Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 24, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    - rasre
Capital Women
For 14 This
Honoring Mn. A. C. Mcln
tyre of Pendleton, visitor her
Friday, Mrt. Carl W. Cham
ber! was hostess at luncheon
thli afternoon at the Marion
Mn. Mclntyre wai the Ore
gon Mother ol the year lait
year and li a past president of
the Oregon Federation of worn
en's clubs.
Attending the luncheon were
Mrs. Mclntyre, Mrs. William
Schoenfeld of Corvallls, Mrs.
George Rossman, Mrs. William
L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Henry M,
Hanzen', Mrs. David H. Camer
on, Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Clay
Cochran, Mrs. Walter L. Spam
ding, Mrs. John Carr, Mrs. Ar
thur A. Atherton, Mrs. Merle
D, Travis, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg
and Mrs. Chambers.
The luncheon preceded the
meeting of the Salem Woman's
club of which Mrs. Chambers
is president. For the club pro
gram, Mrs. Rossman gave a
. book review.
New Members for
Sojourners Club
Mrs. J. W. McCrea, Mrs.
Hoy W. Roberts, Mrs. Jerry
Monahan, and Mrs. P. J. Ed
kins were welcomed as new
members at Sojourners club,
Thursday. Colorful bouquets
of lilacs and dogwood blos
soms, . and - individual - May
batkets furnished the decora
tions for the meeting at the
Salem Woman's club houhe.
House guest Introduced was
Mrs. A, L. Koeppen of Pendle
ton. Prospective members were
Mrs. A. T. Cavanaugh, Mrs.
William Schaumberg, Mrs. Ed
ith Cunningham, Mrs. L. G. Mi
chel, Mrs. A. S. Foster, Mrs. E.
C. Engvall, Mrs. Laura Fletch
er, Mrs. Gene G. Mason.
Chairman for the afternoon
was Mrs. Charles McColloch,
assisted by Mesdames Max
Bauer, Eugene Olson, Lee
Thomas, H. K. Laymon, and
Charles Marshall. Bridge and
canasta were In play during
the afternoon, prizes going to
Mrs. Wilson Hlghley, Mrs.
UJ , Mil,. UBt u m
Brown, Mrs. A. T. Cavanaugh,
and Mrs, Stanley Jones.
Mrs. Dye to Head
South Hills Group
Salem Heights Mrs. J. D.
Whltegon entertained the
South Hills Garden club on
Tuesday afternoon at a des
sert at her home on Hulsey
avenue. Mrs. Kenneth Graves
was the assisting hostess.
New officers were elected
as follows: For president, Mrs.
Frank Dye; vice president,
Mrs. Kenneth Graves; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Paul Bur
ger. The group decided to
bave a dinner for their out
going officers. Named on the
committee were Mrs. Paul
Burger, chairman, Mrs. L. A.
Clinker, Mrs. Charles Nlelr
on and Mrs. Orville Ray
mond. - Following the meeting the
group went on a visit to the
Walter Barkus flower garden
en Vista avenue.
Searcy s Entertain
Visitors on Friday
Mr, and Mrs. Owen-- Searcy
are entertaining at dinner
Friday evening, honoring Dr.
and Mrs. Robert Nichols of
Messllla Park, New Mexico.
Dr. Nichols is Dean of agricul,
ture and head of the expert
mentation station at New Mexi
co State college at Messllla, and
is a Delta Sigma Phi frater
nity brother of Mr. Searcy,
Following the dinner, for
mer Oregon State college
classmates of the hosts and
Nicholses are invited to attend
a coffee at the Searcy home.
Wedding Dated
Announced for Sunday,
May 24, is the date for the
wedding of Miss Maxlne
Toevs and Donald W. Brown
of San Francisco, the cere
mony to be solemnized in the
First Baptist church. The en
gagement of the couple was
announced during the Christ
mas holidays. The brlde-elcct
Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry P. Toevs of Salem
and Mr. Brown is the son of
Mrs. Ruth C. Brown of
Parents Visit
Sllverton Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Harrell of Orlando, Fla.,
parents of the Rev. Douglas
Harrell of the local Methodist
Dastorate. are arriving Friday
of this week by train, with the
Rev. Mr. Harrell and family to
mrt-l them in Portland.
' This Is the first visit of the
HarreUs, Sr., to the Pacific
Northwest They plan to re
main here for a fortnight and
return to their home through
California by the southern
Some Notations..
