-a -v -r "V - ' if; U i , i I'- Page 18 FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH VILLAGE. I Mdioom. 13(7 to, It. plus double muii forced iir furnace. Ilreplace, asperate dlnnl. room, utility wllb dryer, met un, abruba. piiio. est a. nw 7. 1M BY OWNER Ntc twoom home, fenced in yard, extra lot. 4 block to bui. $3000 will handle. Balance of $7638 like rent. Phone 41798 alter a.m. AIM BEDROOM home, 3 rearg old. Small down payment will bandit lb 003 Try on avenue. 4-4858. 1M' 14 ACRE. Immediate pouewlon, 15,760, 3 bedroom. In city, paved itrcet. aehool, but. Owner oul of town. 1016 Evergreen, wist. a.or T BEDROOM HOUSE, With 3 bath, 11 lot room, dining room, den, kitchen with nook, Inside utility. Forced sir heat, hardwood floor and llreplaee. price jbbso. idi 0. inn, aior BY OWNER New modern 3 bedroom borne, living room with fireplace. Lot IOxW. Three block from Reiser aehool. or a-isio. ei oo1 OWNER TRAKMKEBRED. Mut cell love )y 2 bedroom home, on large corner lot. 1785 Fair Oak. Phone 46608. aioo1 itOVt KM DOWN buyere, ihould see this S bedroom borne. Located 1245 waller 81. Hu basement, garage, . email lot. Bee Ben Colbatb Realtor, Dial 34563, evenlngj 36933. a 100' WISE BUYERS. Bee this lata built 3 bedroom home, oil furnace, hard wood floori, Exclusive diet, for 9900 down. See Ben Colbath Realtor. Dial ' 3&3, evenings 36933. aioo1 10,500 CLOSE to Washington Bob. Neat 3-rr.-old 2 -Br. home, flreplaos, hdwd. floori, auto, oil heat. Pvd. U. 4c wallu, nice yd., plenty room for that aaraen. can joj, j-oobo. Ed Lukinbeal Realtor 433 N. High Eve. 3-1704 101' BV OWNER, 2 bedroom borne, garage, Keiier dietriet: a-7301. aioz aSr OWNER, I room home, buement. sawdust turn see, 0875, nag uooa Bt. Ph. 18980. aioa riM. DO SEE this cute home before you bur. The living room Is large for this 3 bedroom home; Neat kit and nook with Inside utility rm.. hwd, floors, brick planter box In front of picture window and fenced back yard will really help to make this house a, home for rou. Cart be had for only 11000 Down or on Ol loan. Don't wait call 43363 or eve 20423. Bowe fe Wood, 324 N, Hlsh. alDl i BEDROOM; den, dining" "room," large aucnen wun citing space, n replace, basement, sawdust furnace, large lot, trees, near bus and schools, close In. Consider trade. 840 8. Bummer. alOl fll.MO JUST suburban, extra nice 2 Br, homo on large landscaped lot, din- ' lnr rm., fireplace k nook, pvd. at. A real llttla boner. CaU Mr. 3UTZOXR, . 3-0680. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. High Eve. 4-3715 FOR SALE LOTS 18TH a MADISON corner 1001 100. Ph. 3-883$, Walt Bocolofifcy, Real Estate. aalOO BOWN8 AVE. 16000, corner lot 100x160. Excellent view or city mtns. Trees, In city. Ph. 84SS7 tvet, aa!04 BELCREST LOTS $40 each. All 4 cheap- tr. aoci location. 3-4603. aaloo LARGE HOME sites In beautiful Klng wood Heights, t,000 up. Easy terms. see owner, rnone 3-si3. aaios REAL ESTATE BUSINESS CORNER Wt N. Front. Comfortable I bdrm. horn with bunt, to oU heat. St.. to 'titer paved. Lot 10H14. Ph. 1-lsll lor - dstalis. COURTESY TO BROKERS WALTER. SOCOLOFSKY Rial Estate eioo. Slu,5flo THE prettl.it setllo. In 'the country. a-Br. ranch style horn., Its. llvln to dlnln, rma., Jlreplc., full b?nmt. Economic.) a.wdu.t M.( food barn, pasture St orchard. Appro. 10 acrea. all yr. creek, trade conalderad. uan muit, 2-ooso. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 431 N. Hlsh IV.. 1-5411 old $150 DOWN Handr man special north or town. Heed some finish work. 3 bedrooms, larra lot with plenty of good tarden pace. Easy monthly terms. HELP 11 I Owner out of town and want action a ft 3-bedroom home on Park Ave. llama your own down payment. Only rears old. But by door. Close to aehool. HOME & BUSINESS 1. f-bedreom home and lart. com fflorela! alee greenhouse In lait trow IM dlatrlcl of Eaal Salem. Home U nlr 4 ycara old and In aood condi tion. Oroenhouio la almoat new and teat f conetruetlon. Only 13100 need id to handle deal. t. Oood cafe and apartment. Ideal tor a man and wile to operate. 10- Seraon capacity In an excellent loca lon cloa. to ahoppini center, oood Jet floor apartment turnlehed. luneie roreee ,.le .( preaenl operator. