THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Bahm, Oregon Part 17 Monday, April 27, 1953 'DENNIS the MENACE 7imt ill j xoffilK HER BOSS ME. I JUST For Sato MISCELLANEOUS rEBTIMZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or 1-6073. nios FOB BALE lnnersprlnp; mattress. Good condition. Small Wood Heater, Frre ' 3-tfitfl alter 5 p. n. n!02 fcOOVER vacuum, With attachment, In good condition, $25. 1630 H. 25th. nl02 Organic Fertilizer fm of weed eeeds. rod odorless, Sick or bulk order, delivered. Phone 3-8137.. JaTeOTJLLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 80S Edge .' water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup nlr. Ph. 4-1641. FOR SALE: Stroller, crib, high chair. 3870 Liberty Rd. Phone a-0100. nlOO STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail Ins porch columns, furniture. 1145 N. CLOTHLINE POSTS, Iron less for ta. bles, lurolture, railings. 1145 N. Lib. rtr. ssannKN TRACTOR with 8-lnch plow, harrow, mower. Also rototlller. Both excellent condition. 3-5914. nlOl' Avr TTPRinirr niano In very aood con- dltlon. One Pan American coronet, in excellent condition. W. A. Darby, ntavton. Oreaon. Phono 4885. M01 irt NICE, S year sua baby crib. Ph. -j-S.VV. FURNITURE, ruts, miscellaneous houae hM Items for jalo. 1881 Park Ave. Lurn m.iDi invalM walkere. Rea, ann.hl. sclera 'Orthopedic Co. 431 Perry. ROTTED MANURE , aaa fehA we hava aver had. For tood orianlc results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. 86.00 per yard. yards $18. 6 yards 825. 10 yards 140. Flag .tan, lava stone, fence post, 4x4 atakea and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillip, Urns., Rt. t, Box 493, Ph. 43081, Salem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corner. 980 ALLOWED for your old water heater on wia new a-bbiiuu .uwu,.. .( ...t.. heater. Yeater Appliance, 575 ChemekeU. Ph. J-4JU. n ariinMiTfiRE for four bedrooms, mlscel- laneous articles. Reasonable. Monday and Tuesday. 1835 Oarden Road nlOO' O-E WASHING machine. Ph. 4-1793. nico WEBT1NQHOUSE range, electric timer and clock. Phone 1-0376. 860 No. Hire. Aonflv LAnnFRR. buckets, barrel aoray. , oil drums, garden tractor with plow cultivator, trailer, used tile and bricks. 3535 so. commercial. t-6779. nioo1 hEW SINGLE roUaway bed. Reasonable. ... - nlOO USED washing machines, 89.95 and up. airw a-rtRAWER cheats. $2S. Used Mdee. Mart, 370 6o. Liberty, phone 437l. Terms of Course. nioo' AAT.FM niKSKTj Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 37 emverton n- BUY, SELL OR TRADE Used Mdie. Uapt- 070 flo. Liberty. Phone 46371. ' nioo" USED SINGER drop head treadle seVng machine, rouna doddio, tuii,..,., Looki like new. Blneer Bewlng Cen. t.r. ian N. commercial. nioa' Gravel and Sand ' Anything in gravel, wholesale and ..t.ll. VALLEV SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003 USED CONSOLE electric sewing ma chine, aewe forward and reverse, with t.eular set of attachments. Bargain! 839.50. Singer Bewing center, 130 N, Commercial. nJUU SU PAMOl'S MAKE 31-lewel wrist watch. Bllehtlr shopworn, closeout price 839.75. Hartman Bros., FLOOR LAMPS, $2.95 and up, Woodry',, 1604 N. Bummer. Olenn nioo1 FREE Westlnshouse sewing machines on all floor samples. Have up w iu-j. YKATKR APPUANCE CO, 375 Che, meketa. So VACUUM cleaners, 16.50 and up. Oood tanks as low at iv.s. " lfioA N. Bummer. nioo Aa.riAt AUTOMATIC electric water hiatar. new. assembled type, 149.95 Judson's, 379 N. Com I. .Jl-OUAGE 8HOT GUN, good condition, 829.80. Olenn Woodry'a, 1606 N. flum- nlOO mer. PLASTI-KOTI reuuirea no waxing. For your Iloora or linoleum. -PUANCX CO 375 Chemeketa. n' EW OFFICE DESK 169.50. Olenn Wood f.'f ism N. Summer. nlOO' oak Office Desk Dalton Adding Mschln 45 L. O. Smith Typewriter Underwood Typewriter 45 Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. am. UnA. and Frl. eves. BlOO ta VOLT-3000 watu Weialx heater, like new. S39.80. alenn wooory s, .own ii Rummer. nlOO' CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posts, been posti and stakes. Phillips Bros.. Rt. . Box 493. I miles tut of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3061. INNMORE port. wash, like new. 819.50. Olenn Woodry'a. 1808 H. Summer. nioo' S-PC. WALNUT dining act, really very nice and only 179.00. iTaoer mk, 1870 Lana Ave. moo OTM DANDY play awlnsa, 816.99. Olenn Woodrve. 