THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balem, Oregoa Pfet Monday, April 27. 1953 AT ALUMNI ROUND-UP ' ft h 4l i ""' 1 f--' 'i E Accidents Fatal To 3r Week-end (Br Tht Aiioclfttod Prcjl) Accidents claimed the Uvea "of three in Oregon over the week-end. 't Ted W. . Harkleroad, 47, Portland, drowned. So did Bill Brokaw, about 60, of Robinette near the Idaho border, in an other accident. Mark Timothy pouier, 5. was fatally injured when struck by a car at Hood . Jtiver. Harkleroad s car plunged into canal after it ran off the fiandy-Bull Run Highway. The canal's current washed the car out into Roslyn Lake. Air in the car apparently kept it float while Harkleroad climbed onto its roof. But after 10 minutes the car sank, car rying Harkleroad to his death survive, ;; State Police at Baker said a man identified as Bill Brokaw drowned when his outboard powered boat overturned , in the Snake River rapids. t The Souier boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Baird, Hood River, was struck by a car jlriven by a 17-year-old youth. North bovnd Malnlinen loavo at 945 A. M.; 12:15 P.M. and 6:20 P.M. PORTLAND . . 30mln. SEATTLE .... l4hr. Southbound Malnlinerileavt at 8:25 A.M.; 3:35 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. MEDFORD . , . 90mln. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hrs. LOS ANGELES .' 64 hrs. local Wmei inown. For travtt information, caff or wrfo United. Airport T.rmlnol. Call 2-2455 or your trovol agenr. COMMftf THF FAKE AND , - YOU!! GO BY AIR jvuik unintciunu bif ilia ucaui. . . . , . , j.. . Vv, ,u .. -j .! -uiij i ed out that the hazardous situ The widow and six children ,. ,, , I ; , It's where they keep the 'Jeep . . . when the "Jeep is not busy ... but on most farms the door's wide open. Year around, the "Jeep" is kept on the go, for it fills the need of so very many tasks on a farm ... for farm trans portation, for, hauling, for pushing, and, with power take-off, it supplies numerous shaft and belt driven operations . . there is little wonder the door of the 'Jeep's' garage stands open the 'Jeep's' off working. New 1953 4-Wheel-Drive Universal Jeep' powered by the famous Hurricane F-Head Engine ... 20 more horsepower, increased performance with greater operating economy. D ELSNER 352 North High These faculty members of the University of Oregon will be among the speakers at an Alumni Round-up to be held in the Mirror Room of the Marion Hotel Wednesday night, starting at 6:30. From left, Dr. James H. Gilbert, emeritus professor of economics; George Hopkins, professor of music; and Dr. William C. Jones, dean of administration. School Board Suggestion Leaves Court Cold Members of the county court did not take too kindly to a suggestion contained in a let ter written by Walter Snyder, superintendent of Salem schools, that traffic controls be established on top of Morning side hill on South 12th street. . The school district is con structing a new grade building on top of the hill which will be open for classes next Sep tember. 1 Superintendent Snyder point- school children is unusual and suggests signs be placed on both sides of the school prop erty. It was also pointed out that the shoulders of the street are narrow, making it difficult for children to avoid traffic. Brooks Brooks Mrs. George No. lan has returned to her home after surgery at the Salem Memorial hospital. - Mrs. Howard Carter's , Cut Scouts of troop 57, den 1, re ceived a treat for their good grade in uniform inspection, when' George Cadwell took them for a plane ride over the city. Boys who were in on tht lucky treat were Michael Haw. ley, Alva Axton, Roger Garv ison.R obert Carter, Richard Aker and Den Chief Paul May nard. The Brooks Garden club met at the home of Mrs. John Le man April 23. Rose care and culture were discussed by the group. Second prize was re ceived for club entry of six polyanthus primroses at' the Mt. Angel flower how. Year books were received and Mrs. Sidebottom, Mrs. Bosch and Mrs. Westling were appointee to make out the program for the next year. Mrs. Felix Morisky will en tertain the club May 