ISysimiess Meeti-img, Stall Oome Scheduled for SoDemm Semicoftoirs r ' . - i - -7 i"' ' t , Activity concerning the Sa lem Senators will take place on two fronts tonight at the Labor temple and at Waters park. Stockholders in Salem Sen ators, Inc., are to meet at the Labor temple at 7:30 to decide whether or not $25,000 addi tional stock should be sold by the organization. Bruce Williams, president of the board of directors, explains that the $25,000 would be used primarily to pay off a debt owed to the Portland beavers, from whom the Senators were purchased in 1951. . The business meeting will - be hurried up as much as possible, in order to permit stockholders to ret out to the ball park in time for the 8:13 game between Salem and Calgary.'. . ; , ' The Senators and Stamped ers were forced to take a day off Sunday when wet grounds made it impossible to play their scheduled doubleheader., One of the games Will be made up tonight. The other will be played later in the sea son. Bob Collins, lanky left hander who pitched three innings against Calgary Fri day, holding them to no runs and one hit, will be on the mound for Salem tonight. Bob Roberts will more than likely be named by manager Gene Lillard to pitcn lor cai-sarv. The Edmonton Eskimos, like Calgary making their first ap pearance in the Western Inter national league this season, come into Salem for a series beginning Tuesday night at 8:15. (Br The Associated Press) The defending champion Vic ioria Trees, who led the West ern International Baseball League from first to last In 1952, are off to a winning start rain in 1953. Going into the first full week of the new season, the Tyees have three straight wins to their credit and are knotted in first place with Calgary, one of the WUs two new cana dian members, and Lewiston. The Tyees' victims though we're the Spokane Indians, the club they hexed in 1952. The Iridians were right at Victoria's heels through most of last sea son. They're rated as strong 1953 pennant contender. Calgary and Lewiston lost bouts with the weatherman . and were able to complete , but two of four scheduled season-opening games. Only Yakima and Wenat chee were able to keep the chedule as rain curtailed weekend activities throughout the league. They split, a dou bleheader Sunday, Yakima taking the opener 6-3 and Wenatchee the nightcap 2-1, to even the series at two wins apiece. . Doubleheaders between Cal gary and Salem and Edmonton and Tri-City were rained out, and make-up games were sche duled Monday night. Edmon ton and Tri-City will play a doubleheader at Tri-City and Calgary and Salem a single game at Salem. Spokane and Vancouver round out the eve ning's activities opening a three-game series at Vancouv er. ' , Yakima's Lefty Hal Fllnn and Wenatchee's Art Amaya traded five -hitters in the Sunday twin bill at Wenat- WIL Standings Br Ths Associated Prcil , V V Pel Victoria. , 3 100 Lewiston. 0 I "" oalserr , 1 0 1.000 Yakima 3 3 .500 wenetche. 3 1 Trl-Cltr 1 1 900 Edmonton ' ' Vancouver 0 3 .000 Salem 3 .000 Spokane .000 Mnoar e Hiuu , Yakima 1-1. Wenatchee 1-3 Edmonton at TrbCltr, doubleheader postponed, wet grounds. caliarr it Salem, doubleheader post poned, rain. ; , . (. Only lamei scheduled. - Sstarday'a Beealta .Wenatchee 7, Yakima 4 1 Trl-Cltr 11, Edmonton 13 Victoria 10, Spokane 3, nlsht tame postponed, rain. Lewiston at Vancourer, doubleheader, postponed, rain. Menday'a Behedate Bdmonton at Trl-Oitr, nliht double header. . Cairarr at Salem, .male nisnt sama Spokane at Vancouver LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 27, 1953 Page 11 Beavers Complete Sweep Of Series with Sacramento cher. Fllnn Jield the Chiefs to five safeties in the first game, and Amaya, a rookie righthander, matched the performance in the seven inning finale. Victoria pasted Spokane 10 ! in one of three games the league managed to get in be fore the rains came