Saturday, April 25, 195S Face 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Leonard Fisher and John Beyer May 15, 16 and 17. Elected aa GOLDEN WEDDING RECEPTION as delegates to attend tne state auemaiea uro .imm. K of C convention In Astoria, and Albert Dieker. SiwWisWrt" t" ' , ' " vita Many Events Announced For Week An event of Tuesday evening will be Stanley Butler, Willamette university Memberi of Neighbor! of Woodcraft public installation of officer! for Cherry college of mualc faculty member and and friend are invited to attend the court, Order of Amaranth, at 8 o'clock well known northwest pianist, will be public installation of new officers for t the Scottish Site temple. Following presented in a lecture-recital Monday the group on Wednesday evening. The uncrowning ceremonies and presents- evening at 8:15 o'clock in the campus event is scheduled for 8 o'clock at the tlon of the installing officers, Mrs. Recital hall. The Interested public is Woman's club house. Charles McCabe will be Installed as invited. The lecture-recital is on Miss Emma Peters, a past grand royal matron, and Robert Nlckens as French keyboard music, the program neighbor, will be the installing officer , royal patron of Cherry court. following: and assisting her will be Mrs. R. M, Other officers are Mrs. Russel Bright, I Ashcraft and Mrs. Cora Smith. associate matron; Charles McCabe, as- Le Petlt-Rlen ,... Couperln To be Installed are Mrs. J. H. Igle- eociate patron; Mrs. James W. TlndalL Passacaille . . . '. Couperln heart, guardian neighbor; Mrs. C. B. secretary; Louts Lorenz, treasurer; Mrs. II Shaw, adviser; Miss Emma Peters, ma- Ray Johnson, conductress; Mrs. Paul Children's Corner. ..: Debussy gician; Miss Maude Croker, past guar- Shafer, associate conductress; Stanley Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum dlan neighbor; Mrs. G. H. Edwards, at- Dllatush, chairman . of trustees; Ray . Jlmbo's Lullaby tendant; Mrs. Walter Craven, banker: Johnson, two-year trustee; Elmer Boy-. Serenade for the Doll . Dr. O. L. Scott, Mrs. Harry Bressler and cr, three-year trustee; Mrs. Evert Giv- The Snow Is Dancing , . Mrs. Claire Hammang, managers; Mrs. ens, marshal in the east; Mrs. James H. The Little Shepherd . O. L. Scott, correspondent; Mrs. John Turnbull, marshal in the west; Mrs. Golllwogg's Cakewalk Carr,, senior guardian; Mrs. Glenn Samuel May, prelate; Mrs. Robert Nick-' III' Prather, musician; Mrs. John Ingram, ens, historian; Mrs. Phillip Michael, La Poule. ...... . .Rameau inner sentinel; Mrs. Stella Blackerby, truth; Mrs. Howard Jenks, faith; Mrs. Deux Menueta... Rameau outer sentinel; Roy McEvoy, flag bear James Davidson, wisdom; Mrs. Clarence Les Cyclopes Rameau er; Russell Winchcomb, captain of W. Wilson, charity; Mrs. Jake Fryber- - .IV guards; Miss Pearl Balrey, clerk. ger, standard bearer; Ray Clark, ward- Sonatine ', Ravel Performing during the evening will er; James . Davidson, sentinel; Mrs. ' Modere , be the drill team of district 21, New George Maurer, musician. - Mouvement de Menuet berg, Mrs. Ada Peters directing. The installing team includes Elmer Anlme Entertainment is being planned by Boyer, installing patron; Mrs. Stanley ' Mrs. C. B. Shaw, chairman, Mrs. Cora Dllatush, installing marshal; Ray John- " Smith and Mrs. Glenn Prather. Mrs. son, marshal's aide; Mrs. James Man- Salem chapter of Hadassah will meet Cora Bragg, Mrs. Phillip Andregg and nlng, installing prelate; Mrs. Arthur Monday, April 27, at 8:30 p.m. at Temple Mrs. Velma Teeson are in charge of Davis, installing secretary; Mrs. Glenn Beth Sbolom. The chapter will nomi- refreshments to be served following the Slentr, installing musician; Mrs. James nate and elect its officers for the year, ceremony, and decorations will be ar- W. Tindall, marshal in east; Mrs. Lyle In the Hadassah calendar, the month ranged by Mrs. L. C. Mitchell and Mrs. McCauley, marshal in west. of April is dedicated to Zionist Youth. J. Roy McEvoy. . ... A vocal duet will be presented by Mrs. John Goldsmith will give a report ' Mrs, Nick Brlnkley and Mrs. Otto Yun- on American Zionism. ker, Mrs. Jesse Jones accompanying. One of Hadassah's major projects is On Thursday evening, Salem post of Other music will be furnished by the Youth Allyah Youth Immigration. American Legion will join its auxiliary court choir members, Mrs. Verne Has- Ever since two decades ago