Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    ftaaajr. April 18, 1955
Fig 18
6th Army National Guard
rsers Here Monday
lalem next Monday will be
post to U.S. property and dis
bursing ofllcen for National
Cherry Spray
To prevent any misunder
standing by new cherry grow
er! or backyard gardeners in
the Willamette valley, County
Extension Agent D. L. Rasmus
sen is telling growers not to
spray for cherry fruit fly con
trol now.
Records kept for many years
by Associate Entomologist S. C.
Jones of Oregon State college
show that cherry fruit flies
have never emerged from the
soil earlier than mid-May. In
some years, it has been the first
. or second week in June before
fruit fly emergence begins.
"Don't waste your money on
an improperly timed cherry
fruit fly spray or dust," con-
tlnues the - county extension
agent. "It does no good to spray
unless you have something to
control. As long as the cherry
jf fruit flies remain in the soil,
. spraying or dusting is unneces
sary." . ... -
t "When it is time to spray or
dust, the spray notice will be
. well publicized," says Rasmus-
sen. "News stories, radio re-
leases, and circular letters to
Individual growers will publi
cize emergence of the first
cherry fruit flies from the
oil." -
Guards of all of the Sixth Array
area, except California, and
employes from each of those
offices. -
Official host to the group,
which Is expected to number
between 40 and SO' persons,
will be Oregon's U.S. property
and disbursing officer, - CoL
William Hugh Adams.
Represented at the meeting
will be the states of Washing
ton, Montana, Idaho, Arizona,
Utah, Nevada and Oregon, and
Hawaii and Alaska.
Purpose of the meeting Is a
one-day school to instruct the
group in the use of the semi
automatic stock recgrd posting
machine, used for fiscal posting
and civilian payrolls. Oregon
has been the pilot state for the
Sixth Army area and has now
had the machines in use for
three weeks. ...
- The morning session of the
group will include lectures on
procedures with operation
charts explaining the machine
and it is expected that the
group during the afternoon
will watch the machines in ac
tual operation. .
Coming from the National
Guard bureau in Washington to
serve as coordinator for the
school is Capt. Joseph A. Du
buc. The officer, who is a cap
tain in the artillery, is with the
logistics branch of the supply
section, army division In the
office of chief of the National
Guard bureau. - - ...
A burglar alarm has been
placed on the Stone of Scone
which is a part of the British
coronation chair.
Dated May 5
A hearing. to conisder testi
mony relating to proposed
revision of milk prices in the
Marlon county marketing, area
will be held Tuesday, May S,
at 9:30 a.m. in the conference
room, State Library, accord
ing to notices issued by the
Oregon - milk marketing ad
ministration. The hearing was authorized
by the state board of agricul
ture when Marion county milk
producers and distributors re
quested consideration of cer
tlan changes in production
costs said to have occurred
since the last minimum price
schedule was Issued.
, The last . hearing held in
the Marion county milk mar
keting 'area established mini
mum prices to producers as
93 cents per pound butterfat,
plus $2.87 per hundredweight,
or $6.59 per hundred pounds
of milk containing 4 per cent
butterfat." The minimum
prices to be paid by consumers
for 3.58 per cent milk has
been 22 cents or 23 cents
a quart for milk containing 4
per cent butterfat. . These
prices became ceiling prices
'under the order of federal of
fice of price stabilization, ef
fective December 15, 1952.
W.. S. Weidel, assistant ad
ministrator of the Oregon milk
marketing administration, will
conduct the hearing which
will be open to the public.
When, in 1905, the Culllnan
diamond was found in a South
African mine it was the larg
est diamond ever found.
Auto Crash
Tosses Debris
For 2 Blocks
Lebanon.- Four ears were
Involved in a crash at the
Park and Grant street inter
section early Monday morn
ing.. Only easuallttes were
the cars and a parking
The vehicles belong to
Fred Finley, Maurice Laid
law and Melvin Harvey, all
of Lebanon. ,Owner of the
fourth ear was not identi
fied. Finley, westbound on
.Grant to a Bnlck sedan, col
lided with the northbound
Laldlaw vehicle. The Im
pact span the latter ear
around and it slammed into
the Harvey machine parked
at the curb in front ot Jost
McHenry funeral home. The
Harvey ear shot forward
into an Oldsmobile. . . . s
The Laldlaw ear came to
rest at the steps ot the fu
neral home, the entire rear
half of the vehicle demolish
ed. Chains in the trunk of
the car were fonnd a block
away where they had been
thrown by the force ot the
A parking meter, snapped
off by the spinning car, was
hurled two blocks down the
Measles Continues
In Epidemic Stage
Measles 1 continued in the
near epidemic stage during the
week ending April 25, accord
ing to a compilation of report
able and communicable dis
eases Issued by the Marlon
County Department of Health.
Sixty-one Instances of the dis
ease,. 39 of them in Salem,
were registered with the de
partment. '
State institutions reported
63 instances of German
measles, in addition to the
eight from the county at large.
Other diseases recorded by
the department included: nine
chlckenpox, eight mumps,
eight tuberculosis, three,
whooping cough, three influ
enza; eight tuberculosis (state
institutions); and one each of
hookworm, ringworm, scarlet
fever and Vincent's angina.