14 and the subject will be fuchsia cul ture. Members present were Mesdames Elmer Hahn, Felix Morisky, Carl Johnson, Irving Johnson. W. F. Ramp, P. J Moritz, Julii s Westling, Virgil Loomis, A. P. Sidebottom, Silas Perlich, John Lehrman and Harry Bosch. A surprise party was held at the school Friday by the 3rd grade students and the PTA room mothers, honoring Mrs. Alta Simmons on her birthday. The group presented her with a growing shrubs (azalea mo lls). Cake and punch were served! Hostesses for the affair were Mesdames Kermit M'Murchy, Marshall Christofferson, Paul France and William Pfau. WHERE THERE'S A MOTOR CO. SI. Salem In recognizing the communi cation Judge Rex Hartley re plied that the school board should have known of the haz ards involved in constructing a school building at this point. 'We sympathize with the board and recognize the perils involved," said Judge Hartley. "However, the situation exist ed before the board purchased the property." As to the widening of the shoulders, particularly along the north side of the hill, it was pointed out that the high banks that exist there would meah the expenditure of a large sum of money in connection with remedial work. Supt. Snyoer Was not in the Salem school system at the time . the property was pur chased. It is expected traffic over the South 12th street cut off will be , materially lessened when the by-pass east of Salem is completed. Peck Ave. Bids Are Under Advisement Bids submitted by three con tractors for the improvement of Peck avenue and Morning side street, located outside the city limits on the south were taken under advisement Mon day by the county court. Proposals for the improve ment of Morningside street covered grading and graveling only.. Those i submitted for Peck avenue included hard surfacing as well. Central Paving company submitted a low bid of $2081 for the Morningside project. Di F. McKenzie company bid $3353 and Warrent Northwest company $2533. For the Peck, avenue Job which included asphaltic con crete surfacing, Central Pav ing company bid $4534.60 and Warren Northwest company, $4734.30. The bids do not include the 10 per cent charged assessed: by the county for surveying and engineering. ' CALL CADWELL OIL CO. FUEL OIL Make then morning! warm is toast PHONE 2-7431 Straight BoURBONWhiskey EI6HT YEARS OLD 90 NINETY PROOF 90 PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. KO U of 0 Alumni in Round-up Here A "round-up of Salem alum ni of the University of Oregon is announced for April 29 by Marion county alumni direc tor, William H. Hammond. t '- , The affair will be held In the Mirror Room of the Mar ion hotel at 6:30 p.m. Wednes day evening.. An invitation to attend is extended to all alum ni in the area as well at to friends and parents. A special educational pro gram has been planed that will feature prominent members of the University faculty. These educators will bring the audi ence up-to-date on affairs at the University and give them information on world affairs. Oregon's dean of administra tion, Dr. William C. Jones (a former Salem resident), will talk on "Your Alma Mater Is Going to Town." A view of the economy of the nation will come from Dr. James H. Gil bert, emeritus professor of economics.. His topic will be "If Recession Comes What Then," Illustrating his remarks on. the piano will be George Hopkins, professor of music, whose talk is "Music As You Like It." "The Universe In Time and Space" will be dis cussed by Dr. E. G. Ebblghau- sen, associate professor of phy sics. And "A New Era lor Ore gon Athletics" will be ex plained by Oregon head foot ball coach, Len Casanova. Dinner will be served at 6:30 with the program following at 7:30. Those who cannot attend the dinner are urged to go to the program. Reservations may be made by phoning Hammond at 3-4114 or contacting him at 109 S. High St. HOLLANDER NAMED ', DIRECTOR OF ADA Washington (U.R) Edward D; Hollander, economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, has been named national director of the Americans for Demo cratic Action. Hollander will fill the post left vacant by