rente, 160. BO; bunk beds. 110; lawn mowers sharpened, SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER IMS Broadway Ph. 417M nioi OOOD BOLL-TOP oak desk, 17.10. Olenn Woodry's. 1405 N. summer, nioi' COIL SPRINQS Excellent condition. and mattress, 120. rnone e7. mur WHEELCHAIRS. Inralld walkers. Re sonable. Salem Ortbopedlo Co. 411 Ferry. B101 1 PIECE Dreiel Uahotnar dlnlnt set, ,300. Twin bed set, I17S. Uvlni furnl ture, 1150. Phone 43M3. nioi ANTIQUE hand carved eolled blACk wal nut butfet, 18vl Hlnes. Phone 31947 alter t. miu' MERJtYTILLEE, used hours. I0 dl. count Phone 4-9668. nlos NEW OCC. tables, oolite or end tables. Glass Ions. ,.91. Olenn Woodry's. nioi PINE MAHOGANY PIANO, very reason able, leoo So. Cotteie. nioi' TYPEWRITER Bomlntton noiseless oUlee typewrlt , ,3.M. Call 4-I461 or 4-664. nlol1 ROTTED MANURE l.OM yards, the best we have ever had. For tood ortanlo results order rotted cow manur. that you can use without fear, tft.oo psr yard. 4 yards 1,. I yards 111. 1, yards ISO. Plat atones, lava atone, fence posts. 4x4 stakes and rustlo red oedsr fenclnt. Phillips Bros., Rt, I, Bot 491, ph. 41061, Balem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corners, n 4 PC. BEDRM. suite, 19.S0, Ollnn Wood. ry's, loos N. summer. nioi 130 ALLOWED for your old water beater on this new 43-ctllon automatic olee trta water heater. Teeter Appliance. 17, Chomekota. Ph. 3-4111. a NEW daveno,, Glenn Woodrr's. 1608 N. Summer. nioi METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental types, residential and industrial. No Job too larto or too small. Material only or Job complete. Free estlmetea. BORKMAN LBR. HDWE. CO. 146, stata street Ph. 1-1701 nioi USED waahmt maehlneA and np. YEATEN, APPUANCI CO.. 17, Che. meketa. n Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOeiLES LODER BROS. '51 OLDSMOB1XE Super 8B 4-door sedan. R&H, sUndsrd tranimlssion, only- 17,000 actual miles, 2-tone gray finish, 1 owner, and very clean 12295 '52 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-door sedan. R&H, Hydramatlc, power steering, autronic eye, 2-tone gray iinish, only 11,000 actual miles. SAVE $900 on this beautiful car. WE OWE AND REDEEM PENNY SAVER STAMPS LODER BROS. Tour OldsmobUt Dealer BETTER CARS AT LEE'S 1952 OLDS. "98" HOLIDAY COUPE . Fully equipped, new premium tires, like new. 1952 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE COUPE Loaded with extras, new premium tires, pale green finish with dark green top. 1951 HUDSON 'TABULOUS" HORNET One owner, lots ot extras, beautiful '"Jefferson , green" finish. Hydramatlc drive. . . '. 1951 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive, white wall tires, two tone cream & Sierra Rust finish, 1950 OLDS'. '88" DE LUXE CLUB COUPE Popular light blue finish. Radio, heater, Hydra- , matlc. f 1949 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR Newly reconditioned motor, dark maroon finish offset with white wall tires, new brakes. . 1948 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DR. " ' This is the 1949 body style ti one of the nicest '48 cars in town. See it now. 1948 PACKARD 4-DOOR This is the small series with radio, heater, over drive, dark blue finish, white wall tires, new cus tom tailored seat covers. i 1948 PONTIAC SEDANET Radio, heater, turn signals, back-up lltes, original thruout In Immaculate condition. 1948 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE This car is loaded with extras. Radio, heater, ov erdrive, plus. Needs a new top. Price is reason able. 1947 BUICK 4-DOOR . Radio, heater, premium tires, excellent condition. 1947 HUDSON SIX 4-DOOR One of the best little sixes in town. You can't go wrong on this car at our price. 1947 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE : This car has just had over 400 in reconditioning. 1947 DODGE CONVERTIBLE A sporty little car at a reasonable price. 