Ji- Saturday, Aarll 25, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saim, ureson Paga 11 RADIO PROGRAMS 6TEVE BOFEB . .. . - ' ' ; -. ' ' - - ' - ' ' - ' ' " ' fU-TM I BOOk..TH( CAR CAMg I .--HlVl Ml A UFT.I . 'lljX J?a The Voice of Love ly WILLIAM NIUIAUIR U MtwaiMMm) CHAPTER Ha admitted eedly, "Thar art pro and coat." Stat nodded, then swung the Mr into Fww Tret Last. "TboM prat And com art what Doctor wants to discuss with you, I my as wll vim you, sir, that youTe In for a long discussion. Your tn nouncement to tilt Spectator hu made 111 leet pleasant for Oootor." 8b halted um oar and abooed turn out to the ildewelk, Sht played with thi Idea ol going In side with bus, then changed her mind. "Oood luckl" He laughed gayly. "Abandoning me to my doom? "Maggl asked me to do eome shopping for her. Bib Sam will drive you home," He waived a hand airily, then turned and etrode in through the gate and up tt.e path to the door. Tall, thin, he made a pleaunt tight on Doctor's little porch. Ihere was a quality of steel In him: he looked, despite his smile and twinkling black eyes,, the stulf from whteh good doctors were made. She grinned, tooted rJia horn and drove off. Ruth's father nodded shortly as she walked Into the office across the hall from the kitchen. It was obvious that he'd been wrestling with his nomination acceptance speech, and it was obvious that hu d lost the match. "The trouble is," he grumbled, "that I know what I want to say, hut can't say it." - , "Ton bad." There was no sympathy in her voice, no interest in her snapping brown eyes. He irowled low in his throat. "That's a fine, helpful attitude. I like my children. They always come to the help of the old man when he's in a lam." "Just say you'll run. Or, better still, say you'U not run. This was a switch. Earlier In the year Ruth had been the one who'd urged him to eeek the of fice. Annoved with Mavor Lu chettl, she'd come storming Into the living-room one evening to declare: "You're running for mayor, Dadl" He'd tried to laugh It off. But she'd worked, She'd gotton hold of some of the Civic Betterment people and convinced them the time had come for a new mayor to be elected. And pres ently his name had come to the fore. Then last night he'd been named. Because of her. actually I And now there she was changing her mind at this late date! Words tailed him. He got up from his desk and rushed to the service porch door. "I'm packing my duds and leaving. Ellen and I are taking a trip. You run the ho tel. You run for mayor if you want to. I've had enough." Lieht. casual, airy, the contralto voice asked: "And do you think I care where you go or what you flo? It was effective. He came back ; to his chair. He saw the wild : scarlet flooding her cheeks and turned his attention to more inv portant matters. "I've been wait iiur for vou to talk." he said aulet- P 1.. IYI.