Pact 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, April 28, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES H ACRE, tmmadlala posMssloe, J bMim la dir. mm treet achool. bus. Owner ml of town, ion srvtrtreea. a-iiu. eior 1 BEDROOM BOUSE. IUi baths. Ut. Int loom, dining room, din. kitchen 1U nook. Inside atllltr. Forced air nut, hardwood noon ud fireplace. price dim, mi s. nth. .101' CLOSE IN Modern homo at eel Hood at Would cenalder amt.ll property aa port payment, now vacant, prtwi 910,000,00. w. o. kvdii, Rati tor hone 1-4731 . Ml H. ComX St. 0103 1I4W-CL08X to Washington Sen. Neat , -yr.-ew i-nr. noma, fireplace, hdwd. . fleore, auto, ell heat, pvd. ata. walk, alee yd., plenty room for that coroos. cm su, hih, Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor . BUI m, lN oiol1 BY OWim, a bodroon noma, urm, . aniaer nnru tj-7ei. I r OWNER, room noma, basement, j sawdust furnace, m,' UN Bood SI. rw. aioi1 LOOK! Modern bomt, garage, utility room. wese in, iooxtoo on Autum River, pertly furnished, tardea in. $3000 cash or mo Prod Lindemtn, Realtor, Lyons, or HatehtnMn Kcsd, Realtors, Will City or Oater. 103 OWN EX. 2 bedroom auBUrban. lane Uvuw nnd dining room, kitchen, lane . uiiuty or i v room, coudu plumbing, finpUee, carpeted. 4 yean old. Im- anooioio tuesuaion. n muo citr Itmit. . jraranirM aioi tleee. DO ill tnu culo home befon , you bur. no living mm la lane (or thla a bodroom bomtl Hoot kit and , none witn inside amity rm., hwd. floors, krlok plantar box to front of ptctnro window and faneod back ward will nallr help to maka tnu tutue a homo for roil. Can bo bad for only flooo Down or on OX loan. Don't : . ' wait tall ills or rra aoaaa. Bowoa wooq. as. w. Hlllt .101 UDIMKi dan, dlnlni room, law twua wik eeuna apace, nrepiaca, basement, aawdnit furnaco, Jam lot. .. row, naar aua ana aoaooii, aloaa In . wmkw sraqe. ceo B. summer. alOr . TOfOWOOD HeWHTS MODERN: BAST VDJW - Botlar builder flnUhu a moat charm. ina- and liveable a br noma, H.W. noon, manoranr ooore as pannellng. fireplace. Iron Harmon P.A. Furnace Brlgca plumbing, Alt. (arete, Brick plantar bona. Inaolatad. wtathar tripped. Beduoed to 110,350.00. H JOB HDTOHTSOW REALTOR St Bdsewater. Fho. 4-1741 or 47W aioi' Klumpp's EXCLUSIVE HOMES "No Loan Costa" ''' n thla a-todroom home. All m ah. ' goer, with Moo living room and lane umMB wiua oaiing apaeo. Ill a bad, : Moma are toed-tlsed ee wall arranitd. wa i uaunt rurnaeo, atlaohed araaa. toeatod In tha dir. Total rcMw av.Duv. aaovv an, "A Home You Can Afford To Own" jPhla new a-bodroom homo with nice wimi pmuro windowi, Una kltohan with lou of bullMna . alao a aood-altod nttlltr room, ou Wall furnaco. Kahotanr door. Tour awn wall art torn, a food-alaad lot WxtM. Iltoo will bandlaT L. E. Klumpp, Realtor aiJ Portland Bd. Ph. aTMl Btanlnii: Blahard aM aldl y , TAKE IT AWAY : t ONLY ttoo down for thla lorelr Z "r"Y wvn orifal HOUI. Modern bath, Younratown kitchen. Jane Urtna rm. dlnlni rm. comb! ?JSS iTi1, ' "4 .A. AUTO, OU. P1PIQ KBAT TO ALL , Boom. Located north, ONLY MIM. XI HARRY VAN HORN, BVX. PH. 41785 V '. ' ernes diax. K 44494, 24552 A m mi -l ; kcaXLBNT BDI-Near Laille achool. . gww qropm, mono 1001. alOB1 . iu.aoe-JUBT aubtntjan, eitra nice a Br. homo on lane landocapad lot, dln tnt rm.. fireplace St nook, rnd. it. A " ?euo'U in"' CU Ur' MrTTZOKR, Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor M it. Blah . Bra. 4-71 ' n i n rraiaiaai''i"j1 fQR SALE LOTS DOWNS AVI. wooo, corner lot looiito. . . Z"w 7 mine. Trees, In altr. Ph. J14ST area. aaiot UUTITDL VIEW LOT in trade for , pour etrultr tn Tour car, or mar accept a late model car. Phone 41171. aalw IaBOB BOMB altea In beautiful Klnt- wood Belahla, 11,000 up. Bur terma. See owner, Phone t-llll. aalos e'.e.oaoooeo.o,oJ FOR SALE ACREAGE $500 DOWN ur H acre tn Print), dutikt, couth, with l-BR home nurlr completed. Chicken hiot, fenoaa, aarden In. atsso $800 DOWN burs 1 aero near Oerraia, north, with a-room hse. loa-ft drilled well, chick on hsi. 3 car garage, owner called to service. $8350 on terms or take good vivs tur cmu. 10 ACRES Northwest, with old a-br. home. Ure M-tM). iwi auiuiagdi. iiew run price. I AUKJbJ rLUS on ara north. Ideal location for trailer court or eabrna. Haa kneir tbf inu. Ultht eontider ior nntaia in HOUrwood dut. B. Isherwood, Realtor 110 Wallace Rd. ph. 4-SH1 bbiol REAL ESTATE gjt.iwo THK prettiest setting in the eountrr. I-Br. ranch style home, lss. basmt. aoiwinleal sawdust hi, good