Page 18 BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles NO. la. II Incite, dear. U: No. I. I lochea dear, 14. No oop wood or - euiu. com. and oil (htm. Tea aauuer, Salem-Independence Rood. Ph. Soli 1-1190 n NURSERY STOCK AZALEAS, shrubs, paiules, primroses, perennials. oyd Nursery. 1440 State. CHOICE CJLOX1NKA8 new blooming. Vliltori welcome at Balem's African Headquarters. .Fuchsia, .Petunia, torn a toe m -bedding plants, oppen Oreenhouee. 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4V COMB IN and ih our line of garden supplies, anrubs and bedding planta. Middle Orov Nursery, 4M0 Sllwton Road. Phon 4-4632. m b Bi ll YB KID tomato planta, lOo each. Pansy planta. primroses, bidding plants. Reaaonabla, Out Center It Bilk Orecnhouse, Route 4, Boi got. anblOO PBIHB08RS a&e each; Aweet William, lOo each. 383a Mldwv Drlv. Phone 26611. n' PETUNIAS, uranium, marigold. Pep- pen, tomatoes, wholesale and retail, Arthur oPltnU Greenhouses, 131 flo 13th, phont 1-4070. moioa AZALEAS. 35c and up. Waring Nurssry, 1025 Oak Hill Ave. Phone 3-430B (turn East on B at &ouin viuui Tavern) mow Azaleas in bloom. Hardy varieties. Popular colorj. 35e to 1300. Sales yard, 3980 N. 6th. fltrarer Atalea Oar den. K6 Locust, mwr HEDGE OB WINDBREAK Prlret. laur el, eamelltai, conifers, boxwood. Ph 23182. 349T Hollywood Drive. mblQS GLAD BULBS S doa. 11.00. Dahlias. named, S for 1.00. Tuberous begonias hot gi.oo. Dcipniniumi, i lor si.oo Cala Mies, pink, white, J for 11.00. N. w. etr. B. planU. I dot. ii.oo. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooke For Sola MISCELLANEOUS . FERTILIZER Pulverlaed, rotted manure, delivered an J where, a-0774 or 15073. nlQ3 CAR RADIOS. Your choice, 11.00. Olenn Woodry'a, 1006 H. Bummer. nM' PIANO AND BENCH, mahogany. In cellent condition. Phone a-0738. nw LOTS OP occasional chain, aala priced. VbKD hubs, mart 170 South Liberty Phono 4-1371 Term of Courat nil" Organic Fertilizer Pre of weed seeds, and odorleai. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 1-8127. nlll kARDWOOD corner book ease, 110.00. Olenn Woodry'a, loot H. Summer. S0B TOP SOIL Pill dirt, garden land. 3-0841. nit' IfiCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, COS Edge water, Wait Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1641. I n PRIG IDA I RE refrig., laU modal, ', Runi perleot, $119.00. Olenn Woodry'a, 1005 N. Summer. nBB ton SALE i stroller, crib, high chair. 3070 Liberty so. mono a-oioo. mm' 0AVENPORT. daveno, electrlo range, oil heater, used plumbing, window, picket fence, new and used lumber, trellis, building lot. 3-3383. nsfl iTilY, BELL or trade. Used Uds. Mart, 370 S. Liberty. Phong 4-0371. n08 MALL CHANNEL back chair, Just the kind for recovering. Oood aprlnia and I framb, J12.60. Olenn Woodry'a, 1606 N. Summer. nB8- SIMMONS motal bedi, single double. Only 10.00. USED MM. MART 370 S. Liberty Phono 4-0371 Termi of Court nil SO VACUUM cleaner. All at reduced price. 10.50 for good upright. $19.76 for good tank. Olenn Woodry's, 1005 N. Bummer. n98 STEEL clothesline poet, plan ten, rail ing porch columns, furniture. 1148 N. Liberty. nlll COFFEE ud end tables, $6.96. Olaa top over wood. Two finishes. Olenn woodrr, looo N. summer St, PRACTICABLY KBW $179 conventional Universal washer, will itn for $96. 3-330. TiDO1 OLENN WOODRY'S, 160 X. Summtr. Open Tlu t on Friday. n98 COLDSPOT REPRIOERATOH 7.2 cubic foot, purchased In 1051, Ilka saw, reas onable price. 