Monday, April 27, 1953 Page 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Speech Class Graduation Graduation exercises were held Sunday afternoon at the Golden Arrow for the gradua tion class of the Frank Lock- man Institute of Speech and Personality. - The following studenti were granted diplomat for comple tion of the course this spring: Floyd Bunn, Willamina; Em erson Eiler, McMinnville; Jack Greenwood, Willis Hart and Collas Marsters, Dallas; Clark Lethin, Albany; Donna Clark, Hazel Cobb, Al Flicker, Chris tine French, Fred Graham, Dean Graham, Lott Hodges, Al Isaak, Ron Nichols, Louise Pet tit, Everett Phillips, Gwen Phillips, Dr. Hay Pinson, Sarah Tennis, Leo Wortz, Tom Wris ton, Lou Ann Haskins, Olaf Thonstad, all of Salem. The speech institute is direct ed by Frank Lockman and this class concludes the training program until next fall. Free X-Rays Are Still Available Free chest x-rays may still be had for all Marion county residents who wish to have them taken, according to Jason Lee, chairman of the recent Marion county x-ray survey. He said that appointments may be made at the Marion County public health office in Masonic Temple. : Walter Minier, treasurer for the survey, said he paid $232.80 for free x-rays that recently had been given to residents of the county. Free x-rays will continue to be given until the balance of the funds on hand has been used. Keizer Auxiliary VFWand Have Joint Meeting District No. 20, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the VFW auxiliary will meet in the ar mory at Silverton, Sunday, May S, at 2:30 p.m. Annual election of officers of both or ganizations will be held. Commander of the district Is Leroy Simpson, Salem, and president of the district auxil iary is Mrs. Albert Lennert of Woodburn. Following the busi ness meeting a no-host dinner will be served, On Thursday night, April 23, ui officers 01 Scio VFW auxil iary were Installed by Mrs. Le Hoy Simpson, Sr., vice-presl-dent of the district An install ing team from Marion auxiliary assisted her. Members were: Mrs. I veil Haley, Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs. C. M. Brlggi, Mrs. J. H. O'Brien, Mrs. W. L. Barnett, Mrs. Don Stupka, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Al Aeschll mann. Following the Installation a short school of Instruction was held for the new officers, and a late supper was served by the Scio auxiliary. Cousin's Shot Kills Hunter Near Salinas Salinas, Calif. (U.B Robert Samuel Darnell, 18, was acci dentally shot and killed by his cousin while hunting along a river near here yesterday. The victim, who lived in Salinas, was with four of his cousins, all of whom were hunt ing with .22 rifles when the accident occurred, Coroner Elmer Machado said Darnell and George Royce By rs, 15, of Aromas, Calif., got Into a boat when Byers acci dentally hit the trigger of his gun. The bullet struck Darnell In the chest and he was pronounc ed dead on arrival at Salinas hospital. Keizer - Mr. and Mrs. Gar field Morse, who formerly lived on Chehalis avenue in Keizer, are the parents of daughter born April 18th at the Salem Memorial hospital, They now live at 1073 Baker street. Mrs. Morse Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Col lins, 8075 Robindale drive in Keizer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gardner, 4145 North River road are on a three-weeks' vacation to Chlckasha, Okla., visiting a sis ter and brother of Mrs. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Martin and daughter Diane, were in Portland recently visiting Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stillges, parents of Mrs. Martin. , The Popper, located at the corner of Chemawa road and North River road, was broken into again Tuesday night. Some candy and pop were stolen. Keizer school has announced winners in the poppy .poster contest sponsored by the Amer ican Legion auxiliary, Jerry Hawley and Karl Shidler placed first in their class and each received checks for $3. - Leonard Hayes and Carol Ann Hudson placed 2nd with checks of S3 each., Bob Hawley and Melvin Hasche placed 3rd and received XI each. The