TEE.XAP.ITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orrgon Friday, April 24, 1953 In the Valley" J Edited by MIU FORBES Sco A Cub Scout pack meeting mi held Monday evening at the Sclo grade school gym. The Hawaiian theme was carried out by the Cub Scouti. Clifford Roner presented the different awardt. - . Kenneth Bloom of Albany ihowed picture! of the lilandi. Rev. Raymond Atkinson of Sweet Home will be guest ipeaker at the Baptist church Sunday. Rev. rait will hold his first aervlce In West Salem Sunday. The high schoolers had a short ilngsplratlon following services Sunday night in honor of the Fasts,. who are leaving the Sclo Baptist church. A gift -was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Fast. George Karl of Gervals is Bclo's new police chief. He is taking Walter Babaon's place since Mr. Babson has rt- , turned to Salem, The Munkers ' Community club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. N. Har ding. Mrs. Carl Woods was co- hostess. . It was decided to enter a float in the Sclo Lamb show pa rade. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Roy Ward with Hazel Griffin as co-hostess. Mrs. David Potts Is spending her third week at Wheeler, Ore., ' Where she is taking treatments. The PTA will meet Monday night, April 27. Mr. Lamb of Woodburn will be the speaker. The Sclo extension unit met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. K. Purdy. ' Gladys Asbell . and, Joyce Lonbeck had charge of the project ' which was, outdoor meals. . " ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bllyeu re eently returned from California where they visited relatives for several weeks. - The high school students had their carnival Friday night . Mis Lorraine Nyqulst was crowned queen. The GAA tumblers went to Oregon State college Saturday and enjoyed the day. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Hayward recently enjoyed a visit In Cali fornia with their two children and families. vMr. and. Mrs. Harold Thurs ton of Newport spent the week end with relatives hereby ,;: i The Baptist church is making plans for the D a 1 ry Vacation Bible school which will be from June 0 to IB. A baptismal service was held Sunday night at the close of the church service. ' Norman LeBard left for Fort Lewis Thursday to enter the armed forces. : Mrs. N. LeBard has moved Into the- house belonging to Hal Pierce. Sgt LaVerne Shlmanek has been sent to Bremerton, Wash, for hospitalization. His parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shlmanek and children and his grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Wards, visited him over the week-end. ... , ; ,,,,, . Albany May Order Fluoride in Water Albany Final action on pro posed correction of the fluoride deficiency in Albany's domes tic water supply will be taken by the city council at its regu lar meeting May 13. This was determined Wed nesday by the council when it passed through to its third reading an ordinance instruct ing the Mountain States Power company to introduce the prop er, amounts of fluorides into the water system in the amount of one part per million parts of water as a measure designed to Improve what the council was told are deplorable dental conditions. I The council acted in response to four recommendations, one from the Linn county health department over the signature of Dr. John W, Guepe, Linn county health ' officer; ' two from local physicians and one from the Albany Junior Cham ber of Commerce civic better ment committee. Dayton Pleasantdale Sublimity "Tip-Toe Through the Tu- lips" is the theme for the Sen ior Prom which will be held In the parish hall Friday eve ning, April 24. In keeping with the theme a windmill has been erected in the center of the dance floor with appropriate decorations throughout the room. Stubby Mills orchestra will provide the music. Hiss Hoseann Minden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Minden and Joseph Stein, knmp, son of Mrs. Lena Stein- kamp will reign as King and Queen at the festivities... Princess chosen to reign with Miss Minden are Misses Shirley Bchotthoefer, Dorothy Frank, Kathleen Hartman and Sharon Meier. Escorts for the princesses are Thomas Moore, Duane Heuberger, James Sllbernagel and James Tate. Pleasantdale