Saturday. Wenatchee clipped Yakima 7 4 and Edmonton edged Tri- City 13-12 in a wild affair at Kenne wick. The Jj e w l s t o n Vancouver doubleheader at Vancouver was postponed as was the second scheduled vic toria-Spokane meeting. SUNDAY: ' Yakima 330 000 0011 7 0 Wenatchee 010 000 3003 I 3 Pllnn and Day; Beamon, Rasmus- sen (8) and CultU. SECOND GAME! Yakima 000 000 11 6 1 Wenatchee 003 000 a 3 7 0 Daller, Thompion (3), cannadr (l and Day, Harford (6); Amaya and cu Ittl. , Bdmonton at Trl-Oity. doubleheader poatponed. wet irounde. Calaary at fee lem, doubleheader poatponed, rain. (Only tames scheduled) SATURDAY: Spoken 000 001 1001 i : Victoria 800 003 01110 I : DeWltt. Worth (0) and Trlandoa: Hopp and Martin. Wight same postponed, rain. Yakima 003 100 001-4 1 1 Wenatchee 300 ON 00k 7 6 3 Rial. Younr (6). Creech (6). Cana da (8) and Dan Bauholer, Oubre (9) and euuu. , Edmonton 030 310 03413 It 1 Trl . City 733 300 00111 I 3 Wldner, Benr (1), Bpurlock a), stur eon (8), Caster (8) and Morian: Ml otielson, BUI (t), Chorale (01 and Fa. sue. Lewiston at Vancouver, doubleheader, poatponed. rain. Besselink Wins Tournament of Golf Champions Las Vegas U.B Youthful Al Besselink, not too long out of the intercollegiate golf Ranks, picked up the crown of "cham pion of champions" today and looked ahead to further con quests of veterans of the tourn. ament trial. : Besselink, a towering 28. year-old blond slugger, woii the $35,000 "Tournament of Champions" here yesterday as he came home in front of the star-studded field. It was a long haul from his caddying days to the victory, which was worth approximate ly $25,000 to him. "I still can't believe I won.1 he said after he calmly sank a curving, six-foot putt on the 18th green to clinch the title "It was a miracle finish, you just don't finish two under par on the last three holes to win that kind of money. It was just a miracle, that's all Phils Make it 8 Straight; Indians Move Into AL Lead By CARL LUNDQUIST New York, (U.R) Steve O'Neill, who won a lot of games at Detroit with a "T.N.T." pitching punch, was using the same kind of formu la today to put the Phillies on a runaway winning streak In the National League. In the same way that Dizzy Trout, Hal Newhouser, and Virgil Trucks used to blast away at American League hit ters, O'Neill has a new 1-2-3 pitching punch of Robin Rob erts,. Karl Drews, and Curt Simmons. They all are work horses and O'Neill says he thinks he could get as marly as 380 innings of work out of each of them although Drews needs a little more rest than Roberts and Simmons, the strong-armed bonus boys. The Phils made it eight in a row, their longest winning streak In five years, with 7-5 and 8-1 decisions from Pitts burgh yesterday as Roberts and Drews coasted to easy tri umphs. The Indians moved into first place In the American League with their 2-1 and 12-2 vic tories over Detroit, giving them a winning streak of five. Bob Feller won his first game this year and the 240th of his career. The Yankees, who have been losing only once a week, drop ped a 5-4 decision to Wash ington as Jim Busby mistreat ed their ace, Allie Reynolds. The Browns defeated Chl- Portland U Portland snowed under Sacramento's Solons, 8-1, on a wet field yes terday, in the opener of what was to have been a' Pacific Coast league baseball double- header. The second game was called because of rain. Little Jehosle Heard, back ed by a 14-hit attack, hurled his third win of the season without a defeat for the Bea vers. The small southpaw gave up a run in tne ursi inning on a pair of singles and a pass ed ball and an outfield fly, but he managed to shut,, out the Solons for the rest of the way. Hank Arft pounded his third home run of the season and Aaron Robinson belted his fifth for the Beavers,' The lone Sacramento run came as Eddie Bockman sin gled, advanced on a passed ball and Neil Sheridan's sin