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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1953)
ifiVl1 ':'' . '.'..I;- . . .- .-' Sk. . ' V. MRS. A. B. DAVIS BEING WELCOMED to Salem Is Mrs. A. B. Davis, above, she and Mr. Davis moving here recently from Portland. Complimenting Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Glenn Stevens nd Mrs. Raymond Biisick are entertaining at a eotfee party Tuesday morning. , PHIL meeting for Salem unit of uregon aiaie i-ouege raoiners club will be Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wayne Gordon, 1075 Columbia. There will be election of officers. A plant sale is planned, each member at tending to take a plant. Invitation is extended to mothers of all OSC students as well as of the col lege alumni to attend. , A luncheon is planned for May 1 by Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans, Mrs. Percy Pugh to be hostess to a group at her home, 2630 Garden road. This will be a social meeting, the luncheon being set for 12:30 o'clock. ' RecitalSilver Tea on Sunday On the calendar for Sunday afternoon is the annual recital and silver tea spon sored by Willamette university chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music hon orary, assisted by Salem alumnae of the group. The program will be at 3 p.m. in the Waller hall auditorium. The silver tea will be in the College of Music Recital hall immediately following the pro gram. Miss Harriet Aller, violist, and Miss Jane Gray, pianist, are to be featured in the program. All interested in the program and tea are invited. ' The program is as follows: I. Sonata in D minor, Op. 5, No. 8 . . Corelll Preludio Sarabanda Allemanda , Giga Concerto in G Major Telemann Andante ' Presto Harriet Aller, viola Robert Anderson, piano II. Sonata con Fantasia Beethoven Andante - Adagio con espressione Allegro Allegro vivace Allegro molto e vivace rj Jane Gray, piano III. Romance Debussy Music of Mourning Hindemith Lento Vivo Poco mosso Largo Harriet Aller, viola Robert Anderson, piano IV. Prelude Op. 11, G flat Major. .Scriabin Prelude Op. 11, D flat Major. .Scriabin Etude in D Sharp Minor Scriabin Little White Donkey Ibert Etude F Sharp Major MacDowell Jane Gray, piano V. Sonatensatz Brahms Harriet Aller, viola Jane Gray, piano Miss Gladys Blue is general chairman for the afternoon's event. In the receiving line at the tea will be Miss Gray and Miss Aller, the solo ists; Robert Anderson, accompanist for the program; Dean and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist, Mrs. Clorinda Tooping and Miss MaTgaret Simms. Pouring will be Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Arranging the flowers and tea table are Mrs. E. T. B. Hill, Mrs. Carl Gustaf son and Mrs. Harvey Gibbens. Back ground music during the tea will be provided by Miss Lizbeth Shields, pianist. Patrons of Mu Phi Epsilon are fur nishing the refreshments and the alum nae will assist with the serving. Pro ceeds go to the Gad's Hill school in Chi cago, a school maintained by Mu Phi Epsilon nationally for underprivileged children. Weiten-MUler itudlo victim) First Lady Speaks ilrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Ore gon's governor, will be speaker at the dinner meeting of Salem Business and Professional Women's club on Tuesday. Her subject will be "Training For a Higher Level." The committee on education and voca tion is in charge of the meeting, Miss Myrtle Weatherholt, chairman. There will be election of officers and a musical program is being planned by Mrs. Louis Neuman. The dinner is set for 6:30 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. Several from Salem will be in Port land next Thursday evening to attend the annual Matrix Table banquet of Portland Alumnae chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, national journalism honor ary. The formal banquet will be at 7 o'clock in the Rose Bowl at the Mult nomah hotel. Margaret Hickey, editor of the public affairs department of the Ladies Home Journal, is to be the guest speaker. The five Oregon "women of achievement," named for' 1952, will be honored at this affair. Among those going from Salem are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brubeck, Miss Vi nita Howard, Miss Nancy Stuart, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Mrs. M. Theo dore Madsen, Jr., Miss Margaret Magee. Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet for election and installation of officers next Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Edwin A. Jory will be hostess for the 2 p.m. ses sion at her home, 435 Hoyt. Assisting Mrs. Jory at the tea hour will be Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. F. J. Wied, Mrs. J. Clifford Likes, Miss Mar guerite Looney, Mrs. G. Ivan Putnam, Mrs. J. W. Shipley, Mrs. Nettie Roberts, Mrs. Ralph VanHorn, Miss Kate Dick son, Mrs. Edward West, Mrs. Ray Mc Cauley. Hosts to their bridge club this evening for dessert and cards will be Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Murphy. In the group are Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Houck, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. Harry Ross has returned from a visit at Scappoose with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Ogden. 1 A no-host dinner and white elephant sale are scheduled for Tuesday evening by the Women's Catholic Order of For esters. Mrs. B. F. Dimclar and Miss Mary Neelon are In charge of the event to be at 6:30 o'clock at the Woman's club house. Willamette May Week-end Due Annual May Week-end for Willam ette university students will be a .col orful event next Friday Saturday and Sunday, several traditional features be ing arranged. Ruling over the week-end as May Queen will be Miss Dona Mears of Roseburg, her princesses to be Miss Jane Fooshee of San Leandro, Calif., and Miss Marie Corner of Bothell, Wash. Opening event for the week-end will be the drama department's play "Good News," on Thursday evening, the second performance to be Friday evening. Friday afternoon brings the parade PTA Silver Tea On Thursday at Thompson Home On the calendar for next Thursday afternoon is the annual silver tea of the West Salem PTA, the event to be at the Orchard Heights home of Dr. and Mrs. Willard, N. Thompson. Hours for the affair are between 2:30 and' 5:30 o'clock. 4 Transportation from the schoolhouse will leave every half hour during the tea period for the benefit of those wish ing to attend. The interested public is invited. Pro ceeds go to the PTA projects for the school. . Mrs. Harold Elbert is president of the unit. General chairman for the tea If Mrs. John Carr. r ' Greeting at the door will be Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mrs. Lee Thomas and Mrs, Robert M. Brownell. Introducing to the line will be Mrs. Loring Grier and Mrs. Richard Nelson, In the line will be Mrs. Harold El bert, president of the sponsoring group; T. J. Means, principal of the school, and the hostess, Mrs. Thompson. . Inviting guests to the dining room and assisting will be Mrs. ' James Larios, Mrs. John Glodt, Mrs. Hugh Govier, Mrs. Leonard Peters, Mrs. Engbert Han sen, Mrs. Don Watson. Mrs Peul Parher, Mrs. Glen Wyatt. Mrs. Carl Quistad, Mrs. Hnrvev 0.uid, Mre D. fiermon, Mrs. I. F. Bryan, Mrs. Lawrence Sheri dan.' . . . Pouring will be Mrs. Walter E. Sny- der, Mrs. Barnev Van Onsenoord, Mrs. Warren Baker, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs.- T. J. Means. In the dining room will be Mrs. Gale Merwin. Mrs. Howard Sar gent, Mrs. John Rauch, Mrs. Edwin Maerz. In charge of the wishing well for con tributions will be Mrs. Seward H. Kelli cut, Mrs. Gus Moore, Mrs. Roy E. Smith. On 'the committees for the event are: Mrs. Ralph Thede, telephone; Mrs. Her man Boese, coffee; Mrs. Rollin Beaver, kitchen; Mrs. Kenneth Dodge, publicity; Mrs. Warren Baker, food. Roberts Hill Billies will meet on Tuesday at 8:15 o'clock in the Grange hall for regular practice of square danc ing. Special guests will be members of Jeans and Calicos square dance group of Dundee. v ' ' Ritual of jewels was performed