Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 25, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    And k MS To He ra
a Mice
Opening Night
' tinl, Salem Senator lead-oft
batter, feu his team on to
a flying start by cracking out
a single In the first Inning
of last night's (ame with
Calgary. The Calgary catch
er Is Son Brlckner and the
umpire Mel Stein. In ether
photo, team managers Hugh
Luby of Salem (left) and
Gene Mllard of Calgary com
pare the bouquet? they were
handed Just prior to the
night same. Calgary won
both games of a day-night
donbleheader, 5-4 and 6-5.
Benson Sets High
Hurdle Mark for
Willamette U
Dean Benson established a
new school high hurdles record
for Willamette university by
skipping the sticks in 15.3
seconds during; a track meet
with Pacific at McCulloch sta
dium yesterday.
Benson shaved one-tenth of
a second of fthe old record,
held by Ted Mertz since 1951.
Willamette had little trouble
winning the track meet The
score was 93-37.
Mile 1, Stephenson. Wt I, Xmper, Wl
t, smith, p. Time, 4:37.7.
4401, Stewart, Fj 1, Bertman, Wl I,
Krohlmelr, P. Tim, 63.1.
loo-i, van Horn, wi t, nulls, T; I,
lloelch, W. Time, 10.0,
Hish hurdle 1, Benson, Wl 1, Btan
dlfer, Wl 3, Cralt, P. Time, 18.3.
8B0-1, irovie. w: 3, Miller, wi I,
French, P. Time, 3:00.0.
nol, wills, Pi 3, via Bom, Wi I,
Loflind, W. Time, 33.3.
Two mile 1, Emper, Wi 3, Stephen
son, W: (no other ntrlee). Tim, 10:30.3.
Xjow hurdle 1, Benson, Wi 3, coch
ins, Wl 3, Crl, P. Time, 35.0.
lllle relar Won br Wlllmelt turn
of Hltchman, Bertman, Griffith and
Miller. Time, 3:.7.
Javelin 1, Neperud, W I, French, Pi
3, Benton, W. Distant, 301 Inl, 8
Shot put L Hltehman, W: t, OUaon,
Wi 3, Holstant, P. Dlttar.ce, 43 feet,
30 lnchea.
Broad lump 1, Shsnsle, Wl I, Lee
Ban, Pi 3, Tennank, P. Distance, 31 feet.
Hlsh lump 1, oolvard, W; 3, four
war U between Rltchman and Standl
fer of Willamette and Conner and Boll
(ans at Pacific Helshth, 8 feet, Inches.
Pole Teult 1, Hatfield, Pi 3. llal
tolm, Wi 3, Connera, P. Btlshth, 11 feet,
Discus 1, outon, Wl s, Solstant, Ft
Porter, W.
Bremerton Team
Takes Over 1st
In Tenpin Meet.
' Tacoma OT Bremerton
Bowling Recreation took over
first place In the open team di
vision of the 38th annual
Northwestern International
Bowling Congress by rolling
S830 here Friday night.
Howard Kressin's 224-184-S18
624 string was the lead
lng Individual performance.
The Bremerton quintet started
slowly, shooting 889 in the
first game, but stepped up the
pace to 915 in the second and
registered a smashing 1028 in
the wlndup effort.
Relegated to second place in
the open team event was Brcn-
nan's Tree Service of Salem
with 2756.
The Tacoma Bowling As
sociation No. 4 team shot 2586
to go Into second place in the
Booster Division behind the
Bremerton Navy Base team,
' whose 2619 of two weeks ago
remains the top score in that
bracket. .
Central Wins
Three-Way Meet
Monmouth Central high
school won a three-way track
meet with Sacred Heart and
Salem Academy here Thur
Central finished the day
with 71 points. Sacred Heart
was second with 52 and Sa
lem Academy third with 26.
