Monday, April 27, 1953 Page 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Safcm, 6ron The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER CHAPTER 10 Ruth went across tha hall, knocked, then pushed into Nancy's room, Bhe found the girl sprawled across the bed, reading another rook on tne ai l oi acung. , .. "Hello. Nancyl" "Oh, it's you, de-ah." " Through supercilious eyes Nancy studied her briefly, then turned a page. . Ruth chuckled and aat down. It was good, she decided, to have a aid auter. Kid Meters were a proo lem at tunes, but they were also Jolly to have around. "Mr. Curtis thinks you have talent?" Nancy snapped the book shut. A strange stintless made her face suddenly look two or three years older. "I don't know whether I like him, Ruth. He talks very well, but there's something about him that well, I like Mr, Hufford bet ter." r "Dan?" The girl's head went up and down energetically. "Oh, he's swell! Have you noticed he don't tver laugh at Mr. Hufford?" "I like him, too, Nancy. As a matter of fact, I may even love him. Does that strike you as strange?" "It strikes me as nice," she said firmly. Then she remembered she ' adored Bob and a stricken expres sion obliterated her smile. "You sure?" "NO." "You're funny, Ruth. Sometimes I alt here and think I know a lot more about life than you do." - Ruth crossed her leas and smiled wistfully. "I won't deny that I'm comusea. - "Everybody Is at such times," aaia woridiy seventeen, "mat's the way people are." Ruth supposed that was true, "What did you want me to do?' "Nothing, I guess. I had some childish thought about dragging you over to boo s place, ostensmiy because you were desperate for a horseback ride. "I thought about that days ago," announced Nancy. "But then I de cided lt'd be cllly. You don't get anywhere chasing men. You've got to make 'em drool. Then they'll chase you and you're In the driv er's seat." "Such a worldly girl I" "Besides, if you don't love him, why do you want to see him?" "I don't know." Nancy giggled. "Say, you're real ly mixed up, aren't you?" Ruth decided this conversation wasn't helping her. either. She went back to her room. Bhe got Into slacks and yellow cashmere again and went across the front lawn to one of the benches over looking Main Street and the ocean. That was better, much better. Her mother came along and sat down beside her They had a grand, silly time waving to every one they knew and making bets as to when' the soaring pelicans would or wouldn't dive for fish. Ruth won five bets in a row. As a girl she'd noticed that just before a pelican dived he signalled his Intention of doing so by hitching ; up a shoulder and swinging in a tight half-circle. She pointed that habit out to her mother. Her mother was fascinated. She asked questions about gulls and sand pipers, dowltchers and sanderllngs, and the first thing Ruth knew she was feeling herself again. This time she was fascinated by her mother. "You're clever. You know that? You're really very clever." "Glad you've finally noticed," name the laughing reply. "By the way, would you like to go to San Francisco with me next week? Ephralm should have a new suit. If he's to spend the summer cam paigning he'll have to look the part of a mayor.'' "That would be nice." Ruth Srew excited. Her mother knew