Saturday, April 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, OrefM rar if D?NNIS the MENACE . WELL, SO MUCH TOR THE NOW LETS fcVHPTY WESe FOR RENT HOUSES I ROOM uafurnlihed duplet, storeroom. AdulU. Phona 24013. .600 W. 4th. )mW CLEAN 1 bedroom bout, partly lurnlah ed. Mt Trade. 3-010. JmlOO I BED BOOM unfurnished except circu lator. Wired lor range. Newly deco rated. Fenced In yard. Room for gar- ' den. Bus tt door. ISO. OM Highland Ave. ImW' 2T vt AM OLD. 2 bedroom. Bleed oil furnace, automatic washer, dryer, dish washer, urban disposal. Venetian bunds, weatner itrrppea, ininiewfl, tached ear port. 3 block. eohooL but, i hospital. Beautiful location. Only houio comer of Winter and Illation. Open Sunday all day. Rent furnished or unlurnlanea. 1-M74. imw onE-BEDBOOM COURT rental, tile bath. 141. One-bedroom eonrt nntai, ' completely furnished, tile bath,. 60. Phone 4-iTii. or ihh im- OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for rent. Call at Pitts Market. Jo MISCELLANEOUS R.KIVK TRUCK U-DRIVE icon yourself AVI U pickups stake vans texaco station 111 court st. phonb i-19u PAOE mVflHOOK sad All MEPFORD BEAR SEBMONB and apaelal muile Bun dar.. The Mennonlt. Hour, 4:30 p.m., XSLlf, th Calrary Hour I p.m. F.WJJ. mM SAIjBM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work -Bead Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Pitching by the Pool Phon. Days I-I4M . Bros. 3-4411 or 1-7411 Salem, prsgon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ' l-BB. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids.. Stat, at Commercial Sts. SALEM PH 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDEB'8 SPECIAL-New pUnd lum. . ber, til per M. and up, delivered. 1-3041. mailt Building? New wsathorttrlpped windows, com. . plotely aasembled, hundred. In stock ready to so, lit up. New picture windows 11.00 . N.w doors !'l"it'l" 15.10 3tab hexason rooting tl-15 1-tab thlckbutt roollng M.n Unpalnted CMlar sbaku 15.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...135.50 New 10"ls" waah basin 117.50 Cast Iron bath tuba, compter. ...101.50 New, showsr cabinets, complete. .143.00 too-gai. sle.1 ssptio tanks K3.I0 ' 4" soil pip. 70 N.w electric wster beater 173.50 New steel garase doors 155.00 Aibastos ttdln 11.50 New plasterboard 4x1 11.40 ' Exterior whlu paint (gal.) ....13.15 Mahogany Aj birch plywood... bargain Water prool wall board, 4zl ..,.11.71 Hew -ln. Plywood lSUc New bath r. .el, complete Iso.OO SHINGLES No t per lo tt.35 No. 1 psr s tt.OO No. I per SO 14.00 CASH Aj CARRY DISCOUNT 350 SO. " C. G. LONG & SONS Phon. won rat. north at Kelser ma PLYWOOD fins auortment of ReJ, Interior and exterior. Many decorative and hard wood plywoods in stock. See them I screen Doori 9.9b up. Tension tite wd. Screens. Wallboards of every kind, start at $1.40, 4x8. Hooflni, many col . or. 3x4 s utter 15c ft. No. 1 red oak flu. in heated room to Imure dryness, rir fli. 60.50 1x4 D A M Fls. 08.50. Doors, Doors M Doors. Mahogany. .Birch, Tx Slabs, and Panels 6.95 up. Use our free, cheerful estlmatlni service. Nothlnt down, 36 months to pay. Free delivery. No order to smsll. 'm appreciated. Portland Road Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAT SAT. 1543 Portland Rd. Phone 4-4433 SURPLUS ITEMS MID price.. Cotst ansa Mill, ess Basset St., west ssitm mao?' REDUCED It.O. PER DAT ONTO. SOLD 1 only Scott Altweter to-H.P. Outbosrd Motor. J-speed ehut automauo starter. Starting prlos April lilt, 1311.10 APRIL 27, $231.