Youth All- for a no-host dinner at Mayflower hall, brook, Mrs. Gale Jones, Mrs. Ace Fish, yah has been a mainstay of the world- . the supper to be served at 6:30 o'clock. . Mrs. Ray Clark, Phil Michael and How- wide program of Jewish youth rescue Mrs. Theodore Ullakko and Mrs. Ken- ard Jenks. ' and rehabilitation. In that period it neth Decatur will provide the program, Mrs Stanley Dllatush is in charge of not onIy hM brought 60,000 young peo- and the general committee for the din- the reception to follow, and Mrs. Ace Ple to Israel, .but has built a corps of ner is directed by Mrs. Jack Simkins, Fish is chairman of decorations for the leaders and teachers, scores of home and president of Salem unit. Assisting will event centers, a program of rehabilitation and be Mrs. Lenn Davis; Mrs. Harold Sho- a body of knowledge on juvenile care, berg, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. Harrie Also on the agenda of the April 27 Hendricks, Mrs. J. W. Marcroft and Mrs. Recent graduate group of the Amerl- meeting are a report on current affairs William Fraser. can Association of University Women is v?SSSw meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home l?s Y'dd11,h ns- mu,Ic a"ttA b , " of Mrs. Gordon Carl, 1675 Fair Oaks Je" & Eastern Europe. Dabblers club members chose new of- way Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. fleers on Thursday, the group selecting Representative Mark O. Hatfield is to Beard Brown 1nd Mn John Gold" Mrs. Frank Barquist to preside as the be speaker to discuss recent legislation. "mllh- president this year. Serving as secretary Guests, including aU interested AAUW ' 1 1 WU1 be Mfs. Owen Searcy; treasurer, members, are invited. Mrs. Scott Foster, ..;, . , . ,M Ci. Mrs- Merlul EsteP. 3t ' 'Program, Mrs. Jr. and Mrs. John C. Lee are co-host- . r..iMT W-Ullam SandeM; yearbook' Mr- wllbur esses. Guests are asked to call one of terl and Knlht of Pyth as, will enter- Tripp; librarian, Mrs. Paul Burger; pub-' thV hostesses "tain at an open house Wednesday eve- ilclty M. George Gregor. , nlng- The affair is to be at 8 o'clock at A talk on flowers for special occasions . Beaver hall, and the public is invited was given by Mrs. Paul Heath. Others on A mother and daughter silver tea is to attend. the program were, Mrs. Carl Nebel who set for Wednesday afternoon from 8 to Three . ,2 , Lv "howed mother and daughter dolls, and a o'clock by the Woman's Society of chool semi-finalists in the local Knights Mrs. John Shafer who displayed novel Christian Service of the First Methodist ' Pythias speech contest, will speak on bookmarks to be used as table favors, church. Circle 7 la to entertain for the the subject, "Highway Courtesy," the a banquet is planned for the May event which will be In the Carrier room winner going on to a state contest at a meeting, of the church. Special music will be later , played during the afternoon and all Mrs. Oval C. Harris is In charge of the " mothers and daughters are invited to social hour. Miss Amanda Anderson was toastmis- ttend. , ' tress for. the Salem Toastmistress club " . , , meeting on Thursday, Miss Brenda Glass , A guest of George Veall at Camp . . . Amateur Artists association of Amerl- Crestwood during the month of April Is winning the oscar for her talk. Guests ea will meet Tuesday at 7:80 p.m. at Jack Normann, who Is visiting from San were Mrs. Marlon Karr and Miss Alma the YWCA. ' Diego. Shroeder. . The B2nd anniversary of Hiehland Friends church at Highland avenue and Church treet. will be the occasion for a Homecoming Saturday night and Sunday with special serv ices and programs. Manv oersons from distant places are expected to be present or send messages of greeting. , At a service Saturday night at 7:30. Rev. W. Preston Mills, Hazel Green Hazel Green Mrs, Harry Teddern la now the Health Chairman for the Hazel Green district She la making plans to contact parents with pre school children and giving them the medical xamlnatlon papers that will have to be filled out before they enter the first grade In September. Any one wishing information about this may write or phone her. Her address is Rt. 8, Box 111, Salem and phone 25765. Mrs. John Garner has spent the last week with case of poison oak and has been doc toring for it. The Cub Scouts from Den 4 were treated to an educational evening with their Den Moth er, Mrs. Glen Looney and as sisting her was Mrs. Orvllle Klampe. Mrs. Halvor Omholt gave a baby shower in honor of Mrs. Eldon Olson of 1355 Liberty road Wednesday In her home. Assisting Mrs. Omholt was Mrs. Gordon Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. H. Omholt en tertained friends and guests in their home Friday evening by honoring Mrs. Omholt s broth' er. John Lehnherr, on his birthday. Sunday a large gathering of relatives arrived in Indepen dence to celebrate the birthday of John Lehnherr, from Hazel Green were his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Omholt. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zlelin- ski and Mr. and Mrs. Don rielinskl spent opening day fishing on Bilyeu creek and return In s with aood luck. A Scout Camporee was held by the adult scout leaders and the senior patrol leaders over the weekend. Scoutmaster Leo Hawley and George Tracy took the scouts, Warren Ziellnskl, Leo Hawley n and Jerry Tracy to the Silver Creek ' Y camp. While there Leo Hawley II had a mishap while playing. He broke his arm between the hand and wrlstbone. Tendons and muscles were pulled and caused it to swell before they reached home. He will be able to continue his school work as It was his left hand. Extension club met at the home of Mrs. F. O. Johnson. Miss Ermlna Fisher demon strated rug cleaning. A teen-age group from Hays- vllle went to Mount Hood Sat urday and Grade Maynard of Hazel Green was with them. About noon Saturday she had a mishap, breaking her leg. A doctor present made a tempor ary apllnt She la the daughter CRUSADE' FOR SECURITY l v , , , t J U ' f III ' j f',' III Irs .-"7it- I) - Bast Salem Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of the governor (right), will be honorary state chairman of the Women's Crusade for Security, In which members of 21 leading women's organizations will seek more sign-ups under the Bond-a-Month plan of the U. S. Savings Bond program. Mrs. Emery C. Ingham, women's state chairman, is shown with Mrs. Patterson viewing a scroll-type copy of the famous Eisenhower prayer, which will be presented to each local club reaching its quota of one sign-up per member during May. Four Corners Four Corners Highlight of the Lincoln school week was the assembly program present ed on Thursday afternoon by the sixth grade with Arthur Roloff, teacher. Opening with the flag salute led by Tommy Frock and Carol Houck as song leader the class present ed a half hour of group sing ing and folk dancing closing with Carol Houck, accordionist and Connie Chambers, pianist Others taking part in the program were Adele Brown, Gary Brunk, Marilyn Corbett, Marvin Corbett, Jerry Crabb, Sharon Dlllard, Larry Etzcl, Phil Gtlstrap, Lewis Hatfield, Gary Kilgore, Butch Kleen, Peter Lossner, Patty Meyer, Carrol Ann Powell, Allen Snook, Kathy Snook, Jerry Stafck, Leta Thayer, Harold Weathers, Mnrgot Wing, Mar- Jorle Wolfe and Pat Thiewen, curtains. Paul SchrtberR was trans ferred from fifth grade Lin coln school to the Swegle school. The Four Corners Home Ex tension unit held Its April meeting on Thursday with Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas May nard of Hazel Green and a sophomore In school. Ralph Mercer presiding. This was an all day meeting with Mrs. Loren Richey and Mrs. Melvln Brumfield presenting the project "Herbs for Variety and Accent." Mrs. C.'O. Gilmlng was a guest. Officers for the coming year were elected. Chairman was Mrs. Rex Morris; vice chair man, Mrs. J. H. Igleheart; secretary-treasurer, . Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. The unit will display braid ed rugs at the homemaker's festival April 25. Hostesses were Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mrs. J. H. Inglehcart Mrs. Wade Weekly, Mrs. Jess Mc Ilnay, Mrs. Mcssman. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chastaln and family, who lost their home and contents, and are temporarily housed in the D. A. Fish cottage on Croisan creek road, will soon, with the generosity of friends and neighbors be able to convert the garage into living quarters on their home place. GRANGE APRON SALE Keizer The Ladies of Keizer Grange are holding an apron sale at Roberts store on Court St. The sale will be on the mezzanine floor, hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 29. East Salem Changing the program this month from a special guest speaker to that of a workshop, members of the Lansing Neighbors Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Hal bert Kemper. Members brought . flowers with needed materials and each made corsages. The date was set for the clubs annual plant sale as May 8 at the Milton Blackman home. The club will enter the Sa lem Garden council flower show with Mrs. Ben Rathjen and Mrs. H. W. Cole preparing the exhibit and council' commit tee members, Mrs. Rex Peffer and Mrs. Robert Ballard assist ing on committees. Serving on the nominating committee for officers begin ning the state federation year will be Mrs. Lowell Mann and Mrs. Robert Ballard. Mrs. Rathjen and Mrs. Cole will accept the invitation of the Friendly Garden club to act as judges, at their flower show. A guest was Mrs. Wallace Baldwin. Each weeks news broadcast at Swegle school has new re porters from the different grades. For this week they were Gary Sockwell, Mary Ellen Olson, Robbin May, Alan Gardner and Daryel Donald son. A first grader Dennis Hayes is transferring this week to Washington school. The second graders are work ing on Mothers Day gifts now. Carolyn Martin is back in the sixth grade classes after four wAks absence because of ill ness. For the sixth grade their important news was the win nlng of the first and second prizes in the American Legion Poppy Poster contest by Bry an Hanson and Johnny Jones. For Clarence Irving, princi pal of the school, it was just another award In a series that has bee won by pupils of both he and Mrs. Irving who Is a teacher In Salem schools. Four yeas ago when Mr. Irving was at Middle Grove his pupils were given the first and second awards in this contest; three years ago and two years ago the pupils of Mrs. Irving at Englewood received first and second awards and this year Mr. Irvlngi Swegle pupils have tne same awards. v- -ifhi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Foster, above, will observe their golden wedding pnniversary on May 6. A reception will be given on May 3 at their home, 1012 Park avenue, between 2 and 5 o'clock. All friends of the couple are Invited to call. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.) Highland Friends Have Homecoming Week-end Da Vinci Models Go on Display Wnrklnff models of inven tions by Leonardo da Vinci, one of history's foremost artists snr) irientists. will be on dis play at Willamette university, April 30 to May 11. The unique models, inter preted bv Roberto A. Guatelll, are from collections of the fine arts department of Internation al Business Machines corpor ation. The exhibit has been shown throughout the country and most recently at the Uni versity of California and Ore gon State college. r Models of da Vinci's inven tions on exhibit will include a printing press, two-level bridge, spring driven car, ventilator, machine gun, lens grinder, self propelled ship, aerial bombs, military tank, jack, Hying ma chine, grinding mill, parachute, hpHenntpr clock mechanism. double hull for ship, diver's ap paratus and many others. The display will be arranged in the rehearsal room of the iiniversltv hand building, lo cated on the southwest campus. It will be open to the puDiic from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. week days. Fired Profs to Get Jobs Back San Francisco (UB The state supreme court has hand ed down a mandate ordering the University of California to reinstate 18 professors fired foi failure to sign the school's loyalty oath. The mandate automatically followed the court's October 17 ruling which invalidated the university's loyalty oath, although upholding the Cali fornia Levering Act which re quires loyalty oaths for all state employes. The high court made no pro vision in yesterday's order for back pay to the professors, al though the board of regents had asked It to clarify the sit uation. The professors, about half of whom have already been reinstated were discharged July 1, 1950, following a deci sion on the oath made by the regents the previous April. Cornelius Feskens, custodian of Swegle school, has been ab sent from his work for four weeks with rheumatic fever at his Auburn Rd. home. Mrs. Rex Peffer of Hollywood Dr. is in Oregon Ctly this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Andy Shank, while Mr. Shank is In the hospital for surgery. assistant pastor of the church will be the speaker. There will be special music, and