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE . Far above average condition. i i LEE' S 240 N. CHURCH For Sole MISCELLANEOUS 6ALB&I DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnei for trucka and tractor. J77C Sllrertoo Road. USED BINQEft drop head treadle aewlnf machine, round doddib. a-i conoition. Look Ilka new. Sinter Sewing Cen ter, 130 W. Commercial. n!02 Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholesale and nUll. VALLEY SAND th Q RAVEL CO. PJX. 3-4002. n 65 FAMOUS MAKE 21-Jewtl wrist watch. BiiEhtly shopworn, closeout price 28.7B Hartman Bros., 309 State. r.102 FBEB Westlnihouse sewing machines on all floor Samples. Bare up to w. YEATEB APPUANCS CO., 375 Che meketa. 1 ua M-QAL. AUTOMATIC electrlo water heater, new, assembled type. 149.95. Judson's. 379 N. Com'l. nl02 PLABTI-KOTB requtree no waxing. Por your floors or linoleum, yeater ap PUANCB CO., S7& Chemeketa. n CEOAB TELEPHONE and electrlo poles, fence posts, bean posts and stake. Phillips Bros., Ft. a, Box 403, 1 miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. a DEEPFBEEZE home freezers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 chemeketa. n BE FBI O ERATO RS, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Che meketa, n HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. L, Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-MB5. n CAB RADIO BABGAIN. 49 to 52 Pontile. 1 Piece Custom push button, only S69.95 Installed. Pay day budget plan of only 91.05 per week. No money down On Approved Credit), Radios for nearly all cars. BAH OREEN stamp too. We service all makes and models of ear radios. Try us. Master Service Stations, 365 . Commercial, nioi" Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOO DRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 15110. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenttht r 4" or If ". Diameter a-' to 1". Sawmill. Lmilhi 13' and lonter. Diameter S" to to". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodrr's. Ph. 3-1110. SPORTING EQUIPMENT WILL SELL OR TRADE for good revolv er, Winchester Hl-wall action with new heavy barret, cel. 319, with Lyman tanr. Reloading too. R. L. Leonard. Vets Village, 4-B, Monmouth, Ore. ncioi PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No, L 3061 M. commercial. Ph. 3-4577 pi 17" I WILL NOT be responsible for any body's bim out my own. oien at. Mor rison, R.R. l Box 146, Scotta Mills, Oreeon. P101 AUTOMOBILES OWNER MUST sell 19(8 Chrrsler Wind' tor convertible. Element conoition. Call 3-5H1 tot 1(70 No. Jlrd. otceptlonal bur. ,103' 4, CHEV. Strlelln. De Luxe 4-D Seden Redlo, heater, one owner, ported cond. lor qolek sate, $1099. Phone 3S1I4. 010 1941 roso H ton pickup. Fhona 19779 alter ( p.m. old 41 PORD club coupe. Metallic ireen, Terr tood condition. Ill So. 14th. q!03' POR SALE 1941 Dodia panel, 4-aperd tranimlssion, tood rubber,1 radio, neeter. A tood buy, reuonablr priced UN K. Oapltok SUM' AUTOMOBILES Phono 3-7171 alOl AUTOMOBILES E. -T. SCOrrOlaTCAI. TRANSPORTATIOH 1941 CHEV. 4-DOOR AVERAOI BUT COCO Special $295 HURRY ON THIS ONII SHRCCK MOTOR CO. Open S a.m. - s p.m. When niemekst. Ooaa to Churoh I03 into CHEV. 3-door. radio, heater, back up directional ltthts. ,100. One own er. H. H. Boko, Brooke, Ore, Phone 41917. qioi ',7 PLTMOUTH, tood transportation. Make otter. Phone 44430. C103 194 BUICK. low mlleate, A-l ahape. Tate earlier mooei in uaaa, must tacrltlce. call 44UI alur s p.m. qlOl IBM CUEV. 3-tone power tilde, club coupe, an extras. Orlclnal owner, 31,000 miles, priced to tell. 14940. qioi NEW 19U FORD VICTORIA. Pordoma- tlc radio, heater, wbltewall tires, tinted tlais, undercoat. Beautiful 3 tone finish, will escrlllce lor quick sale. Phone 3H90. qloi '4, PACKARD for eel. or trade. Iqultr asw. 1334 so. Commercial. qiol IPSO STCDEBAKER Commander club coupe, Very clean. Loaded. Hrdromatle. ,1160. 