- 3 1 .'.I i. Friday, April 241953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ajem, Oregon H Tele-Views Radio-Television Bjr DAVE BLACRMER On Television . KPTV (Cionne 27J toalf pratraau auiaSiiiat U tSraaaal Television station KPTV presented its first live pro gram Friday morning with very little fan fare , . ., Gents at Kri v wanted to toy with the cameras Friday to make sure everything was in fine order for the daily telecasting program beginning' Monday. This program will feature cooking and home ideas for the ladies ... Starts Monday morning ... Hoffman Television Co. has invaded the Salem market this week-end for "Hoffman Value Days" Hoffman is introducing their 1953 line of new models during this promotional campaign . . . , , . ' , : George Sterling, Federal Communications Commis sioner, was elected president of the OLD TIMERS CLUB, national organization of hams who have been on the air for 40 years or longer. Commissioner Sterling could "be elected an honorary member of the TELEVISION ASSO CIATION OF SALEM if he would speed up Lawrence Harvey's channel 24 . . . ": - , .. . : - YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Cavalcade of Sports 7:00. Jimmy Carter of New York vs. Tommy Collins of Boston 15-round heavyweight championship bout from Boston Garden. . -j You Asked for It 8:30. Baer will give Primo Canera a rematch after 19 years. Big Story 9:00. A confidence game to recover the al leged estate of Sir Francis Drake is exposed by reporter D. Johnston of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. - Favorite Story 10:30. "The Dynomiter." Kenneth Toby and Virginia Gibson. Setting is in Dublin in explosive days of revolution and. concerns a rebel leader and professional dynamiter. v . . Dennis Day 9:30. Dennis plays host to his mother and father at a party. He also masquerades as Charlie's long lost brother Norby. Chance of A Lifetime 10:00. Comic George Price guwt Nite Owl Theater 11:45. "Second Chorus." Fred Astau', Paulette Goddard, Burgess Meredith and Artie Shaw. . YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWNG SATURDAY Kids and Company 11:00. Youngest child ever to win one of the cherished "Voice of Democracy? awards and one of few that were foreign-born is 14-year-old Adelaide Naoamu who is this week's "Kid of the Week." Victory at Sea 2:30. "Fate of Europe" tells of the ' callapse of Hitler's war machine; landing in Southern France, Yalta conference and other points. ; You Are There, 3:30. "The Impeachment of Andrew Jackson." Life Is Worth Living, 4 :30. Bishop Sheen will speak on "Woman at the Well." , Wrestling Headliners, 9:30. Anton Leone and Tony i Marcelle vs. Roger Mackie and The Shiek, tag team. Boston Blackie 10 :30. Blackie solves the murder ol a man by rifle. Premier Theater 11:00. "Brewster's Millions." Dennis O'Kieffe, Helen Walker, June Havoc and Rochester. MARR RADIO ' . aaa v. , TELEVISION INC galam'i Matt CemplaU TelelBlon Center , : . 2140S.Comi ' Phona Day w Night 2-1611 or 2-4721 Motorola TV i:M p.a4laUnaa Tbwur 4:11 p.pvaral lor Tepjwra 4:10 p.fc Lara rt Uli :M p.m-Ttrrr ttt Willi i.m p.k Rr notin ' t . :0O p.m CUoo Kid 1:10 p.m. DoM Bdwtrdo . , :l p.m-TliM (or Bianp 1:00 p.m. (poll CtMts 1:00 p.m. Abbolt ndCUHa :lt p.m. You AittS lor II f :0O p.m. Bit atarr f :J0 p.m. DinnU Par 10:00 tAGhua o UiaUa . . 10:10 p.m. Adoiph Mnlou . ,. 11:00 p.bl Club Kmbuir 11:11 p.L-ma al BU , S0ND4Y ' :U .a-ProatUn at Faith ' 10:00 a..av-caa4? Carolral U:M .m TU la Uw LUa , ll-M a.m Ull naiua ti oa 1140 p.m Omnibtu S:00 p.m Tbria QataMa l:lp.v Art Usklitur 3:00 pjy Imitation piarhouta l:M mw Trlrala aacrtlarr 4:N p.av Camtdr Bour IM p at Trad Wartai MfJav-Mr. taapata 1:00 p.n-aaa Utltoa ' 0:S p.m Whtfa Mr that T:00 p.mtullo Ona 0:00 p.m-TV Plarbouaa ' 0:00 p.m. Th. Doatar 0:10 p.au Tha TVtb 10:00 pa Bob Conildlna : -U:M p.m. Mwa nntav MONDAY 11:00 a m I ParaH 11:90 a.m. Wataama Traralara ' 11:00 aooo Kala Smith 1:00 p.m. Doubla or Nothing 1:10 p.aatiika It Rich 1:0O p.m. Matin. Thtatar Oil p.m.