Pag It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FAN FARE lyWok Dttienl Olinqer-Adolph Dropped To Third in Bowling Meet Taeoma WV-The team of ' Martin Turner-Joe Kobertaon of Kent, Wash., took over first place In the commercial doubles division Sunday night In one of the changes result ing from week-end competi tion In the 38th annual North western International Bowl ing Congress. Turner and Robertson fired 1,183 to oust Harold dinger and Rex Adolph of Salem, Ore., and Charles Schoenlaub and Ken Staats, both Seattle. - The Salem-Seattle teams previously had been tied In first place with 1,151 but drop ped to third when Arnie Ha- Oswego Girl Netrers Down Salem, 3-2 Oswego high school's girls tennis team defeated Salem's girls, S-2, In a tennis match at dinger field Saturday after noon, v , The Salem girls, coached by Mary Lou Radcliff, play Dal las here Wednesday, and go to McMlnnvlIIe for a Thursday match. Singles results: White, Oswegor defeated Nancy Payne, Salem, B-Z, 6-4 Hlllls, Oswego, defeated Myna Bare, S, 3-6, 6-8, 6-4; Cathy Bu sick, Salem, defeated Eastrom, Oswego, 6-2, 6-3. Doubles results: Lorraine Ellis and Gloria Andrews, Salem, defeated Thacker and Murphy, Oswego, 6-3, 3-6, 6-2; Newton and Ow ens, Oswego, defeated Carol Williams and Jan Gillespie, Sa lem, 6-4, 6-1. Husky Track Team Defeats Oregon, 77-54 Seattle (U.R) An underdog University of Washington ' track team scored heavily in the field events to down the University of Oregon 77-84 in a Northern division dual track meet here Saturday. , Washington swept the first three places in the javelin and discus events and took the first two places In the shot put, high Jump and broad jump. Oregon swept the pole vault after Washington failed to enter competition. Darrold Skartveldt of the Huskies was the strong man of the meet, taking first place In the javelin, discus and high jump. Minor LenmiA Genres -a-- Br The Associated PrM Kandar'e Keeolte INTERNATIONAL IEAG1S Bslttmore 13-1 Torenton 11-4 Buffalo at SprlnlfleM, both tames postponed Rochester t, Ottawa S, aecond same postponed AHSBICAN ASSOCIATION ImlsrUle S, ransaa CUT s MliueapoUa , St. Paul I Indianapolis 1-1, Toledo 4-1 Columbui 11-3, Charleston 1-7 TSXAS LEAGUE Dallas I4-I, San Antonio t-l Houston 4, Port Worth 0 Oklahoma our a. Beaumont 1 Srireveport 6, Tulsa ft WESTERN LKAGVI Wichita 1-1, Dtnter 0-0 Omaha S. Lincoln S Colorado Sprints t. Blous Cits S Xaa Alolnas B, Pueblo 4 PIONEEB LEAOirS Ore It Palla II. Pocatello I Bolsa 1S-U, Mails Valley 1-1 Idaho PalU f, Bllltnts S Bait Laka IS, Otden ' Satardar's Seanlts INTERNATIONAL LEAQOI Wontraal a, flrracuia Buffalo 4, eprlntfleld S foronto 1, Baltimore 4 Ottawa at Roehetter poetponed AMEJUCAV ASSOCIATION Columbus 10, charleiton Other game postponed TSXAS LEAGUE Tulsa S, Shravaport 4, u Innlhts Pt. Worth It, Houston 4 Beaumont a, Oklahoma CHr f Only tamas echeduled WESTERN LEAGUE WIcJiHa I, Oanter S Other tamas postponed Vila and Clyde Flnley of Che- halls, Wash., checked in after Turner and Robertson with 1,183. Bob Colbeck and Jim Tatl, Vancouver, B.C., were In fourth place with 1,180. Joel Coe of Roseburtj, Ore., meanwhile replaced Harry Mekus of Longview, Wash., as the open singles leader. Mekus moved into the top spot last week with 632 but fell to second Sun day when Coe rolled 639. Toed Nlehoff of Seattle, was third with 627. , Mekus remained the all events leader with 1,848 and Bremerton Bowling Recrea tion continued to lead open team competition with 2,830. Schoenlaub, who led the all events commercial division after carding 1,720 last week, was ousted Sunday by Mil Butts of Long Beach, Wash., who posted 1,725, Hughle Moore of Missou la, Mont., and Rex Adolph of Salem were one-two in the commercial singles, scoring 623 and 618 respec tively. Thelma Baxter and Lois Meltebeke, Portland, were out in front In the Class A dou bles event of the 20th annual Northwestern Women's Bowl ing assocaltion tournament. Their 1,102 pushed them In ahead of Verda Stuart Jean Balding of CaldweU, Idaho, wno