Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    In the Valley
Unlonvale Mr. and Mn.
Donald Gosset of Vntonvale
and her parents, Mr. and Mr.
Ed Schmidt of Carlton, mo
tored to Bend Sunday.
Mr. and Mn. Fred Lautner
of Amity were Friday guests
of relatives here.
Mrs. Victor Gelger and Mrs.
John Thien were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Billing in
Portland Monday. They went
to get acquainted with the new
nephew, Steven Billings, born
Easter Sunday , He has a
brother six years old.
; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilder
were Sunday guests of their
son, Harold wilder and family
near Yamhill. They went
especially to honor their
granddaughter, Patricia Wil
der, who was 10 years old
April 20.
Macleay Mrs. Virgil Bur
son will be hostess to members
of the Pratum-Macleay home
extension unit, at her home
Tuesday, April 28.
The project will be "care of
. rugs and upholstered furni
ture", ,
This will be an all-day meet
ing with a sack lunch at noon.
All Interested women are In'
vlted to attend.
shows a-srea
Academy Winner)
Anthony Qulnn
Rook Hudion
In Technicolor
., Klrby Grant
Richard Wldmark
In Technicolor
Dan Dalley
- Constance Smith
Mat Dally from I p. M.
50c (Inc. tax) Till 5 P.M.I
H0NI "9"
Jennifer Jones
Carl Maiden
It Conld Happen . . .
Anrnra Mn Tn Mn
Lambert is recovering from
her recent illness which con
fined her to her home the past
several weeks.
Installation of a TV set was
completed at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John McCrone, Wed
P.G.E. Installed an electric
water heater at the George
Dougherty home Wednesday
Mrs. Anna Wurster is the
owner of an electric range, in
stalled in her home during
this week.
Construction of a modern
three-room house for Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Evans : on upper
Main street in Aurora, Is under
Mrs. Lloyd Junken and chil
dren of Portland, visited rela
tives in Aurora Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marsh
of Portland drove down to the
home of Mr. Marsh's parents,
the W. R. Marsh's Tuesday,
bringing with them fresh
smelt caught in the Sandy riv
er earlier In the day.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Andrew ' G.
Miller of Portland, will be
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Askin. Mr,
Miller is a brother of Mrs. As-
kin. .
Mrs. Herman Walch of the
Eby district near Macksburg,
and Mrs. B. J. Trykto of Van
couver, Wash., were hostesses
at a double shower recently,
at the home of Mrs. Walch,
honoring , their sister and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Rolley Wil
kinson of Salem, and Mrs. Ron
ald Marsh, of Portland, both
recent brides.
Guests at the shower and
"get acquainted party" Includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Marsh,
Mr. and Mrs. Rolley Wilkin
son (Alice Marsh), Mrs. Anna
Wollner, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Burley and Lois, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Burley, Mrs. Anna
Walch, Mrs. Mabel Burley, Mr.
and Mrs. Marlin Burley and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dl
vorschak, Miss Arlene Dlvor
schak, Mr., and Mrs. Delbert
Dlvorschak, Roger, Sylvia and
Myrtle Dlvorschak, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Walch, Donald,
Rome and JoAnn Walch, Mrs
W. R. Marsh of Aurora, mother
of the newlyweds, Miss Joyce
Marsh, sister of Ronald Marsh,
Mrs, Wilkinson, Mrs. Herman
Walch and' Mrs. B. J. Trytko,
Stanley and Linda Trytko, and
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Trytko.
Zena A Zena woman who
has spent the past month and
a half traveling Is Mrs. James
P. Smart of Maple Mound
Farm, who returned home this
The purpose of her trip was
to visit her son, Horace Belden
at Syracuse, N.Y., who is a
candidate for Ph.D. at Syra'
ouse university. ,
Mrs. Charles E. Ward, a cou
sin of Mrs. Smart's, joined her
th'ere and together they went
to Oakrldge, Tenn., to be pres.
ent at the wedding of Mrs.
Ward's son,.
