Page 14 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE By Owner 690 W. LORIDA AVE. 2-5 P.M. SUNDAY . Out South Commercial, by Bolce, watch for tign. Look at our large 3-bedroom, full baiement home in a picture setting then make us an offer. This house is designed and located for your child's happiness. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 26 2 TO 5 P.M. MM frllmton Road. Beautiful two bedroom hem: 1330 m. ft. floor ipse. M ft. living room wltb dlnlnt int. Fireplace, planter dob in foyer, fuut closet at front entrance, All closete ar CoKlar lined. Doubt plumbing, beautiful view window throughout. Automatic oil forced air heat. Lara ineld utility room all plumbed for washer And dryer. Dish wuber la the very nodom vitchen. Attiched fr. This plsc Du been O.I. Appraised t tiS.eoO. Priced to sell at 110.900. Owner will take good late model oar ai part down pannent or a ood building lot. Drive out and let u bow you through thli lovely bom. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN Smith Real Estate 8425 PORTLAND RD. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1983 ' , 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. 765 HANSEN AVENUE 1 SALEM, OREGON V SALEM'S MOST OUTSTANDING VALUE FEATURING: Living Room Activity Room 15 Lone I Bedroom Excellent Room Arrangement Dishwasher Clothes pusher Drier Flreplae ' Double Lavatory ' Forced Atr Oil Heat . Bookahelvei ONLY - $13,500. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' ui south liberty et. Ph. s-sm Bvenlnta and Sundays Call Petrr H. Oelsor l-IMI J. X. Lit H. X. Laymon S-tIM Roy p,rrle 2-8010 FOR SALE HOUSES Beautiful Fairmount Hill ...bedroom., din. rm.. Barbate dlip., dlehwaaher, oil heat, full baeement, lendaeaned to x 17S feet, paved alln. Phone 4-1731. aM KINOWOOD HEXOHTB Vlsw, landscaped, S bedrooma, Uv- int-dlnlnf rooms, kitchen with tao ratet attached aarace. fireplace, nook, baaement, on, comet lot. 101 Cauade Dr. Phone 3-BMB. r SOUTH VILLAOE, s bedroom, 157 sq. ft, plut double larai.. foroed air '. furnace, fireplace, aeperate dlnnli - room, utility with dryer, nloe lawn, ahruba. natlo. 80S X. Iwald. 38748. alOO BY OWNER Nice room home. Fenced In yard, extra lot. Vi block to bua. 13000 will handle. Balance of 67628 Ilk. rent. Phon, 417B5 alter a a.m. aiuo- t-BEDBOOM home, 3 yeare old. Small down payment win handle lb far) Try- on avenue. 4-4880. aioo- ti ACRE, Immediate poaaeealon, 88,780. a bedroom. In city, paved atreet, aehool, bua, Owner cut of town. 1018 Kvertrcen. 2-2351. 101 OR TBADI for 300-acre farm A beau- tlful 8-bedroom home on Croiian creek. 1 acre. Rt. 8, Box (11. OaU 3-3115 after 8 P.m. aOO I BEDKOOM HOUSE, with S bathe, llv- Inc room, dlnlnt room, den, kitchen with nook. Inilde utility. Forced air heat, hardwood noon and llreplace. Price nam. 801 8. 14th. aioi BY OWNER Mew modern ft bedroom home, Uvlnf room wltb llreplace. Lot 10x185. Three blocks from Belter echool. 1-8184 or 3-1810. eioo- BY OWNEB 703 Sunaat. A modem 2 bdrm. ranoh type home with 3-car ta me, auto, oil heat, hall acre with tarden apace, lrult and berrlea. a80 BV OWNEB 3-bdrm home, IB' by 80' combination dni. and lve. roomi wall-to-wall carpet, clrculatlnt llreplace, upholstered booth In kitchen, lote of bullt-lna. Upatalre llnlelied In knotty pine, on lane lot, beautifully land scaped. For quick eale, 813,000. See af ter a p.m. dally. U88 Park Ave. ACBE. VIEW In city, neat 4-rm. house, fireplace, dble. faraie, eueit house. 110.500. Terma. Chaa. Hudklns a son, lav ttt ram, pn. 31139, oven Ints 38180. , aOO' OWNEB TRANSFERRED. Must sell love. ly 3 bedroom home, on larte corner lot. 1193 ralr oak. Phone 45808. alOO1 YOU I 8500 DOWN burere. should aee this 3 bedroom home. Located 1315 wauer Bt. lias basement, terete, emeu 101. oca acn coioaui Heailor, Dial 34853, evenlnea 36039. alOO rVIKB BUYKBS. See this late built 8 peoroom nome. on furnace, herd. wood floors. Exclusive dlit. for 3D00 down. See Ben colbeth Realtor. Dial 31053, evenlnea 38923. alOO1 EXCELLENT BUY, Near Leslie school, new 3 bedroom. Phone 3-1053. aoo BY OWNEB, 3 bedroom home, garage, Kelser district; 3-7351. a inj ur OWNER AND BUILDER Drive past 1080 N. 13th and hav. look at thla new S bedroom home. lust completed. Hae lari. rooms, lots or ouutina, urepiaca, eanuoer, auto, matlo lurnaca and apaejoua faraae, Call ue for appointment. William t. j. reerm Horn. Builder 1840 Olive Ph.' 1-3800 aM' BY OWNEB, room home, basement, eawousi lurnaoe, imt, iieo tlood 6t. Ph. 38080. al03 BY OrtNER 3-bedroom suburban, 4 yra. om. v aere. mile city llmlu. 