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Pront Court St Phon. l-llll WI GIVE L S R. OREEN STAMPS ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ra. la, II Irwhu clesr, II: No. I, ( inane, clear, It. N. aap wood or ulla. Cm. and st sheas. Tt Hurler. aloaB-rndapeadeac. RMd. Ph. Salem l-llll. me" NURSERY STOCK AJCALEAS, shrubs, pansles, prlaroie,, perennial.. Boyd Hureary. 1441 State. mbioo To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 By Kercnom I FRONT POCKETS. BACK CtVi NURSERY STOCK CHOICE OLOXINEAS sow blooming, visitors wsleom ml saiem' African violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato. At bedding plants. Oppsn'i Oreenhouas. 4330 Auburn ltd, mbll4 HYBBID tomato plants, 10. each. Pansy plant., primroses, twddlng plants. Reasonable. Out Cam St, SUk. areonhoues. Rout. I, Box aw. rabioo' PBIMBOSES 35e each: SWMt William. 10. .sell. 3111 Midway DMT. Phons 3111. m100' PETUNIAS, geranium, marigolds, pep per., tomatoss, wnoieseie and retau. , Arthur Plant. Qroenhousss, 1391 So, nth, phon. 1-4170. mblol1 AZALEAS. 2&e and up. Warlni Nurisry. .1039 Oik HU1 At.. Phon. 3-4301 (tum East on MB at South Villa.. mow- AZALIAI IN bloom. Hardy varlttles. Popular colon. lie to I3.N. sale. riril, 3o H. itn. strayer Aiau oar. den. Ml Locuit. mbMa HCDGK OB WWDBBIAK-Prlnt, lau .1. camelltai. conu.ra, koiwood. Ph. 33113. 1411 Hollywood Drlre. mblU BEDDING. PLANTS SUverton Green Houses the best' in geraniums, ' fuchsias, pelagonlums. all other plants. caobasa ano lettuce 3 per dosen. 117 Bo. Water, on road to Silver Creek Falls. mbllO' GLAD BULBS I dot. $1.00. Dahlias, nameo, j ror i.oo. TUDerous Begonias Sfor $1.00. Delphiniums. 1 for 11.00. caia tines, pink, wnite, 3 lor ll.oo. N. W. str. E. planU. t dos. $1.00. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks For Sol MISCELLANEOUS PEBTILIZEB Pulverised, rottM manure, dtltvered anywhsr.. 3-0774 or 1-1073. niol PUNO AND BENCH, mahogany. In ex eeuent condition. Phon. 3-1725. an' Organic Fertilizer Pre. of weed seeds, and odorleai Sack or bulk orders delivered, phone 3-H27. nils' tteCCLLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 101 Edge- water, West Salsm. salam Logging sup ply. Ph. 4-1141. , a rOR SALE: Stroller, crib, high chair. 3470 Liberty R0. pnone a-oioo. moo' htm 1n.h..lln M.t, nlahlir. pall. ing norcn cwumna, surm.ure. tt. n. Liberty. nlll COFFEE end end tables, II.K. Olaai top over wood. Two nnlsnes. oienn Woodry. 1005 N. Bummer st. PRACTICALLY NEW 1171 convention.! Universal washer, will .eu zor sss. 3-3430. n9 OIL CIRCULATOB, II gallon drum, ex cellent condition. 141. Phon. 3-2x73. nil CLOTHLINE POSTS, iron U.I lor ta. bin, lumlture, railing.. 1141 N. Lib. erty. n!34' OABDT.N TRACTOR With l-lnch Plow. harrow, mower. A1.0 rottlller. Both excellent condition. 1-IS14. nlOl MOVINQ MUST .eU. Reesonable. New living room suite, sparks ou burner. folding bed. 14l Marion. n Vf-& It.V.U. f..lf .1. . -' , awvu dltlon. One Pan American coronet, In excellent condition. W. A. Darby. VERY NICE, I year else baby crib. Ph. 4-6300. moo" GOOD DOUBLE bed mattresses 11.11. USED MERCHANUIBC MAM 1 170 so. Liberty Phon. 41171 Terms of Courss - no. WASHING MACHINES from only 17.00. USED MERCHANDISE MART 370 So. Liberty Phono U7I Terms of Cours. nrl FURtflTUKE, russ, mlseollaneoue houec hold Items