4831 N. Rlvsr Rd, Ph. 4140,. qlOl 1M7 PORD V-t J-door aedan. Eicellent motor, new upholstery, as91. Mo down payment m approval of credit. Open evenlnss. K. smith and Son Motors, 3ts Marlon. Phone 3-1010. q uto CHEV, 4-door, rsdlo, heater, oriel net iwo-tona paint, ssoo. Terma aval. able. Phone 3-7171. qlos lw mash statesman, 4-door, over anve, less. No down payment on ap proval of credit. Open evenlnte. X. Bmlth and son Motors, 141 Marlon. tnon. s-soio. G.-M.-B. OENERAL MOTORS BEAUTY 1959 PONTIAC "1" 4-DOOR HYDRAMATIO WAY BELOW MARKET $1595 SMOCK MOTOR CO. Open a.m. I p.m. Where Chemeketa Goes to Church FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE ti tractors, 350 other farm implements including plows, discs, balers, combines, mowers, etc., at Fain round, Buiene, Oregon, Sat urday. May 2nd starting at 10 a.m Sale sponsored by Willamette Velley Ford Tractor Dealers Assn. qbioi- ONB 1949 Minneapolis Mollne tractor, Model R. Like new. Oood Hit tires. LlthL and starter. Cell 4M9I. qblOl- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE! Vallsy asotor co. experts will aolv. your prob lama and eev. you money. Pre. est! mates, apeedy service. Center at Lib erty. e" TRUCKS '49 DODOEi 38.000 miles, perfect cond! tlon. covered stock rack. Union OH Station at north Dellee. qdlol HEAVY EQUIPMENT In Sacramento ... OIOANTTO BALE v MOOmO TRACTORS! INTERNATIONAL TD-14 with deter and winch, outran IMC Ready to eo. CATERPILLAR D1 IQ serlee. cable doser and Hyetar winch, rerlact ma chine. Eicellent bur. CATERPILLAR DI.PD Scries. With j neon Bar oat. tabl, Coeer and Brslar DSL winch. . 10064 P1NANCINOI (If Ton bavt an equity In torn, other tQuipmenti RENTAL-PURCHASE TERUSI .reliable to outlined burertl 1ST PAYMENT WEEKS tt you're teltiot teadp to to to work Phone, win or writ, ' NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 1311 Stockton Blvd. HI I-447 ' Sacramento, CellfornlA Miati FINANCIAL SEX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRBAOX SAJAna 0BBT OP TKRalS , Wl BUY Beat eitate mortnte. eontracta State Finance Co. It! So. Hlth SU Ph. 3-4111 MONEY PROBLEMS? Ltk us Uk' tht 11M at ot your xnoner prwutnui. up 10 1390 oa urukii 10 am. up to soo od who iouu. STATE FINANCE CO. S-ll, M-11S Ptona 34111 H . in S. Blah st. lo '5 Interest If you have Idle funds aeekln, In' vestment, then yon are the lyp, of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twoaty.flve Yeara wo have been holplnt people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durlnt thla period wo have prompUy paid M eeml-aanaal permeate totalllnt many Thousanda of Dollare. We are currently paylnt t INTERS 8T on tunas from tow to S3 wo. General Finance Corporation lit 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, oreton . phone 1-1H1 t Lie B-13J and M-311 asd ROY B. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades' 13:0, Dally KSLM III, Kc OENERAL FINANCE ca LOANS 13, So, Commercial St, Tel. 1-1161 PRIVATE MONEY Bpeclal Ratea and Tama On Larter Lotne Lone and Short Tun. Payments . ROY B. SIMMONS 111 So. Commercial St, Ph. l-tlll MONEY TO loan on real aitat. Phone 3-0714. rll7" LOANS UP TO $1500 on ' Sli-naturc. Furnttur. Car AT PERSONAL lt'i "Jei" promptly to mpiortd rum or ffonm. 1-Tlalt lota . pnont flfit, Ton select bst payment lat. Between piy-dar loans. Phone, write or come la TODATI Personal Finance Co. 105 S HIGH 8T SALXM State Ucenae Noi. 6-133. M-1CS Loam oter H00 up to aisoo and up to 30 moothj to repay made br Personal Finance Co. ot afarlon County under the Induitrlal Loan Companies Act of Oreton, rlOS1 AUTO LOANS WILLAUETTS CREDIT CO 13 South Church Parking a-Plentr Pn. t-liST U0. Me, M-1H, AIRPLANES FOR SALE airplane to be recovered. Taylororaft DCO-05. 