urea 1,083. In other divisions, Thessn Lumber of Bremerton took third among Class B teams with 2,322; Kay Poller. Pen dleton, Ore, with 630, replaced Marge Landru, Eugene, 807, in the booster singles lead; and Ila Nielson and Charlotte Dockter, Astoria, Ore., took the top spot in booster doubles with 828 against 820 previous ly carded by Dot Hammack Thelma Weinman, Tacoma. Eleleen Wilson-Beth Walters, Wenatchee, moved into third place with 804. Washington Plays Oregon State in Two-Game Series Northern DlrlslM BaaabaU Br Tne Associated Press W L Pet Ores on 0 1.000 Idaho 1 2 .000 Oreton State S .400 Waahlnston Stata 1 Ml Washington 1 t .141 Satardar'a Resalts ' Oreton 4. Washlnrton 3, 10 Inn inks This Week's Sehelale Hdndar Washini ton at Oreson Stata; Idaho at Wasblnston State. Tuesdar Waahlnston at Orecon State: Wsshlntton stste at Idaho. Prldar and saturdar Oregon at Wash ington State. (Br Tha Associsted Press) The Washington Huskies, still seeking win No. Z of the Northern Division, Pacific Coast Conference, baseball season, travel to Corvallis Monday lor a two-game series with Oregon State, while Idaho and Washington State square off for two more rounds in the Battle of the Palouse, The League-leading Oregon Ducks posted their fifth win Saturday, edging Washington 4-3 on Earl Averill Jrs 10th inning home run. Trailing 3-1 going into the half of the eighth, the Ducks tied the score when Pete Williams slap ped a 378-foot drive into left field with two men on. Wash' ington's Tom Absher caueht tne ball but lost bis footing and rolled down an embankment. By the time he got the ball to the infield, two runs were In. Wsshlnt ton 010 loo loo o a s 1 oreton 000100 0301 4 1 veiling, asecartner ill and Mitchell; Porbas and AverUl. Oregon State Wins Four-Way Track Meet Salem Vikings Go After 11th Straight Win Tuesday Harold Hank's Salem high Vikings go after their eleventh straight victory tomorrow af ternoon against the Corvallis nine here. Salem racked np wins nins and ten Saturday over the visiting Bend Lava Bean. The Vikings won the first game 19-2 behind the one-hit pitching OI Lowell Pearce. They captured the second game 8-0 with Ken Pingel pitching. Pearce had a no-hitter going until the seventh and final In ning when Christenson blooped a single into left field. Bend's two runs came in that same in ning. Every starter for the Salem team came through with at least one hit in the 16-hlt at tack. Phil Jantze had a triple and a single, Jerry Gregg came through with two singles, Pearce had a triple and single. but the big bitter was Wayne Osborn with a double and two singles. Pingle scattered the five Bend hits evenly while the Vikings scored all nine of their runs in the first three Innings. Osborn once again had a good game at the plate with a double and single. The closest Bend could come to scoring was in the fifth frame when Calhoon walked, went to second on a wild pitch, and then tried to score on single but was thrown out on a beautiful throw by Herb Trlplett from left field. first game: Bend 000 000 S- t 1 Salem ...043 341 1-It is Christenson. fUssmussen (4) and Cor- sett; pearce ana osooro. Becond game: Bend 00000000 I Salem 114 000 x t 1 Howard. Olltner 14). and aicBrlde. Oorkett (I)? Pingel and Osborn, Jsntse lei. Corvallis (UJ9 Oregon State piled up 86 points to win a four-way track meet here Saturday. Lewis and Clark was run ner-up with 38 points, follow ed by Portland university with 25 ana tne Oregon State Rooks with 18. The winning Beavers took first place In 10 out of 16 events. Seattle Downs Oregon State Corvallis, 0W9-Seattle unl versify took advantage of nine Oregon State errors to defeat the Beavers, 8-6, In a non-lea gue baseball game here Satur day. Three Beaver mlscues In the seventh, combined with singles by Frank McBarron and Chuck Culsnasso helped Seattle get uiree runs mat clinched the game. : . v Winning pitcher was Bob Ward. Saattla .oioxaioo-s s s Orooa stata on UOOOJ t 10 a raswmicir, wara til and curt; Nat an. coiemi son (I). nan (4) and