Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE CAPITAL JOUKNAL, Baiera, Urtfoa
Monday, April Z7, iog
Capital Women
Wedding in
West Salem
Wut Biltm Methodist
church vn the scene for a
pretty wedding Saturday eve
Bins when Mi Sharon Lee
FhlUlpi, cider daughter of Mr.
and Mra. William Merle Phil
lip, wat married to Donald
William Rlchey, A3c, nephew
01 Mr. and Mri. E. W. Rlchey
of Salem.
Spring floweri and candle
light decorated the church for
the service. The Rev. Har
old W. Black read the vowa at
t o'clock in the presence of
ome 100 relatives and friends.
Mrs. Glen Wyatt was pianist
and the Rev. Mr. Black sang
before the service..
Lighting the candles were
Miss Doris Phillips, in a coral
net waltz length frock and
Miu Jean Edwards in a lav
ender dress.
Mr. Phillips gave his daugh
ter in marriage.' She wore a
floor length dress of Ivory
noire taffeta fashioned with
calloped sleeves and tweet
heart neckline and with ivory
velvet at the waistline. . The
fingertip veil was arranged
from a pearl trimmed lace cap.
For her flowers the bride car
ried . gardenias and lilies of
the valley on a white Rainbow
Miss Merlene Phillips was
her sister's only attendant,
She wore a bright red taffeta
dress and her flowers were
a nosegay of red tulips and
lilies of the valley.
E. W. Rlchey, Jr., was best
man for his cousin. . Ushering
were J. W. Rlerson and Roy
Phillips, cousins of the bride.
The reception following was
in the church parlors. The
bride's table was set with a
satin damask cloth and silver
and crystal appointments.
Mrs. Elmer Rlerson and
Mrs. E. A. Dickson, aunts of
the bride, poured, and another
aunt, Mrs. Merle D. Travis,
cut the cake. Assisting were
Mrs. Harry Phillips, aunt of
the bride, Miss Reta Colburn,
Miss Rosella Phillips, Mrs. Os
car Phillips, Mrs. William C.
Lawrence, both aunts of the
Among out-ol-town guests
were Mrs. Edwin Johnson of
Tacoma, grandmother of the
bride; Mrs. Homer Phillips
and Misses Rosella and Cara
Jean Phillips of Montesano,
Party Tonight
For Mrs. Belt
Honoring Mrs. Esther Belt,
who is to be married on Thurs
day to Kenneth Kraemer of
Portland, Mrs. Elmore Hill
and her daughter, Miss Shir
ley Hill, are entertaining this
evening at the Hill residence
for an informal coffee party
and shower. Guests will in
elude neighborhood friends of
the honoren and hostesses.
Invited are Mrs, Belt, Mrs.
Harry H. Belt, Miss Barbara
Belt, Mrs. Walter H. Smith,
Mrs. John H. Carson, Mrs.
Wallace Carson, Mrs. William
Brown, Mrs. Alta Rieck, Mrs.
John Merrltt, Mrs. Harold M.
dinger, Mrs. Kate Bell, Mrs.
Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. Mabel
VanOrsdel and the hostesses.
Plans Coffee
A coffee party for high
school senior girls is to be giv
en May 23 In Lausanne hall
by the Salem City Panhellenic
organization, the group mak
ing plans for the party at their
monthly luncheon on Friday,
at the Senator hotel. The af
fair is for all senior girls of
the Willamette valley who will
enter college in the fall.
New officers will be taking
over in Panhellenic, the presi
dent to come from Gamma Phi
Beta, the vice president from
Sigma Kappa, the secretary
from Zeta Tau Alpha, the
treasurer from Kappa Alpha
Theta. -
Reporting for the recent
Easter lily sale, Mrs. B. W.
Stacey. chairman for the pro
ject from Panhellenic, said a
sum of $512 was realized from
the sale, the money to go to
the Oregon Society for Crip
pled Children and Adults. '-,
LEAVING Monday for Cali
fornia were State Rep. and
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, plan
ning to be gone two weeks.
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. William
C. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. P,
Housseas of Portland.