- luu, fulfna 4 Mmlna, fc.Yft n th. 1B.f wrsAl T S'. lfa V.I IV! M,V MD, " V- . J She sat down. She felt breath' k i less, and wondered why he dldn' ? ' open a window. Then she noticed i " that all the windows were open, and that disconcerted her even ! more. "Am I a fool?" she asked I frantically. "Am I less an adult r , than Nancy?" He screwed the cap onto his fountain-pen and laid the pen xou art," ha observed mildly, "when you 1st questions like that." "He seems a nice enough fel low," Mr Carlisle went on. "You dont have to feel ashamed of Us ing mm, you know. Im sorry about Bob. But U It Just isn't Sob wen wat nat w oe uiat,- Bhe groped for the proper words. Once she'd thought she was a highly articulate person, but now she suddenly saw herself 'umbllna and stumhllna like a I student who'd eome to class with out having prepared hit leason. I'm ail mlied up. she blurted out. Bhe pondered. "I'm very fond of Bob." came the admission, store pondering. Sometime I wish Id wavn uwu m wjt a aaaujr uu. I This, overhesrd by her mother. brousht a chuckle irom the hall. In came XUen Carlisle, quick and nt, ner oiue eyes twinning. nati ail iniar "Incldentallv. ZPhralm. you could tell the convention that you'U conduct a fighting cam paign. That always seems to please people, i rememoer listening to the proceedings of the Republi can convention on the radio back in 1(44. Mr. Dewey told the dele gates he'd do that, and everyone simply cheered and cheered l'r "Mower r- Ellen Carlisle took oft her eye glasses. She sighed. "Dear, you get that ahoutlng habit from your xatner, a anow. Ana since a love your father I must love his shout- uig. aui vmu a juu ujr au uov more ladvlike tone?" . , : "Hang the speech," said Ruth oarutie. one went to tne coor. 'Darn It. I wish Bob would call.' More annoyed than before, Ruth went across the brick terrace to the family's cottage. Bhe went down the hall to her room and sat down on the bed. She noticed a stuffiness here, too, and this time found a window that wasn't open ed. She opened It, peeled down to her lingerie, got into a cotton housecoat and stretched out once more on the bed. Love. Love was what made the world go round. Love was what she'd dreamed about for as long as she could remember. In love, or so she'd always thought, was happiness. Therefore why didn't she feel happy, and why wasn't the world going around the way it should be if love was so simply wonderful? Besides, wnere was tne voice n sld savlna It was love? There was no voice at all I There was just that blasted ringing in her ears, that stuffy feeling Inside her noee, those sensations of hot and cold creeping up and down her spine. And these couldn't be love, wasn't love supposed to ex hilarate her? Wasn't love supposed' to fill you with tne yen to dance, to sins?" All she wanted to do was see Bob and blister him with the whiplash of ner tonguei Nancy?" "Stop bothering me!" The shriek startled Ruth to sittine posture. She sat with wrin kled brow and thoughtful eyes, waiting tor more. None came. (To Be Continued) way Into Its proper drawer. FREE TV THEATRE Watck TV at Oar Tcitrlelea neatra It Theta la Aetata Bt fen Yea Bay Packarw-lgll, Imartwn, teytkaea, WcHnliMM Of IN MOM t A.M. H 9 P.M. WIONUDAY-PtlDAY Open Other tVafilnat by Appointment .