Tsomaa, Stephen. Native Dancer, Arcara Centers Of Attraction Louisville, Ky. U.K Native Dancer, a colt with springs in his legs, and Eddie Arcaro, a jockey with a clock In his head, were the center of in. terest today as Kentucky Der by week began at Churchill Downs. Native Dancer,' Alfred G. Vanderbilt's hope for his first derby triumph, will arrive to day from New York, where he wound up his pre-derby racing Saturday with a four-and-a-half length victory- in the $ 100,000 Wood Memorial. . Arcaro said several years ago that he would not ride in the derby simply to appear in it. He said the same thing aft er Saturday's Wood, indicating he believes he has a chance to win his sixth Derby with Cor respondent. Stanford Men Set Two New Swim Records Stanford U.R) Two new Pa cific Coast Conference records have been set by Stanford Uni versity swimmers. The new marks were made here Saturday in an intercol legiate meet with the Univer sity of Southern California Dan Osborne set one record when he did the 220-yard free style in 2:09.8. This erased the old mark of 2:10.2 made last year. The other mark was made by Larry Helm in the 180-yard individual medley when he raced through the event in 1:38.8. The only Trojan win in the 10-event meet was recorded by John McCormack who won the diving with 284.7 points. Lewis and Clark Splits Pair With Whitman Walla Walla U.R The Lewis and Clark Pioneers split a Northwest conference baseball doubleheader here Saturday with Whitman, the Pioneers winning the opener, 13-8, and losing the nightcap, 6-3. The Pioneers scored -nine runs in a wild seventh inning of the opener to come from behind a S-2 deficit. Gordy Robertson went the distance for the winners, allowing five Whitman hits. Whitman collected at least one hit in every inning of the second game of Chuck Bonan-do. APPLIANCE REPAIR Call ns for prompt and expert work on all appliances Mayes Appliance Repair Phone 4-5911 236 State bi Sports Results COIXIQE OOL Br Tha Associated Press Salardar Oregon S1H, Seattle I Washington litt, Oreson Statt ttej Idaho 10. Washington Stale 4)4 COLLEGE TENNIS Satardar Washington State t, Idaho t Wuhlniton 6, Oregon Stata 1 Seattle 4, Oregon I COLLEGE TBACK Saturdar " Waahlnston stata 7. Idaho It Washington rr. oreton S4 Central Washington 71, Psclllo Luth eran 60. . Eastern Oreton . Whitman ti Northwest Nasarena a7Vs, Bolsa J. C. It, College of Idaho t Monday, April 27. 1958 COLLEGE B4SIBALL Satardar Oregon 4, Washington I Seattle a, Oreton Stata t Whitman 5-4. Levis and Clark ie . Taalma J. C. 4, Washington V. i . Paetrla 0. loit. Collet lih Linden 4. WUlamettl t-a alter TV. Innings, rain. nt Yesterday's Start B Tha associated Press) Batlint-JIm Busbr drora In an i Washington runs on pair of homer. U the Senators beat the Yankees gTSi also collated a double and a UnA, ll his flvt trig to the puts. " Mtehini Jot Dobton, Chleato hi. SOI, hurled a four-hlt shnS".!"! tha St. Louts Browns at Chloato mmal aeoond tame of double header, u iaste todays . SOHENLEY : 4'll know it's the best-tasting whiskey, in ages ! Hr4 fir -11.1(1- Mrf t J A m BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65S GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC., NEW YORK, NEW YORK IN TODAY'S SWIFT-FLOWING TRAFFIC STREAM THE DRIVER IS THE KEY TO TIME-SAVING TRUCKING . 1 . Five Northvesterns in Pro Basketball Draft TIDE TABLE Tliea far Tan, Oreton Aartl, Istt (CsaigllM er O. , C.set and Oeetetlo Kw, Portland, Ore.) . Hllh Watera L.W Watore ft Vtt a.m. 4 I 1:18 am. .0.1 M: .w. t l II p.m. I.S SS Il:lt p.m. 41 aw a m. -0.1 11:44 p.m. i t l:tl p.m. 1.1 SI 1:11 p.m. 4.1 I II p.m. I t N 11:11 am. I t 1:10 a mi is 1:04 p.m. 4.T 4:t p.m. l.T T HP mm H4JJJI :urr- Boston VP) Five Pacific Northwest stars who have end ed their college careers were drawn Friday In the annual draft of the professional Na tional Basketball association. Four were tabbed by Mil waukee, one by Boston. Milwaukee's first draft choice was Washington's All America Bob Houbregs, who broke nearly every record in the Pacific