A large crowd called for the
annual silver tea of Salem
Memorial Hospital auxiliary,
Thursday afternoon, at the
beautiful home of Mrs. Louis
Lachmund on South High
street . . . And there was a
fine financial report for the
group's project to buy equip
ment for the hospital as a
result of the tea . . . Many
compliments were expressed
to the co-chairmen, Mrs. cnar-
les H. Heltsel and Mrs. Daniel
J. Fry . . . Lilacs, tulips and
fruit blossoms in gorgeous ar
rangements featured the de
orations for the event . . .
The weather man cooperated
after all, and many of the
guests enjoyed viewing the
colorful gardens surrounding
the home ; . . The tea tame
was set with a lace cloth . . .
For the floral centerpiece, two
beautiful tall antique silver
compotes were filled with pink
and white lilacs and pinK ana
lavender sweet peas, silvered
ivy runners extending from the
bouquets end entwining the
comDotes ...
A erouo of men, several of
them members ol the Doara lor
Salem Memorial hospital, call
ed at 5 o'clock to attend the
tea and leave their contribu
tions . . . The group included
Leo N. Chllds, Carl Hogg,
Charles H. Heltsel, C. Ronald
Hudklns, A. C. Haag, Judge Rex
Hartley and Arthur Erickson,
all members of the board; Dan
iel J. Fry, Dr, A, D. Woodman
see, Linn C. Smith and Irwin
Wedel, superintendent of the
McKlnley school children
are being envied by friends
from other schools because
of the puppet show sponsored
by the McKlnley Mothers club
Thursday afternoon for the
children ... The Junior
League of Portland put on the
show, "The Stranger," several
members of the league com
ing to stage the performance
. Among the Portlanders,
Mrs. James Holland, Mrs.
William Turner, Mrs. Holt
Alden, Mrs. Donald Hlrsc
burger, Mrt. Walter Gadsby,
Mrs. Scott Kelley, Mrs. James
Preceding the show, the Mc
Klnley Mothers club board ar
ranged a luncheon for the visit
ing women at the home ot the
club president, Mrs. M. H. Saf
fron ... Co-hostess for the
luncheon were Mrs. Lawrence
Brown, Mrs. . Ralph Boone,
Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst,
Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson and
Mrs. Saffron ...
Mothers Feted
At Unit Meeting
'Mothers honored at the spe
cial Mother's day program for
Salem unit, American Legion
auxiliary, Thursday evening,
were Mrs. B. Friesen, Mrs.
Leon Hanson, Mrs. Joe Black,
Mrs. M. van Hess, Mrs. Gretta
Tomklns of Corvallls and Mrs.
Olive Van Hess.
Special guests were mem
bers ot the Junior auxiliary
to Salem unit, Pioneer post
of American Legion, and
mothers of the two groups.
Other visitors were Mrs. Mae
Burchell and Mrs. Leon
Brown of Capital unit.
Miss Edith Gayle Brown
gave a dramatic presentation
and a member of the Junior
auxiliary, Miss Janet An
drews, played piano numbers,
Mrs. Edgar J. Kolln sang selec
tions honoring the mothers
Chairman of the Junior
group, Miss Dolores DiFilippl,
opened the short business
meeting, and Miss Mary Helen
Driver, sergeant of arms for
the Juniors, aided Mrs. Lin-
lord Buren of Salem unit in
presenting the colors.
Mrs. Jack Johnson, poppy
chairman, met with her com
mittee this week to make plans
ior tne coming campaign,
members ol her sroun Includ
ing Mrs, Rosemary Heonlngs-
gara, Mrs. George Day, Mrs.
Howard Hicks, Mrs. Mildred
DeArmond, Mrs. George Hu
lett, Mrs. Edward KllDDert.
Mrs. Carleton Roth, Mrs. Dow
Lovell, Mrs. Charles Bower,
Mrs. Fred Sellers and Mrs.
Edmund Bauer.
The speaker was Miss Ruth
Jaynes, a supervisor of Ma
rlon county welfare, her
talk emphasizing child wpl.
fare, a main project of Salem
Pouring during the tea hour
were Mrs. Jack Slmklns, pres- i
mem oi aaiem unit, and Miss
Dolores DIFUlppl, chairman
of the Junior auxiliary.
t-ommiuee ior the evening
assisting Mrs. . Wilbur Lytle
and Mrs. Charles Driver were
Mrs. Mllo Aeschlimann, Mrs.