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS 4 INSURANCE Ml South Blah Street Phone I-M01 ' Phone erenlnaa to Sunday; 4-1871, i-SWa. 4-1381, l.87, 4-5311, l-3Mt - C10I NEW 2 BEDROOMS Finish thru tinmH tn ... . time. The plumbing li complete in- v...ui.m riKcvnc nov water neater and bathtub. Wiring is complete, wired for taanilat. A rnnini nil! at a. I 111... -a concret foundation, shake exterior! U1,, vum iiuiae waii ana install aoma trim and cabinets yourself and eave money on a new home. Full price UnfiO.OO. Immediate poasruton, pay like rent. Located 4 mils North, near food bus service. $250 DOWN wt " REALTOR PHONE: 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Irenln, Phonen 38341 or ItSSl ctni' COtlNTRV L1V1NU with til the city comforts. Here ta honest to aoodnesa ealu. lor the money. Two 1c. bedrooms and natural llnliu den, braulllul fire place, la, llvln, and din Ins room, breakfast nook end It. utility rm. auto oil heat. There ere lots of eitras that A more expenslre home has: you will find them here because the price hu been reduced, the owner la forced to Irave Balrnt. rull price IlLSOO. Call 1"", ,v- 10,!J- owea A wood. , s-s n. Huh. c 101 tl.iitiKU AnvrrtTuiNQ Fer Word time. in. Per VTerd 4, Per Herd, I llmea 10. Per Word, I month w, N. tlrr.nda-Ml.lm.m II Wards. 1EADERIS In Local Newt Celora. Only, Per VTerd 1e Mlnln.ae II Herd. To Place All In Samr Dajt'i Pstwr, Phone t-tW ' Before 10 ut, REAL ESTATE CALL C0LBATH DIAL 4-4494 LULLABY HOME AMONO THE WHISPERIIKJ FIR TREES In a beautiful suburban area. Laree LR. farm type kitchen. 3 odroii araaa. VERY NICE HOME lor llso. TORUS. CALL DAVID. Ira. ph. 41101 RICH MAN'S EBTA1TE AT A POOR MAN'B PRICE. Beautiful FRENCH COLONIAL 3bed room tS den. Home on 2V acres of land. Large 20x40 hobby shop or party room, Shetland pony barn and many other nice feature. LET ME SHOW IT TO YOU. CHEAP AT I13,fl00. CALL SJAVID. AVJE. ra, 41T01. f LOOK HERE A tOT FOR THE MONEY IMME DIATE POSSESSION PARTY FUR NISHED. Lane !lv. rm. At kitchen comb. 1 bdrma., alngla taraas. Eeau- tirul corner lot. AU, FOR ,3250. TERMS. SEE MRS. OOLZBBEC, EVE. rn. 30)71. SUBURBAN BEAUTY HAS dream kitchen, laria dinette, comfortabl. llv. rm., 3 aood alted bedrooma. oil haat. hdwd. lira., ea- raae. Larra lot. Total price $8050. OOOD TERMS. SEE MBS. OOLES' BEE, EVE. PH. 15371. Possible $450 Down CUTE STARTER HOME on 1 acre 1 bedroom with large wardrobe cloj. ale. Knotty pine paneled llvln, room. Nice clean kitchen. M-lt. well. TOTAL PRICE JM. Sea HARRY VAN DORK, EVZ. PH. 41789. 62 ACRES ON HIGHWAY NEAR BILVERTON. 43 A. In cult., bal. tood pasture. J- bdrm. modern home, large barn, milk - hse., city Wbter, fruit. A OOOD BUY rvn sie.wv. tkkmb. ojs t. 1. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 42714. 37 ACRES BE, 1 A. nice orohard cherries, pears, peaches, spring water, 7-rm. home with full burnt. b furnace. Barn, 3-car tarar, about 40,000 it. of saw timber, tractor A toots to at tl4.soo. Terms, terms, WOULD CONSIDER TRADE FOR NEAR SUBURBAN. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 42714, 5 ACRES East on Sunnyvlew near Lancaster. ood home. 2 bdrms., LR, DR. kitchen, bath down, unfinished up. Variety tree fruit, small barn, chicken hse. Price 111,500. BEX T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. TU A411A ' GARDEN ROAD ' ACRE with nice 3-bedroom home, small barn, chicken hse., water sys tem, choice soil, attached garage. Price 18000 with possible 10 down. MORE ACREAGE CAN BE BOUGHT XTRA. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 42714. io ACRE With .ood one-bdrm. ahake home. LR, kitchen, bath rm. Oarage. 3 mlle H E. ALL OARDEN ' SOIL. PRICE 3100 ami move rlfht In for tMO down. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 41714. . DAVID . 41701 VAN HORN . 41155 OOLESBEE 3371 , ANDERSON - 43714 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LIBTTOOS. Particularly hlehir priced home, and .11 type with low down payments. STONE THROW FROM CAPITOL Solid 3 bedroom home. Living room ! with fireplace. Nice kitchen. Partially finished upstairs with rough plumb ing and wiring In. Insulated. Full basement with new forced air oil fur nace and extra H ,bath. Double gar age. Walking distance to shopping center and dtrwn town, Jmt 11.600. ONE LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN IS ALL YOU NEED - $450 DN. On this 3yr.old modern house. Not too lane but It' a hot deal. acre. 37 ft. well. Near aehool. Enough lum ber to build aerate. Full price only 34200. BETTER HURRY. LESS THAN F.H.A. APPRAISAL 1 Bedroom house Inside city. Fireplace. Modern and clean. Corner lot. 3 Bik. to school. Nice lawn, walnut treet, shrubs and flower. Full price only 0.250 which 1 $350 less than F-H.A. valuation. CAFE - $850 Puts you In a buslnres that ha been established for a long time. Seats 36. Could easily be Increased by operat ing longer hours. Prearnt owner do ing very well. Rent only 145 per mo. HARDWARE An opportunity to get In business with a small lnveatment. Owner sell ing because of 111 health. Rent only 3B5 per mo. Fixtures only 11000. Stock wtu lnrentory about 35000. This ha ood possibilities. GROSS INCOME $5200 PER YR. With all expense only a Ituie over $1000 per yr. Completely furnished apt. home In Capital Shopping cen ter. Each unit ha efoerste full hoth Vacancies almost unheard of. Owner leaving? state. Priced tor o.ulck sale, $27,500. CAldte FOR MR. KIOCMNS. KVE. PR 4-5494 or DAN IttAAK, EVE. PH. 4-333 or MK. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-6030. if no aniwer call 4-3348. SUBURBAN DANDY Wo mean J tint that. Very modern a. bedroom home with full basement, 2 oatns. nreplr.ee. Good 20 x so barn. 3 car terete. Chick rn houe, lath house, year around rrerk, Rd. froutaae on side, ore-hard walnuts, berrlea. Oood $0-ft. well. Trice b 333.R0O. 10 GOOD ACRES All under cultivation. Oood soil. Pvd. rd. Modern 4brxlroom home in aood eonamon. Mschinr shed. Near town. Only I20M down. Full price I7SO0. 52 ACRE TRADE Only 13 miles from Balem. l stan chion barn. Oradi A milk house. All ffictJ. Cond modern e-room house. Family fruit. Combine, tractor, due, drill, harrow, spring tooth, corn plant er, rake, mower, 3 milk marhinem hay raka, manure spreadrr, row cultiva tor, tandem disc, p-rooder, and In cubator. 31 horn, 3 hellers, 3 calve. Want to trade for 3 bedroom home on roast. Everything tori (or U goo. CALL FOR MH. TJAVEN8, KA'E. PH. 3-47J8. If no answer tali 4-3lt$. MORTQAOB LOANS 30 Year Maturity AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Offict Phones! 4-SSU r-r 3.7U 3035 PORTLAND ROAD T Ive. Phones: 3-4736, 4-5414 4-jmi, 4-soio or -ym it no aniwer, phone 4-3J$ eliw (iinltR roRNln. 07 No. Capitol ea by 1101,. Ptve furnished modern arts. $70,001. Terma. Phone Kstep. 1-1TM. .KM K OFFICE DIAL A 44411, IKtl f mimm REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE ACRES TO TRADE 13 beautiful acre. 4A cherries, alto family fruit. 4A grain. 3A of pasture and trees with creek and spring. Bpolleai modern. 3 bdrm. aub home on 1 or 3 acre. Terms. Frlct $10,t00. 4 BDRMS. OFF SUNNYVIEW Immaculate family liomt. L. Rm. with firepl. picture thermopent window. Large D. Rm. with T V. poaitblUUaa. Roomy kitchen with eating area. 3 bdrma. down and 3 up, with codlu of storage space. Dead and street nice dlil. Excellent term. Price $13,600. DOUBLE LOT - LOW PRICE tsooo for a good 3 Br. home with room to build another houat. Olost In location. Terms. , MORE FOR YOUR MONEY , Neat and clean 3 Br. home with unfinished upstair. I or 4 bed room possible lor price of two. Owner gay take offer. Asking $1700. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 11! s. Blah A. I. Beckett - Ph. leHl Andy Hslvorssn Ph. I71H Evenuua ftnd Sunday - ' Grabenhorst Specials KINO WOOD Neat 3-bdrm. home, basmt view, FH.A, loan $7700. ' Price $0850. CALL PETTR H. OEIBER, FARM - 10 AORXB 60 acre prune, 1$ acru walnut, acres fil berts,, 30 acrea grain land, balance pasture land. 3 stream. Bom equip ment Included. House baa 4 bdrms. and dble. plbg. Price $38,600. Will eonslder trade for city property. CALL H. K. LA WON CHARU WITH ECONOMY A Ise. family noma with every modern convenience for gracious living. A bdrm., lge, reception room, llv. rm. tw din. rm., dream kitchen A nook, den. 3tt baths, auto, coal forced hot air heat. A wonderful horn lor entertaining. CALL T. X. LAW , TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE to roomy 3 bdrme. on one floor, beau - tlful brick kitchen, view over town, aehool and bue close, fireplace, forced air heat to all room, full faastnt., play room, dble. garage, nice view. CALL ROY FBRRIfl, Co. op. Broker. PAIRlafOUNT DISTRICT Well built l-rootn bom, basement, lira- place, nook. 750. CALL PTTER H. OEZSER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ! 134 S. Liberty Bt. . Ph. 3.3471 Evening Sundays call Peter X. Oelser 3-3M8 H. K, Laymon 3-345$ J. B, Law $-8113 Roy Ferris 3-3010 c , F.H.A. APPRAISED FOR $9000 SELLING FOR $8500 Hera' a real buy $600 lass than F.HJL, appraisal Oood 3-bedroom horn, ell neat, att. garase. Here' ttie bur of the week I Lee ohm.rk KEIZER DISTRICT v , Modern t-room home with fireplace, .11 heat and at taraas, patio too. About '. acre around. 111,900. ; ON NORWAY ST. - ATTRACTIVE AND MODERN 3-bedroom home with dlnln room plua nook, radiant heat, fireplace, this (year-old home Is In very (ood condition, has fenced yard and Is In the Enalewood Dlst. 111,004, PHA term,. NEED MORE ROOM? See this new .-bedroom horn, on Inslawood Ave. His 3 bedrooma down and 1 up. fireplace, att. (aula. Move rliht In; lfs vacant. 111,700. , GREENWOOD I I ! ' Beautiful new home with I'bWrooma and lane playroom, every detail In thla .pacloui home la perfectly done, double (araie, too. Quiet treat. 11,100. RENTAL PROPERTY I apartmenta plua I eleeplni rooms, buement, oil furnace heat, fire place. Oood location. 