at the close of the service a reception for all visitors and persons who have attended the church in past years. ' Sunday will begin with the regular Sunday school at 9:45 and the worship service will follow at 11, with Rev. Paul Barnet, the pastor, as speaker. Special music will be offered by the Teachers Trio and new hymnals, used for the first time, will be dedicated. After church, dinner for all will be served In the basement by the entertainment commit tee headed by Mrs. Wilson Biles. ' Starting at 2:30 will be an afternoon service for all form er pastors and visitors, and a number of messages from afar are expected from those un able to return for the meeting. The Teachers Trio will also ap pear at this service. The regular Christian En deavor service will be held at 6:30 Sunday. At the night church service, starting at 7:30, the General Superinten dent of the church, Rev. Dean Gregory of Portland, will be the speaker. An invitation to attend all services is extended to all who have attended or been associ ated with the church in the past. Play Day May 9 At Sweet Home Sweet Home A gala play day is planned at Sweet Home city nark at 14th and H streets I for May 9. Park Custodian R. W. Cook has erected a new sign on the west side of the 4 acre grove of Douglas fir where play ground and picnic facilities exist for people of all ages. Five fireplaces, tables seat ing 360, swings, tetter-totters, VOllvhnll pnnpf tumbling - - - -i mats and five horspshnp niu are only a few of the facilities provided. The city park was estbalish ed in 1939 as a WPA project W. S. Lankey as park com missioner in 1951 was instru mental in rebuilding and en larging the site. May 9 festivities marked the opening of the season with the urogram including mn. cert by the Sweet Home high scnooi Dand and Foster grade school ' band; also entertain ment by the grade and junior high school pupils. Records of the park for 1B52 show 5.000 new reirlsti-ant. with 1686 out of town cars from as far away as Alaska, uermany and Japan. K.C. DELEGATES Mt. Angel Knights of Co lumbus met for a business meeting Tuesday evening in the St. Mary's meeting room, and elected Grand Knight (ya1 OF DELI21DLQ FIDUO terr.M. .ma APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT New Store Across from Court House Square SmaU Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds ' AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph.3-4788 . SALEM TENT AWNING CO 729N.LI8ERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch , plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 : CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods f Featuring "Good Food - Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO, 14th & E. HOYT ' Approved - Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks ' In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 . HOWSER BROS. 1 185 S. 12th ST. , Garden Tillers 4 Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers - Air Com pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets s .. Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RD. American & British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters H it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND GIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St. OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING l STANDARD OIL DEALER Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO. 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 355 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 CUSTOM TREE SPRAYING Frail. Nil OmtNiMiUI Trtti Anal Shrwb DONALD W.RASMUSSEN Phone I720S LOCKER BEEF SKCIAl-SPECIAL -SKIAl BABY STEER BEEF Front Quarter . . 28 c lb. Her Whol...31elb. Hind Quarter . . . 36c lb. DON WYMORE SALEM MEAT CO. Phone 34858 1325 J. 2Slh Jl. 24 HOUR SERVICE We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 130 1 Ubirty 310 Court. Downtown 2440 6rur, Hedkal Confer 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and :00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays , Radio Repair We Give sS. Ph.3-7577 M ITCH ELL'S Rad io-Television 1 880 Stat Motorola Dealers for aW General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION - 39S N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE - INSTALLATION SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television Soeciallsts In the r