1605 . summer. niuu DEEPFREEZE home freesera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 375 Chcmcicia. 4-DOOR CHEST, 813.84. Olenn Woodry' 1605 N. Bummer. A11D..1.E Tm-R MOaf with the beat In clock radloe tor Moihere Day. We have a lew floor aamples at big iHaAMint. Trader Louie, 1678 Lana Ave. Mieiv rramiFD corner cupboard, $1 8. Olenn Woodry a, 10 14. Sum- By Ketcham RESPECT HER IWQN&tt.' For Sale MISCELLANEOUS REFRIGERATORS. NEW Ud U YEATER APPLIAWGB CO., ?T Che meketa. B GARDEN1 CABT like new, fi.OO. Olenn woodrys, low w. cummer, mm- WHAT'S ALL THIS hullabaloo about fur nlture orlces? write, wire, pnone, or come to Trader Louie', out CO not bur until rou let our price, on both new and used. Terms ana Trlder Louie, 1870 Lena An. open Mon. and FN. eves. mou' Milt MATCHING BUGS, 840.00 or 120.00 Olenn woodry'a, looa . bum, mer. nioo' HOSPITAL BID for sal, or rent. H. L. Stilt Furniture Co. Phone Mill. n PLATE GLASS mirror, 18x24, . 11.88, Olenn woodrr'a, 1605 N. Summer, niw TIME TO GET off the floor. 6-pe. bed. room suites a Jo as 159.00. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. nioo' ANTIQUE solid Invalid chair, has needle point et, 335.00. Olenn woodry'a. niuu' CAB RADIO BARGAIN. 41 to 83 Pontlac. niece Custom nuah button, only 1.85 Installed. Pay day budget plan of only 81.85 per week. No money down (On Approved Credit). Radios for nearly ell ears. s d H oreen stamp too. Wa service all makes and modem of car radios. Try us. Master service stations, an n. commercial. nior WHEEL BARROW, mo. Olenn Wood nlOO' ry's. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED on used ra dloa and combinations. Come in and see our exceptional bargains, 15.00 to $ Trader Louie. 1570 una Ave. open Mon. and Frl. eves. nioo' USED step ladder. 8150 and up. Olenn woodry'a, 1605 N. Bummer. nioo1 TOP SOIL River tilt and till dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 1-1748. U-TUBE 1TBILCO radio, A-l playing condition, 135,00. Olenn Woodry' nioo TOO MANY tewing machines. Too many pianos. It wm pay you to ate the low pricea we nave placed on theje items to reduce our stock. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave, Open Mon. and Frl. evM. nlOO JUST RECEIVED large amount of aunall hand tools, garden tools and other misc. Items. All real banilni. Priced to tell, Olenn Woodry's, 105 N. Sum mer. nioQ' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRX WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-5110. na LOGS WANTED Stud MID. Lengths r " or 16 . Diameter t" to 16" Sawmill, Loocths W and longer. Diameter " t H Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Pbonw 1231 ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry. 3-6110. SPORTING EQUIPMENT WILL SELL OR TRADE for good revolv er, Winchester Hl-wall action with new heavy barrel, caL 319. with Lyman tang. Reloading too. R. L. Leonard, Vete Village, 4-Tt, Monmouth, Ore. ncIOI PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup NO. 1. 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4537 Pi 17 I WILL NOT be responsible tor any body's bills but my own. Olen M. Mor rison. R.R, 1, Box 146, Scott Mills, Oreson. P101 AUTOMOBILES A.S. AMERICA'S. BAFSSI '52 HUDSON WASP Club coupe, R&H, hydramatlc, 3 tone black and trotr, white std walla .turn a Urn a La. It'a a BEAUTI FUL car. $2395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Where chemeketa Ooes to Church qiol 1958 CHEVROLET 4-Door. Priced for quick aale. Low mileage, good con dition. Radio, heater, etc. A. V. Oliver, Rlckreall. Phone 1767 Delias. qioo 194 BUICK SEDAN for sale or trade. Oreen trailer at Hignway Auto court. 3. C. Pershall. H 48 BL'ICK, 4 door, radio, heater, excel lent condition. FTIceo to sen. rnone 3-7SI7. oioo 46 CHEV. Strlellne De Luxe 4-D Seden. Radio, heater, one owner, new motor, perfect cond. 61095. Ph. 36184. qlOO 1989 DODOE 4 door, aood aa now one. Radio, heater. Phone 41367. qloo 1948 BUICK, low mileage, A-l shape. Take earlier model in trade, muat tacrine. Call 44816 elter 8 p.m. qiol BY OWNER: 1041 Hudson, new tires, bat tery, radiator. 155 IV. 31t. 1W lUM CHEV. 3'tone power glide, club coupe, ell extras. Original owner, 35,000 mile. Priced to sell, t-5940. 