barn, pasture w orchard. Approg. io Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 4J1N. Hiah are. I-Mll oiol 70?jntbx uvrNO with all the cilr eomforta. Bare la honott to loodneae palue for the moner. Two lr. bedroomc uu lurai iiaisn aen, beautiful fire place, ic, tiTlnt and dlnlni room, bnakful nook and It. utility rm. auto oil beat. There are tola ef eilru """ """Ire horn haai you will find them here became the price liu been reduced, .the owner la forced to lean Salem. Pun price IlI.eoO. Call SJ,ilL."T' Wood. man, elOl vLAsiiniD AnntTiawo Per Word. 1 alaae. u. Par Wort 4, Per Word, a Uajea lea Per Word, I tenth OOa ..'",,,'"l I Warda, BRADua-b Uaal Men Celama Oaly, Per Word ,, Mlalat.m It Wets. T. Plat Ad la lams Dui . Paper, rhenc t-X4M aVtsrs II run. REAL ESTATE NEW 2 BEDROOMS VlnUb tout homti la toot (part tim. To pJULDDitti u oompMio u cludlni tlictrlo hot wttUr bUr sod bathtub. Wlrinr U complito, wired for rtnie, 4 rooms piui utuitr nc otto, ooncrctt foundation. jhaJto oxttrlor. DMorato tbt lncldi wall and lutall onto trim and cablncU jrounolf ud aavo monw on ft ntw faomt. Full prlu $960.W. inmedlato poMtulon, par Ilka rent Located 4 mlla KorUi, near good bum iirrice. $250 DOWN l h REALTOR I llVflba I V T 1955 fairgrounds Rd. Branlu Phontu lull or NHI ol01 NELSON $1000 DOWN NEAR CAPITOIi a-bdna. Home, LB, DR. fun bath, V. bllnde, fplace, oonvenlent to ahop Plnc center. Price aoo. Call Mil. woollen. $750 DOWN WAR HOOVER SCHOOL S.rr.-oU a-bdrm. plulered home. hdwd. fin., Inaul., waU llthted lit. llrlna rm.. lot M X 100, aranled at. ar.t nlea nelahborfaood, owner leavlna cur, make oiler, price 17m. tail lira, Wootten. HOW'S THIS? 1 blk. to bin. Junior and senior hi school S bllu. away, t minutes br ear to center of town, bdrnu. S In number, lot x 130. Yea, It's definite ly In town. Price $B0OO. OaU M. Watti, J-73W. Suburban Grocexy TRADE TOR HOMK Well located nelfhborhood store, ervlcf largo territory, profitable family operatlur, Itrln quarters on premises, lnr. S5WK) to $4000. Call sir. fioomldt. 3BDRMS. ; ONS BLK. TO XJB9LDS BCHOOtt This homo la juit belnf offered to day. A real opportunity for a family with school children. In slsht of public playgrounds swimming pool, walking dletanco to 3 schools. Newly redecorated fl-room homo with, full buementv sawdust; heat, all lor llO.tXK). Nelson & Nelson . ' ePBCIALlZINQ SU&ALTOR8 TO N, BUh 8t, Ph. Vim elOl WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NFED L7BTTN06. particularly Miliar priced homo and all type, with low down payment. F YOU HAVE A CAR vou want to use as part payment on a 3-bedroom home, see us. It's alee. In the best of condition. Only a rrs. ld. On 1 floor. Baa basmsnt, forced air ou i urn ace ana ft view, racea to seu. Only 113,500. Owner ' will consider reasonable oiler for furniture. , BELIEVE IT OR NOT we hare Just listed this l-bedroom home which Is brand new. Has oil heat, on quiet st. Irou of storage room. Can be bought on very liberal terms. Full price is only 113,500. Good Livin-Roomy 4-bedroom home In St. Vincent dis trict. Fireplace. Insulated. Onlr grs. old. Corner lot. Liberal terms arranged .Pull price $12,600. TREMENDOUS BUY 4-bedroom home In Xnglewood dlst. It's gpotlesslr clean. Tou could almost oat on u floor, ou heat. Lovely lawn. Roman brick trim front Very well built, only 8 yrs. old. F.H.A. terms If desired. Full price only $11,800 BUSINESS CORNER on one ot Salem's busiest Intersections. Several very good bldga.. Including e service station leased to a major oil vo. on ft gaiionase bails. Lots of room for additional construction or ear park. Owner leaving state. Full price Portland Road Frontage Aui. property oae) many potential. Orawlnt In value dally, 100 ft. front ate. Appro. 14 acre In all. Ideal for large bualneia bide., warehouae with lane parking area or rental. Priced a in,uvv. SHOE REPAIR SHOP Tnu la Ideal. Hoc been cetabllahcd for many rra. Orerhead la utremely low. Location la excellent. Rent la onlr loo per mo. Lota of equipment. Pull ..(, ooty e4,iov ior .veryinint, DUPLEX tn good repair. One unit hat 1, the uiuer um a Dsarooma. rumianea. -De- siraoie location. . Bargain price of apo.Buu. lerrtLB. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, ITVX. PH. s-who, or MR. KJaaiNB, kvb. ph. -em, or dan i&aak, ivb. fh. 4-3333. It no answer, call 4-3241. Suburban Ideal with 3-bedroom home. Has 13ttx25 living room. Plenty of closet space aim oum-mi. rorcea air ou furnace, 14 walnut. 