103$ Baker, or all 2-8028 alter 8. nW Iitl CLEAR Plat aiaaa Mirror. $3.18. Olenn Woodry's, 1000 N. Bummer, bdo ROTTED MANURE 1.000 yards, the best we nav over had. For good organic results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. $0.00 per yard. 4 yards $1$. I pardt 135, 1$ yards $40. Flag atones, lava atone, fane posts, 4x4 t state a ni rustic re a cedar leneing. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Bot 499, Ph. 43081. Salem. 3 ml. X, 4 Corners, n- &LENN WOODRY'B.r'lOM N. Summer. Open Till t on Friday, nog BEAUTIFUL black walnut vanity, bench and night stand, $09.9$. Terms af ours. TJBBO MDOS. MART FJ0 s. Liberty Phono 4-4371 nta FEW CURTAIN type flrMcraen. Reg, Ii9. now tlx.M spec. Glenn Wood- rrs, 1009 N. Bummer St. nftl U ALLOWED f or your Old water heater en this now 43-gallon automat to oleo ma water neater. Yeaier Appliance, .lie vaemeaai. rn. a-uii. n' Furniture for four" bedroom.' mlscel- laneou article. Reasonable. Monday and Tuesday. 343$ oarden Road. niotv OLENN WOODRY'S. 100$ M. Summer. Open Till t on Friday, nos O B washino machine. Ph. 4-17PS. , nioo' NEWLY PAINTED fi drawer chest, tlfso. Olenn Woodry'a,"l606 N. Front. nM TWO BABY buggies. $30 and $35. USED MDBS. MART ITO South Liberty Phono 4-9371 Terms of Count n0s Special CLEARANCE USED SEWING MACHINES PorloblM from 131 W Tr.odl.0 Irom I1I.U Cibln.t olMUlo from mora aswrao uachini co, ISO No. Oorom.rclo Open Frldon nntll p.m. n' 1W1NO ROCKKR M M. Olonn WOodr,',. 1000 N. Suiriraer St. n98 iwt CHKV.l crofumon liwnmower, (or Hi, or trodo. 443. HMl.r. Phone 4XWI. n' WITINnilot'SK ronie. oleclrlo tlm.r na clock, mon. i-uia. ew No. Huh. CHrltRV laddkbs. buck.u, b.rrei opror, I oil drutno, i.rden troctor vlln plow A oullKotor, trtller, uied til, ond brkkl. 3935 60. Commerclol. 3-01W. nioo" RVtV 8INM1.E rollovor bed. Beoeon.blT Phone S-U17. nlM roil Vol'B conTenleiKo, Trader Lome on l.ono Are. open till p.m. rrhtoy . rvenlnie. I,,,. ilRKAKPART let I1T.0. II Colfee tablrc 14 M. Round table with euw feet ond 4 eholn 411 00 Bunk bed. 110.00. Oal run 139.00, ll.l water better 300. New ond need ard.n loon. Wuher, ronie. relrlt orotor, l.wn mower tor rent. ".NOOK S BAROAIN CKNTRR I1M Broadwu Ptione 4-1131 Wo thupoe Lnuuwon alt AUTOMOBILES DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE? We know you do,- so take Advantage of these GOOD Buys 1946 CHRYSLER ROYAL 0 4-dr. 8d.u R.dlo H.iur Oieto A 111! bur $795 1948 DODGE DE LUXE S) 4-dr. Sedan 0 Heater Plutd Drlre Eels flnuh Oood transportation $695 1947 DE SOTO CUSTOM 4-dr. Sedan Radio Heater ' Light Gray A real automobile $895 STAN BAKER MOTORS THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 8110 PORTLAND RD - 825 CHEMEKETA - B95 N. HIGH RUMORS ARE FLYING AND WE'RE NOT DENYING That we have moved in . and have to move out. . 70 DAYS TO GO! (On Liberty t ChrmtktU loe.tloa) You Must See These Cars To Appreciate Their Values 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DR. SDN. B.dio, ond new cor lu.rorjttee, 1951 PONTIAC 8 STATION WAGON Looks like new Leather seats, oar you'll be proud to own. 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA The most popular Ponttae car on heater, Hydramatlo, Bee It today) .952 OLDS. 88 SUPER 4 - Another of those popular Otdsmabllea that will give you years and yeara of proud ownership and guaranteed service. Xaulpped with all the extras. f .951 OLDS. 2-DOOR SEDAN This gleaming 88 model to Itching to roll. Com In and try It our. You'll never regret it. 1947 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CONVERTIBLE Summers' Just around the corner It's time to buy a dependable open air automobile that will give you hour upon hour of enjoyment. Equipped with radio, heater, fluid drive, SAM'S MOTOR CO. 2 LOCATIONS 267 N. Church (Undercover but not undersold) PHONE For Sola MISCELLANEOUS VBED washing machines, $9.08 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., JIB CHB- meketa. n SALEM D1ESEU Roll.r ond boll beorlni. for truck, bud troctor,. 