Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 19
Saturday, April 25, 195S
AP Real Estate Editor
The luxury of wood panel
ing, once restricted by lti coit
to baronial halls and mansions
of the wealthy, hat been
brought within the reach of
almost every home owner by
fancy wood veneer on modern
"Light colored, cheerful and
beautifully grained veneer ply
woods have broadened the
field of interior decoration as
extensively as they have re
juvenated furniture design,
Wide varieties of rare, exotic
and distinctively grained
woods used for the surfaces of
these modern panels offer
big range for your choice.
You no longer are limited to
cither dark and somber old
style oak. and walnut walls or
to definitely informal, knotty
pine and cypress boards. The
same sworls and natural
growth markings that distin
guish blond furniture can now
decorate your walls. Virtually
pastel tints serve to spread
light combined with the soft
warmth of real wood.
A home craftsman, reason
ably skilled In the use of his
wood-working tools, finds it
easy to panel a room. Veneer
plywoods in 4 by 8-foot sheets
can be put up right over old
plaster and nailed through to
the studs, or superimposed on
leveled furring strips. In new
work the paneling can be
nailed directly to the framing,
providing a quick and sturdy
dry wall. Joints between pan
els are V-beveled or covered
with molding.
A new texture has been de
veloped, taking advantage of
nature and embossing the
grain of the wood. This is ac
complished by running the
Rhomellia Acres
Propogator & Grower ol
over 250 Varieties of
Plus Other Shrubbery
2497 Hollywood Dr. Ph. 22182
Thieves In the rardens.
working night and day, rob the
country of untold Quantities of
food." So says a recent publica
tion reiernnf to me aamare
done by Inject and diseases on
garden plants.
veriam uuecu preier u worn
In daylight, others emerge at
night and both an destructive.
Some diseases produce spores
and multiply In warm humid
weather, with devastating re
sults before their presence is
To provide a means of guard
ing against this vandalism, sev
eral effective chemicals are
combined in such a manner
that both diseases and Insects
are controlled.
An outstanding control of
this type Is GUARD TJSTO.
Frequent but light applica
tions of GARDCSTO, thus be
comes a watchman for gardens,
As new growth emerges, It, too,
must be protected as it Is this
new growth that Is preferred by
Insects and diseases.
Miller's GABDU8TO Is ob
tainable at . , .
3935 Silverton Rd.
Phone 44624
Geraniums, Futthlas and Perennials
13 mile East of Keizer
Phone 2-1307
panels through a machine with
power driven metal brushes.
The soft spring growth In the
wood is slightly gouged out,
leaving the harder summer
growth standing out in raised
By processing a slice of such
wood under metal brushes, the
depth of brushing is kept to
a minimum so that the wood
grain is brought out in sub
tle relief, while the surface
still remains relatively smooth,
The result is a texture that
catches light from any direc
tion and displays a sharp pat
tern in shadows.
THIS TYPE of plywood,
known as Wedge Wood, is
made with a surface of old
growth Western upland hem
lock. The raw logs are se
lected for their relatively tight
grain, brought about by slow
growth. The surface is resin
sealed and slightly pigmented
with white in manufacture,
This reduces porosity to a point
where one coat of paint will
cover. '
The Georgia - Pacific Ply
wood Co. reports that tests
have shown tha all knots re
maining in the thinly sliced
veneer will stay put. Those
that drop out in manufacture
are replaced with plastic,
which is grained to simulate
natural knots, and the com
plete material is cured In a
hot press.
Bids Received for
Chemewa Postal Job
Bids for operation of the hi'
dependent contract branch post
office at Chemawa will be re
ceived until 2 p.m. April 29,
according to announcement by
Postmaster Albert C. Gregg.
The branch must be located
on the Chemawa Indian reser
vation, adjacent to the South
ern Pacific right of way. The
operator will handle stamps,
money orders, and parcel post
matter. There will be provision
for post office boxes, a general
delivery window and the re
ceipt and dispatch of mail.
April 28-29 Farm Forestry
conference, Oregon State col
lege. May 4, 5, 6. 7 Marion coun
ty Spring 4-H show, Stayton.
