r ' ' ' urn.. . .... r -'r "fr : -" v--r er- Ducks Increase rLead in ND The Easy Way J : NOBTHIBN DIVISION STANDINGS (Br The Associated FrtM) w i ret. ' Oretoa Mot Idaho 11 .MO Oreion Matt 2 1 .000 i Washlneton Stat ... 1 4 Mi : Washlniton I I Ml Sfoadar'e BaBUlte: Weehlnaton tutt t, Idaho 1. Weshlngton at Oregon At., postponed. j Tuesdar'a Sehednlet - . Washington at Oreion Stat (double header); Wsahineton Btat at Idaho. - (Br The Alsoelited Preu) The Oregon Ducks increas ed their Northern Division baseball lead by half a game Monday without lilting a bat. ' The unbeaten Ducks, given week's rest , after winning their first five Pacific Coast Conference games, tat by while Washington State ham mered out a 6-1 Victory over Idaho. ':. " , That tied Idaho and Oregon State ' percentagewise, with WSC only half a game back, and - increased Oregon's lead to 2 games. Washington and Oregon State were scheduled to play at Corvallls but the game was called because of wet grounds. Weather permitting, a double header will be played Tuesday while . Washington State and Idaho wind up their two-game aeries at Moscow. Idaho vt:.... oi ooo oo-r-"t!-e Waehlntton State PlTzm and Olie; 101 100 0000 0 Prank and Qtppert. Whitman Ties Willamette for League Lead Walla WaUa V-Whltman's Dave Coon and Sid Aronson ; teamed in a double baseball shutout over Pacific university ' Monday and moved the Mia ;' sionaries into a tie with Wil lamette for first place in the Northwest Conference. Both turned in five-hitters, Coon winning the nine-inning opener 10-0 and Aronson the seven-inning nightcap 5-0. Pint came: Pacific ooo ooo ooo oss Whitman 001 303 I0 10 13 1 Schumacher, Harru (7), Week 8 and Laugen. ftamsdell (l); coon and Keller. , Second tame: Pacific OOO 000 00 S J Whitman 313 000 i 3 Rosa and RamtdeQl S. Aromon and Meher. i - Managers Promise to Help Stop Players' Gambling "'New York WB Major league managers responded to Com missioner Ford Frick's warn ing about gambling today with pledges of cooperation, and also with Individual denials that there was any gambling on their teams. It was revealed yesterday that Frick, possibly fearing another "Black Sox" scandal like that fomented by gam blers in 1919, has sent a stern message to each manager. He warned the skippers they should guard against card play ing for nigh stakes among their players and association by their players with gamblers. Frick said the managers will be held responsible and "this office will accept no alibis." The managers contacted, each commented that they are wstchlng out for gambling vi olations, but have found no evil on their clubs. A typical comment was that of Manager Al Lopez of the Cleveland Indians, who said, "I received Frick's notice a couple of days ago and posted It on the bulletin board. We have had no trouble on our ball club regarding gambling, inside or outside." By contrast, however, there were reports from other sources that stakes in card games in the spring training camp of one American league team had been quite high, and - 'Ail- Referee Criticized Carter and Tommy Collins at Boston, looks over AP photos of the fight with the Massachusetts Boxing commission at Boston April 25. Bawson was widely criticised for his handling of the fight won by a TKO in the fourth after Collins had been knocked down ten times in two rounds.. Members of the commission are: Henry Lamar (center),; Otis M. Whitney, Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Safety, and Tommy McFarland (standing). (AP Wire photo) ' . - . . ' '- ' UOCaL UNITED PRESS New York Yankees Off Fastest Start Since 1949 New York (U.R The World! Champion Yankees, facing their first big "test in the West," are oft to their best start since Casey Stengel's first year as manager in 1949, a check revealed today. ' But that fast getaway means nothing, the records also re vealed. Since 1949 the teams which were in the lead in both major leagues at the end of the first two weeks, generally did not go on to win the pennants. There were only two excep tions, last year's Dodgers and Stengel's 1949 Yanks. Hence, any suggestion that the ' Phillies in the National league, or the Yankees or In dians in the American are set to make a runaway is decided ly premature. Ninth Inning Stuff Yet the brilliant showing of all three clubs can't be shrug ged off. The Yankees, who won five in a