171V Sllv.rton Rood n OLENN WOODRY'S, loot X. Summer. Open Till I on Friday. n- Gravel and Sand AnTtntnc In iravel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND ORAVKL CO. Ph. 3-4003. n FREB We.tlnthousa oewlna machlnea on all floor Sample.. Sot. up to 40. YEATEB APPUANCI CO., 371 Che meketa, n PLASTI-KOTB require, no waitn,. for your floor, or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO, 375 Chemeketa. n MODERN FRAME darenport chair, re- Good aprln,.. Just the type lor re upholaterlni. 110, Olenn Woodry'., 1808 N. Summer. n,8 CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo polea, fence pu.t, bean poet, and Itakej. Phillip, Bro.., Rt. o. Bot m, I mllea eut ot 4 Cornera. Ph. 4-3011. n' BEFINimiKD 8-WAY floor lamp, with new ahadea, 14.03. Olenn Woodry, 1005 n. Summer. n,B' DEeriREEEE homo freeaera. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. ADDING MACHINE, I column, electric with oubtract. 90. Alao, olectrlo cal culator. 3-8378. ' MOWERS SRARrENED at door. Make tt run eaay. phono 3-8314. nipi REFRIGERATORS, NEW and uaed. YEATER APPLIANOI CO, 37 Che. meketa. n' Used Radios COMBINATIONS ZENITH: Cobra arms. Mahol...il8t. mrwART WARNER: 1 apted, Mahot 91I0.M StLVIRTONI: I apeed, blond,. 1187.80 ATRLTNI: I .peed. Itohor 1139.80 SU.VERTONE: with win re corder 09.80 AIHUNE: 1 apoed 8 19 80 Moal of thea. combination, .re ai per. feet a, the day tlrat ,old. Wo ouar anleo all lor 90 darx. All wero traded In on new Raytheon and Padtlo IJer. curr TV PHIIX) baby conaolo radio ...I 11.71 KENITH coniolea, three of them at 138.80, 143.50 and HI flo Sn.VERTONI conaole I 98.80 Havo ,er,rol table model radio. from 111.93 to 11150 ALL RADIOS OUARANTEED FOR 80 DAYS. Term,. Will take your old ra. dlo In trade. W. or. open from 1 to 9 my .ventns. PRALL'S 130 N. LIBERTY 4-3881 n 89' Nil E ROT Point Electric Rome In lood condition. A bare aln at 989 93. Olenn Woodry'a, loos N. Summer St. n98 HOSPITAL BED for aalo or rent. H. L. Stllf Furniture Co. Phono 3-9188 n Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES 1947 FRAZER DE LUXE 4-dr. Aedoa Hut.r Hull. Buck you bot il'i b.riolnl $495 1948 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE ) 4-dr. Sedsn $) Heater ) Clean Inside and out ) Lliht Blue 4 Drive Ilk a million $845 1947 BUICK SlfrER 0 4-dr. Sedan ) Radio a) Heater 4 a-ton A buy you can't bsatt $795 t 1250 dlKounl. i with plus Interior. Radio Heater. A the road fully equipped with radio, DOOR SEDAN Liberty at Chemeketa (Aerui Irora the lot Not. Bonk) 3 - 1117 For Sole MISCELLANEOUS FOLDA ROLLA stroller. Reg. 16.90, used but good for $8.9$. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Bummer. n9S TREADLE 8EWINQ moohlnu, 110 ond up. Electrlo coniol. and portable ma chine., 148.80 and up. Ralph Johnaon Appliance., 388 Center. nil CAR RADIO BAROAIN. 48 to 53 Pohtlao. 