They visited the United Na
tions, and also saw the Easter
parade in New York city.
Mrs. Smart came back as far
as San Francisco via the
itWi tktA - n
i . . 1
By -
How often does your youngster ride in a friend's car to
a movie, to a ball game or to a school affair? When this
occurs, we usually don't rush over to find out what kind
of auto insurance he carries for the protection of the pas
sengers. But what if your youngster is injured while
riding in a car other than your own? Have you wondered
if there is a sufficient amount of medical expense insur
ance on the car to pay for injuries to passengers, if any?
What about the medical expense insurance on your own
car will It take care of this contingency? Here's one way
to make sure;
Take $1.50 out of your pocket and multiply that amount
by the number of children In your family; take this
amount to your auto insurance agent and ask him to put
an endorsement on your policy which provides, "Drive
Other Car Medical Expense" and if you already have
$2,000 medical expense on your policy this amount will
buy $2,000 for your children while they are riding in any
other private passenger car. It's as simple as that.
rm ikiciiD Akirc
ITS N. Church
Tkt CapfM
PTA at Dayton
Seats Officers
Dayton The Dayton Parent-
Teacher , association held the
last meeting until fall at the
grade school Tuesday evening,
with Mrs. M. L. Klupinger pre
siding. -
Following the business meet
ing, Mrs. Orva Gubjer installed
thr new officers, as follows:
Howard Stelngrube, president;
Mrs. John Litscner, vice presi
dent; Mrs. Dale Massey, sec
retary; Mrs. W. J. Jones, treas
urer. The new president an
nounced the committee chair
men for the coming year, as
follows: Mr. and Mrs. George
Dowd, program committee; Mr.
and Mrs, David Saucy, mem
bership; Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Imlah, ways and means; Mrs.
Charles Carr, publicity; Rob
ert Tedd, parliamentarian; Mr.
and Mrs. Mason Demaray, hos
pitality: Floyd Wlllert, budget;
Ivan Gubser, historian; Carl
Francis, legislation; Mrs. Ray
mond Palmer, health; Mrs. Ver
non Foster,-, magailne chair
man; canning committee, Mrs,
Jake Tompkins, Jr., Mrs. John
Howard and Mrs. Adoipn ma-
ba. .
Mrs. Harm Monroe and Mrs.
John Howard had charge of the
program. Rev. Clyde Dollar of
the EUB church in Unlonvale
spoke on "Citizenship Begins In
the Family."
Mrs. Dollar spoke on "Hob
bles for Small Children in the
Home.'.' ' ' -
Refreshments were served by
the junior and senior mothers.
Scotts Mills
Scotts Mills A daughter,
Rose Ann, was horn to Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Krax'oerger at the
Memorial hospital in Salem
Tuesday evening, April 21.
' Mr. and Ms. Anton ' Ettlln
are the maternal grandparents
1 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kel-
11s went. to Eureka, Calif., re
cently on business.
Mrs. Wesley Owens, recently
discharged from the hospital,
is recuperating at the home of
a daughter who lives in Wash
ington. Dewayne Owens, son of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Owens,
has received his dlscharg from
the army.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Haskins
of Monitor were recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Finkt
Mr. and Mrs. Almond Rich
visited with relatives in Sil-
verton Sunday. .
Mrs, Marsareath Fry and
Miss Doris Immonen were din
ner guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Flas Tuesday
evening.. ,
Cassell Males left Friday for
Arizona, where the Males fam
ily will make its home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haynes
and family have moved to Sil
verton. '
Mrs. Asa H. Nomer has re
turned home from her trip to
Nebraska and other mid-western
states, where she visited
Recent week-end visitors at
the home of Mrs. Mr.rgareath
Fry were Mr. and Mrs. William
Imper and daughters, Jeanett,
'and Denise, and Edwin Schmitt
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. De-
Lane Fry and children, Kyle
and Mark, of Amity; Mr. and
Mrs. Alois Imper . and chil
dren, Sharon and Rodney, of
Silverton. ,
Children and grandchildren
of Mrs. Paul Splonski gathered
at her home Thursday evening
to celebrate her birthday..
