Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Coffee Parties
Calendared for
Coming Week
Coffee pot will be bubbling merrily
In number of neighborhoods next
week, several coffee parties being on
the week's social schedule. (
Tuesday Event
Mrs. Glenn Stevens and her sister-in-law,
Mrs.. Raymond Buslck, are to be
hostesses on Tuesday morning at the
home of the former, Alvarado Terrace,
Candalaria, at a coffee to honor a new
comer In the capital, Mrs. A. B. Davis,
who moved here recently from Port
land. Guests are Invited to call between 10
a.m. and noon.
Greeting at the door will be Mrs. Co
burn Grabenhorst and Mn. Charles H.
Heltzel. Assisting about the living room
will be Mrs. Harold Busick, Mrs. A. C.
Gerlingcr, Mrs. Hillary Etzel and Mrs.
Gordon Krueger.
' Pouring will be Mrs. Chandler Brown
and Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen. (Assisting
in the dining room will be Mrs. Chester
Loe and Mrs. H. T. Irving.
. Tuesday Event
Another coffee party for Tuesday
morning will be that to be given by
Mrs. Walter H. Smith and Mrs. J. N.
Bishop at the home of the former on
Mission street. Neighborhood friends
have been Invited to call between 10
nd 12 o'clock.
May Day Event
May day hostesses at a coffee party
will be Mrs. William H. Hammond and
Mrs. Garlen L. Simpson, the two enter
taining at the Hammond home on Sagi
naw between 10 a.m. and noon, next
Friday. ,
During the first hour, Mrs. Kenneth
Potts will be at the door; Mrs. Frank H.
Spears is to pour, and assisting about
the rooms will be Mrs. E. E. Battcrman,
Mrs. Edward Roth and Mrs. Cornelius
During the second hour, Mrs. C. J.
Hamilton will be at the door; Mrs. Wil
liam C. Ryan will pour, and assisting
will be Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Ward
Davis and Mrs. John A. Heltzel.
Sisters-in-law Entertain
Also entertaining at a May day coffee
on Friday morning will be Mrs. Sidney
Schlesinger 'and Mrs. Ralph Schlesinger,
the two to be hostesses at the Leslie
street home of the former.
Guests are bidden to call between 10
a.m. and 1 p.m.
Assisting the hostesses will be Mrs.
Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr.,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Percy R.
Kelly, Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen, Mrs.
Leonard Rowan, Mrs. Loren Hicks, Mrs.
Warne Nunn, Mrs. Henry Meyer, Mrs.
Charles H. Heltzel, Mrs. M. H. Saffron
and Mrs. Robert Sprague.
In:. it vi.,A2, air.., " Ji
"ONDAY Night Dance club has
arranged its April party for
Monday evening, at the Amer
ican Legion club.
A buffet dinner is planned at 7
o'clock, dancing following.
On the committee for the dance are
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mr.
and Mrs. N. J, Brinkley, Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill D. Ohling, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Wagness, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lardon.
' An event for Sunday afternoon will
be the informal "open garden" affair
for which David W. Eyre and his son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art Johnson, will greet friends at their
residence, 148 East Washington. The
interested public is Invited to call by
between 2 and S o'clock to view the
gardena at the Eyre home, one of the
how gardens on Fairmount Hill at
this season of the year.
4 w )
THREE WIlXAMliTTIS university tudenta will present the program for the
Md PM S11; J,u"''. l,"n!?1n' 'Willamette campus. Lett to right:
Mln Harriet AHer, Tlollst, and Miss Jane Gray, Th. program la to be
la the Mast bwUdint
(Jeiten-Mtller itudlo picture)
ANNOUNCED last week-end was the engagement of Mis Mariann Croisan, above,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George W. Croisan, to Edwin E. Allen, Eugene, son of Mr,
and Mrs. W. L. Allen of Cottage Grove, A late summer wedding is planned.
A colorful May day party on Friday
will be the annual spring lunch
eon for all women of the St.
Paul's Episcopal church, the event to
be at the parish hall. All nine women's
guilds are cooperating in giving the af
fair. The luncheon will be between 11 a.m.
and 2 p.m. Mrs. R. D. Barton and Mrs.
J. E. Law are co-chairmen for the event.
Guild's cooperating are St. Anne's,
St. Agnes, St. Mary's, St. Cecilia's, St.
Helena's, Junior guild, St. Elizabeth's,
St. Paul's, and the auxlliary.-
AU women of the church are extended
invitation to attend, the event given as
a get-acqualnted one for all guild mem
bers and workers in the church.
Among hostesses of next Week will be
Mrs. Charles Mills and Mrs. Woodson
Bennett, the two planning a series of
three parties to be given at the Mills
home on Candalaria Heights.
On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
the hostesses will entertain at lunch
eons and bridge parties. On Tuesday
evening, the two will entertain at
bridge party, a late supper to follow.