for several new members in chapters of Beta Sigma Phi here on Thursday eve ning at ceremonies in West Salem City hall. Mrs. Billy Bishop, president of city council of Beta Sigma Phi, read the ceremony, assisted by Miss Lucille Hig by of Alpha Psi chapter, Mrs. Wilbur Pearson of Eta chapter, Mrs. Donald Stiffler of Alpha Epsilon. Vice presidents assisting were Mrs. J. N. Bishop from Xi Lambda, Mrs. Howard N. Hunsaker from Alpha Psi, Mrs. Marshall Jacobs from Alpha Epsilon, Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Eta. The new members included: From Eta chapter, Mrs. Donald Crosby, Mrs. James Fourtner, Mrs. Herbert Dalke, Miss Opal Berry, Mrs. Berwyn Maxwell, Mrs. Del bert McLaughlin, Mrs. Clayton Patter son, Mrs. Bill St. Clair, Miss Donna Saw yer, Mrs. Ernest Thaller, Miss Ruthita Willard, Mrs. J. R. Williams; from Alpha Psi, Mrs. P. C. Anderson; from Alpha Epsilon, Mrs. Jack Ames, Mrs. Wilson Beckford, Mrs. James Chase, Miss Bev erly Lebold, Miss Dorothy McCall, Mrs. Wilder McNiel, Miss Shirley Jean Miller, Mrs. Frank Ransom, Mrs. Robert Tomp kins. ' Social chairmen in charge for the eve ning were Mrs. Marvin McClain, Miss Martha Lierly, Mrs. Pauline Hillpot, Mrs. Willard Morrison, Mrs. Frank Ran som. , 1 An afternoon of cards will follow a 1:15 o'clock dessert for the social club of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, on Tuesday. Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson is chairman for the party to be at the Masonic temple, and her committee includes Mrs. Earl .Wiper, Mrs. L. M. James, Mrs. William Gahlsdorf, Miss Helen Busch, Mrs. T. W. Cooper, Mrs. Bertha Pritchard, Mrs. B. F. Schmoker, Mrs. W. E. Knower and Mrs. J. E. Wood. Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For eign Wars, will meet at 8 o'clock Mon day evening at the Veterans of For eign Wars hall. A special invitation has been extend ed to Chadwick chapter. Order of East ern Star, to attend the Tuesday evening meeting of Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, at the Masonic temple. There will be initiation at 7:30 o'clock, following which refreshments will be served by members of the board includ ing Mrs. E. T. Armstrong. Mrs. Emery Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. Elmer Hildreth, Mrs. Zina Sharpnack, Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson and Mrs. Arnold John son. A picnic is on the calendar for Pio neer post, American Legion, for Friday, May 1. The outdoor party is to be at 6:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Mar jorie Howard, 870 North Winter. at 1:30 o'clock, followed by the tradi tional tug 0' war, greased pole event, etc., and the big barbecue in McCulloch stadium at 4:30 o'clock. The inter-organizatlonal sing Is slat ed for 10 a.m. Saturday, in the gymna sium. Coronation of the May queen will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. . The dance is scheduled for Saturday evening In the gymnasium between 8 and 12 o'clock. Annual breakfast given by the YWCA comes Sunday morning between 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock at Lausanne hall. 1 ' :: . . .-On . ' v;v,- -O i' i K. . V id LJ t ' v kv-X") - ... JY-A, - AN EVENT for next Thursday afternoon will be the silver tea of West Salem PTA at the beantUnl home of Dr. and Mrs, WUlard N. Thompson, Orchard Heights. Above, the hostess, Mrs. Thompson, greets three of the com mittee members, left to right: Mrs. John Carr, Mre. BaVold Elbert, Mrs. John Glodt. . &&fs - (J i.