Tuesday, April 28, 195j ' Par 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVE HOPEB RADIO PROGRAMS The Voice of Love - By WILLIAM NEUBAUER I " " "5w"HlffT5,S3-,y,un,'' I J. . 1 F HE SCfTTA BE ABOUND I But. raoroent torti; on at tt 'Pmttoale " (AT Hevaluturai) CHAPTER U History spun the geograhy globe with , restless movement ol her heed. Looking around the large, unlit classroom with Its new desks, big biackDoards and beauti ful colored maps, she found her self anvvlrur Grace Tavlor. and the Joshing words: "Principal's pet!" rose to her Hps. bm sne didn't utter them. That which shattered-a girl's peace of mind, that which constricted her throat, tied her nerves Into knots, kept her sleepless although her burn ing ayes and aching head yearn ed for the balm of slumber, was omeUimg too serious to be Joked about. Then Orace appeared at last, slim and lovely in her tweed suit, her golden hair warm-toned in the sunshine. Ruth smiled at her and happily turned her mind to other things. "Any luck?" "Nope." Grace perched on a corner of the desk. "Mr. Quince was apologetic - In his pompous way. but the school he announced, was In no position to sanction such ' an outing. Ibere were questions. Suppose the boat sank? Sup pose a child, fell overboard and drowned? Or suppose a few of them got a bad case of sunburn?" "Suppose?" Orace shrugged. "I daresay he's right, though. Just a plcnlo on the beach wlllhave to do, I'm afraid. "They'll be disappointed,'' Ruth reflected aloud. "The little brats really worked. I was so proud ot Johnny Smith la particular!" sua ..." Ruth nodded. She drew on her white gloves, picked her handbag from the desk and walked with Orace down the long, silent hall to the exit of Building Two. Com pleting only her second year at the school, she still found It a novelty, In June, to be able to hear birds singing on the lawn and to be able to walk anywhere along the . asphalt paths without fear of be ing run down by some boy on a bicycle. She shook her head. "Peel a year older?" "A year richer. How about you?" "The same. Are we sentimental ists, Orace. or are children really as wonderful as we think they are?" 'They're grand I said Orace firmly. "A person's lucky If her work throws her Into contact with children. They're so quick, so lively, so bright! And aU their Illusions an still lntactl" Ruth Interrupted. Her mind was grasshopper sort of mind. It couldn't remain in one place very long this afternoon. It had to hop from here to there If only to keep from dwelling on Dan, the Impact Dan had upon her life. "Ill be back next year," she aid flatly, dismissing the subject. That's to aay, If the .campaign -this summer leaves m with en ergy enough to teach." There was much that Orace could' have told her about that. ' Interested In ascertaining the chances Ikihralm Carlisle had to , be elected mayor. Orace Taylor had undertaken a private poll. Each . of her friends had been asked: 'IvuchetU or Carlisle, a community hospital, or the old Cant Curtis Pattern system." Three out ot tour bad snapped: "LuchetU. At least he nas sense enougn to recognise there's a limit to the spending people can do." But Orace was a I kind, understanding creature who never in ner lue naa aaaea agony to azony. She dldnt now. "It11 be an Interesting summer, no doubt. n staying in uoiaen ub, inci dentally." She paused. Then a beautiful flush crept up her falr skin all the way to her cute, rounded forehead. 