1 piece Cuatom puoh button, only 108.85 tnatalled. Pay day budtot plan ot only 11.93 per week. No money down (On Approrod Credit), Radio lor nearly all care, a Si H OREEN .tamp too. Wo eervlco all make, and model, of car radio,. Try ue. Maater Serrlco Station,, 388 N. commercial. nlOl- TOP SOIL Rlrer silt and fill dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 3-1149. n' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBX WANTS Piano,. Phono 1-1110. na LOGS WANTED Btud Mill. Lengths f 4" or It I1 Diameter 0" to 10". Sawmill, Lrngths 13' and longer. Diameter 8" la $0 Top price paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Phone 113$ na ELECTRIC portable saw, electrl aandfr, trash burner, 1-whiel trailer. 4-BI83. nets ELECTRIC RAN QBE. Woodry. Ph, 3-5110. 2 Short Log Trucks Steady haul. See Bud York, Waal St lorn Lumber Co. 4-9)41 day, 1-8831 erenlnea. na,8' PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Group No. 1. 1088 N. Comm.rclal. Ph. 3-4337 pin AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHEVROLET falTO Irlnd, complete la bor, 118.70. Bill KuUt Auto Repair. 1115 Barn. Are, near Colonial Houee. Phone . Formerly with Chevro let. Union .hop. c99 HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE Valley Motor Co. okperU will .oly. year prob lem, and ear. you money. Free oatl matea, apMdy aerrlee. Center at Lib erty. H O USEJR A I L ER S II FT. THA1LER llouie. Phono loooi. laid Buy . . , Barcalnc . . . Sell LANA LANE THAIIJIR PLAEA Trad, , 1940 Lancuter Are. , Rental tool 17 FOOT TRAILER, Tory sood condition. Phone 3-3970 ta98' FOR SALE Equity In 1981 Liberty houee trailer, 11 ft. 4-4118. U183- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Orcgoa FARM EQUIPMENT FORD THACTOR, Ilk. niw. Dirt oeoop to III nrdroullo lilt. It. John Cero diie, new; oorloltoolb, ntv. JV, mllea eo.t of 4 Corn.r,. Ph. 4I0O1. obof TRUCKS '49 DODO 1 1 38,000 mil, perfect eondl tlon. Covered stock rack. Onion OQ Station at North Dallar. QdlOJ EQUITY In new Cbev. 0-yard dump truck. Take car or pickup In trade. 37 no. winter. " ode' BOATS 14 -IT. Marine Plywood Boat. 1M No. cnuren, rnone i-73et. . qw POR BALE, $ borsepowwr Johnson motor. nceunt conouion. prie 1 1 00.00. see Bill Porter, west Salem OUy Hall Ph. I4BT3, afternoon. qntr FINANCIAL 5 Interest If you nav idle fund seeking la vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we ean be of service. For over Twentr-fl Year w have been helping people In thlo community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid aw aeml-annaal Interest payment totalling many Thousands or Dollars. W are currently paying b INTEREST a 1 una irom $w to o&wo. General Finance Corporation 130 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon phono $-8141 R US POR FARM, CITY OR ACRIAOE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real astat mortgage A) sontracts State Finance Co. 187 So. High St. - Ph. 3-4131 r Uc 8-133 and M-330 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "lop Trades" 18:0$ Dally K8LM 1380 Ke. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 138 So. Commercial St. Tel. J-J181 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rataa and Termi On Larger Loans Long and Short Tim Paymenta ROY H. SIMMONS 13$ So. Commercial St. Ph. 3-8181 LOANS UP TO $1500 en Signature, Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL It's "yea" promptly to employed men or women. 1-visit loan . . . phone first. You select best payment data. Between payday loans. Phone, writ or com In TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 10$ S. HIGH ST., SALEM Stat License Nos. 8-133, U-106 Loan over 1300 up to $1500 and up to 30 month to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rl03 AUTO LOANB WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 South Church Parkins a-Plenty Ph. 1-34(7 Lie NO. U-1I0, 8-134 OIVE FIRST MORTGAGE aecurlty on city 3-bedroom home, want 83500. Pay back 348 per month, includlns 8 Intereat. Sea Ben Colbath, Realtor, Dial 4-4494. rt!