gle and came home on an out field flyby Nippy Jones. Portland broke the 1-1 tie in the fifth as Fletcher Robbe singled, Granny Gladstone doubled and Arft walked to fill the bases. A single by Don Eggert, and walk to Eddie Basinski scor ed the two. The victory was the 10th for the Beavers in 11 starts against the Solons. Roger Osenbaugh's loss - record was extended one to 1-2. Portland opens at Holly wood Tuesday night with Glenn Elliott (1-1) slated for mound duty.. Sacramento goes to Los Angeles and either Charlie Schantz (1-1) or Mar ino Parietti (2-2) will pitch Tuesday. L.A. in the opener.' The hitless Seals probably would feel a lot better If they could squeeze Holly wood's Ted Beard and Dale Long into their batting or ders. At a nominal fee, of course, , . 1 . Beard, who walloped four home runs in one game ear lier this year, belted two more ' as the Stars were trampling, Oakland 8 to 2. . And Long socked a home run into the center field stands with the bases filled, a blow that car ried well over 400 feet. Bases loaded . homers wrecked the Seals. Farnk Di Prima unloaded one in the first game to put' the skids under Tommy Heath's crew. Gene Baker followed suit with the bags packed in the first inning of the nightcap.-' ' ; Murray Franklin hit a two- run single in the eighth inning of the opener to earn San Diego a 4-3 victory over Seat tle. Fancy relief pitching by Art Del Duca sparked the Suds to their 5-1 triumph in the nightcap. , . Bobby Bragan, Hollywood -manager, joined Beard and Long in blasting the Oakland pitching corps by homering himself during third inning uprising. George O'Donnell got the victory and Don Fer- rarrese the loss. Manager Augie Galan only used three Acorn pitchers In this one. Saeramento UV B H 4 1 Bockmn.3 1 4 Brovta.rl 3 Jonee.l Attyd.3 Wlnter.e Osnbgh,p Besse.p a-Ddrdge Llerman.p 0 OA B 0 1 Austin, ee 4 3Monla,rf 4 ORobbe.lf 1' 6 Oldstn.el 1 OArlt.l I 3 Eggert.J 4 OBinekl.3 4 3 Rbnson.o 3 0 Heard.p ft 1 1 0 Releh.1 . 1 0 (8 r.rlland I" ; (3 W Native Dancer Heads for Home lng Tahitlan King (4), at right, Native Dancer, beautifully rated by Jockey Erie Guerln, comes around the turn and . into the stretch for the run for home in the $100,000 added Wood Memorial at Jamaica April 25. A few seconds later, the grey Vanderbllt colt made his bid and sailed away from all competition to win his 11th consecutive race in sparkling 1:50 J5 for the mile and one-eighth. Left to right at this point In the race are: Magic Lamp, Invigora tor, Jamie K., Native Dancer and Tahitlan King. Tahitian King finished second, Invigorator, third. (AP Wirephoto) Total! 33 7 34 10 Total 38 14 37 14 a Hit Into doublt play tor Beaea In .7th. " ..1O0 000 O0O 1 ..311310 0007 010 031 311 8 Sacramento Hlta ..... Portland .. Hlta ..... Pitcher Oeenbauah Bease' Llerman .. Heard San Francisco U.PJ The Los Angeles Angels held a game and a half edge over Seattle in the Pacific Coast League race today as they moved into Sacramento for a series with the last place Solons. Stan Hack's Seraphs could do no wrong yesterday as they took a double header from San Francisco, 8-1 and 4-0, and only allowed the Seals a total of five hits in two con tests. In other PCL games Seattle split with San Diego while Hollywood won a single tilt frm Oakland. Rain forced postponement of , the Stars Oaks nightcap. Several players were bat tling for "star of .the week end" honors as a result of yes terday's performances. Bill Fadget joined the ever-expanding "two hitter" club when he muzzled the Seals for Salvador Fires 54 in Oregon Publinx Event Portland (U.R) Bus Salvador shot a sizzling four-under-par 54 to win class A low gross honors in the Oregon Public Links Gold association's sweep stakes at Lloyd's here Sunday. Salvador shot a 24 on one tour of the 20-par Lloyd's course, one over the course mark of 23. Dick Crosby of Eastmore land and E. R. Jones tied for