88 hrs. since maj or overbauL All fabric and dope for recovering Included, Can bo seen at 394 No. Urn a Ave. after i pjn. Saturday and Sunday. slOl TRAILERS POR SALE Almost new two-wheel trailer. Ideal for haullnt berries, see Ed swarts, Mt, Ansel, OUIes St., after 5 o'clock. tioi HOUSE TRAILERS TRAILER House. Phone 30008. teiol IQUITY In 1961 Liberty houie trailer. 11 ft. pnont 4-8116. tais1 POR SAIX-Eoulty In 1961 Liberty house trailer, 31 rt. a-eiia. taioj" DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES AU makes used machines sold, rented, repaired Roen, 461 Court. Ph. 9-1773. e O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. BuUders' cheep supplies. I-72JS evenlnts. oll6 BULLDOZING Eulldoilnr, road cleerlng teeth. Vlrtll Hunker, 1010 r sir view. Ph. 3-1146. CASH REGISTERS Instant delleerr of new RCA casta reiiiters. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 4H Court. Ph. J67T. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowlnf. dleelni, seedlni. Pord equip ment. MtrsbaU, 4171 Market. Phone 1-134). O10S DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstltchlnc, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. AUender, 3-0911. olM' DRIVING INSTRUCTION Lesrn to drlre the "Eesr Drlvs" wr Call or see Mr. Rnellmr, Valler Mo tor coH saiem. pnone iim or e-agi. EXCAVATING Ben OLlen A fiona, EicsTitins, ind Inc, lend cletrlns. Phone t-3080. olia FURNITURE REFINIRllING Purolture reflnlshlue, repairing. M lar Brock, 684 Norway Bt, Phone J8367. OlUfl INSULATION Insulation,' weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Ph, -9MS. ' olia MATTRESSES Cspltol Beddlnt, renovates. Pull line new m sureties, fd, 2-4009. OFFICB FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, flllnt supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stsnds, Roen, 419 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers. knives, shears, bt crcles and email motors. Pb. 34111 or 461SA, lith end "D" Ate. oil 4' SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a aeptlo tanks cleaned, line service, Ouaranteed work. Phone 1-7404. 013V Mike's fleptie Service. Tanks cleaned, D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 1-B4M. olio1 Sewer, septic tanks, drains clsaned. Ro- W-Hooter sewer service pnone 1-W3T U. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. oios TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Remington, RovaL Un derweod porUblee. All makes med machines. Repairs rent Roen 4M Court Prompt television and service. Phone 4VIM1, day ar sigbt radio repair 671 Market, 116' MARKET QUOTATIONS IOITUND PBODOOB UST alterfat Tenutlve. anhMcl to rat al. diet, chants: Promina, quality, maxi mum .1, of one per cent acidity de livered la Portland tt-7ie tb.l first qual ity 47-70C1 second quality, 1447c. Valley routes and country points, s antl Use. Batter Wholesale ecub. due cunas w whol.iele. trades A A, ,3 score, no; A trad., 13 score, S&ct 8, SS ecore. ,4ei c, es score, He. Abov, price, etrlotlj nominal. Cheee. Sellln, price Portland wholasalera. Oreaon slntlee. 43tt-4tci Orasos lb. loaf. eltt-llvtl Irlplsti, iho leu than alulae. Etta sa Whaiaaaiara candled ecu oontalnins &. lose, eaeee Included l.,,a. Portland, A trade lane, sltt-MViol A trad medium, Mrs-IIVati B trade lane, eaw-etMO. Partial Datrp Bt.rt.l atlvr trice vo reunerat orad. AA print, Tie! A carton, Tec l A prints, llei carton, 7301 B prints, Sbc, Hta r. teuuera, orao. aav larca, not A lane. M-toei AA medium, twoi medium. ,901 A small, nominal, car tons, so .(Miuonau vsiaaaa eric, to miners, ntuanq. Oreton atntlea, 49U-10ci .lb. loaves, !3tt-uitci triplets, ma leu than tlu sues.. Premium brand. slDtlea, ttlvei loaf, 80 Vic Proceasad American eaaeaa, 5-ib. loaree to retail, at-iic a. , Paattry Live vnieaenaino. i quality, t.o.n. plants.) Pryers, lVt-3 lbs, 8cl ' l-l lbs. sac: roosters, ave ids. and evsr, 38c: heavy hens, all wetihtt. 