3833 Fisher Road. aoo BY OWNEB 3-bedroom house, lull base ment, sawdust beat, met yard, food location. 3-4888. aoo tfSOO. DO SEE thla cute home belore you buy. TJie llvlnt room Is lane for ems a oearoom nome; neat kit and nook with Inside utility rm., hwd. floora, brick planter box In front of a picture window and fenced back yard will really helo to tneka thi house a home for you. Can ba had for omr siuuo uown or on OI loan. Don't , Walt call 48183 or ere 30433. Bowel A Wood. 334 N. Hlih. al01 I BOOMS, around floor. (S rental up stairs, furniture, furnace heat, 88.500. 1178 4th At. ,ee. CLASSIFIED ADVXBTISINO Per Herd S tinea 18e Per Ward 4, Per Ward, S llaoeo lee Per Ward, 1 nenlh ate No Belinda Mlalmam 1 Words. BRADEBIt la Local Mewa Clasia Only, Per Ward to Mlolssase IS Wards - To Place Art In Same Day's Paper, Phono I-I40S Before 10 a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES PH. 37007 v Lot of atortga Designed for TV Ruitlo Ranch Exterior Tree Bu by Viior Entrap Hall Approx. 1348 Sq, Ft. Hardwood Floor Weathtratrlpped Built by .Tame Minty FOR SALE HOUSES S BEDROOM t den. llninj room, larte kitchen with eating pace, fireplace, baeement, aawduit furnace, largo lot, treea, near bua and acbool. eloit In. Consider trade. 040 fl. flummer. alOl FOR SALE LOTS WEST VALLEY view lots, down, 810 per month. City water, restricted. BEE COLBATH LAND CO, REAL TORS. Dial 4-4404. aa'tf 15TH a MADISON comer looaloo. Ph. 1-8838, Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. aatuo' DOWNS AVE. 85000. comer lot 100X180, Excellent view of city aa mtne. Trees, In city. Ph. 34857 eves. aal04 t BELCBEST LOTS 140 each. All 4 cheap er. Oood location. 3-4883. aaloo" LABOB HOME sites In beautiful Klnf. wood Helahts, 81.000 up. Eaay terms. See owner, Phone 3-8413. aaios FOR SALE ACREAGE I ACU, aoutfc. J-bdrm. houae, aeveral outbuUdlng. H,TO0. Terma. Chaa. Hud kin Bon, ph. 94129 or rvenlng 38100. bbM REAL ESTATE 8-BEDROOM SPECIALS 1Kelier 111,100. Brand new large living room. A dream Kitchen, larte. aloseta, aeparat utility, large at-! tached tarag. rorced air oil heat T-" atreetv. Oloa t aehool and bu. Will take a ear or track In tradt. Monthly payment only 01. J. Klngwood tia.eWO. Brand new, lov- iy living room ana uning room with beautiful view. Well arranted kitchen. JU1 hardwood floora. Large double attached tarat. W1U take mall home In trad. S. outh flaltm 147 down and 180 per mo. our a tooa omer nome with I bedroom ell on one floor. Double ta me. Oood garden apot. Paved atreet, bu by door. A good buy at only nsoso. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlih street Phon, 3-0303 Phone avonlnia and Sundays 4-1871, 3-3888, 4-1388, 3-4818, 4-8110, 1-3384. Must Sell At Ones - In Yamhill Co., Dayton Dist. doe. to In on main hlwav. ex. loea. tlon. 158 acree best of row crop aoll. 1 A. to cult, of thla S3 A. river bot tom witn irritation aratera (38-H.P. elec.) Larte complete est farm hldaa (old), 3 tractors o, other farm equip ment, aroe .mo ecu. Easy terms. , courtesy to brokers. PEOPLES I- vnAnua, neaiiora, McHlnnrlUe, Ore. . . WO" BUSINESS CORNER 08 N. Front. Comfortable bdrm, homo with bsmt. a oil heat. Bta. a alley paved. Lot 10x134. Ph. 3-8838 tor details. . COURTESY TO BROKERS WALTER SOCOLOFSKY Real Batata eloo OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 2590 FISHER ROAD, finest of material & workmanship. Two nice bedrooms, six- tenths of an acre. Brand new. Can be yours for $12,000. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR 433 if. HTOR ST. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE IF TOO PLAN TO BUY OB BELL A BOMB, FARM OB DIVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS ' S3 ' ' '. , , Titrl l eUtlalactory Service READY FOR A DEAL . ' S Bedroom,, party room la baeement with fireplace, larte llvlnt room, , ehnlnt room and pleasant step-avln, kitchen. Patio with ftrcplece. aprlnkler system. Owner will trade for t or 4-bedroom home, Eatle- , wood diet, and pay difference. Ready lor a deal at 811,000. 365 E. RURAL, NOB HILL We don't often have a nice home to offer In thla desirable aehool district. The -room home le In perfect condition. Has 3 bedrooms end den that could be used aa epare bedroom. Fireplace and aut. heat. Full baeement with recreation room. Treee, anruba and hedees complete, thla . lovely corner lot. Immediate oecupency. Owner aaklnc only 813.000 lor thla 110,000 homo. Worttaia Is 80,000 could bo Increased. . SUBURBAN WEST ltt aerae of fruit, nuts, arapee, tarden. WaU built 3-bedroom home In excellent condition. Full basement with furnace beau Double tarate. Owner aaklni 311,500 and It's well worth It. , .WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS ' Amont fine homes. 