SOLTiP! I sCHalxWN rvfHT' uT , .iJPejvv
I :, V ' . Cj II
Phillies Win
Yankees Win
New York U.R Jim Kon
stanty, Philadelphia's "forgot
ten man" suddenly was being
remembered again today as a
fellow who might put depth
back into the Phillies pitching
Konstanty came out of the
obscurity of mediocre mop-up
pitchers in 1950 to win the
National League's most valua
ble player award as an almost
unbeatable relief hurler, But
he returned to the doldrums
after that one wonderful sea
son. 1
Now, almost unnoticed, he
became the victor in a two-hit,
5 to 3 decision over the Pirates
last night. Konstanty turned
in the fifth straight complete
game by Steve O'Neill's stout
staff and gained the fifth vic
tory in a row for the new Na
tional league front-runners.
Other Games
The Dodgers handed the
Giants their fifth defeat in the
last six games, 12 to 4 at Brook
lyn, while in the American
league the Yankees made it
four in a row with a 4-1 tri
umph over Washington, the
Indians topped Detroit, 4 to 1,
Chicago blanked St. Louis, 3
to 0, on a thrce-hlttcr by Gene
Bearden, and the Athletics
drubbed Boston, 7 to 2. The
Card - Cub and Reds Braves
games were rained out In the
Roy Campanella hit a three-
Tun homer and Duke Snider
hit a long bases-empty blast
in Carl Ersklne's easy triumph
over tne uiants.
Three-Time Winner
Lefty Alex Kellner became
the first major league pitcher
to win three games when he
gava the Red Sox only five
hits. Ed Robinson hit a homer
for the A's and Dick Gernert
homered for Boston. Robin
son made four hits.
Mike Garcia belatedly gain-
ed his first victory In the rain
at Cleveland, giving up nine
hits but holding Detroit off
when the going got rough. Al
Rosen hit a two-run homer to
put Cleveland in front for
5th in Row;
4th Straight
Minor League Scores
fBy United Prees)
W I, Pet. OB.
Philadelphia s 1
St. Loul 4 1
Brooklyn . 6 ' 4
Chicago 3 3
.050 1U
.000 3
.430 3U
.400 3!4
Mllwauke 4
'Ctnclnnetl ... 3 3
Plttiburih 3 B
Mew York I
.333 314
Friday' Heialt:
fit. Loula at Chlcaro, postponed, rain.
Brooklyn 13, New York 4.
Philadelphia I, Pltuburah I.
Cincinnati at Milwaukee, postponed,
Pet. O.B.
New York ..,
Cleveland ....
St. Louis
Washlntton ,
.333 '
Fridar'a Reealtel
New York 4, washlnston 1.
Philadelphia 1. Boiton 3.
Cleveland 4, Detroit 1 (nlihtt.
Chlcaso 3, St. Lout 0 (nlsht).
good. Walt Dropo homered for
Detroit's lone run.
Camp Adair Drag Races
Begin at Noon Sunday
' The first drag race session
of the season for this area is
scheduled for Sunday after
noon at Camp Adair. .
First rubber will be laid on
the old Camp Adair roads at
noon, but cars may register
for competition as late as 1
The drag races will be open
to anyone with a car meeting
safety standards. A $1 en
trance fee will be charged,
and all persons under 21 must
present notorized evidence of
their parents' consent
Races will be conducted
In eight classes for autos,
based on their weight and
displacement. There will
also be a class for motorcy
cles. The races will be run under
the supervision of the North
west Timing association, an
organization comprised of sev-
By Woh Ditzen
Calgary Spoils Salem's
Openers, 5
LOB-ltis, familiar ailment
with Salem Senators in recent
years, hit the 195S Senators on
opening night at Waters park
last night.
LOB, In ease you're not up
on your baseball abbreviations,
stands for left on base and the
Senators certainly left 'em
there last night.
Sixteen Senators died on base
as Salem suffered a 6-5 loss to
Calgary in the second portion
of a night-day doubleheader.
Calgary also won the afternoon
contest, 5-4.
Calgary and Salem close
out their Western Interna
tional league series with a
I o'clock donbleheader Sun
day. There is no game sche
duled for Saturday.