31-Mc: Ucht hens, ell welthts. SI-34CI aid roost- en. u-iao. Druse, cuetaaa Prrera. ivi-s Iba. 43-nci roaaUra, 43-44si Utht bene. 1L 13oi heavy bene, 3A-37oi out up fryers. au weitnia, u-44e. a.. Dei i. Ararat to rrowant Live whites, 4-0 lbs.. 11-llei 1-8 Itis, 31-ISs lb., old dow. 10-14ot few hither.' Presh dnued fryers to retallert, 81-4401 out UP, 68-690. ' Cointrr KUI.i Meatl Veal Top quality, 91-43. fb.1 routh heavlea. 31-Sae. sj.ts Lsan Dioctert, so-saoi sows, iitni 10-380. Lamba Best,. 40-lle Ib.l .printers nominally ago id. Mutton-Best, ii-ito n.i euu-utnitr. ,-IU. ( Beefutuity cows. 36-380 ib.l canntr outtert. 33-34C, ehelle down to Slo. - Fresh Dreeud Meats Wholesalers to retalltMl Dollar, pat owt.: BteerL choice S0O.70O Iba. 37.oo-40.ooi tood, 18.00-19.00: commercial 13.00-37.00! utility, 31.O0.34.00; cows, commercial, 38.o0-33.00l utility, 17.00' 31.001 eannera-cuttera, 18.00-39.00. Beef Cat. fObolee eteere). Hind quarters.! rounds. 4J.oo-ll.oo full loins, trimmed, tl.00.71.00l trl antlet, 30.0o-S3.00! fort-Quartera, 33.00 so.ooi onucta, i7.oo-ti.ooi nos, es.oo- 13.00. Veal Oood-eholea. 141-11: .ommer. dal. ,37-48. Calvee Oood -choice. 14113: ,om- merciai, f-i-ee. Lamba prim, asrtnnrt. 40 -M fba- ,43-401 lOOO, ,40-44. . Mattan oood choice. 116-38. Perk Cots Loins. No. L 8-13 Int. M. tS9i ahouldera 1, lbs. W-tli apart- not, itt-lli fresh Bams, 10-14 lbs 117- OD. smokes Heme Skinned. Re fined lard In druma, Ill.W-ltl alsb bac on, tse-oe.&o. Portland HUeenaneeua celery caL oat erata. s-31 ot 3.31-4-3S. Pew to 14.60. Ora, 13.31. at.oo. onlona w-lb. tacka West Oretoa Pel Iowa, mod. No. la, 3.78-3.0Q; Texas white wax, a.oo-e.oo! lexis yeuowa, a-in. med 1.6076 per so lb. seek. Pelatoes Oreton Ruueta No. 1. 4.38. TBI name brande to 6.36! bakera. 6.00. eo; 16 int., tire A, 1.40-eii 10 lb, mesh, 69: Idaho Russets. No. TA. ,.168.o0i S-10 lb. balee, 1.80-iOl Plorlds Triumphs, No. 1A, 60 lb. tack, 1.35-10: Calif, lorn, no. L, eo lb. tack. 3.75-3.00. Bay U. S. No. S areea alfalfa, de- uverea car iota x.o.D. Portland, nominal. it lie. oo ton:. Seattle. issi7. Weal areata baals. Willamette Tel. lay medium, M83o lb.1 K si tern Ortton tlna and half-blood, H-83, Willamette vaiiey jamn wool. 420. Hides Calves, 1131, lb. aocordln, ta welihta; trees klpt, 17-1881 bulla, 4-lel areen ouKaer cow niaee, 7-ve, PUberts Wholesale selllnl prloe No, urn Barcelonaa, 34-360 Ib.l Slower prices, orchard run. 14-1&0 lb. WalnuttWholesalt aellln, price, first quality lane rranouetua. 11-130 ib.l trower price, orchard run, 11-1M lb. ItW Mtl t. ISO. . , Chloarw Livestock Chicago HV-Uva hot prices moved downward further Tuesday. Butcher hoes were off B0 to 75 cents a hundred pounds In a slow market Bows were m to mostly M cents down. A 923.11 top was paid for a few loads and lots, compared with a top of 134.35 Monday, Cattle were steady to weak. Yearlings and steers welshing up to 1.1 SO pounds grading choice and below were mostly steady, - - Slauthter Iambs were active and is to 60 cents higher, with choke and prime 99-117 lb. fed wooled lambs bring ing 135.31 to 121.00. Slaughter sheep were steady. Salable hoes totaled lO.OOoi cattle .- SOOt calves BOO and sheep 3,000. Portland Uveetoek Portland (WO c a t Me: ISO; slow, steady i canner-cutter cows 36-600 low er; good too lb. stock, steers Mi mediums 171 utility hetfere 15-I7t canner-cutter cow 10-12: utility cows 13-14. Calves: 25: active, ateadyi good-choice Testers 30-llf culls down to 12. Hoes: loo : active, ateadyi choice l. 3 butchers 180-23ft lbs. 26-39.39; choice 1 butchers late Monday 30.35; choice 150-170 lbs. 25-25.501 choice ISO lb. 10WS 33.601 650-500 lbs. 30.76-31.60. Sheep: 100: good-choice IT lb, fed wooled lamba 31; choice lb. spring lamba Monday 34; good-choice Wooled ewes quotable 6.506.60. Chicago Onions Chicago 0JJ9 Supplies liberal, demand alow, market about steady. Track sales 50 lbs.: u.s. l Quality: Texas Yellow Bermudas 3 to 1-lnoh car S.BSi 3 cars 1.601 Grano 3-lneh and lar ger ear 1.83 V4, car 1.65, mixed car 3 -inch and larger 1.70 