for elo. Mil Park Ava. nlOl WllkCLCBAIBS, Invalid walker.. Rea sonable, Salem Orthopedic Co. 431 ' Perry. xtlOl COLDSPOT REPRIOERATOR 7.1 cubic foot, purchased in 1151. like new, ress onabls price, till Bsker, or cell 3-1631 after I. ' , ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, ths best we hevc ever had. for good organic remits order rotted cow menuro thst you csn use without feer. tt.OO per ysrd. 4 yards 111. I ysrds 135. II yards 140. Piss stones, lava stone, fence posts, 4x4 stskes and ruatlc red cedar fencing. Phillips Bros., Rt. I, Box 413, Ph. 43061. Sslem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corners, n' HO ALLOWED for your .Id w.ler bestir on thle new 43-gaHea automatle elec tric wet.- hseter. Ysster Appliance, 371 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n FURNITURE for four bedrooma, miscel laneous articles. Ressonsble. Monday and Tuesday. 3631 Oarden Rood. M00 O-E WASHINO machine. Ph. 4-171. nlN Special CLEARANCE USED SEWING MACHINES Portable from 111.50 Trssdlee from 111.11 Cabins! alectrlo from II4.H StNOER SEWINO MACHINE CO. 110 No. Commerelel Open Prldeyi until I p.m. WESTINOHOUSE rsnse, electric timer and clock. Phone -IJ. as ne. nun. niM CBERBY LADDEBS. kuck.U. bSrrSl sprsy, S .u drums, carcMn ueeier with plow m colli. etor. trailer, sm tile end brkks. 3131 So. Commsrclsl l-77l. nlll- NEW srvnLE rolltsrsy bed. Resionsble PIKns 3-1617. nioo- USED washing meehlneo, n il and up. YBATEH AIVLIAIrCB CO 171 Cne- gasket. a automo,iles 1 SUPPORT THE SALEM SENATORS THESE LEADING SALEM USED CAR DEALERS URGE YOU TO SEE AND E JOY THE SENATORS' HOME TOWN GAMES THIS SUMMER. AND VISIT THESE USED CAR LOTS BEFORE OR AFTER SUNDAY'S DOUBLEHEADER. YOU MAY FIND YOUR BUY! BRING THE FAMILY. '81 NASH ...$1495 Bambler ettloo ffmii eharp. clean, ad spring barsatat 50 DODGE $1395 Coronal elub eoupa. Motor .terheuled. '46 CHEVROLET $665 Pordor oedaa with sew una fin ish. Virr sharp and aleaal BUZZ CHEFFINGS MOTOR CO. Across south of testa Cluk Mil s. Coal . P. will '48 PONTIAC 6 $895 Tudor a.dan, RAjfl. hydromatlo, al most new rubber, original robin's gg lu, very clean, custom seat corns, A real hurl 50 BUICK $1595 Special I -door sedanatt., dynaflow, XAjH. almost new pramlum tins, cus tom .est covers, 33,101 .etual miles. '50 CHRYSLER .......$1695 - Royal elub coupe, RAH, whit. Bids wslls. 34.10 actual mini, and won derful buyl Salem Automobile Co.- ill N. Coml Ph, I-41W '46 FORD ..$795 Convertible, RAsH, new paint, ex cellent motor and rubber, ; , . r ' ' '47 CHEVROLET $795 Club coupe, IlekH, vent clean. 49 FORD ......... . ..$1095 Club coup.,' RAR, overdrive. This Is n real sharp burl , ARROW USED CARS TOO If. BUD For Sole MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances NO DOWN PAYMENT USED NOROE REPO. Small aire, excellent running condition, Just ovsrhauled only 141.11 USED WARDS REPO. I CU. ft., very clean, culet running, completely rebuilt unit, a real buy ..only In .15 USED LEONARD REPO. I CU. ft., clean, good apartment else. Only styes USED ELECTRIC WASHERS, RANG ES . ll.n to m il. All In rood condition. Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GEWERAt ELECTRIC 260 N. LIBERTY, SALEM PHONE 20311 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS SALEM DIESEL Roller end ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 1771 SUvsrton Road ; Gravel and Sand - Anything in gravsl, wholesale and Will. VALLEY SAND A OHAVxL CO. Ph. 1-4003. PBEE Westlnihout. sewlnt machines on wi iuwr oaniyiva. oev. up 10 SD. YEATBR APPLIANCE CO., 371 Cht- m.k.ta. na P1ABTI-KOTB rsouirs, no wsxlng. For your noon or unoisum. rEATER AP PLIANCE CO. 171 Chemeketa. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, rsnee posts, Man posts and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt , Box 493. 1 mile, east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3011. n DEEPFREEZE homo' freeiere. YEATER apfmancs CO. 371 Chemeketa. n BEFRIOEBATOBS, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 171 Che meketa. n HOSPITAL BED for ssls r rent H. L. Btur romltore co. Phon. 1-I1U. n CAB BADIO BARGAIN. 40 to 13 Pontlac. l ploo. cuitom push button, nly IW.II installed. Pay day budget plan of nlr 11.11 per week. N. money down On Approved Credit). Redlos for ne.rly ell cars. S A H OREEN stamp too. W. servlc. all metes and models of car radios. Try us. Msster Servlc Stallone, 111 N. Commercial. Bill . TOP SOIL River silt and fill dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 1-111. o Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBI WANTS Planaa. Phon. l-llll. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mil. Length t 4" or 1C IT. tnamotn I" to II" Sawmia Lrailhe 13' and longer. Diameter I ta H Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone nil na ELECTBIO RAN Ok. Woodry's. Ph. l-llll. ta PERSONAL ALCOHOUCB ANONYMOUS, Orou N.. L 30SS N. Commercial. Ph. 1-4117 P117" WILL NOT be responsible for any. body's bilk, but my own. Olen M. Mor rlson, R R. t. Box 111, Scotts Mllla Oregon. pill AUTOMOBILES PLAY BALL! 50 FORD . . . diatom dolus. re.n finish. A . own and run. ....$1195 spertsraaa'a eye 4. tight," '51 PLYMOUTH $1595 Prar-deer sdaa with 1U t ewtru, and sharp I . y '48 MERCURY $945 Station wagan. Hero'a your uxuBer all-purpos. traHpwtatloa. ' - I Location To Servo You Easily! Ill North High 111 Ch.rn.kot 111 Pllad Bd. Stan Baker Motors ' '50 DESOTO ..: $1595 club coup. itp-te-maU tranral. alon, mu sldawaU tins, original I tana llnlih, I owner, .err dean. 'SO HUDSON ...$1595 Super I Bromo aedan. RAjF, orer drlve, auparmatlo drive, very low mile age. It's beautiful family carl - '52 WILLYS .$1595 Redan delivery, I owner, vary alean, 1,000 cuarantMd aotual rallas, asc.l lsnt for sportsmsn, formers, or de livery service. SHROCK'S Where chemsketa Ooos to Church '51 FORD ........... .$1405 Custom club coupe. BAH. overdrive, very abarn. 1 MERCURY $1.995 Sport coupe, l owner, St.OOO miles, heater, overdrive, new premium white sMewaU Urea just Installed. 49 FORD .............???? Hollywood customised beauty. BAH, overdrive, automatic electric 4-4oor, vary clean ta n4 out. . RON'S 1341 BROADWAY BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER -Remember- ' ! NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought to ou So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later For Sole MISCELLANEOUS USED WARDS REPO. Do luxe, t crlspers, a real bur at only I3IJI because of dent In the top. Only USED GENERAL EL. REPO De luxe, very clean, sealed unit. Only ioi.ll USED C0LD8P0T Lsrgg slse. de luxe model, very dean. Only Itt.M, AUTOMOBILES last chevbolet 4-Door. Priced for quick aale. Low mileage, good con dition. Radio, heater, etc. A. V. OUver, Rlekr.aH. Phon. 3757 Dells,. .100 141 CHEVROLET 1-door with -41 re conditioned motor Just installed. Phnn, 3ot4T. 630 Chemeketa. ' qM INI BUICK SEDAN for ealo or trade. ureen trailer at Highway Auto Court. J. C. Porthall. qloo II PONTIAC 4 doori radio, heater. '41 motor, nargsin, iss n. 33rd. qll IM CHIV. Panel.