- tliat
3-9119 8ALEM
Stick Cmmi a! rttri Into"
Silverton The Silverton
school board voted to accept
students from district 33-C,
Evans Valley and McLaughlin,
from' the fifth and sixth grades
because of crowded conditions
in the rural areas. Seventh
and eighth graders are already
attending Silverton schools.
Harry Riches of the Silver-
ton Chamber of Commerce is
chairman of the annual Far
mers' Night program being
sponsored Tuesday evening by
the senior and junor forums
at the Washington Irving build
ing. Elmer Lorence Is arrang
ing the program.
Two hearings are scheduled
before the Public Utilities Com
missioner in the near, future,
one on proposed raise in 811-
verton-Salem bus rates, Mon
day, May 4, at 10 a.m., In room
No. 210, Public Service build
ing, Salem, Hind the considera
tion of proposed telephone rates
raise on Tuesday, May 12, at
10 a.m., in the Sijverton office
of the Interurban Telephone
company by the commmisston-
The local Baptist group has
secured a lease on the former
CCC camp through the efforts
of Rev. E. Duerksen. Plans are
to take over around Aug. 1 this
year, to operate for five weeks.
expecting to accommodate 780
campers during that time.
Volunteer officials of the
Recreational association, an in
corporated organization sup
ported by Community Chest
funds, are looking for their
amplifier and record player,
which they report as having
disappeared. 1 The material has
been used- for the teen-age
dances. Harry Hagedorn,
president, has asked anyone in
terested in the summer recrea
tion program to attend a meet
ing, Tuesday evening, May 5.
Mrs. A. B. Wiesner is sub
stituting at the Appeal-Tribune
during the absence of Mrs. Vic
tor Howard, who is completing
convalescence at the family
home following surgery at sit
verton hospital several days
Keith Berg of the VFW may
be contacted by any boy under
18 years of age interested, in
being sponsored by the organ
ization In an entry in the Cap
ital Journal's Soap Box Derby.
Local friends greeted Mr.
and Mrs. William Murphy at
their rural home late Thursday
afternoon on their return home
from several months stay at
Winter Haven, Fla.
The Murphys were ' delayed
several days on their drive
home via the southern route
and California, being involved
in an automobile collision.
Both are still under medical
supervision. Their ' car was
badly damaged and repaired in
Sacramento, Calif., near where
they experienced the accident
Mrs. W. E. Kllgore Is com
pleting convalescence at the
Silverton. home of her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Calkins of Chester
Mrs. Kilgore submitted to
surgery two weeks ago at the
Salem Memorial hospital. She
is making satisfactory improve
ment. W. B. Grossnlckle, employe
of the Clark-Shepherd' com
pany, underwent spinal surgery
at a Portland hospital several
days ago, and is reported by
Mrs. Grossnlckle as doing well.
He will be put in a cast within
a few days to wear for three
The late Franklin D. Roose
velt hurled more opening day
pitches than any U.S. president.
Make a Simple Test
with this"Sample "Size!
Make this test. Prove to yourself
there's double-rich plesiure in every
sip of iouhU-rkh Creim of Kentucky.
Take heme a "sample" battle of
Cream of Kentucky, the premium
whiskey that comes from Kentucky . . .
home of the world's finest whiskies.
Than ttit "Crtam" idiImi
your present brand. We know
you'll join the millions who
found their favorite . . . when
they sampled double-rich
Cream of Kentucky.
KeatKkr'i Finest
Whltkty-A llentf
. Macleay
Macleay Spring flowers
formed the decorations for a
tea for which the 4-H girls of
the cooking club were host
esses Tuesday afternoon at the
home of their club leader, Mrs.
James Hudec, honoring their
mothers and teachers.
Guests were Mrs. Sam Mill
er, assistantc lub leader, Mrs.
Harry Martin, Jr., Mrs. Ralph
Keyser, Mrs. Denald Ream,
Mrs. M. LHopkins, Mrs. Eth
el Ramus, Mrs. Elsie Carpen
ter, Mrs. R. L. Hopkins, River
side, Calif., and Mrs, Hudec.
Peter Taylor is out of school
with chlckenpox.
Peter recently was out of
school with the measles. He Is
a member of the eighth grade
Members of the 4-H clubs
will have exhibits at the 4-H
county fair to be held at Stay
ton. ,
They will also take part in
the parade.
Unionvale Forty members
of the Unionvale and Hopewell
Home Extension units attended
the joint meeting held all day
Thursday at the Unionvale
Evangelical United Brethren
Mrs. Fred C. Stockhoff and
Miss Virginia Magness, both of
Wheatland, were the ' project
leaders for Unlonvale and
Curtis Douglas, . who spent
one year of his Army enlist
ment in India, gave a compre
hensive talk of his experiences
there. Mrs. Susie Douglas and
Mrs. Steven Nevil had sou
venirs from India on. display.
Rev. Clyde Dollar showed
two reels of moving pictures
on India. Two Indian food
preparations were served at the
noon dinner.
The next meeting of the
Unionvale unit will .. be dry
cleaning at. the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Will in the
Grand Island district, with the
county agerltMrs. Alma Hart
man Wells, the project leader.
Louis W. Magee of Union
vale, who has seven acres of
Croft Easter lilies in the Wheat
land district, spent two days
attending ' the annual Croft
growers convention, held Tues
day and, Wednesday at Brook
ings. He called on Mrs. Dewey
Akres and on the return trip
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Will at Yachats.
Two acres of nectar berries
have been set at the Victor
Gelger farm. The berries are
similar to the well-known boy
senberry. ' '..'-.j ..,.;,,
Fairview Mr. 'and Mrs.
Howard Stephens of Fairview
were Sunday dinner guests of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Branson at Independence.
Mrs. James Watts, after sev
eral days checkup at EmanUel
hospital, Portland, returned
home Saturday.
The Hopewell Home Demon
stration unit met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers
of Fairview Wednesday for a
home dry cleaning lesson.
The Amity Methodist ladies
circle No. 3 will meet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Snyder in the Fairview district
Work on the new house at
the Carl Rasaka farm has been
suspended with the rush of
farm work.
f ntoti
of tmi V y
auit mass J
Buena Vista
Buena Vita Mr. and Mr.
Murray Adams, Carolyn and
Ray, of Eugene, and Bill Pra
ther of Klamath Falls, spent
the week-end at the Leland
Prather home. Bill went on to
Portland for the first three
days of this week o attend a
bakers convention. He is at
tending O.T.Ci taking "Bak
ery1:. ' '
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deterlng
visited at the Bob Bratton home
in Olympla, Wash., , over the
week-end and at Chehalls with
Mr. and Mrs. N. Boms of
Albany, accompanied by Mrs.
Maud Johnson and Mrs. Geor
gia Prather of. Buena Vista,
were guests for dinner Sunday
in Oregon City at the Charles
Gates home, also calling on
Lou Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather
made a business trip to Sweet
Home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Georae Laub-
ner and daughter Shirley, Miss
Emma Laubner or Aioany,
were recent guests at the Har
mon. & Rust ranch, i
Miss Evelyn Carrol and Mrs.
Blanche Rust ofi Sweet- Home
were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Rust's mother, Mrs. Addie Har
mon. : Mr.' and Mrs. Jonas Graber
were Sunday dinner guests o
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ruddell in
Dick Loy is entertaining the
measles. He has been real sick
with them.
L. L. Lee and D. C. Brooks
of Salem were guests of Far-
rell Rust, Sunday. . .
Mrs. R. Norman Hukarl and
Mrs. Bill Bryan of Hood River,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs
Dallas .' Banks of Richland.