'Til have to get the new nouse in order, you see." tne mwr Orace made llaht of It. "Oh. Yelbert and I decided we miarht as weuoatue in our own home as here at the school, we thought we a give marriage a wmri." Ruth swallowed. She felt half- suffocated, and had to inhale deeply several times. All the wait ing over? The pain, the horrible p&in of not knowing, at an end? "How wonderful I You must let me give vou a shower." xou goose." chortled loruirinni Orace Taylor, "why do you sup pose you're the first to be told?" Questions rose to Ruth's con fused, milling mild. When had race decided? How had she final ly found the couratte to make the plunge? Would she continue tj teach? Did she think It wise to repose all her hopes for happiness in trie hands or a human oeingr But a floor bansed shut in tnc Administration BulMir. "HI I" hailed Yelbert Quince. He came toward them with his long strides. uie euii oi ms trousers napping about his brlsuy moving anues. Meeting Grace's glowing purple eyes, she discovered Orace would n't be annoved If she were to be left alone with Mr. Quince. "I'll give you a ring, sne wnisperea to Orace, then whirled and went quickly to her Ford. A rueiui grin greeted ner. -it took you a ions time," complained Bob O'Brien. "I thought you'd never come out." - While she stared, goggle-eyed, he opened the door and reached for her hand. Before she could recover her wits he pulled her Into the ear and had the ernrine pur ring under the hood. "Thought," he explained, "that it was time I naa a jook at you. nils, she thought, is being ri diculous. ' She met his rue coolly. "I hap pened to be busy, Bob. In the ev ent you haven't being reading the papers, the hotel's doing a rush ing business." Oh. I read the naoers from time to time. You mustn't think that farmers don't take an interest in the world. By the way, con gratulate your father for me. will you?" He Ignored the road that led to Oolden City, He struck east through the county seat of Bel fast to Highway 1. Presently they were In among the hills, taking the side road down through Peter man's Canyon, There they found mid-summer temperature. (To Be Continued) , When the British coronation chair was made for Edward I near the end of the 13th Cen tury, the man who made it was paid five pounds. - us Summer Weliht Shrui. Crochet this llght-as-a-teather summer shrug In nylon fingering yarn or . In 3 -ply baby lephyr yarn so It will be light and airy to wear over sun-back frocks over pastel or white cotton evening gowns. Very pretty in yellow, powder blue, golden yellow, white or navy. All crocheted, washable, Inexpensive! Send 30c lor the SUMMER WEIGHT CROCHETED SHRUG (Pattern No. 697 instructions for lees 12, 14, and 1 Included, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal, 663 Mission street, San Francisco 5, Calif. Cool and Casual! You'll be as comfortable as you look In this un cluttered sleeveless success! De pending on fabric used (perhaps a print or sheer), this simple sil houette will serve tor day or date! no. ran is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 18, It, 30. 61m 16: 4V4 yds. 36-in. or 3tt yds. ot 39-ln. material. Bend 30s for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Sis. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 52 Mis sion street. Ban .Tanclsco 5. Calif. BOOM BOARD By Ahren I HAVSWT HEARD XXI talk about tour Be cut deal lately.... did the stsms BREAK ON THAT KITE? T nrii,n . 1 1 uwYir, nirwr I KCnUVClS ALL PWI ILU KJT I PC laRCI Ol tM V)hlrtfICANTTLLl l The news... if vou had furnisheosooo A wtEK AGO. WE COULDVE GOT THE LEASE ... JUT THE SECRET OF THE Oil DISCOVERY GOT AROUND AND A BK5 OIL COMPANY PAID THE OWNERS f 300.000 FOR A LEASE 'ANOTHER pogo . ' -i I WttTSTHEx FAC HIM-WeUILE TO SB UNC?tWTIPISP IP "rOU UOOK4 1 A ttAttl HOuN PJHeKANCg r,AWKIT6 P.lSfiStX PlPFfeRMINTS HIM...6PAC TO A SOT NCfTHIN' TO WOt STfPiA JUT fHt J OH MIXW AWKANAUyse I OM PfMAPMMtALtGAH) nwTEN HIPIN IWM WITHCnfClWf.l PSAK AS ONB GBNTtBMAN To nTPAY A A0NjtgJ.Oip IPOTOHA IVrfKErtilLAPei.l'HIUiA . Ltd awip "wcAN'T hiaajEL VTNV Jftk mmvoto klL. saomkouho Tm- I Ml mr 4 .n IT i - - r . irm W- aw gi awiitM w ggggtaar SsiiiBav uaaywin sj i.ui . a.- ORPHAN ANNIE ' m mm m i " I- V ill WHffTTJ TH' if JUST WHflTTH' 1 I W BUT HO PLACB HERE IM T II HEARD VEflH,J0E- THAHKS, fl M "FOUNTAIN- T PP6R Wt-HM I I I) FirnLTTY COT TH' STUFF I YEAH- 1 I I mmm BBOUT YER I PRETTY 0OY9-VOU 111 I MEAN- Ny I bOYCOUUJ KPWE 1 VI II UKE MOSHTRLWir-au-I uw II LIT. ABNBR . ' ' I .trur,vtTj TftJIr?lF'''"lWAT?1 fTHETDABK -Sn5Sv '-SINCE. THET ) WAS A HAPPY Ui'L HOME JjiiyffiiM l:'tflBM4f lit g-,lll,ljriar CIjOUD O'MINE J (IL.,, TY& CARKCU3UD A -BUT-SUDPENLV-A r-AWJiSsi tBK 4MB I C k SEEPED KZySfJQ&. I SEEPED IKI OVER MYSTERIOUS OINX ) WiirWil I LiiflltS-aHjr f lVi5 r WTOTH' , mil&4s MAH BABY'S , Bi?m railSCJ VtPP I ME.WHAK f jMwWfa Ut-UNSrARTED HOPALONO CASSIDY ' ' ' " kOpkl!:Ij 11 'yA I sucvemr a sHAomHtr , I I ive 6m hinstkike Wg&2?' iVrfTs'eVr! fmJTCmf m-mW, I swrrtts rwire cwomess? A imkh.measuitb.anp jr&Qli A muCF apmhzs nmua me nmei uxh... L lets see who we oum) Jh" mm a M m MCTT ft JEFF . 11 r I WWi V no. H 3 P1" 1 1 ? fne wanted friEtxcVEHA ? (no J f no1 HO NO XJ(g$ tellPIfy THIS IS JEFF ) .rV. J il.nl MONO H?lYm' H91D . FTILMIIHI..- ICS!4iL5?,liTUia,v JlYUIMr I mim ili:--3ll.iaaa"n BEX MORGAN. M. P. ' j--- ,'' ( I DO fTHE POUCB UEUTENANr I'IH mOW DID YOU LOST Mv"l f WAS BAR. J I HLKL HFmJ ' TT . KNOW WANTS TO AS yOU A Vflffl HAPPEN TO BALANCE AT THE TIME ? JmEl. I'VE SOT A job Athat, lieutenant few questions, sheila; JWU fall, mrs. w. ' L yrn TO 00, DR. MORS AN.' 1...AND I'M SOW HE'LL TRY NOT v--6 TURNER f JW j-Jwg y- W7 S SSs Jm YOU KNOW THAT.' I LOST MY TO TiE YOU.' ) THAT'S ALL 1 s 1T 1 1 Vl TV SsX V" . f TEiYiPEf YDU i "RISHT, DOCTOR! Wlffifr I V Yf A 00 DONALD DUCK VVHAT'5 THIS?.1 D'.' ) ' O" IN DEPORTMENT FOR ) II (9 5 mv.' verv oooo, louTa XZZO' ZET s . PEWEy..-A" in oePuaTwENT) wHVP- tellins IwaVc-, . ,g"s A-anc fyfe vvTT' 3 lAilT v F ( askepae ) SiJ"J-V i lh it i n mzn ' rf- vd.oi.uke r r- . MARY WORTH N I . I 1 THAT RIGHT! .THE 9CENE " 1 fl ill I"" IP" ssmM I 11 I " P1' "-A- ) KHtRt THE VIUAIN IS tXfOHCH fn. II J I I GETDR&WENi l"- y-WSTERyptAY.BN-Trt lZ . S I GET BK.