- Motor, tires, paint goon, low payments. Dick Orer, 117 N. Capitol. qn 1011 NASH BAMBLEB station wagon. werarire, radio, neater. 11131. Can 1-6063 or Shoppers Car Park qOB till MERCURY I door, radio, plaetle covere, overdrive, ruuy equipped, low mlleege. Must cell, leaving state. Priv ate. 11,715. 4-3405, qM 41 NASH 600. new paint, good tires. 6111 down. 13 months to pay. Open evenings. K. Smith and Son Motors, 141 Marlon. Phon. 1-304. ' 41 BUICK. 4 door, redlo. heater, excel lent condition, priced to sell. Phone 3-7117. moo- a CHEV. strlellne De Luxe 4-D sedsn. Redlo. hester, one owner, new motor, perfect cond. I1WS. Ph. 15314. 01 00 1SS1 STl'DE Champ., Starlit. I passen ger coupe, rteeel De luxe, ovedrlve. radio, good tlree, one owner, 4390 Portland na.. gisso, qs,' lin DODGE 4 door. Oood a a n.w one Redlo. hester. Phone 41557. ql00' IKS BUICK, low mileage. A-l shsps. Take earlier model In trade, muet eecruice. bail eNS arter p.m. ql01 BY OWNER: 1941 Rudaon, new urea, bst Isry, rsdlstor. Ill N. list. .10. II BUICK special, mo. Prirata own. sr. phons 43114. 9I 'M 8TUDEBAKER 1-ton pickup, fnllr equipped, excellent condition. Phonf 1-1434 or 1-1194. qll' 1141 THAMES Ensllsh Ford psnsl. II.. 000 miles. Economical. Excellent con dltlon. 1140. 3-3373. qW 1IM CHEV. 3-tone power glide, club coupe, an extras. Orlglnsl ownsr, 35.000 miles. Priced to MIL t-1940. qlOl NEW 101 FOBD VIITOBIA. Pordoma tie, radio, heater, wbltewatl tires, tinted aieee. Dndercoas. BM.tllul 3 ton. flntih. Will .aorlflca for quick tsl.. Phons 35110. qlOl 'la PACKARD for ssls or trade Equity lew 1334 so. Commerelel. qlOl 'II OLDS. II Holiday coup In 1. or trads. Days, lis so. L DC liter Dr. Ives, ill Ni. Elm. AUTOMOBILES t f. '49 NASH 600 ......... .88 Tudor gedaa, wverdrlre, and bML Very Bid '48 NASH 600 ....$695 prdr daa. radta, htatsr and very tIMI. 46 NASH -.,.$595 Aavbaaiader .lub coupe, radio, beetvr, verdrive. . MARION MOTORS Ooran Ceaanterttal gad Crater 50 PLYMOUTH $1276 Deluxe club coup., low mileage, orig inal black tlnlah, radio, fresh air hutCT, ' '50 CHEVROLET $1495 Bel Air, powsrgllde, whit, sidewall llraa, low raUeas. clean Insid. and ut. A gargaia, auyi 50 OLDS 88 $1695 4-door sedan, only 35,000 actual mllas, Immaculate Inside and out. A honeyl WESTERN MOTORS 1313 Broadway ' '51 NASH ...TttI talloa wagon, fully nulpped with . ovtrdrire. a Mauty. 39 INTERNATIONAL ...TTIt H-ton with closed body.. In good all- around gttape. . CHEVROLET'S ..:m? More . than M ynodela, types, ' and colors for your discriminating aelK- tton. see tnu lineup nowl " DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 431 N. Commercial St. Phon. l-lltl AUTOMOBILES lost STTJDEBAKER Commander elub coupe. Very clean. Loaded. Hydromatlc, 1180. 4I3B V, Rim Rd. Ffl. 41400. QlOl ltU FORD OOVFB hot rod 46 to 40 MY block. Lincoln tears, hydraulic brakes, body reworked, perfect shape, trade for car. inquire evening 0 to 0, Ctrl May's station, corner Church A Waihlniton, Dallas. cjOO 4. CHEV. Sedsn. Radio, heaUr, sxcsl- lent .condiuon, 11,131, or equity. 