120,100. FARM SPECIAL . II Acres, North Howell, i .eras atrawbarrlei, cert, plants, t A. eanenerrlea, bal, iraln and hay. 1 1-bodrcom home, l rented for tit . mo. Oood barn and chicken house, the crop will io loiur way to pay for this place. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court Bt. phona Jm6 . 4U Eve,: Hearr Torvend 33933 Ted Morrison 36046 Louie Loren 35890 Ralph Uaddv J14SS .ia REAL ESTATE LOOK HERE! ONLY $25 DOWN If you're planning to build, atart burlng your lot now In restricted area. Large lots. Low monthly pay. mints. Priced to sell. $750 DOWN ON THIS Live away from tht hustle and bus tle of the city in nice 3-bedroom home on H acre mile from Belem. Block to school and store. Applee and cher ries. Uay take trailer house. Only $5,800. MAKE AN OFFER This older type 3-bedroom home on deep lot la priced at $$,300. but take a look and tell ua what you'll pay lor it, sveii oi terms. " OUR BEST BUY For only $7,500 and excellent terms. this cosy Hme with fenced back yard can be your. Inside utility and at tached garase. No drive-by Informa tion on this. BUSINESS BUILDING Out-of-town owner will sacrifice 40x34 building and dandy 3-bedroom home with part basement for 110.500. This la worth looking Into. W can arrant e terma. Or may leas. ENJOY THE RIVER There are 3 fireplaces In this nice 3-bedroom horn on big lot that reach as to the Willamette. It's In the city, wiia ous put ioor. AJKing iio.&oo. DON'T MISS THIS If you're looking for a 3-bedroom ranch type home With 1,400 square fert of comfortable Urine aoara. have It for 319.T50. Very cloa to ecnooi. iioi soxiw with trees, NICE FOR KIDDIES Thla comfortable 4-bedroom home mim osrmrnv ift located soutn. There viiTrnui iirrpiRce ana eitecnd ea rage. Bus br door. Priced at $14,750. tCOU RTES Y TO BROKERS! RAMSEY REALTY Mas. N. Comml. Office 4.-MU ve. as Aun. Jim Ramsey, .-lee. cioo WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAunn scnsinu. Neede a few Inline, on home, and farms for N. Capitol III. ottiee. Ph. .-owes. H03 N. CAPITOU ca ORrAT B1TINO DEMAND tor farms no acreRSM. L.1S1 yours Wltn Colbath Land Co. nee T. T. Anderson, farm f..ri... rngne ....... ys. -Sll.. CC VOTll'I: If your property le for el. rent or tacbanae. list ll with ut. We hare all klnde of cash buyera eVTATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 151 S. Hlsh 81. ca WE ARE badly In m) of I and l.bed. room nomes, in Leslie Dlil. Also need home anrwher. with email down pay- menie. wnai nave your AL IAAK, REALTOR, FH (1)11 II no answer, ph. 4-1111 c. nr. ARE In need of cood houses to eeii. in or near Salem. II you wiab to llt tour property for aale. are ORAIIENHORUT SHOE. REALTORS. ! r'r " j?!'.!. " To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Ph. !U A Wall. - Ph. 31731 Itudy Calab.' REAL ESTATE NELSON $500 DOWN , Plastered home with 1 bdrm. & unf. attic. Oood neighborhood, close to bus, pvd. st. Ideal for couple. Only $3900. Call Mrs. Wootten. 3 BDRMS. - KEIZER This 8-rm. cosy home Is situated on a rolling knoll, has good view. Approx. 4 yrs. old, lnsul., gar., lot 13 x 313. ele. or oil clrc. heat, wired for ele. ranee, rug ,8s pad Included, for only $4950. $1000 dwn. Call Mr. Wootten. TRADE FOR HOME Suburban Grocery TRADE FOR HOME Well located neighborhood at ore, , serving a lge. territory, profitable fam ily operation, living ojuarterc on prem ises, lnr. IfiOOO to $5000. Call Mr. Schmidt. 3 FIREPLACES TV BET At DEEPFREEZE INCLUDED Thla new 5-rm. mod. home Interior finished In nuatural pine, full base ment, piped n. furnace, lge. pttlo with barbecue fplace, spring wtr. A approx. 1 acre land on aurfaced rd.. all for only $15,500. 3 Bdrms. - One Floor RANCH STYLE DE LUXE Achievement In new home design tt . arrancement. If you appreciate a dis tinguished home, good nelehborhood, finest corwtructlon, thla 3-bdrm. ranch style home with all Its beauty and charm will please the most fastidious. Beautirul burl maple kitchen bullt-lns white oak floor. Arizona sandstone fplace., dble. ear. Ask for appt. to see more of thece outstanding features Price 32, 000. NELSON & NELSON" ftPSCIAUZmo REALTORS 101 N. Win St. Ph. iota. rrers.i sr tftt tittrt r seises RESORT PROPERTIES BY OWNER " -K-.vts. vicbd iron, nomn at wecome Beaoh. Both have hot water ..jpi-xrs. lenoacaped. Bell one Pox M. Oreanlake. Ore. crlo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Own Your Own Business tie Independent We hate larerns. laundries, food mils., furniture, restaurant., motels, fountains, bakeries, lunches and many ethers available lor eale. If yon want to buy or sen . bun. ness epp. In the Willamette Valley. belt.. .... ' FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" M37 