Coast Conference Northern Division last season. Also picked by Milwaukee were Joe Ciprlano, clever Washington guard, and the fabulous O'Brien twins, All America Johnny and his brother, Eddie. Oregon's rangy Chet Noe was chosen by Boston. Houbregs sail in Seattle he had not decided whether to enter the pro ranks or play with one of the strong AAU teams and keeps his amateur standing. He reported he Is considering "lots of offers." Both he and Ciprlano are expected to make a trip to Peoria, III., next week to talk over prospects with the former national AAU cham- i plon Caterpillars. The O'Briens plan to return to Seattle university next school year to complete their ituru training and In all prob ability will spurp any pro basketball offers, They both are now with the Pittsburgh rirates ol the National league and have repeatedly said they prctcr DaseDall careers. Houbregs journeyed to Vic torla Friday night to lead the Seattle AAU All-Stars to a 99-59 win over the Victoria All-Mars. He made 27 points. Why Suffer Any Longer When others (all. use our Chinese remedies. Amaslnt success for 1000 rears In China. No matter with what ailments rou are afflicted, dlsordere, sinusitis, heart, lunss, liter, kldnars, ta, constlpstlon, ulcers, dlabeleo. rheumatism, tall and bladder lever, skin, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN miNESE HSRB Ca. Otfka Hour, t la I Tne. and Bat .air IS4 N. Commercial Phone SIR39 SALEM, ORS. '69.95 Motor Recondition Job For Chevrolet Cars and Trucks COOP DURING MONTH OF APRIL IS YOUR MOTOR USING OIL? K YOUR MOTOR LOSING ITS HORSEPOWER? We will replace the piston rings and pins, grind valves. VX?1 ""! ,na " llMt dJust he mln bearings, adjust the connecting rod bearings, adjust fan belt, clean clean rocker arms and adjust the connecting and set spark plugs, clean oil pan, clean oil lines In nan and adjust, burn out and clean oil breather. rara included In this job are: 1 Set Genuine Chevrolet Chrome lex piston Rings, Pins, 5 Quarts Oil, plus neces sary Valves, Seals, Caps and Gaskets. (C.O.E. Tracks Slight Additional Charge) , G.M.A.C. Budget Terms! Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. Bit NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. a Mi aaaaaBaaaaamaataaaaawasaaal J .'. uu laaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaae 'i'ity t TfssSK',' v r wf3 I 4. j : " -! -Issm, I " Ntw VDRtVEanD" CABS cut driving fcrtigutl 1 (Px Xtal(lSSa!l New roominess I S Inches wlflerl New one-piece curved wlndthleldl New seat comfort! Now the truck driver seta the greatest working comfort cf all time in the new Ford Truck "Driver ized" Cabs (Deluxe shown)! Wider adjustable seat with non-sag springe and counter-shock teat tnubber! Completely new to help the driver stay fresh, save time on every trip I Mow! H frudr drivers 4mm come md The new Ford Trucks for '53 drive so easy ride so easy, you won't believe you're riding in a track! ' Li "-iMfl.,irii- -f f VSSs. I Aew TTME-SAVAfG New traittmisdonsl Now, Synchro-Silent standard on all models ... no double-chitchlngl Fordo malic Drive the fully automatie trans missionand fuel-eaving Overdrive available on all H-tonners (extra cost). Vastly ixponded lint -over 190 new models! Ranging from F-100 Pickup (above) to 65,000 lb. G.C.W. Bio JobI New Cab Forward Series have full-width seat, engine moved ahead for eleared floor and almost conventional service accessibility under hood. Now choose the one right Ford Truck model for your job I New low-fnicnoN power I Three new overhead valve engines 101-h.p. Cost Clipper Six, 146 and 165-h.p. Cargo King V-8's cut friction "power waste", save gasl Plus, 106-h.p. Truck V-S and 112 h.p. Big Six for t 6-engine choice! New shorter turning I New wide-track, set-back front axles with new 87 steering angle for easier, faster, maneuvering and parking! New easier riding springs! New double eylindet; rear brakes for faster stops! SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY LAST LONGER VALUE Y MOTOR. Center and N. Liberty St. Salem 4m CO