Only 880 fans turned out for
the afternoon opener yester
day. The evening session drew
3652 cash customers.
Both teams looked shaky
afield yesterday. Salem com
mitted five errors and Calgary
three in the afternoon game,
with the figures reversed for
the night contest '
Two errors by Calgary sec
ond baseman Don Hunter help
ed Salem pick up three unearn
ed runs In the first inning of
the day game. But the Senators
were unable to noia ineir
lead. as Calagry batters poked
away at Jack Hemphill's
pitching for 10 hits and their
5-4 win.
The Stampeders broke a 4-4
tie in the seventh when unar
lev Mead walked, was sacrl
ficed to second by Jim Mellin
ger and scored on a single to
center field by Don uncKer.
Salem threatened strong
ly in the ninth, bnt Lon
Scrlvens, who had just enter
ed the game as a pinch hit
ter,' was thrown ont at the
plate attempting to score
from second on Gene Tan
selli's single. The throw was
made by center-fielder Jer
ry Cruger, Calgary's stand
out both in the field aiid at
bat all day. '
Ed Kapp pitched the daytime
victory for Calgary. He gave
up eight hits, all of them sin
gles, and allowed only one
earned run.
The night game was a three
Sacred Heart
Defeats Salem
Academy, 3-2
Sacred Heart Academy
downed Salem Bible Academy
3 to 2 on the former's field
Friday afternoon in an extra
inning baseball game.
Bible Academy tallied their
two runs in the first frame on
a single, two walks, a hit bat
ter and a fielder's choice.
Sacred Heart scored once in
the second, tied it up in the
seventh and then shoved over
the winning run in the 8th.
Salem Bible 300 000 00 I 1 I
Sacred Heart 010 (to 11 3 3
Bchreder end M. Padenrechti Flad
wood, Rodewald (3) and Pearl.
Fmhts last Wight
(Br The AuocUted Preu)
BMlon Jimmy Carter, 134ft, Hew
York, flopped Tommy Colllne, 133,
Boiton. 4. (Title.)
Tampa, Fla. Jimmy Blvlni, 183 tt,
Cleveland, outpointed Claude - Rolft,
187ft. Tampa, 10.
eral hot rod clubs in Oregon
and Washington,
The hot rod clubs making
up the timing association
were formed for the purpose
of promoting safety on the
highways and wholesome
competition among hot rod
fanciers, and all safety pre
cautions will be in effect
during the drag races.
Room for spectators has
been provided for, and there
will be signs on the Mon-
mouth-Corvallis highway to
direct fans to the site of the
Rooks Down Frosh, 5-1
Corvallis (UJD The Oregon
State college Rooks defeated
university of Oregon frosh, 5-1,
In a baseball contest here yes
terday with Right-hander Dick
Wilson pitching four-hit ball
for the Beaver Babes.
Minor League Scores
IBt The Anocltd Prem
Toronto 1, SprlnslleM 4.
Saltlmor t, Bollalo 3.
Onlf rame ochedulKl.
tndlanapolla II, Charleston a.
Toledo t. colnmbue 3.
Other tune itoitponed.
Dallas l-T, TuUa 1-3.
Ft. Worm J. Oklahoma Cltr I.
San Antonio X Beaamont 1.
Houiton at Shrereport, rweiBoasd,
Wtehlla s-j, Pnrblo 4-.
Denm 14. Colorado Snrinsi 13.
Other tames poRtnoned.
Idaho Palla II, BUltnsa 3.
Poeatello T. Great Falls .
Uaslt VaUer II, Boles 0.