1-3103. qll British Car SALES TRADE-INS 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN. RAH, EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT $845 1951 M-G TD , RAH, LOW VnUCAOl $1695 ' Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES BROADWAY A MARKET Phono 4-M1I qM' $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC II sedsn, hydro, RAH 13501 11 ststlon wsgon, hydro, loaded 33M 11 eeden, hydro 1196 49 sedsn, hydro, RAH 13.6 49 sedsn, RAH 1395 41 ssdsn, JUrH 1005 47 sedsn, RAH in OLDSMOBILE 41 edsn, hydro, RAH Ilto FORD 41 sedsn 47 club coupe, RAH , . Best for Less 41 Bulck. RAH 40 Pecbsrd , 40 Chevrolet 14 Plrmouth , 17 Chevrolet in 141 Its Tl 71 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 060 N. LIBERTY Ph. 2-4113 IM" '50 OLDS '98 SAVE $200 Lt. Oreen Sodsnstte In perfect e.n dlti.n. Low mlleege. all aces. inel. hydra. Meets,- P. A H. will take trade Terme. Ph. 17431 Sunday at 111 Klnsweod Dr. all ten? ff Ma AUTOMOBILES RUMORS ARE FLYING AND WE'RE NOT DENYING That we have moved in ' and have to move out. 70 DAYS TO GO! j ' (Oat Ukcrty at Chmekelt location) You Must See These Cars To Appreciate Their Values 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DR. SDN. ) staoie, ana ft new car luaraauee, 1951 PONTIAC 8 STATION WAGON Look like lev-Uather seats, aar yau'U bt proud to own. 1951 PONTIAC CATAUNA Th pact rwpuur Pontlao car w helr, ydraaatlc. Be. It todayl 1952 OLDS. 88 SUPER 4 - Aruthar t thu. popuUr OldemabUas that will glva you ysars and year. e proud ownerahtp and guaranteed aervloa. EouippM with all tha extras. 1951 OLDS. 2-D00R SEDAN This flaamlw U BMwl I I tub In arm regret it. 1947 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE Burner1 lull e round tb corner It' urn. to buy cwp.naa.1. open air .utemoblle that will glva you hour, upon hour of enjoyment,, Eaulprd with nolo, heater, fluid drlre. SAM'S MOTOR CO. 2 LOCATIONS 267 N. Church . Liberty at Chemeketa. (Underc.ver hut sot undersold) ' (Across from the Ut Nat. Bank) . ; ' . PHONE i-1111 BEST FOR LESS! New '53 Buick Special Tudor BUICK QUALITY I BUICK DEPENDABILITY BUICK PERFORMANCE BUICK COMFORT . BUICK PRESTIGE Plus These Deluxe Features Underseat Heater . Direction Signals , , . Foamtex Cushions Porcelainized Finish Defroster , . De Luxe Steering Wheel Easy-Eye Glass , IN LOVELY JORDAN GREY LICENSED : ' READY FOR DELIVERY $2746 OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER LODER BROS. WE GIVE PENNY-SAVER STAMPS 1952 OLDS. 88 DE LUXE 2-DOOR. . .$2595 Rest low mileage, radio, heater, hydra matlc, beautiful dark blue finlth. 1951 HUDSON HORNET CLUB COUPE ..; ...$2295 Radio, heater, Hudson's moit popular model, f 1600 oft new price. 1951 OLDS. SUPER 88 4-DR. SDN.. $2295' Radio, heater, standard transmission, this Is real Die one-owner automobile.. 2 1952 OLDS. 98 4-DOOR SEDANS...??? - These cars are like new, power iterlng, ' - . ultronic eye, E-Z eye glass, radio, heater & fresh air conditioning. 1947 OLDS. 76 4-DOOR SEDAN..... $ 695 ; This car has radio, heater, hydmamatlc. . Big car luxury at little car price. i LODER BROS. TOtm OLD0UOB1LI DRALtR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHEVBOLET valva grind, compute 1s- bor. 111.16. Bill Hunt AUW BSPBir, 1111 Barn. Av... near Colonial House. Phone . Formerly with Chevro let. Union chop. cell HAVINO BADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. expert, wui eoiv. your proo lemg and aav. you money. Free eitl. maue. apaady service, csnter at Lib arty, qc FARM EQUIPMENT ONB 1040 Minneapolis alollns tractor, Uodel R. Like new. tooa iixja ures. Llfhts and starter. Call 403M. obioi rORD TRACTOR, like new. Dirt scoop to fit hydraulic lilt, fl it. Jonn ueere disc, new; sprint tooth, new. 2Ve mil east of 4 Corners. Ph. 41001. qb00 TRUCKS 40 DODOEi U.000 mUu. nsrfsct eondl' tlon. Covered stock rack. Union OH Station at North Dallas, odl03 BQUITT In new Chev. l-rard dump truck. Take w or pickup in trade. 