. Mr. Rlchey recently return
ed from a year In Korea and
on May 6 will report at Fair-
child air base, Wash., to com
plete his enlistment. The
bride Is employed at Ladd and
Bush bank and will continue
her work there while her hus
band Is in the service.
Benson-Johnson Wedding
In Colorful Setting at
Church Sunday Evening
The First Presbyterian
knrnh umm th scent for one
nf 4h unrini'i heautlful wed
dings Sunday evening when
Miss Donna Ruth jonnson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George J. Johnson, was mar
ried tn Rievm Hushes Benson.
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Ben
son. .
White lilacs, yellow snap
dragons and candlelight deco
rated the church for the serv
ice. Dr. Paul N. Poling of
ficiated at the 8 o'clock cere
mony. MlssDolores Gottfried
was the soloist, Mrs. Ralph H.
Dobbs playing the organ.
Lighting the candles preceding
the service were Misses Joan
and Joyce Travlss, both wear
ing yellow nylon net frocks
with tulips in their hair.
In Green and Yellow
The attendants preceding the
bride to the altar were color
fully gowned in green and yel
low frocks. The dresses were
made alike of nylon net, fash
ioned in strapless style with
matching stoles,
Mrs. Robert Beamster was
matron of honor. She was in
green nylon net with matching
picture hat on which were
clusters of white lilacs at the
side, She carried a yellow
satin basket filled with Fantasy
tulips and dark lilacs.
Miss Othelene Lee, Miss
Carolyn Marshall, Miss Joy
Lewis, Mrs. John Ericksen
were the bridesmaids. Their
dresses were all of yellow ny
lon tulle, their picture hats
also of yellow, and they car
ried green satin baskets with
the tulips and lilacs. All at
tendants wore rhinestone brace
lets presented them by the
bride, v
Young Miss Susan McGee
was junior attendant, wearing
a green taffeta dress and car
rying a green basket of yellow
rose petals.
Michelle Sommer was the
flower girl, wearing a white
organdy frock and carrying a
Richard Bayl was the ring
Laee and Tulle Dresa
The bridal dress was of lace
and tulle. It was fashioned
with the bodice of Chantilly
lace, in off-shoulder style and
with long sleeves, .the skirt
and train of the nylon tulle
over satin. The nylon Illusion
veil was arranged from a Juliet
cap ol the Chantilly lace.
With the dress the bride wore
a strand of pearls, gift of the
bridegroom, and she carried
a prayer book with white or
chids and stephanotis on it. Mr.
Johnson gave his daughter In
Attending the bridegroom as
best man was his brother, Whit
ney Benson. The ushers were
Clarence Haugen, John Erick
sen, Richard Tandy and Arley
The bridegroom's mother
wore a pearl gray chiffon dress
with bodice of nylon net and
lace bolero, gray accessories
and corsage of cymbidlum or
chids. The bride's mother wore a
champagne nylon lace and net
dress with matching accessories
and corsage of purple orchids.
The reception following also
was at the church. White lilacs
and candles decorated the
room for the affair.
The lilac theme was carried
out-in decorating for the wed
ding. The bride's table was set
with, a white cut velvet cloth
and featured the wedding cake
which was topped with white
lilacs. The coffee and punch
table was set with a yellow em
bossed cloth, candelabrums and
white lilacs in the center. Min
iature Czechoslovakian brides
maids were arranged about the
center setting. The French ster
ling loving cup used by the
couple at the punch bowl was
a gift from an aunt.
Mrs. C. Paige Benson and
Mrs. Irene Connett, both aunts
of the bridegroom, and Mrs.
George L. Johnson, sister-in-law
of the bride, served the
cake. Mrs. Bjame Ericksen,
Mrs. Gladys Lee and Mrs. Har
old Wegner poured. Assisting
were Miss Norma Herrlngton,
Miss Colleen McNeil, Miss Ro
berta Sjoding, Miss . Carolyn
Parker, Miss Harriet Just, Miss
Lois DuBruille, Portland, Miss
Wllma Willich, Miss Gall Loc
head, Miss Helen Cadd, Miss
Billie Miller, Miss Sharon
Brown, Miss Marilyn Blakely.