- MONEY PROBLEMS? Let u take the "lfa" out ot your money problems. Up to 8300 on small loans. Up to 1500 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. B-118 M-313 Phono 34111 187 S. Blth St. rlOO MONEY TO loan on real oatato. Phone 3-0794. rll7' AUTOMOBILES 1983 CHEVROLET 4-Door. Priced for quick sale. Low mileage, good con dition. Radio, heater, etc. A. V. Oliver, RlckreaU. Phone 3757 Dallas. qlOO 1M1 CHEVROLET 3-door wlUi '49 re conditioned motor Jim installed. Phone 25647. 630 Chemeketa. qW 1940 BUICK SEDAN for sale or trade. Green trailer at Highway Auto Court. J. C. Pershall. 4100 '41 PONTIAC 4 door, radio, heater, '48 motor, Bargain, 198 N. 33rd. Q99 1VAO C11EV. Panel. Motor, tires, paint good. Low payments. Dick Orey, 697 N. Capitol. B9 1M3 NASH RAMBLER station wason. Overdrive, radio, heater. S1805. Call 3-6082 or Shopper Car Park q99 lM MERCURY 4 door, radio, nlaxtlr covers, overdrive. Fully equipped, low mileage. Must sell, leaving state. Priv ate. $1.790. 4-3408. Q99 40 NA8II 000, new paint, good tires. $199 down. 13 months to pay. Open even Inn. K. Smith and Bon Motors. 34$ Marlon. Phone 3-3040. q 48 BUICK, 4 door, radio, heatrr, excel lent condition. Priced to sell, phone 3-7917. Q100 4$ CMEV. Stylelln D Lux 4-D Sedan. Radio, heater, one owner, new motor, perfect cond. $1005. Ph. 30384. qlOO 19.11 STUDE Champ., Btarllte 8 pouuen ger coup, Retal De luxe, ovedrlve. radio, good tires, one owner. 4390 Portland Rd., 91550. q99 COMPARE THESE PRICES 1952 Pontisc 8 Scdnn. $2295 14.000 mile, perlKI. 1950 Cadillac 62 Sedan. . 2895 Clean and claMy. 1951 Packard 200 Sedan 2195 Loaded wltn ealraa. 1951 Ford Pickup 1295 t.ew mlleaee h perfect 1950 Kaiser Traveler Sdn. 1095 O.D., radio, healer 1949 Packard Dlx. Scd.. 1195 Ha. everythlne. 1949 Dodge Cpe. 2nd erics 1045 1947 Packard Sedan ... 695 1946 Buick Sedan 645 1942 Packard Sedan ... 395 1949 Plymouth, 2nd series 1095 1946 Nash 600 sedan... 595 1947 Dodge Sedan 685 STATE MOTORS, INC. 678 So. 12th St. Phone 3-4547 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES BUDGET TERMS $1395 $395 Dn. $49Mo. ON THE FOLLOWING , '50 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR OlUtenlns dark bluo nnlah accented by while waU tire. fender eklru, thi, car la caceptlonally clean thruout, ha, radio da heater, Ciuvroa whoa dlHa, 34,004 actual one-owner mllea. '49 MERCURY CLUB COUPE ' . Orltln.l tu-lono flnlah, nylon Sa pla.Uo atal coyer,, radio, heater and ovordrlr. on thla loc.Uy-wnM and eerrleed automobu. '50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Special de lua. model with complete nulpment. oleamlu black orltlnal flnUh, on. owner, rery low anlleaio, white wall tiro,. '50 CHEVROLET SEDAN Stylellna de lu fordor oedan with automatic traumlaalon. Thl, la an exceptionally clean one-owner ear with only 10.000 actual , mllea. $1895 $595 Dn. $63 Mo. '51 OLDS. SUPER 88 Tu-tono treen orlilnal flnlah, radio, heater, Hydramatle, whit, wall tlrea. fender aklrta. yUor, .to. ThU Ij by far the rery beat buy In town In a late model car. '50 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE Sport car de luie, rocket .mine, low mlleaie, chariot red wllh a black top da whit, wall tlrea, I enuln. top srad. red