1Q1 NEW 1058 toBD VICTORIA." Fordoma tle, radio, heater, whltewall tires, tinted glesa, undercoat. BeautUul 3 tone finish. Will eacrlllce lor quick sale. Phone 354M. ejIDl 4 PACKARD for sale or trade. Equity 8M. 1334 So. Commercial. qlOl Iff STUDEBAKfR Commander club coupe. Very clean. Loaded. Hydromaltc IU50. 45J5 N. River Rd. Ph. 41401. qlOl VERT CLEAN late 1047 Ford Convertible, Take trade if dean. Ford or Cher, pre fcrred. 133 Broadway. q100a l4l FOBD V-l 3-door sedan. Exceilent motor, new npt-olittrr, 3595. No down ptrment on apprortl of credit. Open eventnea. k. smttn ana oon Mown, 343 Marlon. Phone 3-304. a AUTOMOBILES LODER BROS. '51 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 4-door sedan. R&H, itand&rd transmission, only 17,000 actual miles. 2-ton (ray finish, 1 owner, and very clean ............. . .12295 32 OLDSMOBILE 98 4-door sedan. R&H, Hydramatic, power steering, autronie eye, 2-tone gray finish, only 11,000 actual miles. SAVE $900 on this beautliul car. ' WS am AND REDEEM PENNY SAVER STAMPS . LODER BROS. Tour Oidimobilt Dealer : M8 CnUr ..Ja.i11. AUTOMOBILES B.V.D. BOY I VCTTA DIAL! : . '40 HUDSON 4-door aedan. A tood oeocncl or work tar. It'a a vary tood buy at. this low . prlea. $95 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Open I a.m. to . wn.ra chemeketa Goes to church ejlOl $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 81 aedan, hydro, RftH $1898 II etatloa wagon, hydra, loaded 3)X tl sedan, hydro .. 1696 49 aedan, hydro, RAH 1395 49 aedan, RAH 1295 48 aedan, RAH 1095 47 aedan, ResH 196 OLDSMOBILE 41 aedan, hydro, RcsH 1335 FORD 41 sedan 195 47 olub coupe, R&H ,. SOS Best for Less 41 Bulck. RAH 40 Packard 40 Chevrolet 34 Plymouth 17 Chevrolet IK 145 HS 75 15 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 660 N. LIBERTY Ph. 2-4113 QlOO' A BARGAIN 41 Chev. Fleetllna two-door, radio, luiln. white wall Urea. Must ee to appreciate. 140 Jellereon alter t p.m. No dealers. .' QlOO 1948 CHEV. 4-door, radio, heater, origi nal two-tone paint. $600. Terme avail able. Phone 3-7171. 0102 1949 NASH Statesman, 4-door, over drive, 1698. No down payment on ap proval of credit. Open evening. K. Smith and Son Motors, 845 Marlon. Phone 3-3040. T FARM EQUIPMENT ONE 1049 Minneapolis Molina tractor. Model ft. Like new. Coed 11X36 tires. Light and starter. Calf 46388. quioi AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? VaUey Motor Co. experts will aolv Four prob lem tnd vt you money. Free estl matas. spacer rervlee. Center at Llb rty. TRUCKS '4 DODOE: 38,000 miles, perfect condi tion. Covered stock rack. Union Oil Station at North Dallas. odl03 HEAVY EQUIPMENT In Sacramento . . OIOANTIC SALS TRACTORS. INTERNATIONAL TD-14 with doier and winch. Ouaranteetl. Ready VO go. CATERPILLAR D? - JO Series. Cable doser and Hyster wincn, reriect ma chine. Excellent buy. CATERPILLAR D8 - W Series. With Johnson Bar Cat, cable doier and Sinter DSL winch. 100 FINANCING I (It you, have an equity ta tome other equipment) RENTAL-PURCHA BE TERMS! p available to qualified buyers) 1ST PAYMENT 6 WEEKS If you're getting ready to go to work. Phone, wire 'or writ NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 5331 Stockton Blvd. HI 6-4 4 70 Sacramento. California qelOS FINANCIAL ilEjljy.'sM'fi fifth Jjtfn riw SEB US FOR FAItM, CITY OR ACRBAOE , LOANS UEBT OF TERMS WE BUT Real estate mortgages A eontractg State Finance Co. IfT SO. High St, Ph. 34131 5 Interest - If yoa have Idle fundi seeking to- vestment, then yoo are the type of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twenty-five Fears we have been helping people in this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid M terni-annaa. Interest parmentt totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 5 INTEREST m funds from 5500 to 5WO0. General Finance Corporation 135 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon Phone 1-3111 Lie. S-133 and M-33, and ROT B. SIMMONS IBStmANCl AND LOANS "Top Tradee" 11 06 Dally KSLM 139. Kt. OSHBRAL FINANCS CO LOANS til So. CoramerclaJ It. Tat I-S1M ; AUTOMOBILES ' Phone 1-1871 IM FINANCIAL PRIVATI MONEY peelal Rate and Tarxa On Larger Loan -. Long and Short Tun Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 138 So. commercial St. Fk. t-lltl MONEY PROBLEMS? Let tu take the lfs" out of pour Bioner problema. Up to UOO on email loans. Dp to SS00 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE 00. 