37 No. winter. BOATS 14-FT. Marine Plywood BoaU 1150 No. Church. Phons l-llll. qo99 FOB SALE. I horsepower Johnsim motor. Excellent oondltlen. Price 1100.00. See Bill Porter, West Seism City Hall Ph. 14173, aftsmoonfl. qq99 FINANCIAL BEE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Itsal aetata mortgages A aentraots State Finance Co. ins High at. Ph. 1-4111 AUTOMOBILES at hh uouoi. with plus interior. Radio a Hsater. m tha road lully MUlppad ,with radio, DOOR SEDAN I roll, ccaa la ana ut our. iauu PHONE 2-3621 FINANCIAL 5 Interest If yon have Idle funds seeking In vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can ba of service. For over Twenty-five Tears wo have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durlni thte period we have promptly paid 50 seral-annaal Interest partnrnte totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying INTIEEST on (unos iron sftw to awou. General Finance Corporation 130 B. COMMERCIAL BT. Balera, Oregon Phono 1-0161 Lie. 8-133 and U-330 and ROT H. B1MUON1 D4SURANCB AND LOAN! Hear "Top Trades" 12:00 Dilly K8LM 1300 Kc GENERAL PIMANCE CO. LOANS 138 Bo. Commercial Bt. Tel. I-B161 , PRIVATE MONEY Bpecial Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Bhort Tlrot Payments ROY H. BIMMONB 130 Bo. Commercial Bt. Ph. 3-8101 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let ui take the "lfe" out of rour money problems. Up to 1300 on small loans, up to 1500 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. S-311 Phon. 31113 M-131 117 S. Hleh St rioo' NONET TO loan on real aetata. Phons 1-0714. rill' FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 1 en Signature. Purnttore. Car " AT PERSONAL It's "ve." promptly M emplorKl men or women. t-risls Iom . phon. flrat. You eelect beet payment data. Between payday loana. . Phone, write r oom. In TOOAYI Personal Finance Co. 101 8. HIOH ST., SALEM SUte Llceno Nos. s-131, M-1M Loan, over no up ta 1150 and np I 30 month to repay made by Personal Plnanc C. of Marlon County under : th. Industrial Loan Companlw Act of Or.con, rl03 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill Bouth Church . Parking s-Pleaty Ph. l-llll Lie. MO. M-1M, S-1M AIRPLANES rOR SALB airplane to be recovered. Taylorcraft DCO0. M nrs. alnea maj or overhaul. All tabrlo and dope lor recoveries' Included. Can be seen at 3S4 No. XUna Ave. after an. or Saturday and Sunday. ,- . , altl HOUSE TRAILERS Vj 11 FT. TBAILES Houas, Phon MOM. sales Bur . . . Bargains . . . San LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZS Trad. , 1140 Lancuter Are. . Rental tiy tt FOOT TBAILEB, Terr food condition. Phone 1-3870. tag. FOB SALE Equity In 1111 Liberty nous. trsuer, 31 rt. uios DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINE! All makes nssd machine sold. renUd, repaired. Roen, ill Court, Ph. 3-1771. O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Builders cheap supplies. 