4 anole. is fiih.rt n..... 1 cherry trees, i cJilcken and 1 brooder house, a blks. to school. Very olose In NB. This is worth the asking price $1,000 DOWN on 4H acre. 1 A. etrawbarrlea. para. ur iruil and nut. Ceneberrlel. Only J ml. from Bl(ni. Modern t-room uwmv, .w . u oarn, a cnMken nouaea, a-oar aaraie. Pull price only I7.1M, Excellent 6V2 Acres very beet of toll, cioie In X nn.ft well. New aerate blot. An Ideal coun- rr nomeuie. niu price only 15,700. Call for Mr, Leaven. Sr.. pn. 1.4711. uv miwh, eau i-at, UORTOAOI LOANS Al Isaak & Co., Realtor vine, rnonee: .-eiu or I-TI20 lot! PORTLAND ROAD Bra Phone: 1.4711, 4-SK 4-liu. 44010 or 1-Mu B no aniwer. phone 4-lilt alM' t 3-B.R. HOME LESLIE DIST. Brand new, lovely tn. with fire- piece w ipt 01 giaaa, ujt., Kit. H Brk. nook, lou ot buiit-lns, full daylight basmt. with extra fireplace es bath. Bartile roof, an unusually attractive home. FuU price, call Oeorge ABaBJlSUtlaii 1 Burt Picha an N. Hitn st. Off.l 1-404 ciot ONLY $500 DOWN 3 -bedroom home on nearly acres with pond and stream. miles from Salem In Polk county. Beautiful set ting among trees. Barn and deep well. Owner leaving and has luted property several hundred wollars below ooet .Full price $7,960. Parmante $to a month. Better call now. 4-I3U. Ramsey Ileal fettato, eves. !$$, g.oi REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE ACRES TO TRADE U baaotlfal seraa, 4A tharrlu, akw family fruit. 4A train, IA of paaturo and troea with creek and eprlnt. Spotlea modem a bdnn. auk home oa 1 or a acree. Terma, Price HO.bW. 4 BDRMS. OFT SUNNYVIEW Jmmaonlata famllr home. L. Rm. with flrept. Ja plctura tharmopaaa window. Lano D. Jim. with T.V. poulblllUea. Roomr kitchen with aatlni area, a bdrnu. down and a up. with oodlee of atoraae apace. Dead and atreet nice dial, BicaUtnt terma. Price 13.SO0. or DOUBLE LOT, - LOW PRICE - MOM for a rood a Br. home with room to build another bouee. Olote ' In location. Terma. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Meat and clean a Br. noma with nnflnUhed upataln. t or 4 bes ' noma poaelele for price of two. Owner un lake offer. Aaklnt inoo. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor ut a. Huh A. B. Beckett - Ph. atMl Andr Balroraen - ph. atlN Srenlnaa and Sunder RH.A APPRAISED FOR $9000 SELLING FOR $8500 Here's real buy 1500 less than V.HJL appraisal Oood t-bedroom home, oil hut, ntt. tarago. Here's tfce bur f the weeki too Ohmart study calabi KEIZER DISTRICT Modern l-room homo with fireplace, oil heat and at. garage, patio too. About acre ground. 111,900. . ON NORWAY ST. - ATTRACTIVE .AND MODERN S-bsdroom homo with dicing zoom plus nook, radiant heat, ftreplaco, this 1-year-old home Is In Terr good condition, has fenced yard and is In the Xnglewood Dlst. 111,000. FKA terms. NEED MORE ROOM? flee this new 4-bodroom home on Englewood Ave. Has 1 bedrooms down and 1 up, fireplace, att. garage. Mors right int It's racant. H.700., GREENWOOD! 1 1 " - Beautiful new horns with S bedrooms and large playroom, every detail tn this spacious horns Is perfectly done, double garage, too. Quiet street. Iii.eoo. RENTAL PROPERTY - - a apartments plus I sleeping rooms basement, oil furnace heat, fire place. Oood location. $30,500. FARM SPECIAL - U Aerts, Worth Howell, acres strawberries, cert, plants, A. . oanebtrrle. bal. grain and bay. a l-bedroom homes. 1 rsntsd for $ti mo. Oood bam and chicken house, the crop will go a long way to par tot this place. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors . 4TT Court St, ' .,! Benrr Torrend 1MI1 Tod ROY TODD Real Estate KLNGWOOD HEldHTS Beautiful Ire. a-bdrm. horn, onlr 4 rra. old. very lte. llvlns with fire place. Lie. kitchen with eat. apace. Lot 1 very lane, street in front or , back of lot. Excellent location and view. Price 113,000. call Mr. Vender vort, ealetman. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT a bedroome. Mice llrlnt, kitchen, bath. Wired for tanae. oaraaa. tot mm. Nice lawn a ahruba. a walnut, 1 apple, irapea, blk. to but. only Mg. can Mr. Buch, aaleaman. , HOME St BUSINESS -4-bdim. home wish Urine, dlnlnr, kitchen, bath. Set well back on lot which baa 130 ft. hlwar frontata and 130 ft. deep. New 40x10 build in. on front of lot. Can be used for radio or TV repair ahop or beauty parlor. Price ll,BO0, Call Mr, Simpson, aaleaman. 33 ACRES 1 Irritation for 11 oe. 1140 ft. Irritation pipe. Six T-faL aprlnklen. ' -hone turbine pump, a ac cane berrlea, co. perm, paetun, a ac oat tf vetch. 