the resignation of Charles M. La Follette. ! Here's a Savings Plan That Really Works! Earn 2 Bank Interest Willamette Valley Bank Main Office 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 39281 University Branch 1310 Stat St. Ph. 4-4451 MEMBER r.D.l.C MOROSE 0ISTIIURS, INC., NEW YORK. N.Y. Rising water impounded in Detroit dam reservoir has now practically submerged the site of Old Detroit. Drift and debris covers the area and will be collected and destroyed before it gathers against the dam. State Theater Closed Since Saturday Night ; Salem has one less .theater this week with the closing of the State Theater, 255 North Church street, Saturday night. Leo Henderson, manager of the Forman theaters here, de clined to comment on the clos ing, but earlier reports from' Albert Forman In Portland had indicated that -film shortages and the competition from tele vision might force the closing of at least one theater here. No forecast was made In re gard to' its reopening later or on the possible closing of any other theater here. LAND CLEARING General Bulldoxing . Day or Contract D-8 CAT .. PH. 28850 1445 Saginaw Ouollty Sok.n of Anurlco Co-op., Inc. Stay on OLD DETROIT SUBMERGED Woman in England Searching for Uncle! . A Miss Cissy Austin Ander son of England has written Postmaster Albert C. Gragg concerning an uncle who is said to have lived in this area several years ago. The uncle in question is Frederick Austin; Miss Anderson-s address Is Claredon hotel, Gllredge road, Eastbourne. Sussex, England. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses, Abdo minal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert fitters, private fitting rooms. "Ask lour Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State St. Corner of Liberty . N 8&H Green Stamps Jkai1 ' t M1 . afN II Ik &J88f S) the 0f Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH ond Worry No loaitr b unoyid or fetl lU-t- ttie biotuii of Ioom, wobblf UlM Utih, FABTEKTH. an Improved alkallaa (non- Mid) powdr, iprinkltd on jour puti holdi thin. flrmtr m Uttr UA son comtorUbla. Bootblnt nd eoolini to tumi rntdt tort by txeeuivt tela mouth. Avoid anbtTraumtnt otuitd by Ioom plttet. atk fastkcth today tt drut ttort. no fuss no muss no bother no dirt THE CUAN CAPITOL PHONE 3-8862 .work! T Funeral Readied for Young Fire Victims Sault St. Marie, Out. U. Grief stricken ' parents pre pared today to bury eight chil dren who were burned to death when a flash fire and explo sion ripped, through t frame home. A wood-burning stove In the one-story dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deny caused the fire shortly after dawn yester day. The victims were the Der rys' five children and the three children of Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thur TrudeL The colt South Point, owned by Joseph M. , Roebllng, was named after ,a favorite duck shooting location of the own er. ... . BLOOD DATTEQY nun Doun? Rochorgo youraalf with OERITOL 1 f tf SfrowflOf f off! Yovr blood U Ukt "Utury" for your dr. Wham it la dsrflelamt la Iroo. H It 111m t rundown batUry. Too fatl balfllvt" aod alwaya ilrtd. Doctor tay It tnay bf dut to Iron dofloiamqr antmla . . "tfrai blood". To MmharaV yoar bVood batUry try Otrltot, ibt Uib pottaty biood-bvildinc formnla, Jtut S tablatpoona of Otritol tint yo -twlea the Iron in a pound of tahta lira. T timet tht iron in a pound of spinach. And you t tht bw, Btracla Vitamin h too 1 Otritol It neoninMndad by doctor. Ftal ttronitr, younvtr Main I If 1 t lack of iroa It your nrobltm. ranharca vourttlf witk Otritol and and that waair. tlrtd fttltnc. 2a uoom or tabitt tona. At an FUEL jT LUMBER CO. AND SUN8EAW IS A DEUOOUS WAY TO GET EXTRA ENERGY! , . ..... It's so nice to hava a hsndy huBband round the house, isn't t, ladies? Shew your appreciation by keepinghimhappy and fit with energy-giving food I He needs the fresh energy of Sunbeam Bread for that lawn-mowing job! He needs a full quota of pep for the day's Make it a dally habit to serve energy packed Sunbeam.. .a delicious-plateful at each meal.. .a fresh, hearty sandwich at snack timet IT