Falrirounda Rd. 1-MS3 INCOME PROPERTIES Near stste House and Ahoppln, Oen ler. Oeer SICOOO annual iroaa Incoms. Property In sscellenl condition. Never any vacancies. Aard e.nrr desires to retlr. and will cell for 1(5.000. lake hous. up I. iio.ooo and 111.000 cash. Balance morleaaa. II your lootlni lor Income property with top relurne, better call ue at once. Thai l, vnmual. SKVRRIN REALTY CO. HI X. Hlsh Bt. Diu a,.),,) 1-e. l.,a,s eliofl fURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE Orot 1TU1MY MONDAY aTVIMtNOS SIM WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Auction . OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TIIFSnAY EVENINGS tStO CENTER ST.. SALEMddlOO FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SUN BAIjI.. atuutoow ....,. miDO Stallion. Registered Tennessee Walking Association No. 411549. and Palomino Association no. iuo-iro. Registered mare Tennessee Walking Association No. eozoaa, raiomtno na i . . i ua . Atat flnneip nsttuXe horse trailer, leatner lined, saddle stalls. Olenn Begins, hi. 1, vibcxbium, r.m Ttj.nrinnsa DrfeTnil CUT 3444. elOl 10 HEAD of gentle saddlehorses and kid pony. D. D. Delp, 3378 BJlverton Rd. LIVESTOCK WANTED ennirpal V B7 B7 EF .TWitiah 1toHM ja)refAHl Jflc. Locaer pora, aoc. wommi oown, v mot, CO pay. UUiiom Killing, ir-uer loaned free. Balem Meat Co., 1336 8. aam. rn. s-wiidii. RABBITS ' BABBITS and hutches, phone 43869, PETS HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1953 McCoy, one block east oi w. uapiioi, iva block north of Maduon. pn. 3-obb7. ecl03' SPRINGER SPANIEL puppy, 3 month old; house Included. I2&. 3447 Fair grounds Rd. eclQl REGISTERED Scotch Collie puppies. Al fred J. McKeon, ki. i, box m, oiay ton. Oregon. eclOO- MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets, turtles, supplies, 3 mile from Lancast er on Macieay roao. a-sris. cioae-a wednesdsy. ecllS FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your presto-uns, unqusu and Wood. 193 Bo. Com'L, phone 3-1731. Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds of wood. Phone 3-6444. ce ANDERSON'S hand plclced slab wood. a cords, $14. Phone 37781 r 442. eel 08 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1525 Edicwatar Phone Salem 1-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. WEVJAjj run SO UAID Planer trimmings, $8 load. Phone 17731 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS PRYERS FRYERS RAISERS 1. Would you like le extra prollt per bird? S. Would you like an averaie weight of 1.3 lbs. at I to t weeks? I. Would you like to have 3.1 feed conversion? 4 Wonld you like thefact. and proof? See or Ca'.l GEO. U. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra Road- Eugene, Ore. Pb. 9-3411 fill GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks Brow faster. Fox's Hatchery, 3830 state Bt. Ph. 3-4160. ( WANTED Colored hens. Let's Hatch ery, phone 3-28dl. f FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chlcke In New Hampshire, Parmentera, Red. White Leghorns. Austra-Whlte, White Rocks. White Wyandottea, Par menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-3SI1. f PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema. plant any time now to July, 13.50 per 100. Phillip. Bros., Rt. 1, Box 493, 2 miles ast 4 Corners on Slat. St. Ph. 43081. II' FRESH CUT RHUBARB . Por canning 6c pound. Seed pota toes, onion seta, vegetable plants, , pansy petunias, all type fruits and vegetables. Come by over the week-end and visit out farm market now winder our personal mananement. Port land Road. Two block north Xan caster drive Interaction. frioa HELP WANTED MALE ' ENERGETIC young man to work In sport ing goods store. Should have know ledge of fishing tackle. Inquire In penon. Cascade Merc, 1405 N. Churrh. galOO WANTED Window and Interior display man. preferably between thease of 18 and 2b. Experience essential. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gomrry Ward. ga' WANTED EXPERIENCED carpet and Mno mechanic. M. L. fitlfl Furniture Co. galOl MAN with car now employed seeking opening to better himself. Restricted territory. No experience necessary. We assist you. Only men Interested In 1100 a week or more need apply. Puller Brueh Co., Phone 3-8.157. galOO- HELP WANTED FEMALE ROOM, board, child car for working mother. 