11-atanchlon barn. Chick, hae. Lie. home with a bdrnu, lrrlnr, dlnlni, kitchen. Ve ml. to ten. Price ecu Mr. Buch, aaleemaa. . GRADE A DAIRY lit Acre, a aa. paiturc, 14 ac winter peaa and abruocl. 11 ac rye ' erraat. It ac. aprlnr crop. Lie. reiervolr for Irritation. 40-ttanchlon nam. New 10-atanohlon milk parlor. Bull or calf hed. a calving ahode. Modern T-room home. Alao l-room cabin for hired help. About a mllca from Salem. A teei at 138,000, or would take 3- or l-bdrm, home In Salem. OaU Mr. sunwon, aaleaman. ROY TODD, eN state stmt Bve. phono: Vandervort 1-1MI; Todd J-17J1 REAL ESTATE $150 DOWN Handy man special north of town. Needs Some finish work, a bedrooms. Large lot with plenty of good garden space. Xaar monthly terms. HELP III Owner out of town and wants action an ft 3-bedroom home on Park Ave. Name your own down payment. Only I rears old. Bus by door. Close to achool. HOME & BUSINESS 1. l-bedroom home and large com mercial site greenhouse In test grow ing dutrlot ot Bast Salem. Home is only 4 rears eld and in good condi tion. Greenhouse la almost new and best ot construction. Only $3500 need ed to handle deal. 1. Oood cafe and apartment. Ideal for ft man and wife to operate. 30 person capacity In an excellent loca tion close to shopping center. Oood 1st floor apartment furnished, illness ore eaie oi present operator. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS tie INSURANCE 101 South Blth strut phone 1(101 Phon. evenlntt c Sunder: 4-1171, 1-IBI, 4-1JM. 1-M74, 4-5111, 1-3M4 el01 CBOICI CORNER, 1071 No. Caollol. t br "OH. Plro turnlahed modern apj. 110,000. Term. Phone Xetep. 3-810$. clM WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILQORE Reedt a few lutingt on hornet and terma for N. Capitol St. olllce. Ph 4-.041. 1HI N. CAPITOL, .a QBEAT BUYINO DEMAND for farm and aereataa. Lilt youra with Colbalb Land Co, bm T. T. Andmon. Perm Atent, Phone 4-4414. Eva 1-1714. ca' roTICEi n poor property it for tale, renl or exchange, tut II with ua. We have all ktade ot aah burera. 8TATB PTNANCB CO, REALTORS IM 8. Blth St ca WS ARB badly In need of 1 and l.k.d, room nomaa, m aaiia out. Alee need hom. anywhere with email down pay. areola, wnae nave your AL BMAK. REALTOR. PB. 41111 If no anawtn ph. t-llll ca WE ABE la need of tood houau to tell, tn er Rear Salem. If you wleh la tut roar propatar for aale, en ORABENHORST BROS, REALTORS. 114 S. Liberty Ph. 1.1411 m. RESORT PROPERTIES BI OWNER Two apacloua eceea front hemu at Weeome Beach. Beth have hot water heal, fireplace, laadecaped, San one er both, can Delate nil, er write Boa lee, Oceanlake, Ore. eclot' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Ph. lien . Walla - Ph. aina Phone 14111 . Itlll' Morrtaon 0M Louie Lorcna IUM EraBlllillt Ralph Maddr 134H 10e REALTOR OTIIc. phone a-tstl Ruch 1-TO1B; simpton 1-WJSi frrrfnHwfwr.rffHi,.,,.! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PLUMBER'S OPPORTUNITY Bulldlnr. atoek and equipment, the bait. Owner ora ana retinnt. enould par off in a reare. Vt down at 131,000. People AAciiani neauori. aecMinnvnie. , WW "FISH" AND MAKE MONEY AT THIS WELL KNOWN PISHINa RESORT. lilneit force aale of tbti money-maklna bue lneas and tellen will take nice home In Salem aa part payment. Property con 1st of nice l-bdrm. home, l.nt umi., rorcra air neat, ttore, cabin. boat, motor, landlnt wharf, boat he. and many other feature I could enow you. rHICGD RIOHT AT 118,000, TERMS. CALL DAVID, BVE. PH. 41701 OFFICE DIAL Own Your Own Business Be Independent W hare taverna, leundrlea, food mkt., furniture, reatauranu, motele. fountalne, bakerlee, lunchu and many olhera available for aale. It you want to buy or ten a buel. neae opp. In tha Willamette Valley, better eeo: FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 1037 Fairgrounds Bd. 4-$31I INCOME PROPERTIES t-UIIT APARTMENT on th. coaat, near Twin Rocka. Ore. Income 1100 per month. Owner will take email home In or around Salem, a part payment. There u a mm doe. by, plenty of wore, rnea J. B. LtCLERO, REALTOR loot m. capitoi pa. ami enol WANTED FURNITURE a 4-4494,2-4552 pjy I.7.B.I.