leather In terior, Hydramatle, radio Si heater. '51 MERCURY SEDAN Orltlnal dark blue flnleh, on. owner, low mllea,.. Whit, wall tiro, radio, fleeter, overdrlr. St fender aklrta. Thla ear la jut Ilka new turnout. . i ' $895 $265 Dn. $39 Mo. '47 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Beautiful orltlnal cream flnlah, white wall tlrea, radio heater. Plastic eat cover, and other acceaeory featuree. '48 CHEVROLET SEDAN " 1 Original tu-ton finish .radio, heater, plastic seat covers. This Is one of the best buys In the lot. '48 BUICK DYNAFLOW SEDAN v . Original light blue finish, automatlo transmission, radio, hater, U. fi. Royal mldcentury premium white wall tlrea. '47 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Oluitenlng black finish In this Cadillac-tailed body, Whit wall tlrea, radio, heater, Hydramatle This car is Immaculate. MAJOR MOTORS Cross Roads of Salem CENTER AT LIBERTY PHONE 44931 Guaranteed Used Cars ' PRICED RIGHT ", , Terms To Suit Always K- Our present stock consists of 50 Cars. Many makes and models. Priced from JS100 to $2550. CHRYSLERS, PLY MOUTHS, DE SOTOS, DODGES, CHEVROLETS, FORDS, BUICKS, PONTIACS, OLDSMOBILES, STUDEBAKERS ALL TRADED IN ON OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS . REALLY PRICED TO SUIT YOUR POCKETBOOK A Few of Our Many Eine Used Cars 1952 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe 1952 Plymouth Cambridge 4-Door Sedan 1951 Dodge 3-Passenger Coupe 1950 Chevrolet De Luxe 4-Door Sedan 1950 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-Door Sedan 1949 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-Door Sedan : 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe 1948 Pontiac "6" 2-Door Sedan , 1951 Buick Special 4-Door Sedan 1950 Studebaker Champion 4-Door Sedan 1949 Oldsmobile "98" 4-Door Sedan 1950 DeSoto De Luxe 4-Door Sedan 1948 Dodge Vo-Ton Pickup 1946 Ford Custom V-8 2-Door Sedan Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER (Your 435 North Commercial COMPARE Our PRICES SAVE! BANK FINANCE RAVF. ! 1952 Plymouth Convertible. R&H. Like new. $1945 Jiyoi tf ora sedan, k&h. Amce one 1395 1950 Chrvsler Dindsor Newnort. Real nice. . 1795 1950 Chevrolet Convertible. R&H. A dandy. 1445 1950 Buick Special Sedanette. R&H. Sharp . . 1445 1948 Nash Sedan. O.D.. heater. Clean 795 1947 Chevrolet Sedan. R&H, real nice 795 1947 Olds 76 Sedanette. R&H. Hvdra.. rlpnn 79K 1947 Pontiac Sedanette. laou ord Station Wagon. K&H. Like new. 1395 1950 Studebaker 1-Ton Pickup. R&H. Sharp. 1195 1946 Chevrolet Sedan. R&H. Nice 645 1949 Frazer Sedan. R&H, O.D., nice 945 PRE-WAR CARS MUST GO 1942 NASH Sedan. O.D., heater. Repaint . . .293 1941 BUICK Sedan. R&H. A nice one 345 1941 PONTIAC Sedan. R&H, A dandy 295 1941 FORD 2-Door. Heater. As is 95 ANDERSON'S 240 CENTER ST., SALEM PHONE 3-3734 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES Dealer) . PLYMOUTH Phone 3-4117 R&H. A dandy .... 795 AUTOMOBILES Vacation Special AT ' MAC and DON'S USED CARS , v ' 1704 SO. MAIN . . . LEBANON, ORE. 1951 Studebaker Comm. V-8 S1295 . 4-door aodan. Radio, heater, overdrive. 1950 Chev. Bel Air ...11495 Radio, heater, Powertlld.. whit, walla. uo yUor. ether .xtrac. ' 1949 Custom Club Coupe 6 $ 895 . Juat overhauled, heater, nun vHor, ,klrti, .eat covert. 1946 Olds. 66 ...,.$ 495 eVdoor aodan. Radio, heater. 1942 Chev. 4-door. Radio, heater $ 195 FARMERS, LOGGERS, BUY NOW AND , : SAVE! . 1950 Vi-TON FORD V-8, 4-speed transmission . . $ 995 1951 tt-TON CHEV. 4-speed transmission . . . '. .