-, yiater kmim & niEYlSO CO. 17S Chamafcat. ' Plana 14)11 KOIN i KEX i KSLM I KGAEIKOCO cm uh aacl ism mm Met B. cJ Baal limi StMaa Ba Wart pu treat Sir Wat Bar M am ou at Laakr O kutaw IC1 itua vwia. pat Ike Ottbl Maala ruaw imJ awiM oaMOaakarau lllknl OudOul H.un wmiwiia mtrm Mania Onto ruamr kiaaa Bntti an Tula aiau al aiara Wasthamaa 0. a. S4IUaNawa . Baiaaata baa, tiraa ICaaK TUa a xae naskaaalta anukaaatla lakaal Bkaraa Ui Oaaci Da 11 Haala VUai I4tU! naaa Vtaaa Daaaa vaiaa Daaaa VUaa Daaaa fiaaa Faataar Daajaa naaa atltalla Daaaa Wkea I Maaaslat Daaaa tlaw 1 nM taaw Malar Ma DERBY FILM SHOWN Woodburn About 80 mem bers and guests attended the Marlon County Sheriff's Re serve meeting Thursday night at the city hall when a Soap Box Derby film was shown. ROOM ft BOARD 1 DO VOU WANT TO LET THAT REMAINING CUPCAKE GO WITHOUT A STRUGGLE.OR. SHAU WE INDIAN- HAND-WRESTLE TO SEE WHO GETS IT? i By Ahren I CERTAINLY WONT TELL THE PUTTYHEADS IN THIS HOUSE I FOUND OUT THAT THE POOL OF CRUDE OIL ON THE PROPERTY WAS LEAKAGE FROM THE WRECK OF AN OIL TRUCK AND TRAILER... ... MY STRATEGY WILL BE TO MAKE THEM FEEL THEY LOST A BIS OPPORTUNITY TO WEALTH jj I jjj ,f ' NATCH IT ROBIN if ' HE DIDNT HEAR YOU -ZFL ACROSS I. Cereal seeds (.Vegetable .Thrie-ipot 7. Insect 13. Unit of work 14. Trick 15. Dance 17. Feminine name II. Antic 18. Compound, ether 0. Chide U. Word of dlllike . 14. Tipping 17. Purpose 10. This country II. Antique 12. female deer U.LsIr 14. Polish dance 17.Domestlt fowl It. Change It. Put in position again 43. Remain 44. Press 45. Stabiliiert 49. Soft mineral 50. Deed 51. Bobbin S3. Medicinal plant 53. Also 54. Respite DOWN 1. Away 1. Wing 1. Half score 4. Riding seat 5. Be undecided aolutlen of Ytattrday'e Puzzle (.Therefore T.Part ' 1. Rubblih (.Dwarf animal 10. Anglo-Saxon slave ?::::pi::fe::: fM r trW pirjjrs- PF mt nw wm, n- r.r !W 5T JR5T 44-ferH-frfr-H 11. Period of time II. Military assistant II. Poultry , product 10. Fly before the wind 11. Container 12. City m Algiers IS. Unfasten IS. Midday , M. Ailing 37. Redact IS. Olfactory organ It. Antlered animal 34. Caress . 35. Metal fastener 31 Places of worship 17. Therefore It. Feminine nam 40. Of en epoch 41. Vocal solo 42. City In Texts 43. singing voice 45. usseoaii inv plement 41. Collection 47. Beverage it Crafty POGO ' : 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' I I ir raWr-t-VW fl . rW IfWWV. I rbr WWaT rvgepaay rip as I FtTWli laVwT t rM f Ml . t w M Ml VW JHKi II' I aft MDI VM II ontbotw uT huh? J wtTHt nn.-v.oitA mm ajnp-x mx IL .J I atSt iL Jj U - jimiaiiurl JfZ; I f us w ufcff at fUiawuiLLl 1 1 arts? najaj MUt, aa- "V"! 1 IliMRaira Wait Uu ' ''VtasTIViT-ffl m aia iaViu: Udn rnr V t7ir - trmTtf I lUllfauat al Wtlom oaa iitin ii rn mtrk ",... iiri i inyjjmr vj i . i u i i v ni - u . 