Several worn. en from the Pleasantdale and Webfoot districts attended the spring flower show at Carlton, sponsored by the Carlton civic Improvement club, Saturday, April 18. . , Mrs. J. G. Penland and Mrs. Steve Benedict, acting as a committee for the Country Flower club, won first place in the club division with a line arrangement of pink camellias and evergreen, boughs. -The horticultural sweep stake was won by Mrs. Merle Reichstein, with an entry of three double red tulips, and Mrs. J. G. Penland won the arrangement sweepstake with line arrangement of white flowers In a silver container. There was a special division for first time exhibitors, and in this class Mrs. H. A. Mur phy won the horticultural sweepstake with a potted pel argonium plant, and Louise Hadley won the arrangement sweepstakes with her arrange ment for coffee table. Mrs. J. M. Murphy placed first In Chinese lily, blcolor narcissus, twin arrangements, corsage, wild flower arrange ment, flowers In cup and sau cer, and a miniature arrange ment. Mrs. J. C. Penland placed first with ; narcissus, flowers lh 'antique container, coffee table arrangement, hall, table arrangement and white flow ers in silver. Mrs.. Merle Reichstein plac ed first with violas, lilacs, ane mones and double red tulips. Mrs. C. Harold Parker won first . with flowers arranged with driftwood, and a buffet arrangement. Msr. 8teve Benedict won firsts with a line arrangement and an arrangement of flowers In brass container. In the division for first time exhibitors, Mrs. . H. A. Murr phy won firsts in pelargoniums and Tartarian honeysuckle. Louise Hadley placed first with arrangement for coffee table, twin arrangements, and a miniature arrangement. In the Junior division. Chip per Bench won first in minia ture arrangements, and Wes ton Hadley placed second In the same class, and won third place with an arrangement of flowers In an animal container. Stayton the end of the program there will be a mats band formation. There will be no admission charge. - The high school band is un der the direction of Duane Bur gess. The glee club Is directed by Mrs. Martha White. Sherrl Spanlol, Shirley Mln ten, and Phyliss McCarley will spend the week end visiting Oregon State college. Michael Smith, a student at Stayton grade school, is absent from classes because of the measles. . Stayton The Union high school will hold a music festi val on Friday, April 24 in the Stayton high auditorium at 8 p.m. Featured will be bands from Jefferson, Mill City and Stay ton. The Union high school girls glee club will sing and at IV BTCM TOUT cm ESPIfOVEPCT those as for InforeaetJoa aa sMUfdstfvkeBit www sTivwa mi Warren's Proved Sir Sarvka Eighteen of the Boy Scout Troop No. 2ft) spent Saturday and Sunday in the mountains, about 10 miles west of Yam hill. George Beal, Lloyd Ewlng and Delbert Temple were In charge of the group. Howard Williams took the boys' bag gage in a truck both ways. Next Saturday and Sunday four Green Bar boys will go on a two-day hike, one and half miles from Grand Ronde in the mountains. They will Join the Yamhill county meet ing of Scouts. George Beal and Clare Heider will accom pany the boys. ; Mr. and Mrs. Erie Parker were guests to a canasta party in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Don Eastman in McMinnvllle Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Adams and family of Portland spent Sunday here with Mr. , and Mrs. Erie Parker. - Visiting Sunday with Mrs. Eva Carter and daughter, were Mrs. Reita Smuthers and daughter Barbara; Mrs. Millie Rake all of Portland, and Mrs. Elmer Rake of Wheeler. ' . Mrs. La Von Ackerman ar rived here Monday evening. April 20, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ackerman. Her husband left for San Diego for further assignment. Mrs. Ackerman will return to Al bany where she Is employed by the telephone company. Mrs. Bill Wright enjoyed dinner in the home of her brother, Gus Ackerman. Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Arner and two daughters of Tacoma, Wash., spent the week-end here with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beers. Special meetings are being held at the Assembly of God church, for the next two weeks. The Rev. Cletus Free man of Forest Grove is the speaker. Rev. and Mrs. Abrahamson attended the three-day annual spring convention of the As sembly of God in Portland last week. , - y ' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Alderman were Miss Kay Piggott and Miss Fanny Barbar of Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. Al Gould and family, accompanied by her fa ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graben horst. spent Saturday at Wash ougal, Wash., with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Conway, the occa sion being the opening of the Conway's new Dodge-Plymouth car agency and garage. Mrs. Conway is a sister of Mrs. Gould and daughter of Mr. Grabenhorst. Several ladies of the Wom an's Missionary council of the Assembly of God-church will go to Brooks Thursday, April 23, where they will assist in packing boxes of clothes for Korea and Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green had their three sons, Maurice, Lawrence ': arid Richard and their families, all of Portland, home Sunday for dinner. -, ' Mrs. Clare Heider accompa nied Mrs. W. H. Hibbert and Mrs. Ernest Frack of Sheridan to Corvallls Saturday evening, April 18, where they attended a piano concert featuring Os car Levant at Gill coliseum. Dr. and Mrs. J. Claude Prof- fltt and family of South Bend, Wash., visited his father, Joe Proffltt, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Emmert, Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Pomeroy was honored with a shower Satur day evening, April 18, at the Christian church.- The host. esses were Mrs. Fred Belnz, Mrs. Vereon Foster, Mrs. Har ry Sherman and- Mrs. Robert Coburn. Mrs. Ben Asquith, Jr., re turned home Saturday evening after several days in the Mc Minnvllle hospital. The Dayton Girl Scouts, Troop 1, spent Saturday, April 18, at Camp Smith on the Bak er Creed road near McMinn They enjoyed cooking out In the open and hiking. There were 27 girls in the party and three adults, Mrs, John Asquith, Mrs. Delbert Temple and Mrs. Dorothy Luce. ' THEN AND NOW K saw n M t w 4 r It Lyons Leaders from the Santlam area for the Girl Scouts met in Lyons Friday for the purpose of selecting a place for a day camp. They decided on a loca tion on the Paul Johnston farm with 'river frontage. Leaders were present from Mill City, Mehama, Stayton and Lyons. Mrs. Charles Cruson. honored her husband on his birthday anniversary with a dinner held at their home. Covers were laid for Mrs. Jessie Barks and daughter Shyrel, Mrs. Connie and daughter of McMinnvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McWhirk and family of Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson, Mary Jo and Buddy, Ed Crliion, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson and Bon nie. T- Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye was their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek of Lebanon. ...... and various other places of in terest. ' ' - Scouts going were Maria Mc Whirk Kathie and Fern This tle, Kathryn Johnston, Bonnie rriinnn. Jean Billlneton. Joan Trahan, Frances and Bernetta Wilion. Laura Lee Adams. Sandra Rohen, Sharon Toland, Nadine Carr, Judy Steele ana Juanita Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boring had as their guests - Sunday their two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beal, June and Ed die; from Junction City, and Mrs. Fred Heeter, Gwen and Skipper -of Sweet Home and grandson,. Ronnie Boring, of Mehama. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester drove to Redmond and Bend Sunday. While there they vis ited the Petersons Rock Gar den. - 1 Thirty-five years ago Mary Pickford visited Oregon on -a national tour in behalf of liberty bonds. Now, in May ' of 1993, America's "Sweetheart is making a return trip to Oregon to help the Women's Crusade for Security a cam paign spearheaded by 21 national women's organizations , to sign up business and professional people for the Sav ings Bond-a-Month plan. She will be in Portland May 7, 8, and Salem and Eugene May 9. Silverton Silverton The Silverton Woman's club plan a rum mage sale Saturday, May i at the former Rlchmaid store. Mrs. George Chrlstenson and Mrs. R. A. McClanathan are members of the "call commit tee." Elmer Johnson was speaker at the ; Immanuel