THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bakm, OrtftM 'fOt u AUTOMOIHJS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES : AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Friday, April 24, 195S POST A u T O s A L E S '61 OLDS. 88 .....$1895 l-door wdan, heater, Hy dramatic, 1 owner. Here's your ear at thii low, low ' '.. price. . , '51 CHEVROLET $1545 Stylellne 4-door ledan. R&H, white side wall tirei. This is another steal! '50 BUICK....... $1395 Special -door sedan. R& , ' H. Dynailow. You'll want' this! s '49 BUICK ......$1145 ' Fordor super. R&H, white '' ' side wall tires, beautiful IJf lVJrP X WO X dark blue finish and only as.uoo mues. ' '49 CHEVROLET $945 Aero tudor Fleetline se . dan. Very sharp and nice ly equipped at a real bar - gain price. '48 STUDEBAKER $845 Champion club coupe. R 4H, overdrive. HI you drive it you'U buy lfl .-. '48 CHEVROLET $845 - Stylellne sedan. Heater, chrome wheels, sharp! GUARANTEED USED CARS Optn Friday ntntag till 9 o'clock JP YOUR CAR IS NOT IN THIS AD, WE HA VI IT ON TUB LOT FOR YOU. HOWARD PRICE, JR. & KENNY BARNWELL eULHt'S ItBWEST LOT CPRM TO SERVE VOO CORNER Or SOUTH 11TB HINXS lit a. UTH . PHONI 4-m A U T O s A L E S LODER BROS. ' WE GIVE PENNY-SAVER STAMPS 1952 OLDS. 88 DE LUXE 2-DOOR ;. .$2595 Real low mileage, radio, heater, hydra- . , matte, beautiful dark blue finish. 1951 HUDSON HORNET CLUB COUPE $2295 ' Radio, heater, Hudson's most popular model, f 1600 off new price. 1951 OLDS. SUPER 88 4toR. SDN.. $2295 Radio, heater, standard transmission, this is real nice one-owner automobile. 2 1952 OLDS. 98 4-DOOR SEDANS...??? These cars are like new, power stering, ultronic eye, E-Z eye glass, radio, heater & fresh air conditioning. " 1947 OLDS. 76 4-DOOR SEDAN..... $ 695 This car has radio, heater, hydmamatlc. Big car luxury at little car price, LODER BROS. yooh oldsmobils dealer 439 Cater Phoni 3-7971 WESTERN MOTORS UN BROADWAY PHONI SNM SANK TERMS I960 CHEVROLET de luxe Stylellne 4-door sedan. Radio, fresh air beater, seat covers and original 2-tone green finish. FRI DAY & SATURDAY ON LY at.. ...$1295 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-door sedan, only 23,000 actual miles. Immaculate Inside and out ....$1695 1950 CHEVROLET Bel Aalr Powerglide, white side wall tires, low mileage, clean inside and out, and only $1495 1951 BUICK Special de luxe 4-door sedan. Radio, htr - seat covers, Dynailow, and only 18,000 miles. S brand new tires and only , $1895 1933 FORD Streamliner. Beau tiful tomato red finish, white sidewall tires, over drive, heater and defrost er. Only" 4,300 miles. A new car guarantee. If you .want to pay the new car price, buy. this. and we will give you a check for $400. 1949 FORD 4-door sedan. Ra dio, heater and over ' drive, original blue fln . ish and very clean. FRI DAY & SATURDAY ON LY at ..,........