with 3 to 3-lnch 1.30. Street sales 60 lbs.: Texaa Yellow Ber mudas t to 3-lnch 1.65-1.65, few to 3.00; 3-lneh and larger 1.50-1.601 Grano I to 3 Inch 1.60-1.00, 3-lnch and larger 3.00 3.3B; Crystal Wag 3 to 3-lnch 1.76-3-00. Idaho Spanish 3-lnch and larger few 3.00. Stock Market New York (-PV The stock market ioojc cautious approach to things Tueaday and presented a mixed price picture. Much of the time tne market leaned lower, but part of the dap waa spent on the upside. Oa in and losses displayed a spread of less than 3 points either way with the great bulk of the changes In frac tions. Business wet not rushing br any means and came to an estimated million and a quarter shares for the day. That compared wiu 1,400,000 aharea traded Monoay. DIRECTORY VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Oanllsld's Laundry, Repairs, ReMnlsh- 1ns. 19 6. lltll. TO. 4-6103, Flct-uy, Deltvsry. out WINDOW CLEANINQ Aerat Window cleanera. Industrial floor waalnt, nouseeloanlng. Phon. 3-3337- 37 court. LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4, AF It AM. Wed., April 20, M. M. degree, Full Form, 8:00 p.m. 102 LEGALS NOTICB I havt tiled my duel aeemnl as as mlnlstrator of the esteta of Oscar Wach ter, deceased, in trt. circuit Court f the state of Oreton for Marlon County and said court has filed : A VI, of rrioay, assy ay, itsi, ana tne courtroom thereof an the time and nlaea for hear- Int thereon. All persona hereby .ra re quired to appear and, show cause, if any there be, why said account should sot bt allowed and asld tstate closed. WILLIAM C. WACHTHI I. O. Sladler. Jr. Attorney for Admin. ISalem, Oreton April it, iUt i, 13, It. M, lilt. SALEM MARKETS OampUad treva tepwtt e4 Baleat Seajart lee tu taidue. w c.yiiai j.araai eaatoa. IRadaeS dailyj BeUtl Peed Prleeei stall psllele tl. IN- B. Sas). llcl-1.40 1100-lb. bail. Sll SUkb ' Dairy Peed U.SI-IA1 IN at, kail. 1.39-8.11 (10.1 WCI. - reaim Bayui pusa. colored trrera. xaoi owl roosters, lie; colored xowi, soei lethora fowl, IJol toosttra, 31c Bint Baytu r rices till. AA. AMI ten. A. 17-Uci medium aa, 46ci stadium A. aesoe: tmau, too. Wkaleeal. Pricea-Bra wholatal. arlcu tenerally l-7e hither than th. prices above. Lane tffade A tenerally quoted as .10! meoium. sec. B.ltanaa Burin, neat Prcmltun. 70. 7101 No. 1. 67-I9C I NO, I. 66c .tier wnolaaala trad. A Bemhasant. 1.0 AB.I Ittw, na Chlcai. Qrmla - Chlcato tr An esiler ion. which de valoped firm, In corn tpread to . other .action! of th. train market belore the Close on an. noara ox traae Tueaday. Corn droppMl on . faUlnt off in de mand for the oath train and fean tor ernmant offer lnte of off-trade corn toon would htt luereaoed. The May contract aunerM most, ioslnl nearly 1 aent, ,t 1. lima. Wheat showed early atrentth em port tela, ot both bare! and red wheat to Wast oermanr, and of red wheat to Yuiotlavla. . Toward th. close, however, wheat tava up Its early latna In erm- pauiy witn aecunea in otner cereals. Wheat doted tt-ti lowsr, afay llJ&Uj com 14-1 lower. May n7HK, oat. .H lower, nay 1ttt-v. yye 1H-3W. lower, asay ii.ti-ti.eo, toybeast ti ive lower, atay aa.ooia-7k, ana iard to 11 cent, s nun area pounds lower. liar 11043. Portland Grain - ' Portland (M -No wart, trains. Wheel Ibid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: sott White 3.411 soft Whit, (axoiudin. Rex) 3.41: Whit, cius 3.41. Kara Red winter: ordinary 1.41: 16 per cent 8.411 u per cant 3.4U 11 per cent 3.41. oar receipts! Wheat 411 barley 1: flour 1; torn II! oata 11 mill lota 11. Perllend Baeleld. Market Portland duo Aeparatut from tht Dayton district sold for 19 , 36.1b. pyra mid today on the Portland sasttldt Parmera WholMale Produce market. Rhubarb Drouths ll.8s-l.40 . DOS. Other tradlns was alow with prtcee nominal. tfcHOOL CONTRACT LET Lebanon Contract for con struction of the Cascade ele mentary school addition has been awarded to the low bid der, Robert C. Wilson of Cor- vallii. ills basic bin was o,' 462. '. Mid-Willamette Obituaries John T. Jacobs " Hubbard John T. Jacobs, 78, resident ot Rt. 1. Hubbard, sine 1036, died Sunday night at Portland hospital xouow Intr an extended Illness. Mr. Jacobs was norn Apm 27. 