Ball La CI If u, otdsa L
- 4 and 6-5
hour and 32 minute struggle,
sowed down by a total of 25
walks and a couple of rhubarbs,
Glen Hittner, Calgary pitcher,
went the 10-innlng route for
Calgary, even though he gave
up 14 walks. He had 13 strike
outs to help make up for the
Salem Manager Hugh Luby
gave he night crowd a good
sample of the Senator pitch
ing staff, as he sent four
hurlers to the mound. They
were, in order, BUI Bevens,
Bob Collins, Larry Borst
and Wayne Kick. Blek, who
pitched only the tenth in
ning, was charged with the
loss. e
' Calgary's winning run in the
tenth was scored by Stathes,
who came home from second
on Mead's single. Stathos had
gained life on a walk, and
moved to second on a infield
Salem forced the game into
overtime with two runs in the
bottom half of the ninth. The
Senators pleased the crowd
with some sensational base
running, stealing four bases af
ter two were out in the ninth.
Bill Nelson stole two bases
that inning. He stole second on
his own, and stole home a little
while later, while working a
double steal with Dick Saba
tlni. The quartet of base swipes.
couple with two Calgary er
rors, provided the two Salem
runs in the ninth.
Biggest Salem bat (both li
terally and figuratively) be
longes to first baseman Les
Witherspoon. His 35-ounce
stick got one-for-three in the
afternoon game and two-for-four,
both hits doubles, in the
night contest.
Taking their second in a row
were the defending champion
Victoria Tyees, who nosed out
the Spokane Indians, 6-4, and
the Lewiston Broncs who got
by the Vancouver Capilanos
by the same 5-4 margin. They
got the 1953 WIL season under
way Thursday night with a
bob-tailed opening schedule.
Edmonton went along with
with 5-4 pattern in shading the
Trl-City Braves by that score
at Kennewick, Wash. The
first, three Edmonton runs
came on homers one by Andy
Skurski in the second inning
with a mate aboard and .an
other by Lou Vitous in the
fourth with the sacks empty.
Don Prentce singled in Vitous
with the winning run in the
eight for the Eskimos.
The Yakima Bears exploded
for six runs in the 13th inning
to knock off the Wenatchee
Chiefs at Wenatchee, 12-6.
Rookie Jack Schaenlng pitched
shutout relief ball for Yakima
in the last five innings. Wenat
chee, which commltteed seven
The Box Score
First fame:
CAliarr (S)
(4) Salem
3 lSbtlnUt 3
OTnselll,! 0
l l
o o
0 4
1 11
1 3
1 4
0 3
1 0
1 0
ITailr.l-r 4
ONeUon.o S
S Lubr,3b 4
8 Haller, 4
3Hmphl,p S
Brick er.o
a-Strstn 1
b-SrWns 0
Totals 37 10 31 11 Totals 37 16
a lnlled lor Hemphill In tth.
h Ban tnr Atratton In 9th,
CaHeri "0 300 10SS 1
Salem 310 000 0004 8 e
PltCheri U" AB aJ on
Kapp 35 8 4 1 3 3
Hemphill ... 37 10 8 4 3 4
WP PP. IAJB ueisery 11, oeuem
8. s-uelllnier. Hunter 3. saoallnl s,
Witherspoon. Haller 3. 3BH Hunter.
3BH stathos. BBI eraser, Bricker,
Lubr 1. Sac. tlelltnser 3. Sabatlnl. SB
Stathos, Tedeico. DP Mead to Cohen.
PW Uead 3, Sabatlnl, Witherspoon,
Nelson. T 3:01. umps soreneeon ftno
Stem. Att. 810.
Second tarns, 10 Innlni:
Calsarr (8)
(6) Sale:
Cruser.ef 8 3
Tedesco.3 0
0 3
1 1
1 0
OSbtlnl.ct s
1 0
4 0
3 0
lTnselll.3 4
7 S
OTaylor.r 6
OWthrip.l 4
lMstrsn.o t
3 Lub,3b 8
3 Haller ,s 3
1 Bevns,p 1
a-Scrvns 0
Colllne.p 0
b-Nelsn 0
Borat.p 0
e-Nelen O
Blck.P 0
3 8
3 8
1 14
1 3
1 0
0 0
O 0
Cohen, e
Totals 38 8 30 10 Totals 37 30 8
a Walked (or Berens In 4th.
b Walked (or Collins In 7th.
b Walked for Borit In 8th.