4-4963. cblOO TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS Platoon leaders needed, ate 33 lo $0. with ability to supervise and direct activities of children (13 year and older) and adult for summer harvest work. Wage, will vary 113 to $18 a day. Contact State Employment Vrv Ice, 710 Ferry. gblOl' DEMONSTRATOR Party plan. Nylon lingerie, children's wear, hosiery. style. Orrat earninsi. Exclusixe terri tory. We tart rou. THOoSRSEN, Wil li, ette, ill. gbioo JOE PALOOKA 'Mrs the THIRTEENTH.. UNOBBV ADVISED 0O6 TO PRESS HIS ADVANTAGE.. Pl&GER IS SLOW COMING OUT... RrXCVEREtjfjiO-S AFTER1M- A HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS. Woodroffe Ban Shop, J4A0 Portland KL no pnone cua. vuBiturtn ' KAiJitniKL wanted Apply in peraon. Hartman Bros.. 399 CAR HOPS Part Urn. Woodroffe' Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Road. Mb 0 pd aeww EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THE BEST WAY TO LOOK POR A JOB IS WHEN THEY ARE lOOTlNO POR YOU! Best Jobs W have many eiceptlonal listings now. They won't last , , takg your choice If you qualify . . . A sample listing below; F Cahaier Rrcept. 8 da 1180 p Comptometer Oper, , ...,.$190 Faeneral Ofc $10 p Recept. Qen. Ofc. (Out) $200 P Qen. Ofc. part Urns $1 hr. P Payroll Clerk $200 plus P Gen. Ofc. Lit shorthnd 6 da.siso F Clerk-Bteno $190 P Bookkeeper to $378 F Medical Seetry to S250 F Bteoo. Aptitude Figure 1338 U Bales Perm Equip. (Out).. $350 plus M Bale Hardware ...... ..law plus M Rout Bale (Out) $378 plus COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AQENCY 494 STATE STREET (411 ORE. BLDO.) Portland office 409 Corbett Bide. eflOO WANTED SALESMAN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for real eatat salesman lor oneof wiiiem ette valley' leading offices. We p clallze In large trades and furnish you with every method of promotion you want. All replle will be given consideration and kept strictly confi dential. Writ Boi 13, Capitol Jour nal. gglOl BALPH JOHNSON Pood Club has open ing lor permanent salesman, we train you. Average commission 1 $400 per month with the very good possi bility of doubling that figure. Apply sr. rood, soft center ei. immediately. elOl Direct-To-Consumer . Salesmen or Women Be your own boss. Earn $135 to $178 tt week plus bonus. Valuable franchise open In your territory. Our products are sold to everyone. No Investment. Must have ear. Write today. North western Woolen Co., 403 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. s100J WANTED POSITIONS MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY 8tate licensed and inspected. Phone 1-7876. hill" SPRAY PAINTING Shatea houses, rools. larm bulletins., etc. Phone 4-3180. bioo MARV'S PLOWING and discing, prompt service. e-s.4. hl04 TILLING WITH new M. E. Rotary liner. Evenings 3-8333. $3.50 hour, hi 10 LAWN1 WORK wanted. Vicinity Cottage ana Marion &t. Free etimate, Earl Cox, $50 Marlon. Phone 3732$. hioi CARPENTER cabinet work, home re- moaeunr, ire estimates. Call 2-8411, 4-1623. 1)109 ROTOT1LLINO evenings, Saturdays, uia, AviKvr area, rnona a-63BS, hl07 TILLING with new UE. Rotary tiller. rnone evemnis. 3-1U33. hlOl TREE WORK. T.nnln. norma, insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 1-0385. hill" MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Hake It run easy, rnone 2-0314. h!03" PLOWING e DISCING IMMEDIATE DE.HV1CE. phone 3-1300. hl03" PLOWING, DISCING, levellni. $3.10 an iiuur. rnone a-jtll. hl33 ELECTRICIAN, 15 years experience, home ana lnaustnai, wants work In or around Salem. (Non-union now). 1545 Tomlln Ave., Woodburn, Ore. hlOO NEW lawns, Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Duana wolcott, Phona 3-8137. Mil PAINTING, Paper-banging, free esti mate, uon Xiucero. Phone 3-5533. bios LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, inmmini, planting, rertuixing. serr tee Center. Phone 4-3573. hlOS CEMENT WORK and finishing. A Bom- beck, phone 3-9874. 1595 N. 5tb. hl03 NEW LAWNS, complete, fret estimates. Phone 4-3941. hi 05 GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, ,rototllllng. Service Center. Phone 43573. t hl03' LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 3-3330. hl03 TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Garden lawns. Phona 1-8539, 3355 Evergreen. hl04 ROTO -HOE Expert work. Phone 36891. hioi CHILD CARE, Ens lew ood district, Mrs. Bertie Johnson, 1090 N, 18th. 2-6S63. hioi ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3180 Lansing Ave. Phone 33180. M14- BOTOTILLINU Ph. 44633. Middle Orove nursery, 4920 auverton Road. hi 00 PAINTING 6 years experience In Salem. Free estimates. Phone 3-7553. hl36 RADIO TV SERVICE V ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, 110 plus material, call any time. Free estimates. Phone .-3363. haioi FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or traac. v,imcDI IlC-ors, DriCK DUUOing. Down town. Inquire H. L. Btlft Fur nlture Co. Phone 3-9185. j- 10 ACRES of Royal Anne cherries on crop snare bats. Renter must spray and pick crop at own expense, or will give wood for grubbing out the trees Also have 8 acre of land suitable for raising crops and 30 acres of timber and brush ultable for graalng goats. 