3 bedrooms and bath down, 3 bedrooms and bath up. Larte llvlnt and dlnlnt room. All floor, carpeted wltb 838 per yd. carpetlnt. Finished basement and 3-car tarate. Here le a fine, home, built pre-war with best material. It la yourt tor under cost. Sub atantlal aortiaco can be arranced. 810,800. , ENGLEWOOD Her, It an attractive five-room, newer home. In a desirable district, that can be bouiht for only 311,000. Auto, oil heat, fireplace, nook, hardwood floors, garat, ,a lot of home for the money. KINGWOOD ' On top at th, hlD. If you need a 1-bedroom home and a 3 -car tarate. and what a view, don't fall to call ut to see thla duality home tor only 813,000, Severin Realty Company 335 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-5943; EVE. 2-5695 Mr. nant 3-3303 . ' 2 ACRES-CLOSE IN Hera la a dandy 3-bedroom home on nearly 3 acres of hlthly Improved land. In addition to the attractive home, there la a barn, chicken houae, 13 walnut tree,, cherries, apples and plums, double tame. Immediate possession. ,7050. Terms, call Mr. parsons. POSSIBLY $750 DOWN Hon-realdent owner anxloua to tell thla 3-bedroom home. It hae a nice llvlnt room, kitchen with dlnlnt area, modern bath, utility room, V acre tood aoll, on paved road la tood district. A good buy at 17,000. Call Mr, Paraona, HOME WITH INCOME Well located 3 acrea with 3-bedroom home, also 1-bedroom rental that brines In 133.80 per month, close to school and bus service. 113,500. Owner will consider taklnt In 3-bedroom home. Call Mr. Keene. ENGLEWOOD HOME Llvlnt room, kitchen with dlnlnt area, 3 bedroom,, utility room, arate, email lot. 4 block, to school. See this at- only $8,500. Terma. Call Mr. Anderson. ST. VINCENT-HIGHLAND DISTRICT Three-bedroom homo with larte llvlnt room, modem kitchen, base ment with furnace, tarate. larte lot, close to school. Priced to tell at 810,880. Terme. Call Mr. Anderson. A HOME ON THE CREEK This apaeloue borne will pleaae you wltb lta large llvlnt room, IS x IS dlnlnt room, den, kitchen with cheerful breaklaat room, I large bed room, beautifully landscaped lot on Mill creek. If you want the beat, ae thli home today. The price 1 124,900, with good terms. , Murphy & Kent, Realtors MORTGAGE LOANS t- CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 458 Ho. church Phono 4-3303 Bve,.: Persona 3-1808, Keene 3-8078, Anderson 3-1714 c00 3 BEDROOMS PRICE 19.860. $1,000 down will handle. Owner transferred, haa bought home In other town. Needa to sell Immediately. Thla Is a good well built home, 4 yeara old, 1100 aq. ft Admiral forced air oil heat, n x 1 lot, near acbool, located touts. 1 block to city bui. 1 ACRE - 9-YEAR-OLD HOME S bedroom, IS x 17 living room, combination llvlnt A dining. Oood neighborhood. 1 mile to Middle Grove aehool. Large single garage, mall barn Wonderful tarden area. Price la $7,500. F.H.. term. 30 ACRES All Is cultivation. Year around stream. 8-room home. barn, poultry, drilled well, lot of water, family orchard. Located east S miles toward AumavUla. Price 18,300. 46 ACRES Sola Hills. S miles from Salem. No buUdlnu. Panoramlo west view. Partly cleared, tome wooded area, oak and and erowth fir. $8,000 la th, prloo for 40 acres. L LOT 0 s 110. On Weat Way. Must build at least 880 sq. It. home. City water. Street In. Price $880. E. J. ZWASCHKA Phon, 1-4031 Realtor 1718 Grant St. WEST SIDE ACRES TO TRADE 13 beautiful acres. 4A cherries, also family fruit. 4A train, 3A of pasture and trees with creek and sprint. Spotless modern 3 bdrm. ub horn on 1 or 3 acre. Terms, Price 110,500. 4 BDRMS. OFF SUNNYVI1SW . Immaculate family horn. I. Rm, with flrepl. Sf picture thermopane window. Lara D. Rm. with T.V. possibilities. Roomy kitchen with atlnt area. 3 bdrms. down and 3 up, with oodles of storage space. Dead end atreet ntc dtst. Excellent terms. Price $12,500. . ' ' DOUBLE LOT - LOW PRICE 18000 for a tood 3 Br. home with room to build another bouse. Close Ut location. Terms, MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Neat and clean 3 Br. home with unfinished upMatrft. 3 or 4 bed rooms possible for price of two. Owner says take offer. Asking $8700. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 101 S. Hlih Ph. 38820 A. B. Beckett - Ph. 34301 Andy Halvoraen - Ph. 37101 A. Welle - Ph. 33738 Evenlnea end Sunder clol ee'eeee'e REAL ESTATE NEW 2 BEDROOMS Finish this homes In your spare time. The plumbing Is complete In cluding electric hot water heater and bathtub. Wiring 1 complete, wired for range, 4 rooms plus utility and bath, concrete foundation, shake exterior. Decorat th Inside walls and Install aomt trim and cabinets yourself and save money on a new home. Pull price 14050.00. Immediate possession, pay Ilk rent Located 4 mile North, near tood bu rvlce. $250 DOWN 'Cj Ht REALTOR PHONE: 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Irenlnt Fhonea: 38141 or 38981 C101" COITNTBY LIV1NO with all the city comforta. Here la honest to toodneaa valu, for the money. Two la. bedrooms and natural finish den, beautiful fire place, la. llvln, and dlnlnt room, breakfaat nook and It. utility rm. auto oil heat. There are lote of extraa that a more expensive home heal you wtu find them her, because the price hae been reduced, the owner la forced to leave Salem. Full price 813.800. call 43183 or eve, 10433, Bowea Wood. 314 N. Hlih. C101 CHOICE rOBNCB, 1078 No. Capitol. 88 by HO1,. Flv, furnished modern apts. 810,000. Terma, Phone Eat.p. 1-I0t. . ,104 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Mr. Moon t-1S03 REAL ESTATE VALLEY VIEW Brand new I bdrm, borne, large lot and 2-car garage. Easy term or might . uae a email house in trade. $4000 . burs this very clean little Isle. built 1-bdrm. home. Lge. corner lot with foundation for another house. Located norm 01 town. Terms. NORTH SIDE This is a, very dvitrabla -hr1rm home with large rms. A attached ga rage. Le. lot with fruit A nut trees. Riant on bus line. Priced right, WALTER MUM RAVE REALTORS 1311 Edgewater 3510$ Eve. 3093$ WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILQORE Neede a few llatlnss on home, and farma for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 1-8082. 1483 N. CAPITOL ca- GREAT BUYINO DEMAND for farm, and acreatee. List yours with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Farm Atent. Phone 4-1404. Eve. 4-3714. ce NOTICE! if your property la for aale, rent or exchante, list It with ue. We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 183 8. Hleh St. ca WE ARE badly In need of 3 and 3-bedroom homes, In Leslie Dlit. Also need home anywhere with small down pay menu. What have you AL 1RAAK, REALTOR, PB. 41111 If no anawer. ph. 4-3248 ea" I T I L,w-ji WE ARE In need of tood houses to sell. In or near Ntlem. If rou wlab to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS. lit a. Libert? Fb. 3-1IU aa REAL ESTATE ??CROWDED?? Tired of looking at cramped houauf Let u ahow you a littl more elbow room and comfort. Thla home haa only 4 bedroom, a mere Sti bath, only on atudy and mualo room, din Ins room won't at over II people, attic restricted to on ping-pong gam at time, maid quarters only bis enough for on peraon. Couldn't find lumber o had to build with brick Sorry It Isn't larger, but If yon need apace let's bar a look. You may be a ox to Queao tn. rnk term. YOU CAN'T LOSE Check thla Investment today. -yr. eld businea building. Bteel reinforced concrete, xuiiy occupied and produc In gross $3244. Sharpen your pencil and ae for yourself. Thla 1 a real buy. Oofnt for $u,ao. GO SUBURBAN We shouldn't hav much to say about tbla home. Owner has cut price to $7050. Appraised for IS500 PHA. 3bdrm. modern home, excellent up keep. Luscious lawn, lnslda utility. Bee mi Bargain tooay. SUBURBAN EAST Cloes to new school, overall lot. tree, 2-bdrm., hardwood floor, tood road, close to city limit. Listed today JOr S9D. FAIRMOUNT HILL Se thla lovey) home located In cnoice roirmoun. nw section, beau tiful oak ahaded lot, fireplace, dining room, lovely kitchen, 3-bdrm. home witn extra guest room over garage. -rni nome can't o matched for $11,' We SOUTH Buy a anut 3-bdrm. home on small, easy to keep lot. Home ha fire place, dining room, 3 bdrm., Inside utility and new kitchen. Beautifully kept inside and out. Met tree, fee tni lor io,7Mi. 1080 Falrtroundt Road Ph. 4-3308, Eve. 3-8083, 4-1708, 4-4873 COO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB HEED LIBTINOS. Particularly hither priced home, and all types with low down payments. STONE THROW. FROM CAPITOL Solid 3 bedroom home, talvlnr room ith fireplace. Nice kitchen. Partially finished upstairs with rough plumb ing and wiring In. Insulated. Full baeement with new forced air oil fur naco and extra ft bath. Double gar age. Walking distance to nopplnt center and down town. Just $11,500. ONE LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN IS ALL YOU NEED - $450 DN. On this 3-yr.