. For traveling the bride wore
a gray-blue suit and hat, white
accessories and an orchid. The
couple took the plane from
Portland for southern Cali
fornia. They will be at home
in Salem.
meketa chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution, will
meet at 1 o'clock on Thursday
for a no-host luncheon at the
home of Mrs. L. C, McLeod,
36B North 13th.
HOME from two weeks in
Arizona and California are Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Scott. In Phoe
nix they were guests of their
son-in-law and daughter, Dr.
and Mrs. Ronald S. Haines and
Values to 49.95
Full length coats In 100 oil
wool fabrlci
Values to 69.95
Imported English Tweeds, Fleeces,
Gabardines. Pastels and other
Knit Dresses
Nationally advertised. Values to
(loseoul SS
Values lo 5.98
Values to 49.95
Classic styles In 100 wool fabric
Checks, stripes, pastels.
Values to 55.00
Yi size suits in solids, stripes
and pastels.
Broken color range.
Values to 1.95.
Classic styles in prints,
checks, pastels ,
Values to 49.95. ,
Many styles and colors
In pastels and checks.
Straight and pleated
Values to 17.95
One group
One group
888 SO88
Values to 10.98
Pastels and whites
J99 399 99
99 p
Sigma Kappa
Party on
Sigma Kappa alumnae and
their husbands were guests for
their annual spring no-host
dinner and card party on Sat
urday evening at the Bert A.
Walker home. A gift was pre
sented the Walkers to express
appreciation for use of their
home. The party is given each
spring there. Mrs. Leonard
Wallace was general chairman
for this year's event. Mrs.
George LeTourneux and Mrs.
Eric Carlson were in charge of
Attending the gathering were
Mr. and Mra. E. E. Beckman,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeWitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlson, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Everitt, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Franko, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Yackey of New-
berg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamp
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Hunter of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Jensen, Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
George LeTourneux, Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Washburn, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Wallace, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert A. Walker.
Theta Rho Girls
Plan Convention
Beta Iota club of Salem,
Theta Rho Girls, entertained
units from Alpine, Corvallis,
Jefferson, Mill City and Tur
ner tor a district 8 convention
on Saturday. Officers presid
ing over the. activities were
Judy Carlson of Salem, chair
man; Virginia Llmm, Mill
City, vice-chairman; Frances
Finch of Salem, secretary;
Betty Hess of Corvallis, treasurer.
.The convention in 1954 will
be in Mill City, officers elect
ed at the Salem meeting to
conduct the sessions. Chosen
were Virginia Llmm, chair
man; Boberta Campbell of
Turner, vice chairman; Yvonne
Dart of Mill City, secretary;
Louise Bates of Corvallis,
Honored at the conference
were Irene Phillips of Esta
cada, president of Theta Rho
assembly; Ellen Edmundson of
Springfield, Ann Underwood
of Estacada, Ruby Taylor of
Beaverton, Olive ' Ramey of
Hillsboro, Lola Osborne of
Portland, Mrs. Clarence Town
send of Salem, Virginia Llmm
of Mill City, George Naderman
of Salem and Mrs. Laura
Wood of Salem.
Winning the vice-president's
trophy for the second year was
Beta Epsilon club of Jeffer
son. The Salem club had Ini
tiation, Nancy Harrett and
Mrs. W. H. Gardner being the
new members.
Camp Fire Group
Salem' Heights The Tanda
Camp Fire group of the fifth
grade of the Salem Heights
school plans its ceremonial on
Wednesday, April 29, at 8 p.m.
at the Salem Heights Commu
nity hall. Mrs. Homer G. Lyon,
Jr., leader of the group, will
present honor beads and
awards, and will be assisted
by Mrs. Gordon Backe as as
sistant at the Council Fire.
Parents are invited to attend.
The Camp Fire Girls will serve
the refreshments.
To Meet .
Salem Heights The Salem
Heights Woman's club will
meet on Friday, May 1, at
12:30 for a no-host dinner at
the Salem Heights Commi
nlty hall. Officers will be in
stalled as follows: President,
Mrs. Ralph Maude; vice presi
dent, Mrs. Fred Browning; and
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. John
Douglas. On the program Mrs
William HaU will show slides.