4-3940. jioa- OFFICE SPACE-Shop and storac space. nVinn l.lnos .... """" JJU1 3ARAGE FOR KENT. Inuulra at 678 N. y-u"K' mane iioji. J10I FOR LEASE, biulneu building, 4 Cor- ucr wsmH, too h. juancuter Dr., pnone jjjuo or 4406B. J108' WANTED TO RENT ROUSE on small acreage, close In. 8- 10 miles OK. nam Klrr.n Permanent. References. Phone 3-3530 Jal04 GOOD RENTERS, J bedroom home by vune ut. rnone 4-1097. jsioi NICE 3-bedroom home, nlca district. Keierenee. g-4041. jaioo DESPERATELY need 3 or S bedroom nniurmsnea suourban home before May 1. Bast of care. Phone 38603. tsioa- OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or store space iwr nni. in a. niu m arte i. )o' Journal Want Ads Pay PALOOKA IS TRYINQ TD 6ET PIO&ER. UP FOR A KAYO. ..THE CHALLENGER. BOBS AND WEAVES... FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN, light housekeeping room and aleeplng room. For women. Near state house. Phone 3-8058. JklOO NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady hj no. Lauren. j.v 1 NICE BLEEPING room, toot and cold water, wi na. nun. SLEEPING ROOM for on or two, 790 N. Church, Phone 3-4J35. JklOO" FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 1 -bedroom bouse with lots of closet space, stove, refrigerator, garage and soma utilities. Inquire 1905 N. 19th. Jml04 I BEDROOMS, garden spac. 3 miles Dickson's store. jmiw i BEDROOMS, basement, auto. "heat. $65. inquire it. . it, oiiu ruiauiv vo. Phone 3-9185. im- CLEAN 1 bedroom house, partly lurnlsh- ed. 3375 Trade. 8-6i63. - jmiuu ONE-BEDROOM COURT rental, tile bath. 145. One-bed room court rental, completely furnished, tit bath, $50. Phone 4-1764. or 3-4664. jm $ BEDROOM home, $7$ month. Phone 37134. JmlOO- 9-ROOM house, partly furnlahed, close in, 989 No. Cottage. 3-room apt. down; plus 3-room living quarter down, plus 4 bedroom up. All for $85 mo. Open 4 til 6 p. m. JmlOO FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED bachelor apartment, UUH- tie paid. Near State and Mill bus, 1810 Trade. Jpl03 LOVELY APARTMENT, 4 blocks from U. B. Bank, in a tree setting, fire' proof building. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatic laundry. TV con nection. Adults. See at 336 Oak street. JplOl- TWO S-ROOM furnished apartmenta. Private bath. $30. 1350 N. Winter. 3-BB7C. JplOO ATTRACTIVE, new and clean three-room furnished apartment. Three blocks to shopping center and state build' Ings. Ph. 3-7830. JplOO' CLOSE IN, clean and comfortable. 2 rooms furnished, laundry. 2-5063 Jpl03 LEE ARTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address Beautiful bachelor apartmenta with pullman kitchens, at moderate rate. 1-bedroom apts. from $77. Television available. CaU 4-1641. Winter at Union Sis. jpioo' 1BEDROOM, furnished apt., newly dec. orated, coise in. Phone a -inn. jpioj NICELY FURNISHED 3 room and bath. Close In, 694 N. Com'. JP10D' CLEAN, COMFO STABLE, small apart ment. Only $35. Cloa in. icy pre ferred. 845 Ferry Bt. JplOO $ ROOM apartment, utilities paid, In cluding automatic wa&ner ana aryer. Close to state buildings and shopping center. 488 N. Winter. JplOl 3 ROOMS, private bath, entrance, furn ished, Clean, close in. 4S2 so.. High. Jpl04 NICELY FURNISHED large, clean apt. Utilities furnished. Reasonable. 365 So. 16th. JpIOO NICELY FURNISHED apartment with ranee and refrlserator. Private bath, washing facilities and utilities in cluded. $45. Close to capltol build ings. Phone 43463. iPlOO NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Apts. nv No. Summer. )p PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnlahed court apartment, clean. Adults. $90. 3560 Portland Road. Jpl03 t ROOMS furnished, phone, radio, near hospital, bus. sea thi at 140 No. 33rd. 3-9835. JplOl SEVERAL furnished apartment, good location, inquire n. i mill Furniture. Phone 3-918S. Jp 3-ROOM FURNISHED 4 5 8. 21et. Phone iB87. JP105 $9.ltj l-room housekeeping apartment, close In, north. Bee Burt Plena, 379 N. High. Phone 3-4047. Jpl03 EXQUISITE, .3-room, bath, Jarge, good view, ground floor. Phona 3-1117. JP105 BEDROOM, bath. Uvlng-dlning, kitch en, partly furnished, at Kelzer, redec orated. $35. Phone 4-1196. Jp103 1-BEDROOM court apartment, appli ance furnished. Near Shopping Cen- ler. Aouits. 