Joseph Matujcc, Mrs. Lenn
Davis, Mrs. Inei Grafflus. Mrs.
William Fraser and Mrs. J. W.
Executive board of the
group will meet May 1 with
Mm T.tnfnv.1 o . ...
Miss Mears
May Queen
On Campus
Miss Dona Mears, Roseburg
senior, has been chosen by the
student body of Willamette
university to reign during the
47th annual May weeic-ena xes
tivitles, Msy 1 and 2. Her selec
tion came as tne resuii oi du
lotlm by fellow students.
Named to Queen Dona's
court were Miss Marie Corner
of Bothell, Wash, and Miss Jane
Fooshee, San Leandro, Calif.
Miss Mears, a brunette, Is a
senior scholar In economics and
was Willamette's first Miss
Homecoming in 1991. She has
maintained a cumulative grade
point average of 3.8 while par
ticipating In numerous campus
organizations. . '
The newly elected queen
has received four scholarships.
Currently she has the Harriet
Rutherford Johnstone scholar
ship, awarded by PI Beta Phi
and during the past years has
been recipient of the Willam
ette Honor, Home and Collins
scholarships. She is past presi
dent of her sorority, Fl Beta
Is Honored
Miss Leona Weissenfels,
bride-elect of Robert Beutler,
Salem, was honored at a bri
dal shower at the John Albus
home Tuesday evening. Mrs.
John Albus and Mrs. Philip
Albus were hostesses.
Invited were the honored
guest, and Mrs. Frank Beutler,
Mrs. Leon Flux, Mrs. Tony
Weissenfels, Mrs. John Schlf
ferer, Mrs. Lee Highberger,
Mrs. Bill Albus, Mrs. Johanna
Brown, : Mrs. Mary Hamil
ton, Mrs. Bill Schmid, Mrs.
Bernard Schmid, Mrs. Tony
Leverman, Mrs, Isabelle Bit
ter, Mrs. Ambrose Dozler,
Miss Eileen Dozler, Mrs. Lav
ina Koenlg, Mrs. Joe Dougher
ty, Mrs.iBob Buscn Mrs. Louie
De Santls, Mrs. Lena Marie De
Santis, Mrs. George Seniles,
Mrs. Nick Kremer, Mrs. Leo
Miss Weissenfels and ' Mr.
Beutler will be married May
9, at a 9:30 a.m. nuptial high
mass at St. Boniface church,
Delegates Named
Local Auxiliary
Delegates elected on Thurs
day to the Association of
Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs
Militant meeting in Portland
May 17-18, were Mrs. Clem
Ohlsen and Mrs. Pearl Stro-
becke. Alternates are Mrs,
Coral McNeill and Mrs. Clar
ence Kimble.
Plans were made for a re
ception for Mrs. Clarence
Townsend who will be presi-J
dent of the association this
next year. Named as commit
tee on arrangements were
Mrs. McNeill, Mrs. Walter
Larson and Miss Wilda Sieg-
On May 28 the group will
observe their annual home
coming with a 6:30 no-host
dinner. The committee In
charge includes Mrs. Gus Erik-
son, Mrs. Charley Neubauer,
Mrs. Victoria Stiffler, Mrs.
Strobecke and Mrs. L. A.
Members of the auxiliary
will present pantomimes and
songs at the Salem Rebekah
lodge meeting next Monday
evening, the theme being the
"Gay 90s." Miss Wilda Sleg
mund will lead the singing,
Mrs. Nettie Larson accom
panying. The committee in
charge Includes Mrs. Howard
Hunsaker, chairman, Mrs.
Laura Groves, Mrs. W. A.
Cladek, Mrs. Stella Hess and
Mrs. Nettle Larson.
Refreshments were served
following the meeting by Mrs.
Erma Cooper, Mrs. Clara Ben-
scoter, Mrs. Irvin Benscoter
and Mrs. John Sharp, all of
Independence. ,
VISITORS at the home of
Mrs. Lester R. Thomas last
week were Mrs. Mortimer
Glueck of Honolulu, T.H., Mrs.
Lucy Mullins of Bend, and Mrs.
Elma Olson of Boise, Idaho, all
former residents of Salem. Mrs.