-1M,II:. FURNITURE FOR SALE ITVE PIECE blonde dinette act, eitre jeer, are. rn. 4-.7JO. dim AUCTIONS Sudtell's ANTIQUB : . I AUCTION THUR8.. APRIL loth, T P.M. Mil SILVERTON RD. PH. 1-tOM ANTIOUIB NOW OCIMSIariEn: 1 aecntarlee, cfalna dcaat, black walnut cnaira, a eroiaon pnoaographe with cylinder reeordc, pine commode, avueic cabinet, flraalde bench, maple chut, child'a folding bed, mutle box, black walnut apool bed, flat top deek and chair, J-pleca love aeat, antique diahat ano ciau wan, nraat, and pleturo frame and many nleallinaMu it. AnUquet will be aoM alone with our xaruiar furniture aalo. It you nave furniture or antlcuaa to tall, aontlcn them now. , LANB evUDTELL'S AUCTION SALTS YARD ddlOl- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB SALE. Tanneaau Waiklnt, Palo mino stallion, RuUtered Tennauw Walking Aaeoolatlon No. 41U41, and Palomino AaaoclaUon No. 14OI-1O0. Recletered mare Tennaaaee Walking AaaoclaUon No. 41111, Palomino Aa aoclaUon No, alll. super Deluxe a boru trailer, leather lined, aaddle muM, uinu jaaaina, . a, ciackamaa, vi.. .wauuuu. aAaoa tylly ill,. elOl in maii or gentle addleboraea and i poaya. . v. seip, aiH SUvarton IW. .1.1. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BIEPWhlte fau far.f.l 10c. Locker pork, lie Nothlat down, 1 jnoe. to par. Ouatom killing. Trailer ,uauu omtnu aCCBB CO., Xll lith. Ph. 1-4H1. aa RABBITS and hutch, phone 4-31TO. PETS HOLLYWOOD AOUAEITJM HU McCori oa aauan, fn. a-tB07. eolOie 8PBINOEB SPANIEt, pttppr. month! vmi, sduh sncilMec tao. 1.47 Pair. ground sc. eolOl COCKER POPS end mother to five eclOl away. 11469. MOOSE TEOPICAL PUB. Parakut: turtles, auppllu. a wiUu frmv, t...., jr on Macl.ay road. 4-1771. Closed FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co Tca bp ronr Prnto-Lva, Brlqntt and Wood, lit So. Com'L, phone Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube cervlee. all kinda t woou. rnona .-.. - ' ea andirson'S hand picked alab wood, " uw. rana arioi or aazsa. - ' eoiM West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, M" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1SX Bdtewater Phone Salem 1-4011 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. BPJEDIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trimmings, $3 load. Phone $7721 en FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS , FRYERS oiTana I, Would roll like to extra profit per Bird? a. Would you like an average weight oi . id, at a to e weeker Would you like to have 3.4 feed conversion 4 Would ron like thefecla and proof 1 nea or uaii oso. m: petkroon eatchert Xlmlra Road Eugene, Ore. Ph. s-itn fill GOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire suicaa, navcoea every Monday and Thursday, Our ehlcka grow faater. Pox' Hatchery, ant State St. Ph. 3-4089, e. WANTED Colored hen. Lee' Batch f cry, pnon. 3-31U. FOB BALE Hampshire cappetle'e fryers. aooue id. 90. Bring containers. Pets Miller, Brooke, and place N. Parkeravllla tch. fi03 FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chleka in New Hampahtr.. Parmentera, Red. Whit. Leghorn, Auatra-Whlte, White Rocka, White Wrendottca, Par menter cocker.!. Lea Hatchery, ehnn. 1-3111. e. PRODUCE OOOD SEED POT A TOE ,1 Netted Oems, piauis any .tine now o jujy, 12.50 per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt, $, Box 493, miles east 4 Corneu aa stau Rt. Ph. 43031. ff FRESH CUT RHUBARB For canning go pound. Seed pota ms, onion sets, vegetable plants. pansy petunias, all types fruits and vegetables. Come by over ths week-end and visit out farm market now under our personal manasement. Phiiiiru Bros., eeoo Portland Road. Two blocks norm incasier crive intersection. ffina HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCKD frfAN in automotive ao- cessones and speed equipment. Ail re plies comiaentiai. write box 75, Cap ital Journal. gaioo TOCNO MAN for car hop. woodrofie's sen anop, jro Portland Rd. No phone calls. Ca WANTED Window and interior display "". f rciur-iDir iTajawnn .nsases 01 IB and 35. Experience essential, fiteadv employment. Apply Ur. Carter, sfont somerr Ward. g WANTED SINGLE man for general farm ana wooos wore. Room and board. Monmouth. $378. ealOl WE NEED men to fin vaeanclea created due to promotion. Men mut be between 11 and 41 mn of ate. with a huh achool education or It equivalent. A car la taaentlal.Work will require you to be away from hom. 4 night a week. This poeltlon often permanency, op portunity and tar batter than averue amines. A tmarantee af tlM a week hMin, with training. Contact Arnold Roth Senator Hotel Wednesday, April M, 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 PJd. tew WANTED EXPERIENCED carpet and "no mechanic. B. L. stiff Furniture ee.eeeeeaeec'eewee.eieeeeee ournal Want Ads Pay OE PALOOKA PACefJ fUNCM. PALOOKA KW6ES rXKKLEO rCSTrTt-Mtj TO R6HT PI066R 0f...BlfT TMC AUSSIff baajws AU OVtR MIMJ- REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials ' KNOLTWOOd' SCHOOL Lovely l-yr.