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
meet on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Gordon Krueger, S42 Kingwood,
at ,7:45 o'clock, Mrs. Robert Worral as
1 or
Wedding Here
Next Saturday
A simple afternoon service is planned
- for the wedding of Miss Martha Pauline
Proctor and Dr. Winfield H. Needham
on Saturday, May 2, the ceremony to be
solemnized at 4 o'clock in the First Con
gregational church. Dr. Seth R. Hunt
ington will officiate at the service.
Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., cousin of
the bride, is to be matron of honor.
Robert M. Needham will be best man
for his brother. The ushers will be
Richard L, Cooley and Delmar, Gwynn.
' The reception following also will be
at the church. .
The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Emery Proctor of Ottum
way, Iowa, arrived in Salem on Friday,
Honoring the couple, Dr. and Mrs.
Stuart Lancefleld are entertaining at
a dinner on Wednesday evening.
On Friday evening, Dr. Needham'i
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham,
are to entertain at a family dinner fol
lowing the wedding rehearsal.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae are to
meet on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis, 340 Lane place,
Fairmount hill, at 8 o'clock. ' Co-hostesses
are Miss Margaret Wagner, Mrs.
Harey Ronne. A white elephant sale
is planned.
(JnWn-MUlir ltu41o pletun)
benefit recital and silver tea ot
Robert accompanist,
la Waller hall, the tea following
Jzr s
Married Today
Wed this afternoon at a simple home
ceremony were Miss Sally Anne John
sen and Thomas Moore Paterson of
North Bend.
The service was solemnized at 3
o'clock at the residence of the bride's
parents. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. John
sen. Mr. Paterson is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. N. Paterson of North Bend.
Dr. Brooks Moore, pastor of the First
Methodist church, read the vows. Only
members of the families attended the
wedding and the reception following.
Soloist for the service was Dennis
Sheets and Mrs. Brooks Moore was ac
companist. The service took place before the
fireplace, blossoms and white blooms
being used for decorations.
The bride wore a navy blue suit with
pink hat and accessories, and carried a
Bible with white orchids on it.
- Miss Phyllis Johnsen was her sister's
only attendant. She wore a gray-green
suit with brown accessories and hat,
and her corsage was of Talisman rose
buds. .
John Reed, cousin of the bridegroom,
was best man. .
The bride's mother wore a plum col
ored suit with black accessories and a
corsage of deep red roses. The bride
groom's mother wore a light blue suit
with matching accessories and corsage
of pink roses.
Assisting at the reception were Miss
Ana Keizer of .North Bend, Miss Grace
Jackson of Eugene, Mrs. Forrest Eckles,
Mrs. Rober Bird ' North Bend, the
latter a sister of the bridegroom.
The couple left on a trip to southern
California. They are to be at North Bend
for a time, Mr. Paterson to go into army
service later this month. .
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Ore
gon's governor, will be at home three
afternoons next week for all Salem
friends wishing to call between 2 and 4
o'clock each day.
The first lady' of Oregon plans to
be at home Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Patterson
Is planning at home afternoons off and
on, being unable to set a certain date
because of the many appointments for
the governor. She will announce at
home afternoons from time to time.
St. Elizabeth's guild, St. Paul's Epis
copal church, is to meet on Tuesday,
salad luncheon to be at 1 o'clock in the
parish hall.
Hostessc? will be Mrs. R. H. Baldock,
chairman; Mrs. O. K. DeWitt, Mrs. Karl
Steiwer, Mrs. E. G. Sander,', Mrs. J. D.
In Portland last evening were' David
W. Eyre and his son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, and
their daughter, Katrinka. They were
at the David W. Eyre, Jr., home for a
family dinner. Mr. Eyre,. Jr., returned
this week from the east, having been
one of those attending the meeting of
the American Society of Newspaper
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr.,
are to entertain Sunday evening for
members of the committee planning the
annual Rotarian Women's party to be
given on May 17. The group has been
invited to the Phillips home, Sunday
evening, the group including Mr. and
Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. Abner K. Kline,
Rep. and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt Clark, Mr. and Mrs. P.
H. Brydon. '
Delta Zeta alumnae will be entertain
ed on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. O. K. Beals, Miss Mil
dred Deischer as co-hostess.
Phi Mu alumnae of Salem are spon
soring a benefit bridge party for mem
bers, their husbands and guests on
Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and
' Mrs. Elmer O. Berg at 8 o'clock . Pro
ceeds go as the club's contribution to
the new Phi Mu chapter house at Uni
versity of Washington.
Assisting Mrs. Berg in arrangements
for the Tuesday party are Mrs. Wilmer
H. Page, Mrs. J. B. Lorence, Mrs. Alfred
Larson, Mrs. Chris Wheeler, Mrs.
George A. Brown, Mrs. Robert M.
Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Leonard Maxwell,
Mrs. B. F. Williams.
Meeting on Tuesday evening will be
Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood, at the
home of Mrs. K. K. Adams, 1445 Beau
mont Drive, Mrs. D. A. Emerson as the
Mrs. Ward Davis is to entertain for
her bridge club Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Walter Kirk will entertain for
her bridge club at supper and cards on
Tuesday evening.
A "come as you are" party is planned
by the Junior Woman's club Monday
evening, new members of the group to
be hostesses.
The party is to begin at 8 o'clock and
will be at the home of Mrs. Ted Tibbltts
on Alvarado Terrace.
Mrs. G. F. Chambers is to entertain
for the Study club on Tuesday.
The postponed social meeting for Sa
lem Soroptimlst club Is planned for next
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Lee Eyerly. This is to
be an old-time costume party and mem
bers ore to wear hats representing their
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Eyerly are
Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Miss Gertrude
Acheson, Mrs. Alice Fisher, Mrs. Walter
A. Barsch and Mrs. J. C. Wright.
Visitors here Sunday to be dinner
guests at the Charles H. Heltzel home
will be Mrs. Heltzel's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Gabriel
ot Portland.
( Jeiten-Mlller jtudlo picture) ;
LEAVING the first week in May for a summer abroad will be Miss Josephine
Banmgartner, above. She will sail from New York City and will visit in England and
Ireland, then go en to the Scandinavian countries and journey south from there to
other countries on the continent. She will be gone all summer.
On Wednesday
A benefit affair attracting a large
group for next week .will be the annual
one for Salem club, Daughters of the
Nile, on Wednesday, April 29, at Scot
tish Rite temple. .
Dessert will be at 1:15 o'clock, cards
Mrs. Fred L. Peterson, Portland,
queen of Nydia temple, and about 20
of her corps of officers and chairmen
are expected to attend the party.
Proceeds go to the Shriners hospital
for crippled children in Portland.
Reservations may be made by call
ing either Mrs. Gilbert Wynkoop, Mrs.
John Graybill or Mrs. J. S. Lochead.
Among those making reservations so
far are:
Mrs. Tom H. Dunham, Mrs. Roy Todd,
Mrs. La Verne Voung, Mrs. Byron Men
nis, Mrs. Carl Armpriest, Mrs. Harold
A. McCoy, Mrs. Andre Lambert, Mrs.
B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Russel Bright, Mrs.
Lloyd Hughes, Mrs. Frank North, Mrs.
O. R. Eckersley, Mrs. M. J. Grub, Mrs.
Frank Lockman, Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mrs.
Elmo McMillan, Mrs. Eldon Burris, Mrs.
H. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Robert Armpriest,
Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs. R. D. Blatch
ford, Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Joe W.
Hutchinson, Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. Wil
liam R. Shinn, Mrs. H. L. Williamson,
Mrs. Richard Severin, Mrs. Robert Dris
coll, Mrs. Carl Quistad, Mrs. Lawrence
Smith of Stayton, Mrs. E. A. Finlay of
Silverton, Mrs. Lyn D. Lambeth, Mrs.
Carl Emmons, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs.
Charles S. McElhinny, Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen, Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs.
Arthur A. Atherton, Mrs. Ervin L.
Peterson, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs.
Fred Viesko, Mrs. p. G. Hiltibrand,
Mrs. Leon M. Everett, Mrs. E. O. Wel
ling, Mrs. Frank Kellogg.
' -la
' (Juttn-MIUtr ttwllo pletun)
. NEW PRESIDENT for Oregon division of the American Association of University
women Is Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, above, now a member of Salem branch. Elections
were conducted this week-end at the state meeting In Klamath Falls.
A LARGE group from Salem will
attend the founders day banquet
for chapters of Beta Sigma Phi
from the valley at the Corvallis Country
club next Wednesday evening, April 29.
Chapters of the sorority from Salem,
Albany and Lebanon have been invited
to join the Corvallis group for the ob
servance. The formal dinner will be at 7
o'clock. t ,
Representatives from all four Salem
chapters, Eta, Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Psi
' and Xi Lambda, will attend.
St. Helena's guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church is meeting on Tuesday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
James C. Stone, 3255 Crestview Drive.
Mrs. George L. Hill is to give a report
on the recent diocesan convention in
Corvallis. Co-hostesses for the meeting
are Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Jr., Mrs.
Clinton Ault,1 Mr Owietue -Walker,
Mrs. Gordon Shattuck.
Rotarian Women plan their regular
monthly luncheon for Monday at 1
o'clock in the Golden Pheasant.
There will be a program and at the
business session officers will be elected
following the nominating committee re
port. Mrs. Paul Heath is to talk on flower
arrangements and Mrs. Harris Lletz it
to sing the invocation.
The party planned by the group for
all members and their husbands will be
May 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Phillips, Sr., a no-host sup
per to be served.
. Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood if
meeting next Monday evening at 7:45
o'clock at the home of Miss Brenda
Glass, Mrs. Glen Weaver as co-hostess.
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