second with a 60. Roy Fitzell of Eastmorland had 61. Pacing the class B field was Cal Wheaton with a 60. The next OPLGA'sweep- .stakes will be held at Hood River May 10. ' High School Scores (Br The Associated Press) Central Point nay., Illinois Valley 34, Eeile Point 64, Phoenli S3, llyrtle Creek So'., Roeua River 33Ve. - Unlreralty (Euiene) 107U, Willamette OSuiene) 83, Cresvell 41ti, Blmlra 3f, Junction City 6. Lowell lalK, Mapleton U, Cobun 7IH, Triangle Lake 30, Crow 3V, Mo hawk 30, UcKenile I. Hermlston 53, Pendleton 41. The Dalles 41, Mllton-Freewater 7. Orants Pass 06, Roaeburi 37. Medford tVi, Ashland 31. BASEBALL Jewell 4, Xnappa 3, Toledo 18-8, BUeta 0-7. 031 153 33x 14 IF B R H XR BBSO ,4W 30 3 7 J S i ,ltt 1 J 0 1 0 ,3 10 4 3 4 3 I ,9 33 1 7 1 3 1 winner Heard. Loser Osenbauah. I Bookman. R Bookman, Monta 3, Robbe, Oladstone, Arft, Robinson, Heard, Reich. RBI Bherldan, Arlt. Inert. Ba sinski, Reich, Roblnaon 3, Restelll. 3B Dimmer, Oladatona, Reich. HRArft, Roblnaon. 8B Austin. BAC Austin. DP Art t.Auitln' and Arlt; Attyd and winter: Austin. Basinski and Reich. LOB Sacramento 6, Portland 13. Balk Llerman. PB Roblnaon. V Pelekoudaa, Anske, Benta and somen, i a:u. 4,153. . .. . VIBIHT flAMKl San Dleao 110 000 0304 10 I aeattl 000 O01 010-3 0 Luna, Benton B ana Mamie; uev, Lovrloh (81 and Ortell. SECOND GAME: San Dieco 001 000 01 5 3 Seattle 110 300 15 1 0 Dahle and pocekar; sraasiatnor, uei Duca (8) and Christie. Major Leagues NATIONAL LEAOUI W L Philadelphia 0 1 Chlcaao 4 s Brooklyn .... 3 St. Louis 4 4 Milwaukee 4 4 New York 4 7 Cincinnati 3 4 Pltlsbunh Sundar'a Resalte: Brooklyn 8, New York t. Chlcaeo 7, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 1. Plttiburah Philadelphia 8. Pltlsbureh 1 llndl. CinclnnaU at Milwaukee 13 postponed, rami. Pet. OB .818 ,7 3(4 .945 3 .500 3'4 ' .500 3tt .305 .313 .373 list). AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Cleveland ...7 8 New York 8 1 Chlcaeo 7 4 Bt. Louis 8 5 Philadelphia 8 8 Boston .4 8 Washlnaton 3 8 Detroit 1 11 .114 7 aanaar'a Resaltei Weihlniton 3. New York 4. cureland 3, Detroit 1 dm. Cfereland 13, Detroit 1 (Jnd). St. Louis 1, Chlcaeo 1 (litl. Chlcaeo 3, St. Louis 0 3nd). Philadelphia at Boston (8 postponed, wetlrounds). Prt. OB .778 .750 .616 1 .545 1 .845 3 .400 3V .373 5 cago, 7 to 2, as Bob Elliott drove in four runs with a homer and triple; then the White Sox retaliated, 3 to 0, on Joe Dobson's four-hitter. Brooklyn made it two out of three over the Giants, win ning 8 to 4 as Roy Campa nula hit his fourth homer for his 18th run batted in tops for both leagues. The Philadelphia at Boston and Cincinnati at Milwaukee double headers were rained out DO IAIiy what the price below means to you? It means that now you can own what the "insiders" call the buy of the year the new Packard CLIPPER! The car that has turned the medium-price field upside down by offering greater values than you ve found in this field in years. If you haven't seen i the new CLIPPER, driven it and checked it you've got a treat coming. Remember a big new Packard CLIPPER is right in the same price league with dolled-up versions of low-priced cars. Wouldn't you ratter own a car made by Packard? VI Packard CLIPPER costs only 4-DOOR SEDAN 7938 oo Delivered In Stlem tPJua sf afa and local Uses. If any. Optional equipment and while eiHowell Urea extra. Prieee may vary olifBtly In nearby due to chipping eheriea. STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 No. High St., Salem FIRST GAME: Ban Francisco 001 000 0001 1 3 Los Ana el ooi oot oox a a Clouah, Savais (6) ltcCall 16) and Eleslera; Padaet and Svana, Tappe (6) SECOND GAME! Ban Francisco ..; 000 000 00 8 1 Los Anadles too 000 I i 7 0 alnateton and Tornay; RamedeU and Tappe. Hollywood 005 010 101-6 10 0 Oakland 000 007 0008 80 O'Donnell, llulr (8) and Braaan Mulr. Oempser (4), Cardlnl (6) and Neal. l Second tame