$995 HEY . ixJIJL Round Up Your Deductions Better Quality at BUDGET TERMS '50 PLYMOUTH Special de luxe club coupe. Dark green with white walls, radio, heat er, a low mileage, guar anteed car, $1445 '47 OLDSMOBILE De luxe "98" sedan. Or- iginal black finish, new white wall tires, radio, heater and Hydramatic. Owned by a local min f later who can vouch for its excellent condition. $995 '47 CHEVROLET Club coupe. A black beauts In top condition, Radio, heater, white walls, custom plastic seat covers and other extras. $895 '51 STUDEBAKER De luxe Champion se dan. Equipped with new Goodrich premium tub ular tires, radio, heater . and overdrive. $1495 '49 KAISER Special de luxe sedan. ' Deep-tone metallic green finish, plastic custom in terior. Radio, heater. $495 '46 BUICK 4-dr. sedan in dark green original finish with white wall tires. Equipped with all cus tom accessories. Excep tionally clean Interior and excellent mechan ically. $695 MAJOR MOTORS 18th AND STATE STREET PH. 20513 BONESTEELE'S 1851 Stude. Champ. 2-d. O.D. & heater $1393 1951 Stude. Landcrulser. Auto, trans, R&H, 15,000 miles 1895 1951 Kaiser 4-d. O.D., R&H 1545 1950 Chev. 2-d. Heater 1195 1950 Ford 4-d. O.D., R&H, low mileage ... 1295 1949 Stude. Landcrulser. Fully equipped, clean. 1293 1948 Plymouth 4-d. H 925 1950 Dodge 4-d. Coronet. R&H, Gyromatic .... 1595 1948 Mercury 4-d 598 1949 Stude. Champ. O.D., H., one owner 1195 1938 Buick 4-d. ... . .' 143 1946 Stude. 1-ton pickup 643 BANK TERMS Bonesteele's Sales '& Service PHONI SIM CHURCH AT. PHONI I9ITT 98' $50 And Up 1832 Chev. pickup 135 ln I to 18)9 Plymouth coach - 328 to... I to 1(38 Ford coach . 925 dn I 6S 1(39 Oldl. sdn. - (30 dn I M 1841 PontUo cpa. - 30 da c IB 1(39 Buck Sdn. - l dn. t to 1(39 PontUo Sdn. . I3J di at Ultoidi. sdn. . im do. .....Me loo olde. Sdn. - ut dn. ...... ..I M 1(11 Char. Cpa. - wo dn .....lite 13I Cher. Cob. . 150 dn 114s lBll Deftoto Clb. cpa. 10 dn. ,.9148 1841 Plymouth Sdn. - tt dn. ..till 1941 Dodte Sdn. -378 dn not 1941 Chev. Clb. Cpa. 375 dn. ...1185 1937 Lasallo Clb. Cpa. 1100 dn..l29t 1941 Pontlao Clb. Cpa. 1100 dn...286 1941 Plymouth con. - 1100 dn. ...t 1942 PontUo Sdn. (100 dn $385 1841 Merc. Clb. Cpe, . 1136 dn,..34S 1941 Ohev. Aero Sdn, - 1135 dn. ,.3(s 1941 Chev. Aaro Sdn. . 1111 dn...49t 1(46 Ford Coach - tlTt dn. 68S IMS Chev. sdn. - 1300 dn toot 1946 PontUo Sdm - 8329 dn, ...1896 1947 Ford Clb. Cpe. - 9248 dn. ...1790 . Or with your own terms ; ',. within reaaon. Aynbee Mators . 640 Union . Phono S-0703 Kite pbonea 3-l or 4-3019 !( BETTER USED CARS . ' "i ., . ' - OUR REGULAR PRICES 145B 1949 Olds Sdn. (1395 31B 1946 Buick Sup er Sedan $695 164A 1949 Buick Con- ' ' vert. (1498 39C 1941 Chev. Club ' Coupe . .'. ( 298 147B 1948 Buick Rd ' . mstr. Sedan ...(1095 38B 1948 Stude. Champ. Sedan .( 893 13A 1948 Buick Rd- ' . mstr, Sedan , . . ( 993 63 A 1950 Buick Sup er Riviera .,...(2098 138B 1947 Buick Sup- . ' ", er Sedan ......( 950 11A 1947 Pontiac 8 Club Sedan ...