row before drop ping their stadium finale to the Senators, 5 to 4 Sunday, have been getting superlative pitching plus that late inning clutch touch. In that winning streak, three of the games were decided on rallies that netted three or more runs late in the game, two on ninth in ning homers by Mickey Mantle and Gene Woodling. Cleveland, which leads the league in percentage with a that one National league "bonus player" bad lost his entire bonus money in card games. - The commissioner made it clear that players or club em ployes "found to be gambling or who are engaged in carry- ins bets for others" will be "declared ineligible Immedl-ately." FARMERS Don't Put Off Your MOTOR REPAIRING Hot us check that motor and get it ready for the hard job ahead when minutes aro worth dollars. Present this ad with your repair Job before May 29 and SAVE 10 Discounts Also on Pump Panels WALTON-BROWN ELECTRIC CO. Ford & Simpson Stt., Salem, Ort. Phone 2-41 56 Tommy Rawsoh (left), referee in title bout between Jimmy . ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 28, 1953 7-2 mark as against New! York's 9-3 figure, is in the midst of a five game winning streak In which none of the starting pitchers needed .re lief. Bob Lemon won two games, and Mike Garcia, Early Wynn, and Bob Feller picked up a victory apiece. Perhaps Falls City Noses Valsetz Falls . City Falls City scored one run in the bottom halt of the seventh inning to nose out Valsetz 4-3 in a base ball game here Monday. The winning run was scored by Marston Murphy. He walk ed, was sacrificed to second by Jerry Bowman, stole tnira, ana scored on a wild pitch, by val setz pitcher Duane Fournier. Valsetz had tied the score at 3-3 with a run in the top of the seventh. ' Fournier doubled after two were out, went to third on a wild pitch, and scor ed on Billot's single. Bill Vogel pitched the vie tory for Falls ity, allowing four hits and three walks. Falls City got only three hits off Fournier, but took advan tage of seven walks and three Valsetz errors. . Valuta no ooo 1 s 4 3 Palla OUT 100 030 14 : Fournier and Oriscoli vogel and Mar phT. Boat Landing Slide On McKenzie Ready The first boat slide built by the Oregon game commission on the McKenzie river has Just been completed for use by sports fishermen. It consists of a SO slide with winch and cable for hnuling boats in and out of the water. This Is Just one of several such boat land ing sites for which similar de velopment is planned in the near future. It is located near Hayden bridge on the Marcola road on property leased from Mrs. Georgiah V. Staten. Fish ermen are asked to help take care of the facilities so that they will be in usable condi tion at all times. SoUomis, 11 Salem High School Plays Preliminary Game at 6 Wet grounds one again forced the Salem Senators Into idleness at Waters park last night, and the Calgary Stam peders left town with only two of their scheduled four games with the Senators played. Cat xary won both of them. Edmonton's EsKimos, use Calgary making their first ap pearance in the Western Inter national league this season, come to town to open a three- came series tonight. Edmonton ana saiem ciasn at 8:19 tonight, following a 6 o'clock contest between Salem and Corvallls high schools. Sa lem high school will be seen ing its 11th straight win. Lefty Bob Collins, who was slated to pitch Sunday but had to sit it out that day because of rain, then re-slated 'to pitch last night, and again had to sit it out, is still raring to go, and manager Hugh Luby plans to use Collins against Edmon ton tonight. (Br The Associated Preu) Two more Western Interna tional League cities are ached' nled to see their home teams, in action for the first time Tues day night as the Class A base ball loop tries again to shift the weather stalled 1653 season Into high gear. Weather permitting, the Yak' ima' Bears and the Lewiston NEWS AND FEATURES Page 11 more Important than the pitch ing is that Cleveland's much maligned defense has not com mitted an error in the past four games. Big Boys In the National league the grown-up Phllly whiz kids are amazing people. Now whiz men, the Phillies have won eight straight games and three were over the champion Dodg ers. Robin Roberts wira three in the streak, Karl Drews and Curt Simmons two each, and Jim Konstanty one, and in Only one game, did the starter