Lutheran Men's club Tuesday evening. Two Silverton young wom en,- now high school teachers, plan to make an eight-weeks' tour of Europe during the coming summer. Miss Pat Rice daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rice, of the Sherwood high school, and Miss Margie Tug- gle, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. Jack Tuggle, of Oregon City high school faculty, are sched uled to leave early in June. Mr. and Mrs. Al Clemet son are announcing the ar rival of their foster son, John Alden Clemetson, who came to the home of his parents at the age of seven months. Mrs. El mer Peterson, Mrs. Carroll Stoltz, Mrs. Milton Thostrude and Mrs. Kenneth Henjum were hostesses In a welcom ing party for the mother and young son at the Peterson home recently. The wedding of Milton Fuhr, a former Silverton man, and Miss Gloria Wold of Seattle, has been announced for Au gust 8. Rev. and Mrs. M. J. K. Fuhr, local residents for more than 14 years, are the parents of Milton Fuhr. Rev. Fuhr is supervisor of the L. C. Foss Sunset Home In Seattle. I.Mrs. Virginia Hughes en tertained at the Mill St. home of her parents, the C. B. An dersons Tuesday evening, com plimenting Mrs. Marshall Sa tern In a social , hour and shower. . , LeRoy Rue announced at a Soil Conservation meeting Wednesday night that petitions were being generally signed by farmers for the proposed dam on Drift creek, to serve as storage for farm irrigation. and fish and wild life, under direction of the Izaak Walton League. Donald Donald Mrs. 'Warren Fel ler reports that she has com pleted the Red Cross Fund Drive in the Donald area, re ceiving $115. She was assisted by Mrs. Sid Hendricks and Mrs. W. H. Kruse. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fell er were guests one evening last week in the home of her sister in Portland, Mrs. Allen Pilot. J. W. McCIure left Wednes day morning, April 22 for Se attle where he will attend the refrigeration show. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elrite and family have purchased a home in West Woodburn tnci moved to their new residence last week with the aid of War ren Feller. The Elrites former ly occupied the first floor of the Julius Sather house in Don ald. , . Donald volunteer - fire de partment is sponsqring a barn dance Saturday night, April 25, at the Ben Eppers farm. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Bob Iverson has re turned from the hospital in Woodburn where she under went surgery. She is able to be up and about now. Donald grade school had ball ' game with Butteville grade school last week. Butte ville won the game. The Marion County Sheriff's Reserve unit of Woodburn is sponsoring Neil Reiling of Don ald for the forthcoming soap box derby. Last year, Neil was sponsored by the Donald mer chants, and came out second in the race. All of Donald is bet ting on Neil to come' out first this year. ' Mrs. William Quigley is gradually recovering from her recent fall on the wet cement in her basement which caused broken hip. She is at home and able to get around a little Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott are announcing the forthcom ing marriage of their daughter, Maxine Scott, to Franklin Mc Dowell, , son of Franklin Mc Dowell, Sr., of Lyons Rt. 1. The wedding will take place at the Scott home Friday evening, April 24, with Rev Walter Dodge of Salem officiating. Only relatives and close friends will attend. The business meeting of San-, tlam Valley grange was held April 17 Vlth Giles ,Wagner, master, presiding over the meeting. A group of members from Evening Star grange at Crabtree paid their visitation. Cllfforrd Klmery of Nebras ka is a guest at the. home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie Klm ery. He also is visiting his sis ter and family, -Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers, 'his brother, Bill Kimery, and family, of Lyons, also a brother Frank Klmery and family of Mehama. . Hugh Johnston and his far ther, J. H. Johnston, left for Fort Wayne, Ind., Thursday morning by plane, where Hugh will purchase a new Interna tional truck to drive home. Mrs. Charles' Cruson.- Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Mrs. Jack Christenson with ,15 Girl Scouts enjoyed a trip to Port land where they visited the zoo A carnival to be held at the Marl-Linn gym, Saturday eve-. ning, sponsored by the Sunday school, with proceeds to go to the building of the new church. FREE! DANCE LESSONS S 7119 SAT. NITEi , (Prior to our regular dance) . .' CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr. Trlplett and staff ! JON rURR STUDIO fAt Modern tc "J At "t old Time - Dancing from 9 to 12 EXTRA HELD OVER ONE WEEK EDDIE COLE THREE LOOSE NUTS anda BOLT Just Bock from Honolulu New Village Inn 3057 Portland Rd. Amity All of the teachers at Amity grade school have ac cepted their contracts for 1953. 54. They are: Albert Yoder prlncipal; Gwendolyn Paul, first grade; Helen Fonger, sec ond grade; Verda Crook, third; third and fourth, Queente Rand; fifth, Jpsephine MUler; Hugo Schwab, sixth: William Plue, seventh; May , Lucas, eighth. ., ' Carl Lavern Marrs. Ameri can problems practice teacher at Amity high school, has re ceived a scholarship to the university oi iansas at Law rence, Kan. Marrs has spent the last four years at Ltnfleld college- in McMinnvllle majoring in psy chology. - . Miss Ball and Miss Baling, Amity high school teachers, plan to spend seven weeks in Hawaii this summer. They will fly from San Francisco June 9. They will travel by steamer on the return trip. j: .-;.': They will be guests at the Islander hotel. j. ., DANCE - SAT. NIGHT IOOF HALL TURNER Eddie and His Silver String -' Rangers : 1 Formerly Played at Pedee ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE Well Folks, the chef In. the Oak Room is a very temperamental fellow and he has been sulking around lately because I. haven't mentioned him . and hla "baby" the Oak Room.. Aside from our regular hotel guests . the usual trend of the Oak Room is toward people who .want to "put on the dog" a little In entertaining out-of-town and special guests. Those genuine oak barbecued steaks certainly make ' a. favor able impression and people go wild over the big chunk of but ter served , with our baked pota toes. Then of course there are the birthday and other anniver sary parties that are celebrated so very successfully at the Oak Room . . '. not expensive eith er, not a lot of extra frills, just good, fine . tasting steaks, ' bam, prime ribs, etc. ' When you are treating your wife andor her relatives remember - the' Oak Room at the Marion Hotel.' la Silm K's fl How HirlM, 14121 i .,.......... The group divided and were led by Mrs. Asquith and Mrs. Luce. They returned Saturday eve ning. MOM uiita mum, mwhwat t Gates -Jpea 1:0 Shew at 7;s ENDS SATURDAY In Technicolor "ROAD TO BALI" ff Bob nop . Blng Crosby . In TchnlnU Wslt Dlmty'i Academy nwara winning "WATER B1HI)8" This week ralr Cartoon Carnlrml Tonlte Fit) 11 New Shewing Open 1:11 Blng Cratby Bob Hep Dorothy Lamour Teehnloolor "ROAD TO BALI AIM Carlton Carpenter "8KT Jan Sterling FULL OF MOON" HOLLYWOOD RIDS MATINEE Tomorrow 1:M U 4:0 pjsk ( CARTOONS Special Matinee rtatare MAN fltOM THUNDER RIVER" BUI ElUott Pros An "Onr Gang" Comedy "MIKE FRIGHT" AIM BENSON'8 BIRTHDAY CAKE for Lynn Woodward, BobMe Fan Serbuk, Douglas Ritchie, Nell Bonn, Dennis Vestal, Janle Springer, Joan Korn, Sandra Hummel, Daryl Donaldson, Frggy Huston, Colleen Cook, Patricia Haggard, Raw Usher, Char lea HaU, Claudia Baaor, Jootph Harbor it, Linda Em erton, Joum Hagomaa, Robert farmhlrrt. OPEN 6:45 P.M. I NOW JHOWINO! BOLtyTRUg REYfAllNS.'.. Us IK m '. Ait 'timely A TODAY'5 headlines L.. See Tfofttitre Ihdt Harts lops rHeNAKeb...' tU-reATURSI ADULTS ONLY I 5 PHONi a.7se Alan Ladd Arlene Dahl In Technicolor "DESERT LEGION" Joyce Holden "GIRLS IN THE NIGHT" tHONI S-SOSO , Ra. .h Rlclturison "BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER" e Vincent Edwards In Color "HIAWATHA'' Danny Thomas Peggy Lee In Technicolor JAZZ SINGER" e Alan Ladd THUNDER IN THE EAST" HEY KIDS! TOMORROW! AT NOON PRIZES! CARTOONS! SERIAL! 2 BIG FEATURES! Kf-r-i jkti fw)JTiir'rn rtiihf i-ik M MIDNIGHT SHOW ONLY TONITE and SATURDAY! Vn midnight. !' $4 r4J Show tickets I & .O hjht i GET YOUR TICKETS 1 SF PyA ' a N0W ' w n ""TX Inlud" 1 THE MOSt'uNUSUaT ' fWHi L SH0N?earF ANY v COMING " I j OUT PARTY! ADULTS ONLY SALEM DRIVE-IN THEATERE PHOWE 2-7129 miSHtAaPtWOIIHISHWATW H0KI 2-712 ' MAKE UP A PARTY AND COME OH OUT!!