8-316 11.131 Phont 341 . 167 a. High St. rloo MONEY TO loan a real tatata. Fhona 3-0794. rllT" LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL its "yes" promptly to employed men or women. l-vlalt loan . . .. phone first Vou select beet payment date. ) Between payday loan. Phone, write or come in TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 10S B. HIOH BTm 8ALXM BUU lAttv. B-m. -m Loan over $300 up to 11600 and up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the IndustrJaJ Loan CompajaJw Act of Oregon. rl03 AUTO LOANS . WILIaAMETTE CREDIT CO . 192 Bouth Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 3-2457 Uo. No. M-160. B-1M AIRPLANES FOB SALE airplane to be recovered. Teyiorcrait DCO-M. 58 nrs. elnea maj or OYerhaul. All fabrlo and dope for recovering Included, Can be eein at 354 No. Xlma Ave. after fi p.m. or Saturday and Sunday. slOl TRAILERS FOB SALE Almost new two-wheel trailer. Ideal for hauling berries. See Ed Swarts, Mt. Angel, GlUes St., titer 5 o'clock. tioi HOUSE TRAILERS 37 FT. TRAILER House. Phona 30008. taioi FOR SALE Equity In 1931 Liberty house trailer, 31 ft. 4-6118. tal03 DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES JlU maker used mtehtau iald, rented, repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-8773. O. W. KLANQ Wrecking Co. Builders' cheap supplies. 8-7395 evening. 0116 BULLDOZING BulldoElng, road clearing teeth. Virgil Huekey. 1010 Falrvlew. Ph. 3-1145. 0121 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired, Roen 455 Court, Ph. 3-5773. 0. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Ford equip' merit. Marshall, 4371 Market. Phone 3-1343. O103 DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttoatiotn, Mrs. H. If. Allender, 3-0911. olH DBIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive way. Call or tee sir. snelllng, Valley Mo tor Co- Salem. Phone 3-1147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen it 8 one. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. olia FURNITURE BEFINISHINO Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum ecreeni. Free estimates. T, Pullman. Ph. 5-5955. 0113' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4000. OFFICE FURNITURE e SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes. dUDllcatotrs. supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 460 Court. o SHARVeNHVO AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair 6erv Ice. Lawnmowers. knives, shears, bl crclea and small motors. Ph. 34518 or 45145. IStb and "D" Bta. oll4 SEPTIC TANKS Hamel't leptlo tanks cleaned, line teevtet. Outran d work, Ptione 3-7404. 01351 Mike' Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains, Phone j-atea. olio1 Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro- to-Rooter sewer service, pnone 3-5337. L. W. Caudle, epraylng and pruning, Phon t-HBI. OlOB TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington. Royal, Un derwood portables All makes vied machine. Repairs rent Roen 455 Court o TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service. Phone 4-5931. 573 Market, day or merit, oM4' ESF.TUS BUND LAVNORV Canfleld'e Laundry, Repairs, Reflnish lng. 140 & 13th. Ph. 4-6103. pick-up. Delivery. 0116 WINDOW CLBAN1NO Acme Window cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, nouaeeleanlnf. Phon 3-3337. 147 Court. . LEGALS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HKREBY OlVEN that the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oreton for Marlon County, appointed adminis trator of the Estata of ZADIX WEIMER SCOTT, Deceaeed. Any peroona bavin elalma atalnst said aetata are requested to preeent them, with proper vouchers, to seid administrator at 310 Pioneer Trust Bulldlnl, Salem, Oreton, within ail (6 months from ths dete of this notice. Deted this 37th dey of AprU, 1953. HARLAN BCOTT Admlclstrelor of the Xstat of ZADIS WE1MER SCOTT, Deceaeed. RHOTKN, RHOTSN ea BPEERSTRA Attorneye at Law Pioneer Trust BuUdlnt Balem, Oreton Attorney! for Administrator. ' Apr. 37; May 4, 11, 16. it. LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4, AF $jA& AM, Wed., April 29, M. M. degree, Full Form, 8:00 p.m. 102 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 iB"in'.aCT :i. I - jm. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND rmODOCB LIST mediate change: Premium quality, maxi mum .35 of one per cent acidity de livered In Portland 58-710 ib.i first qual ity tf?-7?c; mcob4 uJJty, 5-57c, Valley routes and country points. 3 cents leu. ButterWholesale r.o.b. bulk cube to wholesale, grade AA, 93 aoore, 7e; A grade, 93 score. 55oi B, 00 seort, 4o; C, 80 score, 31c Above pricea itrloUy nominal. Cbeeae Bellini vrloo to Portland wTioiesB.eie, Ornon it, Oregon 5 lb. loaf. 49tt-31Wo; trlpleU, iuo leas than airi lie. Ecra ta Wheleaalere - Candled CCU ccDieiflJo so Jo, cae Included I.o.fc Portland, A grade large, 57r-SStte: A grade medium, oott-OTttei graae .arte, 53H-S3C. Portland Datr elartal Batter Price to retanertt oraat ju print, 71c: A carton, 72c; A print. Hoi carton. 73oi B nrlnte. 65c. Ittv-Tft taUUtti, Cxcid tVcV Urcex 63c; A large, 58-60c,'AA medium. Oooi A medium. 69c; A small, nominal. Car ton. So additional. Cheese Price to retailers, Portland, Oregon tingle, 45tt-50c; 6-lb. loave. 63 V 53 4c; triplets. Itto less than sin gle. Premium brand singles, 66V4oi loaf, 600. Processed American cheese, 5-lb. loaves to retail, 44-48o lb. Poultry Live Calck-na (No. I quality, f.o.b. Vlaau.. Fnett, 3ri-t lb. 38c; 3-4 lbs. 38c: -roosters, v va. ana over. 28o ; heavy hens, all weight, 35-e; light tiens, all weight, 38-34c; ow roost ers, 15-180. Dreaaed cnickene prycrs, ay-y ioe i 43-46o; roasters, 4344ot light hens, 31 32c; heavy bene, 36-37oi cut up fryers. all weights, 43-44c. Rabbits Average to growers! Live whites, 4-5 lb., 35-370! 5-6 lbs.,. 35-258 lb., old doe. 10-14o; few higher. Fresh oressea iryere to reuere oi-ewi cut UP, 66-690. , r Cauntrv Killed Meals Veal Top quality. 38-420 lb.i rough heavies. 25-32C. Hoge Lean blockers, 30-33ci sows, fight 25-28C. Lambi Beat, 40-3o lb.i aprlngers nominally eno id. Motion Best, 14-100 mm euu-uimty, 8-12c. Bef Utility cows, 36-300 lb.i eanner outters, 32-240, shells down to 31c rruh Dreaaed Meets Wholesalers to retailers: Dollar per cwt.: Beef Steers, choice 300-700 lbs, 37.0040.00 i good, 3tf.00-30.cM; commercial 33.00-37.00! Utility, 3 1. 00-3 1. oo; cow, commercial, 28.00-33.00; utility, 37.00- 3i.oo; cannera-cutiers, xD.oo-zf.TO. Beef Cote (Choice steer). Hind quarter, 46.00-50.00; round, 45.00-Sl.00i full loins, trimmed, 61.00-71.001 tri angle. 300O-33.O0; fore-quarters, 35.00- 35.00; caucus, S7.oo-4i.wti no, ee.uu- 52.00. Veal aood-choke, f43-53t commer cial, 3T-et. Calves 41-53; cont- merclal, 337-48. Lamba Prim springers, 40-50 lbs 343-45; good, 840-44. Motton -Good choice. $16-30. Pork Cat Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs.. 365- 169; thouldert 16 Ibi 139-43: spare- rlb. 648-55; fresh ham, 10-14 lb., 157- 60. Smoked Hams Skinned, 157-63.60. Re fined lard In drum, ll.50-16j tlab bao on, 115-60.60. Partrtntl Mlteelltneoai Celery CaL flat crate, 3-3 Vi dot, 83.36-4.35. Few to 14.60. Ore., 82 25 3.50. Onion 60-lb. sack Weat Oregon yel low, med. No. Is, 3.75-3.00; Text white wax, 3.60-4.00; Texas yeuow. a-in. med., 3.50-75 per 60 lb. tack. Potatoes Oregon Russets No, 1. 45tV 75; name brands to 5.25; baker, 6,00 60; 36 lbs., else A, 1 .40-56; 10 lb. mean, 66 -60c; paper, 50-66e; No. 3, 50 tt., 1.50 05; Idaho Ruaiett, No, 7A, ff,5ff-6,.M; : 5-10 lb. bales, 3.30-50; Florida Triumphs, No. 1A, 60 lb. sack, 3.33-60; Calif, long whites, No. 1, 60 lb. tack, 3.76-3.00. Hay TJ. S. No. 3 green alfalfa, de livered car lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 835.00 ton; Seattle, 136-37. Wel Oreaae basis, Willamette Vat- fine and half-blood, M-62. Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42c Hides Calves, 19-210 lb. sooordlng to welthlt: green klpt. 17-JPe; built. 4-iei green butcher cow hides, 7-9c FUberta Wholesale selling price no. 1 large Barcelona, 34-36e lb.i (rower prices, orchard run, 14-15o lb. Wain eta Wholesale selling price, first quality large Fr ana net tea, 3333o lb.i grower price, orchard run. 16-loo lb lew bta. Vo lto. Chlcare Oraln Chicago 11 Wfitai futuree prlcef climbed around 3 cents a buahel Mon day but profit-taking cut down the ad vance at limes. Bullish Influence causing buying In eluded the deadlock in Korean truce negotiations, improved export business and flour buying. Other grains and aorbeani also were firm. Wheat closed H higher to M lower, May 32-304, corn was to higher. 