an Francisco as well as she knew her own hand. They always had fun just tramping the streets, looking at the big boats in the bay. Then lunch, then a motion-picture, then a grand dinner, then an even grander ride home by moonlight. "Nancy, too, Mom! Nancy's a swell slater!" "Nancy, by alt means." Ruth's mind began to work SHOW YOUR SMILE! Keep teeth bright Chew Wrigley Spearmint Cum. Chewing helps cleanse the teeth. Helps keep them naturally bright Enjoy this tasty fum daily ROOM Ji BOARD 1 TOLD THE MA.N-.GE6 AT AMJH BANK ABOUT TH' CHANCE VOU OFFERED ME TO Bljy TH LEASE ON THAT OIL PROPERTy FOR J SOOO, BUT HE ADVISED ME AGAINST COIN' IT... SAYS ITS ,-v VM KI1K7 )... r ' ft V III J.l IV. ' Jr'-WP ;t--:1lftlft 6 6 (AP Ntwiftilum) again. She found it possible to laugh at herself. "I think too much about it, don't I?" "You probably do." "It's silly. I know. But Ym al ways so afraid I'll be Just another of those teachers who never mar ry. I've never wanted to be a spinster." "You won't be. It may not be Den any more than Bob, but It will happen." Girlishly Ruth reached for the work-worn hand. "I think I love you, Mom." ' "I'm touched. Really, I'm touched." Ellen went back to the kitchen. There, to her turprlse, she found Langley Curtis seated on a tall stool, reading poetry to the en raptured Maggl. Ellen Carlisle smiled. "How nice, Mr. Curtis. Mind If I formed a part of the au dience?" But It wasn't to be. Half an hour later Dan Curtis appeared and snapped: "uncier The two men went upstairs, but not soon enough. Tremoiing wun emotion, loud with anger and somewhat fri?httnlnff. came the voice of Dan Curtis, Doctor. "It'll be war!" the voice said. "Dr. Fell Is thirty years behind the times! f.lM U .n Ttnnl- ,n flntahl" "Golly," breathed Maggie, "Hear nun laiai" Ecllen Carlisle thought of some thlrur else. She thought of a con fused airl. and nodded faintly. "Perhaps," she Intoned, "It is Just as well. ' (To Be Continued) Time Snarled in East Seaboard Cities Washington CUB The capi tal was out of step with the rest of the Eastern Seaboard today. In fact, it was one hour behind the times. Other major cities went on daylight saving time at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, but not Washington. The reason was a rural bloc in Congress who an nually balk at putting the Cap ital on "fast time on the grounds it violates nature's own laws. Charles J. Gevecker, chair man of the National AAU box ing committee, has been an active member of the AAU since 1904. : - ; Larrer Bites! Welcome and wonderful for summer Is this dress-and-bolero combination. Its slimming princess sunback styling comes in a wide range oi ' nam to find" larger sliesl (Dress can also be cut higher In the back!) no. row is cut in sizes 14, le, 18, 20, 36, 38. 40, 42, 44. 48. Size 18: dress and bolero take 8 yds. 35-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Slie. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 653 Mis sion Street San -Yancisco 6. Calif. '! '"! ""nporronf wrt.Gu- Refreshing!. UM, INDEED.. VfHEN NEXTXXJ SEE HIM, TELL HIM THE DEAL I I GOT AWAY FROM US... A BIS Ii OILCOMRWPAIDl'ttaOOO NH ey-m "mi- rifp -in irAiir l THOUGHT YOU'D BETTER NOT MENTION IT.. HE MAY THINK HIS JUDGMENT IS GETTING POOR AND BROOD HIMSELF INTO A BREAKDOWN.' & NEAT WAY OUT FOR HIM n ii ts.ii 'i-rf -1 I i nml V better start at the I suspense- X'f- jonlsI'-but wit jukllv r no STEVE ROPER , . '. : 1""""""" J in V NO - I FIGURED HE WAS 1 P ANYHOW WS KNOW 1 And ih ar aAootJ Cjiff'Mt Tfumwfi ngW XJ-Aq HIDING ON TOP OF THE CAR, He's STILL IN THt vpmrd-f MP.tttKfifflBCl m SEE ANYTHING OF T BUT HE MUSTV6 SOT OFF J 6UII.D1N8" SO WFU CHECK ' SlMTlM WViffifjA- pogo ' - ' ; ' ' - " ti)P::S''pSX-lt fllC Tllll IQ TO 10 IP TITAV 1 1 ' ii!!!7 Wlf you UNS ACTOS UVA IN TWS THMK NIPIN' Ii T WfitofZ HONMT MAM.' you SOT A VM Vffl T"TTi. PROBLEM OP "TriJZ fHB WL6,YOU0CCrTA ADMIT, fcMfJ ' m!H " ' XTAVj '; ORPHAN ANNIE ,' ' . ' " '" ' ' "" '" ' ' SMliiUci, J ' , ' . I I f NO, TH' "F0UNTR1N" 'Y' WELL,THrtT If HEY LOOK! JAW JOES K " I Ml rik-cime Y MV uiicc ecan pr A I rvtccNTRn m era I bkxi diOF a I IB ANOTHER RIG I HE RUNS TH ONER- I I I I 1 lilDITEJB WlUn I AUt RAKH En At I r,OVu I I I I r-Ol lT 1 -OCTT DlcrC I I B MPAm INPh, MM I feH ON POOR " , .1. K.,:..o-J I I I TRY TO PRINT I O' WRITINV ) R "NO SECOND ff YEAH I HEARD HI8 f"J gj y I LIL ABNER IREMCHBER.NOW- IfuoKfiJ fzSOME W AH D-WDNT (. 1 1 AH HAD TO ACT MONEM-MAO, 1 I BUT-NO MONEY KIN jffiTir) WUt$UBOVHM V'Smeiyi, WIPOW UlZt PAY MAE'O BECUZ. NOWtHET Lit ABNER GlTMELWHUTAH 1 fc O4EAPSKATE,M0'0OTAi YOU LEPTJT 1 ACT UPKE THCT- IS CAIB TH'MONEV WILL i NEEDS BECUZ AH All SENPMEtSooACUlhiON fl T' T" HAUL SHE tlr, , GITOUR EAB.Y WHAT NEEDS U'L ABNER. J ACCOUNT YO KILT LI'L A v THINKS OIyl JST IT NEEDS . S I J1 HQPALONG CASSIDY ' f" " """"' I I I NEVER KNEW im.,SafF4y I I WE'RE OEINfl r V OPENIN' BY ACCIPENT THERE WAS I (WES LOffK , R)tUI'MloE f,' . "1 T SO THI6 MINE TUNNEL Y rtUFRNIA AN" TH' Btftt PKIPEP TO HIKE RERTINa BEHINP YtfU THE LWHT, I ' 1 EXPUIN6 HOW tm I PRIVE TH' HERP THRflUoH W KEEP IN THIS AREV MESSUITE JLs-Zl4 I 6ATTLE PteAPPEAREP.' ABIGAIL FOM'i BUNCH FROM 6ETTIH' SJjXw 7T . 'iKa : -VV THEIR HANP6 AN IT. I STAYED HERE rSKTl fTWSMiM ffiSSI fT r'IV MUTT & JEFF L i nXJ LJ KEY whatoha K-.- ipFl I one more A I Y - - eg, B Ftf ji CANT" SELL YOU AN T? THET rJi A I (JOO'COOf J ' REX MORGAN, M. P. " " 11 '' p"V' f ue r ip SHE'S NOT S0IN3 T OKAY.' iM "1 I AT POlfCS HeADQUAKTEKS, . . liR U- . YOU SHE WAS TOO TO MAKE IT, THEN ITS I ASIC HIM L V. rfl LOOK, NURSE.' WXlO ) SICK TO BE INTttH- ALL THE MORE A ASAIN .' J WHAT PO YOU KNOW 1 OONT KNOW YOU PLEASE TELL VK. VIEWED pY THE , IMPOKTANT THAT r f AESOUT THE FALL MKS. I NOTHING, I A MORGAN IVE COT TO APOUCS, LIEUTffNANT.' I WE SE5 HER A m TURNER HAD. BAKU ? J TELL YOU-.. I DONALD DUCK I I itjLjU ruEAgNEPTH.s5; ii Tftf,Q 1 1 S'TlS7 ii n :,r WL . leff i I L ' i n -. .p-r-u i v - i i i xj.a , JA MART WORTH . JMfU a--r---- , . , , i ' ,,. r. , , , RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Our Television Theatre See Them In Action Before You Buy Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Westinghouit . OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketo . V '' Phone 3-4311 TUESDAY KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO fftt NBC tf CBS UM ABC WW MBC 14M Ec. KM U TTZT" Stmt Ntwi Tmml Hanrty Tmp Trdtt Bplder Htm, ' !I;Vr Raid t Life Cn Art H Nmd EdltUs Nwi Spider Melody Mir f5 :1; pPPr f'oi W. Wtrrcn Jick Oweot Oty ' Spider Hij'r Utm j':5- Htpplnrta Aunl Jnnr Jf k Qwni Mr'n Mail Spider VUJ'r Umh . 