-old modern house. Not too large but It's a hot deal. V acre. 57 ft. well. Near school. Enough lum ber to build garage. Pull price only S4200. BETTER HURRY. LESS THAN F.H.A. APPRAISAL 3 Bedroom house Inside city. Fireplace, Modern and clean. Corner lot. 3 Blks. to school. Mice lawn, walnut treea, shrubs and flowers. Full price only 19,250 which is fibd less than F.H.A, valuation. CAFE - $850 T ... Putt you In a business that has been established for a long time. Seats 35. Could easily be increased by operat ing longer hours. Present owner do ing very well. Rent only $45 per mo. HARDWARE An opportunity to get In business with a small Investment. Owner sell ing because of ill health. Rent only t per mo. fixtures only siooo. stock will inventory about $8000. This ha tow possibilities. GROSS INCOME $5200 PER YR. With all expenses only a little over $1000 per yr. Completely furnished apt. house In Capital Shopping Cen ter. Each unit has aeperate full bath, Vacancies almost unheard of. Owner leaving atate. Priced for quick sale, Sali.DUU. CALL FOR MR. KIQOIN8. EVE. PH. 4-4494 or DAN ISAAK. EVE. PH. 4-3533 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. -3Ua.u. ii no answer can 4-2248. SUBURBAN DANDY We mean just that Very modern 4V bedroom home with full basement. 3 baths. Fireplace. Oood 20 x 30 barn. 3 car garage. Chicken house, lath house, year around creek. Rd. frontage on 3 sides. Orchard walnuts, berries. rood so-it. well, price is $23,500. 10 GOOD ACRES All under cultivation. Oood aoll. Pvd. rd. Modern 4-bedroom home In tood condition. Machine shed. Near town. unir nrjoo oown. Full price $7500. 52 ACRE TRADE Only 13 mile from Salem. IS Stan- cnton Darn. Grade A milk house. AH fenced. Good modern 5-room house. Family fruit. Combine, tractor, disc, drill, harrow, spring tooth, corn Plant er, rake, mower, 3 milk machines, hay raxe, manure spreader, row cultiva tor, tandem disc, brooder, and in cubator. 31 hose. 3 helft-rs. 9 ml vim Want to trade for 3 bedroom home on coast. Everything goes lor $15,800. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 3-4735. If no answer call 4-2248. MORTGAOK LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4735, 4-5494 4-3533, 4-5010 or 3-3668 If no answer, phon 4-3341 f rvnt BUSINESS OPPQRTU N ITI ES Own Your Own Business Be Independent We have taverns, laundries, food mkte., furniture, restaurants, motala, fountains, bakeries, lunchee and many others available for aale. If you want to buy or ten a bual. neaa opp. In the Willamette Valley, better see: . FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 3037 Falrtroundt Rd. 4-8383 cd JOE PALOOKA mm I awaeBar" .AHEWWW)'.i OtP YOU WANT I I HE WON'T HURT YBLV-ME? HE I. I I rVWDiBrnvAlWTO ?,HE "t!! hits LIKE A I S SWEAR mSimSmSSmmSSmmSmSmi 1M...VVHV WON'T J"?"1" fWT SEEM TO SLeOGE. THAT I THE HEATS ,tJV nPim'M...!! KSSTRW&l.AP?BUTIlt GETTING ZlKSil REAL ESTATE ' Grabenhorst Specials CHARM-PEBPECTION-VIEW Warm new home perfect room ar. retirement, loveliest view In town, 8 bdrms.. lull btaml., 3 fireplaces, lire in tnls desirable home. See It today. CALL PETER H. OEIBER. TWO FAMILY HOME CLOSE TN. Baamt. apartment with separate ' entrance, liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, 3 bdrtne. and bath. Upeietra. lit. rm.. kitchen. 4 bdrma. and bath. Beautiful oak atudded lot. All furnished for only 88800. CALL J. X. LAW. THIS It) THE TIME TO ACT Owner must sell this month beeutlful new home, 3 bdrms. wltb full baimt, hdwd. lira... auto-oll heat, nice view. dble. tarate. If you need a loner home, owner le ready to listen to your proposition. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP BROKER. MANBRM GARDENS I bdrms.. full baamt. Spacious Uv. rm. with flrcplece. Din. rm.. very convenient kitchen with brr.f. area. Lie. beautiful yard. Price 813,800. CALL H. K. LAYMON . 10OTEL OR BUSINESS LOCATION WIS trade 14 acrea on O0E with three bdrm. home for 3 or 3 bdrm, home In tood location. Price 318.800. CALL PETER H. OEISER. , . : ' GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 s. Liberty Bt. Ph. 3-3471 Xvenlnta at Sundaya call Peter H. aelaer 3-808$ Roy 8. Ferris 3-8010 ' H. K. Lemon 3-S4S3 J. E. Lew 3-8113 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE equity In 1-bdrm. house. Hot water and bath, wired for stove, large lot, good soil. Car or trailer house. Phone 4-5220. cbM INCOME PROPERTIES NEW DUPLEX. 1 furnished. Income $130.00 per month, Cfaas. Hudklns it Bon. Phone 34120 or Evening 36100. 