-old a-bdrm. home, combination llv. rm, din. rm, kitchen with nook. Inelda utility room, dole, aerate. Price lll.tOO. CALL PETER R. OEISER. BDNO COMPIJeTr3 3 bdrmt., hdwd. fir., 1 flreplacet, full batmt, auto. oU heat, playroom. Pineal realdentlal dutrlot. 117,100. CALL ROY 1 rZRRIB, CO-OP. BROKER NEAT a-BDRW. BOlaaV-Englcwcod SUtrlct. Llv. im. wllh fireplace, din m with Prench doore leadlna to patio, bath, kitchen with nook. Auto. oU forced air furnace, itleelr landscaped lot. A food bur at 11,M0. CALL J. B. LAW McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Brand newt Tmmrdlate ncaaeaalonl Ranch etrle a-bdrm. home with llv. rm, din. rm, kitohm with brkf. nook, utuitr room. Dble. aerate. All thla only llt.eoo. CAlb B. K. LAYMON BETTER BTJTXT - BEST BUY New thrn-bdrm. borne, llv. rm. ca ae tlTity room, ad feet long. dble. lavatory, fireplace, oil heat, dUhwaaher, clottui waeber dp dryer In eluded In purchase price of lll.BOO. Sua by door. Belter hurryl CALL PETER B. GXTSER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS U4 S. Liberty St. Ph. 1-3(71 BVenlntl dr Sunday! call PeUr B. Otlter t-mt J. B. Law a-1111 . Roy ParrU 1-1010 H. K. Laymon 1-1410 cl WANTS TO TRADE 1400 Square feet, a-bodroom home. NEW I Lane, large living room, with nice fireplace. Big lot. Will take older hom. In trade. Priced 14,710. Call Jim. ENGLEWOOD 3-BDRM. $12,300 Full basement, good flreplse, new furnace, and on a big lot. This home Is 13 rears old. Owner anxious to sell. Call Jim. MAKE US AN OFFER 1 Bedroome on I floor, wall-to-wall carpet in living room and dining room. Nice utility. Lano lot, auburban, northeast. Wo have thU home luted at 17,100. but owner wanta offer on price and down payment. Call Chet for appointment to aee. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Thla neighborhood grocery etore has living quarters, and tha owner will aacrlflca thit paying business for 14,500, plus inventory. Llvlnc quarteri are over the tton. $100 a month nnt for both store and home. Inventory approximately 1.000. For appointment to see, call Dale Rayburn. DRIVE BY 2397 HAZEL ST. $5500 ' Yes, drive by 3307 Basel street and look at this older, but nice 4 Mdroom home. Priced at 15500. And then make u an offer on down pay. tHail.. and '"cSTax""1 ,0 tt' 3 BLOCKS FROM BUSH SCHOOL Tlua l-bedroom bom. la very neat inside and out. It hat a nice com blnatloi living room and dlnlnr room, a dream kitchen with breakfut nook, U1 ty In buement, aeparate garage, an exceptionally nlca patio, and beautiful yard. AU thit can be yourt for 110,0000. For eppotatment to ace, call Dale Rayburn. " 3 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT ' Terr well located at 3309 Center Street. Nice lane living and dlnlnr room. Oood alee bedroom, and hardwood floora. Verr well landscaped lot. Fireplace end sprinkling system In back yard. For further Informa uon, can TiDoetts. FIRESIDE COMFORT In thU exceptionally weU located l-bedroom tuburban homt. Fireplace hardwood floors, Inside utility, very well landscaped. Nut aa a pin Inelda and out. Well priced at 10850. Call Tlbbett. RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood DUtrlct, Realtor) aoto n. oapitoi Kvenlnv Tlbbettt 1-7488 Jim 3-8518 Listings Wanted! iYJ, Si u,l!?M' .specially on hornet and acreages between 17,600 and tia.too, and commercial propertlec One of the reasons why we need more listing. It because w. ut th. unique POINT system In presenting properties In an attractive and in teresting way to tha buying public. Therefore, If you wish to cooperate X thU'.SS.i? PS"'n ?d e'tecU approach In ottering your property ttM .MPOTay.?er"nlenl '""' mm IMREALTOii 154 SO. HIGH WVatnlncra caeill HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN FOR light housework, sleep in. -au at hbo -Mission for interview. mono 46080, gbl03 CLERK -TYPIST, experienced, cood figures. Permanent 6 day week. Write Box 76. Capital Journal. gblOS GIRL OR WOMAN Cneral housework. assist child care. $80. References re quired. Live In. Private room and bath. Write Box 77, Capital Journal. b TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS Platoon leaders needed, age 33 to SO. with ability to supervise and direct activities of children (13 rears and older) ana adults for summer harvest work. Wages will varv 113 to sis a day. Contact State Employment Serv ice, 7io irerry. gbioi WAITRESS. Woodxoffe's Ban Bhop, 34(10 roruanq no. no pnone calls. go1 WANTED Lady for general office work in home office of Insurance Co, In terviews by appointment. Buttevllle Insurance Co., Woodbum. Oregon. Phono Woodburn $011. ghl03 STEADY JOB helping care for Invalid .a-sy -and assisting with housework. For whits or colored woman, too month with board and room. Box 74, Capital Journal. sbl03 EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted APivy in person. Hartman Bros., 39$ oiaw. SblW CAR HOPS Part time. Woodrofie's San Shop. 3400 Portland Roorl h WANTED SALESMAN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for real -in.