need relief. In the first East-West clashes, the National had a full slate of night games scheduled for today. The Cubs were at Pitts burgh, the Braves at New Work, the Reds at Brooklyn, and the Cardinals at Philadel phia. There were two night games in the American, New York at St. Louis and Phila delphia at Cleveland. Boston at Detroit and Washington at Chicago were day games. Softball Meet Thursday Night A meting for all players, managers and sponsors who are interested in the Industrial Softball league are urged by Jim Dlmit to attend at 8 o'clock meeting at Salem high school Thursday night. Dimit, who has helped guide the Softball program in Salem in recent years, said that the Industrial league will play its games on Phillips field in Bush's pasture this week. WANTED to train for Interesting fobs in TELEVISION Rcfdlo4lectronlc NOW yew an sot what we t Neve are seme of Hi meit Inter. asttita... revealing fads en the HKhnical epporlunlHes In Tele vliion Radio lloctronlct yet atitmbltd, rl red ub with yew present ob H It offers no future here's wonderful tharue to see hew yew may prepare Is make froth, clean start In on of America's mail spectacular and pre mlilng fields. Intoreirlng warti-foal money- future fllM with promise. Simply write potfeard to the name and addroii below, saying, "Show me how I can prepare Is get started In Ttlevtilon. Writ! Dept. SCJ-4-1 Df FOREST'S TRAINING, INC 3N.AiMond Ave., Chicago 14, Illinois s V luvulCuV dinniiniirii Broncs will play their first home games, with the Bears hosting defending champion Victoria and the Broncs meet ing Wenatcbee. Another series opener on tap is Calgary at Trl-City. Spokane and Vancouver were slated to open at Van couver Monday night but rain. which has sharply curtailed the league's early-season activities, washed out that game, and a makeup doubleheader between Edmonton and Tri-Clty at Kennewick. Spokane and Vancouver scheduled a doubleheader Tuesday night. Yakima will send Danny (The Lion) Bios to the mound against Victoria Tuesday night, thanks to a special ruling of minor . league czar George Trautman. Bios, who pitched for Mon terey in the Mexican National League last year, was banned from the WIL, Saturday. Traut man said then Monterey claim- ed it still owned the Mexican hurler and pitching for Yakima would violate an agreement or- ganlzed baseball has with the Mexican League. Frederick Mercy, Jr., Yaki ma owner, said Trautman re- versed his stand during a tele phone conversation Monday and authorized the Bears to use Rios for the time being. , , McCauley to Coach At Bakersfield, Calif. Bend, W) Don McCauley, former University of Oregon athlete, was named Monday to become coach at Bakersfield high school in California. Mc Cauley now is at the univer sity, studying for a master's degree. - Fights Lost Ilight (Br The Associated Press) Braeklni Lulu Perea, Uitt. Brook. Ira, outpointed Corar Oonaalts, 111, Denver. 10. New Bavea. Gaaa Sddla Oompo, 131 He Baven, outpointed Harrr LaSane, 133, Houston, TM., 10.. Maatrua-paddr DeUano. 111. Brook. lrn. outpointed Armand Bavolo, 117. afontreaL 10. ToreatoBWoo Glambru, lOBtt, Buna- 10, n. t., outpointed otu oranain, Mitt. ' Philadelphia, 10. Cbleava Cobby Bord. 111. Chicago, topped cp!. Penny Brown, IWtt, It. KnOX. K7.. 4. Lewbtaa. Mev-etanler Ketone)!, IS!, Bant or, ue., won on a foul over amltty- men. lost, rortiano. mo.. 7. eau aatt, cam. cuoo andrue, 1MM, Ooapton, Oalif., atoppod Jlauay Hart, in, rooemx, na a. VDttM Tf AIOHT IOURION WHIIKIY, Addit.cr.al Stock In Salem Senators To Go on Sale Soon The board of directors of Salem Senators, Inc., today began laying plans for the sale of 150,001 additional stock In the Salem Senators. The sale of the additional capital stock was approved by stockholders In the organ isation at a meeting last night at the Salem Labor temple. - Most of the. money, when ' It Is taken lu, will be used to pay outstanding debts amounting to nearly $10,000, and also to pay off a $20,000 mortgage on the ball park, held by the Portland Beav ers. Present stockholders In the organisation will be allowed to purchase additional stock, and baseball fans who do not own stock now will be given the opportunity to become share-holders In the Salem Senators..' Perez Proves He's a Lulu ; Brooklyn VP) Make way in the featherweight top flight for Lulu Perez. He's a