-4aareh Tomorrow ' OCE President Assists Turkey Dr. Robcn J. Maaske, pre! dent of Oregon College ot Education at Monmouth, re turned last week to the cam pus from a special four-month assignment in Turkey. The ministry of. education In Turkey hid previously re quested the state department In Washington, P.C., to select an American tescner-eauca-tor to come to Turkey to make a survey ot preiervlce and In- service teacher education la that country. Dr. Haaske was selected for this task and left Oregon In mid-December, on a leave ot absence granted by the Oregon state board of high er education. - - ; While in Turkey Dr. Maaske visited a representative sam pling ot all types of institu tions preparing teachers for secondary schools, technical schools, and . elementary schools, and also studied the in-service training program for teachers In Turkey. He presented a comprehensive re port and recommendations to the ministry of education for improvements In the present programs for preparing teach ers for various 'kinds ot schools In Turkey. Of special. Interest to Dr. Maaske In his visits to higher Institutions and public schools In Turkey was the evidence of eagerness to learn from Amer ican educational practices and the high regard in which Americans art held generally In that country. He gave ap proximately 45 lectures In An kara and some ot the other cities In Turkey Including Adana, Bolu, Konya, Izmir, Istanbul, Balikeslr and ikl Jaycee Candidate Woodburn Visitor Woodburn Ralph Cobb of Eugene, national director for junior chamber of commerce, was the guest speaker at the meeting of the local Jaycees Tuesday evening at the library club rooms and gave a resume of state and national activities. Cobb Is campaigning for the state presidency. Harlan Roth of Sllverton, who Is campaign ing for district vice president, also was a guest Harold Llvesay reported that arrangements have been made to seU "scotch-lite" in Oervais, the date to be announced later. A movie of highlight of the 1847 'World Series baseball game was shown by Charles Campbell. Refreshments were served by Roy Grossen and Charles Johnston. .- m mm MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Bertie and Installation 1BS0 Btato St, Phone 1-7577 ATVBDAT - 1VM n. Kldi and Co. l:0O p.m. Hont Btoint 1:10 p.m-THtnt Fttrol 1:W p.m. DtU With Judy 3:10 p.m. Victory tt 8a 1:00 p.m. Lout Ranier 3:10 p.m. Arthur Oodfny 4i00 p.m. TV Tn Club 4:10 p.m. Blihop Sbtea 1:00 p.nu All fltar lUrut 1 1:00 p.m. flhow of ahot T:N p.mj Hit Farad) :00 p.m. Jackl Oltaios S:00 p,m. Daniwou Awltnmaat. t:S0 pjaWnitllng HetdUiuo 10:00 p.oiv Balanct Budget 10:10 p.m, Boston Blacklt 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mri. Korth ll:M p.m-Maali Thtatar FOR EXPERT TV & RADIO SERVICE See Television Serv. Co. 1410 S. 12th Phone 4-5518 Woodburn Opening Woodburn The Valley Tele vision Center will hold a grand re-opening event In its newly remodeled store at 171 Grant St., Saturday, April 25. 1 rfbESrul I , Cu It aalrai It ' MB 1 : - raar. laaatlaa la II ! , - t. Call u mm wa'U aar aaal MM ' CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428C0URT 1120CEHTH 1 FREE ANTENNA, INSTALLATION AND HOME DEMONSTRATION FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 21-INCH i f - - i tr i i So J) -J Per Day day! TWIN-SPEAKER CONSOLE Ir ONLY See the famous Easy-Vision picture-hear Hoffman's full-range dual-speaker sound! Remember t This isn't a "bargain"-made TV. It's Hoffman Easy-Vision. And because we were lucky enough to swing this special pur chase it's yours for a limited time for just pennies a dayl Don't delay ; there's a limited quantity t Trademrk ' Will's AAusic Store di Ho Mo 3inm PDuB(ooiisira&DirL) DURING : V " ' A I ONLY t' Per Oaf only 39' hip i 3SKaiW Fit; ! - "' -I (''-: ONLY '9' K aw". only 59' E U LaaaaaaJ a a) V only 69' E Eii ,pa Mjm W SAYS: W ONLY MA SAYS: Wow! World heavyweight 'm going ot woHh the cor- rine rignr inoy 13 . . . oa- onation June 2 a a a tween Rocky Marciono and Jersey Joe Walcott! iniVWI 21170 . , , rwDtT BABY SAYS: Me, Too! v FOR THE BEST BUT IN SIGHT-BUY HOFFMAN 1111 ARB RADIO & TELEVISION, Inc. "SALEM'S MOST COMPLETE TELEVISION CENTER" 2140 S. Commercial Phone 2-1611 RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES tmask(Ti i ie rt Mniivsi i vnti , ! 'I i I If- , I n ' p' . r s f. c h It e pj- 432 State St. Phone 34959 Phone 3-3139 Jin i, 355 Center