&WEN. MR.W0RTH..THt flN T I FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Our Television Theatre ' See Them In Action Betore Yon Boy t. Pacliord-Bell.EmsrMi., Raytheon, WesHngrtouw ', OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Othar Evtfilngi by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chamaktta , Phon 3-4311 WEDNESDAY P. M. ' KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO" HI kb ST CM llt ABO I3M MBC 1480 ... MM LSI . lt:M va Nm Nm ' Hirrwr T TnSra ggu , Mewl - 11:1' R.J Ul. CuiMII NHl HlllnNm Srldcr Mal'rLtt-.. U:SI' rn. T.tns W. Wrr. OweM ObWi tlllw i MH'ru lf:S H,.mm kmt tmt ) OweM OirSea OS 8ldr . Halving iief Bkitn Wlfa HlllUp Bit r J K'''" . SplSii IKlrbtm : si.iu d.Um d.si K K""J"r spiltf MijiEJT W.aiii I. H, Grflt.r B" "en a"'! S.Uct m.i.u; t:Sr ri.lr, Bin Grilm Tta.ir .,, BaMrda Hal. L4M iHrrT.. rrrU Gadlrar ; CfJ B.o.rd. Mai. UJ i:lSt.J.r.M G.dlr.T "".". ?' B...rda ; Matl,"" j4B p..'i Wit. l-.rl Hum MUHanr. Bbower a.eo,d. MtU1, J'gf Walaan. B.loAahl.0 Mo,I.B. Our Town jm Daadr Hailt :1B Tr.nl.ra JlmWar.lr aiash.w SUrutn Sb.w Mtitf, :tfl Dr. r.al Roieaiarr Far lb. Otrla Mall. Jlra Daadr Mailt 1:4' DanOrrwr TanataUr rr t OlrU P.ala SUna Shaw Mtladr '. Lift Beaatllai Klrkbam liar lane. Fall. Lawli Bran. Irata MnilaTaa 4:1S Data Tan A.nl J.ialaii Sa.lrr, Cat l.nlMwaj Uual. Mart Waal 4:5f Mailr Ba Seaiaan BaalrralCta Maal. Mail. Marl Mailila. i:tf Hail. Baa N.w.a.wr Baaar Tlai. Baat Bar.. Mail. Mat! Waal I:M BUI 8 Urn Hirni K.w, Daal. B.k Bona, af Mail. Marl Slarlba, k 15 Nawa ' Star. Bar B MaalaMart iad Laaa :)' L McCaO arld Tatar Cb.1 BaaUn Wild Bill Mail. Marl Val-rteaM g:4S E. Paluaar Nawa Bob Oarrad Hlek.b MuileMart Ro,au f MBalu wllb On Slaia Waalbrraiaa OakalBMlar MaaloMaH CanUiuTiT :16 Maala Oa Slaaa Boa,. Id. NW Nawa Mail. Marl CandltUiil :J8 Srchl. World Allalr daad LI,. Srmabonr Mnila Mart Vtat 6:.' Andraw. roram Qoad tilt, B.m Baroa ISIni Oil M Km - 5:00 Bab Ropa INcwa Lan. Banaar Maala bourr :1ft Bob Hop. On Spat Lan. Banaar Maala Stan slap :Hn Walk a. Mil Dr.Cbrlrilan Mjillrr Dr aildara . BaadiUad :4S Walk a Ml Dr. Cbrlillan Tbtalar Dr. Klldar. BandiUal fM Man', ram F. B. I. Srrapbon.lt. SpaUinp Oaiaal Dm g:15 N.wa Paaaa a War Sratnbanatta Contaat . Bawaatl , i:M Qrral la Btaffard Mr. rr.ildul Sarlllnp Baitball ' g:4S alldiralawa laalar MUa Mr. lTaldnt Cantalt Banhall ' g:0f Groacb. PM TalM Tamar 'llan Hardr nawball . t:lr Man narkanaa U. N. Starr 'ulfnn Uwb Baukall ' i:S0 NamaThal Wbal'. Mr Haila 1. Mail. Baitball 9 idS Tnna Lla. Mr Bnalnei Mail. BmbiU 10:00 R.partar S Star Final Final Edlllan Behind 8torr Baseball l0:ln Sparta Flaal Interrlawa Danea Tlmr Vewireal MchlNeai 10 :X0 Made Hoar Treaiarr Danea Tina Newi NlrhtSaac 10 :45 Maple Hoar Banditand Danee Time Dear Marrr Nliht 8,op 11:01' Maple noar Mail. Danea Time III Mnrder Nliht Seap 11:15 Maple Hoar Mail. Dane. Tim. Melodic. Nlihlseap 11:S0 CHr Council Mule D.nc. Tlai. McLdlaa NlibtSDar M!-1 CllrCaaneU Maile Danea Tin. Malodlaa Nlibt 8eai UltVllskn Ofl lllleat I' Im.iIq I IDaacararlr" If Don't Blow Your Top You, too can own a beautiful Raytheon Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Un A.V.. Ph. 38558 THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. '60 Dr. Welt iKOIN Slock Ura. Farm iNowa Bxeakfaat W. Mrlodln g'15 Oar. Woat - B.F.D., Ora. Dra. Farm Farm Neva Nook W. Helidla, Ago Davw Weal KOIN Block Ora. Farm New. Breakfait Farn New, g:4.t Farm Tlma KOIN Block Ora. Farm Marab Tlata Nook Newt ,.M Caantrr Id. K0IW Klck Fir at Edition Hemmlna-vai Breakfait Medllatlaei ' w.'T? Jobnnr With Newa ' M. Apranakr Bra.kfaat Naak KOCO KlMk 70 V.w. N.wa Bab O.md Br.akfa.1 Breakfait KOCO KlMk 7 "41 K. Mannlnp H. Babbitt Bab Hapaa Sam