Calsarr 013 100 010 10 8
Salem 110 010 003 08 8 3
Pitcher! TP AB H R KB SO BB
Hittner ,...10 37 8 8 3 13 14
Bevens ..... 4 14 4 4 4 3 7
Collins ..... S 1 8 0 1 8
Borat 1 t 8 1 t 1
Rick 1 4 1 1 1 1
HBP Melllnssr b? Borat. WP Conine.
LOB Calsarr 14, Salem 16. X Uelllns-
er, Bricker 3, Cohen a, Tsnsein a. Tar
aor. mil Melllnser. Witherspoon 1,
Ttdesco. RBI cruser, Statho 3, 3lad,
Brlckvr 3. Pcrea, Bsvens. Sac cruser,
Hittner. SB Peres, Sabatlnl, Lubr 3,
Maetrson. Cruser, Bill Nelson 8, Ssba
tlnl. DP Haller to Lubr to witherspoon,
Cohen to Hunter to Uelllnser. PW
Cruser S, Stathos t, Meed. Uelllnser 1.
Hunter 3, Hittner J. sabatlnl 3, Tan-
elll I, Peres, Tarior, witnerpspoon I,
Heller, Scrlrens, Collins, Bill Neleon,
Bob Nelson. Tim 3:33. Dmps stctn
snd Sorsnaon. Att. 3453.
The Best Sales Opportunity
In Salem
For Details
WIL Standings
(Br The Aeeocleted PrsJ
W L Pet.
Victoria t 1.000
Lewiston 3 8 1.000
Caliarr 3 0 l.OOO
Yakima , I 0 1.000
Edmonton 1 O 1.000
Wenatchet 8 1 .000
Trl-Cllr 8 I .000
Spoken 8 ' S .000
Vancouver t t .004
Salem ,. t I .000
Frldar'e Reesltei
Calasrr 6-6, Salem 4-8 (Ind tarn 16
Cdmonlon 6. Trlltr 4.
Yakima 13, Wenatchee I (18 Innlnss).
vicuna e, oposane .
Lewuton 6. Vsncouvsr 4, -Salardar's
calssrr at Salem.
Edmonton at Trl-Oltr.
Yakima at Wenatchee. '
Spokane at Victoria (3).
Lewuton at Vancouver (31.
errors, fell apart in the 13th,
Herman Lewis bombed a three-
run 350-foot homer for the
uears in the fifth.
Artie Wilson was Lewlston's
hitting star, getting 4-for-4
and driving in the winning run
with a two-out single in the
Spokane at Victoria and
Lewiston at Vancouver Satur
day are doubleheaders. Cal
gary at Salem, Edmonton at
m-City and Yakima, at Wen
atchee are single games.
Edmonton ttMiinoin a ta e
iTl-cur 000 010300-4 10 I
wDnens ana Morten: Doberale, Tan,
ner (7) and Petut.
' ' (13 Innings)
Yakima 001 130 001 000 s 11 la a
Wenatchee .... 410100 000 0000 8 13 1
Irfxke, Thompson (3), Sehaenlnt (6),
and Dar. Harford: Oubr. Klein lei
Spokane 010 0031004 T 1
Victoria 000 300 031-8 S 3
Palm. Descalso (41. Franks ti mrf
Sheets; Bottler, Prior (8) and Martin,
Broca (81, Prlti (8).
Lewuton 0100000318 11 1
Vancouver 000 3000004 8 0
Brenner and Cameron: Fletcher, oun.
hereon (6) and Lundnert.
Page 12
Portland Moves Within
2 V2 Games of First Place
San Francisco OJPJt Los An
geles continued to pace the
Facifle Coast League by a full
game over Seattle today but
those dark horse Portland
Beavers were moving op fast
from third place.
Portland trimmed Sacra
mento in both ends of a double
header last night to move
within 2 games of the sur
prising Seraphs, who rallied
to beat San Francisco 8 to 6.
Seattle thumped San Diego 11
to 3, to keep on the victory
road while the Hollywood
Stars biased Oakland 18 to S.