Sixty per cent of the coun
ty's available Jhyslcians re
ported. - ' ' ' '
Extend 4-H Fair
In Albany District 3'
Albany With the added in
terest in 4-H club demonstra
tions and contests this year It
has been necessary to add ad
ditional days to the Linn Coun
ty Spring 4-H club fair origin
ally scheduled for May 14, 15,
16, H. Joe Myers, county 4-H
extension agent, said Monday.
The additional days of May
2 and May 9 have been chosen
as the extra days when food
contests and demonstrations
will be held. All food contests,
with baking being featured
will be held at Arnett's demon
stration kitchen on West First
avenue. Demonstrations will
be held at the 4-H club dining
hall located at the 4-H club
fair grounds, Myers also said.
Milan, Italy, has a woman
zoo director.
-fa Kzr GMD 400-27 that
CJtpnivjrs and outclasses its field
TTS i coo19
w w- i
I - 11 ftW- I WW f
m Aw KB v r -nw . ST , m BlSjTSja
14 yLg
Cud SCllS for ISSS ! Here's GMCs 'ew 18;0(GVW
hauler that opens up great new possibilities to many
fields of trucking. 'V;''-.;'-.V''
In capabilities, it not only dwarfs trucks of 16,000 and
17,000 GVW, but overshadowi-and umlerpnces-tnose
rated at 19,000.
In fact, the GMC 400-27 is designed to omthaul any truck
up to 1900 GVW.
Its new engine of progressive design stripped of excess
weight, yet built stronger to absorb the stress of really
high compression. It gives you brisker response, more
power and mileage from regular gas.
It includes, as standard equipment, many features that
are optional at extra cost on other trucks.
As a tractor-or as a truck-it can increase your haul
ing ability, give you impressively better equipment
. and save you both purchase and operating money
to boot
Come in and SEE the great new GMC 400-27.
Learn all its superior features in addition to those
shown here find out its surprising price, iou u
discover another reason why IjML, is register
ing me grcaicai gruwui su uic muuou
Blood Quota at
Dallas Problem
Dallas The Joint recruit
ment committee of the - VFW
post and auxiliary headed by
Ben Dodge and Mrs. Carry
Hanson has called a meeting
for Tuesday evening, April 28,
at 7:30 p.m, in VFW hall.
It is urgent that every or
ganization in Dallas and adja
cent communities be present to
discuss recruitment for ' the
blood bank. In- the past tills
area has fallen far short of its
goal. Whenever this occurs,
the cost of the effort is Increas
ed for each pint of blood, The
cost to the chapter so far this
year has been $770, with three
operations to be covered by the
end ot June, or ;'v, - i ; ,
: The committee has felt that
if each organization in this area
could send representatives to
the meeting 'of April 28, the
goal of 160 pints could be met
Pate for the blood bank visit
is May 14 between I and 7
pjn. at the Christian church.
Honor Students at :
St. Paul Announced:
' St Paul Margaret Wick
ham and Bernlta Brentano will
be valedictorian and salutato
rian of the St Paul union high
school graduating class of 1953
according to announcement of
the school principal, H. W.
' Margaret is the daughter of
Mrs. Clyde Wickham , of St.
Paul and Bernlta is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Brentano of St. Paul.
' Graduation date has been set
for Thursday, May 28, with the
program to take place in the
St Paul City hall. Main speak
er will be Howard W. Runkel,
head ot the speech and drama
department of Willamette Uni
versity in Salem. , . "
PafDeeney-, " "
Is Candidate
.' 'Pat: Deenev will imt
with other high school seniors
in. Oregon., for the .$1,000
Aaron FranV. csUeg choiar'
hin. . Shs wu ulcrtari K
the Salem high school faculty.
rue 11,000 wiU be divided
Into $250 per year.-
: ' She lllaru tn milm in edu
cation at the University of
uregon. . -..-ijc- v.;-....
Early U.S. settlers, noting
that war followed the appear
ance of large broods ot eludes
in several Instances, believed
they were omens of war says
the National Geographic So
General Bulldozing "
- Day or Contract ' -v
D-8CAT ,
1445 Saginaw '
Innlfinrnl'fi'PJIR 5
r longer
. tet she pistes
Enioy Wsarim.
You pay in Saosl
Wwkly or MonHv.
kr Amaunrt
, your own budget,
. Youl appreoHrie she Courtesy, Coeenlaaos
nd Cunilderellon ojivevj yoe when yosi as.
aenge for eredtt at Dr. Sender's. There's no
delay or red tape . . . no bank or fames
coMpeny to deal wr. YOU DECIDE how
ssmN your credH paymenH should be, and
Dr. Smwr wl accept any reMomble plea
Eefsy the benefits of Modem Dental Science. ,
Ask Your Dentist about the advantages of
the new Transparent Palate Dental Plates set
with Trubyte Bioform Teeth '. . . learn how
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IMMEDIATI SI RVICSI You eon hove your tnol Work
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FAMILY BUDGET PLAN available rf more than one In
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