real Lulu, : Stepping Into class company for the first time the Brooklyn 20-year- old proved he has what it takes when he surged from behind to hammer out a unanl mous decision over Corky Gon zales Monday night. ' . ' He decked the sixth ranking featherweight from Denver with snappy rights for a count of nine in the seventh round and for eight in the final round of the Eastern Parkway bout, Minor League Scores (By The Aaioclated Preu) ' 1NTSBNATIONA1. LUCIUS Sprlnitleld 4-0. Buffalo S-t. . Only aamei achoduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Tndlanapotle 3, Toledo 1. Kanite City . LoulatOle .,,.. flt. Paul A. lllnneapolla 4. Cotumbua at Charleston, postponed. . TUAB UAUUB . . Dallal T, Bouiton 4. worth Worth II, Ban Antonio T. Bhreveport o, Oklahoma Cltr O. TuUa 4, Beaumont 0. wESTSHtf uuon ' Wichita o, Omaha (11 Innlnta). Blouz OHr I, Colorado Bprlnca 0. Pueblo , Dea Moines 0. Denver S. Lincoln 1. PIONEEB ICAarjB BlUInu I, FooateSo S (called and ith, rain). Oreat Palla 11, Idaho PalU a Other samaa postponed. mm (, (fp it 3' If W bourbon, 1878 - 1955 75 ... .Bkertatftf SIX YIAII OLD. 14 fOOf. peiro Pedorson, Szasz Colfcb Again at Salem Armcry Erlo (Tha Oreat) Pederson Al 8san collide in the main event of tonight's profes sional wrestling card at the Salem armory. . The match was demanded by Szasz, who lost to Pederson in beetle skirmish at the arm ory last week. Szasz lost to Pederson last week when Pederson- bounced in off the ring apron, over the ropes, to flat ten Szasz. Ssaas, irked to no end aver Pederson'a action, was an xious to get back at the husky blonde moscle-man. He got his chance sooner . than he figured mstchmak er Elton Owen re-scheduled the two to go at it again this week. : Owen said last week that the winner of tonight's Pederson- Szasz mix might be awarded the shot at Danny McShal world's junior ' heavyweight champion, here May 12. Angelo roffo, a highly rated newcomer from Chi cago, will face tricky veteran Rack Weaver in the semi final match. Pof fo is fast clean, and good looking. Tommy Martindale, who or dinarily gets main event blu ing, had to settle for the special opener tonight, Marunaaie meets Ralph Alexander in the first match of the card, sched uled to get underway at 8:30. Harry Elliot will handle the refereelng chores for tonight's card, Brooklyn Way Out Front in v Stolen Bases New York (ff) Will the Brooklyn Dodgers run away with the 1953 National league pennant? The Dodgers, who currently trail the pace-setting Philadel phia Phillies by three games, are way out In front in the stolen base department. The Brooks have stolen 12 bases. six more than the Chicago White Sox, who lead the American league with six. The individual league lead ers are Junior; Jllllam of Brooklyn in the National with I five and Chicago's Jim Rivera in the American with three. o. ctir. t lr 010 QUAKIR OISTIUINO COMPAMY, 1AWJHCIIUI0, INDIANA Seirees - V' if.. . : "if "'MM- In Prelim Tommy Mar tindale, ortil- aurily a main e venter, had to settle for a preliminary role in tonight's wrestling card at the Salem - armory. He meets Ralph Alexander at S:30 in the first of three matches slated for tha Sa lem armory. Erie (Tha Oreat) ' Pederson and Al Szass meet' in the event. " ' '. Milne's .441, . Leads Coast' League Hitting ! San Francisco VP Oakland outfielder Pete Milne, who has been hitting the ball at a .411 clip, topped . Pacific Coast league batters ,1a game through last week. Averages by league statisti cian William J. Weiss include games of April 28. . ' ' . O B H Pot. T. DtU, Loa Antolea ...is ST 18 Ballard, eaeramento ..17 30 mine. Oakland 17 as IS .414 .411 Dilllnier, Sacramento 104 41 JM 1-ranaiin. nan umbo . l 11 ' S J41 Dahlae. Hollrwood II 3t 11 JT PhllUH, Hollywood IS H N jn Reich, Portland ...IS SO 11 Ml BoDbe, Portland ....... .14 IS IS J41 Tobln. Seattle IT 10 IT 44S , noma, Portland ....... .IS ft SI . JJ1 Pernandes, fleattla S f , S .111 . Wilson, SeatUe ST lot 9S .111 HesteUl, Portland 1 It 17 . Ml Bohemeea, Seattle ...11 U II Jit Robinson. Portland .....IB 4 1 JM Gladstone, Portland ,.,.13 to as JM OrteU, Seattle .........II JN Russell, Portland ., 10 SI IS JM Austin, Portland 3 04 ST .SaT Thomas, Seattle .,17 lOV SO . .MS Orant, Portland S 31 S JTI aoldsMrrr, Seattt ST 1M ST JIT Combs, Seattle 17 St si JSS i ? ( - " i--- ? 1 i-'.ii A v.; r- !$. Vn IB