Calif, comes news of the birth
Of a son on Saturday, April 25,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall
(Marilyn Wslkey). Grandpar
ents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Walkey of Pacific Palisades,
Calif. The baby is a great great
nephew of George Putnam and
Miss Elizabeth Putnam of Sa
Miss Dunigan, Mr. Cole
Wed Saturday Evening
Wed In a ceremony at la
glewood church on Saturday
evening, April 25, were Miss
Margie Helen Dunigan and
Richard Charles Cole. The
bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Dunigan, and
parents of the bridegroom are
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cole.
The service was performed
at 8 o clock by the Rev. Lloyd
Uecker- in a "setting of pink
snapdragons and gladioluses.
Mrs. Burwin Murray played
the wedding music and accom
panied the soloist, Eldon Caley.
Lighting the tapers were Miss
Bernlece DaMoude and Miss
Cleta Martin. Their dresses
were of pink net
Given in marriage by iter
father, the bride wore a waits
length dress of white lace and
pleated net over satin. It was
fashioned with a long sleeved
bolero of lace over which fell
a fingertip veil, edged in lace
and held by a crown of seed
pearls. The bride carried a
white orchid on a white Bible.
Mrs. Royce Linhart was her
sister's honor attendant. Her
dress was of blue net over satin
and she carried a bouquet of
cascading pink carnations. .
Miss Billie Miner and Miss
Roberta Sjoding , were the
bridesmaids, their dresses and
floweri being Identical to the
matron of honor's.
Kay Maree Yoder, dressed In
light blue taflata, was the
flower glrL
Best man for Mr. Cole was
Joseph Bra lie and ushering
were Phillip Hammond, Don
ald Cole, Charles Martin, Wes
ley Hedeen and Robert Wiper.
Both Mrs. Dunigan, the
bride's mother, and Mrs. Cole,
mother of the . bridegroom,
wore dresses of navy blue.
Their corsages were of pink
and white rosebuds.
Mrs. B. C. Sjoding and Mrs.
Xlvin Thomas cut the '.bride's
cake at the reception which
followed at the church. Pour
ing were Mrs. Mabel McGuire
and Mrs. Jay Mason, and serv
ing the 200 guests were Misses
V'anne Chance, Sophia Folates,
Patricia Walters and Mrs. Don
ald McKenzie.
For the wedding trip to the
Oregon beaches, the bride
wore a light blue suit with pink
and white accessories. She
Wore a corsage Of orchids. The
couple will be at home at 2229
Lee by the middle of May.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole attended
Salem high school and Willam
ette university, where the
bridegroom is a member of
Beta Theta PI fraternity.
Miss Arnold
Recent Bride
The Evangelical United
Brethren church was the set
ting for the wedding of Miss
Shirley Hazel Arnold, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
W. Fox of Blodgett and Robert
Warren McCallum, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Warren McCallum of
Niarada, Montana, on April
The Rev. A. J. Jamieson
performed the 8 o'clock nup
tials. Miss Marlon Giese was
the soloist accompanied by
William Fawk.
Miss Loretta Juedes and
MlsS Katherlne Johnson light
ed the tapers.
The bride wore a traditional
white satin dress trimmed
with lace and seed pearls. She
carried a bouquet of white
Calla lilies.
Miss Gladys Arnold was the
maid of honor, wearing a floor
length yellow dress and tlara.l
Miss Claribel Swearingen and
Norma Wise were bridesmaids,
wearing pink and green frocks
and tiaras. All three carried
white carnation nosegays.
Bill McCallum was best man
and ushers were Gordon John
son, Lawrence S. Fox and
George McCallum.
Mrs. Fox wore a navy blue
suit with pink accessories for
her daughter's wedding and
Mrs. McCallum wore a suit of
green with black accessories.
The reception which follow.
ed was in the church parlors.
When the couple left on
their wedding trip the bride
donned a beige suit with
brown accessories. The cou
pie will reside near Butte,
Montana. '
A PARTY Saturday evening
was that given by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Ramsden and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Claggett at the
Ramsden home. Members of
the bridge club to which the
two hostesses belong and their
husbands were guests for din-
ner, the event marking the 30th
wedding anniversary for both
tne Hamsaens and the Clag-
In the group were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Woodry,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur,
Mr. and Mra. Harry H. Weln-
stein, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn
Heise, and the Claggetts and
the Ramsdens.