0 Bfciii WriT HIIIUp K WmI Jch Spider MiJ'r Ln, t'.Jt Slelli OHIM A. Godfrey Kay Weal Kirk wood spider Mj'rXt.IM I :in Wld, Brai A. Oedfrer Kir Will J. SebiatUo Spider MaJ'r Leant J:? Wmi In Hit. A. Oedlrej Kay Weit Muile Bplder Maj'r Lctw 'a.M PUIb Bill Qodfrer CatTlnney New Bplder Mai. Leacat 8:7V rrP r-H Gedlre? Cal Tinner Mail Bplder Mi J. Lean '.it L, Janea (iodfrey Lira Like Muila Spider . Hai'r Um, Dr r. Wife MtMr Millionaire Shopper sjdtr Maile l'tll Welee Hutb Athtan Kema Muaie OvrTawn Una Dandy Melody A :7k Travelan Jlaa Wkkeiy Bill RIbi Indepcndener Shaw Marie J: t Dr. Pan) Renlah For th Newa lira Dandy Melody S';4f D. Oarroway Tnnefwlly filrla Maile Shaw Maile 4-H( Musle Boi 'lrhbam Tnnea fnllon Lewli Kiddles Krnr Muilc Tti 4X5 Mnali Bai Mr. Inft, SqilrraJ Henlniway Mnale Marl. Want Mml' Bob Klrkliam Can Cnrl Mamy Muile Mart Maile Yei. 4t Ari Baker Klrkham Happy Time Sam Hayea Mnale Mart Want ' $-Q Newa Ed Mar raw' Marrle Clrclf SrL. rreiton Muile Mart Here'a it Vek B'tK Newa v Newt. V. Plnkley Sat. Preston Muile Mart Second Leak ' 5; U MeCall Warlr Taday C Hantley Sky Klnr Muale Mart Valley Time B;'H. Peteraan Frank Gaaa Bob Oarred Sky Klnr Maile Mart Sony, to tm. g0Rilii Mailt Peoplt Are Weatberrau IGas. Heittar Maile Mart Candlelliht sr Relai Maile Fanny Home Ed. NW Newi Muile Mart Candlelliht :tr Fibber Hollywood Gaod fi porta Newi Maile Mart Newi g;4f Molly Maile Hall I-litenlnr Sam Hayea SI an Off MKeyi 7:09 Herb Sbrlner L. Thamaa Sltrer Eaila Beporler . Rotary i;r Herb Sbrlner On Spot Silver Eafle Boundup Stan Sinr l$f Swayte Mr, and Mri Front Eow W Coat! Banditand :45 Flnt Nlcbter North Center Bamblert ' Banditand 8:fl Man'i Famll Dorla Day Symphonette Hlch , ' Darout Dn 8:15 World Newa L. Pariont Symphonette Adrentara t. . '' Baieball . giJtf r,l Joe Jo Stafford Meet Your Muile . Baieball' 8:4r Gl Joe Junior Mlit Neighbor Muile Baseball f: f Martin a Johnny Town Glen Hard; Baieball 8:1T Lew If . Dollar Heetlnr ' Fuln Lcwli Baieball f:p Freedom US My Friend Town Meet. Hnile , Baieball Q:f Freedom US Irma Monitor N. Het,:thwaya Baieball lt:lf Reporter S Star Final Final Ed. Behind Slorj Baieball " 18:15 Sporta Final Interview! Dance Tim Newireal Nltht Newt 1t:Slr The Chaia Treaiary Dane Time Newa NUht Soar 18:4? The Chan Band ' Dance Time Hammer Gn) ' Nlrht Sony U:81 Newa Navy Show Dance Time Hammer G10 Nltht Sont 11:15 L. MrCall Muile Danea Time Mldnliht Nlrht Sony ll:.V City Council Muile Dance Time Melodlef Nlrht Sony 1:' City Council Muile Dance Time Melodlea . ' Nltht Sony 18:1' Sign Off sTtn Off Ipance Time LmTio'iI Mail Isifn Of V WEDNESDAY 6 6'0 Dave West RFD Ore ton Oreron Farn NW Newi Breakfail Melodiei 6:15 ave Wcit KOIN Klock Hour Timekeeper Nook Melodiei 6:30 Dave West KOIN Klock Oregon Farn Newt Breakfaat Farm Newi 6:45 Farm Time KOIN Klock Hour March Time Nook Nat. Xcwi "7' fir Country F.dT KOIN Klock Newa Hemingway Breakfaat Medltatlam 7:15 J. L. Wllla Newa M. Agroniky Brcakfait Nook KOCO Klirh 5'3fl Newa Newi Bob Garred Gang Brcakfait KOCO Kloel 7:45 Knai Man. II. Babbitt Bob Haien Sam Hayea Nook KOCO KUrk 8'00 Old Songa Con. Newa Brcakfait Cecil Brown Jim Dandr Newi 8:15 Old Songs Newa Club Family Altai Jim Dandy KOCO Klerl 8:3f Music Box Helen Trent Breakfaat Haven at Jim Dandy KOCO Klecb 8:f Mnile Box Gal Sunday Club Beit Jim Dandy Ncai 9;0(t Newa 7 Road Life II A.M. Edit. Dr. Sword Mr. Smyth Woman'! Pi. 9:15 Muile Box Ma Perkina Today'a Itar Cpil Cmntry Mr. Smyth Muilc 9:3f Muile Box Dr. Malone Friend In Paitor'i Call Mr. Smyth Piano Pal. , 9:4? V. Llndlahr Guld. Light Need Ban. Countei Mr. Smyth Evelyn K. 10:CA Hoiteia Hte, Mrs. Burton D. Gardner Glen Hardy Back Fence Rayi 10:l.r Hoiteii Hie. Perry Mason Chat Huntle: Tele Teit Matinee Record! 