Glueck was also a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John
unit sewing group will meet
with Mrs. Leslie Beard on
Monday, April 27.
For simple headache and
simple neuralgia caused by
a common cold, headache,
natal congestion; fever,
muscular aches and paint,
temporary conitipa Hon
Only at
Open Dally, 7:J twin. I pjn.
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135 N. Commercial
Peg in Washington
Washlngton, D. C, April 20
near Marian:
Because there were other
Oregon friends In addition to
the visiting editors in town
last week, luncheons and din
ners were numerous. A cross
section of "eating out" in
Washington might be lndl-
cated'by merely repeating the
names of spots that we enjoy
ed during the week. In addi
tion to the two formal dinners,
both at the Statler, there were
luncheons , in the Veranda
room at the same hotel, in the
swank dining room' at the
Carlton with orchestra over
tones to the conversation, at
the Senate dining room at the
Capitol with interesting mem
bers of the Congress pointed
out to the group; all supple
mented with dinners at Duke
Zieberts, a predominately mas-
cuiine-irequented restaurant:
at Longcbamps, where leisure
ly eating is possible in attrac
tive surroundings with an ex
cellent cuisine; at a buffet
supper at the American News
paper Women s Club; and
finally at Mrs. K's Toll House,
one of the most delightful
spots in suburban Washington.
A fabulous collection of
Lutz glass Is on display and
one great window in one of
the dining rooms - is made
up of Sandwich glass plates
that have been substituted for
the ordinary window panes.
When such interesting dis
plays are coupled with some
of the best food In Washing
ton, and the house is sur
rounded by beautiful grounds,
it is a show place for our
visiting "firemen." Over the
fireplace in one of the rooms
is this legend and I shall
eave it to you to figure it
out: "If the B m t put: If the
B. putting:" '
Art Event to .
Open April 29
The studio of Clifford
Gleason is opening at 162
South Commercial with an
exhibition of oil paintings by
Rolmonds Staprans of Salem,
on April 29.
The exhibition will be
shown for two weeks in this
small gallery. Mr. Staprans
was born in Riga, Latvia, and
studied in art school in Essl-
lnger-Stuttgart, He arrived
In the United States In 1947.
He . entered University of
Washington next year from
which he was graduated four
years later. He is currently
studying at University of Cali
fornia at Berkeley for his
master's degree in art.
The Gleason gallery and
studio are to be used for small
shows, class, groups, and art
activities, also individual in
struction in drawing, and
On opening night, April 29.
members of Salem Art associ
ation will assist in the studio.
Pouring will be Mrs. Leon
Gleason and Mrs. Walter
Kirk. Assisting hostesses are
Miss Katharine O'Reilly, Mrs,
Jerry Stone and Mrs. William
Van S. Meter, Mrs. Norman
Stone, Mrs. Barbara Erskine,
Co-sponsoring this show
are Mrs. H. G. Malson and
Mrs. -Karl Becke from the
Gift Box.
Mr. Staprans is due to
arrive In Salem on Saturday
and will remain for thevpen
ing of his show on April 29.
Honor Daughter
Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs,
Ray Tibbets of Sheridan enter
tained at dinner, Sunday, com-
Potatoes nV,
On another night last week,
Secretary - and Mrs. Douglas
McKay, entertained the newly
designated secretariat staff
and their wives at a buffet
dinner at their apartment.
Lovely lilacs in the living
room and white carnations
and pink snapdragons in the
dining loom added color. The
seventeen guests were usher
ed first by the McKays to the
apartment . of the Vie Mac
Kenzies also at the Greenbriar
for the first course. It was the
first time that the new Under
Secretary, the Assistant Sec
retaries, the Chief Solicitor,
and the Special Assistants and
their wives had gathered to
gether and a combination ol
"shop talk" and getting ac-
qualnted made an interesting
Guests of special interest
today were Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Reeves and their daughter,
Miss Joyce Reeves, of Sa
lem. Mr. Reeves, on the
Capital Journal staff, enjoyed
seeing his former neighbor in
Salem, Secretary McKay.
Attractive, blue-eyed Joyce,
who Is an airline hostess, is to
be married soon. From here
the Reeves will go to Detroit
for a week's visit with rela
tives of Mrs. Reeves.
Other. visitors included Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Pierce of Med-
f ord, with their son and daugh
ter; wlllard T. Evenson. presi
dent of the First National Bank,
Clatskanle; Roy Ward and R. L.