-? v A,f t,4 j (yv-t.y 'ffij, THREE MORE committee workers planning the West Salem PTA tea at in the gardens, left to right; Mrs. Rollin Beaver, Mrs. Gale Merwin, Mrs, TO THE high school group the big event next week is the May Day formal on Friday evening, the dance to be In the gymnasium between 9 and 12 o'clock. During the evening, name of the May Queen will be revealed. The seven can didates for the honor arc Misses Betty Zahara, Nancy Rust, Jackie Jones, Nancy Osterman, Nancy Moorefield, Virginia Lively, and Carol Svinth. "Coronation Serenade" is the theme for the elaborate decorations planned. Patrons for the evening are Mrs. W. E. Deeney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Crothcrs, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barge, Miss Nell Guthrie, Mrs. Winona Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Lorcn Mort, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carlnton, Miss Elizabeth Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Gurncc Flesher. Annual spring benefit dinner is plan ned for Sunday, May 3, by ladies of St Vincent de Paul Mothers club. The event will be from 12 to 3 o'clock in the school cafeteria, baked ham and home made pies to be featured. The benefit is being given to buy new equipment for the cafeteria, and the public is invited to attend. Navy, Marine and Coast Guard moth ers are Invited to attend the meeting of Salem Navy Mothers club at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Mrs. Clem Ohlsen will en tertain the group at her home, 747 South 12th, Mrs. Ida Newton and Mrs. William 3. Dayson assisting. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PLAN. SILVER 4 U rU-V - - - "' 4j,cVlv '''"'iV'kt ' WORKERS VIEW GARDENS AT HOME Berning-Lulay Wedding Today Sublimity Wed at a ceremony in St. Boniface church this morning were Miss Margaret Lulay and Leon Berning of Mt. Angel. The Rev. Robert O'Hara performed the 10:30 o'clock Bervice in a setting of apple blossoms, carnations, Calla lilies and snapdragons. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay of Sublimity and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs., C. J. Berning of Mt. Angel. Singing the mass were Gerald Nett ling and Joe Dougherty. Nylon and Tulle Dress Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of nylon tulle over satin, entrain, with appliques of lace on the full skirt. The short veil was fas tened with a wreath of nylon. The bride carried a bouquet of pale pink rosebuds. Mrs. Gilbert Kintz, the bride's sister, was matron of honor and wore a frock of orchid nylon net, with a headpiece of matching net, and carried pink rose buds. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Leonard Ncal and Mrs. Leo GrosJnc ques, sisters of the bride, who were dressed in nile green, and Misses Joan and Jean Berning, sisters of the bride groom, who wore frocks of maize. All the attendants wore headpieces to match their dresses and carried bouquets of pink rosebuds. The flower girls, Linda Noal and Carol GrosJacques, were dressed in pink dotted Swiss, their headbands and bou quets matching those of the brides (JeiKn-uuitr twllo plctun) TEA 'p.S.v.' - - ti-Mmw tudio picture) Ml the Thompson home are pictured here Warren Baker. maids'. The little girls are nieces ot the bride. Tommy and Johnny Lulay, nephews of the bride, were ring bearers. . . Eymart Berning, brother of the bride groom, was best man and ushering were William Lulay, Jr., Clement Lulay and Donald Lulay, brothers of the bride; Jim Rielemeinr. Fhllin Bnrnine and Al Berning, brothers of the bridegroom. Mrs. Lulay, the bride's mother, wore a two-shade gray straw silk dress with navy accessories, and Mrs. Berning wort a sand colored dress with navy acces sories. Their corsages were of bronze orchids. ...'.. Reception at Hall Following the ceremony, there was reception In the parish hull. Mrs. Al Lulay, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. John Hammclman, sister of the bridegroom, cut the cake at the bride's table which was decorated with orchid, green and maize streamers and white-bells. Pour ing were Mrs. Joe Breitenstein and Mrs. Florence Beitel, both aunts of the bride. Assisting were Mrs. Robert Schachtslck, Mrs. Gregg Frost, Mrs. Ralph Bochsler, Miss Jcanette Kintz, Mrs. Joseph Dougherty, Miss Caroline Heubcrger, Miss Patty Nibler, Miss Rita Beitel, Miss Mary Jean Dittcr, Mrs. Andy Kintz, Mrs. Ray Hartman and Mrs. Mamie Laux. Mrs. Berning wore an orchid suit with box Jacket for the wedding trip to Cali fornia. The couple will be at home In Mt. Ang, the first part of May.