May 7 Polk county Home
makers Festival, Rlckreall.
May 11, 12, 13 Oregon Cat
tlemen's annual convention,
Multnomah hotel, Portland.
May 14, IS, 16 Salem
Spring 4-H show, 225 North
Liberty St.
May 15 Clackamas county
Spring Jersey Show, Canby.
May 19 Oregon Sheepmen's
Field Day, Oregon State col
lege, Wlthycombe hall, 9:30
May 23 Marion county Jer
sey Spring Show, Salem, State
fairgrounds. v
June 4, 5, 6 Lebanon
Strawberry Festival.
June 5 Salem Business
Men's Farm Tour.
June 6 Marion county Fat
Lamb and State Sheep Dog
Trials, Turner.
June 8, 9, 10, 11 Oregon
state urange convention, Med,
June 10 Annual Farm Crops
field day, Central Station, Ore
gon State college.
June 16-28 Annual 4-H
Summer School, Oregon State
Cherry Cily
339 Chemeketa
Phone 2-6762
Quentlon Enjoy your arti
cle and answers very much
. , . Now I come for a little
help: 1. I was given a pack
age of Hlgo strain Japanese
Iris, hand pollinated. Please
tell me how and when to sow?
2. Have a Crasula (Chinese
Jade) that is not doing well.
What are its soil require
3. Would also appreaciate a
suggestion on a camellia suit
able for tub growing in a
protected East patio, prefer
able an early flowering rose
or pink.
Thanking you, Mrs. V. T.
Answer 1. Iris seed can be
sown in a cold frame or pro
tected area. Transplant seed
lings the following Spring to
field rows three inches apart.
Flowers will be better the
following year. Soil must be
good humusy garden soil on
the acid side. It should be well
drained and its a good idea
to add bonemeal 5 lbs. to
100 sq. ft. Keep soil moist
except in July when a drier
condltoan pleases them.
Answer 2. Crassula is
South Africa succulent with
fleshy leaves and clusters of
white, rose or yellow flowers,
They like plenty of sun and
thrive in sandy loam with a
small proportion of leafmold.
While growing they may be
watered freely but when rest
ing should be kept on the dry
3. Nearly any variety of
camellia will adapt Itself to
pot or tub culture. Use a good,
rich friable soil on the acid
side. It is best to start in small
pots or tubs and graduate to
larger sizes as the plant graws
and the root tend to crowd
De sure me container has a
good drainage An excellent
plant often used in this
fashion is Debutanet, a pink
with small blooms but is a
very free bloomer under pro
per conditions. A protected
East patio should be fine
yet permit plenty of air and
light to reach the plant. Fil
tered sunlight would be best.
Another advantage of pot or
tub planting is the ease of
moving to more protected
location In event of chilly
Thank you for your xom-
ments on our garden page. I
hope it continues to interest
and help you. ,
Question How can I light
en a heavy soil? Must I use
one of these new soil condi
tioners? H. C.
Answer Dig in barnyard
manure, compost, peatmoss or
other decomposed matter to
lighten the soil.
Question How much bone-
meal should be applied when
planting roses? Have heard
that some Is necessary for
good growth. Mrs. C. O.
Answer About one hand
ful of bonemeal per rose bush
is recommended.
Question Our rose seem to
e showing black spot al
ready. What spray should be
usea to control this? Mrs.
W. P.
Answer Use a copper sul
phur based spray. There are
several good ones on the mar
ket. Spray regularly.
Question Are there any
restriction on the planting of
trees in the parking between
the sidewalk and curb? Mrs.
I. M.
Answer Yes, but only so
far as to prevent interference
with utilities, such as water
gas light and telephone lines
and so as not to endanger
puDiic safety, either on street
or on sidewalk. We will dis
cuss these matters more
thoroughly in the very near
DOW weed and brush killers
meet specific farm problems
Dow makes a complete line of farm-tested, farmer
proved products to control weeds in crops and
pastures. Esteron Ten-Ten, Esteron 44, and 24
Dow Weed Killer, Formula 40 control weeds in
grain and grass crops and in pastures. Esteron
Brush Killer aids in clearing land and keeping
brush and weeds out of pastures. Esteron 245
controls wild blackberry. Dow Sodium TCA 90
controls quack grass. See your supplier. THE DOW
CHEMICAL COMPANY, Western Division, San
Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles.
you eon depend on
Question Is the ornamen
tal cherry that one reads
about so much now of any
practical value? Mrs. R. E. G.