( 795 64A1949 Buick Sup er Sedan (1495 Family Sale BRING ALL THE FAMILY -MOM - POP - THE KIDS ADD ALL AGES TOGETHER AND DEDUCT THAT NUMBER OF DOLLARS FROM THE USED CAR OF YOUR CHOICE. , ; EXAMPLE If your selection it Ages: Mom Pop Bill Mary Butch Total 41 45 16 13 .123 , Deduct ' YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM YOUR (1395 BUICK DEALER OTTO J. 128 Your price $1270 WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 126B 1948 Buick Sup er Sedan .;.....( 893 60A 1950 Chevrolet Aero ...,.....(1398 139C 1948 Buick Rd- mstr. Sedan . , .(1198 49B 1949 Buick Sup . er Sedan i.....(1495 83A 1930 Buick Sup-" ' er Riviera i (2098 . SOB 1949 Olds. 88 . Sedan .; (1495 ; 37A 1949 Buick Rd- ' ' ; mitr. Sedan ...(1393 t ' 68A 1950 Roadmaster Sedan ,. (1893 ! 143B 1950 Buick Sup er Sedanet ..,.(1895 1 71A 1947 Buick Spe cial Sedanet ...( 798 t 42A 1930 Buick Sup er Sedan ,...,.(1995 61A 1950 Buick Sup- - v r Sedan .... .(1898 88A 1960 Buick 8pt- ciat Sedanet ...(1495 68A 1952 Chrysler . Saratoga Clb. (2698 S3A--1951 Plymouth Club Coup ...(1498 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVERY CAR INCLUDED B8A 1946 Bulok Sup er Sdan .. .... .( T98 45B 1946 Buick Sup- . r SedMi ......( 798 72A 1848 Buick nd- -mstr. Riviera . .(1598 t . " t ; . 34B 1947 Olds. 76 ' ' Sedan I 798 30B 1948 Nash Sdn. ( 745 ' 10C 1946 Ford Dlx. 6 , Tudor ( 698 17B 1847 Buick Sup-, r Sedan ..,...( 898 1-671949 Plymouth Dlx. Tudor . .,(1098 116B 1951 Ford Sdn. (1695 HOB 1849 Buick Rd . mstr. Sedan ...(1898 14B 1949 Dodg. :, , Sedan ........ (1088 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES I AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN'T LOSE AT THESE PRICES 47 Chev. C. Coupe . . . .( 795 Radio and heater. 49 Ford C. Coupe 1095 Radio, htr., o'dr. 49 Dodge Coronet 1295 A real nice one. 49 Pontiac Tudor ..... 1295 Radio & heater, Hyd. '50 Mercury C. Coupe. 1595 Radio, htr., o dr. , . MANY OTHER LATE MODEL & PRE-WAR CARS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE PROM A ' EAST TERMS LOW DOWN PATMtNT t 1 arrow! 4 USED CARS M 190 N. Hlth - Ph. tm f9l DROP TWENTY We've Sliced the Price ' $20 Every Day ONE IS GONE HERE IS THE OTHER 1949 Olds. Sedan with Hydramatic STARTED $1495 TODAY $1355 WATCH IT DROP BUY IT RIGHT IF YOU WAIT YOU'LL BE SORRY OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 1999 OODOE 4 door. Good M ft new one. Radio, hfeter. Phone 41917. qlOO 11 DE SOTO eoupe. Cletoa Mlnten. Cell Stayton 3U4. 9I' 1919 BUICK. low mlleeie. A-l ehepe. Take earlier model to trade, moot aacrifke. Call 44913 alter I p.m. aHI BY OWNER: 1941 Huflion. new urea, bat terr, radiator. Its N. Hit olOO '41 BUICK SPECIAL, 1199. Private 0n er, phone 43314. aw CONFIDENTIALLY you,U do better at Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. 1953 Ford Victoria. New, loaded .$2895 , 1951 Hudson Super-Six Brom. Low mileage . . . 1695 ' 1951 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. Sharp ..... 