Paw 2 In the Valley Edited by HIKE FORBES Stayton Stayton The ladle society of the Christian church, met at the bom ol Mr. Ira Kirsch, Thursday evening. Assisting ' Mri. Kirsch ai hostesses were Mri. Apple, Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Paul Kirsch. After the business meeting the ladiei rolled bandages for the Indian Million, In Wash ington. Those present were Mrs. Carl Titus, Mrs. C. L. Stanley, ' Mrs. Calavan, Mrs. Ben Bail, Mrs. Jim Blum, Esther Horns, Mrs. Frank Forette, Mrs. Clar ence Gavette,- Mri. Ray Frye, 'Mrs, Walter Frye, Mary Frye, Mrs. Ward Inglls, Mrs. Adam Moore, and Mrs. Elmer Hoff man, Mr. Glen Vernon, pastor of the Christian Church, will be in Myrtle Creek on Sunday, Mr. Glen Lyda, former minis , ter of Lowell, Ore., will speak during Sunday services. . Wednesday, May 27, is the date set for the eighth grade ', graduation at 8 p.m. in the ' gym. Dr. C. A. Howard will . be the speaker. There are 85 . graduating students'. They will return on Friday for report cards and the final day of . school. ., On May 15, the mothers having children, who will en . ter school in September are . to be the guests of the Stayton ' grade school administration. . They are Invited to bring their children to the school to meet their teachers. Mr. and Mra. Oliver J u e 1 Ends Tonight Open 6:00 . "HOAD TO BALI" And "SKY FULL OP MOON" Starts Sunday Cont. 1:15 Ltrr utvim iwri uuvm v DAN DME'DIANA LYNN sguuw jifij, H CONT. SHOW UT. AND SUN. I J maW EVERGLADES INDIAN WARS! Swampland Empire)... t 1 ii VjyCT Hp ' Comes a Slory of Vi-XVjB . ,i AOGsWV Courage, Treachery w5s it Nil j, njVjr" and a Woman's love.. NjyH'' ' Jv f VW the Most Dangerous . jr ' Indian Campaign F X 1 j. : 'lJI?ir-T-tfJ'v n. "sj"",v Ever Wagedl I rfflttfrTfSflffi V ggl Anthony QUINN Richard CARLSON were called to Seattle on Sat urday - to the bedside of a brother-in-law, Tony Swobo da, who is seriously 111 with Hodgklns disease. The Swo bodas are former residents of Stayton. Approximately 200 mem bers attended the regular meeting of the Knights of Co lumbus, of this area, at Sub limity Tuesday evening. The occasion was the annual "Crab Feed." A group of visiting Knights were In attendance from Woodburn. Delegates elected to the annual state convention to be held In May, at Astoria, were grand knight, Raymond Kerber, . Vincent Mertz, Edd Jacoby, and Ted Etzel. ' At benefit program "Doc" Jungwirth, of Stayton, was the recipient of a $50 fishing rod and reel. Lecturer, Raymond Bodig heimer of Sublimity was in charge of the evening pro gram, Grade School Band Entertains Rotary Woodburn The Washing ton grade school band, direct ed by Don Jeisup,' gave the program at the Woodburn Ro tary club Thursday noon. F. C. McLaughlin, chairman of the program committee, arranged the program. Next Thursday the 1053 bas ketball team of Woodburn high school and their coach, Marshall Barbour, will be guests. Speaker will be Bob Blackburn, radio sports an' nouncer, of Portland. DRIVE-IN THEATR Thoni an UIISH QAIDINS, HIGHWAY t : Oates Ipen 7:00 J 1 Show at Desk r ENDS TONIGHT! (Sat.) I In Technicolor "ROAD TO BALI" Bob Hope Bins Crosby m... I Walt Disney's Academy Award Winning . ; "WATER BIRDS STARTS SUNDAY! ' Everyone Is Talking About ... "ItUBY GENTRY" Jennifer Jones Carl Maiden Could Happen and This Could Bo the Results! ' -"TNASION, C.8.A." STARTING TOMORROW! Sublimity Sublimity Mrs. N. R. Lulay and Mrs. John Mackle were called to Crescent City, Calif., due to the illness of John Mackle, who was suffer ing from double pneumonia. Mrs. Nag of Mt. Angel, Wher of Mr. Mackie, is here caring for the children.' Mrs. George Schmitt who has been critically 111 with measles and pneumonia the past week, Is now showing some improvement. She is a patient in Santiam Memorial hospital at Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Schu macker and daughters, Jane and Carole Ann, spent several days at Langvlew and Seattle, Wash., where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mlnden and family have moved to Portland. While here Mr. Mln den was employed in the con struction of the new Catholic chnrch at Stayton and St. Joseph's Catholic church in Salem. The Lady of the Terrace was presented to a large audience on Friday and Sun day evening. Sister M. Colista and Sister Rose Augusta train ed the chorui. Miss Joanne Holt, Miss Mary Jean Ditter and Miss Beverly Roberts, students at St. Boniface high, attended the nursing conference held at the Blind school in Salem on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Albus returned recently from a five day trip which took them to New Westminister, Canada, where they attended the wedding