Answer That depends up
on your meaning of "practi
cal value." It does not bear
fruit, but is often considered
of value as a shade tree as
well as an ornamental tree.
But surely the esthetic value
of such a beautiful tree must
not be ignored merely be
cause it does not bear fruit.
Question I have a Martha
Washington geranium 33 In,
ches tall and it Is a gorgeous
thing but it doesn't bloom,
What can I do to make it
bloom? It Is one year old.
have been feeding It and all
my house plants with Hypo
nex once a week teaspoonful
to a gallon of water. Mrs,
M. M. E.
Answer Geraniums bloom
better if a bit potbound and
kept in a sunny position and
slightly on the dry side. You
might try repotting and re
duce the amount of watering.
Geraniums are gross feeders
and will grow out of all pro
portion if given food and
water, but this ' does not en
courage blooms just foliage.
Question I have found
some small stlckey, white
tufts around the leaf joints
of some house plants. Is this
a disease? How do you cure
it? Mrs. M. S.
Answer Probably mealy
bugs. Dip cotton wrapped
toothpick in alcohol and push
each tuft( the hiding of
the bug). Then spray the plant
with water, then isolate it so
the bug will not move to
another plant. This process
may have to be repeated
several times before the cure
is complete.
Question Do tuberous be
gonias have any insect or
disease problem? Mrs.
R. A. N.
Answer Begonias do not
have many problems, though
mildew has been noticed re
cently. This can be controlled
by spraying with 26 cal
cium polysulphide. Slugs
sometimes bother but use a
10 metaldehyde slug dust.
Lindane will control aphlds
and the white fly.
Question Why do tuberous
begonia buds some times drop
before maturing? Mrs.
R. N. A.
Answer This is probably
due to drying out or, if grown
in pots, becoming root bound.
Many troubles are due to
overfeeding which causes too
rapid growth.
Question What is the pro
per watering schedule for
African Violets? Mrs. C.O.S.
Answer The recommen
dation of Helen Van Pelt Wil
son, recognized authority on
African Violets is give a
drink every morning, never
allow soil to become dry on
top. Give it all the water It
might want but avoid over
watering. The soil should be
soaked thoroughly, but water
only when the top of the soil
is dry to the touch. Sub-irrigation
by means of a wick
through the bottom drain
age assures a constant supply
of water. Water on leaves will
Graber Bros.
I JSBII..B-1I. in
' ' M1I IHI-I
Contract and General
Established 1908
45 Yean in Salem
154 S. Liberty Phone 36594
Barrel Berry
Raising Plan
The strawberry barrel 1
becoming increasingly popu
lar as a means of growing
a quantity of strawberries in
a small space.
First secure a good' round
standard wooden barrel. Re
move one end and use that as
the top. The other end should
be reinforced as it will bear
considerable weight. It is a
good idea to set the barrel on
a small platform with castors
on the bottom of the barrel so
it can be turned to that each
side can be given exposed to
the sun. Then, about 2 incres
from the bottom and every
10 to 12 inches on upward
mark a line clear around the
barrel. On this line, every 10
Inches bore a hole about 1
inch in diameter. These holes
will be the planting locations
of your strawberry plants. You
will be surprised how many
plants you can plant! Next
take a square pipe about 4
inches in diameter and fasten
verltically inside the center
of the barrel. This pipe should
reach slightly above the top of
the barrel. Bore a number of
holes in the pipe as it will
serve as your irrigation line
throught the barrel later.
Fill the barrel ' with soil
to the first row of holes. Then
insert the strawberry plants
and add soil up to the next
row of holes, more plants and
so on to the top. Be sure the
strawberry roots are spread
fanwise when planting. After
planting, water through the
irrigation pipe. Additional
plants can be planted in the
top of the barrel to cover.