1495 ; 1951 Ford Tudor Sdn. 6 cyl. Clean 1295 1950 Dodge Coronet Club Cpe. Motor overhauled 1395 ' 1949 Oldsmobile 88 Sdn. Radio and heater ..... 1395 1949 Mercury Club Cpe. New white wall. tires 1195 : 1949 Ford Club Cpe. Radio, heater, overdrive . . 1095 1949 Plymouth Fordor Sdn. Spec. Dlx. Sharp i. . 1095 1949 Ford Club Cpe. Radio, heater, new paint . . , 995 . 1948 Chev. Conv. Cpe. Jet black, sharp . 995 1947 Mercury Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, new , ' paint i 895 1947 Chev. Tudor Sdn. Really nice .' 795 1947 Oldsmobile 66 Club Cpe. Motor overhauled 795 . 1947 Chev. Fordor Sdn. Original black ..... ... . 795 1947 Dodge Fordor Sdn. New maroon color .'. . 795 1947 Chev. Club Cpe. Motor overhauled, nice i . - 795 1946 Chev. Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, extra nice 695 1947 Chev. Cpe. Radio, heater. Extra nice ...... 695 ; . 1946 Pontiac Fordor Sdn. Really nice ........ . 665 1946 Chev. Fordor Sdn. New maroon color .... 665 1946 Hudson Tudor Sdn. Heater, overdrive .. 4. 596 1946 Plymouth Fordor Sdn. Good family car '. . 585 1942 Chev. Conv. Cpe. Radio, heater, new paint 395 1941 Chev. Tudor Sdn. Radio, heater 295 1941 Chev. Sdn. Radio, heater ' 245 1941 Oldsmobile Fordor Sdn. . 195 1936 Buick Fordor Sdn. New rubber 165 1941 Dodge Cpe. Rough and ready 99 1950 Ford Pickup. Sharp 1095 1847 For dPickup. Sharp 585 MOST ALL OF THESE CARS CAN BE BOUGHT ON NO DOWN PAYMENT - On Approval of Credit Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. ACROSS AND S. OP THE LEQION CLUB 2645 S. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 41621 RON'S 51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE, 1 OWNER, 22,000 ACTUAL MILES, NEW ' SET OF PREMIUM WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, HEATER, a OVERDRIVE, FENDER SKIRTS. , 50 OLDSMOBILE 88 CLUB COUPE. RADIO, HKATKK, HYDRAMATIC, NEW PREMIUM WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, 1 OWNER, VERY SHARP INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. '80 FORD V-8 CUSTOM CLUB COUPE. R&H, OVER- , DRIVE, REALLY SHARP AND A HONEY TO DRIVE! SPECIALS! 48 Ford V-8 , custom club coupe, white side wall it tires, R&H (845 '47 Chevrolet Coupe. R&H, ...,.,.,...(595 41 Chevrolet Tudor, very good transportation $195 41 Pontiac Sedan, R&H, has lots of miles ahead of It $195 40 Chevrolet 2-door, good $145 41 Buick Sedanette, clean, good rubber and good buy ,.....$225 39 Pontiac 2-door. R&H, good rubber and fine riding. $65 RON'S 1245 Broadway Phone 2-6808 AUTOMOBILES 'WEST SALEM LOW PRICE PLUS HIGH QUALITY '32 CHEV. t-PASS CPE. Haj 4900 actual ml. Local car, Ilka new.tim You can cava over 9300 on thia one. 9600 dn., ISO a mo. 11 FORD CLB. CPE., V-9, RAH 1493 '91 CHEV. 4 DR., Black, W.W., RAH 1490 '91 BUICK SPECIAL 9-PAfls. Lleht blue metallic flnlah. Onlr ... 