called, rain. Willamette Suffers First Loss in Northwest League It's Still Raining In Calistoga, Calif. , Callstoga. Calif. '(U.R) The American Racing Association Big Car Races at Calistoga Fair Grounds have been resched uled lor next Sunday, May S. The races were called "off on account of rain yesterday lor the second straight week, . The last heavyweight cham pionship bare knuckles light occurred July 8, 1889, between John L. Sullivan and Jake Kil- raln. Sullivan won after 75 rounds. (Br Th Associated Prase) , : Willamette University suf fered its first defeat in North west . Conference baseball Sat urday when it was beaten 4-2 by IJnfield. In other Saturday' games, Whitman and Lewis and Clark divided a double-header the Pioneers winning the opener 3-5 and Whitman the seven inning nightcap, 6-3 and Pa cific won both ends of a doubleheader with College -of Idaho, 10-7 and 9-4. ' t Willamette 1 gained its . two runs in the second inning to tie the score. Linf ield added one in both the fifth and sixth inning. The game was called after the seventh because of rain., ;; , ' ,- ' ' .' . .y.vy Lewis and Clark beat Whit man with a nine-run rally in the seventh inking,, but Whit man led all tne way in tne second game. Pacific scored six runs in the eighth inning of the opener at College of Idaho. '. Willamette (1) I B H O A Krkdall.8 . 9 t Lewis, of 4 Prlman.S ' t Koepf.o s .4 Beed.l 4 Shleld.rt S coen.s . S Akao.x '-. . 1 s Unfleld B H O A 0 1 SKreer.u 3 119 9 0 OWhlte.rt 4 0 9 1 OCombe.lf 4 0 1 IRhmn.oI 4 0 0 0 1 HUler.3 .91 0 1 3 Zulenr.l 9 1 U 0 OOlson.o 4 S 0 0 Ruark.3 ,9 6 0 9 3 Couraer.D 16 0 3 You Earn Totals 36 3 11 10 Totals 96 6 14 8 x struck out for Xoepf In 6tn. Willamette ,..,...,...300 000 00 9 I I Kite ....110 000 00 Linfield 100 000 Ox 4 I I Hits 900 1011k Pitcher IP I Bin BOBS Coen .......1 '16 5' 4 16 6 Courser . ....8 ' 16 . 1116 PB Koepl. LOB Willamette 1, tin field 10. B Zuleger, Courser, coen, Reed 3, Klrkendall I, IB Knieiar. BBI El sasser, Zuleaer. I. BH Zulater, Courser. BB Lewis 1, Penman 1. T 1:61, u Bottler, Blanoona. .v..; Lewis-Clerk ....... .600030011-13 11 I Whitman 300 011000 9 6 1 Robertson and Allem osborn, 17. Ar onson (?), HcRean (8) and Neher. , Lewis-Clark 000 1001 3 T 1 Whitman :...oil 301 x 6 11 Bonando and Ronna: Allen. B. Aronson I and nener. MAIN EVENT Al Biau vs. Erie Pedenon SPECIAL) EVENT Buck Weaver vs. AngeloPoffo PRELIM Tommy Martlndale vs. Ralph Alexander SALEM ARMORY . TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. ; SpeflMttd ty Am. Ugk) N. t " ON Journal Want Ads Pay Willamette , Volley Bank Main Offset) r 1W0 Filrgrwnih ti. 9k 3-92H University Branch ' -' f3IOSUI5t. " . Ph. 4-4451 MEMBIB r.D.I.C i1. ' y i. i?cm OREGON CONDINSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION APRIL 20 1953 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks United States Government Bonds. . ,. ., Municipal and Other Bonds , . .,. ,. Loans and Discounts Net . . . ....... ... . , Stock in Federal Reserve Bank .. . ... ... ... Bank Premises (Including Branches) . Customers' Liability on Acceptances. ........... Interest Earned ,. ,. ... ... Other Resources $ 137,621,863.07 217,174,864.62 69,043,466.67 ' 236,208,486.42 900,000.00 7,279,502.76 751,698.94 1,910,081.86 264,317.70 $ 661,053,669.93 LIABILITIES Capital. ... Surplus Undivided Profits. . , 14,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 16,011,638.60 45,011,638.60 3,691,966.76 769,144.43 420,000.00 Reserves for Interest) Taxes, etc.. . .,. ., ., Acceptances . ... ., Dividends Declared Deposits 607,710,901.15 Interest Collected Not Earned m . 3,091,950.66 Other Liabilities.... -... , 458,078.44 t 661,063,669.93 ' This itatmunt induda 41 branchtt In Ortgim Hkad Ornca: PORTLAND, OREGON , m LADD S BUSH-SALEM BRANCH il OItCT IRANCH or .TNI UNITII STATIS NATIONAL BANK Of ORTlANI WilM MeesUr Moral DeaMirl laeurexet CsjrseMeriM