With the barrel you can ferti
lize as you water by using
liquid fertilizer. Make it a
routine 'to give the barrel a
quarter of a turn on its plat
form each day, thus insuring
sufficient sunlight to ripen
all of the fruit.
The best soil mixture for a
strawberry barrel composed
of Vz good garden soil and
compost or peat moss.
There are many advantages
to the strawberry barrel e.g.
limited space , ease of care no
cultivation or weeding, easy
to harvest crop (no squat)
plus its attractive appearance.
The unusual things in plant
life can make the hobby of
gardening most entertaining,
intriguing and joyful. Of
course there is a lot of satis
faction in just raising nice spe
cimens or flowers that com
pare well with the more ex
perienced growers. But, to
try something that no one else
has, locally, is really thrilling.
not harm them if the water
is room temperature and if the
plant is shaded.
18-in. Power
Grass Catcher
100 lbs. Vigoro
1 Bale Peat Moss
191 M
365 N. Commercial
Orchids, we know as green
house plants, largely, yet in
tropical areas they grow lush
in the wild. Orchids are a fa
vorite hobby of many indoor
gardeners throughout the
country. But, did you ever
try raising them out of doors
in this locality? Impossible?
well, not exactly.
Two years ago a friend in
Florida sent me several native
orchids found in the wilds of
the swamp section. These
were "air" orchids so called
because they do not root in
soil but attach themselves to
the "live" oaks that abound
there. They were not para
sitic as is our mistletoe, but
used the tree only "to hang
on to." They got their food
from the humid atmosphere
and the rainfall. I set about
raising "air" orchids by at
taching the bulblets to a piece
of oak branch. Every two
days the branch and all was
immersed in water. When the
weather warmed enough the
branch was hung up in a scrub
oak tree outside so it could re
ceive air and sunlight. In
about three weeks there were
a half dozen tiny orchid blooms
on the plant. They were prin
cipally brown in color except
for one "fall' which was true
orchid. I put one in my lapel
and some lady remarked "Why
that looks just like an orchid!"
to which I could only reply
"That's just what it is!" -
In Shades of Salmon
to Orange
Help Yourself In the Field
it 1.50 each
Large Selection of
Evergreen Azaleas in Bloom
Millard Henny
Follow Signs X Miles No.
of Brooks on Hiway 99
( We hove a large selection of evergreen
shrubs, ideal for hedges. Let us landscape
your new home. . .
Rt. 2, Box 190 Phone 4-1916
Turn West at Keizer School, Follow Paved Road
Four Miles to Nursery
Come in and osk about our FREE Glad Bulb
offer. Good for this Sunday only, April 26.
Open Daily 8 to 7 P.M. Including Sunday
4920 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-4632
1 H.P. 4-Cycle Briggs & Stratton Engine
Mower by Savage Arms
$250 per WEEK
On Approved Credit
Man to Man ...Use the Master Plan . . .
We Carry Our OwnContracts
Portland W It will cost
about a million dollars more
to operate city services In the
"coming year, department heads
estimated Friday in budgets
submitted to the City Council.
The total was $14,227,130.
Revenue is expected to be
What Makes An
Attractive Kitchen!
Good looks start from the
floor up. Start with a floor
covering designed for care
free fun from the NORRIS
all the latest floor covering
patterns by Armstrong, Pab
co, Nairn and Florever.
And If you want to brighten
up your concrete floors in
your patio and on the porch,
use our colorful, rubber
base Masonry Paint. It can
be used while the concrete is
still green. Try it!
At Little as $5.00 a Month
To Cover the Average
Kitchen Floor With
Free Parking Space
Hurry! Don't mist our gi
gantic offer of 100 gallons
of oil FREE with every
Mueller-Climatrol combin
ation heating and air con
ditioning unit sold. For
limited time only.
A carload shipment has
just arrived and we don't
have room for them. So
take advantage of our big
offer and buy that combin
ation heating and air con
ditioning unit you have
been talking about . , .
D. E.
540 Hood
Phone 3-4163