1999 The moat popular model In thla almoai new car. Sparkler. '30 OLDS. 99 SEDAN. RAH, Hudra. The nlceat In town 1393 One owner, low mlleaee, premium tlrea, new rayon eovere. Thla car new today would coat 14430. You can eavet aevel . 43 PONTIAC I SEDNT. Pullr equipped, can't be told from new., lias Tu-tona flnlih. one owner, eee to appreciate. 1400 down. St CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN. Lltnt arer Ilnlah, (ullr enulpneS, only 1391 One local owner. Never off pavement. Sound aa can be. '31 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN. Another top car. AIM hae auto, trine. 1693 '43 DODOX SEDAN. RAH, aeat covore, one owner. 3 dn., 930 mo. 191 '30 CHEV. DE LOXE SEDAN. BAH, eeat corera, W.W. tlrea. cltan ,.1490 One owner, aparkllni black Ilnlah. I5O0 dn., 960 a mo. 4S CHEV. DE LOXE SEDAN. In the very beat of oondltlon. Sharp 9l 'to CHEV. DE LUXE 8PA88. Only 38,000 mllaa, one owner, equipped tl '408 PLY. SEDAN. RAH, lleht blue llnleh, Thai U a beauty. Only 393 '81 CHEV. 8-PAfS. CLUB COUPE. RAH, aeat coven, tu-tona irey 1493 '49 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN. Very popular Pleetllne model. Dandy. 1103 One owner, new tlree, hae had very tood care. 9400 dn. 40 PLY. CLUB COUPE. RAH, like new, maroon flnlah .one owner. 1191 ' CHEV. AERO SEDAN. Thla Terr popular model In the beet of condition at a price you can afford to pay. 9300 down N 49 PORD V-l SUPER DE LUE t-PAHS. Dnly 18,000 actual mllec 198 '30 CHEV. DE LUXE 1-DR. RAH, Powanllde, lltht treen color, only 1491 Sat. Special (No Trade) Sat. Specials '49 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDAN. W.W. tlrea, Hydra. drlTO. 119S '41 PONTIAC SEDAN. RAH, teat oomi, run and looka food .. 148 '37 CHEV, 4-DR. Very lood old work car, fair Urea and motor ... .49.30 11 PORD SEDAN. Hero la a dandy llltla car, tood motor and body. 118 COMMERCIALS COMMERCIALS '81 OMC H-TON PICKUP. Praah air beater, ncailent oond. ... .'..81199 II DODOE Vi-TON PICKUP. 4-apeed trana. RAH, l-ply tlrea. 1199 '49 PORD V-8 U-TON PICKUP. Tola It another aura sood rll. 3ft '30 CHEV. ONE-TON TRUCK. Duala, 4-apeed tram, hae 13.800 mL 1199 'to CHEV. H PANEL. Low mlleafo ant In oieatlent condition ... 1198 '4? IS O. TRUCK, FS-I MODEL. Two-apeed axle, 14-ft. bad 8.19 Urea 998 KANNIER'S USED CARS CAAH, TRADE, BANK TERMS 1191 Sdfewater '50 BUICK '50 BUICK $1995 9upr Rmfra ivdin R&H, Vory, vary aih&rpll Super eonftrtlbli. Mat irara linun wnn mftwninE interior, R&H. drniflo, tleotrla window $1995 DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end'a Specials ' '.';:";-..","J:'"'-''-;; 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 4-door Sedan. O'drive, radio, heater ,. $1295 1948 Ford Super De Luxe V-8 4-door Sedan. Heater $875 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook Convertible . - . Coupe. Radio, heater . . ; $2150 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door Sedan. Heater $ 975 1947 Plymouth Special De Luxe Club , Coupe. Heater $795 1949 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., fluid drive, radio & heater $1395 1949 Ford "6" Pickup ..a. $ 875 . v MANY MORK TO CHOOSE FROM ' - rl ' ' '' ' ...... '.Jt , .