FKt 10 Monday, April 27, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Oregon ACA Purdue Were Two Bandits! By FRED HAMP80K KebbheSI REE ' Hong Kong ( simply drove the communists wild. The Canadian biihop wrote year ago In a letter to another priest In China: , "N. D. bit the dust Purdue took them after five years." For that, Bishop O'Oara of Ottawa spent a week of round-the- clock questioning in i Red China "house for reformation." Freed, the ailing bishop to day told In a hospital how that terse thought sent his cap tors Into a frenzy. Reds Feared by Finnish Crew Singapore VPl Ten "crew men of the Finnish tanker Wilma who threatened to quit the ship here reportedly have agreed to stay aboard on con ditio nthe vessel does not go to Shanghai. The Wilma, with 10,000 tons of jet fuel for communist China, dropped anchor off Singapore February 11. It was understood that her own ers, fearing an attack by the Chinese Nationalists, ordered the tanker to await further orders. The walkout threat Satur day by three engine room workers and seven seamen was thought to have resulted from rumors along the waterfront that the Wilma soon would be sailing for Red China. In. a compromise move, the captain reportedly assured them they would not go to Shanghai.' The Passionlst priest was! arrested In his Yuan Ling dio cese In Central Hunan prov ince in June, 1981. The com munists confronted him with the letter: "Who Is this bandit, N.D.T" "who is this man, Purdue? Don't hold anything back!" The bishop. 111 from a blad der infection and months of Imprisonment, protested fee bly. N.D. was only a univer sity called Notre Dame which was defeated in a game called football by another university called Purdue. "That's a lie." said the an gry questioner. "All you tell Is lies. You had better tell the truth. 'Now who Is this bandit, I N.D.7" For a week they haggled to stalemate, the communist never was convinced. Raise in Postal Rates Seriously Considered Lansing, Mich. VP) An in crease in postal rates should be seriously considered, according to Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfleld. Summerfleld, here to make a foreign policy speech, took time out to discuss the finan cial problems of the post office department. He said the department had a $72,000,000 deficit last year. Wife fo Stay With Godfrey at Hospital Boston aUD Television star Arthur Godfrey's wife will take a room next him when he undergoes a hip operation May 4, it was reported today. Dr. Marius N. Smith-Peter- sen, widely-known Boston or thopedic surgeon, is expected to perform an operation he perfected whereby a metal clip is inserted In a hip Joint. God frey suffered a compound fac ture of the hip in an automo bile accident 20 years ago. .HHVM h. r-m JEia-OF-HOHTCl Pi V l tiaiia II check for 1 hour FREE IF VeU WM TO. SAVE BEAD THIS M FREE PARKING r sjsA IXit n cowmacm sr. 1 Tak$$ thi kard wuk Mf $f we$k dayl fta more !otW hn, n tisovy lifting, juil load it, til one dial, and walk away, trs ell automotlt. S89.95 NO PAYMENT Start Payments in September NO CARRYING CHARGES UNTIL fill mam rniuum 'Change of Life Made Me Scream at My Husband! mn. m. Bitiiiikifi t vow, n.1. Now I W mBm tnm "hot flubw s If you, too, are suffering from thi I irritable, restless feelings and ho uuics 01 caange oz lire usten I In 'at by doctors Lydla Plnkham'i Compound and Tablets gave relief of men functionally-caused distress In 13 and 80 (respectively) of the "T.Sl from tbOH nnrouf, "oat of iotu iteliBjrs of mid-Ufa "chum"! fSiSA V!"" Tabltte wltfi addtd Iron I ' -"t . WIMH.J 1 ItartiUMagl 111 I tmrnm ffMa to Miter I Women's Dept. Values! $23 ENTIRE STOCK LONG COATS ONE GROUP ALL WOOL SHORT COATS LIMITED QUANTITY WOMEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS $17 28 SMASHING VALUE IN WOMEN'S tm RAYON SUITS 13 ONE GROUP ALL WOOL ' PLAID JACKETS AH Ittffli Found on Second Floor mm FOR GIRLS! PRICES SLASHED! SUMMER MILLINERY . SECOND FLOOR 50c I RAYON GOWNS Llmtt,d Qu8ntlly 1.00 SECOND fhObV. NYLON BLOUSES Broken Size. 1.50 SECOND FLOOB COTTON DRESSES 150 SECOND FLOOB SUITS Rayon 3.00 AU-Wool 7.00 SECOND FLOOR ALL-WOOL COATS Broken Sites 8.00 ' SECOND FLOOR f&FOINFANTS'li COATS UHUMH $5 SECOND FLOOR ALL WOOL SWEATERS $1 SECOND FLOOR 1 CRAWLABOUTS Gabardines " 1 SECOND FLOOR I 15 Only TABLE LAMPS $.oo 3-Wny Solid brass base BEACON BUNTINGS SECOND FLOOR m FOil WOMEN ! mum ONE RACK WOMEN'S Better Dresses Second Floor LIMITED QUANTITY WOMEN'S Smart Summer' Straws Second Floor Millinery $ ii HURHT! SAVE! 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MAIN FLOOR J2 LIMITED QUANTITY Cotton Slips $ Main Floor 1 ONE GROUP PLASTIC LEATHER A A Handbags Vt" . $P MAIN FLOOR U OUTSTANDING BUYS Women's Jewelry . MAIN FLOOR 2 for ONE GROUP WOMEN'S jSilk Scarfs $ MAIN FLOOR LIMITED; QUANTITIES I J' STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. 1 BLEACHED FLOUR SQUARES 4a,$1 Meisanlne 111 rod I I 2 Covers L Ironing Board Pad and Cover 188 Meisanlne Limited Quantity Cotton Ydg. 2 yds. $1 3 yds. $1 for I Mesxanlne YARDAGE REMNANTS You've been wait ing for this onee - a-month chance to buy PIECE GOOD CURTAIN DRAPERY REMNANTS Mezzanine . 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