Keizer school purchased a new Ampro projector with student body funds. It will be of help in the Visual Aid pro gram in the school. Friday of this week the Kei zer Kats of the 8th grade will play the Silverton grade school at Keizer. The faculty of Keizer school will have a pot luck dinner in the Keizer school auditorium Tuesday, April 28, at 6 p.m. Keizer Friday evening, April 24, the Keizer Cub Scout pack 41 held its regular meet ing. ' Honor den for the month was den 11 with perfect parent attendance. The first awards of the meet ing were bobcat pins presented to John Steven Bealey, Dennis M. Richey, Jlmme Brandt and Dennis Leffler. Wolf awards went to Doug las Mekkers, Danny White, Larry Anderson and Keith Niel; wolf gold arrow, Douglas Mekkers; wolf silver arrow, Michael Esplin; bear award, Billy Walker, Gary Hurd, Dan ny Whltehurst, Gary Hibbs and Marion Smith; bear gold ar row, Gary Hurd, Danny White- hurst and Marvin Smith; bear silver arrows, Gary Hurd, Dan ny Whltehurst and Marvin Smith; lion gold arrow, Dennis Holmes and Jimmy Lappen. A webelos award, the high est achievement in Cub Scout ing, was presented to Clifford Harris. Annual inspection of the pack was conducted by Carlylc Shidler, Otto Yunker, Jack Rhodes and Dan Nash, all com missioner of Cherry street Scout district. John Coomler, president of Keizer Lions club, sponsor, of pack 41, presented Ralph Sip prell. Cub committee chair man, with a Cub pock 41 ban ner and a check to be used for the purchase of needed baeball equipment. BAN QUEEN S MOVIES Dublin, Ireland W) Sinn Fein, a militant Irish national ist group, Saturday, called on Irish cinema workers to ban the film of Queen Elizabeth's coronation on June 2 from Irish movie theaters. Athlete Held In Robbery Plot Chicago . (U.R) A former Marquette university player was arrested here today and held as a suspect in the "kill or be killed" $140,000 bank robbery plot that led to a gun battle in St. Louis Friday. Glenn Chernick, one-time quarterback for the Milwau kee college, was arrested at his home here and held for federal authorities. The 23-year-old former var sity star refusd to talk to po lice. . One bandit killed himself rather than be captured and two gunmen were critically wounded Friday when 100 po lice closed in on the St. Louis bank during the holdup. A fourth man, believed to be the driver of the get-away car, escaped. Week-end Rains in Nation Taper Down . (Br Th. Auoct.ted Frew) Weekend rains tapered off In eastern United States and the unseasonable chill across the Great Lakes region and into New England moderated. Except for near-freezing temperatures recorded in the northern Great Palins, Michi gan, Wisconsin and northern Illinois and Indiana, it was a typical April day. There were showers, light rain or drizzle In the Pacific northwest, eastern Montana and western North Dakota, Michigan and New York state. But elsewhere the weather was fair, and in some part of the southwest it was hot. East Salem East Salem - Then, ara nut of state guests In several homes in Auburn community this week. At the Donald Town send home on Monroe avenue, is her mother, Mrs. James Kin cade from Newman, 111. She came west to be In the home while Mrs. Townsend i In th Salem General hospital for surgery. Mr. and Mrs. George Bou dreau from Seattle, Wash., and their grandson, Douglas Lee from San Francisco, Calif., are visiting; in the Stuart Jnhn home. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jnhn were hosts for a pinochle par ty at tneir borne Saturday night. Playing were Mr. unri Mrs. Otto Mehloff. Mr nd Mrs. William Reid, Mr. and Mrs. i ranK ueorge, and the hosts. Honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Held. Mrs. Manlnff anH Mr. George. The Monroe Avenue Sawlm, club meetlne wai hIH at th home of Mrs. Melvin Shaw on Wednesday. The Kooky Kutup 4-H Cook ing club of Washington school girls met . Thursday night in the home of their leader, Mrs, Fred 6malley with the girls having some practice baking, Attending were the assistant leader, Mrs. Albert Suran, a guest, Mrs. Raymond Mullins and members, Patty Stubble field, Darlene