12 UNIT APARTMENT Near etate House and .Shopping Oen ter. Over $10,000 annual gross Income. Property In excellent condition. Never any vacancies. Ated owner desires to retire and will aeU for $45,000. Take nouae up to and S15.000 cash, Balance mortgage. If your looking for income property with top return, better call us at once. This 1 unusual. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 338 X. High St. Dial 4-594! Eve. 3-M0S cflOO- WANTED FURNITURE I mm. z sax cac FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB SALE. Tennessee Walking, Palo mino Stallion. Registered Tennessee Walking Association No. 411640, and Palomino Association No. 3408-100. Registered in are Tennessee Walking Association No. 463655, Palomino As sociation No. 4393. super Deluxe horse trailer, leather lined, saddle stalls, Glenn Beklns, Rt. 1, Clackamas, . Ore., Telephone Oregon City 8444, elOl 10 HEAD of gentle aaddlehoreea and kid ponys. D. D. Delp, 3370 Sltverton ko. eioi LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF Whit face Hereford, 36o. Locker pork, 36c. Nothing down, mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co- 1325 8, 35th. Ph. 3-4858. ca PETS HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1958 UcCoy, one block east of N. Capitol, 1 diorks norm oi uaoison, vn. 3-0897 ecioa SPRINGER SPANIEL puppy, 8 months oi a; noose included, 335. 3447 Fair grounds Rd. I cclOl 3 PARAKEETS, cage and stand. Very reasonaaie. 1715 so. winter. ec99 REGISTERED Scotch Colli duddIbs. Al. irea j. ucKeon, Ht. I, box 175, Stay- ton, uregon. eclOO1 A LITTLE PUP likes children. Half Pomeranian and Pekinese. See at M0 h. iiancaster Dr. Phone 3-2984. ec99 MOORE TROPICAL FISH. Parakeets. turtles, supplies. 3 miles from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed weonesoays. tciis FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Presto-Lota, Briquets and Wood. 108 So. Com'U phone a-1 11. Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds of wooo. mono, a-cssa. ,e ANDEBSON'8 hand picked el wood. 3 cords, 114. Phone 37731 ' 44253 eel08 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 18" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . Pickup Wood-1528 Edeewatcr mono salem 3-4031 Capitol Lumber FueJ Co, SPECIAL FOR SO DAYS Planer trlmmlnta, 88 load. Phone 37731 ee" FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS FRYERS ' RAISERS 1. Would you like So extra profit per bird? 3. Would you like an averate weltht oi 3-s ids. iibioi wecks7 8. Would you like to have 3.6 feed conversion? 4 Would you like thefacta and proof? ace or call OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra Road - Eutene, Ore. Pb. 8-31(2 1113 GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire u.ieitea every atonaay and Thursday. Our chicks trow falter, rot a Hatchery, 3830 State St, Ph. 3-4080. , WANTED Colored hens. Lee'a Hatch- ery. phone 3-2861. FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old smew iu new aiampenire. parmentera, Red. While Leihoma. Austra-Whlte, Whit, Rocka, White Wyandottee, Pat mentor cockerels. Ue Hatchery, phone PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oeme, Plant any time now to July, 12.80 per 100. Phillips Bros, Rt. 6, Box 403, 3 miles eaat 4 Comer, en Stat, St. Ph. 43061. fl. Journal Wont Ads Poy REAL. ESTATE HELP WANTED WELL ESTABLISHED firm wishes men and women IS to SO year old free to travel, transportation furnished. Earn ings up to StO.QO plus comm. per mo. Experience not necessary, fiee Mr. Corn well at Cherry City Cottage, Cab in no. a Sunday, l p.m. to P I Ml HELP WANTED MALE ENERGETIC young man to work In sport Int tooda store. Should hava know ledge of fishing tackle. Inquire tn person, cascade Mere, Itot N. Church. talOO W ANTED -Window and Interior display man, preferably between theate of 18 and 35. Experience essential, steady employment. Apply jar. carter, Mont. tomerr ward. WANTED . EXPERIENCED carpet and Lino mechanic. H. L. Stiff Furniture co. talOl' MAN with car now employed seeking opening to better himself. Restricted territory. No experience necessary. We assist you. Only men interested in 3100 a week or more need apply, Fuller Brush Co.. Phone 3-8357. talOO HELP WANTED FEMALE CAB HOP. Woodrofle'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calle. lb1 HOUSEKEEPER for country. J. D. Hart- well. Phone 8-1348. ' tbOO BOOM, board, child car. tor worklnt motaar. e-weir tbloo WOMAN WANTED In aalea and service department ,ate 38 to 40. Will be taueht a eontenlal business, steady employment, must be permanent, sin ter Sewlnt Center, 130 No. Commercial. Apply mornlnta only. tbOO TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS "Platoon leaden needed, ,ta 93 to 80, with ability to supervise and direct .activities or children (13 yeara and older) and adulta for aumrner harvest won. watoa win vary 813 to ,18 .day. Contact Stat, Employment Serv- ice. 7io ferry. ybioi WAITRESS. Woodrotfe'a San Shop, 3400 rwwanu na no pnone calla. th WANTED SALESMAN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for real estate ealesman for oneof . Willam ette vauera leedlnt offlcea. we ape- dalle. In lane tradea and furnleh you witn .very metnod or promotion you want. All replies will be tlven consideration and kept atrlctly confi dential. Writ, Box 73, Capitol Jour. SHOP salesman TO sell correspondence course. 100 leads. Excellent earn lnu. Can be part time. Write Box 12 Capital Journal or phono 35350. t too BALPH JOHNSON Food Club haa open ,ua lor permanent eaiesman. we train you. Averate commission It 8400 per monta witn me very tood possl- miity oi dDubltn, that tlturo. Apply Mr. Robb, 385 Center et. Immediately. 'e.a'..a.a...,.,. WANTED POSITIONS MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State uoeaaett ana inapecteo. Phon, 2-7876. i hi21 SPRAY FAINTING Shaxea houses, roofs, --. " wuuu,uM, mono a-aiao. . hlOO" OOOD CHILD care. One to all. Un.,,. ter vicinity. 3 no Thomdala or 3-3508 alter a p.m. hOO' CHILD CABE, reasonable. North. Phone e-eoau. hot MARV'S PLOWING and dlaclnt, prompt .-ana, blW tilling WITH new M. E. Rotary tiller. Evcnlnn 3-6333. 33.80 hour, hi 10 LAWN WORK wanted. Vicinity Cottate ana Marlon Bt. Free estimate. Ear cox, 650 Marlon. Phone 87328. hloi CARPENTER cabinet work, home re- wuucuua, ire. estimates, can a-0411 4-"33. hlOO BOTOTILLING evenlntt, Saturday a, cue., &eiaer area, rnone 3-5385. ' hl07 TILLING witn new M E. Rotary tiller mono evenlnts. 3-8333. hloi TREE WORK. Topplnt. trlmmine. re. movlnt. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 2-0365. hiia. MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Uake It .mi easy, i-none 2-UJI4. h!03' PLOWING 4 i DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. i-non. 3-0300. ' h!03 FLOWING. DISCING, levellnt. $3.80 an ruuBB a-JHI. h!23 ELfcCTRICIAN, IS yeara experience, home o inuusinai, want, work In around Salem. fNon-unlon now). Tomltn Are., Woodburn, Ore. 4345 hlOO NEW lawns. Rotary hoelna. Free ..n. mates. Duan, Wolcott, Phon, 3-8137. hill PAINTING, Paper-hantlnt, free estl- hlOB mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5522. LANDSCAPE maintenance, n r u n 1 n a. trimmint, planum, fertllltlnt. serv- ice center, mono 4-3573. hl05 PLEASANT country aurroundlnts, cloee to town, competent cnild care, Wallace HQ. 32212. . hOO' CEMENT WORK and flnlahlna. A Bom- oeck, pnone 3-0574. 1505 N. 8th. hl03 NEW LAWNS, complete. free oatlmntet. Phon. 4-3041. hios GARDEN, plowwr bed and lawn pre paration, riowini. niacin,, levellnt, tototuilu. Service Center. Phon, 43873. hloi' LIGHT CRAWLER, doilnt, dirt level hlOS" me, tradlni. pnona 3-3320. TILLING WITH Rotary -hoe. Garden lawns. Phone 3-8530, 3338 Evtrtreen. MO!' BOTO-HOE Expert work. Phone 36601. hlOl" OABDEN WORK RototlUlnt. Call 3-0425 alter o:oo p.m. hoo CHILD CABE, Entlewood dltlrlct, Mra. nertie jonnson, 1000 .N. 13th. 2-6863. h!01 BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kramer, 3150 Lenilni Ave. Phone 31180. hi 14 Saturday, April 25, mt RAOIQ TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and Itceneed specialist. Installed. 81, pint material, call any time. Free estimates. Phone 4-3383. haioi FOR RENT LAEGE warehouse space for rant or lease. Cement floora, brick building. Down town. Inautr H. I fluff pur. nlture Co. Phone I-018&. j It ACb.ES of Royal Ann cherries on crop share basis. Renter must spray and pick crop at own expense, ar will give wood for t rubbing out th trees. AIao have area of land aul table for railing crop and 30 acrea of timber and brush aultabl for iraslnt toata. 4-2940. J 102" FOB BENT, Businea building, let of parking. Ph. MM. in BABBEB SHOP with S room apartment In back. - Parkin asac in front and rear. Possession first f May. phon 2-275ij jn.- OFFICE SPACE Shop and etorat, spa:,. pnone a-eiwa. jioj. UABAGE FOB BENT. Inoulra at 676 N. Cottate. Phone 41631. Jioi ..'.'ee'eee'eaee'e.'.e'.a.aM WANTED TO RENT STATE EMPLOYE with one child needa 3-bedroom home, wired for ranee. Prefer auburban area. Call 3-0674. Jaa HOUSE on email acreate, cloae In. 8 10 mllea OK. Barn, chicken houae. ' Permanent . Reference!. Phon. 3-3530. JalM GOOD RENTERS, 3 bedroom home by June let. Phone 4-1007. , jaioi NICE 3-bedroom home. Bice district. References. 