Clark, Portland; and Dr. and
Mrs. Roben Maaske, enroute
home from Turkey to Mon
mouth. Dr. Maaske, who was on
an educational assignment for
the State Department, reported
much progress is being made
in Turkey because the people
there are responsive and
friendly to the United States.
Adieu again. Peg
Today's Menu
Chicken or Turkey Ring :
' Mushroom Sauce ,
Cranberry Jelly
Mixed Vegetable Salad
Bread and Butter
Orange, Banana and
Coconut Ambrosia Beverage
Chicken or Turkey Ring
Ingredients: 1 quarts soft
-lnch bread cubes, 1 cup
milk, 1 egg (beaten), 1 bouil
lon cube, 1 cup hot water, H
teaspoon salt, teaspoon sage
(if desired), V teaspoon pep
per, 2 .cups chopped chicken
or turkey, V cup chopped
toasted , salted almonds, 3
tablespoons finely chopped
onion, 2 tablespoon ' finely
chopped green pepper.
Method: Mix bread cubes,
milk and egg. Dissolve bouil
lon cube in hot water. Add to
bread mixture along with re
maining ingredients. Pour
into greased 114 quart ring
mold and bake in moderate
(350 degree F.) oven 33
minutes. Let . stand 5 to 7
minutes. Unmold and serve
with mushroom sauce. Makes 8
plimenting their daughter, Miss
Dorothy Tibbets, and Edwin
Diehl, who have set their wed
ding date for May 16. Mr.
Diehl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Diehl, were present for
the announcement.
The ceremony will be sol
emnized at a nuptial high mass
at 11 o'clock on Saturday
morning, May 16, in the St.
Mary's Catholic church in Mt.
Angel. Following the cere
mony, there will be a recep
tion in the dining room of St.
Mary's school.
HS Seniors
To Visit
On Campus
Cftplttl Joura.1 CorrtspoDdtnt
University of Oregon, Eu
gene (Special) Spring has
finally come to the University
of Oregon and we are expect
ing nothing but blue skies from
now on. Tops are down on the
convertibles, and the cotton
dresses and bright shirts are
out in full regalia. One could
easily mistake the campus be
tween classes lor a rainDow.
The cleaning out of the Mill-
race took place last week-end
with several startling discov
eries. In one wash tub in the
basement of one ot the Millrace
houses, several catfish and a
whitefish have found a new
home. If they can remain liv
ing in the clean water, they
will be returned to their for
mer abode Wednesday, when
the water is returned to the
millrace. One casualty of the
day was the death of a 12-Inch
rainbow trout which died be
fore it could be rushed to a
bathtub at the Sig Ep house.
Two hundred students turned
out to help with the project and
they were divided into nine
groups, each assigned a speci
fic section of the millrace to
clean. It really shows the work
that was put into it.
The World Student Service
Fund is again sponsoring an
Ugly Man contest. It is ol
course the ambition of any red
blooded Oregon boy to gain
this honor. Ed Meyers is one
of the aspirants. Another func
tion will be the beauty
auction which is scheduled for
this Friday afternoon. Such
campus attractions as the
Homecoming Court and the
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi will
be auctioned. ,
Last Tuesday all of the sor
orities participated in. a car
washing - campaign to earn
money. Some of the partici
pants you might recognize were
Sue Perry, Joan Marie Miller,
Nancy Miller, Marjorie Becke,
Sharon Brown, Plum Brown
and Marcia Webb.
' .
Last week Isaac Stern, noted
American violinist, presented
concert at McArthur. This
was the last Civic series con
cert of the year.
Of the 12 semi-finalists who
remain in the race for Junior
week-end queen, Salem is
still very well represented
with Joan Marie Miller and
Dorothy Pederson.
We'll probably be seeing a
good many of you this week
end for Duck Preview. It's
going to be a lot of fun and
we are looking 'orward to see
ing you.
. .
Rainbow Event
Dallas Initiated this week
into Order of Rainbow for
Girls were four Dallas girls,
Mis see Jeanette Rogers, Jay
Ann Grooms, . Kay Frances
Wells, and Colleen Dhabolt.
Activities of the group were
told by the worthy adviser,
Mrs. Wait. Recently the club
sent two television tables to
Forest Grove for use by the old
people in the Masonic home
there and last week the girls
had a cooked food sale, pro
ceeds to go to the worthy advis
er's fund.