5ter 8156. oats were up t. to H, May 75. Rye was unchanged to Ve higher, Mar ai.62-tt; soybeans were 1 to 3V wae unehanted to 10 cent A hundred pound hither, Mey ,10.90, PORTLAND GRAIN Portland OPt Coarse train unquoted. Wheat, to arrive market, baala No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: No bids. Monday's car recelpte: Wheat 361 barley 1; flour 91 corn 19t oat 3; mlU feed 10. The Board of Equalisation meeta on tha aecond Monday In May of each year for the purpose of examlnlne, correct ing and equalising the assessment rolls of Marlon County, Oreton. All persons deslrlnt to protest any assessment on seld rolls must do o ftceordloi to tht followlnt provisions of tht law: "Pe titions or applications for the reduc tion of a particular assessment ahall be made In wrltint, Termed by the owth of th applicant or hla attorney, and be filed with tha Board within one week from the tlm It Is by lw required to meet! and any petition or apt-llcatlon not eo mede. verified and tiled ehell not be considered or acted upon by tht board." R. TAD" SHELTON County Assessor for - Marlon County, Orel cat AprU II, r, Mar 4, lrU THIS IS HOW A DRESS SHOULD It i Hi,: An outstanding exhibit at the Homemakers Festival Saturday waa this display oi functional housedreasea by . the Middle Grove Extension Unit. Small models at left ahows how NOT to make a dress. The middle figure showt a "good" way to make a dress and the figure at right shows the "recommended" way. Inspecting the exhibit are Mrs. Fred Scharf, secretary of the Middle Grove unit, at Jett, and Mrs. Gerald Jatte. . 1 BestHtMclicraft Shovvn At Homemaker Festival Marion County Home Exten sion Units' best handicraft was on display Saturday at the Homemakers' Festival in the First Christian church,, with many prizes awarded to exhi bitors. One of the outstanding ex- Mbtts -was placed by 6ilvtoa in the "Learning About Nor way" division.' Also competing in this division were suvertos Hills. Hubbard and Turner. Other divisions, with the winning exhibitor named first, follows: .. . FerttanS Uvaeteck Portland 0J.B Cattle: sooot uneven, eteady to olrongt eholc ,60-1060 lb. fed steer M.60; food ateers 93-33.60; commercial 30-31; chotoe mixed tteere, heifers 700 lbs. 93.80: tood fed heifer, 31; utility-commercial heifer 18-19.801 canner-cutter cow i0.50-13.60i utility, commercial hull 16-18. . Calves: 300; active, eteady! tooo choice vealers, light calve 36-311 prime 31-31'. uUlltv-eommAeclal 17-3&. Hog: 6001 eotlve. 50o higher; choice 1, 3 butchers 180-385 lbs. 36-36.36; some 36.80; highest since August, 1860; oholce 350-300 lbs. 36-36; 300-400 lb. owt 33 34; 800-616 lbs. 31-31.80. Sheep: 600; slaughter lamb SOo high er; ewea ' steady; choloe 9 lb. wooled lambs 31.50; choice 116-lb. shorn lamba 30.60; good-cbolce No. S pelt awes C.60I wooled ewes to 6.80. Chleaga Livestock Chicago tP Llv hoes lost little more prlc ground lfondar In weak to 35 cent lower market, caul were fully steady to .f.tfo tHtn ncT aheep ateady to strong. Most butcher weight hbgs cold from 833.75 to 634.3, and top of 834.35. Sow took mostly 319.60 to 621.75 and top of 333.36. Clearance was tood on the 9,000 hog received over the week end. Good to prim ter aoid from 819.80 to 134.50 with two loada topping at 835.00. Choice and prime helfera were 831.00 to 833.30. Cows topped at 816.00. Iwlls a: tit St, and realer, at ttt.ot. cnolce and prim fed wooled lambs sold In a narrow ranea of 636.36 to 835.50 and comparable ehorna from 833.38 to 834.00. Xwea ranged downward from 39.00. other aetlmated arrival Included 18,000 cattle, 300 calves, and 3,800 sheep. Chleat Onlona Chicago flj.ffl Buppllet liberal, practlo JJr no deuiaad, murkei weak, Street sales 60 lbs.: Texas Yellow Ber-3-tnch and larger 1.60-1.7S; Orano a mudas 3 to l-lnch 1.78-3.00, small 1.80, 1.05-3.10: few best 3.16-3.36; Crystal Wax 2 to l-lnch 1,76-2. 001 Idaho Span ish 3-Inch and larger 3.00; midwest me dium Yellow Global .76. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Vesta L. T. Glass Williamina Funeral services for Vesta L, Turner Glass, 74, ot Wlllamltta, were held In Mc Minnville last week with Rev. Lawrence Guderlan officiating. Interment waa In Evergreen Memorial park in McMinnville. Mrs. Glass died in McMinn ville after a long illness. She was born May 14, 1878, at Scio, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, and had three brothers and three sisters. Two brothers and a sister preceded her in death. She was married to George Edward Glass and 13 children were born to the union. Her husband and a son, Albert, preceded her in death, Survivors Include three sons, Ivan and Delbert of Brook ings, Ore., and Floyd of Wll- iamina; nine daughters, Mrs, Bessie Barber, Mrs. Leve Nel son and Mrs. BUI Friend of Willomlna; Mrs. D. W. Wade and Mrs, Ora Davis, Roseburg Mrs. Reddy Phillips, Mohawk Ore.: Mrs. Guy Shaw, Hermls ton; Mrs. Lona Allen, The Dal les; and Mrs. Gunnard Larson of Brookings; one brother, Dean Turner, Portland; two BratArl vnitr CaimS ? CbitdieiaUu SIRES PROVED GkEATJ M-,'9ea? Vbur better herd begins when yoa .bona ni for information and skilled terrice to high index Prared Sires. Worrtn'i Proved Sirt Servlca Waadbara, Or. loci nan. alll BE MADE ers. evJ Becoming a Good Buyer Roberts, Marlon, Prlngle and Union. Braided Rugs Hazel Green, Edlna Lane, Four Corners, and Lansing Neighbors. ... Care of Rugs and Upholster ed Furniture North Howell, Bethany, BayesvOle and Meha- ma. - Functional House Dresses Middle Grove, Kefzer, Liberty Salem Heights, and Pratum Macleay. Gifts From Cloth Clew T.nke Central Howell. Lancaa- Iter, ar.4 Thomas. .. Herbs for Variety and Accent Swegle, Donald, Frultland, and WoodbUTB. -: . , Learning About Norway SUverton, SUverton Hills, Hub bard and Turner. ' Main Dish Meals Stay ton. Prospect, . Quinaby, and St Paul. ; .... Textile Painting Sidney Talbot, Aumsville, Labish Cen ter, and Union Hill. . The winning exhibits of Swe gle, Hazel Green, Middle Grove, and Sldney-Talbot will be on display this week in win dows at the Capitol Shoppta. Center and in the First Nation al Bank In Salem. Portland laetslde Market Portland (UJo-canbr district aspara- tu told for 88.36 a JO-lb. pyramid to day on the Portland lastsld Farmers Wholesale Produce market. Radishes brought 60-66 Cen OS S dOggB nonteiaa VAi. amot. reus, aaVu dawe. to 40 cent. Oreen onions were S0-W cent . doaan buncbea tenerallr with aom, op to SO rents. on wholeeala row. California straw berries were 83.40-3.78 a 13-Doi flu. Ca ifornla lont whit potatoes Drought 84.10-4.36 a 100-Ib. sack. STOCK MARKET Hew 'York iSV-A aentra-i nnwnn Monday carried the stock market mod erately hither. Oalna were well apread throughout iti llei ad went to between 1 sod 9 points t tha best. No area of th list waa especially depreued. Volume failed to meeaure up to many recent eesslons and came to an esti mated million and a halt aharas. That comparea- with 1,780,000 fheres traded Friday. , sisters, Mrs. Lulu Milllgan and Mrs. Delia Miller, Crabtree, Ore., 31 grandchildren and many great grandchildren. Dick DeJong Baiiston Dick De Jong, Sr., well known Polk county far mer and dairyman, died at his Baiiston home Wednesday, April 22, at the age of 69 years, following a long illness. He is survived by his wire, Mae; three sons, Jack, John and Richard oi BaJlston; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Zum- walt of Perrydale and Mrs. ; Catherine Masy of Amity; two : brothers, Jake of Perrydale uid Cornclious of Beaverton; four sisters, Mrs. Katie Rhode of McCoy; Mrs. Allle Mekkers, Mrs. Dleu Spa an and Mrs, Jennie Welshoff of Portland; twelve grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Funeral services were con ducted at Macy's chapel in Mc MinnvlUt. Saturday, AptU l. Interment was In Evergreen Memorial Park, pr. r. T. Lam, 8.0. Dr. O. Chan. HS DKn. CHAN . . I tM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Cnstairs. 