-. n aiuDja.n ior oneoi Willam ette valley's leading offices, we spe cialize in large trades and furnish rou with every method of promotion you want. Alt repllea .will be given tan I Mra tie-en mnA grant .t-lsett- a. denual. Write Box T3t Capitol Jour- UCM, SsTlill RALPH JOHNSON Food Club h. on-n ing for permanent salesman. We train you. Average commission is $400 per month with the very good poisl- hlHt ftf sinnkll.. IV..4 ii . , Ur. Robb, 933 center Bt. immediately. ggioi EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs Bee us for Quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our ex perience in tha corn tn imt l. Cheek our llallnH trm Jaw -tVort COMMEl-tCIAL PLACKMbTNT AO KNOT N fit ate 8U (Oregon Bldg.) 4-3331 ' g!101 REAL ESTATE Office a-4Ht er 4-1781 phonu chet 3-8338 Dale ayburn a-3045 PH. 43651 A-iatt WANTED POSITIONS will DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do ell' kinds ot painting, brush and ep'ay, furnish reference, by hour , euuhw;,. rn. .-suae. hlOS1 GOOD CHILD care, will pick up chlld- -.len. wierences. e-none 4-5866. hlOl1 SUCKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State uvuuacu ana inspectea, fnone a-7876. hill' MARV'S PLOWING and discing, prompt TIU,inQ WITH Dew M. E. Rot.r. tiller. Evenings a-8333. 13.80 hour, hllo LAWN WORK wanted. Vicinity College and Marlon St. Free estimate. Eerl Cox. 850 Marlon. Phone 87338. hloi carpenter cabinet work, home modeling, free estimates, call 3-8111, uutotilung evenings, s a turd art, -..., c a-uoDe a-JS5. hl07' TILLING with new M.E. Phone evenlnge. 3-8333. Rotary tiller, hloi "EO -univ. topping, trimming, re- ineurwa operator. John Payne. hill MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It r. rnone x-C31f. hl03' PLOWING A DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-0300. hl03 PLOWING, DISCING, leveling, hour. Phone 4-3111. 13.50 an hl33 ftfcw lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free' esti mates. Duane Wolcott, Phone 1-8137. hill PAINTING, Paper-banelns, free mate. Don Lucero. Phone 1-5533. etlt- hioe LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv Ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hlOB" CEMKNT WORK and flntehlng. A Bom- oeca, pnone 3-lffwe. 1585 N. Bth. hl03 NEW LAWNS, complete. Phone 4-3041. free .etlmatee. hloo GARDEN, FLOWER bod and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, rototiuing. Service Center. Phone 43573. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt level. h!03 int, trading, pnoub 3-3330. TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Garden lawn. Phono t-ton, 3351 Evertreen. hloi' ROTO-HOE Expert work. Phone 38891. hlOl CHILD CARE, Entlewood dlatrlcl, Mrs. Bern Johneon, H. 18th. a-ssss. BOTOVATOB work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave, Phone lino. hlH PAINTtNG 5 yean experience In Salem. Free estimate. Phon. 1-7651. h!35 li aa wot jjjj RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded end IteeaaS tpecuiut. Installed, no slut autariaL Call any tuna. Free Mttmatta, Phooi 4-13-1- baitil FOR RENT LARGE warebouu apace for imtc lease. Cement floor, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. stiff pgr. nllura Co. Phone a-tlll. It ACHES ot Royal Anne eberrlta osi crop than batla. Beater must eprap and pick crop at swa czpenw. er will give wood for crabbing cut the tree. , Also have a ecru of land agitable for rauinr cropa and 10 acree ef timber and br.-jh suitable for (rating coals. 4-ttlo. hom office SPACE-Shop cad ttcraae cpaca Phone a-6N4. JlOt GARAGE FOB BENT. Inquire at 171 lit uottaae. rnona aim. - Jill FOR LEASE, buslnau buadlna;, 4 Cor. ner dutrlct. 