U T.bbti 25-IOO (or 4?e -200 only 7?e
IB. 49'
3 $100
lbs. A
On Orders Over $4.00
Open 7 Days a Week
7 a.m. to 1 a.m.
1120 S. 12th St. Ph. 26403
Toastmi stress
Club Event Set (
rbemrVrt and Salem Toast-
mistress clubs will entertain on
Saturday for the Intercouncll
Toastmistress clubs speech
mntHt in ha at 12:30 o'clock
at the Senator hotel. Contest
ants from three councils In the
tata will comMte for the hon-
nr nf utter"! nr the regional
speech contest in Tacoma in
May which Is sponsored by the
Toastmistress groups.
neneral chairman for the
event is Miss Amanda Ander
son ot the Salem club, co
chairmen being Mrs. J. A.
Johnston, Chemeketa club, and
Miss Alberta Shoemake, Sa
lem club. Mrs: Jack Walters of
Portland, Council 8, will pre
side over the meeting.
On Sunday
A tea and' card party are
planned by the Salem chapter
of B'nai B'ritn women ior
members, their hubands and
friends, at the Temple . Beth
Sholom on April 26, at 8 p.m.
Committee in charge of
arrangements conists of: Mrs.
Sydney Levene, Mrs. Harry
Merin, Mrs. Jerry Blum and
Mrs. Robert Golden.
Assistants Meet
Capital City Dental Assist
ants association met for dinner
and a business session at .the
Golden Pheasant Tuesday eve
ning, Miss Dorothy Poff giving
a report on the state dental
Dr. Maurice Zingeser was
the speaker.
Attending the event were
Misses Fat Thomason, Dorothy
Poff, Mabel Schultz, Fern
Hobbensiefken, Joyce Traviss,
Lena vanderwood, Gladys
Bartholemew, Mesdames Eu
gene Durschmidt, Harry Tu
lare, Paul Bassett, Stanley Sco
field, Clarence Nelson, Alma
Shelton. Gnests were Mrs. Ir
vin S. Pankratz, Mrs. Georgi-
ana Smith of Chemawa, Mrs.
Wedel and Mrs. Neufeld.
He did his own
vacation planning
She took
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PERSONALLY YOURSI Unlike conducted tours, your
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SO IOW IN COSTI Because Greyhound travel is so eco
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Southern California, 12 days , .$ 74,30
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Friday, April 24, 1958
Shower on
Sunday for
A bridal shower honorln
Miss Lu Dene Hargrave of
Portland, bride-elect of Georn
Collins of Vancouver, Wash
will be Sunday afternoon at i
o'clock at the Pi Beta Phi hous.
on the Willamette Unlveriir '
campus. Both the bride-elect
and her fiance are graduates ol
Willamette where Miss Har.
grave is a member of Pi BeiT
Phi and Mr. Collins Is afim.t.j
with Phi Delta Theta.
Those receiving invitations
are: Mrs. W. F. Hargrave, the
bride's mother, Miss Billle Hir.
grave, Miss Janet Stark. Mr.
David Bristow, Miss Eleanor
vane., hub. ueorge j una, and
Mrs. W. A. Benard, all of Port
land; Miss Jane Gray. Miti Ju
lie Mellor, Mrs. DougUi
a learns, mra. jjoran Kan ton
Mrs. James Miller, Miss Mary
Louise Lee, Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith, Mrs. Ernest Althoff and '
Mrs. Hugh Morrow of Salem-
Miss Nancy Adams of Dalian'
Misses Jodie and Lorna Johan
na Der oi unemawa, Mrs. Chei.
ter Gilllhan of Mt. Angel and
Mrs. Bob White of Stavton
The senior members of Pi Beta
rm nave aiso received lnvlta-'-'
tions. .
The hostesses for the after
noon are Mrs. Bob White and
Mrs. Douglas Stearns.
Goes South
Mrs. William H. Fischer will
leave for San Francisco Satur
day to speak at the Northern
California convention of the
Lutheran Women's Missionary
league. She will appear on the
program Thursday, April 30.
Enroute she will stop at Grants
Pass to fill a speaking engage
ment on Sunday,- April 28,
when the Southern Oregon
Conference of Lutheran Wom
en meets.
181 N. High St.
J. L. WELLS, Agent
t. uwcu ana vnc