$1245 ; Many good late model cars and piclftips. Come in and see Guy McHone or Don Gonser SEE LES SEE JIM Phone 2-6143 253 UNION STREET ACROSS FROM fVSRlOM JflUARI QUALITY VALUES t Dodge Suburban. Don't miss this onel ' Plymouth .Suburban. R&H, sportllte, low mileage. , 81 Plymouth Belvedere. Loaded with all accessories. tl Ford Tudor Custom De tuxe. Beater, new seat corsra. 'fit Nash Statesman Custom Sedan. All accessories and bed. 81 Chevrolet 4-door Stylelln De Luxe. Heater, seat covers and equipped with ePowergjide. ' OMsmoblle M 4-door .Sedan. R&H, seat covers, sharp! 4S Lincoln 4-door Sedan. Loaded with all accessories, new seat covers. 1 NO DOWN ON THE FOLLOWING V (On approval of credit) '49 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN..;. only $ 995 Seat covers, good paint. '49 FORD V-8 CUSTOM Heater, seat covers and '48 FORD V-8 SUPER 4-door sedan. R&H, mechanically good. '47 CHEVROLET CLUB new paint, seat covers, '47 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE . . .only $ 795 R&H, Hydramatle, and really sharp! at xmnv pn 4iactct awn a r totti? ., only $ 895 R&H, seat covers, and good paint. . 4-door sedan. R&H, seat '46 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DR. SDN. only $ 545 Weathereye heater and directional signals. '46 OLDSMOBILE 76 SEDANETTE. . .only $ 545 R&H, Hydramatle and seat covers. '42 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION .... .only $ 145 4-door sedan. R&H, overdrive, seat covers. '41 BUICK SPECIAL 4 - Above average . . . and '41 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN . .only $ 95 Here s your week-end special! '41 DESOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN... only $ 295 Rebuilt motor, mechanically good. ... '41 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT ...only $ 145 R&H, seat covers and overdrive. A special! '41 NASH AMBASSADOR .only"$ 145 4-door sedan. Weathereye heater, overdrive. '40 FORD V-8 TUDOR only $ 125 Seat covers and a sharp week-end -pecial. '38 BUICK SPL. CONVERTIBLE ...only $ 265 Dual fender wells and real clean. SEE JIM - SEE LES - SEE JIM - SEE LES Drive in For the Best Deal in Town MANY-PURPOSE TRUCKS 1939 INTERNATIONAL Vs-Ton, with closed body. 1949 CHEVROLET 1-Ton, with Stake Body and Hoist. A-l shape, ready to work for you. TWO BEAUTIES 1951 NASH Station Wagon, fully equipped, Including overdrive, 1950 CHEVROLET Convertible. Powerglide. A beau tiful automobile. GREAT CHEVROLET BUYS Four 1952s, six 1951s, six 1950s some with Power glide, all well equipped. Wide variety of colors, body styles. Six 1949s, a 1948 Sport Coupe, 1947 Aerosedan, 1946 Sedan. All our post-war cars are O.K. Used Cars, fully condi tioned and guaranteed. Easy terms available, WE ARE ALSO SHOWING A 1946 DeSoto, 48 and '47 Dodge Sedans, '47 and '48 Ford Sedans, '49 Ford 2-Door, two 1950 Studebakers, fully equipped, one including overdrive, some older Chcvrolets. Including '41 Coupe, '41 Sedan, two '40 Coupes, '38 Coupe; a 1939 Buick Sedan; a "40 Nash Se dan. We have two Plymouth Sedans, a '39 and '41. THirns in TIP-TOP Buy from a dealer with a long-standing reputation for dependability, fair price, service and satisfaction. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE 33175 Friday, AprJI 24, 1953 AUTOMOBILES SEE LES SEE JIM PAYMENT! . CLB. CPE. .... only $ 995 very clean. DE LUXE only $ 695 COUPE . . . . .onlv S 695 ana clean. ... covers, and new paint. DR. SEDAN.. only $ 265 good! and Trade WS OOARANTEI OUR POST-WAR MODELS 7 ...