411 N. Lanutier Dr phone 11408 or 44081. jH. WANTED TO RENT BOUSE on small acreage, dose tn. &- 10 miles OK. Barn, chicken honao. Permanent. RefexeiKes. Phone 9-3330, Jalo4 GOOD B ENTERS, $ bedroom home by June 1st, raono 4-iobt. jaioj. DEBPKBATELT need S or $ bedroom unfurnished suburban home before Mar I But of ears. Phong Msoi. Jain OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR ofllc cr ttore apace for rent. Call at Pitt Market, jo ec.-eec.jec. FOR RENT ROOMS LARGE BEDROOH, kitchen privileges lady. $33.50. $n Center after 3:30. ' Jkl0$ ROOMS FOR GIRLS Kitchen privilege, use entire house. 644 N. Winter. Phone 34373 or 3B440. jklOS LOVELY RNOTTY PINE room, prill ta entrance. Suitable for one room light housekeeping apt. $37.M. 7M So. Com merclaL JklOt NICK LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 685 No. Church. Jkl03 NICE sleeping rooms, hot. and coll water. 441 No. Blsh. Jklos FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED. Extra lovely for S. $48. Jmiofl store, Dus. pnone jsoub. DUPLEX 1 bedroom, unfuniished ex cept stove and refrigerator. Adults. a-$. - Jml03 t-BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, partly fur nished, $50 month. Phong I-4B03. . imlOS MODERN, new. coinpUtelr Auivlshed duplex. Tile bath and kitchen. CaU 3-3578 after $ p.m. Jmios SEC NOWI Available 3Uy Hth, .room iurmmra oupiex. OUHWOOO HOOTS, eoved lineoleum, g erase, ftdults. UT7$. 1955 N. Capitol. Jml03 NEW l-bedroom house with lots of closet mvmsv, ow, roirigcram, garage and some utilities. Inquire Iftos H. lfth. ' ' 1 - Jml04 S BEDROOMB, basement, auto. heat. 185. inquire n. i. auir jrurniture Co. Phone $-9185. 4m FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED one bedroom apt. t57.M. uno oecneior apt, H7.50. no No. Winter. 1-383. Jplos ATTRACTIVE furnlehad Pulhsaa apt.. au electric private entrance. Phone jplOl" 4 BOOM furnuhed apartment a resu- utr oeoroom noma, arxt roomy, 405 S, Summer. Jploe NICE LAROE a room upatelre apart. ment. Adults only. No pets. Clou to state buildings, Rhopplnt Canter. ISO Garnet, Phone 37845, Jpl03 BOOM FURNnHED apartment, utili ties furnUhed. Lane roomt, separate bath. No oblectlon to child. Phone 43531 before 7. 3310 Madison. Ipioj NEWLY DECORATED, furnished apert- znenu, ior empiorea ucy. Also em ployed couple, Olose In, tit Bo, Church St. IplOl FURNISHED l-bedroom apartment, close u. rnww o te. JPlOe I-ROOM furnUhed court apartment, tSO. voa aaanison. pnone 3mm. JP1O0- VERY ATTRACTIVE court apartment, a room end mtn. T urnuhed or em furnished. OU heat. 114 Bo. 17th. Ph. 1-3138 dart, or 1-J715 after t p.m. Jpioi furnished bachelor apartment, rjtui. ilea paid. Near state and MID bus. 1810 Trade. Jpl03 LOVELY APARTMENT, 4 blocka from o. 6. Bank, In a tree Mttlnt. Fire, proof bulldlni. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatlo laundry. TV con. nection. Adults. See at lit Oak atreet. IplOl CLOSE IN, clean and comfortable. 1 rooma furnished, laundry. 3-5013. JP103" bedroom, furnUhed apt., newlr dec. orated, colte In. Phone 1-4714. IplOl- BOOH apartment, utilities paid, In. eluding automatlo washer and dryer. Close to state building, and thopplnr center, 488 N. Winter. IplOl ROOMS, private bath, entrance, turn, lthed, clean, clou in. 493 So. Blah. 1P104 NICELY FUBNISHED apartmentei Am. pasaaqor Apu. 550 No. Summer, jp PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. 150. 1SN Portland Road. IplOl" ROOMS furnished, phone, radio, near hospital, bus. Sea thU at 140 No. 33rd. 3-0835. IplOl SEVERAL furnished apartments, good ".ion. enquire a. L. stiff Furniture. Phone 8-9185. jp. ROOM FURNISHED 4S8 B. Hat. Phone 16887. JP105 139.6C l-room housekeeping apartment. kivs. in, norui. sea Burt Plena, in n. High. Phone 3-4047. JplOl EXQUISITE, l-room. bath. lane, good view, ground floor. Phone 3-!!l. 1P105 BEDROOM, bath, llvlna-dlnlng. hitch- en. partly furniehed, at KeUer, redec crated, 138. Phone 4-1196. jpios- bedroom court apartment, appll ancu furnished. Near Shopping Cen ter. AdulU, H39 Trad, street. Jplot BOOM furnUhed clean downstairs apartment. Ran... i.,n. Si?,- Huu"" Paid. 40. Phone a-9084. o. n.aci Ave. Jploe FURNISHED one or two bedroom court apartment. Cloae In. 10541. JplOS LOST & FOUND lost oreen billfold. Finder ceil aula. nevrara, tlOl- LOSTt Red mala Cocker, License all. .uju. ssewerc aiv LOST Brown billfold .ontainlnf tervlee leave papers, name Lester Jaeooer, Peep money but please nturn papen to Arberte Fntmen, 1481 Williams Ave. klOl MISCELLANEOUS Power Garden Maker. For Bent. Fower Lawn latowen For Rent, Both On hnurt. ku. - mumiIiu. Oeo. B. Allen Hdwt. 3)4 N. Commercial mivs- By Ham Fisher 1