1875 Bt Parkersburg. West viralnla. to Thomas and Alice Jacobs. He moved with the family to Cloud County, Kan., when a small boy and had lived there engaging in farming un til coming to Oregon. t. ... I TT..i-l,t--nn ITan-. an aoiio tta liu-m-i-a"-, - sas he was married to Battle E. Qulnn who preceded him In death in November audi. Mr. Jacobs was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Shrine at Wakeeney, Kan. He Joined the lodge in 1007 and the Shriners in 1020. Surviving are four tons and four daughters, Mrs. Lavlna Scanlon of Gooding, Idaho; Ross Jacobs of Oregon City, Mrs. Esther TlndaU of Barlow, Ted Jacobs of McMinnville, Mrs. Helen Truesdell of Wood- burn; George Jacobs of Sun Valley, Idaho, Kenneth Jacobs of Hill City, Kan., ana Mrs. Eleanor Hawkins of Portland; 26 grand and 18 great grand' children; two brothers, Clar ence Jacobs ot Hyden, New Mexico, and FAnk Jacobs of Springfield, South Dakota; a daughter and a son preceded Mr. Jacobs in death, Mrs. Mar tha Stackhouse and Roy Jacobs. ' Funeral services will be Wednesday, April 20, at 2 p.m. at the Everhart and Kent Can by Funeral Home with Rev. Paul N. Roth officiating. Vault Interment will follow at Zlon Memorial Park. 1 Amelia Uppendah! Woodburn Mrs. Amelia Uppendahl, 75, 1050 Bryan St., died at her home Monday. Mrs. Uppendahl was born In Minnesota July 23, 1877 and had lived in Woodburn for 31 years. She was a member of the Lutheran church. Surviving are three sons, Walter Uppendahl, Klamath William Uppendahl, Gervals; a brother, Emil Meeske, Salem; a sister, LLUlam Stabenow, Sa' lem; and seven grandchildren. Her husband, William, preced ed her In death in 1042. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 20, at the Rlngo Funeral Home. Interment will be in Belle Pas si cemetery. Henry Eliasen Albany Services were held Monday for Henry Eliasen, 70, Route No. 2, Sclo, who died at the state tuberculosis hospital In Salem on April 23 following an extonded illness. The fun eral was held at the Fisher Funeral home with burial in the Willamette Memorial Park cemetery. (Advirtletment) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin it Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with Itching torture, try Santtone Ointment. Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears Immediately. Sanltone Oint ment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Athlete's foot. For Sale UPIU DRU6 nORE Stat at Liberty fhons I-J118 STOCKS (By Th. AaaoUtt4 Praaal Admiral Corporation M , Allied Chemical , , 70 AUlt Chalmen , 6, American Alrllnaa , lit. amerlcen Power at Lltb ivfc American Tel Tel , 15414 American Tobacco 731k . Anacond. Copper , S6v AtchUon RaUroad n Bethlehem Steel 6314 . Boelnt Airplane Co. 4m Bors Warner ' Mli ' Burrow. Addlnt Macbll. Callfornl. jactln. , Canadian Pacific ,,, 17 Caterpillar Tractor - .98 Clan Me Corporation 36 Chrysler corporation TIV. ClUea Service S3 Consolidated Bdtson Wi Cocwolldated Vulte. ItVa Crown Bellerbaen , ,, 39 Curtlu Wrliht , : s Doualee Aircraft , Du Pont do Nenwurt 83 Baslman Kodak 43tt Smoroon Radio , .. U .. 10 .. 63 . .. 61 .. 16 .. ! .. 18 .. 39 .. to .. 44 .. 67 .. 6V. . .. 11 ..11 .. 10 ' .. S3 .. n .. 33 .. 675 .. Id .. 36 ..114 .. 6 .. 6, ., 30 .. 14 .. 33-4 .. 16 ... 19ft .'.41 1.. 44 ... St ,.. 16 ,.. M ,.. SIVk ,.. S3 . 48 ... SI ... SO .1 ... M ... I ,.. 17 ... MM ... 16 ... 18 ...107 ... IS ... 14 ... I ... M ... MH '." St ... M ... 