10:?r Strike It Nora Drake My True Muile Back Fence Raya 10 id? Rich Brighter Day Story Mnsle Matinee Becerdt 11;0C Double ar Grand Slam Whliperlng La diet Fair Back Fence Ray! 11:1' Nothing Rotemary Girl Marries Ladlei Fair Matinee Record! 11 H' Phrase Payg nouie Party V. Llndlahr Queen For Back Fence Ran 11 :4? Bob Hope Home Party Barney Keep f Day , Matinee Record! KQIN 10 1.1. a.m. to 12 p.m. KEX K.t, I to 0 p.m. DIAL LISTING, KOAC. 550 Tueiday P.M. 12:00, Newn VIAw i:in. polk County Agent i 1:00, Ride 'Em Cowhoyt 8:00, Especially for Women; 4:00, World Review; 5:00, Chllt'ren'a Tbeatert :00, Newa and Weather) 7:1.1, Evening Farm Hourj 0:4.1, Aumsville Aumsville Mrs. Jack La Ront is confined to her bed with the flu. The women of the Aums ville home extension unit arc raising funds for Azalea House on the Oregon State campus by having "come as you are" coffee parties. )tsa ACROSS 1. Mimic 5. Besides 8. Be over fond of 12. Talk wUdly 13. Shelter 14. Son of Se th 15. Solar disk 16. Make into leather 17. Short 18. Profit 20. Social standing 21. Humor 22. Electrize? particle 2.1. Epoch 26. Revolving Sate 31. Volcanic matter 33. Period Mix Runs In panic East Indian weight -Dance step Tear Edible fish Take some thing away from Turkish , 38, 49. 50. Owns Measure of surface Hebrew letter Scrap Metal con tainers Refuse 52. 55. ' " $, A' I" I" n ii '-'U 17 73 :f " r, -r--r " 1 " 7, a,- ;. X" ii"yi W" S JT .'JftW lit" v jr n j? 7? s jr n (','., i " 5S " ' i ll 'i "W"i" 3f Tfit ?7 n ': n n i ?3 ', n V Wtwifgajtrm dj ? P. M. Don't Blow Your Top You, tot can own 1 beautiful Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 Una Ave. Ph. 3IS5S A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. KOAP Wednesday A.M. 1:M, ,xw"w Newt and Weatheri 1A:1, Especially for Women; 11:00, Oregon School of Airt 13:16, Noon Farm Hear, Meditation i 10:00, Sign Off.- Mt. Angel Well Child Clinic Meets Mt. Angel A well child clinic will be held Tuesday at the Legion Memorial hall. Present will be the . county health nurse', and appoint" mcnts are in charge of Mrs. R. T. Bisenius. Solution of Saturday's Puuls 56. Type meas ures 57. Whirlpool DOWN 1. Street urchin 2. Head 3. Smooth 4. Resume 5. Heichts . Orderly 7. Light mois ture 8. Pours off B. Burden 10. Civil injury 11. Princely Italian family 19. Proper 20. Variety of lettuce 22. Holds the attention 23. High rail roads 24. Rodent 25. Topai hum ming bird 27. Staff 28. Of that thing 29. Recline 30. Blunder 32. Enlarge . 36. Exactly lull able 37. Small tasta 41. Talk Idly 42. Clgar.flsh 43. Masculine 44. Paradise . 45. Mend 46. Plant ot the iris family 47. Sell 48. Not difficult (0. Garden tool Raytheoir Oft T SnpEAf1TR E V Lkl AllE R gRUS FlA N 0 AN G ollAjN N A CS3GE IMOmE. s TjgR C A W EM NIGHE INiP OjSAftlOl PfTiIrmF dctUpiol oJnaP" 5E E3QIIIri ui R1E s EEIIwSLl iEI IS fi SttI & yt Sfms gLolllT 0 2f f