341 North Liberty Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., S to T ,.tn. consultation, blood pressure and urine tett are free of ahartt. Practiced line 111. Writ fm ttraetlv ,1ft, Na tul etlm. Lebanon Men Again Heeds Plumbers - Pendleton W) Henry Den- Herdw of Lebanon again la - president of the Oregon Stat Association of Master Plumb- , , Other officers re-elected at the organization's 'annual con vention here Saturday are: Walter Widmer, Portland, vie) president; Ray Clearwater, Beaverton, secretary, and Charles Mcoy, Portland, trea surer. Robert Cook, Fendteton, i named to the board of dlrec- Host metal strips are pro duced by eold rolling : SALEM MARKETS "SSJTnoSlr Ra) ( . Uth .- (1PP-1B. Dairy FeeS-34-4JS N ft, MS), Met eld rocalen, !.! oolor fow SMI lafhora tnu mi iti. . miimm . a sic! lane A. 47-ttci asedlum AA. 4Si medium A. mntitt t-T higher than tu rrue. above, large trad .eraBy ucf at 6le: medium, oeo. . Battarfat Buying prloe: Framlum, 70- Tll No. 1, 7-69cl SO. 8, 86. Baiter Wholeeala grade a parchment, na j,t ntU, la. DEATHS Dare Hatllte Ciaamtat , ' . Don Matlld Clearwater. i Joojl a.ii aa. lAta resident of Wood . burn. Survived by daughter, llrs. Dora, any, Brootl, ore.; sara. wu -strong. Lakavltw, Towai ons, ,Frni Ciearw.ttr, Ontario, Ort.t ouf ' Clear, water, aVokwU City,. lowi brother, Jasper Buttle. Uhlgn, lowal 1 trand ehlldrm, treat trarUdren. ttecaa, nephews. Services war held a tM VortU T. Qoldtn chapel, Saturday, Aprtt L,'!,?'tl. h, a wl hoanltal AOrfi 34, at the at at fmt .1 of 39 ausaion as. w, Mrs. (Xorg H. MUUken, Salem; Mr. Marl Chin, lem; four !, Mr. Oerll Trow, veetai, n.w ' fv Myrti. Bneparo, -peas, " '" ; Roaa Tnosnaa, Spokane, Wash.; Mr. vi ,.,,...,. ' notMnhaaan. Denmark. (our irandchUdrtn and four treat irand eiUdm. cVrteae wWJ .JW AprU 1 at 3 p m. ra th 6apal Ttf til T. Ooidea Oo. Daniel C. Thiaaisoai ' ' ; . Daniel O. Thorn p. on, former raeldenl of Paeco, WaalL, April tt a lteo, au ' vlved by four cUuthWre, Mr. Thelma npkon, ajwi sax, aw- . Mra. Mary wiisem, wan ox rw Mr. Alice coiemu, varuw, ww.;, -eon, John Thorn peon, Salem and 1 randehildren. Serrtca will b held Tueaday, April SS, l S V. t. In th. Oloudi-BamcK cnapei wn Dudley Strain officiating and Interment at Clagtelt eemetea. . Aaa fraaifa Asa auelte, late raaldant ei Ml Roaa. Mmt Avanua. Salem, At . local hot pltal Apru . survives or wue, mwm, Myrtl quaff, Salem; daughter, Mr. Olive Kendall, ranter, Calif.; brothers, iv. dualfe. llunn. OoloradOl B. A. Quelle, wood Mm, Hakr.i O. s. Ouaife, Hiawatha, Kansat. Seven nephew, three niece. Service, W1U be held n Tues day, April ,8, at 1. P. ., to th. Cloueh-Berrlck .naptl, lntarment Bel crest Memorial Park, Hit., Thorn toa janama. efflciatlnt. . Bebarl BU1) W. Saraeaar ; Bobert (BUI) W. aaamert. A.r,i at 460 orove St. Salem, AprU u. Swband tt Basel C. Bummer: fth of Bobert L. Summer, Marvin Jt Burn mart, ail ef Salem; eon Cayla 3. rbr. tf.t Moth o Mr. Naomi Armour. AaU"'"; also mrvlvwl by mt rll,"ld,"i 1-uneral aervlcaa wul be held at l:S .m. Tuesday. AprU IS In the chaptl of K, T, KVtdAa. Cnnolndua rvlot M Beleres. Memoruu rare. , Deaald Glenn Mis Donald Olenn Mis, late resident f Rt. 6, Box 44a, at Fort Bra, T. e April 18, et th a .of M reare. Bur- . w. .1,. u Lowena Mia, tw. sons, BOP Donald Mix ud BonaJd Le. Mlse, au aeiomi , ton, tlsttr, Mr. Vloltt Rye, two broth en, Orval W.. Mite, Carl Mitt, au tt Anltoch, Cllf. Services wUl b held Tueeday, AprU it, at ,:,. HoweU-Edward Chapel with th Rr. Lloyd Anderson ofllcletlne ud Inter ment at city View cemetery. Sam Martir ... fl.m u.ptle. lata resident ef 1,7, Sunnyrlew Ave., In this city, April 13 at tht ass of T6 raart. siurvivea or siuw .inhn w. Martla. Portland: two nephews, Robert MartUt, Portland nd Kennetn asanit, uate.. ba held Wednaeday, April 3D at Yro. a. m. In Howell-Edwards Chapel with th Rer, Harold J, Molntna ofllolatlnt. Interment at WUlamlna cemetery. Cenella C. SUUerd . ' ' ' Cornelia O. BlaUard, lit reeldent ot 3340 tt. Commercial St., at a local hospital, April at, St th at. of t jeers. Survived by two sister, Mr. Marsaret Bywatera, Camden Point, Mo., and Mra. Jennie Harris. Baleml tanVMT, Wlttm . IStOwnv. Cejav- den Point, Mo. 81t waa s mamoer ot the Seventh Day Adventure onuron. servlcei wUl b held Wedneeday, AprU 29, tt J r. ot. is lb Jfowell-xdward Chapel with Xldr R. O. Schaltner, of ft-' clatlnt. Inquire Today! Wislamene Valley Bank MulnOfflc lWFrirfmU Ph. 3-9281 1310 Star it H 4-4451 tama r..ia EARN I .aCeTanv , V I mer.