Wash., for a visit with their
parents over the . week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hultman
and Mr. and Ms. Henry Banks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber
entertained the Home Econom
ice club of the Grange Friday
at their country home with
about 38 attending from Mon
mouth. Mrs, i Lee Sawtell was
Buena Vista-Highland Home
Extension unit met in the Com
munity hall in Buena Vista
Wednesday, when Mrs. Goldie
Bowman, Mrs. Wanda Ward
and Mrs. Henrietta Busby gave
the demonstration on "Home
made Ready-mixes."
Nominating committee was
appointed by Mrs. Wanda Ward,
acting president in the absence
of Mrs. Faye Calliese, as fol
lows: Mrs. Goldie Bowman,
Mrs. Evadna Prather and Mrs.
Henrietta Busby.
The next meeting will be
May '20 v with "My Favorite
Vegetable and How to Cook It"
being demonstrated by Mrs. Ha
zel Wells and Mrs. Minnie Os
born. , "
Buena Vista Woman's club
met Wednesday afternoon.
Now Showing Open 6:45
Dan Dalley Diana Lynn
In Technicolor
, " Dane Clark
m Margaret Lockwood
an w
the CkacOwictk
V -
Mrs. William Peltz
Wins Cake Contest
wnnrihurn Eighteen cakes
were baked by members of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars aux
iliary at the seventh cake bak
ino onntcst held Friday at the
May Furniture store kitchen,
sponsored by tne May wo. ana
the Woodburn Food Market.
Mrs. William Pelti received
the first prize for the best cake
baked, Mrs. Harlow C. Dixon
placed second and Colleen Gor
ton was awarded the third
prize. Mrs. Anna Hempel re
ceived the cook book furnished
by the May Co. in a drawing.
The cakes were placed on
sale Saturday morning at the
Woodburn Food Market with
all receipts going to the VFW
auxiliary. ' '
When it. is time for adult
cicadas to appear, 20,000 or
more may crawl out of the
ground beneath a single tree.
Mrs. Minnie Osborn read the
opening number. '
Two new members joined
the club, Mrs. Melba Powers
and Mrs. N. Green. Mrs. Har
riet Busby and Mrs.- Evadna
Prather gave a report on the
federation meeting in Oak
Mrs. Olive Wells and Mrs.
Hazel Wells served refresh
ments. ,
The next meeting will be
May 6 with Minnie Osborn and
Antha McLaughlin as hostesses
and Elizabeth Lierman having
charge of the program.
II rj
APRIL 27-28-29
Reopening Thursday, April 30th
Chuck's Steak House
3190 Portland Road Salem Phone 3-3992
TMm fauBM
Eves. 8:3( P.M. Matinees Sat.
j 'oIIIm of 19S3 Mall Order Application
tnclosed b check P Monty erdtr D I $ c
r,kn, Nitts t Man.- $3.60 $3.00 - $2.50 $1.50. Tlx Incl.
Eve. D Mat. 1st choice dat 2nd chok
lease enclose stamped
For Your Late Evening
Dining It's The
Specializing In
Steaks and Sea Foods
T 551 Court St.
Ph. 34151
Monday, April 27, 195
Amity Amity Woman-,
Civic Improvement club h,u
Its April meeting with Mrs.
Van K. Lawson near White.
son recently. i
Mrs. William Sproal presia.
ed. Mrs. Alma Wells, county
extension agent,1 talked about
"Woman! Place in the Com.
munity," A contribution was
made for the cancer fund.
Mrs. Royal Cochran, captain
for the drive in the Amity
area announced that several
women will sponsor coffe
hours. .
Members were reminded of
the annual meeting of the
County Federation of Worn,
en's clubs April 27, at Sherl.
dan. Mrs. Rupert Chrlstenien
and Mrs. iiienDerger were co-
ho:tesses. '
Beaver Hall
248 N. Commercial
7 to 10 P.M. '
Phont 46143
Tues., April 28
TiV- ensure
ttmd Mall Fadow
Z:"i r' Kat 4 5:30 FJH.
self-addrasseel envelope. SCJ-4-27