Harea Noeb liOCO Kleet 'mm Old Sonp. . Nawa Brcakfaat Cecil Brawn Jim Dandr Newi STc Old ganpa New. Brnkfait Fam. Altar Jba Dandr KOCO Klcek S:t'n Maile Bop Helen Trent Breakfait Harea af B Jim Dandr KOCO KIm f '.'jf, Mailc Boa Oar Oal San Breaklait HaranafB Jim Dandr Newi m.ffl Newa Bead af Uf. 9 am Bdltlaa Nawa Mr. Smrtb Woman'! rn Mail. Bex Mn rerklna Todarp Slar, Weledr Mam Mr. Srarlk Maile f Maale Boa Dee Malone lorn to Failor'p Call Mr. Smyth Piano Pal. 9)41 V. Ltndlabt Paid. Llpht Friend . Bar. Conntei Mr. Bmylh Plmh Sbiri 1000 B.' Bernolda Mr. Bartaa D. Oardnar Glen Harar Back fence Ran lj.lt a Baraaldi P. Mini C Bantler Tela Tell Matinee Beeordl -ft. 'aft Strike It rlelNera Drake True Starr Maale Back fence Ban it'-tr. Strike It rich Brlphter Par Iraa Starr Mail. Mallnce Becaril 11 .no DM ar K.Ui! Grand Slam' Whliperlu Ladlei Fair Back fence Ran llrl.e. DM ar Nath. Kaaemapr Girt Marrtee Ladlea Fair Mailne. Reeardl jjl.tr Pbraae Para Hoaaa Parlr V. Llndlahr Qn. tar Dap Back fence Ran : Bob Haaa Haaaa fartr 'Barner KeopQ. far Par Matinee Reeetdl FM Map.i KOIN It LI, a.m. la II p.m. BEX &, S to p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 55 Aip Wadneidar a.m. S:N, CnUd rk'"w ma Tbaatarl S:. Cnleapa Baandlabla) s!u, Nawa, Waatbari :M. Maalel lltS. Medllall.nil lcaa, sin Off. unia Tharidar a.m. 10:00, Nen. IxwAV weather: IStll, Far Woeiial 11:0(1, School af Air; 11:15, Cencerl Bini lt:00, Newi, Weatheri U:l, Noea Fina Raari 1:00, Ride 'Em Cowborl 1:15. ScbMl af Aln lsts, Baabihelfi 1:00, For Woneal S:S0, Inaalrlnp Mntilelana. Pratum Pratum Both Pratum Men nonite and Methodist churches have been doing remodeling and redecorating the church basements. . Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gun- thrle ot Kokomo, Ind., arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pooler Wednesday. Mrs, Gunthrie is the daughter of the Poolers. The Gunthrles drove ' from Kokomo and visited in several states on their way to Oregon. ' ACROSS 1. Dined , 4. Oriental . cart t. Distant 13. Negative prefix 13. Lazar 14. Be under obligation 13. Kind of spice 17. Was afraid 19. Great Lake 20. By 22. Minus 23. Earl; evening 26. Masculine nickname 28. Ribbed cloth 29. Rowed S3. Made uni form 35. Assistant minister 38. Soldering material 37. Existed 38. Bronxe In the sun 3a, Cheap ' house " 42. Vegetable organism 45. Flow back 40. Having an oflemdve smell 40. Member ot s Semitic race SL Heroine ot 53. Commotion 54. Small cross stroke on a letter M.Edge 57. Decade 68. Upright 5. Undermine RAypiirEEliESiSl ATNlTAWUCyeT Em E IBE I I E A. IllHE SflA R IB R l e Fl tm ti rf 1 us IPtelNlvUelNlsU mm 8olutlon ot Yeiterday's Puuls DOWN L Engllsn queen 1 Extended Journey i Gives the right to IMaltllqupr 5, Entertained royally w i3- 3 f-Ww ir-ff "ZZ? Pr ::WM 3f 3T rpfe' KK""-t jj. jlp: 3?" ""STSf- ZZW" 7T ljr - w 1 11 ' 1 .11111 ::. I 1 News orRan Ization; abbr. T. Becloud B. Have being 9. Fronts 10. Windmill sails 11. Anarchists 10. Cry of a cat 18. Place of worship 21. Swindler; slang 21 Goddess ot peace 25. Dwelling 28. Pronoun 27. Salutation 30. Poisonous snakes 31. Greek letter 32. Snug room 34. Saltpeter 95. Fine linen fabric 37. Snider's trap 40. Not so old 41. At present 42. Not this 43. Interpret! archiae 44. Very black 47. Tresh-watef porpoise 48. Moist 50. Compass point M.Fieouentlr 55. Cortceralag