1 m m i iimil. jhm iot iuii II Wiua ' . I V aaaa a . a -il mwi r I Ul s Minwr. I I BB ai V a ,va- i j-iii VranMaa Iwakala lata Base ORPHAN ANNIE 111! S " i 1 lif-'NS-l TMRactMRI(TDx:-THEY ITtOUW UUCK- Tno-NOTA WOW- A I ilHraul' luZn" M I f P-;?lg 1 rwan aw U.T IV : HB -TMBPti IN In PUJCKUN" FOR I WHOT A aiNSj wtpaj I I IiUiaa an WailtTatarte I I '" '" IT'" :..Ti Iiniiuwuii-,.N 1 1 amu aunu-juttis 1 asttnraeaeBe liraaa uaaa I 1 "FOUNTAIN"? MEAN? ?rY" IV HWm- IHAVt SWEO HEK-J I J ,KT- I II III? EE Z'A I Su-. . . y r I t 1 I u. i v m i:sa aa au auvoaaiauae loaae I I V Emr? r-ZTi- V I 1 i'lTa. av h-- I :iIS.a aa4 al tSaatar Uataaaas wx w nx a rn j ru f ;- U VM 3 l I a ii ; (i-J i iVj 1 v ... ilBr5Jr LIL ABNER . If :afHatkl rtraararr I !S MV FAULT VOU LOSE kv Itfta L 7 (-'TSKr-SHf 1 S4&0 AttW? V . MOKAVff .JTM f!L 1 1 II id taJT CaaZir"! I 'L,Ao "7i . kaJ4- ipaSTl ilMtJv THE FIFE fV A aa.i aUgal at aJ. I t al aS ' - VYl-s2!-r I I sT k. . 7 T -t7 fl d- I i I I F a 1 OADAf at1alan ACCITlV I lA 1 I I I UUa nUUHU UaTall7UaaaV I II I I ., s. 5it CASSW 1 I CUU1EP FUNNY WHICH MEA) THEY'RE I I I I Ti'rrias a '; ONE Of HI6 I I WE PIPtfT 616 1 6Tia HERE6FREW Wt II I I VAA 1 I V SLU66EP VBU? n KOCKSI THcT DvTH JUffW I V , I parTT'T aT-jT?. ,T, I I t- , WE K UT WT f AST WHEN L -I 1 1 I , if UilavV . f I iff I I uiinvn .l iTIUXX M eJEiI-r ' -- UMMMN MMaWMma H!y'iaB5JiJWEN I CAME If PEALLVpJ IHADN'TTHEJ HlV. VtU UXIKltT WAf 9THf BIT S HERE, I WAS SgS HEALWV NOW.' M BORN ' i HETALTHV HEALTHV? HELPLESS' I I H 1 2 icrm" HOW LONG 4 HERE' ( ! TDWNjWt? JrLLSAV J, COULDN'T SAV J '( I WD TO BE LIFTED HAVE VOU m!fia . . a la- . -J VH. BT s9AA ArtW RFD f . . I 1 al I al I ; CnvrV-5flL"' a word jnri" been Htkc r i Larar. a - V U U Ha. II U aT W I A47 V V.r lirt" J N IITlaai' U II JjJ LJrtSlMS 1 M 'J 0 SMg same to 1888 with tht Winston- W 3ffimM VIMftf - ' iT......ltaBrWCT Salem YMCA. The (am ended REX MORGAN. M. P. Z-ll kf7-aaaJ2TATviSff asgrA V. I MM I IB.1V ;ao Was Fbi MY5it.::'H I lV iJW I I . . " r DONALD DUCK . l R 1 -iTI I CPAL.y' WANT T' BUV " I I Kl3HT.' A CENUINB, I III S. (i tfi ill 1 arTN't .--t; A aSN-U-WINH i I GUARANTEED I 2J. Vrf I I lar H f MART WORTH IVj N M"IMM'''Mrn I ... Oi it haVt wr irr i tunc o -H " " ' i 1 I 1 .i'.''lMwMMMfl T THE NAME OF TMAXTOH wHtN I . -uirc klf4 THf r (TX V . , . . iAjctGv5cUTY,.floNtwHOCALLSHERSEiF H B4 V v tung Is bound to give you that -nl afl "DR.THACKEKYT... r" . i7 vT7?-n.n ) want-eomethlng-new feeling. In I ' 'fVft- rliVa ab 1 Wau,.. ,WV il thla stunning shirtwaist fashion, flffl AYV-TVfl ? sV l??w - VY oomfort first from convertible eol- ST- Y:' fV 'nX? II iii-f : W I qulck-sewlng trick in cottons, tool iitJ- aV-V f , S W III V aX-' III NO. 1441 is cut In sizes u, 14, frClJ -rwri friN. r 5? I I sX.I TV7 I MA !.??. ?., ,.. 46and I A L 1S- X I I 1 .-V I !