3-4041. laioo FOR RENT ROOMS WARM, CLEAN, well furnished, cloae lit, reasonable. 653 N. Hlih. Jk88 ATTRACTIVE BOOM, private home. Oentleman. 088 No. Summer. 3-6368. ikoo- CLEAN, lttht bouaekeepln, room and eleeplni room. For Women. Hear state house. Phono 3-5055. Ikloo NICE LIGHT houaekeeplnt room. Lady. 665 No. Church. Ikios NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot and cold water. 461 No. Hlih. 11103- SLEEPING BOOM for one or two, 700 N. Church, Phone 8-1335. jkl00 ea..a'Jer..a'a.a'aaea FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 4 larte rooms, bath, In ahopplnt center. Phone 3-7841. Ipoo FURNISHED bachelor apartment. DtUU ties paid. Near State and Min bua. 1810 Trade. ' Jpl03 LOVELY APARTMENT, 4 block, lrom O. B. Bank, In a tree nttlnt. Fire proof bulldlni. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatlo laundry. TV con nection. Adults. See at 336 Oak atreet. JplOl" TWO 3-BOOM furnished apartmente. 630, 1380 N. Winter. Jploo Private baths. 3-8676. ATTRACTIVE, new and clean three-room lurnlsned apartment. Three . blocka to shopping center and atat, butld lnta Ph. 3-7630. Jplooe CLOSE IN, clean and comfortable. 3 rooma furnished, laundry. 3-5063. JP103 LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address Beautiful bachelor apartment with pullman kitchens, at moderate rates. . 1-bedroom apts. from 77, Television available. Call 4-1641, Winter at Union Sts. JplOfl NEWLY PAINTED furnished basement apartment, 115 to 130. Close In; 375 Market. - JP98 FURNISHED, kitchenette, sitting room, share bath. Call afternoons, 1370 Chemeketa. JpW 1 BEDROOM, furnished apt., newly dec orated, ooise in. pnone a-07i. jpios NICELY FCBNISHED 3 -room and bath. Close In. 694 N. Com'I. JplOO CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, small apart ment. Only 25. Close in. Ldy pre ferred. 645 Ferry St. jpioo FURNISHED APARTMENT, 3 month. 150O N. Capitol, phone 45968. Jp99" 1-BEDROOM furnished apartment, close in. Phone 4-5578. jpw 137.50 Furnished 3-room apt. 340 Div ision, phone 4-5936. 1P9I 8-ROOM furnished apartment, 494 So. Jp9 Winter. ROOM apartment, utilities paid, In cluding automatic washer and dryer. Close to state buildings and shopping center. 468 N. Winter. JpIOl ATTRACTIVE APT., adulta, utilities paid. Available now. 166 No. 12th St. JPW tj BOOMS, private bath, entrance, furn ished, clean, close In. . 403 so. High. Jpl04 CHARMING, Court apt, one bedroom (elevated). Private utility, inside en- trance garage. Colored bath fixtures. Dinette with window walL Pocket sl private yard. Beautiful refrigerator and stove Included. 175. Available aoon. 3-3728. Jp99 OR 4-ROOM furnished court apart ments. Close In. 3-0546. Jp99 EXQUISITE, 3-room, bath, large, good view, ground floor. Phone 3-1117. Jp99 NICELY FURNISHED large, clean apt. utilities mrnianea. Reasonable. 365 So. 16th. J pi 00 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom oourt; full bath, near shopping center. Adults. 1429 Trade. )p90 NICELY FURNISHED apartment With range and refrigerator. Frlvat bath, washing facilities and utilities In cluded. 145. CIcs to tapltol build ings. Phone 43463. JplOO , NICELY FURNISHED apartments: Am- Jp oassaoor Apt. 550 No. Summer. PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adult, fto. 3560 Portland Road. JplOS NEW COURT apt. One bedroom, dinette, necinc range, rnr iterator. 1 miles on Wallace road. Evening or week end. 3-2908. Jpftfl- ROOMS furnished, phone, radio, near hospital, bus. See this at 140 No. 33rd. 3-9635. JP101 ROOM furnished apartment, privat bath, steam heat, washing facilities, block to state buildings, Sears, Safe way. For couple or 3 tlrl. 3-1351. SEVERAL furnished apartments, tood location. Inquire H. 7 Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-9185. in FOR RENT HOUSES NEW 1-bedroom houae with lota of cloaet apace, atove, refrlierator. tarat, and soma nuiltlea. Inquire loot N. lotto. jmlot BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom duplex, fireplace, oasemerav, tarate. 380 B. 16tn. 3-1020. IrnOO BEDROOMS, tarden apaca. Dlckaon't atore. 4-4303. 1 mllea ImlOO BEDBOOM8, baaement, auto, heat, 165. inquire h. l, stlir Furniture Co. Phone 8-0188. 1m FURNISHED, CLEAN 1 bedroom cot- late. 840. 1265 Rural Avenue. ImO, BEDROOM, heat, tarate. electrlo apptlancea, oil Adulta. Phon, 3-4215. Jmooe By Ham Fisher t