Clark, Marlotta Pendergast, Sharon Suran, Ei leen Smalley, Sharon Mullins and Jackie Smalley. Cardinal's Condition Becomes Serious Vatican City ff Valerie Cardinal Valerl, 70, 1U with pneumonia, continued to worsen today and there was fear here for his life., The Italian prelate, one of the 24 new cardinals created last January by the pope, had a high fever today following a relapse. He has already re ceived the last rites . of the church and a special blessing from the pope. Four Killed When Auto and Train Hit San Bernardino Calif. (U.R) Four persons, including two small children, were killed and two others critically in jured in an auto-train accident last night when their car drive in front of the east-bound Union Pacific City of Los An geles, authorities reported. The dead were identified as: Randy Reeves, 6; his brother Monnie Ray, 1 V4, and their mother, Mrs. Mary Reeves, 47, of Moody, Tex., and William J. Holder, 35, of Hamlin, Tex. TERMITES 5-YEAR GUARANTEE ' PHONE 2-0781 forinteed Pest Control Serrkt 265 SO. 20TH mm gJgjjJgsfSSssS Phone .rfiSsify 4-1451 You Can Count My freckles ON A TV SET! Says ARTHUR GODPRIY CIS Star , LOOK FOR THIS TAO your guarantee of America's top ' TV value because it assures you all the advantages of engi neering and styling developed ' by the Columbia Broadcast ing System . . . leader in TV, Radio, Electronics. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 1 - SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. Phone 3-9412 HQUVWSMKYf UNI M S MAR10H MOTORS Stay happy! A new used car from our lot will mean dependable transportation at lit tle cost. We guaran tee your satisfaction. TODAY'S SPECIAL 1951 Nash Statesman Tudor Radio, Heater, Overdrive, Red, Foam Cushions, per fect in every way. $11595 WACIICn:2S -sc - - . m ton can count on 4- foiYonr quick ! CASH : loan! lor has a loan plan - for everyone nuii large amounts i $25 to $1500 ! Room 200 I air laoir or. il , Stoma J39A I r VJHV NO, THEY'RE NO PROBLEM! RAHIN5 ft. FAMILY REQUIRE plenty of reallv hot water, eo naturallv we CALLED THE M5T VjATER HEATER EXPERT IN TOWN.'" W Sail! W Initalll W Service! W Ouarantaat Always Call This PLUMBINO CONTRACTOR Home Size Automatic Water Heaters as Low as $79.50 (electric) and. $56.95 (gas) LET US KEEP YOU IN HOT WATER! P yUaat flTt CO-WIKtAlTf, I 195 S. Commercial -M 183 N. High St. PHMHBOSSjf0fggHHaMM I a VU I IIUI IIUIII UT I "SBJlSBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBSBBBBBaMSS -J1.S i 1 1 Tlifi?1fffiii) ffjS. remember! niture fa the Willom- jj Ul tV I J yjf fjJT 1 I I " 1 SALE SALE SALE - I MM OUTFIT mm PtEit 3 SMARTLY ASSEMBLED Specially Priced Regular Value 589.40 LIVING ROOM OUTFIT GROUP A Complete 10-Pe. Matched Ensemble! Regularly Priced at 249.95 This charming group ing which will com pletely outfit your liv ing room, was especi ally selected for this sale in order to give you smartly coor dinated room at the lowest price possible. Includes tht sofa, swing rocker, cocktail table, two matching end tables, clever hostess chair, pair of table lamps, lovely floor lamp, and smoker. mow e ife" SHI Bedroom Outfit Group Big 8-Pe. Outfit for Your Bedroom! 249.95 Not only do you jet the smartly styled modern bed room suite complete with bit; panel bed, and luxur ious double dresser and mirror, but the grouping In cludes a soft, comfortable lnnersprlns; mattress, dur- aoie coil springs, pair of fluffy pit- f El I 1A lows plus two bou- A J 4w uuu lamps. ni.t pp. n aWfm extra low this sale R kJM sJ' This Offer Is Limited Hurry tn and Have Your S-Room Outfit Delivered Today! EASY TERMS OF COURSE ' " -' 1. -tl ' 7r7f I I iruiMrm nutii iwiik nuci t ioni rmiisitu I SALEM OREGON CITY J Groups May Be Purchased Separately IF DESIRED 260 State Street Phone 3-9148 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette... You'll love the lovely appearance of this beautiful dinnette . . . and it's so easy to keep clean with its plastic top enhanced by gleaming chrome. Four matching chrome chairs covered in washable plastic. Was 89.50 Choice of Color ' a. sv. wauui, Mr. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS