Pfeg THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem,' Org on Saturday, April 28, 1953 BRADLETS BICTCLI k SPORT SHOP . Formerly Moore's WN.Hlgh Ph. 8-3844 CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT 00. Typewriter - Adding Machines Accounting Machines , Calculator! ELECTRIC CLEANERS 868 Highland Ph. 1-4821 K.L.ELFSTROMCO. . 180 8. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY : Iniuranca All Type 66S N. Capitol Ph. 42201 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 608 S. Commercial Ph.42257 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thing! Photographic 488 Stat St Ph. 14501 HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 ajn.-8 p.m. Special $1.80 Sunday Dinner Noon Till 8 pjn. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Acroii From Sean . 848 N. Capitol MCHILLOP REAL ESTATE Phone 88820 408 Center at High T ALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Salei & Service S33S811vertonRd. SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC . Owned & Operated by L. H. Campbell , I8S0 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1888 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph.2-4181 1174 Edgewater Weit Salem BECTLER-QUISTAD LBR. Co. "Everything to Build With" 488 Wallace Rd. Ph. 8-8181 HUTCHEON PAINT STORE Palnti-Varnlihca- Wallpaper Ph. 8-6687 162 N. Commercial Lester DeLipp Tranifer-Storats "Local and Nation-wide Mover" Ph. 21790 1118 N. Commercial SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS Psalm S7t 21-22: The wicked borroweth ond poytth not ogoln; but tha righteous shewest mercy, ond giveth. For such oi be blessed of him sholl Inherit the earth; ond they that be cursed of him, shall bt cut off. ' i h ((iHiitcki ICati f;(tiD ait ? Are you fiaberman? Then a rippling, tree lined stream like this beckons 70a to drop in your line. But perhaps you're the athletic type. Then you would like to iwiro. Or you're interested in boata and paddling a canoe would appeal. A weary traveler would- long to bathe hie face and hands, A farmer viiions fertile acres fed by ita lifegiving flow. The scientist contemplates the living minutiae in its depths. The engineer cal culates its hidden power. Water is all things to all people. Without it there could be no life. . . God ii like water. ' Without Him there can be no life. Without His refreshing invigora tion, your aoul would shrivel and die. Without His strength and power there would be little good in the world. Without His cleansing love, life would be sordid and unpleasant , And through the Church you can find Him. if 4 -waff"!- tit f Wm W ri I - rHS011 FOR ALL AU FOR TTjpie--. very "",.r tow ,ounW ..-'""ration -U of Lii0' h" children-: . or J,,-, '"ly ond VU PPOrl P," to 00 tewT moral ' ma rea your Biki. j ! .. 10 church x . oy. reyu- Sook ' 0,n,i, Bieki John . John . I..J.I. -PlXlm. I it 4 t (I 31 14 M0 -15 17-48 Ml M . II llllilllilllWllMI II r I III It I J OwtteM 1S. Mitn A,.. aTk., Hu..lart. V.. . I W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Director! 299 N. Cottage Phone 3-3178 CAPITAL TV SALES & SERVICE Motorola & Strombcrg-Carlson Television Sale, Service, Installation by former RCA Engineer Ph. 4-6402 1430 Broadway DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1778 Lena Ave. Ph. 8-4939 VALLEY PACKING CO. "The Home of Famou Cascade Hams, Meats, Bacon" 1809 Valpak Rd. Ph. 8-4138 LL'MRER DIVISION OREGON PULP & PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front & Ferry Ph. 2-2421 ROEN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Business Machine 436 Court St. Phone 8-6778 JADE ROOM for BEAUTY Complete Beauty Service Open Evenings by Appointment Phone 3-3836 1872 State St MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give Green Stamp" Phone 3-7977 1880 State WILTSEY MUSIC HOUSE Koehler & Campbell Pianos Accordions, Guitar, Marimba Instruction Rental Phone 8-7186 1860 Sate HA8TEB BREAD , Brought to You Fresh Dally By Your Grocer and , Cherry City Baking Co. MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 89205 MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store LES NEWMAN'S Men'i Wear and Shoea 179 N. Commercial FAY LES8 DRUG STORF "Pay Les Hai Everything" 484 State St -, Phone 2-8684 ROBERTS BROS. Department Store) EARS ROEBUCK & CO. Senator Hotel ft Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court & High St&, Salem Ph. 84181 THE VIST MARKET Complete Shopping Center , 8048 S. Commercial 1 UNITED THEATRE CORF. Elsinore - Capitol - Grand Liberty - State - Drive-la COAST-TO-COAST STORES "11 Big Departments Everything for Home and Car Byron Cooley, Owner 238 N. Commercial Ph. 8-7957 BLUE LAKE PACKERS, Ins. S78 Pattenon Ave. Salem, Ore. V. O. REFINE CO. We Go Anywhere Any Size Job 1588 Portland Rd. Ph. 8-4788 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Authorized Bulck Sales-Service S88N. Commercial Ph.1-1611 THIS SIRIIS OP ADS IS IHNO PUILISHID IACH WEEK UNDER THI AUSPICES OP THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BYTHISIPUIUCSPIRITID, CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS ' M ' t'""--':-'-- " firthi t frr' iifcun