Fred Sanford allowed three
hits in the first game as he
hurled the Beavers to a fancy
2-1 triumph in the seven in
ning opener. Portland scored
both its runs In the first in
ning when Granny Gladstone
tripled in Jim Russell then
scored on a bad throw to third.
Ken Gables also limited the
Bevos to three hits as he went
the route for the loss.
The Sacs battled Portland
for 11 innings before drop
ping the nightcap, 4 to 3.
Dino Restelll broke up the
contest by chasing in Aaron
Robinson with a hit off Bart
Barkelew, who had come on
to relieve starter Jess Flores.
Bed Adams lasted until the
11th Inning for Portland,
then gave way to Royce
Los Angeles scored three
times in the eighth inning aft
er two were out to humble the
Seals and remain in first
Steve Nagy toyed with Lefty
O'Doul's Padres, allowing
them only five hits as he went
the route to an easy triumph
for Seattle. However, 'San
Diego looked good at the start
as Remy LeBlanc homered
with Murray Franklin on
board to give the Pads a brief
2-0 lead in the second inning.
The Suds got four runs for
themselves in the home half
of that frame with Leo
Thomas cleaning the bags
with a hefty two-bagger. The
Rainiers added three more
in the seventh with Thomas
singling in two more run
ners and scoring on George
Schmees double. A pair of
San Diego errors helped Se
attle score four more In the
It was murder in Emory-
- 11223
j (i ess, (
J.JM1 g f
II ' jssar
4-1 -
In Running for Derby
orator (bottom), are two candidates who hope to stride
to victory in the Kentucky Derby at Louisville's Churchill
Downs. Owned by Ben Whitaker of Dallas, Tahltian King
is shown with Eddie Arcaro up. Saxon Stable's Invlgorator,
Jocky Dave Gorman up. (AP Wlrephoto) . '
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 25, 1953
(Br TJnlted Press)
W L Pet. 03.
Los Armeies 18 1 .130
Seattle 17 8 .680 1
Portland 15 0 .635 , 3'i
Hollywood le'U -.836 ' 4U
San Francisco 11 13 .408 6U
Sacramento 8 16 .333 9Vs
Oakland 8 17 J30 10
Baa Dleso 8 11 .330 10
Fridar'a Beraltsi
Los Angeles 6, Sen Francisco 6.
Seattle 11, San Dleso 3.
Hollywood 18. Oakland 6.
Portland 3, Sacramento 1 (1st tame).
Portland 4, Sacramento 3 (Snd tame).
How the Series Stand:
Los Anseles 3, Ssn Frsnclsco 1. ' ' '
Oakland 3, Bollrwood S.
Seattle 3, San Dleso 1.
Portlsnd 8, Sscramento 8.
vllle as Hollywood rolled over
the Oaks 18-5. The seventh
inning was the most disastrous
for Oakland hurlers as the
Twinks poured seven runs
across the plate to break up
what had been an 8-5 ball
San Dleso 030 000 Old 3 6 3
Beattls 040 000 34111 1 1
Thomason and slatthlsi Nasr and Or
telt. San Francisco 040 010 1006 8
Los Anteles 300 300 03s 8 16
snsnoor, Bradford (), Muncrlet (7)
and Tornari lecLtsh, rode (8) and
Hollywood 011 123 70316 31 S
Oakland 100 004 000 6 3 3
Lunn. Batedorn (6), shepherd (6),
Bluir (6) and Malone; Bamberger, Hlt
tle (61, Candinl (7), Van Cujk (7), Mann
(7) and Neal.
Tide far Tail, Oresen April, lost
(Compiled br D. B. Coast and Geodetic
Snrver, Portland, Ore.)