1439 Trade street. JplOft' 2-ROOM furnished clean stair apart ment. Range, refrtaerator, laundry. Utilities, paid. $40. Phono 3-9084, 2261 Hazel Ave. loios FUHNISHKD one or two bedroom court apartment, Close In. 20546. Jpl05 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION lie finrsT sit duiw. .io. PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD m 8ALEU SAND to GRAVEL COMPANY i-oniraet won Road Clearlna Dltchtn, Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dttchlra by the Foot Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 1-4117 or 3-74U Salem, Oreaon aw DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Bide., state A Commercial Sts. SALEM PH 1-3311 m- BUILDING MATERIALS Bl ll.llFRS SPECIAL New planed lum ber. Ill per U. and up, delivered a-io". . mane Building? New weatherstrlpped windows, com. pletelr assembled, hundred In stock ready to go, (14 up. New picture windows tn.oc New doors S'xS" h 5t 3-tab hexagon roofing 95 3-tab thlckbutt rooting .$6.9S Unpalnted cedar shake i5.7.i Reverie trap toilets, compteta ...$25.50 new wxia- wa&n oein $17.50 Cast Iron bath tub, complete ...169.50 New shower cabinets, complete. $43 or 800'gai. steel septic tanks $63 sc 4" soli pipe 7o New electric water heater $73.50 New steel garage doors $53 oo Asbestos sidtni $a.so New plasterDoard 4x$ gj 4P Exterior white paint (gal.) ... $395 fretnoiBny s oircn pit wood . , .bargain Water proof wall board, 4x6 ,,,.$175 New -.-m. Plywood Wit New bath r. srta, complete 486 00 SHINGLES No 1 per sq t j. No. a per sq ,vtJo No. 3 per sq O0 CASH & CARRY DISCOUNT 35c 64. C. G. LONG & SONS Phona 45051 1 ml. north of Reiser ma ..Joe THREW caution; TO THE WINDS. AND Suddenly OUT OF NOWHERE DIGGER HIT HIM WITH A RIGHT TO THE CHIN.., Monday, April 27, 19S3 BUILDING MATERIALS PLYWOOD . Fin aaaortment of ReJ, Interior and exterior. Many decorative and hard wood plywoods In stock. Be them I Screen Doors 8.95 up. Tenalon Ut , Screens. Wallboards of every kind, start at $1.40, 4x8. Roofing, many col. or. 3x4 gutter 15e ft. No. 1 red oak fir. In heated room to Insure drrness Fir fig. 69.50 1x4 DAM Pig. 9$ tt ' Doora, Door 4k (.Door. Mahotany' Birch, Fir Blabs, and Panel 6.95 up Uae our free, cheerful tstlmatlnr service. Nothing down, 36 months to pay. Free delivery. No order to amaU It' appreciated.. .' Portland Road Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAY BAT. $54$ Portland Rd. Phona 4-443$ REDUCED 9.00 PER DAT UNTO. SOLO 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. I-speed shift automatic starter. Slartlni price April 14th, ISM.io APRIL 28, $226.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front to Court St. Phone t-llli WE C-rVK t. to H, GREEN STAMPS ' ma. Coast or Mountain G. Cedar Shingles No. 3, 13 inchea clear. - $5; No. , $ Inches clear, $4. No aap wood or culls. Come and get them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenc Road. Ph. Salem 3-1196. mi' NURSERY STOCK AZALEAS, shrubs, pansles,. primroses, perennials. oyd Nuraery, $440 State. - mbloo CHOICE GLOXINEAS now blooming. Visitors welcome at Salem' African Violet headquarter. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato A bedding plant. Oooen'a Greenhouse, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4 HYBRID tomato plants, 30e each. Pansy ifiBiivB, (iiuuiuci oeuuui piants. Reasonable. Out Center 8t Silk Greenhouse, Route $, Box $08. mblOO PRIMROSES 35c each; Sweet William, iuc eacu. jos namwmj urtve, rnona 26811. mblOO PETUNIAS, geranium, marigold, pep pers, tomatoes, wnoiesai and retail. Arthur Plant Greenhouse, 1398 Bo. lath, phone 3-4670. mbl02a HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, cameiiia. c Doners, poxwooo. Ph. 33183. 3497 Bollywood Drive. mbl08 BEDDING PLANTS Silver ton Green House the best In geraniums, fuchsias, pelagonlum, all other plants. Cabbage and lettuce 35c per dozen. 817 So. Water, on road to Silver Creek Falls. mblio- COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plant. Middle Grover Nursery, 4930 SUverton Rd. Phone 44633. mhifw. )ed.eidij EDUCATION Television Needs Trained Men!!! Pay $3 to $5 An Hour Application are now being accepted from men In thl area who art earn ing less than $8000 a year and have a sincere desire to -make a fresh start In the multi-million dollar television field. Men applying must be between the age of 17-55. Thl low-cost train log program will not lnterfera with your present Job. TV FURNISHED Wa train you with actual television equipment, lncludlnt fine TV receiver, yours lo keep. Employment serrlce to assist you in landlni the Job of your choice. M you are alncere and ambitious to break Into today's Isileit rowlni Industry write todayl WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON Sure ! I tfant to enter the high-paying field of Tel evision SERVICING and MAINTENANCE. Rush me full information. NAME ADRESS , CITY PHONE , A" HOURS I WORK MAIL TO Television Training . Box 71 Capital Journal By Ham Fisher Ja.