(: t yoa. or I r "lis' '3rW S k Llf 1 aV ' I material. r 'U V- I ..f aawll VjA Jk I Send loo for PATTERN With U 1 . "JTl I I JVn!Plv' " II I II IASlX 1 llMl l Name, Address, Style Number and IJ 1 1 1 ITT-rT I I II raOJX 1 ll'l 8I Addre. PATTERN BU- YWi 1 I 1 If It I II I ll 1 REAU, Capital Journal, 651 Mls- J V"" I I I aa I UlaiJ aV AUl slon Street. Ban Aanoleoo 8. Calif. Maafcs Haala par Im Da . StrWNasa Maa IfatlaM Hula Maala aa'ieBaaaa hea-rtBeeas aai Baaaa Mat lauaa Mai. Utaa Baa Wat Saaatr aaw Kate Kataat Haala Mart Maala Mart lHaila MaaU Mart Mart Mart art Haala MaL Kaaia MaL ' iMasla Mat, Maala MaL Haala Mai. Maala Xaa Waal Maala lee Waat IMasla Maala Maala hum C lata Bat Valla Uate Maala laaaiia Baklat ItaH iHalaal naval N.wa ItlaU Mail aaaaarah aaaaat Laah sua ana, aa ... ICaatlaUtat WarM Hava aa Kara DKtaas Dave. Traaa rasa Traak Mat traak 14tt aatalaag Traak MM) Traak ltaa Traak last Nltka Man MUM laas Nlakt laaw Nlakt'law NUkt tau Nlakt tarn meat taa Nlakt taaa ,HaaaniAlklMa trader Louie will takt - . most anything in trad. Trader Louie ttaOUm An. M55t WIV-iJ,U.:ilA.U. J at Maala Tlau iCBt raraa laat ae Araaklart man. Melatr I Maala Tlaia am Orataai Varaa Baara TlaMkaaeat Naak Waat MtUaa t Haala Tlaia Kom Blaak raiaa Oaar Nawa Braakfaai ram Nam I raaaa V BOIN Blaak farai Baar Barai'av Baa. Haas Nawa lift Caaattr M. KOIN Bleak itral BSIUaai Nawa Breakiaat Matltallau f-firakaarWIU Nawa M. aataaakr Braaafaat aak Kaaa Blaak I'H J- 1'V ..... kak Oartat Oau kfaakiaat Kaaa Blaak ' 1:43 B Maaatat B. BakHtl Sat Baaaa Saai Baraa Haak KaaeBlaa i;tt OM laaia Oaak Nawa Braakfaai . OaaB Bratm Ita Daatr Bteak ill 014 saaaa Daaa Valla Braakfaai raaltr SHai lla Dul, wai :( Haala Baa Oraat Slaa Braakfaai Baraa at Jlai Daatr kIZsk ;js Haala Baa Baaaaiarr Clak Baal lla Baatv Sawa !:M Nawa W. Warraa a. gall. N.n Hr. tarU Baaateaaa ill ' a SaatJaaar Slan Tatar HalatT Hr. Baflk TwaaTlae f! ?V,", ? " "raakBaaa raatara CaN Mr. Sartk i, rST ' lt V.Uaaiaar Dai oi traak Bak Bern. Caa.ni Hr. tank LulTcIraaal Slllt Brat Baat Ufa D. Oartaar oaa Barer aak gaaaa ' I ill BaraeMa Ma raraaaa CkatBaall'r T Taal laraaata Baaartt ' 1 141 Blak Oallt. Uatl ataar Haala laraaata BaaarM SIN Deaeto aa Hra. KarUa Wftlaaaraaa Latlaa Faar Baak raaaa Ban ' ill Natklas rarrrMaaaa OlflMarrM Latlaa Valr laraaata Baaerta IM Bak aat Bar Karak Draka Uatlaka Oaaaa far taa raaaa Bare Itl Bak Baaa iBrltaiar BarlBaraar Baas Bar haraaata Baaarta DIAL USTWO KOAC. Ill rfjir Maatar a. M.t lattt, Man BjWaaaai tiet, Ocat. Baaa lam I ill Heatst - - - araataaai saiaa aaraaaur taa SiM, OklMraa'a Tkaalai lift, Baaka aat reaeiei till O raaaa laaiatalarai lilt. Bra, rara Baan tita, P. at Ore.i t;M, Maala. to a 10-10 tie. It was called at the end of the eighth Inning due to rain. Carol Curtis Pattern !r?i Hk. -AaTkatv" al ! 426 Turtle Doves In Multl-Cotor. No . embroidery needed on these mod ern design! of twin turtle dovet and bluebells! Just Iron the 1V inoti dove and lH-lnch sprays of nowers onto orauses, nanares, as- oot scarvet, underwear, organdy gift aprons, cocktail napkins, mod ern place mat tele. Colors are lovely crimson and turauolse. There are 18 motifs with which to decorate fine gifts I Send SO for the Turtle Dovet and Bluebell Multl-Oolor TRANS FERS (Pattern No. 4M) oonvplete transfer and laundering Instruc tions, YOUR NAMK, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal. (61 Mission Street, San Francisco I, Calif, . , ! If n i m fi ll Hi if H li lt 11 Ji