of Don Jacques and Deanne Heath. , The groom is the son of Mrs. Ted Jacques - (Dora . Albus) who Is well known here hav ing attended school and lived here prior to leaving for New Zealand in 1019 where she has since made her home. The bride is a high school Instructor in New Westmini ster, Canada at which place they will make their home after returning from a honey moon spent in California. Woodburn Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Maricle and son Bobby returned Tuesday from a trip to Bremerton where they vis ited Mrs. Madeline Hooper, a sister of Maricle, over the weekend. They were accom panied by Al Maricle who vis ited the family of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day and Alfred at Port Orchard and on the return trip the group vis ited Mrs. Marlcle's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max Dot- son, at Aberdeen. , Airmen 3c Oscar Larson, Jr. (Chub) 'arrived home this week from Cheyenne, Wyo., where he completed his mili tary training and will have a leave of three weeks before reporting for further assign ment. He is the son of the Os car Larsons, Sr. Mrs. Cordelia Layman is in the Woodburn Nursing Home on Second street, where she Ends Todayl (Sat.) "KURT LEGION" ind "GIRLS IN THE NI6HT MUSI CttN URTOON AIRMli NEWS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon was taken Wednesday after suffering a stroke at her home. Mr. arid Mrs. Wallace Gil lette have purchased the real' dence of Dr. Delbert Reed at 416 Second street and with their family of five children moved to their new home last week. Airman 3e Charles Murphy of the navy will leave Sunday after a leave in Woodburn, for Treasure Island, Calif., prior to being sent to the Hawaiian Islands. He has been stationed at Sand Point Naval base In Seattle, Wash., the past 2tt years, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Murphy. Mrs. Ralph Pickering at tended the P.T.A. state conven tion in Medford April 21-23, representing the local group of which she is vice president. Falls City Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Parsons returned from their trip to Calif., last week. Miss Norma Wise of Salem spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Ernest Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Vick of Salem were Sunday callers on her father, Mr. I. C. Mehrllng. : . LeRoy Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis, has en listed in the Marine Corps. Mr. and Mri. Roy McMur phy gave a birthday dinner recently honoring Mri. Mar garet Loftui. . Mrs. James Taylor was hostess to the Lark club at her home on Tuesday after noon, April 14. The time was spent in tying a quilt for Mrs. Taylor. ., The hostess served refresh ments honoring Mrs. Jessie Mayer, as is was her birth day, " Members present were: Mrs. Fred ' Luhde, Mrs. Faye Frlnk, Mrs.' W. E. Jackson, Mrs. James Roger, Mrs. Jessie Major, Mrs. Willis Frink and Mrs. James Taylor. Invited guests were Mary and Romana Frink and Sally Lemond. Mr. and Mrs. - Vernon Heuthorne of Coquille, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henthorne. Mr. and Mrs. William Mack of Tillamook ' were recent callers at the home of his mother, Mrs. Nellie Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freesen and daughter; of Dallas were Sunday visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Simon Robinson. Recent callers at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Floyd Gra ham were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bandy of Salem; Mrs. Dennis Bagger and children of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gllmore and family of Bridge port. ' ; WOM a.? Danny Thomas Fern Leo . In Technicolor "JAZZ SINGER Alan Ladd "THUNDER IN THE EAST SHOPPER'S BARGAIN MATINEE STARTS MON. ADULTS 50 S.:. Till 5 P. M. Cont Shows Today! LAST TIMES TODAY! BOL0!TRU6 limdyAs TODAY'S Hwdinfs.... 1hdt Harts luest THt HAKB).... CO-FEATURE! ft' ADULTS . ONLY! id ft J s ''! v, Home Rebekah Club Meeting Woodburn The April meeting of the Past Noble Grands' club of Home Rebe kah lodge was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Livesay. The place of the meeting was changed from the borne of Mrs. H. A. Lohse because of the Illness of Mrs. Lohse. Mrs. Frank Wright, the vice president, was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Mrs. Lohse. Bible verses were given in response to roll call and Mrs. Alfred Moon led the de votional service. ' Thirteen members and eight guests were., present. Guests were Mrs. Jay Weber, Mrs. Ar chie Murphy, Mrs. William Stange, Mrs. Earl Allalon, Mrs. Mabel Sporalsky, Mrs. Edward DeHaan, Mrs. E. C. Peyton and Mrs. Leota Porter, all mem bers of Home Rebekah lodge. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Eliza beth Rail and Mrs. Alfred Klamp. The next meeting will be May 28 at the home of Mrs. Thomas Engle, Sr., with Mrs. Herman Otjen as co-hostess. Street Numbering Starts at Lebanon ' Lebanon A Chamber of Commerce committee planning numbering and re-namlng of city streets has asked for a council member of their com mittee, since plans are mov ing ahead rapidly. ' Mayor Fitzgerald named the three man. street committee which includes Kenneth Fuller, Glen Gillenwatcr and Robert Heimerdinger. The city council has acted on complaints of citizens living near the city dump who protest the lack of drainage in the area. No tile exists under the road leading from the highway into the grounds, causing water to back up. The city informed the com mittee that the municipality vlding the county delivers the , IT'S WORTH DRIVING MILES TO SEE! MIDNIGHT SHOW ONLY-TONIGHT 11:30 M STARTLING DARING , UKCENSORED Hvw SCUT KV" I h OUT PARTY .IIS I " f ' Show t FIRST I1 lit STARTLING iTV Com as kits as 1 0 feafirre pks Our Show at Onr Mrdn'rr Only One Showing! Come DRIVE-IN Early! Slay Late!1 laaiiN MIDINt, HIGHWAY ft Silverton Work on the proposed Les ter Humphreys . (Portland) drive-in theatre, on an eight acre plot by John Q. Small, is reported as progressing and may be ready for opening the last of April. For Ml. Angel Mt. Angel The erection of a new building for Mount Angel Seminary wis announc ed today by the rit. nev. uam ian Jentges, O.S.B., Abbot of Mount Angel Abbey. Construction work will Be gin In the near future, so that the new facilities will be ready for the beginning of the fall term In September, 1853. The new building will alle viate present crowded condi tions and take care of expect ed increases of enrollment. Mount Angel Seminary is the only school that prepares boys for the Diocesan priesthood in an area west of the Rocky mountains, south of the Wash-' ington border and north of San Francisco. The. plans call for the build ing to be situated on the north side of the hill between the present seminary building and the large gymnasium. The exact extent of the expansion will be announced In the near future. The expansion program is ap proved and supported by the Most Rev. Archbishop Edward D. Howard of Portland. The new building' is expect ed to provide classroom and residence facilities for minor seminarians, i.e., high school students and college students not yet in philosophy. ' : SPEECH CANCELLED Woodburn Rev. Harry A. Rhodes, who was scheduled to speak at the Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian churches on Wednesday April 29, has cancelled his appointments here because of illness. , tile, a matter which was pre viously agreed upon. P.M. p.m. and stt a regular Sensational Midnit Show Prict of $1.00! Only One Showing! THEATRE Come t..i..i Phone 2? MS) 101111 Slay Late! Pay Indians for Fishing Rights Portland W) Revised agreements to pay two Indian tribes for loss of fishing rights were announced here Fri day by the army engineers. The Warm Springs tribe would get $4,047,800 and the UmatiUas $4,198,000 for loss of the Celilo fishing site, which will be flooded by The Dalles dam, now under con struction. Col. Thomas Lipscomb, Portland district engineer, said the agreements had been approved by MaJ. Gen. Sam uel D. Sturgis, chief of the army engineers. They now must be ratified by Interior Secretary McKay and the 1,078 Warm Springs . Indians ' and the 1,118 UmatiUas Lipscomb said he had been advised the Yakima tribe did Matinee Daily from STARTS TOMORROW! SANDS OF CHINA'S GOBI GAY If EST J fp Enemy Horde! tichanlWIDIMi w TtYlOR 0ini RCMIM Cat) AMIS f eiBBBBBBBBBBBBk. S.r DAI LEY CONSTANCE 1 I SMITH s'ljf SV f !l ... AIUilK THAT KCAME Avowam. AmomiK... af twt SMilsf 1 ro ' wMh NEVA ATTBt$ON Jb',irrTU UANCHf VUVJCA Saturday, April 25, 1953 not want to negotiate on an agreement at this time, hop. lng that congress -would halt construction of the dam. WelfareBudgef $31,200,000 Portland (BtThit Ktot vr-i - r i irci fare Commission , Friday ap proved a budget pi $31,200,000 for the fiscal year starting July 1. Last year's budget was 30 ' million dollars. Nearly half the budget was allocated for welfare aid -in " Multnomah county. - Multnomah countv uu .n. cated 13 million dollars for wenare am, nearly naif the to tal. Four other counties had allocations above one million dollars. They include Marion, $1,800 : 000: Clackamas. Sl.finnnnn. Lane, $1,300,000 and Jackson' 1 itnA nnn WU ?A,6UU,UlU. Endi Todayl (Sal.) ''tasking lln Seund Barriar" irnf "Hlwitfc," 1 F.M. DESERT! CO - HIT! 1 fj I i rai i ' mc&ji 1 1 A ftil