Blsb Wstere Low Wewn
36 10:17 a.m. 4.7 4:31 a.m. 1.3
10:37 p.m. 6 4:15 p.m. 1.3
38 11:07 a.m. 4.8 8:09 a.m. 8.7
10:63 p.m. 6.0 4:48 p.m. 1.6
1:54 a.m. 4.8 6:45 a m. 6.3
11:10 p.m. 6.1 8:31 p.m. 1.9
38 13:33 p.m. 4.8 6:30 a.m. -0.3
11:45 p.m. 6.4 - 6:51 p.m. 2.3
39 1:31 p.m. 4.8 6:54 p.m. 3.5
8:23 p.m. 2.5
96, ' 13:13 a.m. 6.8 9:30 a.m. -0.9
2:06 p.m. 4.7 8:53 p.m. 3.7
$69.95 Motor
Recondition Job
For Chevrolet Cart and Trucks
HWi!Ll-?acJ!Llhe 5wn. ,'nn and pins, grind valves,
lfifiktt " nd " '". iust toeValn bearings,
lili .1. .-.COv.nll?cUn .rod ""Inm. Uust fan belt, clean
and adjust, burn out and clean oil breather.
rSlTiCiLndr?.Jn "l!? lob ,re: 1 8e Genuine Chevrolet
Cbromeflex Piston Rings, Pins, 5 Quarts Oil, plus neces
' V,lv,e!i Sm1 cP Gaskets.
(C.O.E. Tracks Slight Additional Charge)
G.M.A.C. Budget Terms!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
Tahltian King
(top) and Invlg-
Sacramento (1)
(t) Portion
B 11 OA
0 Austin, 1
0Ruiiel.U a
1 Robber
OOMstn.ct 3
1 ArlMb 3
0 Orsnt,3 8
3Rbmsn,o 1
1 6nrord.p S
Totals 36 3 18 8 Totals 10 8 11 S
a singled lor Arera In 7th.
b Flew out for Oables In 7th.
d Ran for Balianl in itn.
001 000 01
Portland .,
Ssnford ...
001 100 11
300 000 3
Ill 000 1
, 8 30 1 8 1 4 t
. 7 36 1 3 ' O 3 4
Arlt. Orant 1. R Cables,
E Attrd,
Russell, oladstone, RBI CMsdstone.
2B Sanford. SB Oladstone. DP Orant,
Bafilnskl and Artf. LOB Sacramento 6,
Portland 4. winner Sanford. Loser
Qablea. U Anske, Bents and Pelekou
das. T 1:34.
Second tame, 11 Innlnt:
Sacramento (8)
(4) PorUand
3 0 Austin J 4 2 4 8
4Monts,rt 8 3 10
IRobbe.lf 8 14 0 6 16 1
1 Arlt, lb 4 18 0
OGtrenUb 6 1
3Bsntkl,2 6 0
1 Oladd.o S 1
OAdams.p 8' 0
OLInt.p 1 0
Oa-Rttelll 1 1
ORblnsn.o 1 1
Oe-Ruasel 1 O
Floret, p
Winter. c
d-Klmball 0 0
b-Deyo 1
Brkelw.p 0
Totals 38 11 33 10 Totals 43 11 33 13
Two out when winning run scored,
b Popped out for Flores In 9th.
d Ran lor Bsllsrd in 8th.
a Tripled for Lint In 11th.
e Flew out for oladd In 10th. .
Sacramento 100 100 001 00 1
Hits 201 111 103 0111
010 002 000 01 4
011 112 901 0311
18 13 8
1 1 1 0 1
8 10 1 6 8
0 10 11
Flores ...
Adams .,
, 8 33
,2V, 11
,. 8H 33
, 3Vi 6
E Bellard. Attyd 1. Runs Dilllnser,
Brovls. Attrd, Oladstone. Arlt, Basln
ekl, Robinson. RBI Rltcher, Oladd. Bro
vla, (Arlt, Bockman, Restelll. 2B Orant,
Oladstone. Austin. SB Restelll. HR
Brovle. sac Jones. Barkelew. DP
Oladstona and Oladd; Auetln, Baelrlakl
and Aril: Lint. Austin and Arft. LOB
Sacramento 11, Portland 9. HBP Bro-
na or Lint, u Bents, Felakoudas ana
Anske. T 3:36. A 0178.