To Install
Woodbum Officers of St.
Mary's Court, No. 593, Worn.
en's Catholic Order of Fores
ters, will be installed at the
meeting of the group Tuesday,
April 28, at 2 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. Kllian Smith. Mrs. W.
C. Miller will be co-hostess.
All 1952-53 officers were re
cently re-elected. Mrs. Clar
ence Hagenauer is chief ranger.
Ytt've Never Seen Anyt&tg like hi
H i Amaxngl Just spread on this oon-Bamma-ttte,
dtaa-emtllinf "nuracla" Jelly . . thea
wipe off with warm water! On application re
moves even black, hard-crusted, ."baktd-on
art ssi I Works oa any kind of oven . . . parrs
l.iMfiantel, (roe, steel. Get lAsrorr today.
Today's Menu
Broiled Juicy Hamburgers
New Potatoes
Corn and Green Cabbage Salad
Bread and Butter
Fruit Cobbler Beverage
Broiled Juloy Hamburgers
Ingredients! 1 pound ground
beef round, 1 teaspoon salt, Vt
teaspoon pepper, 1 tablespoon
(1 small) finely grated onion
(luice and pulp), Vt cup undi
luted evaporated milk, butter
or margarine.
Method: Mix ground beef,
salt, pepper, onion and evapo
rated milk together thorough
ly; shape into four patties. Dot
with butter and place under
broiler heat until browned;
turn and dot other side with
butter; continue to broil to de
sired Goneness. These ham
burger taste best when out
sides are well browned and in
side' are still pink and juicy.
Makes four servings. -
Are Honored
At Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newg
were honored with a surprise.
dinner Saturday evening U
ding anniversary, the New
gent's son-in-law and dauga
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert KuenX
ill. entertaining at their homfc
Twenty guests were present 8
mciuaing memuvr u mjv jivwii t
gent's card club. Following ii
the dinner at tables decorate ,
with tulips and cherry blot
soms, the guests enjoyed a , ;
evening of cards. J 5
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.' ;
N e w g e n t , Mr. and Mr i
Charles Unruh, Mr. an
Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mr. an J
Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Cook, Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Crawford, Mr. and Mrsv
Lynn Sloper, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Lacey of Wecoma Beach,
the hosts and their two daugtw
ters, Misses Kristlne and Sui-t
an Kuenzlie. c
. it,
HONORING Stanley Butler
following his lecture recital
this evening in Recital hall, Dr. ;
and Mrs. Robert u. uregg are
to entertain at their home at an H.
informal reception for friends :
of the pianist. !'
.... .
ATTENDING the meeting of
past presidents of Hal Hlb- (
bard auxiliary, United Spanish
War Veterans, on Friday were
Mrs. Peter Thome, Mrs. Anna j
Wolford, Mrs. Lee Wetherby, 4
Mrs. Clyde McClung, Mrs.
Mark Baker, Mrs. Ora Harder,
Mrs. Lulu Humphrey, Mrs. i
Henry Knight, Mrs. J. B. ;
Mickelson, Mrs. Joe E. Wood,
Mrs. Charles O. Wilson and
Mrs. Fred Thompson who was
hostess to the group at her
home. s
Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson i
will entertain the members for '
the Mav meeting. s
Pah, laming, Tsaesraess
For tb fastest relief traaf-
m auptr-aofi ut.
Zino-ptdi. Th.y
inabW. tut 8upr-8oft Dr.
Rrhnira Zlnn.naila. Thav
also removB calfousM one of
ttw quickest ways known to
medical science. At Drug,
Shoe, Dept., B-lOe- Stores.
From Nelly Don's
series ef "Louisiana Purchase" cottons
the "flower-tem" silhouette in white-frosted town eVest.
Of fine AIC cotton "Scolopleet" with the tiny icallopetf
tuelu woven into the cloth! Morked Tebiliied for raited
creost-reiiitonce. In summer sand, navy, block with
mop-In pique trim. 10 to 20. 19.95