44 ... tt Oensral SQectrlo Oeneral Poods , Oeneral ISotora Oeonla Pat. Plywood ,, Ooodyear Tire Hc-mostake Mtnmt co, ., International Harvester.. International Paper ., Johns llenvllll Kenneeott copper , Llbbi McNeil Lockheed Alroralt Loewea Incorporated ,, Lou Bell ,, esonttomtrr ward Nash Kllvlnatar ,, Mew Tors central .... Northern Paclfw Pscltlo American Path ,, Pacltl. C-a It BleetrH ., Pacltw Tel ov Tel ..... Packard Motor Cat Penney, J. C ,. Penneylvanla R. B. ... Pepsi Cola Ctw ,, Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation ...... Raronlar In corp. Rayonlay In corp. pfd. Republic Btetl RtynoMt Metals ., Richfield Oil .., Safeway storea Xno. .,., Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck At co, .. Socony-vacuum on Soutbem Paclflo Standard OU Calif. ..... Standard OU N.J. ...... Studebakay Corp. ....m, sunshine Mlnlnt Swift At Company Traneamerlea Corp. .... Twentieth Century Pa., Union Oil Company .... Onion Paclflo ........ United AlrUnea United Atreralt United corporation United States Plywood .. United cHAtaa Steel ..... Warner Plcturee Wutern Union Tel. ,,al Wettlnihout. Air Brak. WMtlnthouta Blectrto Wool worth ,... Mr. Eliasen waa born in ' Utah, and had lived in Idaho before coming to Oregon in 1019 locating near Jefferson where he lived until moving to near Sclo two years ago: At Pocatello, Idaho, Nor. 20, 1907 he married Martha M. Andersen, who survives, ss do a daughter, Kit. L. B. Fartxer, Sclo; four brothers, Ronald, Lars and Edgar Eliasen, Rock land, Idaho, and An tone Elia sen, Meeker, Colo., and three sisters, Mrs." Sarah Morris, Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. Annie Hlllhouse, American Falls, Idaho,: and Miss . Zlna Eliasen, Rockland, Idaho. Martha Rolland - Silver ton- Funeral services are being held for Mrs. Martha Rolland. 88. at Rose City Cemetery, Portland, at the graveside, Tuesday (this) af ternoon, at 2 o'clock, the Ek man Funeral Home of Silver ton in charge. Mrs. Rolland died Friday at her Scotts Mills home on Route No. 1. She was born In Fort- land and had lived In this viclnty since 1930. Surviving are a daughter In Michigan, two sisters and a brother in Portland and ona sister in Los Angeles. Frank R. Bean, Sr. Woodburn Frank R. Bean, Sr., 64, died In the Silverton hospital Saturday. He had liv ed in Woodburn for 14 year and was born in Michigan, February 8, 1880. Surviving are the widow. Waunetta Bean, ' Woodburn; three sons, Frank R. Bean, Jr., Woodburn; and Louis C. and Charles V. Bean, Salem: three daughters, Mrs. Cora Weber. Hubbard; Mary Jo Merrill, San Antonio, Texas; and Dixie Ann Bean, Woodburn; a brother, Louis Bean, Lansing, Michi gan.; and 14 grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, April 29, at the Rlngo Funeral Home with the Rev. Edward Baldwin officiating. Interment will be in Belle Pass! cemetery. DEATHS an Uertlr fiam Uertlr. late resident or 1979 Bunnyriew Ave., In tbla lty. April SI at the ate of TO yean, survived br broth er, John W. Martlr, Portlands two nephewi. Robert Marti!, Portland and Kennetn Marur. uate. Berricea wm be held Wfdneidty, April n at 10 10 n. In HoweU-Sdvarda Chanel with the ReT. Harold J. Melatrra o-fflciatint. Interment at WUlamlna cemetery Cornelia C ttaDard Cornelia C. stallaM. lata raaldent of 3240 N. Commercial It. at a loeal hoipital, April 29, at the ate of aa yeara. aumvea nr two iuwn. lira. Man are t Brwatere, Camden point Mo., and Mra. Jennie Harrli, ftaletai brother, William R, McCormtck, cam den Point, lio. She waa a member of tne Beremn oar Adventm cnureh. aerricee will be held Wedneedar, April 29, at I Pe m. in the Howell-Idwarda Chapel with mer It O. Bcbalfner, Ki el i line. by. . T. Urn. B D. Dy, O). Che. R DKS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! VptUIrs, 141 North Ubert Offle. ski eetvrrday nrj IS a sa. to I t.m- S a 1 part. CenealttttaA, blood presear. end nrln. teste are free f than, rracuoed tne. 1B1T. Writ. Mr .1 tractive tltt P. kli tttlota. i9 ?iP StWNJjswrjit . ti fii" I J'. 51 .' V "" - '-' ' a. , . , . !,,., i