- -t-J " i'"-'.;W ' W. L. Anderson, Inc. 154 N. LIBERTY PHONE 4-8402 51 BUICK $2395 i Suptr Mvlarft atdin. Selae tronto ratUo, towtar, varr nlca burl CHEVROLET3! ftl Dtluit aadftn. IMtH. raallr aharp, and loir priced Iim M Club eouM. LoUVot aitraa and err elaan tim M Daluia mioor atdan. AcVK, a awaU UmUr car im it Daluia 4-door atdan. Thla la omtthla cto own $1195 4$ Tudor. RAH, a rtal bur for onlr 11095 41 Atro aSedan. MtH, varr lafcn and rarr aharp $ tn '41 tnaatmutar. R&A, priced low ai 995 41 Plattllna 4-door aodan. JUtH. , Worth mora than $ 99ft DE SOTOS! '69 Cuatom 4-door atdan. ' UAH, , tlp-lot-matlc trana mlaalon, naada a proud owner 1 194ft 'tl Cuatom club coupt. rarr abarp and rtrr elaan SUIft '41 OLDS II 91495 Club aedan. SxeaUantl '41 CADIUUO 91991 4-door jedan, loaded wltn a ceii or . and aharp I '47 MtllCUflT $195 4-door atdan. really aharp, 1 ownir, laaa than 0,0oo nilea. CAPITAL Auto Sales ' Chemeketa at t. Commercial On. Slock South ( Center at. fhone 4-1991 9I BEST FOR LESS! , ... , ., . . .. ;. New '53 Buick Special Tudor BUICK QUALITY . , BUICK DEPENDABILITY " BUICK PERFORMANCE BUICK COMFORT " BUICK PRESTIGE , ' , Plus These Deluxe Features Underseat Heater . Direction Signals . Foamtex Cushions Porcelainized Finish ... Defroster De Luxe Steering Wheel r Easy-Eye Glass ; IN LOVELY JORDAN OBEY ; ! LICENSED . READY FOR DELIVERY $2746 OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER . PHONE 1-8631 89 ITLDEBAKIE 1-ton PlckU., full! MulDped, eicellent MB41tl.n. tVume 3-1(34 or 1-8193. 99' 1943 rOBD CFI leaded, readr lor paint. floupM up motor. Twin plpee. icellent Urea. 9143 down, 3 month, to par. open orenlnea. K. ejmiui and fton Uotora. 349 Union. Phone 91040. o BUICK, I9M suprn DYNAIXOW, New ruooer, eiceueni eonanion, 91700.00. Reeaonable urma. 9-8393. 093 U PACKAJID for aato sr trade. Iqultr 3903. 1394 so. Commercial. qlOl 11 OLD6. 93 Bolldar Coupe for aala or tre. Dan, 134 ao, Lancaiter Dr. Zrea. 188 No. lima. C99 I9U fOBD COVn hot rod 43 to 43 I3Y block, Lincoln .earn, hrdraullo prekea, bod, reworked, perfect ehepe, trade for ear. Inquire avanlnea 8 to 8, carl Mare etatlon, corner Ohuroh tt Weahlneton, Dallae. 099 1948 BUICK Super 4-door. Radio, heat er, tooa raoDor. eemoe man leavmt Kon. 9930 or offer, 4-8390 after 8 p.m. q99' 49 CHIV. BMan. Radio, heater, eicel- lent oondltlon, 9i,i, or .quit, t-3808. q99 BEAUTIFUL HARD top 1991 Packard, orlelnal owner, eicellent condition, lew mlleaee. Prloe 93.0M. Boa 89. Capital Journal. 98 British Car ! SALES TRADE-INS' 1948 CHEVROLET . 4-DOOR SKDAIf. ItAH, EXCZLLXNT ; CONDITION THROUOHODT : $845 ' - 1951 M-G TD 1 RatH, LOW UILIAOB $1695 ; Brown-Fox! BRITISH CAR SALES ; BROADWAY MAR It ST ' Phone 4-8031 N 4-WHBkL DRtVK jeep, tieellent ahape. Fhon. 8347 alter I p.m. .. 9r