1-7311 evnlnes. olll BULLDOEING EulHojlng. road clearing testh. Vtrgll Busker, 1010 ralrriew. rh. l-llll. . ,. olll CASH BEOI8TEBS Instant dsllvary OT new RCA sash reslsters. All makes, sold, rented, x pslrsd. Ross, 4M Court. Ph. 1-1771. CUSTOM PABN WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Ford equip ment. UarihaU, 4171 Market, Phon 1-1313. 10S DBXSSHAKING Alterations, hmsUtohlnl,, buckle, covered, buttonhole. Mrs. IL M. Allendar, 1-IU. QlOd DRIVING INSTRUCTION , Uirn to drlva tha -Easy Drive- war. Call or aea Mr. snolllnl, Valkr Mo . tor Co. Salem. Phon l-ll7 o. 4-1074. EXCAVATING Ben OUen A Sods. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 1-3010. olll FURNITURE RRFDUSH1NO Purnltur. rsflnlshlng, npalrad. Ed gar Brock, 44 Norway St. Phono 3-M67. OM INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, alum In um screens. Tt estimates. T. Pullman. Ph. J-9905. oils , MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pull lino new mattresses. Ph. 3-4000. o OFFICE rCRNITtTBE SUPPLIES , Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, , duplleatotra, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 460 Court. o SHARPEN I YG AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Latvnmowers, knives, shears, bl- : cycles and small motors. Ph. 34610 or ' 4&166. 18th and "D" fits. o!14 gKPTIG TANKS Mike's .fieptlo Service, Tanks cleaned, D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phono 3-0468, ollO Hnmel's septic tanks cleaned, lino service. Qujiranteed work. Pnono 3-7404. o09 Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Bawer Service, Phono 3-0337. L. W, Caudla, spraying and pruning. Phono 4-1461. ol00 TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington Royal Un derwood portables. All makes ued) mac blues. Repairs eb rent Roan 4&0 Court. Prompt television snd radio repalf aervlco. Phono 4-3801, 071 Market, day or night. ell4 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld's Laundry, Repairs, RefUUsh tag. 1440 S. 13th, Ph. 4-8403. Plck-UP, Delivery. ollf WINDOW CLE A NINO Acme Window Clean era, Industrial flooff waxing. hoDjecleanlng. Phono 3-331T. 347 Court. LEGALS , SUMMONS No. 38851 ' s W THB CIRCUIT COURT 0 TTTI STATE OP OREOON POR THE COUN TY OP MARION. WILDA PAYS DAY. PLAINTIPP V, ROBERT DAY, DEFENDANT. To Robert Day, defendant abort named. In the namo of the fttate at " Oregon, you art hereby required to ap- ... pear and anawer tha complaint, filed In the above suit,' on or before May 0, ' iims: im u yon ran to appear ana answer, for ths want thereof, plaintiff will apply to tha court tor a deoreo granting absolute divorce jrom you and the relief prayed for. This summons ta published by order ' of the Honorable Josenh Felton. a iuda-a of tha abovo named court, which order waa made and entered on March 38, ivDs, -ina urn nay or publication is April 4, 1053 and the last is May 3, 1063. C. WM. DOBSON Attorney for Plilntiff P O. Address, Oregon Building, Sslem. Oregon. Apr, 4.11, 1I..Mbt1 S?" Breed your Cows SuSIRES PROVED GREATJ rbur better berd begin when yob phone us for information and skilled service to high index Proved Sires. fl Warren Proved , Sire Servict ' Weedbarn, Oresoa Phone 4191 tpt. Y. T. Urn. N.D, Dr. O. Chan. ND DRH. CHAN . LAM ' CHINESE NATUROPATHS UpsUInt, 241 North Libert. Office open Ssturdsy only 10 to 1 p m . I to 7 p m. Consultation, blood pressors and urine tests are free of cl.arge Practiced einee lilt write for attractive gift. No obit-gstlon r in V. . b